Every thread older than 06/20/2007 was deleted by DDO's fascist moderators, presumably to cover up the many accusations of heavy-handed and unfair moderation that were popping up (are still popping up, there's a new thread about it right now in the general discussion section over there).
If you can find a way to access the threads from January of 2007, I will gladly find the posts and link to them here.
Unfortunately, Turbine decided to free up what at most would have been about 1 GB by deleting all the old stuff.
To the first part, I don't want to know what did he tell you. I don't know if he got banned or not. But whatever he said, if your respond was "your mother is.." then no doubt you deserve a ban for it too.
Firstly, I never said, "your mother is...".
You see, there is this thing called syntax, and it is there for a reason. Syntax lets you put words together to form a meaning that is greater than the words themselves are.
What I did say was, "It came from your mother.", which is not even remotely close to saying, "your mother is...".
Also, what is offensive, profane, or wrong about saying, "it came from your mother."?
The statement contains no profane language and does not specify anything offensive in and of itself.
So lets review:
According to Turbine's logic:
A) accusing someone of smearing excrement on his face=not offensive at all according to Turbine.
answering statement in "A" with the phrase, "it came from your mother"=highly offensive and worthy of immediate ban according to Turbine.
My guess is that DDo has around 40-70k subs atm. 5 US and 2 EU servers. Each has around 500-600 people online at the same time. From my experience there is usually 15-20 times more subscribers than the online players in the evening. But that's hardly the point.
LOL, in your dreams maybe.
I say at MOST there is 20K, but I would venture to bet that it's closer to the 10k figure.
Apparently, every thread dating from before MOD 4 was wiped when they "revamped" the forums.
If you can find a way to pull the pre-mod 4 threads, then please let me know and I will gladly link to them here so everyone can see Kommunist Kobold the moderator in action.
Alrighty then, we will all take your word for it as the sole authority!!!!!!!! I mean just from your posts so far, I am positive you would NOT be biased on this point at all. I mean a person that defends greed policies, uses the "your mother's" comeback, and gives us facts (albeit opinionated) about DDO would NOT give us only his side of the story I am sure.
So where is the bandwagon? That way we can all board on.
Every thread older than 06/20/2007 was deleted by DDO's fascist moderators, presumably to cover up the many accusations of heavy-handed and unfair moderation that were popping up (are still popping up, there's a new thread about it right now in the general discussion section over there).
If you can find a way to access the threads from January of 2007, I will gladly find the posts and link to them here.
Unfortunately, Turbine decided to free up what at most would have been about 1 GB by deleting all the old stuff.
Ummm wait?!?!? This is an issue from over a year ago??? And you are still ranting on about it?
WOW and I thought I had issues!! Life isn't so bad after all.
The reason it came up is because I was recently invited back when they had the "welcome back" weekend. I was able to log into my old characters, but when I tried to go to the forums, it said that my ban was still in effect.
Why did they invite me back?
To remind me that they banned me?
So that's why I came back here to update this thread.
They must be really desperate for $$ if they invited me back after they ticked me off.
Or maybe a major chip on your shoulder that will not let go unless revenge of some sort is inacted.
Personally I would contact CS and ask why the ban was in place before I aSSumed anything, and started ranting on other forums.
And then I might consider myself lucky that my account was not banned, just my ability to rant on and on at the forums was nerfed.
I mean considering how go on and on here, split hairs over syntax (I mean the mother comeback is the same in any shape or form), and feel the need to tear apart a game based on your SIDE of the story, I am not surprised at all why you were banned. But then again that is just my personal opinion.
Saying, "It came from your mother" is COMPLETELY different than saying, "your mother is <insert insult here>".
Frankly, if person A says something offensive to person B, and person B then responds by saying something offensive back to person A, then it should be common sense that ALL responsibility for the offenses lies with person A. Person B is merely REACTING to person A, whilst person A is INSTIGATING offense.
My guess is that DDo has around 40-70k subs atm. 5 US and 2 EU servers. Each has around 500-600 people online at the same time. From my experience there is usually 15-20 times more subscribers than the online players in the evening. But that's hardly the point. THe point is, the game is getting regular updates with a lots of new content. Who cares how many servers the game has, when each server has the same amount of people as multimilion populated WoW. Do you feel better when you play a game about that you know has milions of bilions of subscribers? If you do, does the same apply to music, cinema.. for you?
Each server on DDO has a _fraction_ of the population of your typical WoW server.
I once had to wait to login to my WoW server because it was full. I was 120th in line to enter the server, and I got in within a couple minutes. That's right, there are so many people on each server that 120 people logged out within 2 minutes. If 120 people logged out of a DDO server every 2 minutes you woul d have an empty server in about 10 minutes.
As far as regular updates, I would say that the effectively ~1 quest per month is pretty pathetic, not "lots of new content". Unfortunately they don't have $100+ million rolling in every month to fund more... I think it would be spectacular if they did because they are certainly able to crank out good stuff for the resources they have available to them.
Saying, "It came from your mother" is COMPLETELY different than saying, "your mother is <insert insult here>".
Frankly, if person A says something offensive to person B, and person B then responds by saying something offensive back to person A, then it should be common sense that ALL responsibility for the offenses lies with person A. Person B is merely REACTING to person A, whilst person A is INSTIGATING offense.
Splitting hairs is splitting hairs, fact is you said the "excrement came from his mother". Please continue to defend the horrid and rude behavior, and then analyze to us all how two wrongs just make a right. See how greed policies befuddle the mind?
Splitting hairs is splitting hairs, fact is you said the "excrement came from his mother". Please continue to defend the horrid and rude behavior, and then analyze to us all how two wrongs just make a right. See how greed policies befuddle the mind?
The problem isn't so much that I'm trying to say that two wrongs make a right, but that if their are two wrongs, then they should BOTH be punished. At the very least the wrong that initiated everything should be punished. In Turbine's world, however, the first wrong was left unpunished whilst the unlucky victim of this wrong who happened to inflict his own wrong got punished.
Here, I will use a lame analogy.
A burglar breaks into a house while the homeowner is present. The homeowner then proceeds fire upon the burglar with some sort of illegal weapon (we'll just say it's a fully automatic AK-47). I think that we can all agree that if the homeowner is prosecuted for using an illegal firearm, then at the very least teh burglar should be prosecuted for being a burglar.
What Turbine did, in effect, was punish the homeowner and then let the burglar go free.
Sure, two wrongs don't make a right, but if the second wrong is punished, then the first wrong should be punished, too.
As someone who is banned from the official forums myself, I know how the process works. You don't get banned off of one post, you get banned after TWENTY infraction points. That means you worked your way up that ladder and this was the final straw.
As far as the other guy? He could have gotten the same, or even more infraction points than you did for the incident...but he didn't already have 18 points, so he didn't get banned....you did.
Actually, they did pretty much ban me for one post....well, actually two.
You see, the first 18 infraction points came all at once.
I angered one of the forum kissups, who then reported me to Kommunist Kobold.
Kommunist Kobold then proceeded to review my forum history (going back close to a year at that time). He started handing out infraction points for year-old posts that were in no way offensive and that had gone unnoticed until this point.
I got infractions for any post I made in which I disagreed with anyone.
To review:
I had 0 infractions, and then I pissed someone off. The next time I logged in, I had 18 infraction points and had earned myself a temporary ban.
When the temporary ban was lifted, I then answered someone's accusation of facial excrement with, "it came from your mother" and then I was permabanned.
So, lets see.
I got 18 infraction points for one post (going back through posting history to dig up old disagreements was just an excuse).
Basically, writing the following two things got me permabanned.
1st: "All I see here is: Waaaa!"
2nd: "It came from your mother."
If these two statements earn a permaban at the DDO forums, then I would say that the moderators are heavy-handed and enjoy partaking in favoritism.
I recognize that Turbine has a right to manage it's game however it sees fit, but if I feel that I have been treated unfairly, then it is absolutely appropriate for me to go to other forums to expose Turbine as a degenerate entity lacking in credibility or competence.
To review: I had 0 infractions, and then I pissed someone off. The next time I logged in, I had 18 infraction points and had earned myself a temporary ban. When the temporary ban was lifted, I then answered someone's accusation of facial excrement with, "it came from your mother" and then I was permabanned. 1st: "All I see here is: Waaaa!" 2nd: "It came from your mother."
It appears that you didn't figure out that you had to watch what you say after they laid down the law with 18 infraction points so they had no issue with hitting the ban button at that point (or perhaps you really didn't care at that point and were looking to get banned).
You must have had a pretty colorful posting history to warrant 18 points at once.
And they tried to give you another chance by not zinging you with 20 right off... and you blew it so they banned you.
You were warned... you had to toe the line and you didn't. It really doesn't matter what the other guy did, it's what you did that mattered.
You could have simply hit the "Report Post" button but you chose to fire back and you were the one with 18 points and probably being closely watched.
As someone who is banned from the official forums myself, I know how the process works. You don't get banned off of one post, you get banned after TWENTY infraction points. That means you worked your way up that ladder and this was the final straw.
As far as the other guy? He could have gotten the same, or even more infraction points than you did for the incident...but he didn't already have 18 points, so he didn't get banned....you did.
Well you can get 20 infraction points from 5 to 10 bad posts since they award points in 2+ increments.
And you can get points for:
1) lamenting that a user got banned and didn't deserve it (don't talk about fight club rule).
2) pointing out to a dev that he was telling a lie, with linked evidence no less.
3) asking someone why he was still there when he said he left.
I still have a feeling this is one of those common "I WAS SCREWED!" posters...who wasn't. I also don't believe he got 18 points for one post...maybe 18 points for various posts in one thread. Frankly, this smells like the guy who named his character "Salad Tosser" and then came on the forums outraged someone changed it, swearing he worked at an all salad restaurant
Frankly, this smells like the guy who named his character "Salad Tosser" and then came on the forums outraged someone changed it, swearing he worked at an all salad restaurant
I laughed so hard the lemonade I was drinking came out my nose.
Every thread older than 06/20/2007 was deleted by DDO's fascist moderators, presumably to cover up the many accusations of heavy-handed and unfair moderation that were popping up (are still popping up, there's a new thread about it right now in the general discussion section over there).
If you can find a way to access the threads from January of 2007, I will gladly find the posts and link to them here.
Unfortunately, Turbine decided to free up what at most would have been about 1 GB by deleting all the old stuff.
Firstly, I never said, "your mother is...".
You see, there is this thing called syntax, and it is there for a reason. Syntax lets you put words together to form a meaning that is greater than the words themselves are.
What I did say was, "It came from your mother.", which is not even remotely close to saying, "your mother is...".
Also, what is offensive, profane, or wrong about saying, "it came from your mother."?
The statement contains no profane language and does not specify anything offensive in and of itself.
So lets review:
According to Turbine's logic:
A) accusing someone of smearing excrement on his face=not offensive at all according to Turbine.
answering statement in "A" with the phrase, "it came from your mother"=highly offensive and worthy of immediate ban according to Turbine.
LOL, in your dreams maybe.
I say at MOST there is 20K, but I would venture to bet that it's closer to the 10k figure.
The only thing keeping Turbine afloat is LOTR online.
DDO is a drain on their resources.
It would probably be better if they let DDO die so that WOTC can put the D&D name in competent hands.
Alrighty then, we will all take your word for it as the sole authority!!!!!!!! I mean just from your posts so far, I am positive you would NOT be biased on this point at all. I mean a person that defends greed policies, uses the "your mother's" comeback, and gives us facts (albeit opinionated) about DDO would NOT give us only his side of the story I am sure.
So where is the bandwagon? That way we can all board on.
Every thread older than 06/20/2007 was deleted by DDO's fascist moderators, presumably to cover up the many accusations of heavy-handed and unfair moderation that were popping up (are still popping up, there's a new thread about it right now in the general discussion section over there).
If you can find a way to access the threads from January of 2007, I will gladly find the posts and link to them here.
Unfortunately, Turbine decided to free up what at most would have been about 1 GB by deleting all the old stuff.
Ummm wait?!?!? This is an issue from over a year ago??? And you are still ranting on about it?
WOW and I thought I had issues!! Life isn't so bad after all.
The reason it came up is because I was recently invited back when they had the "welcome back" weekend. I was able to log into my old characters, but when I tried to go to the forums, it said that my ban was still in effect.
Why did they invite me back?
To remind me that they banned me?
So that's why I came back here to update this thread.
They must be really desperate for $$ if they invited me back after they ticked me off.
Or maybe a major chip on your shoulder that will not let go unless revenge of some sort is inacted.
Personally I would contact CS and ask why the ban was in place before I aSSumed anything, and started ranting on other forums.
And then I might consider myself lucky that my account was not banned, just my ability to rant on and on at the forums was nerfed.
I mean considering how go on and on here, split hairs over syntax (I mean the mother comeback is the same in any shape or form), and feel the need to tear apart a game based on your SIDE of the story, I am not surprised at all why you were banned. But then again that is just my personal opinion.
It's not splitting hairs.
Saying, "It came from your mother" is COMPLETELY different than saying, "your mother is <insert insult here>".
Frankly, if person A says something offensive to person B, and person B then responds by saying something offensive back to person A, then it should be common sense that ALL responsibility for the offenses lies with person A. Person B is merely REACTING to person A, whilst person A is INSTIGATING offense.
I once had to wait to login to my WoW server because it was full. I was 120th in line to enter the server, and I got in within a couple minutes. That's right, there are so many people on each server that 120 people logged out within 2 minutes. If 120 people logged out of a DDO server every 2 minutes you woul d have an empty server in about 10 minutes.
As far as regular updates, I would say that the effectively ~1 quest per month is pretty pathetic, not "lots of new content". Unfortunately they don't have $100+ million rolling in every month to fund more... I think it would be spectacular if they did because they are certainly able to crank out good stuff for the resources they have available to them.
So, I've read this entire thread.
and I want my 5 minutes back.
I don't know if you were offensive, but if this thread is any indication you sure as hell were boring.
Splitting hairs is splitting hairs, fact is you said the "excrement came from his mother". Please continue to defend the horrid and rude behavior, and then analyze to us all how two wrongs just make a right. See how greed policies befuddle the mind?
To quote Turbine:
No Refunds!
Splitting hairs is splitting hairs, fact is you said the "excrement came from his mother". Please continue to defend the horrid and rude behavior, and then analyze to us all how two wrongs just make a right. See how greed policies befuddle the mind?
The problem isn't so much that I'm trying to say that two wrongs make a right, but that if their are two wrongs, then they should BOTH be punished. At the very least the wrong that initiated everything should be punished. In Turbine's world, however, the first wrong was left unpunished whilst the unlucky victim of this wrong who happened to inflict his own wrong got punished.
Here, I will use a lame analogy.
A burglar breaks into a house while the homeowner is present. The homeowner then proceeds fire upon the burglar with some sort of illegal weapon (we'll just say it's a fully automatic AK-47). I think that we can all agree that if the homeowner is prosecuted for using an illegal firearm, then at the very least teh burglar should be prosecuted for being a burglar.
What Turbine did, in effect, was punish the homeowner and then let the burglar go free.
Sure, two wrongs don't make a right, but if the second wrong is punished, then the first wrong should be punished, too.
The reality here is, you're full of it.
As someone who is banned from the official forums myself, I know how the process works. You don't get banned off of one post, you get banned after TWENTY infraction points. That means you worked your way up that ladder and this was the final straw.
As far as the other guy? He could have gotten the same, or even more infraction points than you did for the incident...but he didn't already have 18 points, so he didn't get banned....you did.
Actually, they did pretty much ban me for one post....well, actually two.
You see, the first 18 infraction points came all at once.
I angered one of the forum kissups, who then reported me to Kommunist Kobold.
Kommunist Kobold then proceeded to review my forum history (going back close to a year at that time). He started handing out infraction points for year-old posts that were in no way offensive and that had gone unnoticed until this point.
I got infractions for any post I made in which I disagreed with anyone.
To review:
I had 0 infractions, and then I pissed someone off. The next time I logged in, I had 18 infraction points and had earned myself a temporary ban.
When the temporary ban was lifted, I then answered someone's accusation of facial excrement with, "it came from your mother" and then I was permabanned.
So, lets see.
I got 18 infraction points for one post (going back through posting history to dig up old disagreements was just an excuse).
Basically, writing the following two things got me permabanned.
1st: "All I see here is: Waaaa!"
2nd: "It came from your mother."
If these two statements earn a permaban at the DDO forums, then I would say that the moderators are heavy-handed and enjoy partaking in favoritism.
I recognize that Turbine has a right to manage it's game however it sees fit, but if I feel that I have been treated unfairly, then it is absolutely appropriate for me to go to other forums to expose Turbine as a degenerate entity lacking in credibility or competence.
You must have had a pretty colorful posting history to warrant 18 points at once.
And they tried to give you another chance by not zinging you with 20 right off... and you blew it so they banned you.
You were warned... you had to toe the line and you didn't. It really doesn't matter what the other guy did, it's what you did that mattered.
You could have simply hit the "Report Post" button but you chose to fire back and you were the one with 18 points and probably being closely watched.
Live and learn.
And you can get points for:
1) lamenting that a user got banned and didn't deserve it (don't talk about fight club rule).
2) pointing out to a dev that he was telling a lie, with linked evidence no less.
3) asking someone why he was still there when he said he left.
LOL...all true Ridd
I still have a feeling this is one of those common "I WAS SCREWED!" posters...who wasn't. I also don't believe he got 18 points for one post...maybe 18 points for various posts in one thread. Frankly, this smells like the guy who named his character "Salad Tosser" and then came on the forums outraged someone changed it, swearing he worked at an all salad restaurant
I laughed so hard the lemonade I was drinking came out my nose.
And you needed to necro this post exactly.... why?
Necroposing is bad... mmmkay?
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Ok, maybe I missed something.
Why are salads so bad?