I'm asking this because, each thread i read all i see is people telling LOTRO is wow 2 and trying to compare the worst of WOW with LOTRO, any review i see about LOTRO, someone always jump in to say its the same in WOW.
What's people problem? already scared that LOTRO could sell 500k or even one million copies?
I hate turbine, i have my reasons, ive been beta testing LOTRO and i still can't believe they made a very polish game, the game is perfect on most things, about futures they didn't stole nothing from WOW evrything LOTRO has other games before WOW already HAD, games like ac, eq1, uo, daoc, ac2 and many others.
and about flying mounts that people have been bragging about, games like DNL, AO, horizons had them before WOW.
BTW: EQ2 come out one month before WOW i could say that WOW stole all eq2 futures.
another "is this going to be the WoW killer?" post
/ yawn
i remember when VG:SoH was suppose to be "the WoW killer!" but where is it now?
where is EQ2?
at 8+ million subscribers? think not
Players who don't want to work for something....... You know, that might be me. I play games to have fun. I work to make money. I do not confuse my MMOs with work.
The day I feel like I'm "working" in a game is the day I quit.
Players who don't want to work for something....... You know, that might be me. I play games to have fun. I work to make money. I do not confuse my MMOs with work.
The day I feel like I'm "working" in a game is the day I quit.
'Nuff said.Players who don't want to work for something....... You know, that might be me. I play games to have fun. I work to make money. I do not confuse my MMOs with work.
The day I feel like I'm "working" in a game is the day I quit.
Well I dont believe it should take 30minutes to complete a quets that give out the best rewards in a game. If you prefer that then save your money and play diablo 2. I aint bashing d2, but cmon you should have to work a little harded to get something in a game, that makes achieving something that much sweeter. If you dont have the time, then go play console games or single player games. Save your money.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
Players who don't want to work for something....... You know, that might be me. I play games to have fun. I work to make money. I do not confuse my MMOs with work.
The day I feel like I'm "working" in a game is the day I quit.
Iijs has spoken !who me ?
IF WoW fans are so sure in their game's continuing dominance then why come to forums for other games and post? Heerobya I see you posting all over the place about this game and that game and how it won't compare to World of Warcraft. So what? All a game would have to do to hurt WoW and hurt it pretty badly is pull in about 400-500K subscribers here in the NA. That would pull about 1/3 of WoW's NA market (which is where the better money is btw). WoW is huge. Its huge around the world, but especially in Asia. Man Blizzard could probably send boxes of dog crap to korea and call it their new game and it would be a best seller. They are addicted to Blizzard over there since Starcraft came out.
Mark my words though WoW has already hit its peak and will start its slow crawl down. It won't be one game that does it though. It will be a combination of AoC, WAR, LOTRO here in NA and then several of the Asian games such as Aion, SUN, Huxley, Tabula Rasa also taking a dent out of the asian market. I honestly doubt we will ever see another game with 8million subscribers any time soon, but I would be extremely suprised if we didn't see 3-4 with around 500K-1M each here in the next year or so.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
And on the comment about working for things. Obviously people play games to have fun not work. If they wanted to have to work at playing games the current market would be completely different. Vanguard was never ever going to be a WoW killer. Anyone who thought that was just lying to themselves. Yeah it had a shot to equal EQ1's numbers which would of been a feat itself. But they blew it with the early release and all the bugs.
People want to have fun and currently WoW 1 to 60 is fun atleast a couple times. After about the 3 or 4 time leveling to 60 it gets extremely tedious. Man I tried to start a new warrior when TBC came out and I got to about 35ish. At that point I would of rather carved my eyes out with spoons then continue to level.
LOTRO from everything I hear has the same fun factor of leveling on WoW from 1 to 60. Now if LOTRO combines that with a high end casual friendly "endgame" then it could actually do a serious dent to World of Warcraft's subscription numbers here in North America and also in Europe.
Do I think LOTRO will get millions of subscribers? No. Would I be totally suprised if it did? No. Although I think it will get around 750K - 1million subscribers in NA. Maybe it might hit 2 million worldwide depending on how many places it releases. If it does that for any amount of time. Even it its just for the opening month, then it will be a huge success.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
IF WoW fans are so sure in their game's continuing dominance then why come to forums for other games and post? Heerobya I see you posting all over the place about this game and that game and how it won't compare to World of Warcraft. So what? All a game would have to do to hurt WoW and hurt it pretty badly is pull in about 400-500K subscribers here in the NA. That would pull about 1/3 of WoW's NA market (which is where the better money is btw). WoW is huge. Its huge around the world, but especially in Asia. Man Blizzard could probably send boxes of dog crap to korea and call it their new game and it would be a best seller. They are addicted to Blizzard over there since Starcraft came out.
Mark my words though WoW has already hit its peak and will start its slow crawl down. It won't be one game that does it though. It will be a combination of AoC, WAR, LOTRO here in NA and then several of the Asian games such as Aion, SUN, Huxley, Tabula Rasa also taking a dent out of the asian market. I honestly doubt we will ever see another game with 8million subscribers any time soon, but I would be extremely suprised if we didn't see 3-4 with around 500K-1M each here in the next year or so.
it's just fun to watch all the WoW haters squirm. that's all.
i don't care if WoW loses 2 million NA subscribers, me and my friends will keep playing. i don't care if 3-4 games each get around 500k-1M each and steal some of Wow's thunder. That's Blizzards problem, not mine.
I'll play WoW till I find something better. In fact, I HOPE I find something better then WoW because as much as I do love WoW, a game this is better then WoW has to be even more amazing!
See, I play games because I like them. Because they are fun. I enjoy them. If I find a game better then WoW, that i enjoy more, that I have more fun playing, I'll jump ship like anyone else would.
Do I think any of the new games coming out are going to do that? Nope.
On the other hand, I have no objection to using skill or intelligence in game to acheive something in game. But I am not convinced Vanguard has that. After all, it is not a challenge to sit on your arse waiting for a spawn, or to run a long way from the respawn pont to your corpse. Vanguard just rewards people for pouring their time into their time-sink - there is no skill to playing the game. Quite frankly the first person to reach the level cap in Vanguard should be feeling embaressed that they are such sad geeks with no life, rather than being 'proud' of their 'acheivement'.
Let's face it, LOTRO may be a game for carebears, but Vanguard is a game for carebears who have no life.
The day I feel like I'm "working" in a game is the day I quit.
'Nuff said.
QFTW for the Working.
If I find a game better then WoW, that i enjoy more, that I have more fun playing, I'll jump ship like anyone else would.
Excatly. Its not up to users to defend or destroy games, that is the job of the Dev's. With these kind of fourms tho, we can weed out the trash before spending hard earned $ on games.
When I said i had "time", i meant virtual time, i got no RL "time" for you.
If you are a HardCore PvP...
If you are a HardCore Explorer...
if you are a Min/Maxer...
If you have to have a SandBox...
if you are a Hardcore ME fan...who will not give Turbine leaway in making a fun game...
there are probably other groups...but those come off the top of my head...
LOTRO has been specifically designed...It will not make all types happy...but Some people will find it extremely enjoyable...People just need to accept LOTRO for what it is...If it's not something you find enjoyable...then keep moving...Don't try to force a Square Peg in a Round Hole...
Some of these may be able to addressed at a later time...but Not at release...
Players who don't want to work for something....... You know, that might be me. I play games to have fun. I work to make money. I do not confuse my MMOs with work.
The day I feel like I'm "working" in a game is the day I quit.
Just wanted to give my for that comment.
Sometimes games are just not fun. WoW was fun for awhile. Now LOTRO will be fun for awhile =P
psyconius Cthulhu
Gothika Studios
Players who don't want to work for something....... You know, that might be me. I play games to have fun. I work to make money. I do not confuse my MMOs with work.
The day I feel like I'm "working" in a game is the day I quit.
Which is why I'm still playing WoW, gave up on Vanguard this morning, and will be more than willing to give LotRO a fair shake.The reason you see these posts is that 3 years ago you had around 500k MMORPG subscribers worldwide (not counting Asia). Today you have 8mil +. I bet you around 80% of todays MMORPG subscribers had never played another MMORPG before they got sucked into WoW. Now whenever these MMORPG first timers see a new MMORPG they will all go OMFWTFBBQ it's just like WoW!!! And they are right, but fail to realise that WoW is "just" like the games before it - UO, EQ, AO, AC etc etc. (Old story, been told a million times by now).
WoW is in many regards the epitome of 2nd generation MMOPRPGs (the 1st generaion is in my book MUDs. we have yet to see a 3rd), the tried and true of everything that went before it. It would be stupid to throw all that on the floor when developing a new MMORPG (which is a very costly affair), unless of cause you are hell bent on risking your skin trying to do something different. There are few games out there pushing the genre, and even less succeding. But I think (hope) that we'll see more and more games pushing the bounderies of MMORPGs as subscribers get tired of the same old mechanics in new clothing.
Btw. this should not be seen as a WoW bashing post, as I have played it happily for 1½ years. But it does annoy me when every new MMORPG is reduced to being "just another WoW clone", as if WoW itself was the original.
I liked WOW (my first MMORPG)... But after a time, being in the same universe just gets a little old... So I beta'd Vanguard and purchased it... The bugs in that game unfortunately killed me (nothing else, sorry Mr hardcore, I like hard games, I don't like stuffed games) and in fact turned me off the genre... Then I get the LOTRO beta key, and I reluctantly thought, alrighty, I'll download it, see what it is like, I expect to be falling through floors, mob anamolies, bugs, bugs, bugs and be frustrated to hell and back.
However, I really like LOTRO, it is a treat for me to play, not in a fanboi I shall die for my game of choice, and all objectivity and my cool personality, and ethics to not tell lies will go by the wayside kinda way. But in a simple, I like this game... And the great thing is I will like LOTRO if millions of people still play WOW (which they will), because I do not need force of numbers to "prove to me that I am having fun". And I will still play it if millions of others do play LOTRO as well , because I do not need a game to be unpopular to prove that I am some how better than everyone else, have more skill, etc, etc... I am a highly-skilled player regardless of what the rest of world does.
Can't folks just have fun, without wishing ill will on other games successes... You better believe we can't, we are in the land of nerds, where artificial division runs rife, not some utopia with little fairies baking magical mushroom cakes and where folks talk objectively about games and such, I cringe whenever I read that Vanguard is seamless, do you play the game, or just read the description on wheaties box? Where WOW has no merit whatsoever due to the fact that it's marketing department managed to reach more people in the world than SOE's marketing department ever has? The list of nonsensical arguments with no basis whatsoever will continue to grow ad nauseum.
Will LOTRO kill WOW, I don't know, I don't care... Will Vanguard die in the mud, I don't know, I don't care... My dollars are going to go to Turbine in the near future however. Are yours? I don't know, I don't care.
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Final Fantasy 7
I miss DAoC
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Final Fantasy 7
and what did Turbine screw up? I mean really, it's just a game, I don't want to work at it, dude. DDO is what it is, the difference in DDO and other games is in DDO, at least you don't have to run 15 minutes for something to do. WoW is good fun for awhile. LotRO is what it is, they took the source lore, and built a MMO around it. What is the big deal. I guess I'm too easy to please. I like most MMO games. Yes, DDO, WoW, AA, EQ2, CoH, GW. All for different reasons. They are games, and when I have to work for something, I quit. EVE is too much work, AO I just did not get into, SWG was not for me. I don't bash those games, I just don't have fun playing them. Thats it. I don't want depth, I don't care about how big the world is. If it is fun, I play. Wow is successful because people enjoy playing it. Just like alot of people like American Idol, thats why ratings are high. Just because I'm not into it does not diminish the worth. Personally, I don't like hip-hop, but alot, and I mean alot of people do. It's just their thing. If DDO, WoW and LotRO are not for you, then don't play, It's that simple.