While I will acknowlege there are some positive aspects to this publish in terms of restoring interdepency, which is good for building the social aspect of the game, I think the overall point is its too little too late. I also have to wonder if the NGE player base, which has been built on the assumption that interdepence is not fun, will accept having to go to another player for a buff. More importantly, until they reverse the NGE, its all wasted effort anyway. It not a Star Wars game anymore, so what's the point.
(FWIW there are also ridiculous things added as well by the publish such as cloning to a camp, but that's not really the point).
So indirectly you agree with me that Chapter 5 improves the game?
There's a B student.
By doing some extra homework, he could become B+. With really a lot of work, perhaps even A-.
Then, something happens, and that person becomes D- student.
And after two years, the same student does the original extra homework, and is now a D+ student.
Yes. It's an improvement.
Then again, when you show the grades, you're still just a D+ student. At that, a B student sounds much better. Listing formal improvements doesn't change the fact we're still dealing with a D+ student. It matters to the student - but as for everyone else, well, there's plenty of C and B students to choose from, since straight A's are really hard to find.
Time, in life, is a factor. 2 years - is a lot of time. A lot.
Originally posted by iskareot No Jeff it's been over a fucking year or more of people telling the team what is wrong....
I meant post what's wrong with this patch. They do go back and look at those posts.
Not calling you out on this but come on, how many times should we post whats wrong... how many people do we need to explain this to? There is countless lists, countless information and with some insight of mere logging in to play, one can see whats wrong.
Can't just login and see what is important to you, though.
At what point do people stop saying "no" to what people want and start considering what they "do" want. Camps... yeah camps....lol Give back ranger and now you have a need for the camps... It's just so sad to see people accept things instead of expecting them anymore.
But basically isn't your position that no one should play, and those playing should be convinced to quit even if they like it?
Yes. In fact, those only 10 k or so should quit. In fact they should realize what they have been part of and what the reason was.
They should realize they were a dream market and why they are so small?
Why? Why you ask so brazen and harsh? Because THAT IS THE ONLY WAY THE OLD PRODUCT or close product to it will return.
There is no fixing the NGE or product. I know it, you know it... crap the majority of the gaming world knows it.
So the only way to fix this mess is get past it.
Do I care about 10K players in SWG now???? Fuck no I don't ... in fact, I will be honest and say... if anything they are ruining it for several hundred thousand right now. SO I will use the term "For the greater good"... also to bring the standard up from the bottom where it is at right now.
So yes... I do think the people right now are foolish for paying SOE, playing the product and not realizing what the goal of it is and or was and proved to the rest of the gaming world but a very very very small playerbase.
Until there is more people that stand up and realize that while SURE it's nice to get everything easy, fast, go go go go in a MMO without goals or worry and less reading... it did not OR does not make a good produc t or game.
Is that so insane to think this? Is it so insane that knowing the only way this version of the product will exsist is if people continue to pay for it? Sure its dropping like dead flies... but not soon enough.
Sooner or later as you can see people are wising up, they are getting smarter and they are seeing things for what they are... BUT SOME still think this is la la land and all is well.
Until people open thier eyes NONE of this well end... it's getting there but not fast enough.
Server merges may help that... not sure, at least people see that it's getting smaller so maybe that will be a consideration.
Call it what you want... but at this point.... 10k or so is nothing to worry about...I mean look at SOE... and what you guys thought??? lol...
______________________________ I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process..... SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
However, that still is not a fair excuse to what the product is. IT is in it's current state because of previous leadership.
I wouldn't dream of suggesting you excuse the product. Nor even the publish.
But check the subject of this thread.
A week or after he's made lead... publish comes out... and BAM! It's So much for that!
I mean, really? Already?
You have to think like us for a split second on this..... try it... think like this: "How many times have I been misslead or let down??", "How many times have I been told one thing and given another??".... "How many times have they changed things I did not want changed or need changing and given somthing that does not work?"....
Once you go through that OH say about 10 times, it wears you thin..... (You of course cannot see or know that like us, but if you try to think about it for a second maybe you can see why we say, "No more chances.... you have used them all up..."....
As I said, give him a chance or don't. No need to pretend to and then not.
Or maybe it was just an opportunity to pretend to have given a him chance, when actually still no.
Damn. Never thought I'd do this, especially when Iskareot is in the post, but I gotta give Jeff a /QFE on this one. There is no way in hell that Blixtev is responsible for the majority of this publish. Give him a few months at least. Roast him to a satisfyingly crispy state then, if he deserves it, but this pub was about 99.9% done before Blixtev was promoted. C'mon Isk, I know you're much smarter than that. If he's going to improve the game, it's going to take him time. I personally doubt he'll be able to overcome the meddling by both $OE management and LEC twits, but let's at least give the guy a fair shot first.
no no no Archy... My reply was to the statement of "Give them a chance" -- I clearly know that Blix was not in charge when this made... oh yeah man, I understand what your saying.
My response was to the statment of "Blix has been part of the team for a while lol... not like he did not help with this, BUT also the statement of Jeff''s saying "Give them a chance" or things along the lines of "Things taking time at this point is a insult to any community left"...
There has been so many promises, so many changes, so many bad things done that this product is now tainted and shot. I cannot for the life of me think of why I would now send anyone to this game other then to punish them.
When SWG came out, I promoted the crap out of it... brought over 50 people or so and did all I could to help the product... BUT that was before the product misslead and became a lie. Understand that I was a fanboi of the purest heart. I did not get into beta for nothing... I loved it, the shrub and all... I did all I could to help the product. BACK WHEN THE PRODUCT lived up to what it was trying to be. Not somthing it could never be.
I know that Blix is just now in charge... BUT at what point is it enough? How many people need to be in charge? How many times do you hear "Give them a chance" or... "We will listen to you now?"... At what point does the bullshit end?
Look, I know Blix is a decent guy, small chip on his shoulder type *or so it seemed at the fan fest and summit* BUT none the less he was part of the machine... now he's in charge of it. How on Earth can HE NOT MAKE IT BETTER when it is in the bottom of the shit pile now?
Right now, I think a team of fresh out of college kids.. could make the game better and have 0 knowledge of what we want... thats the sad part.
SOE knows what people want, they have stated it more times then they have players now... the question will be who pays attention to it.
______________________________ I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process..... SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
What Obraik failed to mention is that new crafter buffs buff an attribute that hasn't been used since critical failure was removed from crafting assembly before the CU.
Camps reduced the only death penalty left in the game the timesink of being sent to the cloner.
Obraik, While I will acknowlege there are some positive aspects to this publish in terms of restoring interdepency, which is good for building the social aspect of the game, I think the overall point is its too little too late. I also have to wonder if the NGE player base, which has been built on the assumption that interdepence is not fun, will accept having to go to another player for a buff. More importantly, until they reverse the NGE, its all wasted effort anyway. It not a Star Wars game anymore, so what's the point. (FWIW there are also ridiculous things added as well by the publish such as cloning to a camp, but that's not really the point).
They seemed to cope just fine today TBH, I don't think SWG has seen so much "community interdependance" since the CU went live.
Hardly addressing any concerns raise by the players about the current publish is a very good indication that Smed's "We need to communicate better" post was nothing more than BS.
This publish was on its way out when Smed said that and when BlixTev became lead designer. Give him a chance, or don't give him a chance... whatever floats you. But you have to give him one publish at least, if you're giving a chance at all. And even then, not blame him for every thing you don't like. It's not all any one person's call. Realize the next publish is likely already planned, too (and if re-planned, it'll be 'cause Smed made them chuck it, not BlixTev). Or don't. I mean, whatever. I just thought you'd better off with a lead designer that "gets" pre-CU in a way few other people do... If not, well, sorry for getting your hopes up. Don't be too hard on him, though, 'cause he didn't make what he was given. This publish was delayed several times
Oh. Well... bummer. There are only so many of those you get before it starts looking worthwhile to pinch it off and plan the following publish around the fixes.
Is there nothing good in it? Or is the concern that it will never be fixed?
There is very little good about Pub 33. If your publish is going to do more harm than good (as this one is) stop the assembly line until the problem is solved. You don't think Ford would just continue production down the line if every left front wheel starts falling off as the line proceeds do you?
Also, a MAJOR showstopper bug has been found in Blixtev's "0 bug publish"... Crafters and entertainers now have combat profession XP tables. Meaning that it will take millions and millions of units of resources to grind 10 crafter levels.
Oh, and entertainers can't buff each other.
So the guy has already came out, made a very stupid statement that was proven untrue in less than 24 hours. A great start.
Simply put, SOE developers have no concept of good QA procedures, or probably even know what they are. I've worked in a test lab for one of the best, IBM, and when we tested software (drivers for RAID cards) we tested every scenario and every feature. The smallest flaw was found and corrected before release. Our customers never got anything with a known bug in it.
I think you're being rather narrow minded to say there is very little good about Chapter 5.
Camps have been returned to the game and for the first time since the CU went Live, they actually have a purpose in the game. Uses include being able to Shuttle directly to a camp, clone to the camp, change faction status at the camp, buff at the camp, and a number of others.
New Elite harvestors have been introduced. They use 3 lots and have a slightly better BER then 3 Heavies. This saves time when managing large fleets as you only need to manage 1/3 of the harvestors and get the better results.
There is now a relist button in the stockroom on vendors that will let you relist items 100 at a time. Anyone who has been a crafter in SWG can appreciate this feature.
Resource stacks are now 1 million rather then 100k. Allows you to use less room to store the same amount.
Depending if you agree with cheating or not, base clubbing has been nerfed. For those that aren't aware, base clubbing is where a bunch of people place bases of the opposite faction and then blow it up for an easy 2400 GCW points. There is no effort involved for the huge amount of points you get. Still could do with more nerfing to further discourage it though.
Craftable HoT stims.
The RE system. Gives Munitions, Domestics & Engineer's the ability to make their crafted items superior to looted.
For the first time since pre-cu, Entertainers have a purpose to everyone in the game. From the CU until now, Entertainers only helped crafters and those grinding. Now they can custom design buffs as suited to their audience.
I could go on, but hopefully you get the picture
LOL --- You do realize that most of what you said is SHIT THAT IS BROUGHT BACK IN SOME BASTARDIZED FORM RIGHT????
Here is what I like:
Camps... Great, at one time used to help heal wounds, pull pets out.. enjoy company, craft...
They are now pretty much the same... Great, we also needed to transport there because things were just not done fast enough as it was, I mean why use any effort or time to go anywhere now. Why even clone... you just die and should pop right back up where you are... make it eaiser if anything, I mean why make it where you even have to click on button to come back to life. Just make it so you can live forever.
Harvesters: You know, as a crafter from the start... I'm not even going to get into this.. for one DECAY ! HELLOOOO? SO yeah you can now get more resources for stuff you can sell one time and was this needed? I mean really??? Was things so bad that you needed this?? Now then..... 2 years ago... yes this would have rocked, decay and need this would make sense.
Now? Now this makes no sense at all, if anything there was no need for the time spent on this vs about 10 other things.
Vednor Relisting: Um yeah... 3 years overdue, thanks... now the playerbase is gone and my sales suck because of it.. GOOD JOB DEV TEAM... with less players and no decay this had to be such a priority to get done it just makes so much sense now... what was I thinking????????
Resource stacks: Hello?? See 3 years ago and get back to me.. when we had decay, a playerbase and the need for it more so then now. Yeah.. this is one of those things that is more overdue then shutting down the game at this point.
Base faction bashing: Well, ok... thank goodness the PvP section is getting fixed. Funny, the old way did not allow this and or it did not seem to be a issue that was a priority. But yeah... fixing this one thing is the end all fix needed to make pvp fair and just.
Craftable HOT Stims: Um... yeah, good idea... 3 years to late ... not only that, it does not matter if you die.. no loss, no decay and you can now pop back up at a camp you had maybe. Or better yet... IF THERE WAS SUPPORT ROLES like there was previously it would mean you need each other to do things..... so that a medic was needed to do his job... and so on. That nasty interdependency word...yeah you know, MMO like stuff.
The reverse Engy system... Well what do ya know, somthing that is at least now a one year overdue issue. Wait didnt we have this working this way before????? OH crap WE DID??? In fact it worked much better before????? And with DECAY!!! So, it was a constant moving and shifting crafting experience.... I DARE SAY somthing that made sense and had purpose... A: you made somthing good, it decays.. it breaks and goes away, it cant last forever SOOOOO the crafter has to make it again... and FOR A REASON!!!!
Hmmmmmmm Imagine that concept??? Crap wait we had that before...??? But when we had a playerbase and it made sense!
WOW ENTERTAINERS now have more of a purpose in game... OMG W T F??? I mean who would have thought they should have a long time ago???? Gosh I mean healing wounds and being needed in groups or parties should have been thought of a long time ago... OH WAIT IT WAS... BUT NOW they can make buffs for the people who is left in the game with the low populated servers and no decay or wounds.
SO yes , this is a great thing to make a CLASS USEFUL AGAIN... Wait???? Did I just say make a class useful again????? OH CRAP I DID??? I mean crap, why do that right? Us anti-NGErs would have never thought to do that... I mean it's been over a year that most professions are useless now let alone what they should have been.
SO in summary, this patch is pretty much another session of (Let's try to bring things back that we know we shoudl have never removed but now had to take the Dev time to bring back in some sort of a bastardized fasion because we should have never taken it out in the first place)...
Yep... great... These NGE pubs are just icing on the cake as far as things needed... I mean gosh oh golly, where on Earth do these guys get this great ideas???
Next publish will be Jedi having to unlock or take time and effort to be one, also decay with risk and reading in the game...
Yep... that should be abour par..
______________________________ I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process..... SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
Obraik, While I will acknowlege there are some positive aspects to this publish in terms of restoring interdepency, which is good for building the social aspect of the game, I think the overall point is its too little too late. I also have to wonder if the NGE player base, which has been built on the assumption that interdepence is not fun, will accept having to go to another player for a buff. More importantly, until they reverse the NGE, its all wasted effort anyway. It not a Star Wars game anymore, so what's the point. (FWIW there are also ridiculous things added as well by the publish such as cloning to a camp, but that's not really the point).
They seemed to cope just fine today TBH, I don't think SWG has seen so much "community interdependance" since the CU went live.
Not true... I needed alot more things in the CU then the NGE ever did.
______________________________ I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process..... SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
What Obraik failed to mention is that new crafter buffs buff an attribute that hasn't been used since critical failure was removed from crafting assembly before the CU. Camps reduced the only death penalty left in the game the timesink of being sent to the cloner.
No thinking, hurry and go... no worry, die get up die get up go go go.
______________________________ I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process..... SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
Originally posted by Obraik - Camps brought back. Brought back is the key word here. Not an improvement, a status quo.
Hmm, never knew camps allowed you to shuttle or clone to them pre-chapter 5...
- Harvesters. OK. Harvesters. Cool, so they are bigger. In our days, harvesting was done by guilds, not individuals. Which means you found 5-15 people to plot down all the harvesters you needed. Lots weren't even remotely a problem. But I guess in NGE being one of two crafters on the server, this does help
And this is still done today. Doesn't change the fact that it cuts down on the amount of work done by people to manage these harvestors.
- Relist button. It only took 3 years to implement that. Better late than never, I guess.
- I guess this will be needed, since apparently last 10 levels in trader require 20 million resources
I doubt this will stay unfixed
- Base clubbing. This was pointed out the day GCW changes were made.
Sure, but that was Chapter 3, this is Chapter 5. At least they fixed it.
- HoT stims. o/. Or something. It's just another item.
People have been asking for craftable stims since they were removed
- RE system. With economy not only dead, but being completely decomposed, this is redundant. Stats don't matter since NGE. Nothing can change that.
Yes, you keep saying stats don't matter yet I've showed you experiments that shows they do matter. Besides, it's not just the 6 main stats that can be added.
- As buffs add so little, and the entertainers are scarce, this is a far cry from reviving the social aspects. Social aspects relied on having a living, breathing community - something no patch will change.
Again, Ents buff much more then just the 6 main stats and yes, they do indeed work very well. There is no shortage of ents, at least not on my server. With everyone lining up behing Ents for buffs, how can there not be a living, breathing community?
So... When are the 35 professions coming back, the old combat, when are levels getting removed?
I mean, that's where we're headed, right?
Ents are apparently the new docs who form buff lines. SEAs are now part of RE, stims were in game and were just brought back, harvesters work as they always did, ....
All this work for nothing. 2 years of wasted effort, when 6 months invested into pre-cu would have made so much difference.
Relisting is a nice example. A small feature that could have been added. And yet, it took 2 years of revamps to add something entirely unrelated.
Camps. Cool. Once again, removing them for 2 years, only to add two tiny features.
RE - Rather than spend 2 years kicking every single crafter out of the game, why not just make this change on top of existing SEA system.
Well, I'm kinda old-fashioned. When I need to go buy a bottle of water, I walk 100m, buy the stuff, and go back home. I guess I'm not all that good with NGE aproach, which involves Fed-ex, business class tickets to Bahamas, a 1000 mile taxi ride, all just so that I could buy the decorative statue, a jar of pickles, an iPod and a bunch of bananas, where all I needed was a bottle of water.
By now, nobody is buying that "was too complex" crap anymore, since this is exactly the type of features that everyone was asking back then. Not changing 95% of everything every 6 months.So indirectly you agree with me that Chapter 5 improves the game?
The statement of "When you are at the bottom of the well (Or shit pile in this case) the only way is up comes to mind."...
SO I can even say "Yes" myself... Yep you heard it right.... YES this is a improvment from the unreal peice of crap that is there now.
You win all the interwebs...
______________________________ I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process..... SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
Is there nothing good in it? Or is the concern that it will never be fixed?
But that's pretty much standard operating procedure 'round $OE.
Shayde - SWG (dead) Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me. I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too. 09f911029d74e35bd84156c5635688c0
SO in summary, this patch is pretty much another session of (Let's try to bring things back that we know we shoudl have never removed but now had to take the Dev time to bring back in some sort of a bastardized fasion because we should have never taken it out in the first place)... Yep... great... These NGE pubs are just icing on the cake as far as things needed... I mean gosh oh golly, where on Earth do these guys get this great ideas??? Next publish will be Jedi having to unlock or take time and effort to be one, also decay with risk and reading in the game... Yep... that should be abour par..
Nope, the next publish is going to bring back an extremely bastardized version of Creature Handler. They are going to rename it after the Hunter Talent tree in WoW as an added bonus! Just think, in two more months the game will have another poorly implemented version of something that should never have been removed! I just don't understand why those ungrateful players refuse to give the developers a nice pat on the back and say "Good job!".
What Obraik failed to mention is that new crafter buffs buff an attribute that hasn't been used since critical failure was removed from crafting assembly before the CU. Camps reduced the only death penalty left in the game the timesink of being sent to the cloner.
Assembly affects your ability to RE as well now There is also a theory that if you have an amazing success during the assembly, you have an increased chance of Amazings when experimenting.
Yes you can clone to a camp, but you'll need an Ent there to heal your cloning sickness or you'll have to wait 10mins as there are none of the droids in the camps.
Pub 33, AKA Ch 5 goes live tomorrow with more issues RAISED by it than resolved! 1. Increased imbalance, species and professions that can mount more socketable stuff are better than those who can't. 2. Munitions get nothing. Crafted weapons are no better than they were. All this revamp has done is make it easier for people to cap out the useless craftables that existed before it. 3. Entertainers are buffbots that can't macro. Or the worst combat profession in game because they are the only one that is melee specific AND lack a self heal. Woot, just what everyone wanted. 4. GCW base clubbing nerfed but the ability to get GCW by casual play not addressed.
Yeah, Blixtev is great. NOT. He's just as bad as Heliass. This publish is so bad it will cause the last and fatal population purge
Do you still play?
Figured I would have an answer to this by now.
He didnt know bases were back, so i would take a guess and say no. Maybe he quit with the smart people back at the CU..never know.
That was Freeman that didn't know bases were back.
doh..thought you were asking Dundee. Assumed all questions were towards him lol. Sorry.
See you in the dream.. The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
While I will acknowlege there are some positive aspects to this publish in terms of restoring interdepency, which is good for building the social aspect of the game, I think the overall point is its too little too late. I also have to wonder if the NGE player base, which has been built on the assumption that interdepence is not fun, will accept having to go to another player for a buff. More importantly, until they reverse the NGE, its all wasted effort anyway. It not a Star Wars game anymore, so what's the point.
(FWIW there are also ridiculous things added as well by the publish such as cloning to a camp, but that's not really the point).
By doing some extra homework, he could become B+. With really a lot of work, perhaps even A-.
Then, something happens, and that person becomes D- student.
And after two years, the same student does the original extra homework, and is now a D+ student.
Yes. It's an improvement.
Then again, when you show the grades, you're still just a D+ student. At that, a B student sounds much better. Listing formal improvements doesn't change the fact we're still dealing with a D+ student. It matters to the student - but as for everyone else, well, there's plenty of C and B students to choose from, since straight A's are really hard to find.
Time, in life, is a factor. 2 years - is a lot of time. A lot.
Can't just login and see what is important to you, though.
But basically isn't your position that no one should play, and those playing should be convinced to quit even if they like it?
Yes. In fact, those only 10 k or so should quit. In fact they should realize what they have been part of and what the reason was.
They should realize they were a dream market and why they are so small?
Why? Why you ask so brazen and harsh? Because THAT IS THE ONLY WAY THE OLD PRODUCT or close product to it will return.
There is no fixing the NGE or product. I know it, you know it... crap the majority of the gaming world knows it.
So the only way to fix this mess is get past it.
Do I care about 10K players in SWG now???? Fuck no I don't ... in fact, I will be honest and say... if anything they are ruining it for several hundred thousand right now. SO I will use the term "For the greater good"... also to bring the standard up from the bottom where it is at right now.
So yes... I do think the people right now are foolish for paying SOE, playing the product and not realizing what the goal of it is and or was and proved to the rest of the gaming world but a very very very small playerbase.
Until there is more people that stand up and realize that while SURE it's nice to get everything easy, fast, go go go go in a MMO without goals or worry and less reading... it did not OR does not make a good produc t or game.
Is that so insane to think this? Is it so insane that knowing the only way this version of the product will exsist is if people continue to pay for it? Sure its dropping like dead flies... but not soon enough.
Sooner or later as you can see people are wising up, they are getting smarter and they are seeing things for what they are... BUT SOME still think this is la la land and all is well.
Until people open thier eyes NONE of this well end... it's getting there but not fast enough.
Server merges may help that... not sure, at least people see that it's getting smaller so maybe that will be a consideration.
Call it what you want... but at this point.... 10k or so is nothing to worry about...I mean look at SOE... and what you guys thought??? lol...
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
I wouldn't dream of suggesting you excuse the product. Nor even the publish.
But check the subject of this thread.A week or after he's made lead... publish comes out... and BAM! It's So much for that!
I mean, really? Already?
As I said, give him a chance or don't. No need to pretend to and then not.
Or maybe it was just an opportunity to pretend to have given a him chance, when actually still no.Anyway...
Damn. Never thought I'd do this, especially when Iskareot is in the post, but I gotta give Jeff a /QFE on this one. There is no way in hell that Blixtev is responsible for the majority of this publish. Give him a few months at least. Roast him to a satisfyingly crispy state then, if he deserves it, but this pub was about 99.9% done before Blixtev was promoted. C'mon Isk, I know you're much smarter than that. If he's going to improve the game, it's going to take him time. I personally doubt he'll be able to overcome the meddling by both $OE management and LEC twits, but let's at least give the guy a fair shot first.
no no no Archy... My reply was to the statement of "Give them a chance" -- I clearly know that Blix was not in charge when this made... oh yeah man, I understand what your saying.
My response was to the statment of "Blix has been part of the team for a while lol... not like he did not help with this, BUT also the statement of Jeff''s saying "Give them a chance" or things along the lines of "Things taking time at this point is a insult to any community left"...
There has been so many promises, so many changes, so many bad things done that this product is now tainted and shot. I cannot for the life of me think of why I would now send anyone to this game other then to punish them.
When SWG came out, I promoted the crap out of it... brought over 50 people or so and did all I could to help the product... BUT that was before the product misslead and became a lie. Understand that I was a fanboi of the purest heart. I did not get into beta for nothing... I loved it, the shrub and all... I did all I could to help the product. BACK WHEN THE PRODUCT lived up to what it was trying to be. Not somthing it could never be.
I know that Blix is just now in charge... BUT at what point is it enough? How many people need to be in charge? How many times do you hear "Give them a chance" or... "We will listen to you now?"... At what point does the bullshit end?
Look, I know Blix is a decent guy, small chip on his shoulder type *or so it seemed at the fan fest and summit* BUT none the less he was part of the machine... now he's in charge of it. How on Earth can HE NOT MAKE IT BETTER when it is in the bottom of the shit pile now?
Right now, I think a team of fresh out of college kids.. could make the game better and have 0 knowledge of what we want... thats the sad part.
SOE knows what people want, they have stated it more times then they have players now... the question will be who pays attention to it.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
What Obraik failed to mention is that new crafter buffs buff an attribute that hasn't been used since critical failure was removed from crafting assembly before the CU.
Camps reduced the only death penalty left in the game the timesink of being sent to the cloner.
They seemed to cope just fine today TBH, I don't think SWG has seen so much "community interdependance" since the CU went live.
Is there nothing good in it? Or is the concern that it will never be fixed?
There is very little good about Pub 33. If your publish is going to do more harm than good (as this one is) stop the assembly line until the problem is solved. You don't think Ford would just continue production down the line if every left front wheel starts falling off as the line proceeds do you?
Also, a MAJOR showstopper bug has been found in Blixtev's "0 bug publish"... Crafters and entertainers now have combat profession XP tables. Meaning that it will take millions and millions of units of resources to grind 10 crafter levels.
Oh, and entertainers can't buff each other.
So the guy has already came out, made a very stupid statement that was proven untrue in less than 24 hours. A great start.
Simply put, SOE developers have no concept of good QA procedures, or probably even know what they are. I've worked in a test lab for one of the best, IBM, and when we tested software (drivers for RAID cards) we tested every scenario and every feature. The smallest flaw was found and corrected before release. Our customers never got anything with a known bug in it.
I think you're being rather narrow minded to say there is very little good about Chapter 5.
I could go on, but hopefully you get the picture
LOL --- You do realize that most of what you said is SHIT THAT IS BROUGHT BACK IN SOME BASTARDIZED FORM RIGHT????
Here is what I like:
Camps... Great, at one time used to help heal wounds, pull pets out.. enjoy company, craft...
They are now pretty much the same... Great, we also needed to transport there because things were just not done fast enough as it was, I mean why use any effort or time to go anywhere now. Why even clone... you just die and should pop right back up where you are... make it eaiser if anything, I mean why make it where you even have to click on button to come back to life. Just make it so you can live forever.
Harvesters: You know, as a crafter from the start... I'm not even going to get into this.. for one DECAY ! HELLOOOO? SO yeah you can now get more resources for stuff you can sell one time and was this needed? I mean really??? Was things so bad that you needed this?? Now then..... 2 years ago... yes this would have rocked, decay and need this would make sense.
Now? Now this makes no sense at all, if anything there was no need for the time spent on this vs about 10 other things.
Vednor Relisting: Um yeah... 3 years overdue, thanks... now the playerbase is gone and my sales suck because of it.. GOOD JOB DEV TEAM... with less players and no decay this had to be such a priority to get done it just makes so much sense now... what was I thinking????????
Resource stacks: Hello?? See 3 years ago and get back to me.. when we had decay, a playerbase and the need for it more so then now. Yeah.. this is one of those things that is more overdue then shutting down the game at this point.
Base faction bashing: Well, ok... thank goodness the PvP section is getting fixed. Funny, the old way did not allow this and or it did not seem to be a issue that was a priority. But yeah... fixing this one thing is the end all fix needed to make pvp fair and just.
Craftable HOT Stims: Um... yeah, good idea... 3 years to late ... not only that, it does not matter if you die.. no loss, no decay and you can now pop back up at a camp you had maybe. Or better yet... IF THERE WAS SUPPORT ROLES like there was previously it would mean you need each other to do things..... so that a medic was needed to do his job... and so on. That nasty interdependency word...yeah you know, MMO like stuff.
The reverse Engy system... Well what do ya know, somthing that is at least now a one year overdue issue. Wait didnt we have this working this way before????? OH crap WE DID??? In fact it worked much better before????? And with DECAY!!! So, it was a constant moving and shifting crafting experience.... I DARE SAY somthing that made sense and had purpose... A: you made somthing good, it decays.. it breaks and goes away, it cant last forever SOOOOO the crafter has to make it again... and FOR A REASON!!!!
Hmmmmmmm Imagine that concept??? Crap wait we had that before...??? But when we had a playerbase and it made sense!
WOW ENTERTAINERS now have more of a purpose in game... OMG W T F??? I mean who would have thought they should have a long time ago???? Gosh I mean healing wounds and being needed in groups or parties should have been thought of a long time ago... OH WAIT IT WAS... BUT NOW they can make buffs for the people who is left in the game with the low populated servers and no decay or wounds.
SO yes , this is a great thing to make a CLASS USEFUL AGAIN... Wait???? Did I just say make a class useful again????? OH CRAP I DID??? I mean crap, why do that right? Us anti-NGErs would have never thought to do that... I mean it's been over a year that most professions are useless now let alone what they should have been.
SO in summary, this patch is pretty much another session of (Let's try to bring things back that we know we shoudl have never removed but now had to take the Dev time to bring back in some sort of a bastardized fasion because we should have never taken it out in the first place)...
Yep... great... These NGE pubs are just icing on the cake as far as things needed... I mean gosh oh golly, where on Earth do these guys get this great ideas???
Next publish will be Jedi having to unlock or take time and effort to be one, also decay with risk and reading in the game...
Yep... that should be abour par..
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
They seemed to cope just fine today TBH, I don't think SWG has seen so much "community interdependance" since the CU went live.
Not true... I needed alot more things in the CU then the NGE ever did.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
No thinking, hurry and go... no worry, die get up die get up go go go.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
So... When are the 35 professions coming back, the old combat, when are levels getting removed?
I mean, that's where we're headed, right?
Ents are apparently the new docs who form buff lines. SEAs are now part of RE, stims were in game and were just brought back, harvesters work as they always did, ....
All this work for nothing. 2 years of wasted effort, when 6 months invested into pre-cu would have made so much difference.
Relisting is a nice example. A small feature that could have been added. And yet, it took 2 years of revamps to add something entirely unrelated.
Camps. Cool. Once again, removing them for 2 years, only to add two tiny features.
RE - Rather than spend 2 years kicking every single crafter out of the game, why not just make this change on top of existing SEA system.
Well, I'm kinda old-fashioned. When I need to go buy a bottle of water, I walk 100m, buy the stuff, and go back home. I guess I'm not all that good with NGE aproach, which involves Fed-ex, business class tickets to Bahamas, a 1000 mile taxi ride, all just so that I could buy the decorative statue, a jar of pickles, an iPod and a bunch of bananas, where all I needed was a bottle of water.
By now, nobody is buying that "was too complex" crap anymore, since this is exactly the type of features that everyone was asking back then. Not changing 95% of everything every 6 months.So indirectly you agree with me that Chapter 5 improves the game?
The statement of "When you are at the bottom of the well (Or shit pile in this case) the only way is up comes to mind."...
SO I can even say "Yes" myself... Yep you heard it right.... YES this is a improvment from the unreal peice of crap that is there now.
You win all the interwebs...
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
But that's pretty much standard operating procedure 'round $OE.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Assembly affects your ability to RE as well now There is also a theory that if you have an amazing success during the assembly, you have an increased chance of Amazings when experimenting.
Yes you can clone to a camp, but you'll need an Ent there to heal your cloning sickness or you'll have to wait 10mins as there are none of the droids in the camps.
Do you still play?
Figured I would have an answer to this by now.
He didnt know bases were back, so i would take a guess and say no. Maybe he quit with the smart people back at the CU..never know.
That was Freeman that didn't know bases were back.
doh..thought you were asking Dundee. Assumed all questions were towards him lol. Sorry.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
sits back watches thread