First of all it doesn't run smoothly on my computer even on a low setting. I get a lot of lag that I don't experience in other MMO's unless I'm in a highly populated area. It seems like LoTR is made for brand new graphics cards and if you have one even a few years old(forget about the ancient cards) then you're going to get a lot of lag.
funny, I was running lotr beta this week on my old Athlon XP 1600+, GeForce 4400 Ti 128MB, 512MB Ram, my motherboard had only AGP x4, so I couldn't use the supported AGP x8 on the gfx card... I was playing on medium details and outside of town it was totally without lags or anything, so smooth I was shocked
of course after getting to a town I've had huge lags, but after a while of scratching the HDD and loading everything it was playable, lagging, but I could finish quests, shop or go through town
I bought new pc yesterday after a LONG time (i've had the Athlon for, dunno, 4 years? something like that), haven't tried it yet on it but can't wait to see the ultra high details
of course after getting to a town I've had huge lags, but after a while of scratching the HDD and loading everything it was playable, lagging, but I could finish quests, shop or go through town
I bought new pc yesterday after a LONG time (i've had the Athlon for, dunno, 4 years? something like that), haven't tried it yet on it but can't wait to see the ultra high details