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I found this article rather interesting. Go figure. They screwed up and now are paying for it. HAHA You better think twice before you partake in this. Legalizing this sort of thing is not right and they are finding out the hard way.
UK Indpendent, After Championing Decrimilization Of Marijuana, Now Reverses Policy As The Addicts Come Rolling In.............LOL
Quote: The link between cannabis and psychosis is quite clear now; it wasn't 10 years ago."
Many medical specialists agree that the debate has changed. Robin Murray, professor of psychiatry at London's Institute of Psychiatry, estimates that at least 25,000 of the 250,000 schizophrenics in the UK could have avoided the illness if they had not used cannabis. "The number of people taking cannabis may not be rising, but what people are taking is much more powerful, so there is a question of whether a few years on we may see more people getting ill as a consequence of that."
"Society has seriously underestimated how dangerous cannabis really is," said Professor Neil McKeganey, from Glasgow University's Centre for Drug Misuse Research. "We could well see over the next 10 years increasing numbers of young people in serious difficulties."
Educate not legislate!
Laws don't decrease the numbers of users, but they can prevent addicts from seeking preofessional help.
Criminalising cannabis just creates criminals. It doesn't help anyone.
Prohibition in the US demonstrated exactly the kinds of problems society faces when criminalising a substance that there is a large demand for.
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
I have a major problem with legalisation.
Over the last twenty years the price of cannabis has remained static or decreased.
The price of cigarettes gone up by 500%, a pint by 300%.
Black market goods FTW.
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
I take it then from that, that the only reason that you're not a heroin addict is because you fear being arrested?
How lucky you are that the government have saved you from the drug overdose you would certainly have died from by now if they hadn't told you that you weren't allowed to.
I think we should ban motorbikes and imprison bikers. They are statistically way more dangerous than cars, and if we don't, then we'll have a whole nation of bikers getting themselves killed on the roads.
Cigarettes here are 28p each.
Went up 1/2 p each an hour ago. 25 pence of this is tax.
In every case where it has been made illegal, while alcohol is not, it was corporate competition that was at the root of it. In America, opposition to marijuana as a recreational drug like alcohol was non existent until the hemp industry started branching out into the oil/lubricant industries. Big oil spent more money on anti-cannibis campaigns than they did on advertising their own products over a 30 year period earlier in the 20th century. Why? Because making the idiot masses believe that hemp was the same as weed, and making them believe that weed is a horrible drug would make it easier to take that competition completely out of the market. Guess who pays more money by a factor of 3 to 1 in anti-marijuana advertising today? Anheiser-Busch. Makers of beer spend more money than our own government on advertising against weed. Anyone dumb enough to believe that an alcohol maker is seriously concerned about your health and safety and not simply concerned with competition really is exposed as the idiots they are. Weed makes you passive. Weed makes you a consumer. Weed makes you non-violent. Everything a government could hope for in a populace. Only the greed of getting corporate donations easily out weighs logic to any government out there.
If it wasn't for the fact that alcohol, which is deemed mostly harmless and allowable by most governments, is THE ONLY RECREATIONAL DRUG ON THE PLANET that you can die from the withdrawal symptoms of quitting it, they might not look like such hypocrites.
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
Your nation (and mine) is already a nation of addicts.Gambling addicts, alcohol addicts, caffeine addicts, nicotine addicts, sugar addicts, prescribed drug addicts, ...
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
Like others said, the response to this one is clear: Ban alcohol and cigarrets then. Numerous medical tests have been made on this subject, and it have been proven that marijuanna is LESS DANGEROUS than both alcohol and cigarrets. There is a whole fucking long road between marijuanna and opium(And if you legalize opium, you've kinda legalized heroine too - Opium contains morphine, and this is what heroin is made off). You're already doing a GOOD JOB at creating drug addicts in the US, just because the package says Adderall, does not change the fact that it is indeed amphetamine you're handing out.Besides, that article isn't worth a dime.
Common hashis on the market here in Denmark contains anywhere from 5%-15% or maybe even 20% of tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as THC. This article says that skunk is up to 25 times more powerfull than what was smoked 10-20 years ago.. Yeah, sure, if you take the 4% hashis and the skunk on the street was made of pure THC.. But i be damned, it isn't. The THC levels in hashis and pot haven't changed much during the last couple of decades, marijunna have been used for a long time, and the production off it have been more or less perfectioned during the history.
Skunk contains 2-4 times the amount of THC, compared to hash. Around 60%-70%.
He said: "The link between cannabis and psychosis is quite clear now; it wasn't 10 years ago."
Many medical specialists agree that the debate has changed. Robin Murray, professor of psychiatry at London's Institute of Psychiatry, estimates that at least 25,000 of the 250,000 schizophrenics in the UK could have avoided the illness if they had not used cannabis. "The number of people taking cannabis may not be rising, but what people are taking is much more powerful, so there is a question of whether a few years on we may see more people getting ill as a consequence of that.""
This is quite funny. The link between cannabis and psychosis, are still just a medical theory. They got nothing to really back it up. Saying 10% of all schizophrenics in the UK could have been avoided, if they had not taken cannabis, is just pure speculation.. Really makes me wonder how that guy became a doctor? If cannabis can actually cause the subject to get schizophrenic, then the subject needs to have schizophreni running through the familiy. He could potentially experience something traumatic in his life, and develop the schizophreni. Therefor this doctor is just guessing, creating numbers by the help of a theory.. Or said in another way, pulling numbers out of his farking ass.
Hi outfctrl. Here in the Netherlands, they have legalized soft drug. What I can see of that is that there is ALOT less addicted people instead of countries where it is illegal. Though, this is soft drugs, not hard such as cocaine. I think if they legalize soft drug in the USA, there will be alot less people using it. Also, it would be cleaner instead of that streek junk.
I also was wondering why you have this negative view on drugs.
Holland seriously whipped both the UK and the USA in the UNICEF report which included statistics on children's drug use. They have nothing like the drug addiction rate that we have in the UK. I guess they're doing something right.
Holland seriously whipped both the UK and the USA in the UNICEF report which included statistics on children's drug use. They have nothing like the drug addiction rate that we have in the UK. I guess they're doing something right.
The thing is, goverments are allowed to fill the common men with propaganda when it comes to drugs. It's just acceptable.I wonder how many lifes the goverments across the world could have saved, if they choose to educate the people about drugs, and not just throw bullshit in their face.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Weed rocks your socks.
They came from the sea and they came from the sky, Captain America is going to die!
Can't stop laughing.
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
Outfctrl you have that whole "cannibas fever" mindset.
Marijauna doesn't cause the crap that coke and heroine does, nor is it even remotely a opiate. Opiates attatch themselves directly to pain recievers and such, where as THC attatches itself to fatty tissues and causes the brain the release those ever so pleasent chemicals.
The big difference is Opiates make you NEED them, where as THC doesn't. (You'll probally just get as annoyed as if you hadn't smoked a cigarette in 4 days).
Coke, ahh coke .. The only reason it's illegal is due to contra crap. Thats it. Sure it causes some crazy addicts and yeah it can totally screw your system up however the central americans use the leaves as a common medicine. It's also a great pain reliever when brewwed into a tea.
These studies always make me laugh, they say all these things without even a notion of the "pollee's" or "Studies candidate" having any kind of mental illness in the bloodline. They are usually backed by those hardcore "OMG TEH DRUGS ARE BAD" groups who only study one side of the issue.
The bottomline is marijuana works for a pain reliever. It's like alcohol only with less liver damage in exchange for lung tissue damage.
Anyhow comparing marijane to any hardcore drug is just stupid. THC does not = death.
Truth is we should prohibit alcohol just as much as all the other mind changing drugs, it kills more people than heroine.
Wonder what would happen then? Oh yeah....
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
I could be wrong but i dont think Dutch society has collapsed under the weight of sensible laws. You sound like youve been reading a little too much pharmacutical company rhetoric.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
You know what the source of most violent crime in America is? The trafficing of and handling in illegal goods, namely drugs and solicited sex. You'll never eliminate the ills caused by a substance by delegalising it. They tried that with alcohol, remember the prohibition? It lead to years of gang warfare for control of the new black market. Go figure huh, you delegalise something, only criminals will sell it....
I say yes, legalise heroine, cocaine, opium, prostitution. By legalising and regulating these things, you're eliminating the black market, and all the violence and desperation associated with it. A smart man would see the logic in this, were he to take the political blinders off and take the time to think for himself....
Proud and Loyal Member of S.W.A.R.M
Cigarettes also serve no constructive purpose. We're talking about legalisation to allow for regulation, did you even read the post?
Proud and Loyal Member of S.W.A.R.M
Again, legalisation would eliminate the black market, and all the ills associated with it. Someone who buys cocaine is going to buy cocaine whether its legal or no.
Proud and Loyal Member of S.W.A.R.M