Using Warcraftrealms for information is rediculous. They don't take into account active subscribers for one, plus they list every character not individual accounts. For instance they list both of my characters on coilfang even though my account is closed. Those two characters according to Warcraft realms count as part of their horde population. You can tell that their numbers are complete BS when you see their total number being over 4 million on just the US servers. That is total rubbish. Right now in NA Blizzard would be doing well still having 1 million active subscribers. And by the end of the year I would suspect them to be well below 500K in NA. Now worldwide I wouldn't be suprised to see their numbers increase. Especially in the Asian countries.
The sad part about this post is you've absolutely no idea how the site actually works and thus go on to assume that because you don't, it's obviously rubbish.
haha if its all lies why blizzard just deleted the thread that said only 800K subscribers on NA servers?
An error was encountered while processing your request
blizzard has 220 servers on NA and if it has 800k subscribers lets say 20% of that will be logged in at pic times witch means you will have about 727 players per server. unless you think that 800k will loggin at same time lol
your post doesn't make sense at you telling me each wow server has 24k people? LOL
TBC sold nearly 2 million copies in NA so there is no way the total subscriber count is only 800K at this point. I think there are a lot more people who bought TBC played for a month then quite then Blizzard would like to see, but there is no way there are 1.2 million of these.
with games like LOTRO,AOC, and WAR coming out this year i think blizzard will lose more then half of they subscribers on NA and EU, btw already started to lose on NA it seems they only have 800k subscribers there.
WoW Quingu, that is the THIRD post you make that is complete BS. Why don't you try to show some proof with your mindless drivel, oh that's right!
You have none.
i'm not making nothing up the complains come from WOW forums and are the WOW players who is complaining. they sign that thread for merge. there is alot more threads about it if you do a search.
WOW, OMG !!! I whole two threads, 5 more if I search. Out of millions that play WoW... damn fine resuls.
Listen, I know it's hard, but use the smallest amount of common sense known to exist in a human being.
Let's just go off into LALA Land and PRETEND that WoW only has 100 server, let's go a step further and PRETEND those servers have between at minimum 8,000 people per if you average out. That RIGHT THERE is your supposed 800,000 people. Do you see why your number is so incredibly silly now?
Now, taking into account that WoW has over twice that amount of servers and 60% of it's servers has nearly 3 times that amount in population. AND THAT IS ACCOUNTED FOR. It's not fiction, or hearsay, it's as close to fact as we'll ever get from a Blizzard Server.
Read and educate yourself for the love of god, stop spouting out crap like you have a semblence of what your talking about.
Using Warcraftrealms for information is rediculous. They don't take into account active subscribers for one, plus they list every character not individual accounts.
For instance they list both of my characters on coilfang even though my account is closed. Those two characters according to Warcraft realms count as part of their horde population.
You can tell that their numbers are complete BS when you see their total number being over 4 million on just the US servers. That is total rubbish. Right now in NA Blizzard would be doing well still having 1 million active subscribers. And by the end of the year I would suspect them to be well below 500K in NA. Now worldwide I wouldn't be suprised to see their numbers increase. Especially in the Asian countries.
you are right, they list more chars on NA servers then EURO, but there is more people playing on EURO servers ATM thats why EURO has more servers then NA
Because WoW has over 50 servers. They feel the need to add a new server every major patch, so now they're being forced to merge because the older servers are becoming less populated.
Think about it, would you rather start on a fresh new server or a server that is 2 years old? Some of the WoW developers are not the brightest seashells on the beach.
So you dont think Blizzard is doing the smart thing ehh!? Think about this, as many others have stated below they have over 200 servers and are adding more constantly. The old ones become underpopulated and the new ones explode with players. What does that do for Blizzard?
1) Veteran players start the grind all over (multiple times if they haved moved to multiple 'new' servers) and continue to pay Blizzard a monthly instead of finding a new game (and a new company to pay a monthly fee too).
2) How many new players, friends of veterans, would rather start on a new server?
Those two points alone make Blizzard look like marketing genuises.
Using Warcraftrealms for information is rediculous. They don't take into account active subscribers for one, plus they list every character not individual accounts. For instance they list both of my characters on coilfang even though my account is closed. Those two characters according to Warcraft realms count as part of their horde population. You can tell that their numbers are complete BS when you see their total number being over 4 million on just the US servers. That is total rubbish. Right now in NA Blizzard would be doing well still having 1 million active subscribers. And by the end of the year I would suspect them to be well below 500K in NA. Now worldwide I wouldn't be suprised to see their numbers increase. Especially in the Asian countries.
The sad part about this post is you've absolutely no idea how the site actually works and thus go on to assume that because you don't, it's obviously rubbish.
Ignorance at it's best.
What is this? This is a graphical display of data submitted from the Warcraft CensusPlus UI Mod. The collected World of Warcraft Census information gives a general view of server, faction and overall population trends. Only characters level 10 and up that have been seen in the past 30 days are included in this data.
How can YOU help? By taking a census of your own server using the CensusPlus UI Mod and submitting the data here! The more data we get, the more accurate and current this display becomes!
That is how they say it works. But it still includes characters from accounts that are not active and also includes all the characters so the numbers could be super inflated since it counts each alt character as a seperate member of the population. It does this by including every character found on your guild list. Whether you see them ingame or not it will include them until they are no longer on your guild list. My friend was in the same guild on Coilfang and I was. He stopped playing at the same time as I did, the difference I had played with these guys on Lethon before so when I stopped playing they kept me in the guild, when he stopped playing they removed him. He no longer shows up on but my characters still do.
I love that it states only characters 10 and up and within the last 30 days, since my characters haven't been played since January and are still listed. It also lists my rogue on elune which I have since transferred to another server, but it is still listed on elune. It also lists the same character on Trollbane which is where I transferred too. So yes their numbers are complete rubbish.
Here are the last official numbers listed by Blizzard -
Prior to the launch of The Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft was played by more than 8 million players around the world -- with more than 2 million on North American realms and more than 1.5 million on European realms -- making it the most successful subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game in PC-gaming history.
So yes Warcraftrealms, with their over 4 million characters listed, numbers are complete and totally not reliable.
I'm pretty sure it is really. I have never heard of any company counting chars created instead of people online. My old server went from full, to medium to low population, and indeed, a lot of people left. I seriously doubt so many people actually deleted their characters.
On whenever anyone makes any new post and puts "WoW" in the title, it automatically gets attention no matter what. Even if one were to post "This thread is about nothing, I'm just bored and trying to get attention."
With that said, you are trying to bring attention to TWO threads made on the WoW forums. TWO threads made by a few people, and posted on by a few people. And there is more - only ONE server is supposivly listed as having "population problems" by these few people. So a question for YOU: What other server should be merged with it????
Since you feel this one server must be merged, and is having problems (just because a few people want it) then according to you Quinqu all the other WoW servers are doing fine - since no threads about them having population problems has been found by you.
You need another server with poblems in order to have a "server merge".
Leave WoW alone. It's Blizzard's problem. It affects no one else. WoW is not in any danger of "dying". You've taken up unnecessary database space on with this thread. Even IF only 2 players were left on every single WoW server it would not matter, WoW still would not die. MMORPGs are a buisness first, and WoW ahs made such an insane amount of true profit, that it is litterally near impossible for it to shut down - unless Blizzard decided to simply take all the money and "run".
The real reasons some WoW players maybe finding it hard to find other players:
1. There is a certain problem the majority of mmorpgs face. This problem is the result of poor game mechanics. Few of the landmass is re-used. What this means is, some examples: WoW has starting areas. Then as one gets further from the starting areas, lesser starting areas. Then even lesser starting areas. As a player progresses, there is less and less reason for them to hang around these areas. Add the fact that the quests gradually draw the player further and further away, until the game litterally has them relocate to another area of the continent, or even to another continent. (Like the First Aid quest that has the player travel across the ocean to a castle, where tons of other quests are also available.).
CSWG was the only mmorpg that did the most to activly attack this problem. No matter how long any veteran player played, months, years, and years, they NEEDED to return to the cities, towns, and encampments. They NEEDED to use the cantinas, and hospitals. AO was the next best at attacking this problem. For roughly 2 years Vet players returned to the major cities, small towns, and outposts, because they could STILL get missions for their level - right next to the new players, and low level players. Everyone was enjoying the same get-together. Alas, AO later killed this nice social dynamic that created itself because of AO's original features. Their game DEVs claimed they wanted to on purpose spread players out in the gameworld more. Well they did alright, and those cities, towns, and outposts became desolate. Then you have the super raw newbie areas called "Backyards" which have absolutly no reason for a vet to return to. Or even a mid level player.
WoW suffers from this problem badly. There is no reason at all for mid level players, and vet players, to come back to certain areas. Those areas which once were super-populated when the server was first opened, and was young, now are near desolate as the server ages past 3 months. Which is young in the life of a server. And it recently has gotten worse becasue of the next reason....
2. WoW for the longest time had a world chat. It was officially the Looking For Group chat channel. Half the players on it used it as a general chat channel since it was the only channel that could be seen in the entire gameworld, and was set on default for all accounts. A player had to manually turn it off, or leave it. It still worked, serving its purpose of helping any player, anywhere in the entire gameworld, find a group. AND the group could instantly filter any group applicant before they joined. The could first see if the player had a bad rep with other players, if they were decent level enough, if they seemed litterally intelligent enough in their messages back and forth to the group members before joining, etc....
THEN with the release of BC (Burning Crusade) Blizzard destroyed the Looking For Group world chat channel. Claiming it was getting spammed too much with off topic chatter. The new system puts people LFG into a que, and they instantly join whatever group is looking for members. The group leader then has to choose to kick them, or keep them, all the while never knowing how many other players are offering to join their specific group. This new move by Blizzard has very badly destroyed the better quality LFG dynamic they used to have. It was not the best, but it worked a lot better than the current "forced" LFG mechanic now in place.
3. WoW has now become even more boring. When the old LFG World Chat channel existed, many adventurers would simply read it in lurk mode as entertainment while questing, or playing. Even adventurers already in full groups would glance at it to get entertained. Many, many, many, times discussons between players all over the game world would start because of a few players posting about whatever topic in the World Chat channel.
4. There IS a quick cure for this that Blizzard could instantly do. Re-install a World Chat Channel, and make it default - meaning if a a player has to manually leave it if they don't want it. But it is on by default every time they login, and everytime they create a character. Thje current general chats in WoW are ALL local channels. Leave the city, and the game seems dead, because you no longer can view the city chat channel. Leave any zone, any area, and you can no longer view the chat channels.
5. By WoW actually making it harder for players to group, the result is vet players being forced even more to ONLY group with their guilds, or other vet players on their friends list. All other players, mid level, are forced even more to group ONLY with players on their friends list. New players, and low level players, are left out in the cold even more - in what seems like a desolate gameworld with no one playing.
6. Add the fact that half the game is 5 man instances, 5 man static MOB camps, and there is even less of a need to interact with other players after one falls into a group of 5 decent players, and add them to ones friends list. The players already in groups have no way of finding more players located anywhere in the gameworld and talking to them to get to know them. The non-grouped players all over the game world have no way of hooking up with the grouped players in a quality way - talking to them first, checking them out first, etc.. like how WoW used to be with the World LFG Chat Channel.
Heck, Blizz can make TWO Worldwide Chat Channels on default setting. A Worldwide LFG channel, and a Worldwide GENERAL chat channel. Both on Default setting. The problem is NOT a server merge. The problem is bringing back World Chat Channels on default setting. If Blizzard would do the 2 ideas in this paragrah half the problem would be solved. The other half - finding a way for Vet players, and mid level players, to NEED to come back to the lower level areas... alas... cannot be solved. Each expansion further and further isolates players. In the far further future - when WoW hits the 5 year mark - the world of WoW willl end up like the world of EQ (BEFORE EQ2 released.). Gameworld looks desolate, even though it is full or near full.
On whenever anyone makes any new post and puts "WoW" in the title, it automatically gets attention no matter what. Even if one were to post "This thread is about nothing, I'm just bored and trying to get attention."
With that said, you are trying to bring attention to TWO threads made on the WoW forums. TWO threads made by a few people, and posted on by a few people. And there is more - only ONE server is supposivly listed as having "population problems" by these few people. So a question for YOU: What other server should be merged with it????
Since you feel this one server must be merged, and is having problems (just because a few people want it) then according to you Quinqu all the other WoW servers are doing fine - since no threads about them having population problems has been found by you.
You need another server with poblems in order to have a "server merge".
Leave WoW alone. It's Blizzard's problem. It affects no one else. WoW is not in any danger of "dying". You've taken up unnecessary database space on with this thread. Even IF only 2 players were left on every single WoW server it would not matter, WoW still would not die. MMORPGs are a buisness first, and WoW ahs made such an insane amount of true profit, that it is litterally near impossible for it to shut down - unless Blizzard decided to simply take all the money and "run".
The real reasons some WoW players maybe finding it hard to find other players:
1. There is a certain problem the majority of mmorpgs face. This problem is the result of poor game mechanics. Few of the landmass is re-used. What this means is, some examples: WoW has starting areas. Then as one gets further from the starting areas, lesser starting areas. Then even lesser starting areas. As a player progresses, there is less and less reason for them to hang around these areas. Add the fact that the quests gradually draw the player further and further away, until the game litterally has them relocate to another area of the continent, or even to another continent. (Like the First Aid quest that has the player travel across the ocean to a castle, where tons of other quests are also available.).
CSWG was the only mmorpg that did the most to activly attack this problem. No matter how long any veteran player played, months, years, and years, they NEEDED to return to the cities, towns, and encampments. They NEEDED to use the cantinas, and hospitals. AO was the next best at attacking this problem. For roughly 2 years Vet players returned to the major cities, small towns, and outposts, because they could STILL get missions for their level - right next to the new players, and low level players. Everyone was enjoying the same get-together. Alas, AO later killed this nice social dynamic that created itself because of AO's original features. Their game DEVs claimed they wanted to on purpose spread players out in the gameworld more. Well they did alright, and those cities, towns, and outposts became desolate. Then you have the super raw newbie areas called "Backyards" which have absolutly no reason for a vet to return to. Or even a mid level player.
WoW suffers from this problem badly. There is no reason at all for mid level players, and vet players, to come back to certain areas. Those areas which once were super-populated when the server was first opened, and was young, now are near desolate as the server ages past 3 months. Which is young in the life of a server. And it recently has gotten worse becasue of the next reason....
2. WoW for the longest time had a world chat. It was officially the Looking For Group chat channel. Half the players on it used it as a general chat channel since it was the only channel that could be seen in the entire gameworld, and was set on default for all accounts. A player had to manually turn it off, or leave it. It still worked, serving its purpose of helping any player, anywhere in the entire gameworld, find a group. AND the group could instantly filter any group applicant before they joined. The could first see if the player had a bad rep with other players, if they were decent level enough, if they seemed litterally intelligent enough in their messages back and forth to the group members before joining, etc....
THEN with the release of BC (Burning Crusade) Blizzard destroyed the Looking For Group world chat channel. Claiming it was getting spammed too much with off topic chatter. The new system puts people LFG into a que, and they instantly join whatever group is looking for members. The group leader then has to choose to kick them, or keep them, all the while never knowing how many other players are offering to join their specific group. This new move by Blizzard has very badly destroyed the better quality LFG dynamic they used to have. It was not the best, but it worked a lot better than the current "forced" LFG mechanic now in place.
3. WoW has now become even more boring. When the old LFG World Chat channel existed, many adventurers would simply read it in lurk mode as entertainment while questing, or playing. Even adventurers already in full groups would glance at it to get entertained. Many, many, many, times discussons between players all over the game world would start because of a few players posting about whatever topic in the World Chat channel.
4. There IS a quick cure for this that Blizzard could instantly do. Re-install a World Chat Channel, and make it default - meaning if a a player has to manually leave it if they don't want it. But it is on by default every time they login, and everytime they create a character. Thje current general chats in WoW are ALL local channels. Leave the city, and the game seems dead, because you no longer can view the city chat channel. Leave any zone, any area, and you can no longer view the chat channels.
5. By WoW actually making it harder for players to group, the result is vet players being forced even more to ONLY group with their guilds, or other vet players on their friends list. All other players, mid level, are forced even more to group ONLY with players on their friends list. New players, and low level players, are left out in the cold even more - in what seems like a desolate gameworld with no one playing.
6. Add the fact that half the game is 5 man instances, 5 man static MOB camps, and there is even less of a need to interact with other players after one falls into a group of 5 decent players, and add them to ones friends list. The players already in groups have no way of finding more players located anywhere in the gameworld and talking to them to get to know them. The non-grouped players all over the game world have no way of hooking up with the grouped players in a quality way - talking to them first, checking them out first, etc.. like how WoW used to be with the World LFG Chat Channel.
Heck, Blizz can make TWO Worldwide Chat Channels on default setting. A Worldwide LFG channel, and a Worldwide GENERAL chat channel. Both on Default setting. The problem is NOT a server merge. The problem is bringing back World Chat Channels on default setting. If Blizzard would do the 2 ideas in this paragrah half the problem would be solved. The other half - finding a way for Vet players, and mid level players, to NEED to come back to the lower level areas... alas... cannot be solved. Each expansion further and further isolates players. In the far further future - when WoW hits the 5 year mark - the world of WoW willl end up like the world of EQ (BEFORE EQ2 released.). Gameworld looks desolate, even though it is full or near full.Bringing back the worldwide channels and making them on by default is the worst idea. Those channels were spammed endlessly with mindless chat about chuck norris etc. If people want a world wide chat (which kills immersion in a way) they should add a channel that can be joined if a person wants to. Not make it autojoin everytime you log on and make a new character. That is one of hte worst things that can be done. Why inconveniance everyone who doesn't want the channel (which I would guess is the majority) so some can have a global channel to talk in.
Keep guessing guys. Just don't hurt yourself trying to imagine up all these pretend numbers. Server merges? In WoW? What a joke.
who is asking for them is the WOW players, if they asking means the servers are empty witch means people are leaving the game. Ofcourse there is players leaving, changing realm they play and not all new players go to low pop realms. I would imagine balancing realm population is pretty hard job when you have as many servers Blizzard has.
Also they keep adding new server regular and I dont think they do it just because old ones are full, but because give new players "fresh" server to start out where there is lot more who are leveling same time with you. Personally I wish more mmorpgs would add new servers and then merge these later if these didnt get enough players.
Using Warcraftrealms for information is rediculous. They don't take into account active subscribers for one, plus they list every character not individual accounts. For instance they list both of my characters on coilfang even though my account is closed. Those two characters according to Warcraft realms count as part of their horde population. You can tell that their numbers are complete BS when you see their total number being over 4 million on just the US servers. That is total rubbish. Right now in NA Blizzard would be doing well still having 1 million active subscribers. And by the end of the year I would suspect them to be well below 500K in NA. Now worldwide I wouldn't be suprised to see their numbers increase. Especially in the Asian countries.
The sad part about this post is you've absolutely no idea how the site actually works and thus go on to assume that because you don't, it's obviously rubbish.
Ignorance at it's best.
The site you site as being factual isn't. It has no official way of determining how many accounts are on each server. This is old news, and it's more sad that you haven't figured it out yet.
I tell ya what. Enlighten us, tell us how they do it. I already know, but since you're so quick to tell others they are wrong and don't know what they are talking about and spouting off ignorance, why don't you explain it for everyone.
It counts toons per server not accounts. Do you know how they do?
On whenever anyone makes any new post and puts "WoW" in the title, it automatically gets attention no matter what. Even if one were to post "This thread is about nothing, I'm just bored and trying to get attention."
With that said, you are trying to bring attention to TWO threads made on the WoW forums. TWO threads made by a few people, and posted on by a few people. And there is more - only ONE server is supposivly listed as having "population problems" by these few people. So a question for YOU: What other server should be merged with it????
Since you feel this one server must be merged, and is having problems (just because a few people want it) then according to you Quinqu all the other WoW servers are doing fine - since no threads about them having population problems has been found by you.
You need another server with poblems in order to have a "server merge".
Using Warcraftrealms for information is rediculous. They don't take into account active subscribers for one, plus they list every character not individual accounts. For instance they list both of my characters on coilfang even though my account is closed. Those two characters according to Warcraft realms count as part of their horde population. You can tell that their numbers are complete BS when you see their total number being over 4 million on just the US servers. That is total rubbish. Right now in NA Blizzard would be doing well still having 1 million active subscribers. And by the end of the year I would suspect them to be well below 500K in NA. Now worldwide I wouldn't be suprised to see their numbers increase. Especially in the Asian countries.
The sad part about this post is you've absolutely no idea how the site actually works and thus go on to assume that because you don't, it's obviously rubbish.
Ignorance at it's best.
What is this? This is a graphical display of data submitted from the Warcraft CensusPlus UI Mod. The collected World of Warcraft Census information gives a general view of server, faction and overall population trends. Only characters level 10 and up that have been seen in the past 30 days are included in this data.
How can YOU help? By taking a census of your own server using the CensusPlus UI Mod and submitting the data here! The more data we get, the more accurate and current this display becomes!
That is how they say it works. But it still includes characters from accounts that are not active and also includes all the characters so the numbers could be super inflated since it counts each alt character as a seperate member of the population. It does this by including every character found on your guild list. Whether you see them ingame or not it will include them until they are no longer on your guild list. My friend was in the same guild on Coilfang and I was. He stopped playing at the same time as I did, the difference I had played with these guys on Lethon before so when I stopped playing they kept me in the guild, when he stopped playing they removed him. He no longer shows up on but my characters still do.
I love that it states only characters 10 and up and within the last 30 days, since my characters haven't been played since January and are still listed. It also lists my rogue on elune which I have since transferred to another server, but it is still listed on elune. It also lists the same character on Trollbane which is where I transferred too. So yes their numbers are complete rubbish.
Here are the last official numbers listed by Blizzard -
Prior to the launch of The Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft was played by more than 8 million players around the world -- with more than 2 million on North American realms and more than 1.5 million on European realms -- making it the most successful subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game in PC-gaming history.
So yes Warcraftrealms, with their over 4 million characters listed, numbers are complete and totally not reliable.
I missed this post.
Dead on.
The short description. It's a glorified /who.
Edit: Just wanted to say that I don't believe any company when they state how many subs they have. I'm more inclined to believe that 8.5 million have TRIED WoW world wide, but I don't believe that they have 8.5 active subs.
That's why game developers SHOULD NOT listen to players whining.
They whine and whine they want new servers every few months so they can get "fresh starts" with their friends, then they whine and whine that servers need to be merged because not enough players on their server.
On whenever anyone makes any new post and puts "WoW" in the title, it automatically gets attention no matter what. Even if one were to post "This thread is about nothing, I'm just bored and trying to get attention."
With that said, you are trying to bring attention to TWO threads made on the WoW forums. TWO threads made by a few people, and posted on by a few people. And there is more - only ONE server is supposivly listed as having "population problems" by these few people. So a question for YOU: What other server should be merged with it????
Since you feel this one server must be merged, and is having problems (just because a few people want it) then according to you Quinqu all the other WoW servers are doing fine - since no threads about them having population problems has been found by you.
You need another server with poblems in order to have a "server merge".
people complaining about several servers with low pops not only one like you say.
We are 4 hours away from the prime time, go to warcraft realm status at 21h at weekends and you will see 15 servers low, and thous servers have less than 1 year.
In a few days we will see Blizzard anouncing 9M subs to WoW.
I work at a game store, and WoW is the best seling pc game on my store, 2 years after relese, only at my store i see many new players starting WoW day after day. And there are so many game stors all over the world.
""Edit: Just wanted to say that I don't believe any company when they state how many subs they have. I'm more inclined to believe that 8.5 million have TRIED WoW world wide, but I don't believe that they have 8.5 active subs""
Isnt Vivendi a public company? IE has shares? Therefore having Blizzard lie about subscriber numbers (which they state are active subscriptions or in the case of Chinese people who used their accounts in the lsat 2 weeks or something) would be highly illegal?
So you would believe they would do something highly illegal instead of just telling it how it is?
""Edit: Just wanted to say that I don't believe any company when they state how many subs they have. I'm more inclined to believe that 8.5 million have TRIED WoW world wide, but I don't believe that they have 8.5 active subs"" Isnt Vivendi a public company? IE has shares? Therefore having Blizzard lie about subscriber numbers (which they state are active subscriptions or in the case of Chinese people who used their accounts in the lsat 2 weeks or something) would be highly illegal? So you would believe they would do something highly illegal instead of just telling it how it is?
Just curious.
"8.5 have tried wow"
Why dont you spend a bit of your time looking at reports befor you post
Blizzard anounced 8M, 2M US, 1.5M EU, 3.5M China , rest Korea
1 month later BC comes to stores in US/Eu and in the first 24h they sell 2.4M (ofc flamers here started posts saing they only sold 2.4M and they have 3.5M players, that many people left the game)
1 month later Blizzard anounces 3.5M BC boxes sold and 8.5M subscribers. 1.6M Eu (more 100k than active players on last report), 1.9M US + 500k subs total (please tell me other 2 years old game that gets 500k players in 1 month)
Everyday i sell many BC copies, so there are many players that dont have BC atm and will buy it in a near future, i belive this numbers will get bigger
""Edit: Just wanted to say that I don't believe any company when they state how many subs they have. I'm more inclined to believe that 8.5 million have TRIED WoW world wide, but I don't believe that they have 8.5 active subs"" Isnt Vivendi a public company? IE has shares? Therefore having Blizzard lie about subscriber numbers (which they state are active subscriptions or in the case of Chinese people who used their accounts in the lsat 2 weeks or something) would be highly illegal? So you would believe they would do something highly illegal instead of just telling it how it is?
Just curious.
"8.5 have tried wow"
Why dont you spend a bit of your time looking at reports befor you post
Blizzard anounced 8M, 2M US, 1.5M EU, 3.5M China , rest Korea
1 month later BC comes to stores in US/Eu and in the first 24h they sell 2.4M (ofc flamers here started posts saing they only sold 2.4M and they have 3.5M players, that many people left the game)
1 month later Blizzard anounces 3.5M BC boxes sold and 8.5M subscribers. 1.6M Eu (more 100k than active players on last report), 1.9M US + 500k subs total
Everyday i sell many BC copies, so there are many players that dont have BC atm and will buy it in a near future, i belive this numbers will get bigger
errr I actually grabbed that 8.5 tried WoW" from just above my post, I didnt say it.
I said blizzard announces 8.5M SUBSCRIBERS just as you do.
""Edit: Just wanted to say that I don't believe any company when they state how many subs they have. I'm more inclined to believe that 8.5 million have TRIED WoW world wide, but I don't believe that they have 8.5 active subs"" Isnt Vivendi a public company? IE has shares? Therefore having Blizzard lie about subscriber numbers (which they state are active subscriptions or in the case of Chinese people who used their accounts in the lsat 2 weeks or something) would be highly illegal? So you would believe they would do something highly illegal instead of just telling it how it is?
Just curious.
"8.5 have tried wow"
Why dont you spend a bit of your time looking at reports befor you post
Blizzard anounced 8M, 2M US, 1.5M EU, 3.5M China , rest Korea
1 month later BC comes to stores in US/Eu and in the first 24h they sell 2.4M (ofc flamers here started posts saing they only sold 2.4M and they have 3.5M players, that many people left the game)
1 month later Blizzard anounces 3.5M BC boxes sold and 8.5M subscribers. 1.6M Eu (more 100k than active players on last report), 1.9M US + 500k subs total
Everyday i sell many BC copies, so there are many players that dont have BC atm and will buy it in a near future, i belive this numbers will get bigger
errr I actually grabbed that 8.5 tried WoW" from just above my post, I didnt say it.
I said blizzard announces 8.5M SUBSCRIBERS just as you do.
Seems you misread my post.
World of Warcraft's Subscriber Definition
World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees' territories are defined along the same rules.
PS. I am an EVE Online fan boy, i dont play WoW, but i cant stand people flaming a good game just because they are jealous, that WoW have more subs than their game, or WoW have killed their game, or taken their friends.We are talikig about games... ...Life Goes On
""Edit: Just wanted to say that I don't believe any company when they state how many subs they have. I'm more inclined to believe that 8.5 million have TRIED WoW world wide, but I don't believe that they have 8.5 active subs"" Isnt Vivendi a public company? IE has shares? Therefore having Blizzard lie about subscriber numbers (which they state are active subscriptions or in the case of Chinese people who used their accounts in the lsat 2 weeks or something) would be highly illegal? So you would believe they would do something highly illegal instead of just telling it how it is?
Just curious.
"8.5 have tried wow"
Why dont you spend a bit of your time looking at reports befor you post
Blizzard anounced 8M, 2M US, 1.5M EU, 3.5M China , rest Korea
1 month later BC comes to stores in US/Eu and in the first 24h they sell 2.4M (ofc flamers here started posts saing they only sold 2.4M and they have 3.5M players, that many people left the game)
1 month later Blizzard anounces 3.5M BC boxes sold and 8.5M subscribers. 1.6M Eu (more 100k than active players on last report), 1.9M US + 500k subs total
Everyday i sell many BC copies, so there are many players that dont have BC atm and will buy it in a near future, i belive this numbers will get bigger
errr I actually grabbed that 8.5 tried WoW" from just above my post, I didnt say it.
I said blizzard announces 8.5M SUBSCRIBERS just as you do.
Seems you misread my post.
World of Warcraft's Subscriber Definition
World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees' territories are defined along the same rules.
PS. I am an EVE Online fan boy, i dont play WoW, but i cant stand people flaming a good game just because they are jealous, that WoW have more subs than their game, or WoW have killed their game, or taken their friends.We are talikig about games... ...Life Goes On lol funny, i don't play any game at all so you can't call me fanboi.
Well the expansion did increase the size of the world by around 50%, making azeroth a ghost town that didn't help make feel the world full, unless you go to outlands ofc.
Blizzard have been giving free transfers from full realms to low pop realms too to spread players around a bit, but I think we're far from the need to merge servers ATM.
But blizz need to do somthing to bring ppl back to azeroth.
with games like LOTRO,AOC, and WAR coming out this year i think blizzard will lose more then half of they subscribers on NA and EU, btw already started to lose on NA it seems they only have 800k subscribers there.I don't play WoW anymore, but that is just wrong. Proof please.
Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be a crackpot. But thankfully that feeling lasts only a couple of seconds.
"I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone." Robin Williams
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
The sad part about this post is you've absolutely no idea how the site actually works and thus go on to assume that because you don't, it's obviously rubbish.
Ignorance at it's best.
Important Information regarding Posting and You
WoW Quingu, that is the THIRD post you make that is complete BS. Why don't you try to show some proof with your mindless drivel, oh that's right!
You have none.
i'm not making nothing up the complains come from WOW forums and are the WOW players who is complaining. they sign that thread for merge. there is alot more threads about it if you do a
WOW, OMG !!! I whole two threads, 5 more if I search. Out of millions that play WoW... damn fine resuls.
Listen, I know it's hard, but use the smallest amount of common sense known to exist in a human being.
Let's just go off into LALA Land and PRETEND that WoW only has 100 server, let's go a step further and PRETEND those servers have between at minimum 8,000 people per if you average out. That RIGHT THERE is your supposed 800,000 people. Do you see why your number is so incredibly silly now?
Now, taking into account that WoW has over twice that amount of servers and 60% of it's servers has nearly 3 times that amount in population. AND THAT IS ACCOUNTED FOR. It's not fiction, or hearsay, it's as close to fact as we'll ever get from a Blizzard Server.
Read and educate yourself for the love of god, stop spouting out crap like you have a semblence of what your talking about.
Using Warcraftrealms for information is rediculous. They don't take into account active subscribers for one, plus they list every character not individual accounts.
For instance they list both of my characters on coilfang even though my account is closed. Those two characters according to Warcraft realms count as part of their horde population.
You can tell that their numbers are complete BS when you see their total number being over 4 million on just the US servers. That is total rubbish. Right now in NA Blizzard would be doing well still having 1 million active subscribers. And by the end of the year I would suspect them to be well below 500K in NA. Now worldwide I wouldn't be suprised to see their numbers increase. Especially in the Asian countries.
NA-220 servers.
Euro-235 servers.
So you dont think Blizzard is doing the smart thing ehh!? Think about this, as many others have stated below they have over 200 servers and are adding more constantly. The old ones become underpopulated and the new ones explode with players. What does that do for Blizzard?
1) Veteran players start the grind all over (multiple times if they haved moved to multiple 'new' servers) and continue to pay Blizzard a monthly instead of finding a new game (and a new company to pay a monthly fee too).
2) How many new players, friends of veterans, would rather start on a new server?
Those two points alone make Blizzard look like marketing genuises.
And the golden goose just keeps laying eggs!
The sad part about this post is you've absolutely no idea how the site actually works and thus go on to assume that because you don't, it's obviously rubbish.
Ignorance at it's best.
What is this? This is a graphical display of data submitted from the Warcraft CensusPlus UI Mod. The collected World of Warcraft Census information gives a general view of server, faction and overall population trends. Only characters level 10 and up that have been seen in the past 30 days are included in this data.
How can YOU help? By taking a census of your own server using the CensusPlus UI Mod and submitting the data here! The more data we get, the more accurate and current this display becomes!
That is how they say it works. But it still includes characters from accounts that are not active and also includes all the characters so the numbers could be super inflated since it counts each alt character as a seperate member of the population. It does this by including every character found on your guild list. Whether you see them ingame or not it will include them until they are no longer on your guild list. My friend was in the same guild on Coilfang and I was. He stopped playing at the same time as I did, the difference I had played with these guys on Lethon before so when I stopped playing they kept me in the guild, when he stopped playing they removed him. He no longer shows up on but my characters still do.
I love that it states only characters 10 and up and within the last 30 days, since my characters haven't been played since January and are still listed. It also lists my rogue on elune which I have since transferred to another server, but it is still listed on elune. It also lists the same character on Trollbane which is where I transferred too. So yes their numbers are complete rubbish.
Here are the last official numbers listed by Blizzard -
(this is from their Jan 2007 press release found here
Prior to the launch of The Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft was played by more than 8 million players around the world -- with more than 2 million on North American realms and more than 1.5 million on European realms -- making it the most successful subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game in PC-gaming history.
So yes Warcraftrealms, with their over 4 million characters listed, numbers are complete and totally not reliable.
Think away...but its not
I'm pretty sure it is really. I have never heard of any company counting chars created instead of people online. My old server went from full, to medium to low population, and indeed, a lot of people left. I seriously doubt so many people actually deleted their characters.With that said, you are trying to bring attention to TWO threads made on the WoW forums. TWO threads made by a few people, and posted on by a few people. And there is more - only ONE server is supposivly listed as having "population problems" by these few people. So a question for YOU: What other server should be merged with it????
Since you feel this one server must be merged, and is having problems (just because a few people want it) then according to you Quinqu all the other WoW servers are doing fine - since no threads about them having population problems has been found by you.
You need another server with poblems in order to have a "server merge".
Leave WoW alone. It's Blizzard's problem. It affects no one else. WoW is not in any danger of "dying". You've taken up unnecessary database space on with this thread. Even IF only 2 players were left on every single WoW server it would not matter, WoW still would not die. MMORPGs are a buisness first, and WoW ahs made such an insane amount of true profit, that it is litterally near impossible for it to shut down - unless Blizzard decided to simply take all the money and "run".
The real reasons some WoW players maybe finding it hard to find other players:
1. There is a certain problem the majority of mmorpgs face. This problem is the result of poor game mechanics. Few of the landmass is re-used. What this means is, some examples: WoW has starting areas. Then as one gets further from the starting areas, lesser starting areas. Then even lesser starting areas. As a player progresses, there is less and less reason for them to hang around these areas. Add the fact that the quests gradually draw the player further and further away, until the game litterally has them relocate to another area of the continent, or even to another continent. (Like the First Aid quest that has the player travel across the ocean to a castle, where tons of other quests are also available.).
CSWG was the only mmorpg that did the most to activly attack this problem. No matter how long any veteran player played, months, years, and years, they NEEDED to return to the cities, towns, and encampments. They NEEDED to use the cantinas, and hospitals. AO was the next best at attacking this problem. For roughly 2 years Vet players returned to the major cities, small towns, and outposts, because they could STILL get missions for their level - right next to the new players, and low level players. Everyone was enjoying the same get-together. Alas, AO later killed this nice social dynamic that created itself because of AO's original features. Their game DEVs claimed they wanted to on purpose spread players out in the gameworld more. Well they did alright, and those cities, towns, and outposts became desolate. Then you have the super raw newbie areas called "Backyards" which have absolutly no reason for a vet to return to. Or even a mid level player.
WoW suffers from this problem badly. There is no reason at all for mid level players, and vet players, to come back to certain areas. Those areas which once were super-populated when the server was first opened, and was young, now are near desolate as the server ages past 3 months. Which is young in the life of a server. And it recently has gotten worse becasue of the next reason....
2. WoW for the longest time had a world chat. It was officially the Looking For Group chat channel. Half the players on it used it as a general chat channel since it was the only channel that could be seen in the entire gameworld, and was set on default for all accounts. A player had to manually turn it off, or leave it. It still worked, serving its purpose of helping any player, anywhere in the entire gameworld, find a group. AND the group could instantly filter any group applicant before they joined. The could first see if the player had a bad rep with other players, if they were decent level enough, if they seemed litterally intelligent enough in their messages back and forth to the group members before joining, etc....
THEN with the release of BC (Burning Crusade) Blizzard destroyed the Looking For Group world chat channel. Claiming it was getting spammed too much with off topic chatter. The new system puts people LFG into a que, and they instantly join whatever group is looking for members. The group leader then has to choose to kick them, or keep them, all the while never knowing how many other players are offering to join their specific group. This new move by Blizzard has very badly destroyed the better quality LFG dynamic they used to have. It was not the best, but it worked a lot better than the current "forced" LFG mechanic now in place.
3. WoW has now become even more boring. When the old LFG World Chat channel existed, many adventurers would simply read it in lurk mode as entertainment while questing, or playing. Even adventurers already in full groups would glance at it to get entertained. Many, many, many, times discussons between players all over the game world would start because of a few players posting about whatever topic in the World Chat channel.
4. There IS a quick cure for this that Blizzard could instantly do. Re-install a World Chat Channel, and make it default - meaning if a a player has to manually leave it if they don't want it. But it is on by default every time they login, and everytime they create a character. Thje current general chats in WoW are ALL local channels. Leave the city, and the game seems dead, because you no longer can view the city chat channel. Leave any zone, any area, and you can no longer view the chat channels.
5. By WoW actually making it harder for players to group, the result is vet players being forced even more to ONLY group with their guilds, or other vet players on their friends list. All other players, mid level, are forced even more to group ONLY with players on their friends list. New players, and low level players, are left out in the cold even more - in what seems like a desolate gameworld with no one playing.
6. Add the fact that half the game is 5 man instances, 5 man static MOB camps, and there is even less of a need to interact with other players after one falls into a group of 5 decent players, and add them to ones friends list. The players already in groups have no way of finding more players located anywhere in the gameworld and talking to them to get to know them. The non-grouped players all over the game world have no way of hooking up with the grouped players in a quality way - talking to them first, checking them out first, etc.. like how WoW used to be with the World LFG Chat Channel.
Heck, Blizz can make TWO Worldwide Chat Channels on default setting. A Worldwide LFG channel, and a Worldwide GENERAL chat channel. Both on Default setting. The problem is NOT a server merge. The problem is bringing back World Chat Channels on default setting. If Blizzard would do the 2 ideas in this paragrah half the problem would be solved. The other half - finding a way for Vet players, and mid level players, to NEED to come back to the lower level areas... alas... cannot be solved. Each expansion further and further isolates players. In the far further future - when WoW hits the 5 year mark - the world of WoW willl end up like the world of EQ (BEFORE EQ2 released.). Gameworld looks desolate, even though it is full or near full.
With that said, you are trying to bring attention to TWO threads made on the WoW forums. TWO threads made by a few people, and posted on by a few people. And there is more - only ONE server is supposivly listed as having "population problems" by these few people. So a question for YOU: What other server should be merged with it????
Since you feel this one server must be merged, and is having problems (just because a few people want it) then according to you Quinqu all the other WoW servers are doing fine - since no threads about them having population problems has been found by you.
You need another server with poblems in order to have a "server merge".
Leave WoW alone. It's Blizzard's problem. It affects no one else. WoW is not in any danger of "dying". You've taken up unnecessary database space on with this thread. Even IF only 2 players were left on every single WoW server it would not matter, WoW still would not die. MMORPGs are a buisness first, and WoW ahs made such an insane amount of true profit, that it is litterally near impossible for it to shut down - unless Blizzard decided to simply take all the money and "run".
The real reasons some WoW players maybe finding it hard to find other players:
1. There is a certain problem the majority of mmorpgs face. This problem is the result of poor game mechanics. Few of the landmass is re-used. What this means is, some examples: WoW has starting areas. Then as one gets further from the starting areas, lesser starting areas. Then even lesser starting areas. As a player progresses, there is less and less reason for them to hang around these areas. Add the fact that the quests gradually draw the player further and further away, until the game litterally has them relocate to another area of the continent, or even to another continent. (Like the First Aid quest that has the player travel across the ocean to a castle, where tons of other quests are also available.).
CSWG was the only mmorpg that did the most to activly attack this problem. No matter how long any veteran player played, months, years, and years, they NEEDED to return to the cities, towns, and encampments. They NEEDED to use the cantinas, and hospitals. AO was the next best at attacking this problem. For roughly 2 years Vet players returned to the major cities, small towns, and outposts, because they could STILL get missions for their level - right next to the new players, and low level players. Everyone was enjoying the same get-together. Alas, AO later killed this nice social dynamic that created itself because of AO's original features. Their game DEVs claimed they wanted to on purpose spread players out in the gameworld more. Well they did alright, and those cities, towns, and outposts became desolate. Then you have the super raw newbie areas called "Backyards" which have absolutly no reason for a vet to return to. Or even a mid level player.
WoW suffers from this problem badly. There is no reason at all for mid level players, and vet players, to come back to certain areas. Those areas which once were super-populated when the server was first opened, and was young, now are near desolate as the server ages past 3 months. Which is young in the life of a server. And it recently has gotten worse becasue of the next reason....
2. WoW for the longest time had a world chat. It was officially the Looking For Group chat channel. Half the players on it used it as a general chat channel since it was the only channel that could be seen in the entire gameworld, and was set on default for all accounts. A player had to manually turn it off, or leave it. It still worked, serving its purpose of helping any player, anywhere in the entire gameworld, find a group. AND the group could instantly filter any group applicant before they joined. The could first see if the player had a bad rep with other players, if they were decent level enough, if they seemed litterally intelligent enough in their messages back and forth to the group members before joining, etc....
THEN with the release of BC (Burning Crusade) Blizzard destroyed the Looking For Group world chat channel. Claiming it was getting spammed too much with off topic chatter. The new system puts people LFG into a que, and they instantly join whatever group is looking for members. The group leader then has to choose to kick them, or keep them, all the while never knowing how many other players are offering to join their specific group. This new move by Blizzard has very badly destroyed the better quality LFG dynamic they used to have. It was not the best, but it worked a lot better than the current "forced" LFG mechanic now in place.
3. WoW has now become even more boring. When the old LFG World Chat channel existed, many adventurers would simply read it in lurk mode as entertainment while questing, or playing. Even adventurers already in full groups would glance at it to get entertained. Many, many, many, times discussons between players all over the game world would start because of a few players posting about whatever topic in the World Chat channel.
4. There IS a quick cure for this that Blizzard could instantly do. Re-install a World Chat Channel, and make it default - meaning if a a player has to manually leave it if they don't want it. But it is on by default every time they login, and everytime they create a character. Thje current general chats in WoW are ALL local channels. Leave the city, and the game seems dead, because you no longer can view the city chat channel. Leave any zone, any area, and you can no longer view the chat channels.
5. By WoW actually making it harder for players to group, the result is vet players being forced even more to ONLY group with their guilds, or other vet players on their friends list. All other players, mid level, are forced even more to group ONLY with players on their friends list. New players, and low level players, are left out in the cold even more - in what seems like a desolate gameworld with no one playing.
6. Add the fact that half the game is 5 man instances, 5 man static MOB camps, and there is even less of a need to interact with other players after one falls into a group of 5 decent players, and add them to ones friends list. The players already in groups have no way of finding more players located anywhere in the gameworld and talking to them to get to know them. The non-grouped players all over the game world have no way of hooking up with the grouped players in a quality way - talking to them first, checking them out first, etc.. like how WoW used to be with the World LFG Chat Channel.
Heck, Blizz can make TWO Worldwide Chat Channels on default setting. A Worldwide LFG channel, and a Worldwide GENERAL chat channel. Both on Default setting. The problem is NOT a server merge. The problem is bringing back World Chat Channels on default setting. If Blizzard would do the 2 ideas in this paragrah half the problem would be solved. The other half - finding a way for Vet players, and mid level players, to NEED to come back to the lower level areas... alas... cannot be solved. Each expansion further and further isolates players. In the far further future - when WoW hits the 5 year mark - the world of WoW willl end up like the world of EQ (BEFORE EQ2 released.). Gameworld looks desolate, even though it is full or near full.Bringing back the worldwide channels and making them on by default is the worst idea. Those channels were spammed endlessly with mindless chat about chuck norris etc. If people want a world wide chat (which kills immersion in a way) they should add a channel that can be joined if a person wants to. Not make it autojoin everytime you log on and make a new character. That is one of hte worst things that can be done. Why inconveniance everyone who doesn't want the channel (which I would guess is the majority) so some can have a global channel to talk in.
Also they keep adding new server regular and I dont think they do it just because old ones are full, but because give new players "fresh" server to start out where there is lot more who are leveling same time with you. Personally I wish more mmorpgs would add new servers and then merge these later if these didnt get enough players.
the channels thing, if you want a rumour(not sure validity). But the lfg channel maybe back but only people registered lfg will be able to talk in it.
The sad part about this post is you've absolutely no idea how the site actually works and thus go on to assume that because you don't, it's obviously rubbish.
Ignorance at it's best.
The site you site as being factual isn't. It has no official way of determining how many accounts are on each server. This is old news, and it's more sad that you haven't figured it out yet.
I tell ya what. Enlighten us, tell us how they do it. I already know, but since you're so quick to tell others they are wrong and don't know what they are talking about and spouting off ignorance, why don't you explain it for everyone.
It counts toons per server not accounts. Do you know how they do?
With that said, you are trying to bring attention to TWO threads made on the WoW forums. TWO threads made by a few people, and posted on by a few people. And there is more - only ONE server is supposivly listed as having "population problems" by these few people. So a question for YOU: What other server should be merged with it????
Since you feel this one server must be merged, and is having problems (just because a few people want it) then according to you Quinqu all the other WoW servers are doing fine - since no threads about them having population problems has been found by you.
You need another server with poblems in order to have a "server merge".
Well check this
at this time i count 50 servers with low pops that not one server with problems like you say.
and if you check on this thread
people complaining about several servers with low pops not only one like you say.
The sad part about this post is you've absolutely no idea how the site actually works and thus go on to assume that because you don't, it's obviously rubbish.
Ignorance at it's best.
What is this? This is a graphical display of data submitted from the Warcraft CensusPlus UI Mod. The collected World of Warcraft Census information gives a general view of server, faction and overall population trends. Only characters level 10 and up that have been seen in the past 30 days are included in this data.
How can YOU help? By taking a census of your own server using the CensusPlus UI Mod and submitting the data here! The more data we get, the more accurate and current this display becomes!
That is how they say it works. But it still includes characters from accounts that are not active and also includes all the characters so the numbers could be super inflated since it counts each alt character as a seperate member of the population. It does this by including every character found on your guild list. Whether you see them ingame or not it will include them until they are no longer on your guild list. My friend was in the same guild on Coilfang and I was. He stopped playing at the same time as I did, the difference I had played with these guys on Lethon before so when I stopped playing they kept me in the guild, when he stopped playing they removed him. He no longer shows up on but my characters still do.
I love that it states only characters 10 and up and within the last 30 days, since my characters haven't been played since January and are still listed. It also lists my rogue on elune which I have since transferred to another server, but it is still listed on elune. It also lists the same character on Trollbane which is where I transferred too. So yes their numbers are complete rubbish.
Here are the last official numbers listed by Blizzard -
(this is from their Jan 2007 press release found here
Prior to the launch of The Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft was played by more than 8 million players around the world -- with more than 2 million on North American realms and more than 1.5 million on European realms -- making it the most successful subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game in PC-gaming history.
So yes Warcraftrealms, with their over 4 million characters listed, numbers are complete and totally not reliable.
I missed this post.
Dead on.
The short description. It's a glorified /who.
Edit: Just wanted to say that I don't believe any company when they state how many subs they have. I'm more inclined to believe that 8.5 million have TRIED WoW world wide, but I don't believe that they have 8.5 active subs.
That's why game developers SHOULD NOT listen to players whining.
They whine and whine they want new servers every few months so they can get "fresh starts" with their friends, then they whine and whine that servers need to be merged because not enough players on their server.
Players don't know shit
With that said, you are trying to bring attention to TWO threads made on the WoW forums. TWO threads made by a few people, and posted on by a few people. And there is more - only ONE server is supposivly listed as having "population problems" by these few people. So a question for YOU: What other server should be merged with it????
Since you feel this one server must be merged, and is having problems (just because a few people want it) then according to you Quinqu all the other WoW servers are doing fine - since no threads about them having population problems has been found by you.
You need another server with poblems in order to have a "server merge".
Well check this
at this time i count 50 servers with low pops that not one server with problems like you say.
and if you check on this thread
people complaining about several servers with low pops not only one like you say.
We are 4 hours away from the prime time, go to warcraft realm status at 21h at weekends and you will see 15 servers low, and thous servers have less than 1 year.
In a few days we will see Blizzard anouncing 9M subs to WoW.
I work at a game store, and WoW is the best seling pc game on my store, 2 years after relese, only at my store i see many new players starting WoW day after day. And there are so many game stors all over the world.
""Edit: Just wanted to say that I don't believe any company when they state how many subs they have. I'm more inclined to believe that 8.5 million have TRIED WoW world wide, but I don't believe that they have 8.5 active subs""
Isnt Vivendi a public company? IE has shares? Therefore having Blizzard lie about subscriber numbers (which they state are active subscriptions or in the case of Chinese people who used their accounts in the lsat 2 weeks or something) would be highly illegal?
So you would believe they would do something highly illegal instead of just telling it how it is?
Just curious.
"8.5 have tried wow"
Why dont you spend a bit of your time looking at reports befor you post
Blizzard anounced 8M, 2M US, 1.5M EU, 3.5M China , rest Korea
1 month later BC comes to stores in US/Eu and in the first 24h they sell 2.4M (ofc flamers here started posts saing they only sold 2.4M and they have 3.5M players, that many people left the game)
1 month later Blizzard anounces 3.5M BC boxes sold and 8.5M subscribers. 1.6M Eu (more 100k than active players on last report), 1.9M US + 500k subs total (please tell me other 2 years old game that gets 500k players in 1 month)
Everyday i sell many BC copies, so there are many players that dont have BC atm and will buy it in a near future, i belive this numbers will get bigger
"8.5 have tried wow"
Why dont you spend a bit of your time looking at reports befor you post
Blizzard anounced 8M, 2M US, 1.5M EU, 3.5M China , rest Korea
1 month later BC comes to stores in US/Eu and in the first 24h they sell 2.4M (ofc flamers here started posts saing they only sold 2.4M and they have 3.5M players, that many people left the game)
1 month later Blizzard anounces 3.5M BC boxes sold and 8.5M subscribers. 1.6M Eu (more 100k than active players on last report), 1.9M US + 500k subs total
Everyday i sell many BC copies, so there are many players that dont have BC atm and will buy it in a near future, i belive this numbers will get bigger
errr I actually grabbed that 8.5 tried WoW" from just above my post, I didnt say it.
I said blizzard announces 8.5M SUBSCRIBERS just as you do.
Seems you misread my post.
"8.5 have tried wow"
Why dont you spend a bit of your time looking at reports befor you post
Blizzard anounced 8M, 2M US, 1.5M EU, 3.5M China , rest Korea
1 month later BC comes to stores in US/Eu and in the first 24h they sell 2.4M (ofc flamers here started posts saing they only sold 2.4M and they have 3.5M players, that many people left the game)
1 month later Blizzard anounces 3.5M BC boxes sold and 8.5M subscribers. 1.6M Eu (more 100k than active players on last report), 1.9M US + 500k subs total
Everyday i sell many BC copies, so there are many players that dont have BC atm and will buy it in a near future, i belive this numbers will get bigger
errr I actually grabbed that 8.5 tried WoW" from just above my post, I didnt say it.
I said blizzard announces 8.5M SUBSCRIBERS just as you do.
Seems you misread my post.
World of Warcraft's Subscriber Definition
World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees' territories are defined along the same rules.
PS. I am an EVE Online fan boy, i dont play WoW, but i cant stand people flaming a good game just because they are jealous, that WoW have more subs than their game, or WoW have killed their game, or taken their friends.We are talikig about games... ...Life Goes On
"8.5 have tried wow"
Why dont you spend a bit of your time looking at reports befor you post
Blizzard anounced 8M, 2M US, 1.5M EU, 3.5M China , rest Korea
1 month later BC comes to stores in US/Eu and in the first 24h they sell 2.4M (ofc flamers here started posts saing they only sold 2.4M and they have 3.5M players, that many people left the game)
1 month later Blizzard anounces 3.5M BC boxes sold and 8.5M subscribers. 1.6M Eu (more 100k than active players on last report), 1.9M US + 500k subs total
Everyday i sell many BC copies, so there are many players that dont have BC atm and will buy it in a near future, i belive this numbers will get bigger
errr I actually grabbed that 8.5 tried WoW" from just above my post, I didnt say it.
I said blizzard announces 8.5M SUBSCRIBERS just as you do.
Seems you misread my post.
World of Warcraft's Subscriber Definition
World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees' territories are defined along the same rules.
PS. I am an EVE Online fan boy, i dont play WoW, but i cant stand people flaming a good game just because they are jealous, that WoW have more subs than their game, or WoW have killed their game, or taken their friends.We are talikig about games... ...Life Goes On lol funny, i don't play any game at all so you can't call me fanboi.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon