I don't like fat ppl and have no sympathy for them. :-| I don't make fun of them, but still. All they have to do to be an almost normal weight is walk a mile a day. They don't have to diet, they don't have to exercise, they can just walk and they won't go over 250lbs. Don't give me the BS that they have glandular issues or what not, because America is the fattest country in the world. That's just an out. I have a buddy who was 350lbs 2yrs ago. He started walking.... then he started running.... then he REALLY started running. Ate whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted.... he's 5'5" and weighs 160lbs now.
Pretty shallow thing you just said there my friend.
Karma's a bitch. Hope it doesnt hit you in the face with a large fry and a milkshake.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Hmm. I don't know. I wouldn't go out of my way to make fun of an obese individual, or really make fun of them privately. But I won't go out of my way to respect them either. Most human beings are expendable, and even the smartest are half-unconscious the majority of the time. I'm also not one of those people that's a jerk to everyone until they make some dramatic effort to "earn respect." Nope, I just look at other humans outside of my monkeysphere like bovine. Probably useful for something, but it doesn't require my involvement.
If an obese person can't respect themselves enough to focus on losing a pound a month (US FDA guidlines on healthy dieting is a pound a week), then I don't see any reason why anyone else should tiptoe around them. Emphasis on the around. If clubs or advocates standup to announce something like this, or encourage this condition, I would feel fine to openly subject their followers to mockery. The only general reasons why obesity is common is that from an industry perspective, the most calorie-rich foods are generally the lowest priced. Also, from a biological perspective, the human species has not had a lot of time to adapt to the profusion of the availability of refined sugars. The density, profundity and ease of access with which they exist is virtually unknown in Nature. I'm told most of us would instinctively regurgitate coca-cola products due to the quantity of concentrated sugars were it not for the phosphoric acid. Charming.
If there's karma involved, I'm sure it has plenty of kismet to dish around to everyone involved. In terms of practicality, I suppose eating oneself to death is perhaps the most palatable of suicides. Then again, who really respects suicides?
No-one in this thread seems to have mentionedthat weight vs weight ratio isn't so much a viable method of calculating obesity anymore. It's easier to calculate one's lifestyle / dietry habits by his/her bodyfat percentage.
No-one in this thread seems to have mentionedthat weight vs weight ratio isn't so much a viable method of calculating obesity anymore. It's easier to calculate one's lifestyle / dietry habits by his/her bodyfat percentage.
I touched on it...as I said, I am 6'2'' and weigh 230 pounds, but I am by no means fat...but according to those stupid charts that people base obesity on, I'm borderline morbidly obese.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
As a matter of fact, I do in fact have thyroid problems. If you read my above posts, pretty much everyone on my dad's side has the same problem and some are fat and some arent. What does asthma have to do with anything? I know plenty of kids with asthma who are in excellent shape. My mom has bad joints and bad arthritis (sp?) yet she stays in shape. Obesity comes from a poor diet and a lifestyle that doesnt involve moving (which is common in this country). Fact is, no one gets obese by eating 2,000 calories a day. I once read a statistic that the average American barbeque sees people eating up to and sometimes in excess of 14,000 calories. No wonder you are fat when you are eating 7 times what you need to eat in one day in one meal. Ask any fat person to keep a record of what they eat for a month. Then read it. I seriously doubt their meals consist of healthy food, and if they do, then they are eating way too much. If they eating 2,000 calories and exercising and they are still fat... okay. But rare is the fat person who does that.
My point is that some people have a lot more trouble losing weight and staying in shape than others and unless you know about the individual and maybe how much more work they have to do and less food they have to eat than you do to keep in shape, you're in no position to judge someone for being overweight.
Rare it may be, but some people do try to do what exercise they can, and eat less than 2000 calories a day and still have trouble losing weight. Some people try very hard for a long time to lose weight, and find that the trying and failing is so bad psychologically for them that it's actually easier just to be overweight and just try to live a normal life that way.
Perhaps it is better for these people that we laugh at them and consider them to be less than us, and try to make them feel bad and tell them it's all their own fault and they only have themselves to blame. Well why not? Clearly we're helping them by putting them in their place and at the same time it's good for us because it's always nice to feel like you're better than somebody else.
Originally posted by gnomexxx Originally posted by nakedone
Originally posted by gnomexxx
Originally posted by nakedone Screw'em. I bet he checks out a fat people scooter at the store when he goes shopping too. He deserves it. I would have jiggled his tits when I walked out. But that's how I do things.
Yeah, and you're the same guy that said this a while back... "We don't discriminate. Every non-white non-protestant and homo has a chance of being dragged from my bumper." <--NakedOne Sorry to dig that up on you, but it just really stuck in my head that someone could ever write such a thing. Was I bashing liberals again? Is that what you were trying to do?
Well, you missed your target on that one and instead ended up bashing yourself.
Wait, it needs to be more evil or I won't make eny sence at all. Stop saying that fat people have problems with their weight. They are fat-as*es because their mum and dad gave them to much damn food when they were young. Kill ur parents if ur so unhappy with ur body then. Secondly, you can tell a skinny guy 'damn dude, you really need to gain weight. that looks kinda creepy tbh!" Saying "damn ur fat dawg!" will prolly have you killed on sight. It's all the same, upwards and downwards, fat people are ugly and distgusting compared to skinny ppl so I guess it's OK, for my part, to be called skinny. Don't feel bad for making fun of that fat guy, he's probably gonna work on his appearance from now on. Right on, brother
So me and 3 of my other friends went into Burger king for a quick bite to eat when we saw this fat guy who was around our age and his parents sitting their eating. We were all laughing at him and what not and when we had our backs towards him we were making piggy noises and such and we can see him getting upset it was hilarious.
As a matter of fact, I do in fact have thyroid problems. If you read my above posts, pretty much everyone on my dad's side has the same problem and some are fat and some arent. What does asthma have to do with anything? I know plenty of kids with asthma who are in excellent shape. My mom has bad joints and bad arthritis (sp?) yet she stays in shape. Obesity comes from a poor diet and a lifestyle that doesnt involve moving (which is common in this country). Fact is, no one gets obese by eating 2,000 calories a day. I once read a statistic that the average American barbeque sees people eating up to and sometimes in excess of 14,000 calories. No wonder you are fat when you are eating 7 times what you need to eat in one day in one meal. Ask any fat person to keep a record of what they eat for a month. Then read it. I seriously doubt their meals consist of healthy food, and if they do, then they are eating way too much. If they eating 2,000 calories and exercising and they are still fat... okay. But rare is the fat person who does that.
My point is that some people have a lot more trouble losing weight and staying in shape than others and unless you know about the individual and maybe how much more work they have to do and less food they have to eat than you do to keep in shape, you're in no position to judge someone for being overweight.
Rare it may be, but some people do try to do what exercise they can, and eat less than 2000 calories a day and still have trouble losing weight. Some people try very hard for a long time to lose weight, and find that the trying and failing is so bad psychologically for them that it's actually easier just to be overweight and just try to live a normal life that way.
Perhaps it is better for these people that we laugh at them and consider them to be less than us, and try to make them feel bad and tell them it's all their own fault and they only have themselves to blame. Well why not? Clearly we're helping them by putting them in their place and at the same time it's good for us because it's always nice to feel like you're better than somebody else.
All the weight you gain enters your body through the mouth.
I don't care if you are taking steroids to gain weight, or if your metabolism is slower than everyone elses.
It doesn't matter how many calories other people can eat without gaining weight. It's your body, no one elses.
There is no opt out, if you are fat, you can become thin by eating less. This is 100% true in all cases.
Everybody in life gets laughed at. If you are fat and people laugh at you for being fat, it's not like you can't change it. Dwarfs, the limbless. the mentally disabled, baldies, (gingers) they can't. They have to live with it.
So me and 3 of my other friends went into Burger king for a quick bite to eat when we saw this fat guy who was around our age and his parents sitting their eating. We were all laughing at him and what not and when we had our backs towards him we were making piggy noises and such and we can see him getting upset it was hilarious.
Everybody in life gets laughed at. If you are fat and people laugh at you for being fat, it's not like you can't change it. Dwarfs, the limbless. the mentally disabled, baldies, (gingers) they can't. They have to live with it.
You forget about Clairol hair dyes. Some tragedies can be averted. For the rest, there's Myspace portraits and e-friends.
Many mental ailments can be treated if the sufferer would take the initiative to do something about it (particularly whiney manic depressives). If you feel bad about finding hilarity in another's disability laugh at their parents instead. Babies rendered retarded by drug and alcohol abuse during pregnancy are perfectly acceptable reasons to laugh at one's parental incompetence.
Feel free to throw eggs at Sociopaths. They're defective human beings that are a danger to people around them.
If you see a lower class individual acting like an asshole tell him so. Tell him he's shamed his parent and that his behavior mocks any sense of upwords mobility that his MIA father hoped he/she would take advantage of. Make sure to inform him that in the time spent muggin and thuggin he could have read a book, improved his english skills, and learned something that could have provided job opportunity but instead chose to act like a fool.
Where a chain that asks "What would Martin Luther King do?"
I'm fine with you making fun of a fat kid. Maybe he'll lose weight and stop being an insurance/medical burden to the rest of the people on the Nanny State social welfare doll. Maybe he'll take responsbility for his life instead of letting his eating addiction (if it exists) get the best of him. If for one hate sitting next to fat people on buses who are so obese they can't even bathe themselves properly. Why should everyone around these man-whales have to endure their inability to fit in confined spaces (ie hallways) and stomach their unwashed bodies?
I make fun of people all the time. No matter if they're fat or thin.
$OE lies list http://www.rlmmo.com/viewtopic.php?t=424&start=0 " And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
Pretty shallow thing you just said there my friend.
Karma's a bitch. Hope it doesnt hit you in the face with a large fry and a milkshake.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
If an obese person can't respect themselves enough to focus on losing a pound a month (US FDA guidlines on healthy dieting is a pound a week), then I don't see any reason why anyone else should tiptoe around them. Emphasis on the around. If clubs or advocates standup to announce something like this, or encourage this condition, I would feel fine to openly subject their followers to mockery. The only general reasons why obesity is common is that from an industry perspective, the most calorie-rich foods are generally the lowest priced. Also, from a biological perspective, the human species has not had a lot of time to adapt to the profusion of the availability of refined sugars. The density, profundity and ease of access with which they exist is virtually unknown in Nature. I'm told most of us would instinctively regurgitate coca-cola products due to the quantity of concentrated sugars were it not for the phosphoric acid. Charming.
If there's karma involved, I'm sure it has plenty of kismet to dish around to everyone involved. In terms of practicality, I suppose eating oneself to death is perhaps the most palatable of suicides. Then again, who really respects suicides?
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
My point is that some people have a lot more trouble losing weight and staying in shape than others and unless you know about the individual and maybe how much more work they have to do and less food they have to eat than you do to keep in shape, you're in no position to judge someone for being overweight.
Rare it may be, but some people do try to do what exercise they can, and eat less than 2000 calories a day and still have trouble losing weight. Some people try very hard for a long time to lose weight, and find that the trying and failing is so bad psychologically for them that it's actually easier just to be overweight and just try to live a normal life that way.
Perhaps it is better for these people that we laugh at them and consider them to be less than us, and try to make them feel bad and tell them it's all their own fault and they only have themselves to blame. Well why not? Clearly we're helping them by putting them in their place and at the same time it's good for us because it's always nice to feel like you're better than somebody else.
"We don't discriminate. Every non-white non-protestant and homo has a chance of being dragged from my bumper." <--NakedOne
Sorry to dig that up on you, but it just really stuck in my head that someone could ever write such a thing.
Was I bashing liberals again?
Is that what you were trying to do?
Well, you missed your target on that one and instead ended up bashing yourself.
How so o'defender of all that is gay?
Wait, it needs to be more evil or I won't make eny sence at all. Stop saying that fat people have problems with their weight. They are fat-as*es because their mum and dad gave them to much damn food when they were young. Kill ur parents if ur so unhappy with ur body then. Secondly, you can tell a skinny guy 'damn dude, you really need to gain weight. that looks kinda creepy tbh!" Saying "damn ur fat dawg!" will prolly have you killed on sight. It's all the same, upwards and downwards, fat people are ugly and distgusting compared to skinny ppl so I guess it's OK, for my part, to be called skinny. Don't feel bad for making fun of that fat guy, he's probably gonna work on his appearance from now on. Right on, brother
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
My point is that some people have a lot more trouble losing weight and staying in shape than others and unless you know about the individual and maybe how much more work they have to do and less food they have to eat than you do to keep in shape, you're in no position to judge someone for being overweight.
Rare it may be, but some people do try to do what exercise they can, and eat less than 2000 calories a day and still have trouble losing weight. Some people try very hard for a long time to lose weight, and find that the trying and failing is so bad psychologically for them that it's actually easier just to be overweight and just try to live a normal life that way.
Perhaps it is better for these people that we laugh at them and consider them to be less than us, and try to make them feel bad and tell them it's all their own fault and they only have themselves to blame. Well why not? Clearly we're helping them by putting them in their place and at the same time it's good for us because it's always nice to feel like you're better than somebody else.
All the weight you gain enters your body through the mouth.
I don't care if you are taking steroids to gain weight, or if your metabolism is slower than everyone elses.
It doesn't matter how many calories other people can eat without gaining weight. It's your body, no one elses.
There is no opt out, if you are fat, you can become thin by eating less. This is 100% true in all cases.
Everybody in life gets laughed at. If you are fat and people laugh at you for being fat, it's not like you can't change it. Dwarfs, the limbless. the mentally disabled, baldies, (gingers) they can't. They have to live with it.
Fat people choose to.
This might sound harsh but that little girl is already dead, its just a matter of time.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Feel free to throw eggs at Sociopaths. They're defective human beings that are a danger to people around them.
If you see a lower class individual acting like an asshole tell him so. Tell him he's shamed his parent and that his behavior mocks any sense of upwords mobility that his MIA father hoped he/she would take advantage of. Make sure to inform him that in the time spent muggin and thuggin he could have read a book, improved his english skills, and learned something that could have provided job opportunity but instead chose to act like a fool.
Where a chain that asks "What would Martin Luther King do?"
I'm fine with you making fun of a fat kid. Maybe he'll lose weight and stop being an insurance/medical burden to the rest of the people on the Nanny State social welfare doll. Maybe he'll take responsbility for his life instead of letting his eating addiction (if it exists) get the best of him. If for one hate sitting next to fat people on buses who are so obese they can't even bathe themselves properly. Why should everyone around these man-whales have to endure their inability to fit in confined spaces (ie hallways) and stomach their unwashed bodies?
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "