Just curious about this given funcoms widely known rep as a greedy company who half ass does everything and lies to there customers do you have faith they will be any different for AoC?
I played Ao for a number of years I am fully aware of how funcom works and how they handle there player base and have handled there player base for years.I have heard lie after lie after lie told to there customers,I have seen expansion packs released like AI with the main feature of the expansion pack(player shops) not even added into the game till 6 months after ppl paid them for the expansion.
Just curious to you AoC fans if you really think given Funcom's track record that they will somehow manage to do this game right and actually treat there customers better than they have the last 6 years.
I understand where your coming from really i do.I played AO from launch mind you for 1.5 years.But really this whole "greedy company" thing is a bit over the top.As far as telling lies goes im not so sure about that either.
Hell man you just talked about EVERY developer of an mmo.The WANT you to play their game and they want you to play ONLY their game so they will say most anything.
I mean look at some of the recent releases.VG springs to mind immediatley.From what ive read they already have something like 150k subs.What happened to all the people who said if SOE had anything to do with it they wouldnt touch it?
I think FC will make a fine product.I also think that players build up in their own minds that it will be the "ultimate mmo".
Just curious about this given funcoms widely known rep as a greedy company who half ass does everything and lies to there customers do you have faith they will be any different for AoC?
I played Ao for a number of years I am fully aware of how funcom works and how they handle there player base and have handled there player base for years.I have heard lie after lie after lie told to there customers,I have seen expansion packs released like AI with the main feature of the expansion pack(player shops) not even added into the game till 6 months after ppl paid them for the expansion.
Just curious to you AoC fans if you really think given Funcom's track record that they will somehow manage to do this game right and actually treat there customers better than they have the last 6 years.
You are of course free to pass on any Funcom products, no worries about that. But out in the real world, except for the really chaotic launch, AO has one of the best reputations on the MMO market. It is THE one game of ALL MMOs that can claim to be the next step in evolution of MMOs (EVE as well, but that is shipbased), that actually did something more than just a bland copy of EQ. Funcom has tons of respect among developers and players alike, and that you cry over some microscopic pet peeve you and you alone whine about does not change the real world.
Both game designers and player audience are extremly curious what Funcom will add to the genre this time. So yes... Please, stay away. Its all up to you, and I really think some dork that want to cry before he even knows what he cries about would just help the game a lot by not being anywhere near it.
May I suggest Vanguard for you? You should fit in perfectly with those people. Bye bye, now.
Thanks for most being adult enough to answer and reply with there opion unlike the one quoted above here. To you Harafnir Fanboi much? You think I and only me have this opion of Funcom? Guess again.Want me to start listing all the problems funcom as a company did and continues to do to it's paying customers and wonder why I would ask such a question?
Good job on the personal insults though it really makes your opion carry weight. I played and probly know 10000x more about AO and Funcom as a company on your best day,I was there from day 1 release for alot of years notice in my question/post I did not say AO was a bad game or a unfun game.I said Funcom was a greedy company who lie prove to me I am wrong I can back my opions up with fact atleast unlike you who has to try to insult to make a post seem relevant.
Fact: Alien Invasion was released to stores with player shops splattered all over the box as a feature. Fact it took them 6 months AFTER people had paid them to actually put them in game.You do not consider that case alone being A.Greedy and B.Lying? If not perhaps you should pick up a dictionary along with AoC and read up on it might help with your broken english skills also.
And yes I am sure gamers are chewing at the bit to see what ground breaking earth shattering things Funcom will bring to the genre this time....Ao was innovative in alot of things I will give you that does not change the fact that due to a poor launch,poor customer service,laggy servers which they still have to this day,slow on bug fixes and list goes on and on that AO was a flop compared to what it should have been.I look forward to when Aoc releases so I can come back here and bump your post.
Thanks for most being adult enough to answer and reply with there opion unlike the one quoted above here. To you Harafnir Fanboi much? You think I and only me have this opion of Funcom? Guess again.Want me to start listing all the problems funcom as a company did and continues to do to it's paying customers and wonder why I would ask such a question?
Good job on the personal insults though it really makes your opion carry weight. I played and probly know 10000x more about AO and Funcom as a company on your best day,I was there from day 1 release for alot of years notice in my question/post I did not say AO was a bad game or a unfun game.I said Funcom was a greedy company who lie prove to me I am wrong I can back my opions up with fact atleast unlike you who has to try to insult to make a post seem relevant.
Fact: Alien Invasion was released to stores with player shops splattered all over the box as a feature. Fact it took them 6 months AFTER people had paid them to actually put them in game.You do not consider that case alone being A.Greedy and B.Lying? If not perhaps you should pick up a dictionary along with AoC and read up on it might help with your broken english skills also.
And yes I am sure gamers are chewing at the bit to see what ground breaking earth shattering things Funcom will bring to the genre this time....Ao was innovative in alot of things I will give you that does not change the fact that due to a poor launch,poor customer service,laggy servers which they still have to this day,slow on bug fixes and list goes on and on that AO was a flop compared to what it should have been.I look forward to when Aoc releases so I can come back here and bump your post.
A.) Congratulations on your opinion, no you are not the only one to hold it, but you are among an extreme minority of players that know Funcom's business. I wonder why?
B.) Fix your own English before commenting on someone else's.
C.) Alien Invasion came with plenty of warnings to prospective buyers, they knew, or should have known, that not all features had been implemented yet. Funcom was most likely counting on being able to add said player shops maybe a month later. The worst you can get out of this is incompetance among the dev team responsible for it. Said dev team happens to have nothing to do with AoC aside from company name.
D.) Come up with a single developing company that hasn't worked angles in order to get more money. There is no way you could convince me they are willing to do what SOE did to SWG, or worse, what "Loud Ant Software" has been and still is doing with Mourning.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. Hemingway
Now, while replying to my post, pretending ot be all mature and willing to discuss things, of course telling me how insults are childish... this is what he sent in the mail to me:
03/26/07 04:47
A swede no wonder it was such a retarded fucking reply you made you swedes are known for being dumb as fuckin rocks thanks for proving it. and drop me your big bad asses name in AO pal I will be happy to log in my char there in that pos buggy lag ass filled game and still kick the piss out of any gimp you could have. Piece of shit loses euro trash
Yeah... I feel really immature now. You got me, I am so abusive and you are such an innocent white lamb. My earlier reply still stands, you just proved my point. Yer a whiney little spoiled brat that dont know a good game company if it hits you with a shovel, and AoC will be better off without your constant crying. Have fun!!
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force"
I lost my MMo virginity to Ao. It will always have a place in my heart.
I learnt from the other MMos never to get a game at release you should wait 2-4 months. That is unless you have this 'need' to be some uber 'look at me I spend all my time on _____ and I am now top dawg' when you really need is some long therapy sessions.
Just curious about this given funcoms widely known rep as a greedy company who half ass does everything and lies to there customers do you have faith they will be any different for AoC?
I played Ao for a number of years I am fully aware of how funcom works and how they handle there player base and have handled there player base for years.I have heard lie after lie after lie told to there customers,I have seen expansion packs released like AI with the main feature of the expansion pack(player shops) not even added into the game till 6 months after ppl paid them for the expansion.
Just curious to you AoC fans if you really think given Funcom's track record that they will somehow manage to do this game right and actually treat there customers better than they have the last 6 years.
Now, while replying to my post, pretending ot be all mature and willing to discuss things, of course telling me how insults are childish... this is what he sent in the mail to me:
03/26/07 04:47
A swede no wonder it was such a retarded fucking reply you made you swedes are known for being dumb as fuckin rocks thanks for proving it. and drop me your big bad asses name in AO pal I will be happy to log in my char there in that pos buggy lag ass filled game and still kick the piss out of any gimp you could have. Piece of shit loses euro trash
Yeah... I feel really immature now. You got me, I am so abusive and you are such an innocent white lamb. My earlier reply still stands, you just proved my point. Yer a whiney little spoiled brat that dont know a good game company if it hits you with a shovel, and AoC will be better off without your constant crying. Have fun!!
Harafnir, I hope you reported that idiot to Admin. We don't need racist assholes like that here in these forums, either.
It is people like that, that make forum communities look like shit. In this case though I expect the AoC community to pull together and get this asshat off the board.
Funcom greedy? Wait wait wait, aren't they the only company with a 'good' free MMOG? Practicly all others are poorly crafted, incomplete, terribly designed, content light and buggy as hell. You can play AO for years without them asking for a cent. On top of that providing customer support and such amenities as that, for free!?!? Course if you want to ugprade to the full package it costs pennies on the dolor compared to buying WoW & it's expansion (I spent $45 on that POS. The price of a full game. I should have known better.)
AO has been buggy and laggy since it came out, and the same things that were wrong when you had to pay to play it are wrong now. They've all been listed here and there.
Content light and buggy as hell is exactly the choice of words that I would choose for AO honestly. No offense.
I mean randomly generated missions provide the majority of questing content? That's what I would definitley call content light. And you can have the best computer that exists and you still get lag when no one's around.
I liked the game a lot back when I could say "They'll fix that, no worries." When I went back and tried it again when it was free and the same things were still unfixed, I knew they were going to remain that way.
I'm just hoping that they are going to fix the things that were wrong with AO in AoC, and hopefully the things that I've seen pop up that I"ve only seen in AO are going to go away. I'd really like to play the game, but if mobs are going to slide up to me and not even appear to be walking, I think it will be an eyesore on the background of the lush and amazingly done surroundings.
--------------------------------------------- I live to fight, and fight to live.
I only started playing AO recently. Years ago, when it first came out, I tried to play it and it wouldn't even run. A year or two passed and I tried again and the thing was a buggy nightmare. But this time when I tried AO's free trial about 6-7 months ago, I was amazed at the changes. AO is now really a fun time. Plenty to do. Good expansions. Few bugs. Few latency problems. Even got help from an ARK then GM to resolve a problem I was having with a mission. I've had a good experience with AO and plan to keep playing it for awhile. OK, it's not pre-CU SWG. Nothing is. But it's definitely a good value and, in fact, generates in me the exact opposite reaction to the original poster. Based on my experience with AO and Funcom, I'm looking forward to Conan.
As for "content", yes, froobs are pretty much set with the mission terms and a few static "dungeons" (TotW, Foreman's, CoH, IS, Smuggler's Cove) but, even so, there's plenty to do. With the SL expansion, they've worked on questing a bit more and have been adding missions with each update. OK, SL is a bit too fantasy/necromancerish for my tastes and I have to grit my teeth every time I head in there. But AI and LE provide me with lots of alien fun. And if I can ever get a coherent explanation of what I'm supposed to do with the Towers stuf, I imagine the PvP is decent too. I'm still looking forward to a foray into the PvP of the new Battlestations. All in all, I think the original poster hasn't played in awhile and is remembering earlier times, or just doesn't like the game. In either case, I'm encouraged by Funcom's work with AO to give Conan a try.
-- Xix "I know what you're thinking: 'Why, oh WHY, didn't I take the BLUE pill?'"
I look forward to when Aoc releases so I can come back here and bump your post.
Let me get this straight, you're going to wait approximately 7 months then come back here and drag this topic out of the woodwork to show up some random person you've never met? Forget the game, the company, and the Internet as a whole and get a fucking life.
Just curious about this given funcoms widely known rep as a greedy company who half ass does everything and lies to there customers do you have faith they will be any different for AoC?
I played Ao for a number of years I am fully aware of how funcom works and how they handle there player base and have handled there player base for years.I have heard lie after lie after lie told to there customers,I have seen expansion packs released like AI with the main feature of the expansion pack(player shops) not even added into the game till 6 months after ppl paid them for the expansion.
Just curious to you AoC fans if you really think given Funcom's track record that they will somehow manage to do this game right and actually treat there customers better than they have the last 6 years.
Originally posted by rznkain Do you really trust *blank* to make a good game after *blank*?
Just curious about this given *blanks*s widely known rep as a greedy company who half ass does everything and lies to there customers do you have faith they will be any different for *blank*?
No disrespect to the intended to the original poster! I read the topic and then his post and realized you could pretty much fill in the name of any developer/publisher and any game and make those sentences valid these days.
That pretty much leave you with two choices.
You can take the high road and say forgive and forget and hoped they learned something from their mistakes and will do better in the future.
You can take my road and say I don't trust anybody anymore when it comes to video games and if I don't beta test it myself or get a demo, screw it. And also be ready to walk away no questions asked when a game that WAS good gets messed up by those running it.
AmazingAveryAge of Conan AdvocateMemberUncommonPosts: 7,188
Originally posted by rznkain
Originally posted by Harafnir
Originally posted by rznkain
Just curious about this given funcoms widely known rep as a greedy company who half ass does everything and lies to there customers do you have faith they will be any different for AoC?
I played Ao for a number of years I am fully aware of how funcom works and how they handle there player base and have handled there player base for years.I have heard lie after lie after lie told to there customers,I have seen expansion packs released like AI with the main feature of the expansion pack(player shops) not even added into the game till 6 months after ppl paid them for the expansion.
Just curious to you AoC fans if you really think given Funcom's track record that they will somehow manage to do this game right and actually treat there customers better than they have the last 6 years.
You are of course free to pass on any Funcom products, no worries about that. But out in the real world, except for the really chaotic launch, AO has one of the best reputations on the MMO market. It is THE one game of ALL MMOs that can claim to be the next step in evolution of MMOs (EVE as well, but that is shipbased), that actually did something more than just a bland copy of EQ. Funcom has tons of respect among developers and players alike, and that you cry over some microscopic pet peeve you and you alone whine about does not change the real world.
Both game designers and player audience are extremly curious what Funcom will add to the genre this time. So yes... Please, stay away. Its all up to you, and I really think some dork that want to cry before he even knows what he cries about would just help the game a lot by not being anywhere near it.
May I suggest Vanguard for you? You should fit in perfectly with those people. Bye bye, now.
Thanks for most being adult enough to answer and reply with there opion unlike the one quoted above here. To you Harafnir Fanboi much? You think I and only me have this opion of Funcom? Guess again.Want me to start listing all the problems funcom as a company did and continues to do to it's paying customers and wonder why I would ask such a question?
Good job on the personal insults though it really makes your opion carry weight. I played and probly know 10000x more about AO and Funcom as a company on your best day,I was there from day 1 release for alot of years notice in my question/post I did not say AO was a bad game or a unfun game.I said Funcom was a greedy company who lie prove to me I am wrong I can back my opions up with fact atleast unlike you who has to try to insult to make a post seem relevant.
Fact: Alien Invasion was released to stores with player shops splattered all over the box as a feature. Fact it took them 6 months AFTER people had paid them to actually put them in game.You do not consider that case alone being A.Greedy and B.Lying? If not perhaps you should pick up a dictionary along with AoC and read up on it might help with your broken english skills also.
And yes I am sure gamers are chewing at the bit to see what ground breaking earth shattering things Funcom will bring to the genre this time....Ao was innovative in alot of things I will give you that does not change the fact that due to a poor launch,poor customer service,laggy servers which they still have to this day,slow on bug fixes and list goes on and on that AO was a flop compared to what it should have been.I look forward to when Aoc releases so I can come back here and bump your post.
Rznkain what a nub!
A swede no wonder it was such a retarded fucking reply you made you swedes are known for being dumb as fuckin rocks thanks for proving it. and drop me your big bad asses name in AO pal I will be happy to log in my char there in that pos buggy lag ass filled game and still kick the piss out of any gimp you could have. Piece of shit loses euro trash
Just curious about this given funcoms widely known rep as a greedy company who half ass does everything and lies to there customers do you have faith they will be any different for AoC?
I played Ao for a number of years I am fully aware of how funcom works and how they handle there player base and have handled there player base for years.I have heard lie after lie after lie told to there customers,I have seen expansion packs released like AI with the main feature of the expansion pack(player shops) not even added into the game till 6 months after ppl paid them for the expansion.
Just curious to you AoC fans if you really think given Funcom's track record that they will somehow manage to do this game right and actually treat there customers better than they have the last 6 years.
You are of course free to pass on any Funcom products, no worries about that. But out in the real world, except for the really chaotic launch, AO has one of the best reputations on the MMO market. It is THE one game of ALL MMOs that can claim to be the next step in evolution of MMOs (EVE as well, but that is shipbased), that actually did something more than just a bland copy of EQ. Funcom has tons of respect among developers and players alike, and that you cry over some microscopic pet peeve you and you alone whine about does not change the real world.
Both game designers and player audience are extremly curious what Funcom will add to the genre this time. So yes... Please, stay away. Its all up to you, and I really think some dork that want to cry before he even knows what he cries about would just help the game a lot by not being anywhere near it.
May I suggest Vanguard for you? You should fit in perfectly with those people. Bye bye, now.
Thanks for most being adult enough to answer and reply with there opion unlike the one quoted above here. To you Harafnir Fanboi much? You think I and only me have this opion of Funcom? Guess again.Want me to start listing all the problems funcom as a company did and continues to do to it's paying customers and wonder why I would ask such a question?
Good job on the personal insults though it really makes your opion carry weight. I played and probly know 10000x more about AO and Funcom as a company on your best day,I was there from day 1 release for alot of years notice in my question/post I did not say AO was a bad game or a unfun game.I said Funcom was a greedy company who lie prove to me I am wrong I can back my opions up with fact atleast unlike you who has to try to insult to make a post seem relevant.
Fact: Alien Invasion was released to stores with player shops splattered all over the box as a feature. Fact it took them 6 months AFTER people had paid them to actually put them in game.You do not consider that case alone being A.Greedy and B.Lying? If not perhaps you should pick up a dictionary along with AoC and read up on it might help with your broken english skills also.
And yes I am sure gamers are chewing at the bit to see what ground breaking earth shattering things Funcom will bring to the genre this time....Ao was innovative in alot of things I will give you that does not change the fact that due to a poor launch,poor customer service,laggy servers which they still have to this day,slow on bug fixes and list goes on and on that AO was a flop compared to what it should have been.I look forward to when Aoc releases so I can come back here and bump your post.
Rznkain what a nub!
A swede no wonder it was such a retarded fucking reply you made you swedes are known for being dumb as fuckin rocks thanks for proving it. and drop me your big bad asses name in AO pal I will be happy to log in my char there in that pos buggy lag ass filled game and still kick the piss out of any gimp you could have. Piece of shit loses euro trash
You do realise what an asshole you look like?
First,Rznkain is from USA
Second,to generalize all swedes and call them dumb f**ks makes YOU look like an asshole
Just curious about this given funcoms widely known rep as a greedy company who half ass does everything and lies to there customers do you have faith they will be any different for AoC?
I played Ao for a number of years I am fully aware of how funcom works and how they handle there player base and have handled there player base for years.I have heard lie after lie after lie told to there customers,I have seen expansion packs released like AI with the main feature of the expansion pack(player shops) not even added into the game till 6 months after ppl paid them for the expansion.
Just curious to you AoC fans if you really think given Funcom's track record that they will somehow manage to do this game right and actually treat there customers better than they have the last 6 years.
You are of course free to pass on any Funcom products, no worries about that. But out in the real world, except for the really chaotic launch, AO has one of the best reputations on the MMO market. It is THE one game of ALL MMOs that can claim to be the next step in evolution of MMOs (EVE as well, but that is shipbased), that actually did something more than just a bland copy of EQ. Funcom has tons of respect among developers and players alike, and that you cry over some microscopic pet peeve you and you alone whine about does not change the real world.
Both game designers and player audience are extremly curious what Funcom will add to the genre this time. So yes... Please, stay away. Its all up to you, and I really think some dork that want to cry before he even knows what he cries about would just help the game a lot by not being anywhere near it.
May I suggest Vanguard for you? You should fit in perfectly with those people. Bye bye, now.
Thanks for most being adult enough to answer and reply with there opion unlike the one quoted above here. To you Harafnir Fanboi much? You think I and only me have this opion of Funcom? Guess again.Want me to start listing all the problems funcom as a company did and continues to do to it's paying customers and wonder why I would ask such a question?
Good job on the personal insults though it really makes your opion carry weight. I played and probly know 10000x more about AO and Funcom as a company on your best day,I was there from day 1 release for alot of years notice in my question/post I did not say AO was a bad game or a unfun game.I said Funcom was a greedy company who lie prove to me I am wrong I can back my opions up with fact atleast unlike you who has to try to insult to make a post seem relevant.
Fact: Alien Invasion was released to stores with player shops splattered all over the box as a feature. Fact it took them 6 months AFTER people had paid them to actually put them in game.You do not consider that case alone being A.Greedy and B.Lying? If not perhaps you should pick up a dictionary along with AoC and read up on it might help with your broken english skills also.
And yes I am sure gamers are chewing at the bit to see what ground breaking earth shattering things Funcom will bring to the genre this time....Ao was innovative in alot of things I will give you that does not change the fact that due to a poor launch,poor customer service,laggy servers which they still have to this day,slow on bug fixes and list goes on and on that AO was a flop compared to what it should have been.I look forward to when Aoc releases so I can come back here and bump your post.
Rznkain what a nub!
A swede no wonder it was such a retarded fucking reply you made you swedes are known for being dumb as fuckin rocks thanks for proving it. and drop me your big bad asses name in AO pal I will be happy to log in my char there in that pos buggy lag ass filled game and still kick the piss out of any gimp you could have. Piece of shit loses euro trash
You do realise what an asshole you look like?
First,Rznkain is from USA
Second,to generalize all swedes and call them dumb f**ks makes YOU look like an asshole
Rznkain is the one who made the comment about Swedes. AA was quoting him and making reference to Rznkains comment. You may want to read the whole thread first, next time
Rznkain is the one who made the comment about Swedes. AA was quoting him and making reference to Rznkains comment. You may want to read the whole thread first, next time
Guess reading quotes in quotes in quotes and so on isn't my strong side
Funcom developed the most complete MMORPG I have ever played and I will always love them for that. But they also developed the most ridiculous and alien (when compared to the actually game) expansion I have every played in Shadowlands..
While I will never forget my time in AO, I also will never forget that these idiots came out with that horrible expansion that ran most of my friends and enemys off towards SWG and other titles.
Right now im on the fence with AOC. I love the concept and the fact that Funcom is behind it, but what I have seen so far does not really impress me. I look past all the 'pretty' screen shots and videos and look for glitches, warping, game mechanics, etc and im not terrible impressed. While I believe that the PVE will be very well done like in AO, I highly doubt they will be able to pull off these large scale PVP battles without major gamplay issues.
------------------------------ You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
and look for glitches, warping, game mechanics, etc and im not terrible impressed. While I believe that the PVE will be very well done like in AO, I highly doubt they will be able to pull off these large scale PVP battles without major gamplay issues.
It's hard to see glitches and whatnot when the game isn't out out yet,or what?
And concidering PvP,it's also hard to see when the game isnt out yet. DUH
Yeah the fanbois for Aoc are as bad as the ones in VG. You brang up a issue and you get flamed to death for it , but do you ever get a straight answer No ! I 'm looking forward to Aoc but I'm not stupid enough to fallow them blind. If they put out a good solid product for a good price i'll buy but do I Stay ... well thats up to them
Do not mistake Indifference for Hate. Nor Kindness for Weakness. for this is the Bane of Judgment !
and look for glitches, warping, game mechanics, etc and im not terrible impressed. While I believe that the PVE will be very well done like in AO, I highly doubt they will be able to pull off these large scale PVP battles without major gamplay issues.
It's hard to see glitches and whatnot when the game isn't out out yet,or what?
And concidering PvP,it's also hard to see when the game isnt out yet. DUH
Its easy to see glitches there turbo with all these ingame video's running around not to mention beta PVP leak...
I look forward to your "The game is still being developed" crap you or someone will spout off next.. Expecially when alot of the problems that have been exposed in those vidoes are the very same problems that have plagued Anarchy Online for years. But yeah im sure they will fix those before release just like the have done in AO, oh wait...
------------------------------ You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Hell man you just talked about EVERY developer of an mmo.The WANT you to play their game and they want you to play ONLY their game so they will say most anything.
I mean look at some of the recent releases.VG springs to mind immediatley.From what ive read they already have something like 150k subs.What happened to all the people who said if SOE had anything to do with it they wouldnt touch it?
I think FC will make a fine product.I also think that players build up in their own minds that it will be the "ultimate mmo".
What is your physical limit?
You are of course free to pass on any Funcom products, no worries about that. But out in the real world, except for the really chaotic launch, AO has one of the best reputations on the MMO market. It is THE one game of ALL MMOs that can claim to be the next step in evolution of MMOs (EVE as well, but that is shipbased), that actually did something more than just a bland copy of EQ. Funcom has tons of respect among developers and players alike, and that you cry over some microscopic pet peeve you and you alone whine about does not change the real world.
Both game designers and player audience are extremly curious what Funcom will add to the genre this time. So yes... Please, stay away. Its all up to you, and I really think some dork that want to cry before he even knows what he cries about would just help the game a lot by not being anywhere near it.
May I suggest Vanguard for you? You should fit in perfectly with those people. Bye bye, now.
Thanks for most being adult enough to answer and reply with there opion unlike the one quoted above here. To you Harafnir Fanboi much? You think I and only me have this opion of Funcom? Guess again.Want me to start listing all the problems funcom as a company did and continues to do to it's paying customers and wonder why I would ask such a question?
Good job on the personal insults though it really makes your opion carry weight. I played and probly know 10000x more about AO and Funcom as a company on your best day,I was there from day 1 release for alot of years notice in my question/post I did not say AO was a bad game or a unfun game.I said Funcom was a greedy company who lie prove to me I am wrong I can back my opions up with fact atleast unlike you who has to try to insult to make a post seem relevant.
Fact: Alien Invasion was released to stores with player shops splattered all over the box as a feature. Fact it took them 6 months AFTER people had paid them to actually put them in game.You do not consider that case alone being A.Greedy and B.Lying? If not perhaps you should pick up a dictionary along with AoC and read up on it might help with your broken english skills also.
And yes I am sure gamers are chewing at the bit to see what ground breaking earth shattering things Funcom will bring to the genre this time....Ao was innovative in alot of things I will give you that does not change the fact that due to a poor launch,poor customer service,laggy servers which they still have to this day,slow on bug fixes and list goes on and on that AO was a flop compared to what it should have been.I look forward to when Aoc releases so I can come back here and bump your post.
the only thing bad was teh graphics and the semi-frequent crashing
other then that it was a good game
now, people can change...unless of course they are $OE in which case, all hope is lost...
A.) Congratulations on your opinion, no you are not the only one to hold it, but you are among an extreme minority of players that know Funcom's business. I wonder why?
B.) Fix your own English before commenting on someone else's.
C.) Alien Invasion came with plenty of warnings to prospective buyers, they knew, or should have known, that not all features had been implemented yet. Funcom was most likely counting on being able to add said player shops maybe a month later. The worst you can get out of this is incompetance among the dev team responsible for it. Said dev team happens to have nothing to do with AoC aside from company name.
D.) Come up with a single developing company that hasn't worked angles in order to get more money. There is no way you could convince me they are willing to do what SOE did to SWG, or worse, what "Loud Ant Software" has been and still is doing with Mourning.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Now, while replying to my post, pretending ot be all mature and willing to discuss things, of course telling me how insults are childish... this is what he sent in the mail to me:
MMORPG.COM - Your headquarters for massive multiplayer online role-playing games!
Get your free @mmorpg.com e-mail address today! http://www.mmorpg.com
Yeah... I feel really immature now. You got me, I am so abusive and you are such an innocent white lamb. My earlier reply still stands, you just proved my point. Yer a whiney little spoiled brat that dont know a good game company if it hits you with a shovel, and AoC will be better off without your constant crying. Have fun!!
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
Hate much rznkain?
I lost my MMo virginity to Ao. It will always have a place in my heart.
I learnt from the other MMos never to get a game at release you should wait 2-4 months. That is unless you have this 'need' to be some uber 'look at me I spend all my time on _____ and I am now top dawg' when you really need is some long therapy sessions.
Funcom is a great company. AO is a great game.
Not sure what you're getting at.
Content light and buggy as hell is exactly the choice of words that I would choose for AO honestly. No offense.
I mean randomly generated missions provide the majority of questing content? That's what I would definitley call content light. And you can have the best computer that exists and you still get lag when no one's around.
I liked the game a lot back when I could say "They'll fix that, no worries." When I went back and tried it again when it was free and the same things were still unfixed, I knew they were going to remain that way.
I'm just hoping that they are going to fix the things that were wrong with AO in AoC, and hopefully the things that I've seen pop up that I"ve only seen in AO are going to go away. I'd really like to play the game, but if mobs are going to slide up to me and not even appear to be walking, I think it will be an eyesore on the background of the lush and amazingly done surroundings.
I live to fight, and fight to live.
I only started playing AO recently. Years ago, when it first came out, I tried to play it and it wouldn't even run. A year or two passed and I tried again and the thing was a buggy nightmare. But this time when I tried AO's free trial about 6-7 months ago, I was amazed at the changes. AO is now really a fun time. Plenty to do. Good expansions. Few bugs. Few latency problems. Even got help from an ARK then GM to resolve a problem I was having with a mission. I've had a good experience with AO and plan to keep playing it for awhile. OK, it's not pre-CU SWG. Nothing is. But it's definitely a good value and, in fact, generates in me the exact opposite reaction to the original poster. Based on my experience with AO and Funcom, I'm looking forward to Conan.
As for "content", yes, froobs are pretty much set with the mission terms and a few static "dungeons" (TotW, Foreman's, CoH, IS, Smuggler's Cove) but, even so, there's plenty to do. With the SL expansion, they've worked on questing a bit more and have been adding missions with each update. OK, SL is a bit too fantasy/necromancerish for my tastes and I have to grit my teeth every time I head in there. But AI and LE provide me with lots of alien fun. And if I can ever get a coherent explanation of what I'm supposed to do with the Towers stuf, I imagine the PvP is decent too. I'm still looking forward to a foray into the PvP of the new Battlestations. All in all, I think the original poster hasn't played in awhile and is remembering earlier times, or just doesn't like the game. In either case, I'm encouraged by Funcom's work with AO to give Conan a try.
-- Xix
"I know what you're thinking: 'Why, oh WHY, didn't I take the BLUE pill?'"
No disrespect to the intended to the original poster! I read the topic and then his post and realized you could pretty much fill in the name of any developer/publisher and any game and make those sentences valid these days.
That pretty much leave you with two choices.
You can take the high road and say forgive and forget and hoped they learned something from their mistakes and will do better in the future.
You can take my road and say I don't trust anybody anymore when it comes to video games and if I don't beta test it myself or get a demo, screw it. And also be ready to walk away no questions asked when a game that WAS good gets messed up by those running it.
You are of course free to pass on any Funcom products, no worries about that. But out in the real world, except for the really chaotic launch, AO has one of the best reputations on the MMO market. It is THE one game of ALL MMOs that can claim to be the next step in evolution of MMOs (EVE as well, but that is shipbased), that actually did something more than just a bland copy of EQ. Funcom has tons of respect among developers and players alike, and that you cry over some microscopic pet peeve you and you alone whine about does not change the real world.
Both game designers and player audience are extremly curious what Funcom will add to the genre this time. So yes... Please, stay away. Its all up to you, and I really think some dork that want to cry before he even knows what he cries about would just help the game a lot by not being anywhere near it.
May I suggest Vanguard for you? You should fit in perfectly with those people. Bye bye, now.
Thanks for most being adult enough to answer and reply with there opion unlike the one quoted above here. To you Harafnir Fanboi much? You think I and only me have this opion of Funcom? Guess again.Want me to start listing all the problems funcom as a company did and continues to do to it's paying customers and wonder why I would ask such a question?
Good job on the personal insults though it really makes your opion carry weight. I played and probly know 10000x more about AO and Funcom as a company on your best day,I was there from day 1 release for alot of years notice in my question/post I did not say AO was a bad game or a unfun game.I said Funcom was a greedy company who lie prove to me I am wrong I can back my opions up with fact atleast unlike you who has to try to insult to make a post seem relevant.
Fact: Alien Invasion was released to stores with player shops splattered all over the box as a feature. Fact it took them 6 months AFTER people had paid them to actually put them in game.You do not consider that case alone being A.Greedy and B.Lying? If not perhaps you should pick up a dictionary along with AoC and read up on it might help with your broken english skills also.
And yes I am sure gamers are chewing at the bit to see what ground breaking earth shattering things Funcom will bring to the genre this time....Ao was innovative in alot of things I will give you that does not change the fact that due to a poor launch,poor customer service,laggy servers which they still have to this day,slow on bug fixes and list goes on and on that AO was a flop compared to what it should have been.I look forward to when Aoc releases so I can come back here and bump your post.
Rznkain what a nub!
A swede no wonder it was such a retarded fucking reply you made you swedes are known for being dumb as fuckin rocks thanks for proving it. and drop me your big bad asses name in AO pal I will be happy to log in my char there in that pos buggy lag ass filled game and still kick the piss out of any gimp you could have. Piece of shit loses euro trash
You do realise what an asshole you look like?
You are of course free to pass on any Funcom products, no worries about that. But out in the real world, except for the really chaotic launch, AO has one of the best reputations on the MMO market. It is THE one game of ALL MMOs that can claim to be the next step in evolution of MMOs (EVE as well, but that is shipbased), that actually did something more than just a bland copy of EQ. Funcom has tons of respect among developers and players alike, and that you cry over some microscopic pet peeve you and you alone whine about does not change the real world.
Both game designers and player audience are extremly curious what Funcom will add to the genre this time. So yes... Please, stay away. Its all up to you, and I really think some dork that want to cry before he even knows what he cries about would just help the game a lot by not being anywhere near it.
May I suggest Vanguard for you? You should fit in perfectly with those people. Bye bye, now.
Thanks for most being adult enough to answer and reply with there opion unlike the one quoted above here. To you Harafnir Fanboi much? You think I and only me have this opion of Funcom? Guess again.Want me to start listing all the problems funcom as a company did and continues to do to it's paying customers and wonder why I would ask such a question?
Good job on the personal insults though it really makes your opion carry weight. I played and probly know 10000x more about AO and Funcom as a company on your best day,I was there from day 1 release for alot of years notice in my question/post I did not say AO was a bad game or a unfun game.I said Funcom was a greedy company who lie prove to me I am wrong I can back my opions up with fact atleast unlike you who has to try to insult to make a post seem relevant.
Fact: Alien Invasion was released to stores with player shops splattered all over the box as a feature. Fact it took them 6 months AFTER people had paid them to actually put them in game.You do not consider that case alone being A.Greedy and B.Lying? If not perhaps you should pick up a dictionary along with AoC and read up on it might help with your broken english skills also.
And yes I am sure gamers are chewing at the bit to see what ground breaking earth shattering things Funcom will bring to the genre this time....Ao was innovative in alot of things I will give you that does not change the fact that due to a poor launch,poor customer service,laggy servers which they still have to this day,slow on bug fixes and list goes on and on that AO was a flop compared to what it should have been.I look forward to when Aoc releases so I can come back here and bump your post.
Rznkain what a nub!
A swede no wonder it was such a retarded fucking reply you made you swedes are known for being dumb as fuckin rocks thanks for proving it. and drop me your big bad asses name in AO pal I will be happy to log in my char there in that pos buggy lag ass filled game and still kick the piss out of any gimp you could have. Piece of shit loses euro trash
You do realise what an asshole you look like?
First,Rznkain is from USA
Second,to generalize all swedes and call them dumb f**ks makes YOU look like an asshole
You are of course free to pass on any Funcom products, no worries about that. But out in the real world, except for the really chaotic launch, AO has one of the best reputations on the MMO market. It is THE one game of ALL MMOs that can claim to be the next step in evolution of MMOs (EVE as well, but that is shipbased), that actually did something more than just a bland copy of EQ. Funcom has tons of respect among developers and players alike, and that you cry over some microscopic pet peeve you and you alone whine about does not change the real world.
Both game designers and player audience are extremly curious what Funcom will add to the genre this time. So yes... Please, stay away. Its all up to you, and I really think some dork that want to cry before he even knows what he cries about would just help the game a lot by not being anywhere near it.
May I suggest Vanguard for you? You should fit in perfectly with those people. Bye bye, now.
Thanks for most being adult enough to answer and reply with there opion unlike the one quoted above here. To you Harafnir Fanboi much? You think I and only me have this opion of Funcom? Guess again.Want me to start listing all the problems funcom as a company did and continues to do to it's paying customers and wonder why I would ask such a question?
Good job on the personal insults though it really makes your opion carry weight. I played and probly know 10000x more about AO and Funcom as a company on your best day,I was there from day 1 release for alot of years notice in my question/post I did not say AO was a bad game or a unfun game.I said Funcom was a greedy company who lie prove to me I am wrong I can back my opions up with fact atleast unlike you who has to try to insult to make a post seem relevant.
Fact: Alien Invasion was released to stores with player shops splattered all over the box as a feature. Fact it took them 6 months AFTER people had paid them to actually put them in game.You do not consider that case alone being A.Greedy and B.Lying? If not perhaps you should pick up a dictionary along with AoC and read up on it might help with your broken english skills also.
And yes I am sure gamers are chewing at the bit to see what ground breaking earth shattering things Funcom will bring to the genre this time....Ao was innovative in alot of things I will give you that does not change the fact that due to a poor launch,poor customer service,laggy servers which they still have to this day,slow on bug fixes and list goes on and on that AO was a flop compared to what it should have been.I look forward to when Aoc releases so I can come back here and bump your post.
Rznkain what a nub!
A swede no wonder it was such a retarded fucking reply you made you swedes are known for being dumb as fuckin rocks thanks for proving it. and drop me your big bad asses name in AO pal I will be happy to log in my char there in that pos buggy lag ass filled game and still kick the piss out of any gimp you could have. Piece of shit loses euro trash
You do realise what an asshole you look like?
First,Rznkain is from USA
Second,to generalize all swedes and call them dumb f**ks makes YOU look like an asshole
Rznkain is the one who made the comment about Swedes. AA was quoting him and making reference to Rznkains comment. You may want to read the whole thread first, next timeWhile I will never forget my time in AO, I also will never forget that these idiots came out with that horrible expansion that ran most of my friends and enemys off towards SWG and other titles.
Right now im on the fence with AOC. I love the concept and the fact that Funcom is behind it, but what I have seen so far does not really impress me. I look past all the 'pretty' screen shots and videos and look for glitches, warping, game mechanics, etc and im not terrible impressed. While I believe that the PVE will be very well done like in AO, I highly doubt they will be able to pull off these large scale PVP battles without major gamplay issues.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
It's hard to see glitches and whatnot when the game isn't out out yet,or what?
And concidering PvP,it's also hard to see when the game isnt out yet. DUH
Do not mistake Indifference for Hate. Nor Kindness for Weakness. for this is the Bane of Judgment !
It's hard to see glitches and whatnot when the game isn't out out yet,or what?
And concidering PvP,it's also hard to see when the game isnt out yet. DUH
Its easy to see glitches there turbo with all these ingame video's running around not to mention beta PVP leak...
I look forward to your "The game is still being developed" crap you or someone will spout off next.. Expecially when alot of the problems that have been exposed in those vidoes are the very same problems that have plagued Anarchy Online for years. But yeah im sure they will fix those before release just like the have done in AO, oh wait...
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith