Now that Vanguard is over its rough patch and successfully humming along, the noise from the many, many haters on this site has become increasingly shrill. But as Vanguard improves, the legitimacy of their opinions diminshes and their strange motivations and agendas become increasingly appearant.
Let’s recognize them for what they are:
1. The Angry Poor: these are the folks that can’t afford a gaming rig robust enough to play Vanguard. Driven primarily by envy, they need to tear Vanguard down so that they feel that they aren’t missing out. The joke, of course, is on them: they are missing out. Instead of worrying about games they can’t afford they should be grateful that there are now many MMOs out there for lower end machines. You can find many examples on this very site. Go play those. Be happy with what you have rather than grouse about games you can't afford.
2. The Insecure: These are the haters that quit Vanguard for one or more of several legitimate reasons (bugs, slow gameplay, etc) but for some reason they lack the strength of the own convictions. Instead of trusting their own opinions, they feel the need to come here and bash the game in the hopes that they can affirm their own feelings by seeing it echoed in others. They should just trust their own instincts and move on. Or maybe just post another variation of "why vanguard will be cancelled in the next two weeks" -- but only if its funny. Or just join a support group. Or take up drinking.
3. The Underworked: These are the folks that don’t have enough to do at work and come here to read something fun. Drama and strife is fun for these people. When they were younger they would have spent this time killing ants or picking on their younger sister. Now that they are in the work force, this is their only outlet for casual sadism. These folks should get back to work, get a promotion, and direct their casual sadism to their underlings like I do. Its just as much fun but you make more money. Trust me on this.
4. The Vengeance Seekers: These guys have some sort of strange vendetta against Brad or EQ or WoW or their mothers. Someone wronged them somehow and now its their time for revenge. Please, please don’t ask them their motivations. You only end of with some convoluted vengeance fantasy arising from some perceived slight that occurred between the time the bought some game and the time that their last post was made. Although its potentially entertaining to see these guys inner demons played out on the boards, their stories are usually sadly pedestrian and premised on mainly on a narcissistic sense of entitlement. These guys should be spending more time making bombs in their lonely shack in the woods and less time troubling us with their boring revenge fantasies.
5. The Denied: These are the guys that can’t play MMOs for one reason or another – either their parents cut them off, their wife left them or they are undergoing treatment for “MMO addiction.” Like the Angry Poor they are driven primarily by envy. They troll sites like this one looking for a faint whiff of their fix. The sad truth is that they have every right to be jealous. They are losing out. Because of their lack of self control they are being denied the privilege of playing a very fun game. They should channel those inner demons and work with them. I would suggest the creation of art. Or maybe you could set up some kind of 12 step program?
Please feel free to affirm my post with yet another crazy rant or banal quip. (yes, indeed, I'm type
#3 ).
what a great post, im going to have to add to that well thought out, unbiased post
6. The Realists- those that realize 'implemented soon' and 'fixed in upcoming patch' is never going to happen
7. The Dissapointed- those that followed the game for years, believing all the hype only to be kicked in the nuts with reality
8. The Casual- The people who play to...have fun? game just isn't.
9. The Consumer (you know, those crazies that want a playable game when they pay for it)
10.The Vast Majority. noones playing for a reason man.
3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
You aren't giving me all that much to go on but I'm guessing from you need to feel part of the crowd that you are hater type #2. Thanks for playing.
Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.
Vanguard SuXX0rs rat feces!!!!!!!!!11
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.
"I cherish the memories of a question my grandson asked me the other day when he said..Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?...No, but i served in a company of heroes"
Sgt. Mike Ranney E-company 506PIR 101'st airborn
3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.
Although I find your post mildly entertaining, I find you could use a dose of reality. VG had its chance but is fading fast, it was released way too early and still has too many bugs and performance issues. It is a shame because I love the game concept and vision, but I don't think they will ever gain what they lost with a horrible release.
It is a sinking ship whether you see it that way or not. But I am sure you will be paddling around in a life raft soon still in denial saying its just the haters that is the problem and everything is just fine.
Correct. I mentioned this at the end of the original post.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.