Im sorry but negative is negative and killing people is not a true purpose your either psychotic or have serious emotional problems serious, sain people do not do this unless they have to.
What about soldiers?
Does the bible say its okay to kill muslims in the holy land?
A lot of people get nhilism and atheism confused. Atheists may not believe in god/God/G-D/gods, but most still have a belief in something whther that be themselves or something more existential. Buddhists are atheist, except for maybe a few sects who treat buddha as a deity, to compensate for traditions. For me I'm an agnostic/pantheist. God is a very malliable word, and for rightnow the western religions have hijacked the concept. To me god is just a word meaning something greater then us whether it's concious or not.
A good example of my belief is how things are made up of something smaller and smaller. Cells are living things that think for themselves in a very primitive way, but we are made up of them that forms a collective concious. Except for them they do not think of their own exhist, they just exhist and perform their duties, as we do. No one can prove if our exhistance is meaningless, it's only meaningless if we havent done anything ever in our lives to survive. Anyway blah blah blah. Dont make this a heated debate guys, it's just going to turn out like any other religious debate ona an internet forum. Have some humility, and if a christian bothers you with their wanting to "save" you just realise it's in good intentions and tell them your not interested. Fundamentalist atheists are the same as fundamentalist christians/jews/ or muslims. Wisdom is important, your not as logical as the discovery channel, or history channel tricks you into thinking. Just live your life. Atheists can be more self rightous then any other belief/religion. Atheism now these days seems to even be developing traditions, the sign of another religion. Not all atheists are logical.
It's the highlighted part that bothers me.
A man in a starbucks one day, as I was getting coffee and minding my own, spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I would be going to hell. I politely explained that for an athiest there is no hell, and for a true athiest there is no conversion.
A man knocked on my door one day and spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I was not truelly happy because I had not excepted Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior. I politely explained that if I needed to believe in God, and Jesus Christ, to be happy then I was not "truelly" happy.
It takes a lot of balls to stand before another man and tell them how they should think, and feel. This is something I haven't the nerve to do, but others feel compelled to do to me.
The next time you call someone self rightous I would like you to look in the newspaper or turn on CNN, or any other program reporting world news, and find the athiest blowing things up or killing in the name of thier God. The day a war is started over the belief of an athiest I'll agree with you. Untill then, you are wrong.
For gigles. The definition of an agnostic:
Agnosticism (from the Greeka, meaning "without", and Gnosticism or gnosis, meaning knowledge) means unknowable, and is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims—particularly theological claims regarding metaphysics, afterlife or the existence of God, god(s), or deities—is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.
Agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of God or gods; or, alternatively, that while certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge. Agnosticism in both cases involves some form of skepticism.
Demographic research services normally list agnostics in the same category as atheists and non-religious people,[1] although this can be misleading depending on the number of agnostic theists who identify themselves first as agnostics and second as followers of a particular religion.
Edit: 2 christian bibles, the dead sea scrolls, bits of the Koran (sp?), bits of the mormon bible, and hundreds upon hundreds of hours talking with followers of about every magor religeon. You can be an agnostic, I'll be the athiest full of knowledge. Thank you.
When I last had a religious debate, I was told that people who believe in god(s) tend to distrust athiests. Its believed that Athiests dont recieve the same 'morale' conditioning that persons who follow a religion do.
Athiests recieve their morales primarily through upbringing and perhaps through loyalty to country. Law is the ultimatum, the spine if you will that supports those morales. For better choice of words, without law and order, athiesm is not a negotiable survival option.
That is somewhat true, i tend to agree with most of what your saying there, but i don't like the thing with atheists can't be trusted, i don't know where you come from, but im glad its not the same for every country.
And yea im a patriot, i love my country, im not American, so right there i'd like to cut off any stupid remarks towards hatred linked with USA and patriots.
Im sorry but negative is negative and killing people is not a true purpose your either psychotic or have serious emotional problems serious, sain people do not do this unless they have to.
Hmm killing a person should be the last option in every harsh situation if its a matter of death, for either you or the person infront of you.
To believe in a god, or gods, is the extraplation of a mind struggling to find meaning to the percievably unexplainable events in his/her life. The desire to believe there is a higher being, stems from fear, fear of whats after death, why are we here? We are all entitled to believe in whatever we choose, we reserve that democratic right.
Religion, in my eyes, is the greatest of all evils. It holds mankind back and forces men to build walls to divide eachother. It causes people to form rash judgements upon others based on doctrine written and rewritten countless times over thousands of years. Worst of all, it gives political leaders justification to commit grievous acts.
There was a time when Religion was needed, it formed communitys, taught morales, it gave people hope, but what purpose could religion have in this modern day world?
The day we renounce religion, is the day mankind will truely excell.
Pardon me if I'm wrong, but isnt that a passage from Richard Dawkins 'God Delusion'?
When did I ever say killing people in the name of there religion is right? Hek yea I think its wrong people just use that to abuse there power.
I won't say its a power they have, its more that their fanatic about their beliefs and their religion so they would do anything a "holy priests" ask them to.
you misquoted me not how an atheist views religion..i specifically said religions. he mentions all sorts. its actually a good read. guys a journalist and seemingly well learned its really informative no matter what side of the argument youre on. if youre trying to understand your own view better or just trying to understand the other side. helped me figure out a few things. and helped me to use some fact in my arguments. all im saying not flaming anyone so id appreciate not flaming me for informing people of a good read on the topic geesh.
A lot of people get nhilism and atheism confused. Atheists may not believe in god/God/G-D/gods, but most still have a belief in something whther that be themselves or something more existential. Buddhists are atheist, except for maybe a few sects who treat buddha as a deity, to compensate for traditions. For me I'm an agnostic/pantheist. God is a very malliable word, and for rightnow the western religions have hijacked the concept. To me god is just a word meaning something greater then us whether it's concious or not.
A good example of my belief is how things are made up of something smaller and smaller. Cells are living things that think for themselves in a very primitive way, but we are made up of them that forms a collective concious. Except for them they do not think of their own exhist, they just exhist and perform their duties, as we do. No one can prove if our exhistance is meaningless, it's only meaningless if we havent done anything ever in our lives to survive. Anyway blah blah blah. Dont make this a heated debate guys, it's just going to turn out like any other religious debate ona an internet forum. Have some humility, and if a christian bothers you with their wanting to "save" you just realise it's in good intentions and tell them your not interested. Fundamentalist atheists are the same as fundamentalist christians/jews/ or muslims. Wisdom is important, your not as logical as the discovery channel, or history channel tricks you into thinking. Just live your life. Atheists can be more self rightous then any other belief/religion. Atheism now these days seems to even be developing traditions, the sign of another religion. Not all atheists are logical.
It's the highlighted part that bothers me.
A man in a starbucks one day, as I was getting coffee and minding my own, spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I would be going to hell. I politely explained that for an athiest there is no hell, and for a true athiest there is no conversion.
A man knocked on my door one day and spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I was not truelly happy because I had not excepted Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior. I politely explained that if I needed to believe in God, and Jesus Christ, to be happy then I was not "truelly" happy.
It takes a lot of balls to stand before another man and tell them how they should think, and feel. This is something I haven't the nerve to do, but others feel compelled to do to me.
The next time you call someone self rightous I would like you to look in the newspaper or turn on CNN, or any other program reporting world news, and find the athiest blowing things up or killing in the name of thier God. The day a war is started over the belief of an athiest I'll agree with you. Untill then, you are wrong.
For gigles. The definition of an agnostic:
Agnosticism (from the Greeka, meaning "without", and Gnosticism or gnosis, meaning knowledge) means unknowable, and is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims—particularly theological claims regarding metaphysics, afterlife or the existence of God, god(s), or deities—is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.
Agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of God or gods; or, alternatively, that while certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge. Agnosticism in both cases involves some form of skepticism.
Demographic research services normally list agnostics in the same category as atheists and non-religious people,[1] although this can be misleading depending on the number of agnostic theists who identify themselves first as agnostics and second as followers of a particular religion.
I didnt call anyone specifically self rightous, and your ersonal experiences arent a good explanation. I didnt call all atheist self rightout, I said they CAN be, just as any other religous person can be reasonable and self rightous, so dont assume I was directing any negativity at you. And youa re making assumptins based on what I said. Agnosticism is much more complicated than that and it doesnt always have to do with god. You made assumptions and stereotyped me, and only found something in what i had to say and spinned it. I am agnostic, and I know what it is so dont lecture me on the definition, I wouldnt have said it if i didnt know the meaning.
And it's ignorant of you to think that all atheists are as calm as you are when explaining something to a christian the reason you dont want to be converted. There are also atheists who go out of their way to tell christians and other religions what to think and do.
I didnt tell you or lump you into anything, and I dont hold anything against atheists, and I am not religious. I just have an idea of life.
Oh and a war based on an atheist has exhisted many times. Vietnam, North Korea, The Cold War, all these countries were being taken over by communism.
That is somewhat true, i tend to agree with most of what your saying there, but i don't like the thing with atheists can't be trusted, i don't know where you come from, but im glad its not the same for every country.
In the UK, were very much mutli-cultured and multi-religious, so there is much religious tolerance. I was told the above statement, by somebody living in the US.
Anyhow im off to bed to get a good nights sleep, i hope, unless my neighbour feels like playing loud music again, then i might revoke my civil rights which i dont have to knock his door down and kick in his teeth and bust his stereo , just to get a proper nights sleep.
That is somewhat true, i tend to agree with most of what your saying there, but i don't like the thing with atheists can't be trusted, i don't know where you come from, but im glad its not the same for every country.
In the UK, were very much mutli-cultured and multi-religious, so there is much religious tolerance. I was told the above statement, by somebody living in the US.
Allright, im Danish and well , were beginning to be a "Multi Ethnic Cultured Country" , once pure , now , well inflated with alot of bad blood between races and religion.
A lot of people get nhilism and atheism confused. Atheists may not believe in god/God/G-D/gods, but most still have a belief in something whther that be themselves or something more existential. Buddhists are atheist, except for maybe a few sects who treat buddha as a deity, to compensate for traditions. For me I'm an agnostic/pantheist. God is a very malliable word, and for rightnow the western religions have hijacked the concept. To me god is just a word meaning something greater then us whether it's concious or not.
A good example of my belief is how things are made up of something smaller and smaller. Cells are living things that think for themselves in a very primitive way, but we are made up of them that forms a collective concious. Except for them they do not think of their own exhist, they just exhist and perform their duties, as we do. No one can prove if our exhistance is meaningless, it's only meaningless if we havent done anything ever in our lives to survive. Anyway blah blah blah. Dont make this a heated debate guys, it's just going to turn out like any other religious debate ona an internet forum. Have some humility, and if a christian bothers you with their wanting to "save" you just realise it's in good intentions and tell them your not interested. Fundamentalist atheists are the same as fundamentalist christians/jews/ or muslims. Wisdom is important, your not as logical as the discovery channel, or history channel tricks you into thinking. Just live your life. Atheists can be more self rightous then any other belief/religion. Atheism now these days seems to even be developing traditions, the sign of another religion. Not all atheists are logical.
It's the highlighted part that bothers me.
A man in a starbucks one day, as I was getting coffee and minding my own, spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I would be going to hell. I politely explained that for an athiest there is no hell, and for a true athiest there is no conversion.
A man knocked on my door one day and spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I was not truelly happy because I had not excepted Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior. I politely explained that if I needed to believe in God, and Jesus Christ, to be happy then I was not "truelly" happy.
It takes a lot of balls to stand before another man and tell them how they should think, and feel. This is something I haven't the nerve to do, but others feel compelled to do to me.
The next time you call someone self rightous I would like you to look in the newspaper or turn on CNN, or any other program reporting world news, and find the athiest blowing things up or killing in the name of thier God. The day a war is started over the belief of an athiest I'll agree with you. Untill then, you are wrong.
For gigles. The definition of an agnostic:
Agnosticism (from the Greeka, meaning "without", and Gnosticism or gnosis, meaning knowledge) means unknowable, and is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims—particularly theological claims regarding metaphysics, afterlife or the existence of God, god(s), or deities—is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.
Agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of God or gods; or, alternatively, that while certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge. Agnosticism in both cases involves some form of skepticism.
Demographic research services normally list agnostics in the same category as atheists and non-religious people,[1] although this can be misleading depending on the number of agnostic theists who identify themselves first as agnostics and second as followers of a particular religion.
I didnt call anyone specifically self rightous, and your ersonal experiences arent a good explanation. I didnt call all atheist self rightout, I said they CAN be, just as any other religous person can be reasonable and self rightous, so dont assume I was directing any negativity at you. And youa re making assumptins based on what I said. Agnosticism is much more complicated than that and it doesnt always have to do with god. You made assumptions and stereotyped me, and only found something in what i had to say and spinned it. I am agnostic, and I know what it is so dont lecture me on the definition, I wouldnt have said it if i didnt know the meaning.
And it's ignorant of you to think that all atheists are as calm as you are when explaining something to a christian the reason you dont want to be converted. There are also atheists who go out of their way to tell christians and other religions what to think.
The agnostic definition wasn't for you. A lot of people use it like it's interchangable with the word athiest.
But, what you chose to type was: Atheists can be more self rightous then any other belief/religion
I can only read it as you have written it.
Edit: I haven't made any gross generalizations, nor delved into my beliefs other then to indicate that I am an athiest. Refer to the red type please.
Pardon me if I'm wrong, but isnt that a passage from Richard Dawkins 'God Delusion'?
You are pardoned, the statement is not a passage from any book I have read.
Good, no offence was intended, but i recognise that piece of text. It's possible that you may have posted it before. If it's purely your own work, kudos to you, well said etc
A lot of people get nhilism and atheism confused. Atheists may not believe in god/God/G-D/gods, but most still have a belief in something whther that be themselves or something more existential. Buddhists are atheist, except for maybe a few sects who treat buddha as a deity, to compensate for traditions. For me I'm an agnostic/pantheist. God is a very malliable word, and for rightnow the western religions have hijacked the concept. To me god is just a word meaning something greater then us whether it's concious or not.
A good example of my belief is how things are made up of something smaller and smaller. Cells are living things that think for themselves in a very primitive way, but we are made up of them that forms a collective concious. Except for them they do not think of their own exhist, they just exhist and perform their duties, as we do. No one can prove if our exhistance is meaningless, it's only meaningless if we havent done anything ever in our lives to survive. Anyway blah blah blah. Dont make this a heated debate guys, it's just going to turn out like any other religious debate ona an internet forum. Have some humility, and if a christian bothers you with their wanting to "save" you just realise it's in good intentions and tell them your not interested. Fundamentalist atheists are the same as fundamentalist christians/jews/ or muslims. Wisdom is important, your not as logical as the discovery channel, or history channel tricks you into thinking. Just live your life. Atheists can be more self rightous then any other belief/religion. Atheism now these days seems to even be developing traditions, the sign of another religion. Not all atheists are logical.
It's the highlighted part that bothers me.
A man in a starbucks one day, as I was getting coffee and minding my own, spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I would be going to hell. I politely explained that for an athiest there is no hell, and for a true athiest there is no conversion.
A man knocked on my door one day and spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I was not truelly happy because I had not excepted Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior. I politely explained that if I needed to believe in God, and Jesus Christ, to be happy then I was not "truelly" happy.
It takes a lot of balls to stand before another man and tell them how they should think, and feel. This is something I haven't the nerve to do, but others feel compelled to do to me.
The next time you call someone self rightous I would like you to look in the newspaper or turn on CNN, or any other program reporting world news, and find the athiest blowing things up or killing in the name of thier God. The day a war is started over the belief of an athiest I'll agree with you. Untill then, you are wrong.
For gigles. The definition of an agnostic:
Agnosticism (from the Greeka, meaning "without", and Gnosticism or gnosis, meaning knowledge) means unknowable, and is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims—particularly theological claims regarding metaphysics, afterlife or the existence of God, god(s), or deities—is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.
Agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of God or gods; or, alternatively, that while certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge. Agnosticism in both cases involves some form of skepticism.
Demographic research services normally list agnostics in the same category as atheists and non-religious people,[1] although this can be misleading depending on the number of agnostic theists who identify themselves first as agnostics and second as followers of a particular religion.
I didnt call anyone specifically self rightous, and your ersonal experiences arent a good explanation. I didnt call all atheist self rightout, I said they CAN be, just as any other religous person can be reasonable and self rightous, so dont assume I was directing any negativity at you. And youa re making assumptins based on what I said. Agnosticism is much more complicated than that and it doesnt always have to do with god. You made assumptions and stereotyped me, and only found something in what i had to say and spinned it. I am agnostic, and I know what it is so dont lecture me on the definition, I wouldnt have said it if i didnt know the meaning.
And it's ignorant of you to think that all atheists are as calm as you are when explaining something to a christian the reason you dont want to be converted. There are also atheists who go out of their way to tell christians and other religions what to think.
The agnostic definition wasn't for you. A lot of people use it like it's interchangable with the word athiest.
But, what you chose to type was: Atheists can be more self rightous then any other belief/religion
I can only read it as you have written it.
Edit: I haven't made any gross generalizations, nor delved into my beliefs other then to indicate that I am an athiest. Refer to the red type please.
They CAN BE more self rightous, which means they have just as much ability as any other belief system. I didnt say THEY ARE more self rightous. The playing field is even on both sides.
Does the bible say its okay to kill muslims in the holy land?
How is religion going to help solve the above?
It's the highlighted part that bothers me.
A man in a starbucks one day, as I was getting coffee and minding my own, spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I would be going to hell. I politely explained that for an athiest there is no hell, and for a true athiest there is no conversion.
A man knocked on my door one day and spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I was not truelly happy because I had not excepted Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior. I politely explained that if I needed to believe in God, and Jesus Christ, to be happy then I was not "truelly" happy.
It takes a lot of balls to stand before another man and tell them how they should think, and feel. This is something I haven't the nerve to do, but others feel compelled to do to me.
The next time you call someone self rightous I would like you to look in the newspaper or turn on CNN, or any other program reporting world news, and find the athiest blowing things up or killing in the name of thier God. The day a war is started over the belief of an athiest I'll agree with you. Untill then, you are wrong.
For gigles. The definition of an agnostic:
Agnosticism (from the Greek a, meaning "without", and Gnosticism or gnosis, meaning knowledge) means unknowable, and is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims—particularly theological claims regarding metaphysics, afterlife or the existence of God, god(s), or deities—is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.
Agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of God or gods; or, alternatively, that while certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge. Agnosticism in both cases involves some form of skepticism.
Demographic research services normally list agnostics in the same category as atheists and non-religious people,[1] although this can be misleading depending on the number of agnostic theists who identify themselves first as agnostics and second as followers of a particular religion.
Edit: 2 christian bibles, the dead sea scrolls, bits of the Koran (sp?), bits of the mormon bible, and hundreds upon hundreds of hours talking with followers of about every magor religeon. You can be an agnostic, I'll be the athiest full of knowledge. Thank you.
Athiests recieve their morales primarily through upbringing and perhaps through loyalty to country. Law is the ultimatum, the spine if you will that supports those morales. For better choice of words, without law and order, athiesm is not a negotiable survival option.
That is somewhat true, i tend to agree with most of what your saying there, but i don't like the thing with atheists can't be trusted, i don't know where you come from, but im glad its not the same for every country.
And yea im a patriot, i love my country, im not American, so right there i'd like to cut off any stupid remarks towards hatred linked with USA and patriots.
List of SOE lies
List of SOE lies
But many fanatics do.
Anyway gl i'm off to bed xD
List of SOE lies
you misquoted me not how an atheist views religion..i specifically said religions. he mentions all sorts. its actually a good read. guys a journalist and seemingly well learned its really informative no matter what side of the argument youre on. if youre trying to understand your own view better or just trying to understand the other side. helped me figure out a few things. and helped me to use some fact in my arguments. all im saying not flaming anyone so id appreciate not flaming me for informing people of a good read on the topic geesh.
It's the highlighted part that bothers me.
A man in a starbucks one day, as I was getting coffee and minding my own, spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I would be going to hell. I politely explained that for an athiest there is no hell, and for a true athiest there is no conversion.
A man knocked on my door one day and spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I was not truelly happy because I had not excepted Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior. I politely explained that if I needed to believe in God, and Jesus Christ, to be happy then I was not "truelly" happy.
It takes a lot of balls to stand before another man and tell them how they should think, and feel. This is something I haven't the nerve to do, but others feel compelled to do to me.
The next time you call someone self rightous I would like you to look in the newspaper or turn on CNN, or any other program reporting world news, and find the athiest blowing things up or killing in the name of thier God. The day a war is started over the belief of an athiest I'll agree with you. Untill then, you are wrong.
For gigles. The definition of an agnostic:
Agnosticism (from the Greek a, meaning "without", and Gnosticism or gnosis, meaning knowledge) means unknowable, and is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims—particularly theological claims regarding metaphysics, afterlife or the existence of God, god(s), or deities—is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.
Agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of God or gods; or, alternatively, that while certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge. Agnosticism in both cases involves some form of skepticism.
Demographic research services normally list agnostics in the same category as atheists and non-religious people,[1] although this can be misleading depending on the number of agnostic theists who identify themselves first as agnostics and second as followers of a particular religion.
I didnt call anyone specifically self rightous, and your ersonal experiences arent a good explanation. I didnt call all atheist self rightout, I said they CAN be, just as any other religous person can be reasonable and self rightous, so dont assume I was directing any negativity at you. And youa re making assumptins based on what I said. Agnosticism is much more complicated than that and it doesnt always have to do with god. You made assumptions and stereotyped me, and only found something in what i had to say and spinned it. I am agnostic, and I know what it is so dont lecture me on the definition, I wouldnt have said it if i didnt know the meaning.
And it's ignorant of you to think that all atheists are as calm as you are when explaining something to a christian the reason you dont want to be converted. There are also atheists who go out of their way to tell christians and other religions what to think and do.
I didnt tell you or lump you into anything, and I dont hold anything against atheists, and I am not religious. I just have an idea of life.
Oh and a war based on an atheist has exhisted many times. Vietnam, North Korea, The Cold War, all these countries were being taken over by communism.
Sleep well people , whereever you are.
List of SOE lies
Yes, you may. Long time coming, i would like to thank the following people:
Wal-Mart, KFC, LucasArts, Mountain Dew and Cheetos.
Allright, im Danish and well , were beginning to be a "Multi Ethnic Cultured Country" , once pure , now , well inflated with alot of bad blood between races and religion.
List of SOE lies
It's the highlighted part that bothers me.
A man in a starbucks one day, as I was getting coffee and minding my own, spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I would be going to hell. I politely explained that for an athiest there is no hell, and for a true athiest there is no conversion.
A man knocked on my door one day and spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I was not truelly happy because I had not excepted Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior. I politely explained that if I needed to believe in God, and Jesus Christ, to be happy then I was not "truelly" happy.
It takes a lot of balls to stand before another man and tell them how they should think, and feel. This is something I haven't the nerve to do, but others feel compelled to do to me.
The next time you call someone self rightous I would like you to look in the newspaper or turn on CNN, or any other program reporting world news, and find the athiest blowing things up or killing in the name of thier God. The day a war is started over the belief of an athiest I'll agree with you. Untill then, you are wrong.
For gigles. The definition of an agnostic:
Agnosticism (from the Greek a, meaning "without", and Gnosticism or gnosis, meaning knowledge) means unknowable, and is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims—particularly theological claims regarding metaphysics, afterlife or the existence of God, god(s), or deities—is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.
Agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of God or gods; or, alternatively, that while certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge. Agnosticism in both cases involves some form of skepticism.
Demographic research services normally list agnostics in the same category as atheists and non-religious people,[1] although this can be misleading depending on the number of agnostic theists who identify themselves first as agnostics and second as followers of a particular religion.
I didnt call anyone specifically self rightous, and your ersonal experiences arent a good explanation. I didnt call all atheist self rightout, I said they CAN be, just as any other religous person can be reasonable and self rightous, so dont assume I was directing any negativity at you. And youa re making assumptins based on what I said. Agnosticism is much more complicated than that and it doesnt always have to do with god. You made assumptions and stereotyped me, and only found something in what i had to say and spinned it. I am agnostic, and I know what it is so dont lecture me on the definition, I wouldnt have said it if i didnt know the meaning.
And it's ignorant of you to think that all atheists are as calm as you are when explaining something to a christian the reason you dont want to be converted. There are also atheists who go out of their way to tell christians and other religions what to think.
The agnostic definition wasn't for you. A lot of people use it like it's interchangable with the word athiest.
But, what you chose to type was: Atheists can be more self rightous then any other belief/religion
I can only read it as you have written it.
Edit: I haven't made any gross generalizations, nor delved into my beliefs other then to indicate that I am an athiest. Refer to the red type please.
Good, no offence was intended, but i recognise that piece of text. It's possible that you may have posted it before. If it's purely your own work, kudos to you, well said etc
It's the highlighted part that bothers me.
A man in a starbucks one day, as I was getting coffee and minding my own, spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I would be going to hell. I politely explained that for an athiest there is no hell, and for a true athiest there is no conversion.
A man knocked on my door one day and spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I was not truelly happy because I had not excepted Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior. I politely explained that if I needed to believe in God, and Jesus Christ, to be happy then I was not "truelly" happy.
It takes a lot of balls to stand before another man and tell them how they should think, and feel. This is something I haven't the nerve to do, but others feel compelled to do to me.
The next time you call someone self rightous I would like you to look in the newspaper or turn on CNN, or any other program reporting world news, and find the athiest blowing things up or killing in the name of thier God. The day a war is started over the belief of an athiest I'll agree with you. Untill then, you are wrong.
For gigles. The definition of an agnostic:
Agnosticism (from the Greek a, meaning "without", and Gnosticism or gnosis, meaning knowledge) means unknowable, and is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims—particularly theological claims regarding metaphysics, afterlife or the existence of God, god(s), or deities—is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.
Agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of God or gods; or, alternatively, that while certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge. Agnosticism in both cases involves some form of skepticism.
Demographic research services normally list agnostics in the same category as atheists and non-religious people,[1] although this can be misleading depending on the number of agnostic theists who identify themselves first as agnostics and second as followers of a particular religion.
I didnt call anyone specifically self rightous, and your ersonal experiences arent a good explanation. I didnt call all atheist self rightout, I said they CAN be, just as any other religous person can be reasonable and self rightous, so dont assume I was directing any negativity at you. And youa re making assumptins based on what I said. Agnosticism is much more complicated than that and it doesnt always have to do with god. You made assumptions and stereotyped me, and only found something in what i had to say and spinned it. I am agnostic, and I know what it is so dont lecture me on the definition, I wouldnt have said it if i didnt know the meaning.
And it's ignorant of you to think that all atheists are as calm as you are when explaining something to a christian the reason you dont want to be converted. There are also atheists who go out of their way to tell christians and other religions what to think.
The agnostic definition wasn't for you. A lot of people use it like it's interchangable with the word athiest.
But, what you chose to type was: Atheists can be more self rightous then any other belief/religion
I can only read it as you have written it.
Edit: I haven't made any gross generalizations, nor delved into my beliefs other then to indicate that I am an athiest. Refer to the red type please.
They CAN BE more self rightous, which means they have just as much ability as any other belief system. I didnt say THEY ARE more self rightous. The playing field is even on both sides.Power corrupts and men in power are usually corrupt sad but true.