In regards to the OP's concern about lack of people to group with, I'll admit that it's a long term concern for me. Currently though I'd say its generally not a problem, but it can depend on your server and your play time. I've definately found that if I wanna jump in a pick up group, my best shot is to do it during prime-time. Also being in the right spot at the right time helps. Long term I can see a problem with the design of the game once the game gets top-heavy. I'm not sure what the outcome would be if a character didnt complete the epic storyline quests, it might gimp the character somehow in abilities, traits, or items...
As for the rest of it, I've re-ran quests I've already done as a guardian to help out my friends, even though I dont get the quest xp for it (something I think they should add btw). I'm sure I'll end up doing it more as time goes on.
Oh and I agree, turn off OOC. Just like any game with zone wide OOC, it's a cesspool and detracts from the game experience in my opinion.
once again I have to say what limited game play? You can play the game any way you want no one forces you to ever do the main storyline quests. If you chose not to you would not be in the least bit gimped. There are more quests and content in LoTRO than you could ever do. If you chose not to do any quests at all nothing is stopping you. Why is that concept so hard for you to grasp?
As far as gold farmers I have not received a single tell from one since the open beta, how ever I am sure some are there just as they are and will be in every MMORPG that is out now and every single one that will ever be released. Might as well find a new hobby if that is a game stopper for you.
Why would anyone ever do that? Why would you not doing the main-line story quests when that's where LoTRO shines? Of course I understand if you force these terms, you can obviously play the game in anyway you want. However, if you do that, you will not playing the game at it's full potential; you would not have fun. My point is, this game doesn't offer a variety of approachable and appropriate styles that still has the fun factor. Not doing the main storyline Quests is just gimping yourself. That's what I mean by limited gameplay.
Why do you think nobody (I'm 95% sure) has done what you said? And again, you only refer to questing, what about the PvP comments I made? What about the lack of customization?
You haven't realized this but I've said - many times - that the Quests in this game is where it stands out from other MMOs. But that seems to be the only thing this game offers, cool quests.
In essence, If you tried to take this game on competitively, you will be sadly disappointed.
Gold-Farmers are NOT a game-stopper for me. But they can be in this game, since PvE Questing is about 85% of this game. Let's refer to WoW Gold-Farmers, since there are a ton of them. I don't really mind, since if I find them to be annoying, I can go do something else, like PvP. However, in LoTRO, much of the content is based on your imagination, how you construct a storyline in your mind as you're Questing in the fields of Bree. If they get in my way, what can I do? Just stop playing? What if I'm half-way through the Quest? Should I start the not-so-fun Crafting or the almost Non-Existent PvP? I'm saying Gold-Farmers will have a greater impact on game-play in LoTRO than other games that doesn't concentrate on only PvE Questing.
Gold-Farmers aren't even the main issues I have for where this game is going. If you read the posts previous to this one, you will find other points I made.
In regards to the OP's concern about lack of people to group with, I'll admit that it's a long term concern for me. Currently though I'd say its generally not a problem, but it can depend on your server and your play time. I've definately found that if I wanna jump in a pick up group, my best shot is to do it during prime-time. Also being in the right spot at the right time helps. Long term I can see a problem with the design of the game once the game gets top-heavy. I'm not sure what the outcome would be if a character didnt complete the epic storyline quests, it might gimp the character somehow in abilities, traits, or items...
As for the rest of it, I've re-ran quests I've already done as a guardian to help out my friends, even though I dont get the quest xp for it (something I think they should add btw). I'm sure I'll end up doing it more as time goes on.
Oh and I agree, turn off OOC. Just like any game with zone wide OOC, it's a cesspool and detracts from the game experience in my opinion.
Thanks for agreeing with a least a point of my concern, I was starting to get anxious.
Yes, currently it's not so much of a problem for me either. I'm just worried for where this game is going; I'd like to see this game stick around for the long run. It is a fun game in general.
As for the rest of it, I've re-ran quests I've already done as a guardian to help out my friends, even though I dont get the quest xp for it (something I think they should add btw). I'm sure I'll end up doing it more as time goes on.
Oh and I agree, turn off OOC. Just like any game with zone wide OOC, it's a cesspool and detracts from the game experience in my opinion.
Why do you think nobody (I'm 95% sure) has done what you said? And again, you only refer to questing, what about the PvP comments I made? What about the lack of customization?
You haven't realized this but I've said - many times - that the Quests in this game is where it stands out from other MMOs. But that seems to be the only thing this game offers, cool quests.
In essence, If you tried to take this game on competitively, you will be sadly disappointed.
Gold-Farmers are NOT a game-stopper for me. But they can be in this game, since PvE Questing is about 85% of this game. Let's refer to WoW Gold-Farmers, since there are a ton of them. I don't really mind, since if I find them to be annoying, I can go do something else, like PvP. However, in LoTRO, much of the content is based on your imagination, how you construct a storyline in your mind as you're Questing in the fields of Bree. If they get in my way, what can I do? Just stop playing? What if I'm half-way through the Quest? Should I start the not-so-fun Crafting or the almost Non-Existent PvP? I'm saying Gold-Farmers will have a greater impact on game-play in LoTRO than other games that doesn't concentrate on only PvE Questing.
Gold-Farmers aren't even the main issues I have for where this game is going. If you read the posts previous to this one, you will find other points I made.
Yes, currently it's not so much of a problem for me either. I'm just worried for where this game is going; I'd like to see this game stick around for the long run. It is a fun game in general.