All of that was ment to be in from release. The stuff that isnt raid related was badly implemented and ruined other content. 1.5 upwards have been bad updates after bad updates, the only people who disagree with this are ones that havnt been playing the game from the start or at least pre-aq, or are raiders who are the ones that have been catered to the most.
I disagree with you and I've been playing since beta and I don't raid. I've been to MC 1 time. I've never been to Naxx or any other high level instance. I've never seen Onyxia up close. Please stop talking for me, because you have no idea what I think. It's very convenient to say all of it was meant to be in from release, but unless you have inside knowledge of Blizzard's plans you don't know that for certain so don't speak for Blizzard either. edit: oh im not trying to insult whoever i just quoted i just think it is incredibly bad how blizzard have gone about their game, and how this industry in general seem to think should be the norm.
No offense taken.
Yeah personally im a semi casual player my self, i suppose its known as a casual raider/pvper i log on i raid or pvp, recently i log on, wonder around a bit then log off done all the pre tbc instances.
They have released information before and after release stating multiple times that they have planed to have this stuff in from release they just didn't implement it, things like dm, zg etc should of been from the start, do you remember when warlocks were so underpowered and feral druids were non existant.
that is somthing that was ment to have been fixed before release, all these class reviews should of all been at release, they mentioned that when they added these updates that it was ment from release they just wanted to see how it played out, which is somthing you should do in open beta or closed beta.
We are getting mount hyjal soon, they said that was ment to be in since the bc release, but they wanted to test it, same with everything in 2.1. we are also getting a honor reward update soon that was ment from release they just didn't want to release it with the game in favor of adding the pve raids, which tigole has stated.
I can understand not releasing a content for testing, but when you tell people this after they purchased the expansion its very lame. Its only taken 3 months to get this new content, they should of added it to the bc then released it now, rather than add it in patches, im sure that more people would of stayed and played the bc if it had all of the content it has now.
Oh one last thing, they keep purposly bugging bosses so that you cant progress past them, becuase they havnt added content that they intended to have in the game at the release or at a much sooner date.
So they let these people like my self wipe non stop on bosses thinking that we are doing something wrong then when we have finally beat them they nerf them to oblivion, which i wouldn't care about, if it was because they were hard not bugged.
Anyway, these quotes should be lying around in the wow forums somewhere, they usually are through dev chats and irc chats with the top raiding guilds. I think they keep all the news achieved, and all reasoning to do with them as well since i probably sound like im am talking out my arse atm
WoW hasn't released any free content outside of more shit to raid....which I do not count as content as only a small percentage of people playing will actually experience it. Other than that the only thing they ever added were battle grounds which were supposed to be in at release. So tell me, what "Free content" do you keep referring to? Are you talking about the patches that they added that "balanced" classes? Because that's not content either. Oh, how quickly we forget. Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?
Patch 1.2
- Maraudon
- Feast of Great Winter
- "Exhaulted" mounts
- New quests in Desolace
- "Addon" interface added Patch 1.3
- Dire Maul
- Interface improvements (more action bars etc)
- Auto Quest tracking
- Meeting Stones
- 2 Dragons added Patch 1.4
- PvP Honor system along with new mounts, weapons, armor sets for PvP
- Gurubashi Arena event
- Elemental Invasion event Patch 1.5
- Battlegrounds
- More quests for Hinterlands, Searing Gorge, Ferelas
- New Flight paths
- New reputation quests Patch 1.6
- Blackwing Lair
- Darkmoon Faire
- Battlemasters
- New Honor tab with an honor bar, today, yesterday, this week honor info Patch 1.7
- Zul'Gurub
- New Battleground (Arathi Basin)
- Fishing event
- Dressing room
- New armor sets Patch 1.8
- 4 more Dragons
- Revamp of Silithus
- Hallow's end event Patch 1.9
- Ahn'Qiraj
- New armor sets
- Linked Auction Houses
- Multiple Battleground Queues
- Raid dungeons are reset weekly
- New Reputation rewards Patch 1.10
- Weather effects
- More Armor sets Patch 1.11
- Naxxramas
- More Armor sets
- Upgraded PvP sets
- Argent Dawn and Cenarion Circle Reputation Rewards
- New Legendary items
- Keyrings
- New Flighpaths Patch 1.12
- Cross-Realm Battlegrounds
- World PvP content Patch 2.01
- Revamped PvP Honor system
- New talents
- Looking for group tool
- PvP 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 Arenas Patch 2.1
- Black Temple
- Druid Epic Flight Form
- New mount - Nether Drake
- New quests for outland
- New Arena (I didn't even know they did this) And remember that this is all on-top of the bug fixes and class rebalancing that goes on constantly. I think maybe she was referring to some of this stuff. Very little of this is "raid" content. A bit more is "high level", but more than half anyone can take advantage of. In fact, the expansion didn't add much of anything other than some more levels, and more items to farm. The expansion actually took the game back a step because all of the items these hard core raiders spent their lives raiding for were easily replaced by blues and greens. This isn't even worth commenting on since I don't have the energy to list all that was added in the expansion.
All of that was ment to be in from release. The stuff that isnt raid related was badly implemented and ruined other content. 1.5 upwards have been bad updates after bad updates, the only people who disagree with this are ones that havnt been playing the game from the start or at least pre-aq, or are raiders who are the ones that have been catered to the most.
And the tbc takes the cake, it is honestly the worst example of what you should do in an mmo, making all of your old content which you spent millions on obsolete lol and it made itemisation worse, it isnt even a full expansion either they keep adding content that should of been there from release.
Blizzard are showing what gamers should not expect, incomplete products, I dont know how they can justify charging the full price of a game and a monthly fee when they don't provide all of the content they advertise on the package from the start of the purchase. whats funny is people think they make well polished games lol
Would you buy a car say a ferrai (sp?), and except only getting a steering wheel then a tire, then some more bits that you should of got from the initial purchase? then on the way, they decide that they dont want to give you a ferrai instead they will give you a ford.
You obviously would be pissed off, its the same with mmos, why should they advertise a product then change the gameplay of it completly at the end of the game, and only provide you the mmo in pieces lol The fact that this is standard practice for the mmo industry and in alot of cases the rest of the gaming industry, is why in general is not taken seriously, because they act un-profestionaly. ( man this forum needs a spell checker )
And the consumers accept it, its why games like dark and light manage to get peoples money, they have low standards, and would pay for anything,
edit: oh im not trying to insult whoever i just quoted i just think it is incredibly bad how blizzard have gone about their game, and how this industry in general seem to think should be the norm.
What he said.
When we all say that things were supposed to be in at release it is because it is stuff they promised on their site, and on their forums from WAY before release. I followed this game for atleast 2 years before it released, and half the stuff they advertised never made it.
Scriar, where did you get the idea that everything Blizzard has added since release was supposed to be there on day 1? And in what MMORPG ever has an expansion not allowed you to further advance your character? Every single one by the way. By advancing, something becomes obsolete. Its just the way it is. Every MMORPG in the future will follow suit because if there aren't newer and cooler things to see or earn people quit. But, since you hate WOW so much, thats probably what you'd like. Considering new people are STILL buying WOW, everything before TBC is not obsolete and wasn't obsolete for the 3 years people were playing it. If WOW is an example of an incomplete MMORPG, you seriously haven't really seen incomplete MMORPGs. You sound like someone who's still a bit fresh to the genre and don't understand it all that well. If you've been around a while, your view is just a bit out of touch or unrealistic. MMORPGs are never complete. All you can hope is that theres a lot there. Blizzard delivered more than many MMORPGs combined. WOW lacks in the RPing dept, since you can't really set up shops or effect the world all that much, but since most people don't give a rip about RPing, it wasn't missing much. The more you allow players the change the world, the more people get pissed off. People want content on their schedual and they don't want people screwing with that schedual.
see above they mentioned it at almost every instance release. Oh and about content getting obsolete, this isnt every other game though it is wow, a raid takes ages, the game is aimed at casual players, so not all of the players have completed the content, im lucky in that i have. ( and i know by other game standards that wow raids are not long or hard ;p )
They have released new content, to advance our charecters true, but in doing so they have made a large portion of previous content not worth going to, and since you need 40 others to see that old content, you are gonna have problems, without a decent guild in seein that content.
It doesnt matter that gear has advanced, its the fact that the way they have implemented the new stuff makes the old stuff look really pointless to go to, also even at 70 theres no way anyone will go to nax and not have to still work hard or get buffs, pay large repair bills etc, seems like a hole lot of effort for nothing.
Maybe if they made some item that is needed for high level enchants, or a heroic mode for all the old raids it would of been better.
Oh i am new sort of, i started with planetside, had a go at uo, and some other games i cant remeber the name of, i remeber shadowbane being what i would term incomplete. Its still is no justification though to carry on adding mmos that are so bug ridden, i think lord of the rings is the only mmo i have played that is stable but it still is lacking content. but i think thats more to do with them expecting it to be a game that only appeased to casuals so we wouldnt complete it so quick.
We should expect stable complete games anyway, not think of it as a plus ;/ oh i explained my point about other mmos expansions badly, i only played planetside long enough to see all its expamsions. next to wow think i must of given the impression i was on about every mmo, i left uo before it died from carebears ;p
I more or less just compared an mmo expansion to every other in the game industry lol but i still think an expansion should not make old content obsolete it should add to it/ improve upon the older content
You know numbers are really misleading. EQ2 had so many "content" updates as you call them because they retooled the game so much and how horrid the mechanics at launch were. I played on the test server full time for about a year (before and after copies) and the reason they had so many patches is because there was a schedule. That is why SOE patch days are so chaotic and buggy. Meeting the time table is more important for that company than releasing a finished product.
I was actually very impressed with the WoW content patches in so many ways coming from an EQ2 background myself. First of all they worked. The servers were not going to crash for days on end, or completely unrelated abilities would not be broken, etc etc. It was very impressive the amount of testing and polish that went into them. Also the free content like Naxxaramus and AQ20-40 style dungeons also raises the bar a ton for the competition. Giving out free content keeps people subscribing.
Yes I think they have raised the bar more than most companies. New products need to be finished, functional and better be fun from the start or they are in for a rocky road.
yes at the start eq2 live updates i think thats how they were called back then were quite often and a lot of them was to correct bugs and problems, but they allso added zones... over time they started rethinking this and switched to a monthly dev cycle later on (that helped a lot and the live updates now work good and don't need tons of emergency patches anymore, also they are going with a 1 expansion per year sheadlue in EQ" now to get these bigger and more polished too. So yes I think in this part SOE learned allready from Blizzard, and i think some other companies did it too or will do it.
I played both EQ2 and WOW from release, i quit WoW short before Burning Crusade cause i found out that after EQ2s EOF release i was hardly playing WoW anymore. And i still say WoW added nice polished patches but they were much more rare than in EQ2 and they did not really ad more content per patch than EQ2. (yes EQ2 sometimes reused graphics for different versions of zones, but that also helped them to add more to do, and in the last time that has not happened that much anymore).
WoW hasn't released any free content outside of more shit to raid....which I do not count as content as only a small percentage of people playing will actually experience it. Other than that the only thing they ever added were battle grounds which were supposed to be in at release. So tell me, what "Free content" do you keep referring to? Are you talking about the patches that they added that "balanced" classes? Because that's not content either. Oh, how quickly we forget. Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?
Patch 1.2
- Maraudon
- Feast of Great Winter
- "Exhaulted" mounts
- New quests in Desolace
- "Addon" interface added Patch 1.3
- Dire Maul
- Interface improvements (more action bars etc)
- Auto Quest tracking
- Meeting Stones
- 2 Dragons added Patch 1.4
- PvP Honor system along with new mounts, weapons, armor sets for PvP
- Gurubashi Arena event
- Elemental Invasion event Patch 1.5
- Battlegrounds
- More quests for Hinterlands, Searing Gorge, Ferelas
- New Flight paths
- New reputation quests Patch 1.6
- Blackwing Lair
- Darkmoon Faire
- Battlemasters
- New Honor tab with an honor bar, today, yesterday, this week honor info Patch 1.7
- Zul'Gurub
- New Battleground (Arathi Basin)
- Fishing event
- Dressing room
- New armor sets Patch 1.8
- 4 more Dragons
- Revamp of Silithus
- Hallow's end event Patch 1.9
- Ahn'Qiraj
- New armor sets
- Linked Auction Houses
- Multiple Battleground Queues
- Raid dungeons are reset weekly
- New Reputation rewards Patch 1.10
- Weather effects
- More Armor sets Patch 1.11
- Naxxramas
- More Armor sets
- Upgraded PvP sets
- Argent Dawn and Cenarion Circle Reputation Rewards
- New Legendary items
- Keyrings
- New Flighpaths Patch 1.12
- Cross-Realm Battlegrounds
- World PvP content Patch 2.01
- Revamped PvP Honor system
- New talents
- Looking for group tool
- PvP 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 Arenas Patch 2.1
- Black Temple
- Druid Epic Flight Form
- New mount - Nether Drake
- New quests for outland
- New Arena (I didn't even know they did this) And remember that this is all on-top of the bug fixes and class rebalancing that goes on constantly. I think maybe she was referring to some of this stuff. Very little of this is "raid" content. A bit more is "high level", but more than half anyone can take advantage of. In fact, the expansion didn't add much of anything other than some more levels, and more items to farm. The expansion actually took the game back a step because all of the items these hard core raiders spent their lives raiding for were easily replaced by blues and greens. This isn't even worth commenting on since I don't have the energy to list all that was added in the expansion.
All of that was ment to be in from release. The stuff that isnt raid related was badly implemented and ruined other content. 1.5 upwards have been bad updates after bad updates, the only people who disagree with this are ones that havnt been playing the game from the start or at least pre-aq, or are raiders who are the ones that have been catered to the most.
And the tbc takes the cake, it is honestly the worst example of what you should do in an mmo, making all of your old content which you spent millions on obsolete lol and it made itemisation worse, it isnt even a full expansion either they keep adding content that should of been there from release.
Blizzard are showing what gamers should not expect, incomplete products, I dont know how they can justify charging the full price of a game and a monthly fee when they don't provide all of the content they advertise on the package from the start of the purchase. whats funny is people think they make well polished games lol
Would you buy a car say a ferrai (sp?), and except only getting a steering wheel then a tire, then some more bits that you should of got from the initial purchase? then on the way, they decide that they dont want to give you a ferrai instead they will give you a ford.
You obviously would be pissed off, its the same with mmos, why should they advertise a product then change the gameplay of it completly at the end of the game, and only provide you the mmo in pieces lol The fact that this is standard practice for the mmo industry and in alot of cases the rest of the gaming industry, is why in general is not taken seriously, because they act un-profestionaly. ( man this forum needs a spell checker )
And the consumers accept it, its why games like dark and light manage to get peoples money, they have low standards, and would pay for anything,
edit: oh im not trying to insult whoever i just quoted i just think it is incredibly bad how blizzard have gone about their game, and how this industry in general seem to think should be the norm.
What he said.
When we all say that things were supposed to be in at release it is because it is stuff they promised on their site, and on their forums from WAY before release. I followed this game for atleast 2 years before it released, and half the stuff they advertised never made it.
TBH if someone had never played wow they would think it was a pvp game from half the crap that was promised before the game released lol
edit: btw its nice that this topic isnt full of flames if you post the same thing on gamefaqs or a wow board they will just flame insult etc instead of explaining their point.
***To all the guys saying all blizzzard content patches were planned for release and they are just catching up***
Name 1 MMO that launched with all the things the devs wanted to add at launch... you cant can you, the truth is Wow launch with more than enough content to advance to max lvl and the raid endgame.
If Wow lacked content at launch then yes complain but WoW did not lack that, it had more than a player could experience on a single toon. and it was all polished and shinny.
All MMO's hold content back to release later.. ALL DO. Else there be no new content to add and you get ppl complaining becuase theres too much content and they have to skip some.
I do know maurdon and Battle ground where planned for launch but for the rest no.. and I was in beta. but I dont prended to have inside knowledge like some of the posters here and post my opinions as facts.
All of that was ment to be in from release. The stuff that isnt raid related was badly implemented and ruined other content. 1.5 upwards have been bad updates after bad updates, the only people who disagree with this are ones that havnt been playing the game from the start or at least pre-aq, or are raiders who are the ones that have been catered to the most.
And the tbc takes the cake, it is honestly the worst example of what you should do in an mmo, making all of your old content which you spent millions on obsolete lol and it made itemisation worse, it isnt even a full expansion either they keep adding content that should of been there from release.
Blizzard are showing what gamers should not expect, incomplete products, I dont know how they can justify charging the full price of a game and a monthly fee when they don't provide all of the content they advertise on the package from the start of the purchase. whats funny is people think they make well polished games lol
Would you buy a car say a ferrai (sp?), and except only getting a steering wheel then a tire, then some more bits that you should of got from the initial purchase? then on the way, they decide that they dont want to give you a ferrai instead they will give you a ford.
You obviously would be pissed off, its the same with mmos, why should they advertise a product then change the gameplay of it completly at the end of the game, and only provide you the mmo in pieces lol The fact that this is standard practice for the mmo industry and in alot of cases the rest of the gaming industry, is why in general is not taken seriously, because they act un-profestionaly. ( man this forum needs a spell checker )
And the consumers accept it, its why games like dark and light manage to get peoples money, they have low standards, and would pay for anything,
edit: oh im not trying to insult whoever i just quoted i just think it is incredibly bad how blizzard have gone about their game, and how this industry in general seem to think should be the norm.
What he said.
When we all say that things were supposed to be in at release it is because it is stuff they promised on their site, and on their forums from WAY before release. I followed this game for atleast 2 years before it released, and half the stuff they advertised never made it.
TBH if someone had never played wow they would think it was a pvp game from half the crap that was promised before the game released lol
edit: btw its nice that this topic isnt full of flames if you post the same thing on gamefaqs or a wow board they will just flame insult etc instead of explaining their point.
I was around pre beta as well and all I remember Blizzard "promising" is what was in the FAQ. I think you guys are confusing what Blizzard promised with what was discussed. No one from Blizzard promised all this stuff would be in at release, but it was discussed. That's 2 different things.
If Blizzard was designing a new car, they would look at the car and say, ok it's pretty good and all that, but how can we make it better? So they look at the tires and they say, well they work pretty good when it's not raining out, but when it rains, the car doesn't handle so well. So they come up with an idea to put grooves in the tires so that when the car drives on a wet surface the grooves channel the water away and keeps the tire in better contact with the ground. The end result is the car has a smoother ride. Now some people will look at that and say, "Blizzard didn't do anything, we've had cars with tires for years!" Others will say "yah, that's true, but for some reason Blizzard's car just has a smoother ride then the others and I'll take one."
Other game companies try to completely reinvent the car and replace the tires with a space age propulsion system that keeps the car hovering over the ground and sometimes it works great, but the system tends to break down a lot and requires you to pay a lot of money to get it fixed and when it does, you come to a screeching halt regardless of what the weather is like. Some people will look at that and say "Well they are really pushing us to the next generation" and some people will say, "Yah, but it costs too much and breaks down a lot, I think I'll stick with what works".
Blizzard's way isn't new. People like IBM and Microsoft have been doing this for years. You may have heard of them? They have a lot of people that don't like them either.
I was around pre beta as well and all I remember Blizzard "promising" is what was in the FAQ. I think you guys are confusing what Blizzard promised with what was discussed. No one from Blizzard promised all this stuff would be in at release, but it was discussed. That's 2 different things.
Agreed. Blizzard has NEVER promised a single feature. They have talked about a lot of different things that never actually made it into game (or they came into the game in some different form). That's why I think Apple's way of releasing products works so well; they don't talk about anything until it ships.
Blizzard has done a lot of things right, and they will keep a good portion of their player base as new MMOs come out. WAR is over-hyped at this point; their PR machine is working overtime for a game that is probably a year away from release. Tabula Rasa is making a lot of promises that I don't think they will be able to keep (or people will be disappointed). I don't know enough about Conan to comment about it, but it seems a lot of people have high expectations about it.
It'll be interesting to see what happens over the next year to 1.5 years... but I have a feeling WoW will still be king.
"Only had to camp a spawn for 12 hours? You were certainly lucky!"
Not too lucky, I just gave up on things like J Boots, etc...............
They have released information before and after release stating multiple times that they have planed to have this stuff in from release they just didn't implement it, things like dm, zg etc should of been from the start, do you remember when warlocks were so underpowered and feral druids were non existant.
that is somthing that was ment to have been fixed before release, all these class reviews should of all been at release, they mentioned that when they added these updates that it was ment from release they just wanted to see how it played out, which is somthing you should do in open beta or closed beta.
We are getting mount hyjal soon, they said that was ment to be in since the bc release, but they wanted to test it, same with everything in 2.1. we are also getting a honor reward update soon that was ment from release they just didn't want to release it with the game in favor of adding the pve raids, which tigole has stated.
I can understand not releasing a content for testing, but when you tell people this after they purchased the expansion its very lame. Its only taken 3 months to get this new content, they should of added it to the bc then released it now, rather than add it in patches, im sure that more people would of stayed and played the bc if it had all of the content it has now.
Oh one last thing, they keep purposly bugging bosses so that you cant progress past them, becuase they havnt added content that they intended to have in the game at the release or at a much sooner date.
So they let these people like my self wipe non stop on bosses thinking that we are doing something wrong then when we have finally beat them they nerf them to oblivion, which i wouldn't care about, if it was because they were hard not bugged.
Anyway, these quotes should be lying around in the wow forums somewhere, they usually are through dev chats and irc chats with the top raiding guilds. I think they keep all the news achieved, and all reasoning to do with them as well since i probably sound like im am talking out my arse atm
And the tbc takes the cake, it is honestly the worst example of what you should do in an mmo, making all of your old content which you spent millions on obsolete lol and it made itemisation worse, it isnt even a full expansion either they keep adding content that should of been there from release.
Blizzard are showing what gamers should not expect, incomplete products, I dont know how they can justify charging the full price of a game and a monthly fee when they don't provide all of the content they advertise on the package from the start of the purchase. whats funny is people think they make well polished games lol
Would you buy a car say a ferrai (sp?), and except only getting a steering wheel then a tire, then some more bits that you should of got from the initial purchase? then on the way, they decide that they dont want to give you a ferrai instead they will give you a ford.
You obviously would be pissed off, its the same with mmos, why should they advertise a product then change the gameplay of it completly at the end of the game, and only provide you the mmo in pieces lol The fact that this is standard practice for the mmo industry and in alot of cases the rest of the gaming industry, is why in general is not taken seriously, because they act un-profestionaly. ( man this forum needs a spell checker )
And the consumers accept it, its why games like dark and light manage to get peoples money, they have low standards, and would pay for anything,
edit: oh im not trying to insult whoever i just quoted i just think it is incredibly bad how blizzard have gone about their game, and how this industry in general seem to think should be the norm.
What he said.
When we all say that things were supposed to be in at release it is because it is stuff they promised on their site, and on their forums from WAY before release. I followed this game for atleast 2 years before it released, and half the stuff they advertised never made it.
I played both EQ2 and WOW from release, i quit WoW short before Burning Crusade cause i found out that after EQ2s EOF release i was hardly playing WoW anymore. And i still say WoW added nice polished patches but they were much more rare than in EQ2 and they did not really ad more content per patch than EQ2. (yes EQ2 sometimes reused graphics for different versions of zones, but that also helped them to add more to do, and in the last time that has not happened that much anymore).
And the tbc takes the cake, it is honestly the worst example of what you should do in an mmo, making all of your old content which you spent millions on obsolete lol and it made itemisation worse, it isnt even a full expansion either they keep adding content that should of been there from release.
Blizzard are showing what gamers should not expect, incomplete products, I dont know how they can justify charging the full price of a game and a monthly fee when they don't provide all of the content they advertise on the package from the start of the purchase. whats funny is people think they make well polished games lol
Would you buy a car say a ferrai (sp?), and except only getting a steering wheel then a tire, then some more bits that you should of got from the initial purchase? then on the way, they decide that they dont want to give you a ferrai instead they will give you a ford.
You obviously would be pissed off, its the same with mmos, why should they advertise a product then change the gameplay of it completly at the end of the game, and only provide you the mmo in pieces lol The fact that this is standard practice for the mmo industry and in alot of cases the rest of the gaming industry, is why in general is not taken seriously, because they act un-profestionaly. ( man this forum needs a spell checker )
And the consumers accept it, its why games like dark and light manage to get peoples money, they have low standards, and would pay for anything,
edit: oh im not trying to insult whoever i just quoted i just think it is incredibly bad how blizzard have gone about their game, and how this industry in general seem to think should be the norm.
What he said.
When we all say that things were supposed to be in at release it is because it is stuff they promised on their site, and on their forums from WAY before release. I followed this game for atleast 2 years before it released, and half the stuff they advertised never made it.
ThanksTBH if someone had never played wow they would think it was a pvp game from half the crap that was promised before the game released lol
edit: btw its nice that this topic isnt full of flames if you post the same thing on gamefaqs or a wow board they will just flame insult etc instead of explaining their point.
Name 1 MMO that launched with all the things the devs wanted to add at launch... you cant can you, the truth is Wow launch with more than enough content to advance to max lvl and the raid endgame.
If Wow lacked content at launch then yes complain but WoW did not lack that, it had more than a player could experience on a single toon. and it was all polished and shinny.
All MMO's hold content back to release later.. ALL DO. Else there be no new content to add and you get ppl complaining becuase theres too much content and they have to skip some.
I do know maurdon and Battle ground where planned for launch but for the rest no.. and I was in beta. but I dont prended to have inside knowledge like some of the posters here and post my opinions as facts.
What he said.
When we all say that things were supposed to be in at release it is because it is stuff they promised on their site, and on their forums from WAY before release. I followed this game for atleast 2 years before it released, and half the stuff they advertised never made it.
ThanksTBH if someone had never played wow they would think it was a pvp game from half the crap that was promised before the game released lol
edit: btw its nice that this topic isnt full of flames if you post the same thing on gamefaqs or a wow board they will just flame insult etc instead of explaining their point.
I was around pre beta as well and all I remember Blizzard "promising" is what was in the FAQ. I think you guys are confusing what Blizzard promised with what was discussed. No one from Blizzard promised all this stuff would be in at release, but it was discussed. That's 2 different things.
If Blizzard was designing a new car, they would look at the car and say, ok it's pretty good and all that, but how can we make it better? So they look at the tires and they say, well they work pretty good when it's not raining out, but when it rains, the car doesn't handle so well. So they come up with an idea to put grooves in the tires so that when the car drives on a wet surface the grooves channel the water away and keeps the tire in better contact with the ground. The end result is the car has a smoother ride. Now some people will look at that and say, "Blizzard didn't do anything, we've had cars with tires for years!" Others will say "yah, that's true, but for some reason Blizzard's car just has a smoother ride then the others and I'll take one."
Other game companies try to completely reinvent the car and replace the tires with a space age propulsion system that keeps the car hovering over the ground and sometimes it works great, but the system tends to break down a lot and requires you to pay a lot of money to get it fixed and when it does, you come to a screeching halt regardless of what the weather is like. Some people will look at that and say "Well they are really pushing us to the next generation" and some people will say, "Yah, but it costs too much and breaks down a lot, I think I'll stick with what works".
Blizzard's way isn't new. People like IBM and Microsoft have been doing this for years. You may have heard of them? They have a lot of people that don't like them either.
Agreed. Blizzard has NEVER promised a single feature. They have talked about a lot of different things that never actually made it into game (or they came into the game in some different form). That's why I think Apple's way of releasing products works so well; they don't talk about anything until it ships.
Blizzard has done a lot of things right, and they will keep a good portion of their player base as new MMOs come out. WAR is over-hyped at this point; their PR machine is working overtime for a game that is probably a year away from release. Tabula Rasa is making a lot of promises that I don't think they will be able to keep (or people will be disappointed). I don't know enough about Conan to comment about it, but it seems a lot of people have high expectations about it.
It'll be interesting to see what happens over the next year to 1.5 years... but I have a feeling WoW will still be king.