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Why does everyone keep saying this game is a Horrible Game? (Well thought out Comments Please)

Here's the thing, I've been reading the forums trying to decide if I wanted to try this game or not. I absolutely loved EQ1, it is the game that pretty much got me into mmorpg's and I can still remember killing deathfists for their belts to turn into some weird dwarf who was apparently collecting an endless supply. Anyway, getting back to my point, because of my love for EQ1 and my current disdain/boredom for all other games on the market right now (WoW, EQ2, D&D, etc) I became interested in Vanguard. Of course I scoured the forums first to see what everyone was saying about it.  The complaints came down to 3 categories; Performance, Crappy Gameplay, or No High End Content.  This obviously postponed my purchase of the game because I thought these where all problems that could be fixed over a good period of time.  I eventually caved in after I heard that SOE purchased the game because I figured if things get really bad I could be one of those people that get to say "hey, remember how the game was before SOE made it vendor trash" (thats a joke people, sarcasm is my best friend). Anyway, I purchased it, had the longest download patch update I've ever gone through and then logged in.  Ill tell you at this point that I now LOVE this game . . . the graphics are beautiful and I've never had so much fun playing a class (Disciple by the way).  The little things that went into this game really make it feel like a world to me.  I found it fascinating that my Char. (Adama on server Hillsberry I think) was able to do a certain move combination and would be rewarded by an instant heal if I was able to land all 3 in a row. It blew my mind when I looked over a cliff and was able to see a huge port city miles away.  I got happy in the pants when I was then able to gain a few levels and run my happy behind TO THAT CITY. Of course when I got to the city I got to witness first hand what everyone was saying about performance.  My ability to move and play the game came to about a 1/3 slowdown mode as soon as I reached the city gates. This obviously vexed me, but luckily the only rea reason to go to the city (at least for me at this point) was to either pick/drop off a quest or to talk to my trainer.  So anyway, my city visits are usually short and sweet because of this and I do have an understanding of where these people are comming from when they say the performance is bad in this game.  However, this only really occurs in the city (at least of Khal) and I dont get why everyone is so upset about this.  So, with my limited view on the Game, Im going to list what I believe to be the Pro's and the Con's of this game along with What everyone Else says the Con's are (Im not going to list there Pro's because I think my Pro's and their Pro's will likely Co-mingle). So without further ado . . . I present the point Ive been trying to get to through the last 30 sentences or so.


Performance - Ok, Ill give this to them. Performance sucks in the city, but everywhere else it runs well (at least for me). I will say this doesnt run smooth as glass like some other MMO's (cough WoW cough) but come on . . . that game is like the whore of the MMO world, it never says "no" to a PC . . . or a Mac . . . I even heard one time it got on Linux (ewwwwww) (thats more sarcasm).  Regardless, yes, if you are going to compare the performance to that of WoW then this game isn't even close.  But then again, I think the reason that most people are on these forums or are looking at other games is because they are bored of the WoW type experience.  The performance drop is not a killer (unless you are in a city) so I don't think this is as big a problem as I "heard on the Forums".  Like I said, Im running this game on my Vaio Laptop and it runs just fine on "Balanced".  Please don't ask me what's in the Vaio . . . I have no idea . . . if you really care then you can look it up from the model number (VGN SZ430N).  Anyway, at this point I am willing to concede and go 50/50 with everyone that said the performance is bad in this game.  I will basically say that the performance is GOOD . . . just not in CITIES . . . however, it is still PLAYABLE AT ALL TIMES (at least for me so far).  Regardless, from what I hear this is actually something that SOE is working to fix ASAP so my feelings are slightly mixed . . . I don't like SOE . . . but I will put my faith in the all mighty dollar.  Right now SOE is at a loss (more likely than not) with the purchase of Vanguard . . . I am positive that they will do everything they can to make this game more playable to the masses . . . so logically I am sure they want the performance of this game fixed just as much as everyone else.

Crappy Gameplay - Ok, this one I just dont get. I haven't had a moment in this game where I have been bored (except in those dam cities!!!).  My quest book has never been empty and there's never been a point where I've had nothing to do.  I start the game I immediately jumped of a cliff just to see if I could reach the ocean below next to Khal . . . I could and this was actually very entertaining . . . and then I got eaten by some shark that was in the water. I thought the shark was a bad thing until I realized it was probably the quickest way to get back to my bind point on top of the mountain. Anyway, after that I did a bunch of the starters missions, killied some rat people and then WALKED down the mountain. This is about 5 hours of my time and  I was not bored during any of it.  As I walked down the mountain I apparently grabbed a quest which made me have this weird camal that wouldnt stop following me . . . weird, but still entertaining!  Once at the bottom I dropped the camal off and ended up getting about 10 more new quests to go into my very first dungeoun!   YEAH!  At this point Im hooked for about 8 hours and Im killing tons of rat people.  Of course I stopped for a bit and went to check out the city (NOOOOOOOOO!). As I said before, I hated the drop in performance, but I was still impressed walking through the city to see boats entering and leaving its ports. Anyway, this isn't a adventure diary so I won't bore you anymore with the crazy adventures of Adama. More to the point, I need to say that this game has EXCELLENT GAMEPLAY.  I do not understand why anybody is saying something contrary to this . . . the only thing I can think of is that if perhaps the performance was worse at launch time (which I read performance was HORRIBLE AT LAUNCH) then maybe they have confussed crappy performance for crappy gameplay.  I will say right here and now that I think the gameplay is great at this point.  So . . . uhhhhh . . . . yeah . . . . GO GAMEPLAY!

High Level Content - Well now, I have no idea about this one, my guys lvl 10 (just hit last night W00T). All I can say is that I won't be in my 30-40's for at least about 6 months so I don't care (I have this tendency to get a char to 20 . . . and then start a new char and then rinse repeat over and over and over). Furthermore, I guess that SOE is working on high level raids and content right now anyway. Still, I shouldn't speak about something I haven't experienced, so  . . . ummmmm . . . Xela Kebert (If anyone gets this joke . . . let me know).


CITY PERFORMANCE - Ok, Ive already talked about this but it is a HUGE PROBLEM so ill talk about it again.  Now Sigil?SOE?Whoever is running this game . . . I have a question. Every time I walk into a new city am I going to have to take happy pills so I don't want to put my finger through my keyboard trying to get my guy to walk a straight line. I do understand that I can put my settings down to high performance . . . but seriously . . . I am a snob and I refuse to lower settings below balanced, ESPECIALLY when everything runs just fine ANYWHERE ELSE.  Now that Ive gotten that off my chest, as Ive said before . . . you can still walk through cities at a PLAYABLE level of performance . . . its just very frustrating because it is a HUGE drop from how performance normally is. Anyway . . . this, for me is the biggest point of disdain. 

Where is Everybody - Im going to make this point short and sweat b/c I hear  server merge is coming.  I see people when I play . . . but it is VERY RARE. Even in the starting city I only saw like one or two other people.  I grouped for maybe 2 hours with some guy to go through the RATMAN tunnel and thats about it.  However, the OOC channel outside of KHAL does seem to have some fun conversations and I suppose there might be like 20 or so people i that area at all times but still . . . this game needs more people!  However, like I said, a server merge is coming and hopefully things improve.

Equipment Doesn't Feel Special - Now I am a low lvl, but to me, it seems that the Equipment is just blah.  Now Im an EQ1 diehard . . . so maybe Im just remembering back to a time when it was RARE to find a MAGIC weapon.  I feel like everything I do in this game produces a magic item/equipment piece.  Whatever hapened to the die where you heard about a specific ITEM OF AWESOMENESS and actually had to do specific things to get it?  In this game it kind of just feels like my guys automatically just finding decent stuff for himself with no extra effort whatsoever.  Furthermore, the armor models on the char for the equipment are bland and boring . . . this is something that vexes me . . . but not to the point that I hate things.  I would just appreciate a little more challenge in aquiring the SPECIAL GEAR . . . and please god, make it look awesomer!!!!   Once again though, Im lvl 10 so I haven't experienced all that much . . . but I will tell you . . . in those ten level at least 30 pieces of "decent" equipment has passed through my hands . . . I think Ive upgraded my legs 5 times in 10 lvls. Anyway, something to think about.

Whhhoooooaaaa, Slow Down and Up Some Challenge - Once again . . . EQ1 diehard!  I feel that lvling might be a bit quick . .. and Ive heard that they are going to integrate "resting" experience to the game. Now maybe Im old fashion, but I remember a time when a guy had to wine and dine his avatar to get a little something out of it.  Nowadays it seems that your avatar just wants to give it up for free . . . WHERE'S THE ROMANCE IN THAT!!!  (Its that Sarcasm  thing again . . .  think I have a problem!). Seriously though, I feel like Im being rushed a little bit. I know Im only level 10, but it only took me 3 days to get there!  For a comparison, when I played EQ1 (I bought it at launch in 99' or something) it took me a MONTH to hit lvl 9 with my ranger.  Now I'm not saying it should take a MONTH b/c that is RIDICULOUS . . . but it definately should take longer than a day or 2. I think a week or 2 would be more like it, but this is just my opinion. On the issue of challenge, I read a lot on the forums that people are not really having problems with soloing 3 or 4 dot mobs (for those that dont know, 1 dot is easy, 2 dots is normal, 3 is slightly tougher, 4 dots Challenge all the way to 6 dot). So far Ive only had the pleasure of fighting 3 dot mobs but I will say . . . they where not nearly as challenging as I would have thought they should be.  I was actually able to fight 2 seperate 3 dot mobs at the same time at lvl 8 (they where equal to my lvl) and I had a KINDA CHALLENGING EXPERIENCE.  By kinda challenging I mean that I had to actually use my healing spell like 3 times.  This to me seems out of place . . . and I am positive I could easily take on a 4 dot with very little problems . . . maybe even a 5.  Regardless, in my opinion I believe the classes (at least my class) might be a little bit to powerful. I have read on the forums and have seen in the update notes that the Devs are throwing out Nerfs left and right . . . and honestly Im ok with that so long as they make things more HONEST.  I don't want to be a super cool one man killing machine, I want to have to have a hard time doing some things and sometimes . . . just sometimes I like to be presente with an oppertunity that requires me to group up and kill a monster that would normally be impossible for me to kill!  Anyway, I think the game requires a little bit of challenge . . . thats all.


THE PRO'S OF THIS GAME ACCORDING TO ME (and hopefully a few others)

The World - OUTSTANDING, I love this world, its huge, its beautful, its interesting, and there is much to do . . . in many cases to much to do. The only place I don't like to go in the world is, yup, you guessed it . . . CITIES!  Even then though, the cities are beautiful, interesting and well designed (in that its easy to figure out where everything is).  The only thing that sucks is the PERFORMANCE! (however, Ive only been to Khal). Regardless, the world is excellent. I think the graphics are beatiful and I constantly find myself wanting to walk closer to something in order to examin it.  Now I haven't seen much of te world . . . but the again I have . . . the draw distance in this game is huge! You can literally see MILES into the distance . . . so although I havent been many places in the game yet, I HAVE seen very very very far . . . and I want to see more!  The dungeouns are so far pretty cool! The only one Ive been in however is that Ratman Dungeoun outside Khal.  It wasn't the most fantstic thing Ive ever seen . . . but for a starter dungeoun it was pretty outstanding.  It kind of reminded me of Blackburrow in EQ1 . . . but instead of going from the top to the bottom, you go from the bottom to the top.  Anyway, the world is great (so far) and I think an excellent job was done here.

Character Class/Race/Appearance Selection - Ok, I think its something like 19 races and 15 classes . . . . that is outstanding.  Now Im playing a disciple/human (like a desert human or something) and I think its pretty killer. If all the classes are even half as inteesting as the disciple then you are in for a good time.  Also, selecting your Race does have some added benefits . . . but not so much that you are required to pick a certain Race/Class combo.  I think my human gets some desert shiled ability (which is useful in some situations) and then has some interesting stat boosts (I think humans get a bonus point during point distribution or something). However, Ive just reached lvl 10 and havent placed any points yet, so I don't exactly know. Anyway, the ammount of choice is fantastic.  Then you get to the appearance slider . . . honestly, its almost too much.  I can make my character fatter, taller, longer arms, bigger feet, older face, whatever.  I only honestly have 3 problems with the appearance mechanincs.  I don't like the fact that you can change your appearance whenever you like (so one day Im a big fat bald guy and the next Im a skinny short guy) . . . once you pick a look, that should be it . . . except for maybe facial and head hair . . . which lead me to my next point of anger. Why do we have 3 million choices for every part of my characters appearace . . . but only 5 different types of hairstyles? (I think thats enough said)  Lastly, I want some accessory choices for my human . . . wheres the eye patches, wheres the scar on his face, wheres the noise ring.  Anyway, the point Im OVERALL making here is that this are was EXCELLENT and should be APPLAUDED!  

Fighting is Fun - Remember, Ive only played a disciple, so that is all I know . . . but regardless, fights have been FUN (although a bit to easy as previously noted).  I like my special moves and I like way they are executed.  My favorite thing about the dsciple so far is that he gets a bonus heal if he does a specific combonation of certain moves . . . it is really helpful and fun to do!  Also, the finishing move and Counterattack specials are really cool as well. I am not entirely sure how the counter and the finisher work . . . but I push them whenever they pop up and they are VERY HELPFUL and add a lot of flavor to the fight. Also, I am not entirely sure about this . . . but in the game it seems like you can sneak up behind MoBs regardless of who you are (of course I have seen invisible rogues and Im assuming they can do it better).  It seems that if a MoB has his back to you, then he doesnt see you and you can get MUCH closer to him w/out grabbing agro.  Ive done it a couple of times and each time I hit them directly in the butt and I swear it seems like that Back Attack does MORE DAMAGE.  Anyway, like I said Im not entirely sure how it works (and Id love someone to clarify) but all in all, its very fun.

I Hear that Crafting and Diplomacy are Interesting - I haven't had time to try either of these . . . but I hear that there . . . uhhhhh . . . there.   Anyway, I havent tried Diplomacy yet . . . but it sounds cool.  As for crafting, I heard its pretty decent in this game and actually requires a little bit of thinking (really . . . thats what I heard!).  Harvesting I have tried because I saw someone chopping down a tree and the tree actually looked like it was being CHOPPED DOWN. So I got an axe, signed up for being a lumberjack and a rock miner and went and chopped me down some trees. It was actually really cool and I do look forward to doing it some more.  As for my rock mining ability I actually got to try that to . . . but in a VERY INTERESTING WAY! I was actually fighting this Rock Elemental things outside Khal and after I looted them I discovered they could be MINED.  This blew my mind, I immediately mined/killed about 30 of them getting my mining skill up up and way.  Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool that they allowed you to mine a rock creature . . . it just seemed . . . innovative!

Quests Do Their Job - Once again, LEVEL 10, so I don't have the full low dwn on this. So I will just say that so far my quests have been pretty . . . normal.  Go hear do this bring it back.  However, I have had the occasional interesting quest which gives me hope for the higher levels. I would say that out of the 30+ quests Ive done, probably 5 of them where VERY COOL whereas the rest where just your normal variety.  One in particular just had you go collect a bunch of bones and bring them to this dudes box. When you got there he told you that the bones in the box are evil . . . and you have to get rid of it. If you accidently open the box it instantely kills you with . . . uhhhh . . . pure evil.  You end up running the box to the dessert to bury it but when you get to a certain point you drop the box. When you drop the box you see this dust swirl come up from the ground and this giant skeletan with full armor pops up and tries to kill you. Of course s I said earlier, 3 dots are easy for me apparently so I made short work of it . . . however, the fight did last a good 3 minutes so it was fun . . . but the coolest part was just that the skeleton looked cool and thequest was a bit different than usual. Anyway, I am looking forward to hopefully fiding more of these cool quests in the future.

Community - Yes, I said community. I do understand that there are only like 500 people on each server now but I think their is an upside to this.  The people that are online playing this game now are the people that trully are interested in the game.  Whenever Im around Khal I actually see conversations in the OOC channel which are fun and interesting to participate in . .  and because of the lack of people it is actually easy to participate without being lost in a sea of words.  With everyone there being the people that truly want to play, it is actually been very easy to get my questions answered. Whenver I am around Khal (which is pretty much ALL the time) if I ask a question I get like 2 or 3 responses immediately.  No one is rude, no one calls me a n00b, and no one makes any frackin chuck noris jokes (yes I said frackin . . my chars name is ADAMA, does anyone get this or am I just a total nerd)! Anyway, although the community is small now . . . it is full of helpful people.  Hopefully after the server merge this will stay the same.

End of Rant

Anyway, thats all I wanted to say . . . I really hope that people will start playing this game and stop giving so much credit to the people who detest this game.  Yes, it's performance isn't great, but it is definatly good enough (Im running it WELL on a LAPTOP for frak sakes)! The game is worth trying and I really want more people t enjoy this game.  My bit of advice is simply that people should really at least give this game a chance!  I would love for some comments, responses, other Battlestar Jokes, or whatever to hear about what other people feel or believe about this game. I would even appreciate some comments from the people who don't like this game in order to determine if their hatred is truly based on gameplay . . . or if it was just a bad performance experience.  HOWEVER, please do so in a RESPECTFUL MANNER . . . so that means pleases and thank you's people.  I'll be checking back soon and hope to hear some interesting responses . . . thanks for your time.     



  • inmysightsinmysights Member UncommonPosts: 450
    come back in about a week when you quit and tell us another long boring story about your crashing to desktop and losing exp and falling through the world and, and, and, and wait this list is to LONG!!!

    I am so good, I backstabbed your face!

  • truenorthbgtruenorthbg Member Posts: 1,453
    It is a very fun game.  Huge world.  So many Quests that it is no possible to do them all.  A lot of fun features.  New paths to progress including Adventure, Craft, and Diplomacy.

    I hated it at release, but I love it now!

    WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
    I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.

  • BigMangoBigMango Member UncommonPosts: 1,821
    Performance and bugs have never been a problem for me. The game has always been running fine.

    The problem is that this game has not life, no soul. It is lacking all these small details and the lore that make a world alive. The cities are dead, the npc don't live there. The country side is fake, lacking details like bird flocks in the skies, butterflies, fish in the water, wandering npcs on the roads, etc... etc...

    Add to this the broken shadows (character shadows on world objects are broken (try to walk on a stone), world object shadows are missing,...), lacking water effects ,etc... and the fact that much more was promised than what  was finally delivered...

    Anyway, if this game had a life/soul I would play it. As it is now the game is not finished.
  • RedmowRedmow Member Posts: 196

     Well, I am looking for reasons to load this game and play it. I like the write's and con's.

     But, one thing is nagging at me....this guys forum handle:TrustMeImAOk. And his post count is 1. The post count doesn't bug me as much as the name does. I was at post count 1, too.

  • TrustMeImAokTrustMeImAok Member Posts: 6
    Ohhhhh . . . . I forgot to mention those in the Cons.  CTD's  (crashes to Desk Top for the layman).  Technically I suppose it goes under performance though.  Yes, I have experienced these (2 in 3day).   However, I haven't fallen through the world or anything else.  So far the CTD are few and far enough in between for them to not completely frustrate me. But yes, they are annoying.  I would like them to be gone but every game I play usually requires me to restart my computer at some point anyway.  I just think of it as my computers way of telling me to stop being a nerd and to go take a shower for gods sakes! (sarcasm again) Anyway, yes, these are a problem which needs to be fixed . . . but for me at least, this only occurs after Ive been playing for a few hours and when it does happen . . . I simply take it as a oppertunity to restart my comp.    Anyway, keep the comments comming please    
  • truenorthbgtruenorthbg Member Posts: 1,453
    I should have mentioned as well that I really do not have performance problems. I do not have any at all.  I do not lag.  I do not fall through the world.  I do not crash to desktop. 

    The only problem I have is my FPS will drop sometimes in some areas and cities.  That is it. At release, I had to quit for a little bit because my performance was so bad with bugs, lag, crashing, etc.  I am all good today.

    WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
    I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.

  • LiandrielLiandriel Member UncommonPosts: 48

    I played Beta.... BETA was BAD..... 

    I refused, kicking and screaming to buy the game... Well a few months of time and some very positive posts led me to go back to the game I had thought was horrible.  Now, I am having a blast. 

    Yes, I still get unexplained CTDs - but they are FAR less frequent. 

    Yes, I still have performance issues on an older PC - but many of my guildmates who play have zero performance issues.

    Yes, there are areas that need a little work - EVERY MMORPG has those and there has been much improvement in the past month.

    The game IS a good game, full of quests and places to go.  The game world is HUGE, with tons of things to do.  The races are VERY well thought out and each one 's quests tell so much about the race's history.

    I would say to get the game and play it for yourself for a month and see what you think.  I plan on staying there for a good long time.

  • TrustMeImAokTrustMeImAok Member Posts: 6

    RedMow -

    I used to have another name on the forum but I can't remember what it was (this sony vaio laptop is new and my old comp blew up).  Normally my tag name is TrustMeImaLwyr but it wouldnt fit in the handle names for this site . . . so I was forced to make a new Handle . . . . Hence TrustMeImAok.


    As for the other poster mentioning the lifelisness of the world . . . I can understand that completely.  I have kind of been chalking it up to the lack of people in the world though.  As for lore . . . ever since I played Final Fantasy 11 . . . nothing ever really compares.  However, I would love to see a little more detail in the stories in the game . . . the quests do seem to string together . . . but it would be excelent if there where quests that string throughout your career as well . . . . I dont know.   As for the birds flying in the air and such . . . I will say that I do like how the TREES sway in the wind . . . it would be even better to see a bird or two fly out though.   Anyway, I like your thinking!!!

  • spikenogspikenog Member Posts: 283
  • TniceTnice Member Posts: 563

    200,000 people bought the game and tried it.  There are an estimated 30,000 people left.  Therefore, 170,000 people tried it and quit.  Not negative forums posts.  Not "wall of text" positive posts but 170,000 tested it and dropped it.

    The game started with 13 servers and now will merge down to 4 after 5 months of going live.  The original company that developed the product fired it's employees in the parking lot of the office.  If it were not for SOE stepping in at the last moment this game would be history and not even be live.

    Given that information I think one can conclude that this is a "horrible" game.  Yes.

  • truenorthbgtruenorthbg Member Posts: 1,453
    Do you see what I mean about false information on MMORPG?

    Read the post above me.

    WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
    I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.

  • RedtalonRedtalon Member Posts: 24

    I read these forums a lot and rarely post.

    Vanguard isn't a bad game.

    The amount of negativity on this forum is disproportionate to its so called "crimes".

    I put it down to the hatred for SOE personnally and very little to do with the game.

  • LidaneLidane Member CommonPosts: 2,300
    Originally posted by truenorthbg

    Do you see what I mean about false information on MMORPG?

    Read the post above me.

    What's false about it?

    It's true that Vangarud only sold, at best, 200,000 boxes. It's also true that player retention has been so poor that they're merging from 13 servers down to 4. And it's also true that when Sigil imploded, and SOE subsumed them, half of the employees were fired in the parking lot.

    And above all, it's true that without SOE stepping in, this game would have become vaporware long ago.

    Where is there anything false in his post?

  • truenorthbgtruenorthbg Member Posts: 1,453
    Lidane, I really do not know if I want to get into this with you.

    Sometimes it is fun.

    One, I play the game.  I think the subscription numbers are around 45k to 60k.  It is not what you mentioned in your second post.

    Two, SIGIL was poorly managed, using every measure, by computer game designers.  The fact that SIGIL failed does not mean that Vanguard the game failed. 

    (Btw, the parking lot episode is not surprising.  It is how I would expect game designers to irresponsibly let people go.  People do earn MBAs for a reason.  You can let people go in a more humane, responsible, and professional way).

    Three, the release was atrocious.  The fact that the release was bad you think the game is bad.  Vanguard has recovered from the release and continues to recover. 

    Four, the server merge is an improvement.  The game started with too many.  A game designer probably anticipated the number of servers incorrectly.

    Five, the game was horribly marketed.  Again, see infra point One.  Brad McQuaid was CEO and seemed to spend his time on gaming web pages that no one reads to promote Vanguard.  The marketing strategy relied on word-of-mouth.  Again, something a game designer would do.  When the game is released early, the word-of-mouth will be bad.  Therefore, your entire marketing strategy has in effect failed.

    WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
    I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.

  • OrphesOrphes Member UncommonPosts: 3,039

    Originally posted by Lidane

    Originally posted by truenorthbg
    Do you see what I mean about false information on MMORPG?

    Read the post above me. image

    What's false about it?
    It's true that Vangarud only sold, at best, 200,000 boxes. It's also true that player retention has been so poor that they're merging from 13 servers down to 4. And it's also true that when Sigil imploded, and SOE subsumed them, half of the employees were fired in the parking lot.
    And above all, it's true that without SOE stepping in, this game would have become vaporware long ago.
    Where is there anything false in his post?

    This is false.

    Given that information I think one can conclude that this is a "horrible" game. Yes.

    That is his opinion the only thing he showed is that as you did above is 'true', but that doesn't make a game horrible it only shows that alot of people didn't like the game at the point where they did leave. And I am quite shure that people left for alot of different reasons, maybe not equally divided reasons.

    I could throw some argument backing up me saying that it is a splendid game, but that would in your eyes be a lie.

    I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
    "You have the right not to be killed"

  • NetspookNetspook Member UncommonPosts: 1,583

    OP, this is (for me) why:

    1. No players around. Impossible to get help with group quests.
    2. Lack of content. You are forced to solo since you mostly are alone, and at certain lvls there are very very few solo quests.
    3. Crafting. Worst I've ever seen in any MMORPG.
    4. Diplomacy. Sure, it's something new, but is it possible to do anything more boring??

    That's my main four issues. And yes, I did buy it, and played for roughly 6 weeks. If SOE does a good job with improving this game, I might be back, but the issues are so big and severe that I really doubt I ever will.

    Btw, I didn't read that wall of text, I only have a few weeks vacation... And don't forget, paragraphs are not dangerous, so use them more frequently.

  • truenorthbgtruenorthbg Member Posts: 1,453
    Originally posted by Netspook

    OP, this is (for me) why:

    No players around. Impossible to get help with group quests.
    Lack of content. You are forced to solo since you mostly are alone, and at certain lvls there are very very few solo quests.
    Crafting. Worst I've ever seen in any MMORPG.
    Diplomacy. Sure, it's something new, but is it possible to do anything more boring??

    That's my main four issues. And yes, I did buy it, and played for roughly 6 weeks. If SOE does a good job with improving this game, I might be back, but the issues are so big and severe that I really doubt I ever will.
    Btw, I didn't read that wall of text, I only have a few weeks vacation... And don't forget, paragraphs are not dangerous, so use them more frequently.
    May I answer? Thanks.

    1.  Servers started with way, and I mean way, too many.  The world is so enormous with content 20 minutes away from people that coordinating groups is difficult.

    2.  The amount of content is breathtaking.  You got to get out there and find it, though.  It is not linear.  You do not go from camp A to camp B.  You can visit various islands, continents, dungeons, camps, caves, etc.  You can grind your way.  You can Quest your way.  You can Task your way with "missives." Tons of content, almost never a day goes by that I do not find new content. 

    3.  I dislike Crafting.  I do not like it in many games.  The gathering and foresting in EQ 2 has been so much fun, though.

    4.  I also cannot get into Diplomacy.  They are working on this AND Crafting, though. It will get better. I am confident of it.

    I think SOE is doing  a good job and it will continue to.  The company is very serious about this game. More serious than I thought they were going to be.  It is great.

    WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
    I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.

  • LidaneLidane Member CommonPosts: 2,300
    Originally posted by Orphes

    This is false.

    Given that information I think one can conclude that this is a "horrible" game. Yes.


    That is his opinion the only thing he showed is that as you did above is 'true', but that doesn't make a game horrible it only shows that alot of people didn't like the game at the point where they did leave. And I am quite shure that people left for alot of different reasons, maybe not equally divided reasons.

    I could throw some argument backing up me saying that it is a splendid game, but that would in your eyes be a lie.

    He put the word horrible in quotes. That would sugest that he was answering the OP's question, not making a value judgement.

    And honestly? Any game where more than 3/4 of the people who bought the retail box have since left, and in less than 5 months at that, isn't doing so well. There's clearly something about VG that people simply aren't willing to put up with, because putting up with it means paying to endure it.

    Also, in my eyes, yes, the game has failed so far. However, I'm a pragmatist at heart. SOE might just be able to turn this game back from the abyss, and they might be able to polish it up and make it a better game. But at the same time, there are other, newer games on the horizon like Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa, and WAR, so the window for them to really attract people is VERY short.

    Things might eventually level off for VG, since it can't get any worse without shutting down the servers. But it will never be what it could have been if they'd had competent management and good project planning from the start, and that's a damned shame.

  • TrustMeImAokTrustMeImAok Member Posts: 6
    The post you are replying to by Tnice, posted on 6/24/07 5:27:05 PM

    200,000 people bought the game and tried it.  There are an estimated 30,000 people left.  Therefore, 170,000 people tried it and quit.  Not negative forums posts.  Not "wall of text" positive posts but 170,000 tested it and dropped it.

    The game started with 13 servers and now will merge down to 4 after 5 months of going live.  The original company that developed the product fired it's employees in the parking lot of the office.  If it were not for SOE stepping in at the last moment this game would be history and not even be live.

    Given that information I think one can conclude that this is a "horrible" game.  Yes.


    Well, even I myself said that I didn't purchase the game for a good 4 months due to the horrible "buzz" I heard about it everywhere.  I do not know if your numbers are accurate, but even if they are, that doesnt mean the game is a bad game "Now". From my understanding, the game was supposedly released way to early. What I believe this lead to was that it released with very shoddy performance. Because of the bad performance, Im guessing a lot of people just quit right away and never actually got into the game and tried.  For you to say this is a Horrible game due to the large amount of people that qut initially is a bit unfair.  If they had quit due to the fact that the game was a bad game and wasnt any fun, then youd be right on the money. However, they (and Im just guessing here) probably quit because the game didnt run well. So if thats the reason they quit, then those people do not really have a good understanding of if the game is good or not. And if this is what your bassing your opinion on then I think you may be a bit wrong.  However, you do make a VERY VALID POINT, because of the large ammount of people who dropped this game, I am affraid that it will have a negative stigma attached to it for a very long time.  I personally got passed this "stigma" and tried the game to find that I love it . . . except for those darn CITIES!  I personally think that the game is now very playable. If this game would have been released at the point it is now, then I think that it likely would have retained many of those lost subscribers (although Im sure there would still be complaining about the CITIES!!!).  Although I do appreciate your post and your comment, I think that your statement of it being a horrible gamemay be a little bit "misleading".   In a way, its kind of like saying that Grandma's Boy or Boondock Saints where horrible movies b/c they didnt make any money in the box office . . . . but from anyone thats seen those movies . . . .THEY ARE PURE GENIUS!    mwhahahaha  (for those of you needing a Grandma's Boy Qoute  "Dude, I'm waaaay to baked to drive to the Devil's house")

  • TrustMeImAokTrustMeImAok Member Posts: 6
    The post you are replying to by Netspook, posted on 6/24/07 6:24:22 PM

    OP, this is (for me) why:

    1. No players around. Impossible to get help with group quests.
    2. Lack of content. You are forced to solo since you mostly are alone, and at certain lvls there are very very few solo quests.
    3. Crafting. Worst I've ever seen in any MMORPG.
    4. Diplomacy. Sure, it's something new, but is it possible to do anything more boring??

    That's my main four issues. And yes, I did buy it, and played for roughly 6 weeks. If SOE does a good job with improving this game, I might be back, but the issues are so big and severe that I really doubt I ever will.

    Btw, I didn't read that wall of text, I only have a few weeks vacation... And don't forget, paragraphs are not dangerous, so use them more frequently.


    Well Netspook, if I used paragraphs then the wall would appear to be even more insurmountable now wouldnt it   ?  Beside's I spend enough time every day spell checking and editing papers, Ill be darned if Im going to do it on a forum as well.   As for yor issues, I have responded to each one in as little ammount of textas possible . . . . just for you  

    1) Your right, the world feels empty, itd be excellent if people where everywhere and I reall really really hope the server merge fixes this.  However, whenever I use the LFG thingy I always am able to find people (however I only grouped once and with one other person . . . so Im not saying its foolproof). I think I read somewhere on the SOE milestone thing that a new LFG feature is coming around the same time as the server merge . . . so lets all hope that fixes this point of disdain!   (insert crossed finger smilley here)

    2) Lack of content . . . hmmmmm, I always have things to do . . . but then again, Im only lvl ten. Is what you mean lack os soloable content at higher lvls?  Just wondering because Im actually a bit overwhelmed with quests right now.  If by content you mean LORE, then yes, this game could honestly use a bit more lore.  I have found some good lore about my race, but I want some in depth world lore about dragons and impending doom or something.   Anyway, I don't think there is a lack of content . . . I just think there is room for Much much much more content!

    3)Crafting I don't really know about. As long as it isnt a WoW point and click crafting system though I will honestly be happy.  Harvesting on the other hand is fun (as I described in my "wall of text"). However, I don't really wish to comment about things I know nothing about. So you win this round my friend!!!

    4) Diplomocy . . . . once again, I know nothing about this . . . it sounds interesting . . . but wait, I bet there is Lore here and Content . . . Ill have to get back to you on this one!  (for those of you who dont see what just happened . . . I think a light bulb just went off and I realize there might be a lot of this games LORE in diplmocy    YEAH!!!!!  )


    Anyway, thanks for your post and next time don't be such a stickler about paragraphs . . . rules are meant to be broken so on and so on.

    Oh, and have a nice vacation.

  • matraquematraque Member Posts: 1,431
    Originally posted by Tnice

    200,000 people bought the game and tried it.  There are an estimated 30,000 people left.  Therefore, 170,000 people tried it and quit.  Not negative forums posts.  Not "wall of text" positive posts but 170,000 tested it and dropped it.
    The game started with 13 servers and now will merge down to 4 after 5 months of going live.  The original company that developed the product fired it's employees in the parking lot of the office.  If it were not for SOE stepping in at the last moment this game would be history and not even be live.
    Given that information I think one can conclude that this is a "horrible" game.  Yes.
    That guy wants VG to die so bad... Look at him.  LMAO.  It`s not gonna die.  It's like UO man... still there.  Even with all the new games out there.  If SOE bought it, it's not going away.  Sorry.

  • UrdigUrdig Member Posts: 1,260

    May I just say, that as someone that isn't a lawyer, reading through legal documents isn't very fun.

    And you used a smaller print.

    Edit: No it's not smaller.  There is just so much of it that it looks smaller. 


    Wish Darkfall would release.

  • TniceTnice Member Posts: 563
    Originally posted by matraque

    Originally posted by Tnice

    200,000 people bought the game and tried it.  There are an estimated 30,000 people left.  Therefore, 170,000 people tried it and quit.  Not negative forums posts.  Not "wall of text" positive posts but 170,000 tested it and dropped it.
    The game started with 13 servers and now will merge down to 4 after 5 months of going live.  The original company that developed the product fired it's employees in the parking lot of the office.  If it were not for SOE stepping in at the last moment this game would be history and not even be live.
    Given that information I think one can conclude that this is a "horrible" game.  Yes.
    That guy wants VG to die so bad... Look at him.  LMAO.  It`s not gonna die.  It's like UO man... still there.  Even with all the new games out there.  If SOE bought it, it's not going away.  Sorry.

    This thread is not about me.  Get out of my a*s and post to topic!
  • matraquematraque Member Posts: 1,431
    Originally posted by Tnice

    Originally posted by matraque

    Originally posted by Tnice

    200,000 people bought the game and tried it.  There are an estimated 30,000 people left.  Therefore, 170,000 people tried it and quit.  Not negative forums posts.  Not "wall of text" positive posts but 170,000 tested it and dropped it.
    The game started with 13 servers and now will merge down to 4 after 5 months of going live.  The original company that developed the product fired it's employees in the parking lot of the office.  If it were not for SOE stepping in at the last moment this game would be history and not even be live.
    Given that information I think one can conclude that this is a "horrible" game.  Yes.
    That guy wants VG to die so bad... Look at him.  LMAO.  It`s not gonna die.  It's like UO man... still there.  Even with all the new games out there.  If SOE bought it, it's not going away.  Sorry.

    This thread is not about me.  Get out of my a*s and post to topic!

    LOL.  Are you going to report me for hijacking or something?

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,079
    Well, I played in open beta and through the first month after launch, and it was a pretty horrible game back then.  Lots of crashes, lack of solo content when I got to 20, hard to find groups etc.....  

    MIght have changed since those early days, by many reports it has (not always for the better).

    Too late now, I've moved on to other games.... the opportunity is lost.......

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

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