It's a trolls wet dream over here,no matter what forum you visit.
Just look in the post with links that is stickied.
Even the trolls had to walk in a bash the game and have their posts deleted.
These boards are even worse than the VN boards
lol exactly my thoughts.
everyday is wow sucks, eq2 sucks, lotr sucks etc etc.....
and they all hide behind the whole self righteous oh im saving the unsuspecting gamer.
Why would most people give a crap if someone else wasted their money or not? If you think we are trying to save you from the evil's of LOTROL you are over estimating your importance in this world.
Is this not a game discussion forum.?Does each game not have both good points, and bad points? Judging by the fact that this is not the only forum on this site I am guessing LOTROL is not perfect.
Yes like many other I thought LOTROL was a great game. It had some faults character customization just plain sucks for instance. After awhile it began to loose its luster just seemed like the same old crap in a different package. It took me roughly 140 hours of game play before I was sick of it which is pretty sad considering that I haven't played a fantasy MMO since 2001, and I am probably one of 5 living gamers that haven't played WOW.
LOTRO isnt ground breaking nore nothing any of us havent played before. It is polished and kept my intrest about as long as WoW and all the clones of EQ have. MMO's can't offer anything new cause every dev house looks to WoW and tries to copy that formula. WoW looked to EQ had polish and a large fan base overseas. Lotro has a large fan base and to me it is allmost a exact copy of WoW in allmost every way( my opinion). These games hold your hand take mission x and goto mob y rinse repeat 100000000 times till level capped.
There is only so much inovation game companies are willing to risk due to precieved past failures( SWG,VanCrap ect) So they dont think players want choices lots of professions and skill point systems. Wow's success has made the market full of me too wanna break 10 mill sub games.
LOTRO is a good game if you like this type of gamestyle and quest more quest and quest somemore. It may not appeal to everyone but some do enjoy it as is. I for one just couldnt find anything in LOTRO to keep me glued and wanting to explore more. I dont like level based forced anything gameplay like LOTRO and WoW. Last game that i never got bored with was SWG pre crap upgrades. I think we could use more innovative games and less lets copy game X. Until a game like SWG type gameplay succeeds we wont see anything more that rehased copies of EQ. Of course just my opinion some do enjoy this type of game.
Doesnt mean LOTRO or WoW arent good games. The sub base in both seem very healthy and growing. Some will wait for more complex and opened games. Some will just play whatever is new, time will tell if this type of gameplay keeps players for years. I think some will be bored faster than others. Cant please everyone in everyway wil never happen. Just play what you enjoy and who cares what everyone else thinks?
so everyone is hating on LOTRO?2 months ago everyone was saying it pwned so hard.
you are correct , but you have to understand 2 months ago most had not past lvl 30 & up till say 35 or so its a great fun game , but once you are forced to group or grind for traits you start to wonder , And with quest that well just let me say are boring as hell you find out that the game has no depth at all , Characters that get only 1 new spell per level sucks espically when you come accross spells that are usless & there are many so sometimes you might lvl 3 levels without even worring about getting the new spells & thats boring ..
none of you have a clue what are you talking about , you all are just trolling
yes games start easy and slow and i give you that ,
its also true that first 15 levels are little bit easy but after that it gets really hard ,, i mean you can always solo in case if you wait for the quest to become green, and then do it , but doing it on yellow or orange is chalenge.....
after level 30 soloing was really hard and everyone was coplaing how hard it was tyo do it , but luckily new content comes with loads of solo quests
if you set your mind with attitude , any game will be boring and you will hate it
I havn't played this game. I don't plan too. Not because it doesn't look good or something... simply because *IM* tired of magic swords and shields. I wanna shoot something. Workin on TR.
That said. The reason for this post is quite simple. This thread has quickly changed from "LotR OL BLOWS!" to "WTF are you doing starting the same crap over and over again between 300 different people?"
Heres my take: Other peoples ideas of games, like movies, are crap. Don't read reviews. Ever. Don't listen to your friends. EVER. AND ESPECIALLY DONT LISTEN TO PEOPLE POSTING IN FORUMS. I don't care if the guy with 500 million posts says a game is a pile of Bantha boodoo... you have to find out for yourself. Even if you play a game and it blows entirely, at least you know what your not looking for. Posting on forums like these is largely for venting. Dont criticize the OP for venting. OP, don't tell people not to play because you didn't like it.
*Edit* Now that I think about it... if your not supposed to trust people in forums... why trust any water held in my post? Conundrum, isnt it?
The ultimate solution to every problem: more space marines.
The bottom line is, the OP didn't like the game, and feels let down. He has every right, just as the people who oppose him have every right to point out the good things about the game.
However, those of you quick to call "board troll" and call names, should be ashamed of yourselves. You are getting angry over something that doesn't even belong to you. I understand that you want to defend your current drug of choice, but if the best you can come up with is "don't smack talk my game you little troll" you should just save your breath.
Those of you who came up with valid counter points to his statement...good for you, you showed an actual thought process going on in your heads.
Something to think about anyway. Try taking a deep breath and counting to ten before you post, it may help your outlook on things.
Either way, I don't care, I find the arguments amusing.
How is it out of first place? I see 3 games in first. All with 8.3. Oh yeah I thought the rankings here didn't count. So which is it? These rankings count or they don't?
Oh well the official ranking is 8.5 anyways compared to 7.9 for EQ2.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Since this seems to be a good enough place to post my little experience with LOTRO... I agree with OP. I played LOTRO in beta and pre-ordered, but always knew I was just trying to tide myself over between WoW and something new (hopefully AoC, maybe WAR.) LOTRO was fun enough, and I get why people enjoy it, but mainly because of the sluggish movement and ugly character modeling I never really got excited like I have with other games. (I did play a hunter to lvl20, captain to lvl18, Minstrel to lvl16, Loremaster to lvl8 - so I gave it a serious chance.) Then, I went out of town and away from my computer for 2 months. Came back and patched up LOTRO for a session. Was totally bored. So much that I actually dug out a copy of WoW and reinstalled - had much more fun. Probably will shut off my LOTRO sub today. Again, cheers to those who enjoy the game - no offense to you. It just doesn't have the spark for me, and apparently some people agree.
I just add that LOTRO is boring and somewhat waste of time. There's really nothing to do (other than the quests) and quests are repetitive. I'm agreeing with OP that the trait system is kinda badly developed too. Getting +3 something if you kill 500 mobs is just stupid and not really worth it. I'm just waiting for WAR and AoC, I hope that they are better than lotro.
"I actually cook my meat with nothing but my burning hatred for vegetables"
wow after getting seriously flamed surprised to see how many others agreed with my point of view which i guess proves there are many out there who feel the same way. If you are interested in this game you should try it I was a bit hasty and disilusioned with the game when i said no one should bother playing it. It just might be your cup of tea like it was for some other people.
Some of the pro lotro people on this forum are pretty obnoxious and abusive but in game id say the community was the major redeeming aspect, ironic isnt it.
Although I canceled my sub to LOTRO, I still think that in a year it will have more depth. Most of my friends have already left LOTRO, except the people that bought lifetime subs. Only time will tell how LOTRO is viewed.
It is funny that I never thought the game was boring during beta, but at release I found it very boring.
The only people who aren't liking it are the 1337 guys who came over after getting bored of WoW, who expected - and who now demand - that LotRO be WoW. They simply can't deal with the fact that LotRO isn't meant to be rushed through in search of the endgame.
I'm having great fun with it. It has to be the best-designed MMOG I've ever played. Odd, since I played the closed beta, hated it and quit. But I'm glad I tried it again as the full version of the game is heaps better.
LotRO is not a powergamer's game. It's a casual player's game and it's a LotR fan's game. WoW fans need not apply.
The only people who aren't liking it are the 1337 guys who came over after getting bored of WoW, who expected - and who now demand - that LotRO be WoW. They simply can't deal with the fact that LotRO isn't meant to be rushed through in search of the endgame. I'm having great fun with it. It has to be the best-designed MMOG I've ever played. Odd, since I played the closed beta, hated it and quit. But I'm glad I tried it again as the full version of the game is heaps better. LotRO is not a powergamer's game. It's a casual player's game and it's a LotR fan's game. WoW fans need not apply.
BZZZZZT. Wrong. Dead wrong.
I was bored in a week, and I'm not a WoW player or powergamer of any sort. I played EQ1 for over 4 years and never maxed out. SWG for a couple years, and I'll admit I did master CH and TKM, but that's definitely not powergaming. I've played Guild Wars off and on since release and am yet to break level 10 on any character. I have spent 70% of my time in MMOGs exploring, discovering, and RPing, and still..LOTRO bored me senseless in no time at all. And I am the definitive casual gamer- I play maybe 5 hours a week total. Strike one!
Saying this game is for LOTR fans is ridiculous. It's like saying that Toy Story was for Mechwarrior fans. They use the lore as an excuse for cutting corners and avoiding anything that would make the game interesting, then turn around and completely disregard the lore by having Elves running all over Bree, filthy humans with free access to Rivendell, and bold, fighting Hobbits out slaying Orcs at every turn. Utterly and completely the furthest thing from an accurate depiction of life in Middle-Earth as it can be. Strike two!
Troll? Brilliant. Any time you have no answer, play the troll card.
You stated, as fact, that the ONLY people bored with LOTRO are WoW players and powergamers. I gave anecdotal and personal proof that you were wrong. That's trolling? Wow, awesome.
You stated, as fact, that LOTR fans would love the game. I gave a few examples to the contrary- and will give another. I think that a real LOTR fan would have an experience something like this: Log in and create an Elf Champion, wondering why his torso was a foot too long and his legs a foot too short, and why he can't have a look on his face that doesn't make it appear that he has bad gas. Well, let's run over here and see what we can do...he's now faced with a doe-eyed whimpering little Elven girl who greets him by moaning "My heart cannot sing today" in a terrible faux-British accent, then sends him to see the Dwarf up the road. I guess the fact that Dwarves and Elves really don't like one another isn't important. But what epic, important task might our effeminate yet brave Elf be sent on? Oh...gather some hops and pig bladders.
At this point, our LOTR fan will probably vomit his intestines onto the keyboard, then have to clean the mess up in order to log out and never come back. And this is even before he saw the strange Elven creature named xXxHottiebooty SilkypantsxXx who can conjure a raven from thin air and shoot fire from her fingers....she must be some rare and magical heir to the thro...oh, wait. There are 32 more just like her. At this point, I believe he would try to hang himself with the intestines he vomited up earlier, so it's for the best he couldn't make it that far.
Trolling? Nope. Facing the real facts of the matter? You betcha.
The game is boring because we've all done the exact same game since the last MMO we played. It offers no new classes, no new quest system. You just pick your boring little class and are expected to grind for grinding sakes.
I don't know what it is you guys find so boring/bad. I've never had so much fun with a MMOG as I'm having with LotRO. I really didn't think that MMOGs could be this much fun. As for the grind, in my opinion this game has the least 'grind for its own sake' that I've ever seen in an MMOG, and I've played over ten MMOGs. In fact it's so NOT 'grind for its own sake' that I have to assume that comment comes from someone who hasn't played the game.
But each to his own I guess. If it's not fun, find something else to play.
A whole bunch disagree with your view and your game Vanguard (not WoW as one poster suggested) is on it's way to be cancelled. Here is a hint OP, you like stupid unpopular games with puny playerbases because of all the things YOU like, which btw most HATE. Good games like LotRO YOU don't like but most others do, hence it's 8.3 rating while the CRAPPY bug filled, no player having turd game you like is no where near the top 10. Of course most playing LotRO could care less, we are enjoying the game and roaring with laughter at the absolute flop of a game you like, that is on it's way to be cancelled!
LotRO is for casual players, and it is a blast, while professional GAMERS (as if that term "professional" should be applied to games) maybe don't like it much at all, casual players don't care, we want a mostly bug free game that is fun.
The one thing that I didn't like about Lotro was the low experience you received for killing a monster. I remember killing monsters and receiving anywhere from 10exp to 32exp. This makes grinding seem futile. One thing I did like about Lotro is that there was alot of quests. I thought Wow needed more quests in certain regions but atleast in Wow when you killed a monster you would pick up 100 exp to 200exp so grinding was a legitimate way to lvl. I think Lotro would be a better game if killing monsters yielded more experience.
A whole bunch disagree with your view and your game Vanguard (not WoW as one poster suggested) is on it's way to be cancelled. Here is a hint OP, you like stupid unpopular games with puny playerbases because of all the things YOU like, which btw most HATE. Good games like LotRO YOU don't like but most others do, hence it's 8.3 rating while the CRAPPY bug filled, no player having turd game you like is no where near the top 10. Of course most playing LotRO could care less, we are enjoying the game and roaring with laughter at the absolute flop of a game you like, that is on it's way to be cancelled! LotRO is for casual players, and it is a blast, while professional GAMERS (as if that term "professional" should be applied to games) maybe don't like it much at all, casual players don't care, we want a mostly bug free game that is fun.
dude im the op i believe and I've never even tryed Vanguard so I dont know what you are talking about. Anyway you realy cant take that 8.3 raiting seriously im pretty sure there are quite a few ppl in the lotro community that jack it upby abusing the poll. Also one of the reason i gave lotro a hard time was due to lack of players, it is freaking impossible to find a grp for fornost or a lot of the epic chapters during off peak times when i play.
Well, population is anything but decreasing... I am a minstrel and I am FLOODED with "can u plx help group quest xy", there are people literally EVERYWHERE... And I'm a vet, level 45 and NOT bored...
Meridion, You are 45 and not bored at all? That is hard to believe. I read your posts said this before to you, sometimes I agree sometimes I do not. However I find your posts thoughtful, opinionated, and from a person with real mmo experience. With that said how can someone as experienced in mmorpgs, not find LOTRO begining to get boring. I got to the low 40's with a 2 characters and could not bring myself to doing it again or even get to 50. I had fun for a couple months but after awhile I started logging in less and less. The novelty of the beautiful landscapes and decent lore is wearing off. I do not know over all sever populations but I have also notice in my guild that a significant number of players have left or like me only log a couple hours a week waiting for more to be added by turbine.
I have not given up on LOTRO I am waiting for updates, player housing and more. At the moment though LOTRO is getting boring. There is very little depth to it. Looks great, plays great, fun for a few weeks but nothing to do when not questing except play instruments, tag and a weak crafting system. I play EQ2 as well and after almost 3 years still have things to do even if I only have an hour to play. That is what is lacking with LOTRO after the mid 30's if you do not want to group up for a quest there is little to do. One thing I think would help is give a bit more exp. for kills. This would allow players to actually level by just going out and hunting. This is important for the times you do not want or can not find a goup. This was also a problem for Turbine's DDO. They realized this and tried to help by adding more solo instances. I realize this is an mmo but many times you just want to solo.
LOTRO has ton's of potential if Turbine does the right things. (The lack of player housing at release is a huge mistake in my opinion) I think Turbine will do the right thing but with a few very anticipated mmos on the horizon Turbine better move fast to secure their subscribers. I agree with the OP. LOTRO does get boring! I forcast LOTRO will take a huge hit if, Age of Conan. Warhammer Online, Chronicles of Spellbourne, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Tabula Rasa, Gods and Heroes, Darkfall (need I go on), are good games at release. There has never been so much competition in mmos. Turbine's LOTRO could indeed suffer mainly because of this competition, but more likely many more players in a few months will say the same thing many are saying already "LOTRO gets boring".
Well, population is anything but decreasing... I am a minstrel and I am FLOODED with "can u plx help group quest xy", there are people literally EVERYWHERE... And I'm a vet, level 45 and NOT bored...
Meridion, You are 45 and not bored at all? That is hard to believe. I read your posts said this before to you, sometimes I agree sometimes I do not. However I find your posts thoughtful, opinionated, and from a person with real mmo experience. With that said how can someone as experienced in mmorpgs, not find LOTRO begining to get boring. I got to the low 40's with a 2 characters and could not bring myself to doing it again or even get to 50. I had fun for a couple months but after awhile I started logging in less and less. The novelty of the beautiful landscapes and decent lore is wearing off. I do not know over all sever populations but I have also notice in my guild that a significant number of players have left or like me only log a couple hours a week waiting for more to be added by turbine.
I have not given up on LOTRO I am waiting for updates, player housing and more. At the moment though LOTRO is getting boring. There is very little depth to it. Looks great, plays great, fun for a few weeks but nothing to do when not questing except play instruments, tag and a weak crafting system. I play EQ2 as well and after almost 3 years still have things to do even if I only have an hour to play. That is what is lacking with LOTRO after the mid 30's if you do not want to group up for a quest there is little to do. One thing I think would help is give a bit more exp. for kills. This would allow players to actually level by just going out and hunting. This is important for the times you do not want or can not find a goup. This was also a problem for Turbine's DDO. They realized this and tried to help by adding more solo instances. I realize this is an mmo but many times you just want to solo.
LOTRO has ton's of potential if Turbine does the right things. (The lack of player housing at release is a huge mistake in my opinion) I think Turbine will do the right thing but with a few very anticipated mmos on the horizon Turbine better move fast to secure their subscribers. I agree with the OP. LOTRO does get boring! I forcast LOTRO will take a huge hit if, Age of Conan. Warhammer Online, Chronicles of Spellbourne, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Tabula Rasa, Gods and Heroes, Darkfall (need I go on), are good games at release. There has never been so much competition in mmos. Turbine's LOTRO could indeed suffer mainly because of this competition, but more likely many more players in a few months will say the same thing many are saying already "LOTRO gets boring".
Because obviously the game is not for you thus why you are bored i am a lvl 46 guard and have been playing since closed Beta and am still having heaps of fun is it not possible for people to like this i mean just because some people got bored dont mean that others have to...
the thing people are missing these days is that the fun you have in games is what you make of it and as you should know seeing that you do seem to know a thing or 2 is that not all games appeal to others IMHO there is not 1 game that you listed that i am even interested in they all look good but i am already seeing that there is bithching and moaning already for these titles yet they have not been released now i am 1 that does not listen 2 much to opinions on games i like to try and see if i like it myself then i make my own Judgement but as much as you can say that these things will be a threat to LOTRO i could really care less and i would dare say that the other people who do enjoy this game (and yes there are others)could really care less aswell in the end if ya like it ya play and if ya dont then ya come on here and make stupid post on how the game was just not for you.
LOTRO has ton's of potential if Turbine does the right things. (The lack of player housing at release is a huge mistake in my opinion) I think Turbine will do the right thing but with a few very anticipated mmos on the horizon Turbine better move fast to secure their subscribers. I agree with the OP.
I have a real house to maintain, I don't need another one!
I hear a lot of people saying, " in a year it will have depth and be better", but most gamers I know personally, when they quit a game, they dont come back to it a year later just cause they added something that should always have been there.
The problem with lotro is that the whole system lacks any depth, and you cant fix that with a patch or an expansion. The lotro system is stuck the way it is, and it wont change unless they make an lotro2 (which will never happen(ok never say never but ya know)).
Also, in a year's time we are getting an influx of good quality, different games (aoc), and a few others that try to offer the same and more(war). I think lotro will become like ddo, where the community is the people who enjoy the IP, and the game will stay the way it is. Good for some, seemingly veyr bad for a lot.
lol exactly my thoughts.
everyday is wow sucks, eq2 sucks, lotr sucks etc etc.....
and they all hide behind the whole self righteous oh im saving the unsuspecting gamer.
Why would most people give a crap if someone else wasted their money or not? If you think we are trying to save you from the evil's of LOTROL you are over estimating your importance in this world.Is this not a game discussion forum.?Does each game not have both good points, and bad points? Judging by the fact that this is not the only forum on this site I am guessing LOTROL is not perfect.
Yes like many other I thought LOTROL was a great game. It had some faults character customization just plain sucks for instance. After awhile it began to loose its luster just seemed like the same old crap in a different package. It took me roughly 140 hours of game play before I was sick of it which is pretty sad considering that I haven't played a fantasy MMO since 2001, and I am probably one of 5 living gamers that haven't played WOW.
Bottom line people have opnions deal with it.
<ahref=""><img src="" width="450" height="34" /></a>
LOTRO isnt ground breaking nore nothing any of us havent played before. It is polished and kept my intrest about as long as WoW and all the clones of EQ have. MMO's can't offer anything new cause every dev house looks to WoW and tries to copy that formula. WoW looked to EQ had polish and a large fan base overseas. Lotro has a large fan base and to me it is allmost a exact copy of WoW in allmost every way( my opinion). These games hold your hand take mission x and goto mob y rinse repeat 100000000 times till level capped.
There is only so much inovation game companies are willing to risk due to precieved past failures( SWG,VanCrap ect) So they dont think players want choices lots of professions and skill point systems. Wow's success has made the market full of me too wanna break 10 mill sub games.
LOTRO is a good game if you like this type of gamestyle and quest more quest and quest somemore. It may not appeal to everyone but some do enjoy it as is. I for one just couldnt find anything in LOTRO to keep me glued and wanting to explore more. I dont like level based forced anything gameplay like LOTRO and WoW. Last game that i never got bored with was SWG pre crap upgrades. I think we could use more innovative games and less lets copy game X. Until a game like SWG type gameplay succeeds we wont see anything more that rehased copies of EQ. Of course just my opinion some do enjoy this type of game.
Doesnt mean LOTRO or WoW arent good games. The sub base in both seem very healthy and growing. Some will wait for more complex and opened games. Some will just play whatever is new, time will tell if this type of gameplay keeps players for years. I think some will be bored faster than others. Cant please everyone in everyway wil never happen. Just play what you enjoy and who cares what everyone else thinks?
you are correct , but you have to understand 2 months ago most had not past lvl 30 & up till say 35 or so its a great fun game , but once you are forced to group or grind for traits you start to wonder , And with quest that well just let me say are boring as hell you find out that the game has no depth at all , Characters that get only 1 new spell per level sucks espically when you come accross spells that are usless & there are many so sometimes you might lvl 3 levels without even worring about getting the new spells & thats boring ..
none of you have a clue what are you talking about , you all are just trolling
yes games start easy and slow and i give you that ,
its also true that first 15 levels are little bit easy but after that it gets really hard ,, i mean you can always solo in case if you wait for the quest to become green, and then do it , but doing it on yellow or orange is chalenge.....
after level 30 soloing was really hard and everyone was coplaing how hard it was tyo do it , but luckily new content comes with loads of solo quests
if you set your mind with attitude , any game will be boring and you will hate it
I havn't played this game. I don't plan too. Not because it doesn't look good or something... simply because *IM* tired of magic swords and shields. I wanna shoot something. Workin on TR.
That said. The reason for this post is quite simple. This thread has quickly changed from "LotR OL BLOWS!" to "WTF are you doing starting the same crap over and over again between 300 different people?"
Heres my take: Other peoples ideas of games, like movies, are crap. Don't read reviews. Ever. Don't listen to your friends. EVER. AND ESPECIALLY DONT LISTEN TO PEOPLE POSTING IN FORUMS. I don't care if the guy with 500 million posts says a game is a pile of Bantha boodoo... you have to find out for yourself. Even if you play a game and it blows entirely, at least you know what your not looking for. Posting on forums like these is largely for venting. Dont criticize the OP for venting. OP, don't tell people not to play because you didn't like it.
*Edit* Now that I think about it... if your not supposed to trust people in forums... why trust any water held in my post? Conundrum, isnt it?
The ultimate solution to every problem: more space marines.
The bottom line is, the OP didn't like the game, and feels let down. He has every right, just as the people who oppose him have every right to point out the good things about the game.
However, those of you quick to call "board troll" and call names, should be ashamed of yourselves. You are getting angry over something that doesn't even belong to you. I understand that you want to defend your current drug of choice, but if the best you can come up with is "don't smack talk my game you little troll" you should just save your breath.
Those of you who came up with valid counter points to his statement...good for you, you showed an actual thought process going on in your heads.
Something to think about anyway. Try taking a deep breath and counting to ten before you post, it may help your outlook on things.
Either way, I don't care, I find the arguments amusing.
How is it out of first place? I see 3 games in first. All with 8.3. Oh yeah I thought the rankings here didn't count. So which is it? These rankings count or they don't?
Oh well the official ranking is 8.5 anyways compared to 7.9 for EQ2.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Since this seems to be a good enough place to post my little experience with LOTRO... I agree with OP. I played LOTRO in beta and pre-ordered, but always knew I was just trying to tide myself over between WoW and something new (hopefully AoC, maybe WAR.) LOTRO was fun enough, and I get why people enjoy it, but mainly because of the sluggish movement and ugly character modeling I never really got excited like I have with other games. (I did play a hunter to lvl20, captain to lvl18, Minstrel to lvl16, Loremaster to lvl8 - so I gave it a serious chance.) Then, I went out of town and away from my computer for 2 months. Came back and patched up LOTRO for a session. Was totally bored. So much that I actually dug out a copy of WoW and reinstalled - had much more fun. Probably will shut off my LOTRO sub today. Again, cheers to those who enjoy the game - no offense to you. It just doesn't have the spark for me, and apparently some people agree.
Come on AoC!! Pleeeease be good.
I just add that LOTRO is boring and somewhat waste of time. There's really nothing to do (other than the quests) and quests are repetitive. I'm agreeing with OP that the trait system is kinda badly developed too. Getting +3 something if you kill 500 mobs is just stupid and not really worth it. I'm just waiting for WAR and AoC, I hope that they are better than lotro.
"I actually cook my meat with nothing but my burning hatred for vegetables"
I enjoyed LOTR alot to start with, but it quickly went downhill. Its just a poor man's WoW I am afraid.
wow after getting seriously flamed surprised to see how many others agreed with my point of view which i guess proves there are many out there who feel the same way. If you are interested in this game you should try it I was a bit hasty and disilusioned with the game when i said no one should bother playing it. It just might be your cup of tea like it was for some other people.
Some of the pro lotro people on this forum are pretty obnoxious and abusive but in game id say the community was the major redeeming aspect, ironic isnt it.
Although I canceled my sub to LOTRO, I still think that in a year it will have more depth. Most of my friends have already left LOTRO, except the people that bought lifetime subs. Only time will tell how LOTRO is viewed.
It is funny that I never thought the game was boring during beta, but at release I found it very boring.
The only people who aren't liking it are the 1337 guys who came over after getting bored of WoW, who expected - and who now demand - that LotRO be WoW. They simply can't deal with the fact that LotRO isn't meant to be rushed through in search of the endgame.
I'm having great fun with it. It has to be the best-designed MMOG I've ever played. Odd, since I played the closed beta, hated it and quit. But I'm glad I tried it again as the full version of the game is heaps better.
LotRO is not a powergamer's game. It's a casual player's game and it's a LotR fan's game. WoW fans need not apply.
BZZZZZT. Wrong. Dead wrong.
I was bored in a week, and I'm not a WoW player or powergamer of any sort. I played EQ1 for over 4 years and never maxed out. SWG for a couple years, and I'll admit I did master CH and TKM, but that's definitely not powergaming. I've played Guild Wars off and on since release and am yet to break level 10 on any character. I have spent 70% of my time in MMOGs exploring, discovering, and RPing, and still..LOTRO bored me senseless in no time at all. And I am the definitive casual gamer- I play maybe 5 hours a week total. Strike one!
Saying this game is for LOTR fans is ridiculous. It's like saying that Toy Story was for Mechwarrior fans. They use the lore as an excuse for cutting corners and avoiding anything that would make the game interesting, then turn around and completely disregard the lore by having Elves running all over Bree, filthy humans with free access to Rivendell, and bold, fighting Hobbits out slaying Orcs at every turn. Utterly and completely the furthest thing from an accurate depiction of life in Middle-Earth as it can be. Strike two!
Going to have a swing at that third pitch?
Bite me, Turbine.
Honestly, bloody trolls.
Honestly, bloody trolls.
Troll? Brilliant. Any time you have no answer, play the troll card.
You stated, as fact, that the ONLY people bored with LOTRO are WoW players and powergamers. I gave anecdotal and personal proof that you were wrong. That's trolling? Wow, awesome.
You stated, as fact, that LOTR fans would love the game. I gave a few examples to the contrary- and will give another. I think that a real LOTR fan would have an experience something like this: Log in and create an Elf Champion, wondering why his torso was a foot too long and his legs a foot too short, and why he can't have a look on his face that doesn't make it appear that he has bad gas. Well, let's run over here and see what we can do...he's now faced with a doe-eyed whimpering little Elven girl who greets him by moaning "My heart cannot sing today" in a terrible faux-British accent, then sends him to see the Dwarf up the road. I guess the fact that Dwarves and Elves really don't like one another isn't important. But what epic, important task might our effeminate yet brave Elf be sent on? Oh...gather some hops and pig bladders.
At this point, our LOTR fan will probably vomit his intestines onto the keyboard, then have to clean the mess up in order to log out and never come back. And this is even before he saw the strange Elven creature named xXxHottiebooty SilkypantsxXx who can conjure a raven from thin air and shoot fire from her fingers....she must be some rare and magical heir to the thro...oh, wait. There are 32 more just like her. At this point, I believe he would try to hang himself with the intestines he vomited up earlier, so it's for the best he couldn't make it that far.
Trolling? Nope. Facing the real facts of the matter? You betcha.
Bite me, Turbine.
The game is boring because we've all done the exact same game since the last MMO we played. It offers no new classes, no new quest system. You just pick your boring little class and are expected to grind for grinding sakes.
I don't know what it is you guys find so boring/bad. I've never had so much fun with a MMOG as I'm having with LotRO. I really didn't think that MMOGs could be this much fun. As for the grind, in my opinion this game has the least 'grind for its own sake' that I've ever seen in an MMOG, and I've played over ten MMOGs. In fact it's so NOT 'grind for its own sake' that I have to assume that comment comes from someone who hasn't played the game.
But each to his own I guess. If it's not fun, find something else to play.
A whole bunch disagree with your view and your game Vanguard (not WoW as one poster suggested) is on it's way to be cancelled. Here is a hint OP, you like stupid unpopular games with puny playerbases because of all the things YOU like, which btw most HATE. Good games like LotRO YOU don't like but most others do, hence it's 8.3 rating while the CRAPPY bug filled, no player having turd game you like is no where near the top 10. Of course most playing LotRO could care less, we are enjoying the game and roaring with laughter at the absolute flop of a game you like, that is on it's way to be cancelled!
LotRO is for casual players, and it is a blast, while professional GAMERS (as if that term "professional" should be applied to games) maybe don't like it much at all, casual players don't care, we want a mostly bug free game that is fun.
The one thing that I didn't like about Lotro was the low experience you received for killing a monster. I remember killing monsters and receiving anywhere from 10exp to 32exp. This makes grinding seem futile. One thing I did like about Lotro is that there was alot of quests. I thought Wow needed more quests in certain regions but atleast in Wow when you killed a monster you would pick up 100 exp to 200exp so grinding was a legitimate way to lvl. I think Lotro would be a better game if killing monsters yielded more experience.
dude im the op i believe and I've never even tryed Vanguard so I dont know what you are talking about. Anyway you realy cant take that 8.3 raiting seriously im pretty sure there are quite a few ppl in the lotro community that jack it upby abusing the poll. Also one of the reason i gave lotro a hard time was due to lack of players, it is freaking impossible to find a grp for fornost or a lot of the epic chapters during off peak times when i play.
I have not given up on LOTRO I am waiting for updates, player housing and more. At the moment though LOTRO is getting boring. There is very little depth to it. Looks great, plays great, fun for a few weeks but nothing to do when not questing except play instruments, tag and a weak crafting system. I play EQ2 as well and after almost 3 years still have things to do even if I only have an hour to play. That is what is lacking with LOTRO after the mid 30's if you do not want to group up for a quest there is little to do. One thing I think would help is give a bit more exp. for kills. This would allow players to actually level by just going out and hunting. This is important for the times you do not want or can not find a goup. This was also a problem for Turbine's DDO. They realized this and tried to help by adding more solo instances. I realize this is an mmo but many times you just want to solo.
LOTRO has ton's of potential if Turbine does the right things. (The lack of player housing at release is a huge mistake in my opinion) I think Turbine will do the right thing but with a few very anticipated mmos on the horizon Turbine better move fast to secure their subscribers. I agree with the OP. LOTRO does get boring! I forcast LOTRO will take a huge hit if, Age of Conan. Warhammer Online, Chronicles of Spellbourne, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Tabula Rasa, Gods and Heroes, Darkfall (need I go on), are good games at release. There has never been so much competition in mmos. Turbine's LOTRO could indeed suffer mainly because of this competition, but more likely many more players in a few months will say the same thing many are saying already "LOTRO gets boring".
I have not given up on LOTRO I am waiting for updates, player housing and more. At the moment though LOTRO is getting boring. There is very little depth to it. Looks great, plays great, fun for a few weeks but nothing to do when not questing except play instruments, tag and a weak crafting system. I play EQ2 as well and after almost 3 years still have things to do even if I only have an hour to play. That is what is lacking with LOTRO after the mid 30's if you do not want to group up for a quest there is little to do. One thing I think would help is give a bit more exp. for kills. This would allow players to actually level by just going out and hunting. This is important for the times you do not want or can not find a goup. This was also a problem for Turbine's DDO. They realized this and tried to help by adding more solo instances. I realize this is an mmo but many times you just want to solo.
LOTRO has ton's of potential if Turbine does the right things. (The lack of player housing at release is a huge mistake in my opinion) I think Turbine will do the right thing but with a few very anticipated mmos on the horizon Turbine better move fast to secure their subscribers. I agree with the OP. LOTRO does get boring! I forcast LOTRO will take a huge hit if, Age of Conan. Warhammer Online, Chronicles of Spellbourne, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Tabula Rasa, Gods and Heroes, Darkfall (need I go on), are good games at release. There has never been so much competition in mmos. Turbine's LOTRO could indeed suffer mainly because of this competition, but more likely many more players in a few months will say the same thing many are saying already "LOTRO gets boring".
Because obviously the game is not for you thus why you are bored i am a lvl 46 guard and have been playing since closed Beta and am still having heaps of fun is it not possible for people to like this i mean just because some people got bored dont mean that others have to...the thing people are missing these days is that the fun you have in games is what you make of it and as you should know seeing that you do seem to know a thing or 2 is that not all games appeal to others IMHO there is not 1 game that you listed that i am even interested in they all look good but i am already seeing that there is bithching and moaning already for these titles yet they have not been released now i am 1 that does not listen 2 much to opinions on games i like to try and see if i like it myself then i make my own Judgement but as much as you can say that these things will be a threat to LOTRO i could really care less and i would dare say that the other people who do enjoy this game (and yes there are others)could really care less aswell in the end if ya like it ya play and if ya dont then ya come on here and make stupid post on how the game was just not for you.
I have a real house to maintain, I don't need another one!
I hear a lot of people saying, " in a year it will have depth and be better", but most gamers I know personally, when they quit a game, they dont come back to it a year later just cause they added something that should always have been there.
The problem with lotro is that the whole system lacks any depth, and you cant fix that with a patch or an expansion. The lotro system is stuck the way it is, and it wont change unless they make an lotro2 (which will never happen(ok never say never but ya know)).
Also, in a year's time we are getting an influx of good quality, different games (aoc), and a few others that try to offer the same and more(war). I think lotro will become like ddo, where the community is the people who enjoy the IP, and the game will stay the way it is. Good for some, seemingly veyr bad for a lot.