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I am just wondering, not that i want to do so but, in any MMORPG have they ever incorparated players being able to skin their own characters faces and potentially put their own faces in the game.
Would this actually be possible? im confused about whether the servers would accept it
I have never heard of this, and i cannot imagine it being done in the near future either. I am not technical but i think the problem is that the more skins the server has to deal with the more bandwidth it uses, 100 of the same faces will use less than 100 different faces.
However i think it would be a great idea, you could even make it so that everyone has to look like themselves, maybe include a digital photograph being taken at the shop where you buy it from.
I personally cant wait for a full VR MMORPG, where i can look exactly like me
Well if your an honest person along with good hand eye coordination you can get close in SWG and the upcoming EQ2.
My wife was amazed at how much my SWG character looks like me.
Godz of War I call Thee
Godz of War I call Thee
"We're a game that's focused on grouping and on solo play, you know, more group oriented, more solo play..."
John Blakely Senior lead for EQ2. Link
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.
Achievers realise that killers as a concept are necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile (there being no way to "lose" the game if any fool can "win" just by plodding slowly unchallenged). -bartle
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.
But surely if you saw yourself cutting down swathes of enemies with your mighty sword it would be better than seeing some random person do it?
I know there are lots of down points to having your face in a game, (especially i your ugly ), but i think it could just add a bit more to make you care about your character.
Personally i would just prefer more in depth character advancement and customisation than skinning it to look like me, but i dont think its such a bad idea. Tho i cant imagine myself in a cape flying through the sky COH style lol
Personally I think it's a bad idea. Why? Because I think that most people who play MMORPG's don't look at their main character as themselves. They know it is not them and the character is like their creation. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just think that most people create a character that they would more or less like to be, not what they are.
The chars are just a creation of your mind and everyone knows they are not us, because the world they are set in is not real and is virtual.
Let me put it this way. Do you really pretend that you are a warrior and you are wielding a two handed sword and swinging it at goblins?! The purpose of that charactesr you create are to take control of someones life that isn't your own and try to build it to something you like if you were in that *world*.
If everyone was themselves in games there would be rapists, murderers, child molesters and all sorts running around. But the question is, if you want to be yourself then the support for a game would need to have these things (Even terrorists) to be realistic of any sort. I guess my point is that we all know the character isn't us and we know we can't be that char. All we are is soemone who is controlling a virtual life. What you do in the game will not change anything dramatic in real life to your surroundings, except yourself. IN real life, however, everything you do around other people can have a dramatic turn.
If you want to be yourself, the current technology will not support it in a virtual world. Give it another 50 years and maybe it'll happen. But you'll be dead probably by then.
To sum it up, putting your face on your character/s makes you try to bring your reality into a virtual world and thus goes against the point of being in the world in the first place. Just like a dungeon master, you don't go and be yourself. It works the same with MMORPGs.
I will probably be alive in 50 years, but i doubt i will have much interest in MMORPG's. I will be far to busy shaking my walking stick at kids playing ball games on some grass near my house.
And i know that MMORPG's are a bit of escapism from the real world, a place where you dont have to be yourself, but i still think it would be nice if you could be YOU, but the way you want yourself to be. You may be a murderer in real life, but you wished you had joined the church (resists temptation to mention molesting children). Or vice versa!
I prefer my characters to be a completely different person to me, but the way current MMORPG's are i just dont feel any connection to my character. Back in D&D (pen and paper) i could tell you every stat from my character and where he had been recently etc. I cant even remember my COH characters name, this is because although they may be fun games i dont get the depth of character than D&D used to provide or that many 1 player games provide. Therefore i may like to start seeing my character as myself, then i know my stats without having to see them.
I know this will not happen for a very very long time, and is probably a bad idea in practice also (imagine PK'ing somebody and noticing it was your neighbour, who subsequently comes round for revenge in person) Or imagine logging on to see your partner flirting online with her 'online husband'.
And also don't forget the fact that to really get a persons face ingame, at that time the support will probably involve the whole body. By getting the shape, blah blah blah etc.
In the current state of MMORPGs or any online gamers for that example, getting a chars face is very primative.
The only way is by pre-made images and people will still bullshit you. You'll have people running around like George .W Bush and Donald Rumsfeld.
Then you'll have people running around as Bin Laden and some well known terrorists which are causing havok. It will then turn into a political game and everyone will be offended by nearly everyone. You'll have PKs running around as Bin Laden killing every one in sight and going stuff like "owned noob".
This will effect those poor souls who believe terrorism can be contained and that governments can be stopped. ONce again above is an example of how politics can dominate a game with just 1 little support for skins.
Don't forget about the clans.
The leader made up of some high leader terrorist and a bunch of lower onces. For anyone who has seens pictures of well known terrorists and played the game, you'll notice right away an army of terrorist guilds and army guilds appearing.
The reason why I say this is because I sure would. It's all a game to be, including real life I try to stay neutral so I don't care who does what. Both sides have their motives and it's not up to me to decide what is right and wrong for other people.
Anyway, that's all just IMO really. I can personally see that I would be one of those people who would abuse skins. Oh don'tforget the skins with people running around which has "F**K YOU" pasted all over their face in a white background. How cute
Btw don't answer any of this in a political way, let's just treat it like it is. Talking about faces in games.
I'm sorry if I offened anyone with my above comments I was just trying to give an idea of what may happen.
A valid point i guess, and with the technology we have these days (or at least that which is affordable) we would get such a problem. But in the future we will all have videophones etc and these could theoretically be used to capture your face and would not be fooled by a picture or mask because they would 'remember' your face from each time you logged on etc.
This may get around the problem you mentioned. But aside from technical issues i am still on the fence (even though i am arguing for it [dunno why]).
Would that be a big problem?
Stop kiddin' and show me what you can!
You can do it. Game is called Second Life I think. I haven't played it myself because it requires alot of bandwidth. You can practicaly create anything, players make the world, no the devs.
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
Hey, look at the babe!!
Lag to death!!
- "Coercing? No no, I assure you, they are willing to bring my bags and pay public transportation just to help me, it is true!''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain