Originally posted by miataka Originally posted by daelnor Miataka, I understand your points, and respect your viewpoint..but why are you spewing this venom from your mouth like a cheeseburger vacating a belemics stomach? Some of your points are valid, some are just ridiculous..but you sound like someone just walked into the vatican and told the pope that jesus didn't die on the cross....calm down. D.
I seen many of your posts and I find you to be a very reasonable person, Im glad to see mature replies.
The main problem I have is people fabricating info to slander something Obviously ALOT of people including myself are enjoying. Yes I do get passionate but I state what I feel, Its not a matter of statistic when it comes to some of theses posts are blatent lies and slander of a game that they Hate, simple because its popular, or because they didn't find what they were searching for. Like the simple fact Most players today are too young to even realize what games like WOW and EQ2, EQ1 , L2 and fantasy genre in genral are even based on, and then you have people that seen someone somehwere say something, a term they don't fulley understand and then try throwing this term arround.
Such as Grind, or RPG. A real Grind involves NO quests , no NPC, just mobs of a certain level in a area. Like RF online. thats a grind game. RPG , now this is where i do get very passionate about. See Im a older player. Im 32 years old. and I was one of those few Players back in high school that Played AD&D, dice and paper game. The godfather of RPG genre. People are always talking about PVP this, PVP that... in RPGs there was no PVP, AT ALL. until late late 80's TSR released Birthright and DarkSun settings that had PVP elements. I see people cry about how a game sucks cause the PVP is poor, often heard from ppl refering to WOW. You know what I have found in all the games Ive played, that sets WOW pvp differnet then all other games, two things. 1) Its balanced, there is no Jedi, uber, I win , super PWNer class. If you gear up and are near same level you have a even fight unless your just a button masher that dont even know how to use your class, and even then, they can accidentally win. 2) No matter How much a person Wants it to be, RPGs are not FPS games, they have lag, they have set mechanics. The number one complainer of WOW pvp are former FPS gammers, that expect 1 shot kills and massive steady non-stop PVP action from the second they log in to the second they log out.
Then there are those people that feel there is no penalty, like XP loss, or being able to loot the player you kill. This is a game, it is ment for fun. Those people that feel they should be able to make anyone PVP them and then take there gear need serious therepy , that level of out right aggression, rage, hate and seeking to DO harm to someone else against there will is just plain old sick. they obviously have issues steming from out side real world trauma and shouldn't be mixing reality with a fantasty video game anyway. In the end, a video game should be easy, FUN, above all else fun. its a game you where you play a character in a fictious realm of legendary beasts and heroic quests. It should NOT be a 8 hour a day Full time Job, It should NOT be realistic and have life altering dramatic consiquences. It should NOT have griefing tools to harass and take your fustrations out on real people playing the other characters in game. Its a video game, Not real life. We have too much pain, suffering and things WE HAVE to do in real life, that we Shouldn't have to experiance that in what is suppose to be our form of entertainment. I dont know about the rest of you, BUT Im not here PAYING a company to MAKE you or anyone else have a life like experiance, Im here to be a elf, cow person, orc, or dwarf, going on heroic quests to save a fictional land of NPC's from monsters, dragons and demons. I'm not here in WOW or any Game to have real life issues, like war and taxes. The puropose of forums like this is to state your ideas and opinions, these happen to be mine.
I DM'd AD&D for several years. I think I still have a trunk somewhere with like $4,000 in books layin around somewhere. :c)
I loved pen and paper, would still play it if I had a decent group to do it with. I loved roleplaying in text MUDS, it rocked also. In games like WoW, or DAOC I just don't have fun trying to rp.
I love leveling toons, and trying out different ways to twink them out, hell I even like making crafters, but over all, I like to pvp. Not the griefing corpse camping steal your loot and make you cry pvp, thats prety lame. But pvp like daoc had where there was a meaning to it. That was a lot of fun in DAOC's heyday.
Wow pvp just doesn't cut it. I can have about as much fun playing FEAR or something(which I still do.) Wow PVE was even pretty fun until the higher level grind.
I guess I'm just in the older crowd that doesn't have 12 hours to spare for a raid, or even a solid 4-5 hours for a raid where you basically follow the leader and nuke when told to.
I don't bash anyone for liking this, but I would like to see games get a bit more creative.
To get this back on topic..WoW is still a solid game, even if I don't like it. It is not going anywhere any time soon. Yes, it is going to start declining..but it isn't going to dissapear over night, they have a good couple years left before it falls to the wayside, I figure about 3 years or so before people really start moving on...and even then it will hang in there for awhile. Anyway, talk on people..this topic has helped me kill a LOT of downtime at work
BTW as far as "grind" I am old school, I've played the oldschool games, and I know very well what a grind is...and the WoW endgame is a horrendous grind.
The rest of it not so much...but those stupid raid dungeons...ugh.
BTW as far as "grind" I am old school, I've played the oldschool games, and I know very well what a grind is...and the WoW endgame is a horrendous grind. The rest of it not so much...but those stupid raid dungeons...ugh. My two cents anyway. D.
I guess maybe if your faction rep yuo can do some grind...
But raiding? ... what raiding? you meen that 2 months spam of posts of people yelling hopping mad that TBC ruined WOW cause they made raiding obsolete and all teh big raid guilds disbanded and formed new little guild .
is that the raiding you are refering to? or are you talking about where 20 people attack a enemy city?
Cuase neither of those were ever ment as part of WOW anyway.
Im not flaming or anything Im actually curious as too know which of those 2 things you are talking about.
Miataka (+many sub variation of that) ~WoW (Kael'Thas, USA) MiaTaka ~ RF On-line (Fire Server) -Mia- takahashi ~SWG (Europe-chimaera) Miataki Valeinca ~EQ 2 (everfrost) MiaTaka Soyinka ~Second Life
I think WoW is the 800 pound gorilla it is because of great controls, action packed combat and Blizzard's top notch feeling for what gamers want. Until the other game companies get that people do not enjoy ice skating around with sluggish combat slow as chess and dull animations (it's not 1995 anymore), it will stay that way for a long time. Also, if I were the CEO of a game company I would probably want my game to succeed and that usually means getting a lot of people to buy and play it. Then it does not make sense to wrap it up in some oh-so-next-gen engine that only a selected few of the playerbase can run, and even fewer want to run because they rather kill themselves than play in 8 fps. But then again, I'm no Brad
The engine is old, the graphics are not very detailed or anything but the performance is good and you can pretty much run the game on a Game Boy. Those software engineers at Blizzard do know a thing or two about animation and utilizing what they got to it's fullest potential, that's for sure.
And now on the subject "DAoC/Ultima Online/Eve/Joe Mama was so much better than everything else and I used to own Chuck Norris back then etc etc".
I think a lot of the hate towards WoW on sites like this one is nothing but frustration because it wasn't DAoC with better graphics and almost everyone else liked it except you. And now you are all alone, because your friends are playing WoW, with only a handful of others on this forums that also enjoy cooking up some Eve or DAoC with nothing but the burning flames of hatred
The Everquest syndrome. An illusion of a past when everything in MMO gaming was so incredibly great you have started to believe it's actually true. And guess what? The exact same thing will happen when WAR or AoC arrives (whenever they do). 9 million WoW players will try the game, give it a couple of hours, get pissed off because it wasn't just a better WoW and then go back to play the game they know. I think neither AoC nor WAR got a chance in hell to make any significant impact on the WoW subscription numbers. It will be something else, a bad expansion or something, that will drive people away. However I think WAR is about 20 times more appealing to your average Tauren-Joe than AoC and got a much greater chance of not "doing a Vanguard".
If you look to your left you will see a fairly long list of MMORPG games. How many of them have become truly successful?
guys, i think its tiem we put to rest the whole " what rpg stands for" arguement to rest.. yes, back then, there was no PvP.. it was a co-op thing.. but that was 20-30 years ago. things change, and evolve. PvP is a part of MMORPGs now. if you want to stick with what it was originally, then everything "dragonwarrior" and "ultima" forward arent rpgs either, since they arent pen and paper, or multiplayer, and no dice, etc... I dont think the old PK days from UO will ever come back, and for the most part PvP will always be consentual. no if theres 10 million playing wow, and 10% want PvP changes, its not gonna bother the rest of you all, so whats the problem? i do think its more than 10% though. but that would still be a million players..
I do have a question though.. from what ive gathered, there are 4.5 million people playing in china. ive read that an hour a month is the minimum required to be considered an active account, and the fee is an hourly basis and around 4 cent an hour. so 4 cents a month could be considered a subscription? and im gonna assume that alot of those accounts are played in gaming rooms of some sort, so the users wouldnt be buying a copy of the game.. now why do we bohter including this mess in the discussion of how many accounts are out there? i know its a huge amount of people playing, but man its messy, and and hard to be really accurate about.. why not just stick with the 3.5 mill western subs? its still a very impressice number.
oh and if im off on any of those numbers, feel free to correct..
Originally posted by miataka Originally posted by daelnor Erp....so many posts to catch up on...BTW as far as "grind" I am old school, I've played the oldschool games, and I know very well what a grind is...and the WoW endgame is a horrendous grind. The rest of it not so much...but those stupid raid dungeons...ugh. My two cents anyway. D.
I guess maybe if your faction rep yuo can do some grind...
But raiding? ... what raiding? you meen that 2 months spam of posts of people yelling hopping mad that TBC ruined WOW cause they made raiding obsolete and all teh big raid guilds disbanded and formed new little guild . is that the raiding you are refering to? or are you talking about where 20 people attack a enemy city? Cuase neither of those were ever ment as part of WOW anyway. Im not flaming or anything Im actually curious as too know which of those 2 things you are talking about. Ah, I'm not refering to the xpac or the pvp raids on the cities.(though those are pretty lackluster and pointless also.) I'm refering to the end game dungeons. Whether its 10 men, or 20 men, or 500 men...its still a collosal waste of time, for me at least. I didn't mind the raiding so much in DAOC, though it sucked having to try and run 60+ people for hours and hours on end just so you could complete a dungeon and get (insert uber gear here.)
The difference in games like DAOC and Wow...in DAOC getting the gear was a stepping stone to fighting for your realm, and conquering the enemy..in WoW you do it for...well...there really isn't much reason for it. Once you finally get teh uber gear..there's nothing left to do really, except go to the battle grounds that really don't mean anything, or wait for an xpac to make all your uber gear obsolete so that you have to do it all over again.
That's the raiding I'm talking about. I guess some people are happy with that. Maybe its the little bit of role player left in me..I like there to be a purpose to what I'm doing outside of completing a dungeon. I want to complete the dungeon to get the gear so that I'm strong enough to do the endgame...not get the gear and find out after that I already did the endgame and pretty much well....beat the game.
I know not everyone shares my same reasoning and opinion...this is just how I feel about it. Though I think more and more gamers will feel the same way as they get more experience with the mmo's.
I think Wow is great for the casual gamer. But even for me, who doesn't play near as much as I use to...I still don't qualify as a casual gamer, I'm just not consistantly obsessed anymore, lol.
Erp....so many posts to catch up on... BTW as far as "grind" I am old school, I've played the oldschool games, and I know very well what a grind is...and the WoW endgame is a horrendous grind.
The rest of it not so much...but those stupid raid dungeons...ugh.
My two cents anyway.
I guess maybe if your faction rep yuo can do some grind...
But raiding? ... what raiding?
Ah, I'm not refering to the xpac or the pvp raids on the cities.(though those are pretty lackluster and pointless also.) I'm refering to the end game dungeons. Whether its 10 men, or 20 men, or 500 men...its still a collosal waste of time, for me at least. I didn't mind the raiding so much in DAOC, though it sucked having to try and run 60+ people for hours and hours on end just so you could complete a dungeon and get (insert uber gear here.)
hmm, I see. I kinda thought that was what you were refering too. Well With TBC and the latest stuff added in patchs since TBC, there is no more raiding with the 40 man teams. (the rest of this post is not directed at the person I quoted )
I dont know, WOW is a ok game. I think people are still buying a pinto and pretending they have a mustang when it comes to genral attitude of WOW. I see alot of people play a game with a idea in there head of what they think it should be, or maybe that they dont understand what it says on the box.
like that guy up there with all his crazy guessed at numbers 3.5 and 10 mil.. 10% ...PVP stuff he was saying. Look guy, its 8.5million active subs for the USA / UK-Euro / Australia no matter how much some one hates this game and dont want that to be true it is what it is, and the fact some of the ones posting all the anti-wow stuff trolling this forum anyway, HATE wow and make up there own guesses and try to act like its fact.
I dont get it, why HATE a game just because it does exactly what it says. SHOW ME WHERE on the WOW box its says . THE LATEST INNOVATIVE RvR / PVP game of 2007.... Its dont say that does it? in fact here .... Look!!!
Player Vs player Combat is NOT EVEN MENTIONED AT ALL!!!!!!! so get the **** over it ..no matter how much a person as a indiviual LOVES pvp , and that may be what new games focus on, this is WOW, its a 3 year old game made for questing and working as teams together. NO MATTER how much you say you love pvp, it wont change this fact.
Lets see.. the offical description from Amazon.com
This game requires a monthly fee, and an internet connection to play
Create and customize your own hero from the unique races and classes of the Warcraft universe
Explore an expansive world with miles of forests, deserts, snow-blown mountains, and other exotic lands
Visit huge cities and delve through dozens of vast dungeons
Adventure together with thousands of other players in an enormous, persistent game world
Note: PVP is not even mentioned at all...
Product Description
From Amazon.com
World of Warcraft didn't invent the online role-playing genre, but it certainly benefits from the missteps of other titles that have come before. A mind-boggling array of improvements in graphics, gameplay, networking, and interface--really every category--makes this game the crown prince of the genre, a great starting place for newbies, and a challenge to any other MMORPG currently in the works.
Note: still no mention at all of player Vs player combat AT ALL!!!!
YES newer games are about PVP. what does that have to do with wow? WOW is not a new game, stop comparing it too games that are not even released yet, WOW is not about PVP stop comparing it too WAR.
I like wow just cause there is not anything better to play, I personally look forward to Age of Conan. But guess what, there focusing on Combat and story. even that game PVP is only a optional secondary feature and there will be PVP servers and PVE servers just like WOW has. its really a small part of community that enjoy doing it. it just happens they are the one with the loudest voices and I think PVP players for what ever reason spend more time on forums and such then they do actually playing the games.
when its 3 or 4 months into WAR, and you see the population decline, because guess what ..PVP is a novelity. a temporary side project from the rest of the game, is and can be fun, its not something ALOT of ppl en'mass will want to do 24/7 and thats just a fact or you would have 8.5 million people all playing wolfenstien right now instead of WOW.
I have fun in PVP, I have dedicated 19, 29,39 PVP characters. its cute and fun to do for 20 min or a hour here and there. But thats not what WOW is built for, I knew that since I saw it pre-realease 3 years ago. What do players now EXPECT every game company to just suddenly totally change every aspect of there game after 3 years like SOE did with SWG?
yeah great look how well that went over...
WOW = quests
Miataka (+many sub variation of that) ~WoW (Kael'Thas, USA) MiaTaka ~ RF On-line (Fire Server) -Mia- takahashi ~SWG (Europe-chimaera) Miataki Valeinca ~EQ 2 (everfrost) MiaTaka Soyinka ~Second Life
The main problem I have is people fabricating info to slander something Obviously ALOT of people including myself are enjoying.
Yes I do get passionate but I state what I feel, Its not a matter of statistic when it comes to some of theses posts are blatent lies and slander of a game that they Hate, simple because its popular, or because they didn't find what they were searching for.
Like the simple fact Most players today are too young to even realize what games like WOW and EQ2, EQ1 , L2 and fantasy genre in genral are even based on, and then you have people that seen someone somehwere say something, a term they don't fulley understand and then try throwing this term arround.
Such as Grind, or RPG.
A real Grind involves NO quests , no NPC, just mobs of a certain level in a area. Like RF online. thats a grind game.
RPG , now this is where i do get very passionate about. See Im a older player. Im 32 years old. and I was one of those few Players back in high school that Played AD&D, dice and paper game. The godfather of RPG genre.
People are always talking about PVP this, PVP that... in RPGs there was no PVP, AT ALL. until late late 80's TSR released Birthright and DarkSun settings that had PVP elements. I see people cry about how a game sucks cause the PVP is poor, often heard from ppl refering to WOW. You know what I have found in all the games Ive played, that sets WOW pvp differnet then all other games, two things.
1) Its balanced, there is no Jedi, uber, I win , super PWNer class. If you gear up and are near same level you have a even fight unless your just a button masher that dont even know how to use your class, and even then, they can accidentally win.
2) No matter How much a person Wants it to be, RPGs are not FPS games, they have lag, they have set mechanics. The number one complainer of WOW pvp are former FPS gammers, that expect 1 shot kills and massive steady non-stop PVP action from the second they log in to the second they log out.
Then there are those people that feel there is no penalty, like XP loss, or being able to loot the player you kill. This is a game, it is ment for fun. Those people that feel they should be able to make anyone PVP them and then take there gear need serious therepy , that level of out right aggression, rage, hate and seeking to DO harm to someone else against there will is just plain old sick. they obviously have issues steming from out side real world trauma and shouldn't be mixing reality with a fantasty video game anyway.
In the end, a video game should be easy, FUN, above all else fun. its a game you where you play a character in a fictious realm of legendary beasts and heroic quests. It should NOT be a 8 hour a day Full time Job, It should NOT be realistic and have life altering dramatic consiquences. It should NOT have griefing tools to harass and take your fustrations out on real people playing the other characters in game.
Its a video game, Not real life. We have too much pain, suffering and things WE HAVE to do in real life, that we Shouldn't have to experiance that in what is suppose to be our form of entertainment. I dont know about the rest of you, BUT Im not here PAYING a company to MAKE you or anyone else have a life like experiance, Im here to be a elf, cow person, orc, or dwarf, going on heroic quests to save a fictional land of NPC's from monsters, dragons and demons. I'm not here in WOW or any Game to have real life issues, like war and taxes.
The puropose of forums like this is to state your ideas and opinions, these happen to be mine.
I DM'd AD&D for several years. I think I still have a trunk somewhere with like $4,000 in books layin around somewhere. :c)
I loved pen and paper, would still play it if I had a decent group to do it with. I loved roleplaying in text MUDS, it rocked also. In games like WoW, or DAOC I just don't have fun trying to rp.
I love leveling toons, and trying out different ways to twink them out, hell I even like making crafters, but over all, I like to pvp. Not the griefing corpse camping steal your loot and make you cry pvp, thats prety lame. But pvp like daoc had where there was a meaning to it. That was a lot of fun in DAOC's heyday.
Wow pvp just doesn't cut it. I can have about as much fun playing FEAR or something(which I still do.)
Wow PVE was even pretty fun until the higher level grind.
I guess I'm just in the older crowd that doesn't have 12 hours to spare for a raid, or even a solid 4-5 hours for a raid where you basically follow the leader and nuke when told to.
I don't bash anyone for liking this, but I would like to see games get a bit more creative.
To get this back on topic..WoW is still a solid game, even if I don't like it. It is not going anywhere any time soon. Yes, it is going to start declining..but it isn't going to dissapear over night, they have a good couple years left before it falls to the wayside, I figure about 3 years or so before people really start moving on...and even then it will hang in there for awhile. Anyway, talk on people..this topic has helped me kill a LOT of downtime at work
Erp....so many posts to catch up on...
BTW as far as "grind" I am old school, I've played the oldschool games, and I know very well what a grind is...and the WoW endgame is a horrendous grind.
The rest of it not so much...but those stupid raid dungeons...ugh.
My two cents anyway.
But raiding? ... what raiding? you meen that 2 months spam of posts of people yelling hopping mad that TBC ruined WOW cause they made raiding obsolete and all teh big raid guilds disbanded and formed new little guild .
is that the raiding you are refering to? or are you talking about where 20 people attack a enemy city?
Cuase neither of those were ever ment as part of WOW anyway.
Im not flaming or anything Im actually curious as too know which of those 2 things you are talking about.
Miataka (+many sub variation of that)
~WoW (Kael'Thas, USA)
~ RF On-line (Fire Server)
-Mia- takahashi
~SWG (Europe-chimaera)
Miataki Valeinca
~EQ 2 (everfrost)
MiaTaka Soyinka
~Second Life
I think WoW is the 800 pound gorilla it is because of great controls, action packed combat and Blizzard's top notch feeling for what gamers want. Until the other game companies get that people do not enjoy ice skating around with sluggish combat slow as chess and dull animations (it's not 1995 anymore), it will stay that way for a long time. Also, if I were the CEO of a game company I would probably want my game to succeed and that usually means getting a lot of people to buy and play it. Then it does not make sense to wrap it up in some oh-so-next-gen engine that only a selected few of the playerbase can run, and even fewer want to run because they rather kill themselves than play in 8 fps. But then again, I'm no Brad
The engine is old, the graphics are not very detailed or anything but the performance is good and you can pretty much run the game on a Game Boy. Those software engineers at Blizzard do know a thing or two about animation and utilizing what they got to it's fullest potential, that's for sure.
And now on the subject "DAoC/Ultima Online/Eve/Joe Mama was so much better than everything else and I used to own Chuck Norris back then etc etc".
I think a lot of the hate towards WoW on sites like this one is nothing but frustration because it wasn't DAoC with better graphics and almost everyone else liked it except you. And now you are all alone, because your friends are playing WoW, with only a handful of others on this forums that also enjoy cooking up some Eve or DAoC with nothing but the burning flames of hatred
The Everquest syndrome. An illusion of a past when everything in MMO gaming was so incredibly great you have started to believe it's actually true. And guess what? The exact same thing will happen when WAR or AoC arrives (whenever they do). 9 million WoW players will try the game, give it a couple of hours, get pissed off because it wasn't just a better WoW and then go back to play the game they know. I think neither AoC nor WAR got a chance in hell to make any significant impact on the WoW subscription numbers. It will be something else, a bad expansion or something, that will drive people away. However I think WAR is about 20 times more appealing to your average Tauren-Joe than AoC and got a much greater chance of not "doing a Vanguard".
If you look to your left you will see a fairly long list of MMORPG games. How many of them have become truly successful?
guys, i think its tiem we put to rest the whole " what rpg stands for" arguement to rest.. yes, back then, there was no PvP.. it was a co-op thing.. but that was 20-30 years ago. things change, and evolve. PvP is a part of MMORPGs now. if you want to stick with what it was originally, then everything "dragonwarrior" and "ultima" forward arent rpgs either, since they arent pen and paper, or multiplayer, and no dice, etc... I dont think the old PK days from UO will ever come back, and for the most part PvP will always be consentual. no if theres 10 million playing wow, and 10% want PvP changes, its not gonna bother the rest of you all, so whats the problem? i do think its more than 10% though. but that would still be a million players..
I do have a question though.. from what ive gathered, there are 4.5 million people playing in china. ive read that an hour a month is the minimum required to be considered an active account, and the fee is an hourly basis and around 4 cent an hour. so 4 cents a month could be considered a subscription? and im gonna assume that alot of those accounts are played in gaming rooms of some sort, so the users wouldnt be buying a copy of the game.. now why do we bohter including this mess in the discussion of how many accounts are out there? i know its a huge amount of people playing, but man its messy, and and hard to be really accurate about.. why not just stick with the 3.5 mill western subs? its still a very impressice number.
oh and if im off on any of those numbers, feel free to correct..
But raiding? ... what raiding? you meen that 2 months spam of posts of people yelling hopping mad that TBC ruined WOW cause they made raiding obsolete and all teh big raid guilds disbanded and formed new little guild .
is that the raiding you are refering to? or are you talking about where 20 people attack a enemy city?
Cuase neither of those were ever ment as part of WOW anyway.
Im not flaming or anything Im actually curious as too know which of those 2 things you are talking about.
Ah, I'm not refering to the xpac or the pvp raids on the cities.(though those are pretty lackluster and pointless also.) I'm refering to the end game dungeons. Whether its 10 men, or 20 men, or 500 men...its still a collosal waste of time, for me at least. I didn't mind the raiding so much in DAOC, though it sucked having to try and run 60+ people for hours and hours on end just so you could complete a dungeon and get (insert uber gear here.)
The difference in games like DAOC and Wow...in DAOC getting the gear was a stepping stone to fighting for your realm, and conquering the enemy..in WoW you do it for...well...there really isn't much reason for it. Once you finally get teh uber gear..there's nothing left to do really, except go to the battle grounds that really don't mean anything, or wait for an xpac to make all your uber gear obsolete so that you have to do it all over again.
That's the raiding I'm talking about. I guess some people are happy with that. Maybe its the little bit of role player left in me..I like there to be a purpose to what I'm doing outside of completing a dungeon. I want to complete the dungeon to get the gear so that I'm strong enough to do the endgame...not get the gear and find out after that I already did the endgame and pretty much well....beat the game.
I know not everyone shares my same reasoning and opinion...this is just how I feel about it. Though I think more and more gamers will feel the same way as they get more experience with the mmo's.
I think Wow is great for the casual gamer. But even for me, who doesn't play near as much as I use to...I still don't qualify as a casual gamer, I'm just not consistantly obsessed anymore, lol.
If i was a 800 pound gorilla i would throw my poo all over WoW.
But raiding? ... what raiding?
Ah, I'm not refering to the xpac or the pvp raids on the cities.(though those are pretty lackluster and pointless also.) I'm refering to the end game dungeons. Whether its 10 men, or 20 men, or 500 men...its still a collosal waste of time, for me at least. I didn't mind the raiding so much in DAOC, though it sucked having to try and run 60+ people for hours and hours on end just so you could complete a dungeon and get (insert uber gear here.)
hmm, I see. I kinda thought that was what you were refering too. Well With TBC and the latest stuff added in patchs since TBC, there is no more raiding with the 40 man teams. (the rest of this post is not directed at the person I quoted )
I dont know, WOW is a ok game. I think people are still buying a pinto and pretending they have a mustang when it comes to genral attitude of WOW. I see alot of people play a game with a idea in there head of what they think it should be, or maybe that they dont understand what it says on the box.
like that guy up there with all his crazy guessed at numbers 3.5 and 10 mil.. 10% ...PVP stuff he was saying. Look guy, its 8.5million active subs for the USA / UK-Euro / Australia no matter how much some one hates this game and dont want that to be true it is what it is, and the fact some of the ones posting all the anti-wow stuff trolling this forum anyway, HATE wow and make up there own guesses and try to act like its fact.
I dont get it, why HATE a game just because it does exactly what it says. SHOW ME WHERE on the WOW box its says . THE LATEST INNOVATIVE RvR / PVP game of 2007.... Its dont say that does it? in fact here .... Look!!!
Player Vs player Combat is NOT EVEN MENTIONED AT ALL!!!!!!! so get the **** over it ..no matter how much a person as a indiviual LOVES pvp , and that may be what new games focus on, this is WOW, its a 3 year old game made for questing and working as teams together. NO MATTER how much you say you love pvp, it wont change this fact.
Lets see.. the offical description from Amazon.com
Product Features
Note: PVP is not even mentioned at all...
Product Description
From Amazon.com
World of Warcraft didn't invent the online role-playing genre, but it certainly benefits from the missteps of other titles that have come before. A mind-boggling array of improvements in graphics, gameplay, networking, and interface--really every category--makes this game the crown prince of the genre, a great starting place for newbies, and a challenge to any other MMORPG currently in the works.
Note: still no mention at all of player Vs player combat AT ALL!!!!
(862 customer reviews)
YES newer games are about PVP. what does that have to do with wow? WOW is not a new game, stop comparing it too games that are not even released yet, WOW is not about PVP stop comparing it too WAR.
I like wow just cause there is not anything better to play, I personally look forward to Age of Conan. But guess what, there focusing on Combat and story. even that game PVP is only a optional secondary feature and there will be PVP servers and PVE servers just like WOW has. its really a small part of community that enjoy doing it. it just happens they are the one with the loudest voices and I think PVP players for what ever reason spend more time on forums and such then they do actually playing the games.
when its 3 or 4 months into WAR, and you see the population decline, because guess what ..PVP is a novelity. a temporary side project from the rest of the game, is and can be fun, its not something ALOT of ppl en'mass will want to do 24/7 and thats just a fact or you would have 8.5 million people all playing wolfenstien right now instead of WOW.
I have fun in PVP, I have dedicated 19, 29,39 PVP characters. its cute and fun to do for 20 min or a hour here and there. But thats not what WOW is built for, I knew that since I saw it pre-realease 3 years ago. What do players now EXPECT every game company to just suddenly totally change every aspect of there game after 3 years like SOE did with SWG?
yeah great look how well that went over...
WOW = quests
Miataka (+many sub variation of that)
~WoW (Kael'Thas, USA)
~ RF On-line (Fire Server)
-Mia- takahashi
~SWG (Europe-chimaera)
Miataki Valeinca
~EQ 2 (everfrost)
MiaTaka Soyinka
~Second Life