Only the first part of what I said was even directed at you, that being the hyperbole used an obvious and devisive hyperbole in that "are you saying that there are too many black people on TV?" when that wasn't even CLOSE to what the person said. YOu didn't simply correct anything, you put your own negative spin on it and tried to change what he said.
Methane, I believe that you are a racist, and I'm not exagerating. Every time this topic comes up, you start up with comments that lead me to believe that you want black people to have opportunities that white people do not, as is evident by your stance on racial quotas in colleges. YOu didn't touch a nerve, you just annoyed me...and how dare you try to pull that bullshit with me "make it seem that I don't want white people on TV?" THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID TO THE OTHER GUY YOU HYPOCRITE!!!
Really? sounds like it to me
then the shows that we have we have to have ATLEAST 2 black people in so we dont get sued for discrimination but if a "black" tv show had not even one white person in it no one would care.
Sounds like he has a problem with there being 2 black people in a white tv show to me.... Sounds like he's complaining that the HAVE to have them there..
Edit: PLUS The people who own MTV also own BET (viacom) so if you want to hate someone for having black entertainment television... THen hate the white guys who own the thing... Not black people..
What's your Wu Name? Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader "Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.." <i>ME<i>
How come when everything starts with Negro yall are always bitching about it? No offence, but maybe if you do some research on that, you'll see why it's there.
how come theres no WET channel no exclusively white magazines and such? because we'd get sued for discrimination, and dont deny it. Also want to link us to some of the research your reading because i cant find anything that justifies this. In this country the minorities are everything and the majority is just here to make sure the minority suceeds in life.
NO, there is nothing that really truely dominations in Black America. There is no WET or whatever becuase there is no need for one. The majority of entertainment is white. CMT, MTV (majority of it is) and many more. When you use your head, you will understand why. WATCH BET for a good week and tell me if you see the news or infomation there anywhere else. Nobody has nothing like that becuase a lot of things on TV is white dominated. Same why the spanish have their own channel, becuase the majority of entertainment on TV don't relate to what they like and such.
The latinos have a spanish channel because they cant speak english and need one they can understand...
MTV white dominated, your kidding right? Tv is not white dominated, to me it seems pretty equal, but again thats not the point you guys have exclusive "black" entertainment and we just have to tune into the whole mix, not that i have a problem with it once again its not the point. It just seems like you guys have some sort of entertainment aimed at just you while we must watch entertainment that is aimed at everyone.
Only the first part of what I said was even directed at you, that being the hyperbole used an obvious and devisive hyperbole in that "are you saying that there are too many black people on TV?" when that wasn't even CLOSE to what the person said. YOu didn't simply correct anything, you put your own negative spin on it and tried to change what he said.
Methane, I believe that you are a racist, and I'm not exagerating. Every time this topic comes up, you start up with comments that lead me to believe that you want black people to have opportunities that white people do not, as is evident by your stance on racial quotas in colleges. YOu didn't touch a nerve, you just annoyed me...and how dare you try to pull that bullshit with me "make it seem that I don't want white people on TV?" THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID TO THE OTHER GUY YOU HYPOCRITE!!!
Really? sounds like it to me
then the shows that we have we have to have ATLEAST 2 black people in so we dont get sued for discrimination but if a "black" tv show had not even one white person in it no one would care.
Sounds like he has a problem with there being 2 black people in a white tv show to me.... Sounds like he's complaining that the HAVE to have them there..
Edit: PLUS The people who own MTV also own BET (viacom) so if you want to hate someone for having black entertainment television... THen hate the white guys who own the thing... Not black people..
I dont have a problem with it im just pointing things out, i honestly couldnt care less as long as it entertains me once again your missing the whole point.
Originally posted by grimweeper I dont have a problem with it im just pointing things out, i honestly couldnt care less as long as it entertains me once again your missing the whole point.
I know man.. its cool I didn't actually think you meant that.. I was just pushing your buttons
What's your Wu Name? Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader "Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.." <i>ME<i>
How come when everything starts with Negro yall are always bitching about it? No offence, but maybe if you do some research on that, you'll see why it's there.
how come theres no WET channel no exclusively white magazines and such? because we'd get sued for discrimination, and dont deny it. Also want to link us to some of the research your reading because i cant find anything that justifies this. In this country the minorities are everything and the majority is just here to make sure the minority suceeds in life.
NO, there is nothing that really truely dominations in Black America. There is no WET or whatever becuase there is no need for one. The majority of entertainment is white. CMT, MTV (majority of it is) and many more. When you use your head, you will understand why. WATCH BET for a good week and tell me if you see the news or infomation there anywhere else. Nobody has nothing like that becuase a lot of things on TV is white dominated. Same why the spanish have their own channel, becuase the majority of entertainment on TV don't relate to what they like and such.
The latinos have a spanish channel because they cant speak english and need one they can understand...
MTV white dominated, your kidding right? Tv is not white dominated, to me it seems pretty equal, but again thats not the point you guys have exclusive "black" entertainment and we just have to tune into the whole mix, not that i have a problem with it once again its not the point. It just seems like you guys have some sort of entertainment aimed at just you while we must watch entertainment that is aimed at everyone.
I said that the majority of it is. To tell you the truth not everything is "black" on BET anyway. It's aimed for everyone to watch but goes in much more detail of blacks than what other channels do. Not all entertainment is aimed at "everyone" on TV. People like this, people like that. Also think about the time WHEN BET WAS CREATED. Like I said, do your research.
So, culture has nothing to do with socioeconomics?
On the contrary, culture has everything to do with it, although definitely not in the way he was implying it, in that black people are responsible, somehow, for the inequality and suffering they endure. As he hasn't clarified his full meaning I can only infer, which I did, what he meant by the statement.
Culture as a whole is used to understand socioeconomic factors, even though sub cultures are indeed factors and may be used to understand some effects on the individual, the larger and more historical cultural application of misdeedsis the most recent and important domino in the line. Thus blaming rap or gang "Culture"for example, only goes so far, as even though it may be a cause for some things it is more so an effect of the warped socioeconomic predominantly WHITE run state that we call the USA.
Seeing as the "culture" he was attempting to blame is a direct product of the atrocious system that "white" people instigated I see no logical argument and no point to your question.
Originally posted by Draenor
Knock it off, you're not fixing anything, you're just changing it to something that YOU prefer...make your own damn post if that's what you're going to do. It's not a matter of what I think is worthy of empathy, but rather what is current and relevent in today's society. So get off of your high horse and drop the high and mighty "fixed" garbage. I going to have people tell me to calm down now? Don't even post if that's what you're going to try and say to me, I'm not interested in your false concern with what my temper is like today. I get pissed off at the sheer amount of stupidity and ignorance that I see on these boards sometimes, couple that with the idiotic high and mighty attitude that some people have and you have a recipe for one pissed off person. So spare me the "take a chill pill" and "what's up with you? You're not usually like this" crap, I don't need your false concern, because I happen to realize that when you do that, all you are doing is trying to play the "look at how much I care, and now this is my argument" card in order to garner support for your views on a particular issue. Oh, and yeah...I'm angry, and this is me expressing that anger a sin? Nope...looks like I'm okay.
I don't think anyone would fault me on this board for attempting to garner support as I obviously can hold my own solo against any number of people. As for giving a rattrap's ass why you are mad, I don't, you were wrong, as was the other person I corrected, and you are simply going to have to admit it or delude yourself otherwise.
"some of them oppressed black people more than a century ago?"
Firstly, oppression comes in many forms, slavery being one, if there was no oppression in the past 100 years there would be little need for Red and Martin. Secondly, no one is asking any white person to "take responsibility" for slavery, merely that the field is still not level, and until it is there needs to be concessions, and not just for Blacks.
"In case you didn't get the message: quit your bitching about slavery and all that reparation BS and start caring about something that is actually going on TODAY."
While I'll agree that people should not only care about the past but also the present and future, I disagree that reparations are BS, in fact they should be extended to all of the abused peoples that the country was built off the back of, paid by the RICH descendants of those who used and abused the systems for hundreds of years. Anyway, I corrected your statements as they were ignorant and self serving in terms of your argument.
Not sure how you will argue in defense, but I'm sure you will find a way, albeit delusional and on one of those Miniature horses.
In response to Tunabun...because I'm too lazy to quote and cut everything above:
I don't think anyone's denying what happened to the Africans brought to the new world was bad, and that it's a negative impact that has endlessly reared its head to harm the blacks in the US. However, where does it end? Can there not come a time when blacks as a whole are free enough to look at their world and decide for themselves, whether to continue to be bogged down by that terrible past, or whether to move forward. If blacks can never let go of the measures enacted to equal the playing field, then they will eternally remain bound.
Scars do not go away, some wounds do not heal. But if today is not the day to let go and move forward, conciously realizing exactly what that entails, then when?
In response to Tunabun...because I'm too lazy to quote and cut everything above:
I don't think anyone's denying what happened to the Africans brought to the new world was bad, and that it's a negative impact that has endlessly reared its head to harm the blacks in the US. However, where does it end? Can there not come a time when blacks as a whole are free enough to look at their world and decide for themselves, whether to continue to be bogged down by that terrible past, or whether to move forward. If blacks can never let go of the measures enacted to equal the playing field, then they will eternally remain bound.
Scars do not go away, some wounds do not heal. But if today is not the day to let go and move forward, conciously realizing exactly what that entails, then when?
Great response, was expecting to have to go on the defensive but you intelligently steered the topic in a positive direction.
Although I would probably describe the many periods of racial discrimination in North America as a little more than "bad", I agree whole heartedly that an end needs to come. Looking negatively at ones past where nothing can be changed, only causes one to be bogged down as you put it, increasing the difficulty daily for an individual, much less a people to move forward and grow.
That being said, the atrocities which were brought upon, Africans, Mexicans, Natives, Chinese, Japanese, and the Irish among others, deserve some sort of reparation and finalization. Now with Latin and Arabic people being the newest in a long list of people's discriminated against by a portion of the popuIous and Government, I think it is foolhardy to believe we can simply move on, or that we are the ones to decide so.
This is not a decision for you or I to make, but rather for the peoples whose ancestors were indentured and enslaved, whose cultures were decimated and befouled, and whose people most importantly, were the base for the structure you would call your wonderfully free and proud home.
Technically being 1/8 Black and 1/8 Native I probably have some say.
I choose to move on without compensation. I feel that even though my family was affected directly, much of my family growing up in and enduring horrible acts, and myself being raised in a different although possibly equally damaging atmosphere, that I can hopefully do ok on my own, and put a stop to any further affliction that I might reactively cause.
The statistics are there, I think. I honestly don't care enough to research it, but Cubans had among the highest salariesof minorities in Florida .. for some period of time (much more than African Americans and other Latin American groups). If you want to refute it, then.. refute it. The burden of proof lies on you.
I've lived in communities in Europe where most people were on welfare and I never had to fear for my life every waking hour of the day; people stole sometimes, but it was unheard of for anybody to get hurt physically.
I'm not going to divulge where, because it's too much information about myself.
You can keep distorting the facts with twisted sociological terminology, but the fact remains that the African American community has been on a downward spiral for quite some time and is filling our prisons beyond repletion.
You can't blame it on economic opportunity, because other ethnic groups with the same barriers are doing better (go refute that if you can) .
The most compelling evidence is when I hear about another African American having killed another African American (this happens at least monthly): I can just imagine what other people would have used the money they spent on the guns for if they were so impoverished.
Go ahead, blame the system and tell them that more reparations need to be paid, but it's not going to stop the crimewaves.
I'll start believing you when I can walk outside at night without the fear of being mugged/killed by an African American.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
So, this lady comes around with this paper asking people to sign and donate money. She says it's for some walk-a-thon thingy and she's preggers and going to go walk it. I'm figuring it's to cure cancer or something, but no, it's for the negro college fund.
So what? lol. There's a charity for almost everything, why does a negro college have to break any silver lining? You have the choice what to fund your earnings to, personally it's the africans dying of aids and starvation which probably needs the most funding right now.
We're all Geniuses. Most of us just don't know it.
This is not a decision for you or I to make, but rather for the peoples whose ancestors were indentured and enslaved, whose cultures were decimated and befouled
Hmm, ok. What if I agree with this? Well then....
I demand reparations from Italy for all of my celtic ancestors who were killed, enslaved, and who's culture was decimated by the Roman empire.
Again from the celtic side of my family I demand reparations from the English
From the English side I demand reparations from Denmark (damn vikings) and France (damn Normans) and from the Manx branch of the family I demand reparations from England and Norway (damn vikings again, even if I am probably decended from some of them I curse their unholy name).
From the German side of my family I once again demand reparations from Italy for the hundreds of years of descrimination against my people perpetrated by the Romans.
Hmm, let's see. Native Americans gave some of my recent ancestors some grief when they were just minding their own business and peacefully settling in North America so I demand reparations from Native Americans for the trauma they brought to my family.
Hey! This is fun. How much money do you think I'm entitled to? Lots I hope.
Since reparations were brought into this discussion, I have a question.
Why is it that people such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (the world will be a better place when they are dead) constantly ask for reparations from the United States? They, as well as any black, who demands reparations do not seem to know the history of the slave trade.
It's not as if there was some Elmer Fudd whitey going to Africa and hunting the jungles for slaves. This is not how slave trade happened. Slaves were primarily acquired by warring tribes. The victorious tribes would claim their prisoners and sell them to the slave traders. So, it is much as black Africans fault that slave trading was so rampant back then.
Also, something that really irks me is the use of the term African-American (or anything blank-American at that, just call yourself an American). Africa is a continent, not a country. By definition of this term people from Egypt would be called African-Americans. Also, countries were not that identifiable in the African continent back then. Much of Africa, especially where slave trading was so rampant, was tribal. If you claim "African pride" then do this: find where you came from and what tribe you were in and then go back and see if you are accepted as a member.
I am Irish-English-German-French-Cheyenne. I am sure if I tried to claim myself as one of those nationalities just because that's where my roots were, I would be booted out and laughed at. Can you honestly say that life is so bad now that you would rather live with some tribe in the grasslands and harsh living conditions somewhere on the continent of Africa?
Hey just another point that goes along with this and is very bull.
The son of a guy I work with just applied to pharmacy school here in utah we all thought for sure he was going to get in for sure he had a 3.8 GPA, 3 pharmacist recommendations and scored very well on his PCAT. He got denied because in order to go to pharmacy school and be white and male around here you pretty much need near perfect scored on the PCAT and a 4.0
Now for the messed up part a girl that did her internship at my work just got accepted into the same exact school my freinds son tried for. She only had a 3.2 GPA and scored ok on the PCAT also she only had one pharmascist recommendation. So whats different well she is black and female so she got in and not only that her entire schooling is going to be paid for when I went a few years ago was almost no schoolarships for me as a white lower class male.
So I want to know how is this not racsim should acceptence to a school be purey based upon the most qualified applicants not by the color of your skin or your sex?
The statistics are there, I think. I honestly don't care enough to research it, but Cubans had among the highest salariesof minorities in Florida .. for some period of time (much more than African Americans and other Latin American groups). If you want to refute it, then.. refute it. The burden of proof lies on you. I've lived in communities in Europe where most people were on welfare and I never had to fear for my life every waking hour of the day; people stole sometimes, but it was unheard of for anybody to get hurt physically. I'm not going to divulge where, because it's too much information about myself. You can keep distorting the facts with twisted sociological terminology, but the fact remains that the African American community has been on a downward spiral for quite some time and is filling our prisons beyond repletion. You can't blame it on economic opportunity, because other ethnic groups with the same barriers are doing better (go refute that if you can) . The most compelling evidence is when I hear about another African American having killed another African American (this happens at least monthly): I can just imagine what other people would have used the money they spent on the guns for if they were so impoverished. Go ahead, blame the system and tell them that more reparations need to be paid, but it's not going to stop the crimewaves. I'll start believing you when I can walk outside at night without the fear of being mugged/killed by an African American.
You know what is really sad about that sentence?
I was attacked twice while out and about. The first time I got off the bus and was heading to the MEPS Station in Cleveland to be shipped out for basic training. As I was walking to the building I was punched in the back of the head and thrown to the ground. My wallet was stolen and I was scraped up but nothing to major. I ended up in Basic Training with no money, no I.D. no clothes other than what I was wearing. They had to actually call my recruiter and have him describe what I looked like in order for me to ship out.
The second time I was attacked outside of a Quickie Mart in Massillon. This time was different though. 4 years of service taught me to always be on guard. He ran up from behind, I spun around clocked him straight through his teeth and continued to pummel this MF into the ground. The funny part was a cop rolled up right while I was doing this and thought it was the other way around. Until I explained to him what happened and he confirmed it with the store owner. The bad part is I was stationed over-seas and wouldn't be able to press charges. The awesome part was the U.S. government sued the shit out of him for damaging government property with his face.
The short part of the story is both times the criminals were African-American. I have never once been attacked by anyone of ANY other race ever. So when black people see me cross the street I know it pisses them off but they have know idea where it comes from. So the next time you see someone cross the street just remember that person probably had a bad experience.
*edit* I mispelled some things dang it
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
So, culture has nothing to do with socioeconomics?
On the contrary, culture has everything to do with it, although definitely not in the way he was implying it, in that black people are responsible, somehow, for the inequality and suffering they endure. As he hasn't clarified his full meaning I can only infer, which I did, what he meant by the statement.
Culture as a whole is used to understand socioeconomic factors, even though sub cultures are indeed factors and may be used to understand some effects on the individual, the larger and more historical cultural application of misdeedsis the most recent and important domino in the line. Thus blaming rap or gang "Culture"for example, only goes so far, as even though it may be a cause for some things it is more so an effect of the warped socioeconomic predominantly WHITE run state that we call the USA.
Seeing as the "culture" he was attempting to blame is a direct product of the atrocious system that "white" people instigated I see no logical argument and no point to your question.
Originally posted by Draenor
Knock it off, you're not fixing anything, you're just changing it to something that YOU prefer...make your own damn post if that's what you're going to do. It's not a matter of what I think is worthy of empathy, but rather what is current and relevent in today's society. So get off of your high horse and drop the high and mighty "fixed" garbage. I going to have people tell me to calm down now? Don't even post if that's what you're going to try and say to me, I'm not interested in your false concern with what my temper is like today. I get pissed off at the sheer amount of stupidity and ignorance that I see on these boards sometimes, couple that with the idiotic high and mighty attitude that some people have and you have a recipe for one pissed off person. So spare me the "take a chill pill" and "what's up with you? You're not usually like this" crap, I don't need your false concern, because I happen to realize that when you do that, all you are doing is trying to play the "look at how much I care, and now this is my argument" card in order to garner support for your views on a particular issue. Oh, and yeah...I'm angry, and this is me expressing that anger a sin? Nope...looks like I'm okay.
I don't think anyone would fault me on this board for attempting to garner support as I obviously can hold my own solo against any number of people. As for giving a rattrap's ass why you are mad, I don't, you were wrong, as was the other person I corrected, and you are simply going to have to admit it or delude yourself otherwise.
"some of them oppressed black people more than a century ago?"
Firstly, oppression comes in many forms, slavery being one, if there was no oppression in the past 100 years there would be little need for Red and Martin. Secondly, no one is asking any white person to "take responsibility" for slavery, merely that the field is still not level, and until it is there needs to be concessions, and not just for Blacks.
"In case you didn't get the message: quit your bitching about slavery and all that reparation BS and start caring about something that is actually going on TODAY."
While I'll agree that people should not only care about the past but also the present and future, I disagree that reparations are BS, in fact they should be extended to all of the abused peoples that the country was built off the back of, paid by the RICH descendants of those who used and abused the systems for hundreds of years. Anyway, I corrected your statements as they were ignorant and self serving in terms of your argument.
Not sure how you will argue in defense, but I'm sure you will find a way, albeit delusional and on one of those Miniature horses.
Ok I will be expecting my reparation check from you in the mail.
Currently playing: LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too: Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
That's what I'm saying, I would have rather donated money to a worthy cause. I don't see the need for the negro college fund because A) It's racist Blacks can get just as much financial aid/scholarships/grants as any other minority I think they should be just the same as everyone else
A) It's not racist
Look into that. Not all of them man, there is a deep hiding of discrimination in that stuff. Not only that, most of my scholarships was taken away from me because of my race (long story).
Really? sounds like it to me
Sounds like he has a problem with there being 2 black people in a white tv show to me.... Sounds like he's complaining that the HAVE to have them there..
Edit: PLUS The people who own MTV also own BET (viacom) so if you want to hate someone for having black entertainment television... THen hate the white guys who own the thing... Not black people..
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
how come theres no WET channel no exclusively white magazines and such? because we'd get sued for discrimination, and dont deny it. Also want to link us to some of the research your reading because i cant find anything that justifies this. In this country the minorities are everything and the majority is just here to make sure the minority suceeds in life.
NO, there is nothing that really truely dominations in Black America. There is no WET or whatever becuase there is no need for one. The majority of entertainment is white. CMT, MTV (majority of it is) and many more. When you use your head, you will understand why. WATCH BET for a good week and tell me if you see the news or infomation there anywhere else. Nobody has nothing like that becuase a lot of things on TV is white dominated. Same why the spanish have their own channel, becuase the majority of entertainment on TV don't relate to what they like and such.
MTV white dominated, your kidding right? Tv is not white dominated, to me it seems pretty equal, but again thats not the point you guys have exclusive "black" entertainment and we just have to tune into the whole mix, not that i have a problem with it once again its not the point. It just seems like you guys have some sort of entertainment aimed at just you while we must watch entertainment that is aimed at everyone.
Really? sounds like it to me
Sounds like he has a problem with there being 2 black people in a white tv show to me.... Sounds like he's complaining that the HAVE to have them there..
Edit: PLUS The people who own MTV also own BET (viacom) so if you want to hate someone for having black entertainment television... THen hate the white guys who own the thing... Not black people..
I dont have a problem with it im just pointing things out, i honestly couldnt care less as long as it entertains me once again your missing the whole point.
I know man.. its cool I didn't actually think you meant that.. I was just pushing your buttons
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
how come theres no WET channel no exclusively white magazines and such? because we'd get sued for discrimination, and dont deny it. Also want to link us to some of the research your reading because i cant find anything that justifies this. In this country the minorities are everything and the majority is just here to make sure the minority suceeds in life.
NO, there is nothing that really truely dominations in Black America. There is no WET or whatever becuase there is no need for one. The majority of entertainment is white. CMT, MTV (majority of it is) and many more. When you use your head, you will understand why. WATCH BET for a good week and tell me if you see the news or infomation there anywhere else. Nobody has nothing like that becuase a lot of things on TV is white dominated. Same why the spanish have their own channel, becuase the majority of entertainment on TV don't relate to what they like and such.
MTV white dominated, your kidding right? Tv is not white dominated, to me it seems pretty equal, but again thats not the point you guys have exclusive "black" entertainment and we just have to tune into the whole mix, not that i have a problem with it once again its not the point. It just seems like you guys have some sort of entertainment aimed at just you while we must watch entertainment that is aimed at everyone.
I said that the majority of it is. To tell you the truth not everything is "black" on BET anyway. It's aimed for everyone to watch but goes in much more detail of blacks than what other channels do. Not all entertainment is aimed at "everyone" on TV. People like this, people like that. Also think about the time WHEN BET WAS CREATED. Like I said, do your research.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Yeah, white people do own BET now, but the founder is rich as hell though.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
On the contrary, culture has everything to do with it, although definitely not in the way he was implying it, in that black people are responsible, somehow, for the inequality and suffering they endure. As he hasn't clarified his full meaning I can only infer, which I did, what he meant by the statement.
Culture as a whole is used to understand socioeconomic factors, even though sub cultures are indeed factors and may be used to understand some effects on the individual, the larger and more historical cultural application of misdeeds is the most recent and important domino in the line. Thus blaming rap or gang "Culture" for example, only goes so far, as even though it may be a cause for some things it is more so an effect of the warped socioeconomic predominantly WHITE run state that we call the USA.
Seeing as the "culture" he was attempting to blame is a direct product of the atrocious system that "white" people instigated I see no logical argument and no point to your question.
I don't think anyone would fault me on this board for attempting to garner support as I obviously can hold my own solo against any number of people. As for giving a rattrap's ass why you are mad, I don't, you were wrong, as was the other person I corrected, and you are simply going to have to admit it or delude yourself otherwise.
"some of them oppressed black people more than a century ago?"
Firstly, oppression comes in many forms, slavery being one, if there was no oppression in the past 100 years there would be little need for Red and Martin. Secondly, no one is asking any white person to "take responsibility" for slavery, merely that the field is still not level, and until it is there needs to be concessions, and not just for Blacks.
"In case you didn't get the message: quit your bitching about slavery and all that reparation BS and start caring about something that is actually going on TODAY."
While I'll agree that people should not only care about the past but also the present and future, I disagree that reparations are BS, in fact they should be extended to all of the abused peoples that the country was built off the back of, paid by the RICH descendants of those who used and abused the systems for hundreds of years. Anyway, I corrected your statements as they were ignorant and self serving in terms of your argument.
Not sure how you will argue in defense, but I'm sure you will find a way, albeit delusional and on one of those Miniature horses.
- Burying Threads Since 1979 -
In response to Tunabun...because I'm too lazy to quote and cut everything above:
I don't think anyone's denying what happened to the Africans brought to the new world was bad, and that it's a negative impact that has endlessly reared its head to harm the blacks in the US. However, where does it end? Can there not come a time when blacks as a whole are free enough to look at their world and decide for themselves, whether to continue to be bogged down by that terrible past, or whether to move forward. If blacks can never let go of the measures enacted to equal the playing field, then they will eternally remain bound.
Scars do not go away, some wounds do not heal. But if today is not the day to let go and move forward, conciously realizing exactly what that entails, then when?
On my grandmothers side I'm irish.
We were treated pretty poorly when we came over here.
I want reparations. I'm not a rich guy, and the rest of you richies built your richness off of my freckled arse. So gimme yah money!
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
Great response, was expecting to have to go on the defensive but you intelligently steered the topic in a positive direction.
Although I would probably describe the many periods of racial discrimination in North America as a little more than "bad", I agree whole heartedly that an end needs to come. Looking negatively at ones past where nothing can be changed, only causes one to be bogged down as you put it, increasing the difficulty daily for an individual, much less a people to move forward and grow.
That being said, the atrocities which were brought upon, Africans, Mexicans, Natives, Chinese, Japanese, and the Irish among others, deserve some sort of reparation and finalization. Now with Latin and Arabic people being the newest in a long list of people's discriminated against by a portion of the popuIous and Government, I think it is foolhardy to believe we can simply move on, or that we are the ones to decide so.
This is not a decision for you or I to make, but rather for the peoples whose ancestors were indentured and enslaved, whose cultures were decimated and befouled, and whose people most importantly, were the base for the structure you would call your wonderfully free and proud home.
Technically being 1/8 Black and 1/8 Native I probably have some say.
I choose to move on without compensation. I feel that even though my family was affected directly, much of my family growing up in and enduring horrible acts, and myself being raised in a different although possibly equally damaging atmosphere, that I can hopefully do ok on my own, and put a stop to any further affliction that I might reactively cause.
- Burying Threads Since 1979 -
The statistics are there, I think. I honestly don't care enough to research it, but Cubans had among the highest salariesof minorities in Florida .. for some period of time (much more than African Americans and other Latin American groups). If you want to refute it, then.. refute it. The burden of proof lies on you.
I've lived in communities in Europe where most people were on welfare and I never had to fear for my life every waking hour of the day; people stole sometimes, but it was unheard of for anybody to get hurt physically.
I'm not going to divulge where, because it's too much information about myself.
You can keep distorting the facts with twisted sociological terminology, but the fact remains that the African American community has been on a downward spiral for quite some time and is filling our prisons beyond repletion.
You can't blame it on economic opportunity, because other ethnic groups with the same barriers are doing better (go refute that if you can) .
The most compelling evidence is when I hear about another African American having killed another African American (this happens at least monthly): I can just imagine what other people would have used the money they spent on the guns for if they were so impoverished.
Go ahead, blame the system and tell them that more reparations need to be paid, but it's not going to stop the crimewaves.
I'll start believing you when I can walk outside at night without the fear of being mugged/killed by an African American.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
So what? lol. There's a charity for almost everything, why does a negro college have to break any silver lining? You have the choice what to fund your earnings to, personally it's the africans dying of aids and starvation which probably needs the most funding right now.
We're all Geniuses. Most of us just don't know it.
That's what I'm saying, I would have rather donated money to a worthy cause. I don't see the need for the negro college fund because
A) It's racist
Blacks can get just as much financial aid/scholarships/grants as any other minority
I think they should be just the same as everyone else
Hmm, ok. What if I agree with this? Well then....
I demand reparations from Italy for all of my celtic ancestors who were killed, enslaved, and who's culture was decimated by the Roman empire.
Again from the celtic side of my family I demand reparations from the English
From the English side I demand reparations from Denmark (damn vikings) and France (damn Normans) and from the Manx branch of the family I demand reparations from England and Norway (damn vikings again, even if I am probably decended from some of them I curse their unholy name).
From the German side of my family I once again demand reparations from Italy for the hundreds of years of descrimination against my people perpetrated by the Romans.
Hmm, let's see. Native Americans gave some of my recent ancestors some grief when they were just minding their own business and peacefully settling in North America so I demand reparations from Native Americans for the trauma they brought to my family.
Hey! This is fun. How much money do you think I'm entitled to? Lots I hope.
Since reparations were brought into this discussion, I have a question.
Why is it that people such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (the world will be a better place when they are dead) constantly ask for reparations from the United States? They, as well as any black, who demands reparations do not seem to know the history of the slave trade.
It's not as if there was some Elmer Fudd whitey going to Africa and hunting the jungles for slaves. This is not how slave trade happened. Slaves were primarily acquired by warring tribes. The victorious tribes would claim their prisoners and sell them to the slave traders. So, it is much as black Africans fault that slave trading was so rampant back then.
Also, something that really irks me is the use of the term African-American (or anything blank-American at that, just call yourself an American). Africa is a continent, not a country. By definition of this term people from Egypt would be called African-Americans. Also, countries were not that identifiable in the African continent back then. Much of Africa, especially where slave trading was so rampant, was tribal. If you claim "African pride" then do this: find where you came from and what tribe you were in and then go back and see if you are accepted as a member.
I am Irish-English-German-French-Cheyenne. I am sure if I tried to claim myself as one of those nationalities just because that's where my roots were, I would be booted out and laughed at. Can you honestly say that life is so bad now that you would rather live with some tribe in the grasslands and harsh living conditions somewhere on the continent of Africa?
Hey just another point that goes along with this and is very bull.
The son of a guy I work with just applied to pharmacy school here in utah we all thought for sure he was going to get in for sure he had a 3.8 GPA, 3 pharmacist recommendations and scored very well on his PCAT. He got denied because in order to go to pharmacy school and be white and male around here you pretty much need near perfect scored on the PCAT and a 4.0
Now for the messed up part a girl that did her internship at my work just got accepted into the same exact school my freinds son tried for. She only had a 3.2 GPA and scored ok on the PCAT also she only had one pharmascist recommendation. So whats different well she is black and female so she got in and not only that her entire schooling is going to be paid for when I went a few years ago was almost no schoolarships for me as a white lower class male.
So I want to know how is this not racsim should acceptence to a school be purey based upon the most qualified applicants not by the color of your skin or your sex?
You know what is really sad about that sentence?
I was attacked twice while out and about. The first time I got off the bus and was heading to the MEPS Station in Cleveland to be shipped out for basic training. As I was walking to the building I was punched in the back of the head and thrown to the ground. My wallet was stolen and I was scraped up but nothing to major. I ended up in Basic Training with no money, no I.D. no clothes other than what I was wearing. They had to actually call my recruiter and have him describe what I looked like in order for me to ship out.
The second time I was attacked outside of a Quickie Mart in Massillon. This time was different though. 4 years of service taught me to always be on guard. He ran up from behind, I spun around clocked him straight through his teeth and continued to pummel this MF into the ground. The funny part was a cop rolled up right while I was doing this and thought it was the other way around. Until I explained to him what happened and he confirmed it with the store owner. The bad part is I was stationed over-seas and wouldn't be able to press charges. The awesome part was the U.S. government sued the shit out of him for damaging government property with his face.
The short part of the story is both times the criminals were African-American. I have never once been attacked by anyone of ANY other race ever. So when black people see me cross the street I know it pisses them off but they have know idea where it comes from. So the next time you see someone cross the street just remember that person probably had a bad experience.
*edit* I mispelled some things dang it
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
The awesome part was the U.S. government sued the shit out of him for damaging government property with his face.
That's hilarious. LOL.
On the contrary, culture has everything to do with it, although definitely not in the way he was implying it, in that black people are responsible, somehow, for the inequality and suffering they endure. As he hasn't clarified his full meaning I can only infer, which I did, what he meant by the statement.
Culture as a whole is used to understand socioeconomic factors, even though sub cultures are indeed factors and may be used to understand some effects on the individual, the larger and more historical cultural application of misdeeds is the most recent and important domino in the line. Thus blaming rap or gang "Culture" for example, only goes so far, as even though it may be a cause for some things it is more so an effect of the warped socioeconomic predominantly WHITE run state that we call the USA.
Seeing as the "culture" he was attempting to blame is a direct product of the atrocious system that "white" people instigated I see no logical argument and no point to your question.
I don't think anyone would fault me on this board for attempting to garner support as I obviously can hold my own solo against any number of people. As for giving a rattrap's ass why you are mad, I don't, you were wrong, as was the other person I corrected, and you are simply going to have to admit it or delude yourself otherwise.
"some of them oppressed black people more than a century ago?"
Firstly, oppression comes in many forms, slavery being one, if there was no oppression in the past 100 years there would be little need for Red and Martin. Secondly, no one is asking any white person to "take responsibility" for slavery, merely that the field is still not level, and until it is there needs to be concessions, and not just for Blacks.
"In case you didn't get the message: quit your bitching about slavery and all that reparation BS and start caring about something that is actually going on TODAY."
While I'll agree that people should not only care about the past but also the present and future, I disagree that reparations are BS, in fact they should be extended to all of the abused peoples that the country was built off the back of, paid by the RICH descendants of those who used and abused the systems for hundreds of years. Anyway, I corrected your statements as they were ignorant and self serving in terms of your argument.
Not sure how you will argue in defense, but I'm sure you will find a way, albeit delusional and on one of those Miniature horses.
Ok I will be expecting my reparation check from you in the mail.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
A) It's not racist
Look into that. Not all of them man, there is a deep hiding of discrimination in that stuff. Not only that, most of my scholarships was taken away from me because of my race (long story).
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-