I like the way you capitalised The Hat. made me giggle.
Although I said my main was to be Empire - I will play, eventually, all destruction classes (Chaos first) to get to grips with the best way to fight against them. I found in other MMO's it's very easy to suck in PvP unless you know how to fight against your enemy. The best way to know how to fight against them, is to know how to fight with them, you soon learn their weaknesses and such.
Of all the races, Dwarves have the least excitement for me. All the Destruction ones do look really, really cool though; EAMythic has done a brilliant job so far.
the more I read about the Black Guard, the more I love them! + you get to hang out with sexy elf chicks (who are dudes in RL)
lol youre right, anyways gotta be black orc as main and prolly a witch elf for alt (and yeh im a dude)
_____________________________________ We are the borg! You will be assimilated. We will add you biological and technological distinctiviness to our own. Your culture will adapt to serve us. Resistance is futile
High elf swordmaster for me, first they look amazing, second, i had a high elf army and third, i cant wait to start slaughtering all the Drizzzzt, Drizzit, Drizzt1341 etc etc etc annoying ppl who cant even find a name for themselves
Can't wait to slaughter all the High Elf players named Legolaz,Leegolos,Leetgolas,Legoolas.
Doubt many people will jump on that name, Tolkien hasn't hit the mmo fantasy fan base the way R.A.Salvatore has. But I bet we will see allot of Entrari varients.
I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, The dreams in which I'm dieing are the best I've ever had.
I like the way you capitalised The Hat. made me giggle.
Although I said my main was to be Empire - I will play, eventually, all destruction classes (Chaos first) to get to grips with the best way to fight against them. I found in other MMO's it's very easy to suck in PvP unless you know how to fight against your enemy. The best way to know how to fight against them, is to know how to fight with them, you soon learn their weaknesses and such.
Of all the races, Dwarves have the least excitement for me. All the Destruction ones do look really, really cool though; EAMythic has done a brilliant job so far.
the more I read about the Black Guard, the more I love them! + you get to hang out with sexy elf chicks (who are dudes in RL)
lol youre right, anyways gotta be black orc as main and prolly a witch elf for alt (and yeh im a dude)
We are the borg!
You will be assimilated.
We will add you biological and technological distinctiviness to our own.
Your culture will adapt to serve us.
Resistance is futile
So far, I don't really know. Too much wish to try them all.
But if i had to pick one I would go with Chaos Marauder or chosen.
Always loved how bulky they look in armor.
Can't wait to slaughter all the High Elf players named Legolaz,Leegolos,Leetgolas,Legoolas.
Doubt many people will jump on that name, Tolkien hasn't hit the mmo fantasy fan base the way R.A.Salvatore has. But I bet we will see allot of Entrari varients.
I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, The dreams in which I'm dieing are the best I've ever had.
In case you haven't guessed yet, I'm going to be rolling an Orc Choppa.