I quit about a week or two before the CU went live. The GCW 'upgrade' in january of 05 really made the writting on the wall clear, especialy with the way they continued to tamper with the GCW in the following months. Everything I was hearing out of the Test Center was pretty scary, so I wasn't about to wait around.
Plus, and this is the true crime of 2005, I knew they wouldn't fix anything. Whatever they introduced with the CU would just be more broken crap I didn't want to keep paying the beta test. All the exploiting, the cronyism, and the bald face lying was bound to continue, and sure enough...
I tried out the CU for a week on a friends account right before the NGE, didn't see anything worth trying. And I tried it again this year with the free 21 days and things have just gotten so awful in that game. Glitches they fixed in the months after launch are back, rubberbanding everywhere and server lag I haven't seen since I tried running swg on 256 mhz.
We had taken a small break when EQ2 and WoW came out. Two months later we returned... This has to do with why my perspective was different than many. I played Starsider and when I came back there had been a population explosion. It had been slow before our break.
That's why the low population... people quitting thing always seemed odd to me. But I guess that was other servers... anyway...
We quit 2 days after the CU. Everyone we knew had left as well (by we I mean myself and my GF .. we had 9 accounts between us).
I came back at some point during the CU and got used to it and was actually having fun. She came back.. and we got a bunch of friends to come back.
That exact day was when they announced the NGE would give live in "x" amount of days.
All our friends quit again as did we...
Have tried to go back a few times lol but no.
So you could say the CU made us quit.. but I think we could have worked with that in the end. So it was the NGE pretty much that finally killed it for my household.
Started in the january after it came out (couldnt get it in the uk) but i did have access before then but that when i offciallly started
Finished when the CU hit mainly becuase i'd bought EQ2 and found it a much more compitent game (and that had faults at the time) than SWG ever was..took me a few months to get it completly out of my system but frankly while i look back at the game with fondness for my guildmates to me it nothing more than a IM programe with a poor game built round it
Started a month after release, and like many of the posts that I have been reading, took a break after the CU. I tried other games in the hopes of finding one that offered what SWG did but was more stable. Could not find one, returned to SWG.
The day I quit for good was the day I logged in and was prompted to choose one of these nine ICONIC classes. I was like WTF! I was a creature handler/scout/riflemen that had a small caveat of craftsmen that would hire me to go and collect the things that they needed. I did not see that in any of the iconic class descriptions. So I chose smuggler (? I think) and could'nt use my stuff or pull out my creatures. Logged out and quit.
I was pissed. But on a more positive note, I no longer feel obligated/compelled/loyal to the Star Wars Mythos. I no longer HAVE to go and buy the newest edit of the movies. I no longer have to go and get the newest book. I no longer have to scour ebay or antique stores for collectibles (read toys) I no longer have to take care of these collectibles and drive my wife crazy. Well, the NGE, coupled with the abhorrent movies (ep I, II, III). I kind of don't even like the original movies anymore. I am no longer a Star Wars fan. Blame SOE or LA who ever, I don't care who's fault it is, I am no longer a loyal customer of either company.
Started a month after release, and like many of the posts that I have been reading, took a break after the CU. I tried other games in the hopes of finding one that offered what SWG did but was more stable. Could not find one, returned to SWG. The day I quit for good was the day I logged in and was prompted to choose one of these nine ICONIC classes. I was like WTF! I was a creature handler/scout/riflemen that had a small caveat of craftsmen that would hire me to go and collect the things that they needed. I did not see that in any of the iconic class descriptions. So I chose smuggler (? I think) and could'nt use my stuff or pull out my creatures. Logged out and quit. I was pissed. But on a more positive note, I no longer feel obligated/compelled/loyal to the Star Wars Mythos. I no longer HAVE to go and buy the newest edit of the movies. I no longer have to go and get the newest book. I no longer have to scour ebay or antique stores for collectibles (read toys) I no longer have to take care of these collectibles and drive my wife crazy. Well, the NGE, coupled with the abhorrent movies (ep I, II, III). I kind of don't even like the original movies anymore. I am no longer a Star Wars fan. Blame SOE or LA who ever, I don't care who's fault it is, I am no longer a loyal customer of either company.
You know another sad truth about all this NGE business is that a lot of my friends, like yourself, have had their enjoyment of the StarWars story tarnished. A lot of us grew up with StarWars; it was like a modern day mythology. When we were kids it felt magical. How many of us got those goofy looking flashlights with plastic tubes on them that were the first toy lightsabers lol? When we played, we imagined we were Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo etc. My nextdoor neighbour was always Chewbacca, and his porch was the Millenium Falcon lol. We were 7 and 9 at the time. The Galaxies game tapped into that inner childhood experience for a lot of people. That's another reason, I'm sure, that the NGE had such an emotional impact on so many people that grew up with the StarWars myth. SWG tapped into our inner childhood experience, and then introduced feelings of betrayal and dissappointment. If SOE wanted to turn something innocent and fun into something bitter and painful, they couldn't have planned it better if they'd tried. Referencing the StarWars mythos as an analogy, a sithlord would be proud.
Started a month after release, and like many of the posts that I have been reading, took a break after the CU. I tried other games in the hopes of finding one that offered what SWG did but was more stable. Could not find one, returned to SWG. The day I quit for good was the day I logged in and was prompted to choose one of these nine ICONIC classes. I was like WTF! I was a creature handler/scout/riflemen that had a small caveat of craftsmen that would hire me to go and collect the things that they needed. I did not see that in any of the iconic class descriptions. So I chose smuggler (? I think) and could'nt use my stuff or pull out my creatures. Logged out and quit. I was pissed. But on a more positive note, I no longer feel obligated/compelled/loyal to the Star Wars Mythos. I no longer HAVE to go and buy the newest edit of the movies. I no longer have to go and get the newest book. I no longer have to scour ebay or antique stores for collectibles (read toys) I no longer have to take care of these collectibles and drive my wife crazy. Well, the NGE, coupled with the abhorrent movies (ep I, II, III). I kind of don't even like the original movies anymore. I am no longer a Star Wars fan. Blame SOE or LA who ever, I don't care who's fault it is, I am no longer a loyal customer of either company.
You know another sad truth about all this NGE business is that a lot of my friends, like yourself, have had their enjoyment of the StarWars story tarnished. A lot of us grew up with StarWars; it was like a modern day mythology. When we were kids it felt magical. How many of us got those goofy looking flashlights with plastic tubes on them that were the first toy lightsabers lol? When we played, we imagined we were Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo etc. My nextdoor neighbour was always Chewbacca, and his porch was the Millenium Falcon lol. We were 7 and 9 at the time. The Galaxies game tapped into that inner childhood experience for a lot of people. That's another reason, I'm sure, that the NGE had such an emotional impact on so many people that grew up with the StarWars myth. SWG tapped into our inner childhood experience, and then introduced feelings of betrayal and dissappointment. If SOE wanted to turn something innocent and fun into something bitter and painful, they couldn't have planned it better if they'd tried. Referencing the StarWars mythos as an analogy, a sithlord would be proud.
I am in the same boat. You know its bad when you go to star wars celebration II in Indy. Eat Dinner across from Hayden Christensen, and c3po and have a great time with "online" friends you met while rp star wars as part of a community only years later to not at all even follow it or the gaming materials.
This is my soul area where I follow any star wars and that is souly for a deep seated desire to recreate my online star wars avatar and game with fellow star wars fans.
Even my wife noticed my lack of following star wars. Her only request was never to drag her to a convention again. Even though we shopped at night, saw movies and hung out and got drunk. She wasn't keen on the walking around.
I started to play SWG at launch not because it was Star Wars, but because it was an mmorpg that allowed a 'world' to live in and manipulate.....comabtant & noncombatant. It seemed so open ended. I was never a big Star Wars fan...sure, I enjoyed the movies, but I was never into the lore, trinkets, books, etc. I enjoyed Pre-CU enough to WANT to read some Star War books to understand more of the lore, I even bought a SW trinket or two for my husbad who was also feeling the way I did. After the NGE, I lost all interest in anything Star Wars. No more cute SW trinkets...no books...nothing, nada, zip. It makes me so sad to think how much I once enjoyed the game....my husband just grumbles about the time he wasted with it.
I watched the development of SWG for what seemed like years on the forums, but didn't get into beta due to crappy PC specs. I waited until a couple of weeks after launch to take the plunge, because I had some serious work at home that needed to be done and I knew SWG would suck me in. Once I started playing I was hooked.
I feel like I did everything in that game pre-CU. I was a bounty hunter, the first on Ahazi to collect a Jedi bounty (while the droids were still broken). I PvP'd with a large guild there before I got hooked on crafting. Made a toon on Shadowfire and became one of the top armorsmiths on the server (arguably THE top armorsmith for a year or so). Then I moved on to Jedi, grinding up to DJK and loving it.
The CU drove me entire guild to WoW, and by then I was ready for something more casual. I probably could have learned to love the CU, but it never had a chance with me. I eBayed everything for a couple grand and left for good. I've resubbed once to check out the NGE and to chat with some folks on the galaxy forum, but the early version of the NGE was enough to convince me the game was dead.
When? I quit on the 14th of November after having tested out the NGE on the test server for a few days. I could have loged in for a little while longer then then the 14th but I decided I didn't want to change my characters template I loved, with two masteries that would no longer exist the nest day, to one of those new cookie cutter classes.
Why? Because I disliked the new combat system, the new iconicy cookie cutter classes and the dumbing down of crafting to focus more on loot.
It amazes me to this day that the very strong points SWG initially had was a fantastic player economy, superior and challenging crafting and an enjoyable noncombatant social world that co-existed with PvE and PvP, was rendered virtually worhtless with the NGE (CU was just a mere stepping stone). Is there anything truly positive that the NGE brought to SWG? Shpuld be a far shorter list than the negatives.
I quit about a week or two before the CU went live. The GCW 'upgrade' in january of 05 really made the writting on the wall clear, especialy with the way they continued to tamper with the GCW in the following months. Everything I was hearing out of the Test Center was pretty scary, so I wasn't about to wait around.
Plus, and this is the true crime of 2005, I knew they wouldn't fix anything. Whatever they introduced with the CU would just be more broken crap I didn't want to keep paying the beta test. All the exploiting, the cronyism, and the bald face lying was bound to continue, and sure enough...
I tried out the CU for a week on a friends account right before the NGE, didn't see anything worth trying. And I tried it again this year with the free 21 days and things have just gotten so awful in that game. Glitches they fixed in the months after launch are back, rubberbanding everywhere and server lag I haven't seen since I tried running swg on 256 mhz.
What a joke.
I had just gone away for the summer right after getting jedi, i got back logged in and NGE had hit, i typed /quit and cancelled my acount.
We had taken a small break when EQ2 and WoW came out. Two months later we returned... This has to do with why my perspective was different than many. I played Starsider and when I came back there had been a population explosion. It had been slow before our break.
That's why the low population... people quitting thing always seemed odd to me. But I guess that was other servers... anyway...
We quit 2 days after the CU. Everyone we knew had left as well (by we I mean myself and my GF .. we had 9 accounts between us).
I came back at some point during the CU and got used to it and was actually having fun. She came back.. and we got a bunch of friends to come back.
That exact day was when they announced the NGE would give live in "x" amount of days.
All our friends quit again as did we...
Have tried to go back a few times lol but no.
So you could say the CU made us quit.. but I think we could have worked with that in the end. So it was the NGE pretty much that finally killed it for my household.
Started in the january after it came out (couldnt get it in the uk) but i did have access before then but that when i offciallly started
Finished when the CU hit mainly becuase i'd bought EQ2 and found it a much more compitent game (and that had faults at the time) than SWG ever was..took me a few months to get it completly out of my system but frankly while i look back at the game with fondness for my guildmates to me it nothing more than a IM programe with a poor game built round it
Started a month after release, and like many of the posts that I have been reading, took a break after the CU. I tried other games in the hopes of finding one that offered what SWG did but was more stable. Could not find one, returned to SWG.
The day I quit for good was the day I logged in and was prompted to choose one of these nine ICONIC classes. I was like WTF! I was a creature handler/scout/riflemen that had a small caveat of craftsmen that would hire me to go and collect the things that they needed. I did not see that in any of the iconic class descriptions. So I chose smuggler (? I think) and could'nt use my stuff or pull out my creatures. Logged out and quit.
I was pissed. But on a more positive note, I no longer feel obligated/compelled/loyal to the Star Wars Mythos. I no longer HAVE to go and buy the newest edit of the movies. I no longer have to go and get the newest book. I no longer have to scour ebay or antique stores for collectibles (read toys) I no longer have to take care of these collectibles and drive my wife crazy. Well, the NGE, coupled with the abhorrent movies (ep I, II, III). I kind of don't even like the original movies anymore. I am no longer a Star Wars fan. Blame SOE or LA who ever, I don't care who's fault it is, I am no longer a loyal customer of either company.
You know another sad truth about all this NGE business is that a lot of my friends, like yourself, have had their enjoyment of the StarWars story tarnished. A lot of us grew up with StarWars; it was like a modern day mythology. When we were kids it felt magical. How many of us got those goofy looking flashlights with plastic tubes on them that were the first toy lightsabers lol? When we played, we imagined we were Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo etc. My nextdoor neighbour was always Chewbacca, and his porch was the Millenium Falcon lol. We were 7 and 9 at the time. The Galaxies game tapped into that inner childhood experience for a lot of people. That's another reason, I'm sure, that the NGE had such an emotional impact on so many people that grew up with the StarWars myth. SWG tapped into our inner childhood experience, and then introduced feelings of betrayal and dissappointment. If SOE wanted to turn something innocent and fun into something bitter and painful, they couldn't have planned it better if they'd tried. Referencing the StarWars mythos as an analogy, a sithlord would be proud.
closed beta vet
quit last month due to boredome
found the beauty of EQ2
been very happy ever since
You know another sad truth about all this NGE business is that a lot of my friends, like yourself, have had their enjoyment of the StarWars story tarnished. A lot of us grew up with StarWars; it was like a modern day mythology. When we were kids it felt magical. How many of us got those goofy looking flashlights with plastic tubes on them that were the first toy lightsabers lol? When we played, we imagined we were Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo etc. My nextdoor neighbour was always Chewbacca, and his porch was the Millenium Falcon lol. We were 7 and 9 at the time. The Galaxies game tapped into that inner childhood experience for a lot of people. That's another reason, I'm sure, that the NGE had such an emotional impact on so many people that grew up with the StarWars myth. SWG tapped into our inner childhood experience, and then introduced feelings of betrayal and dissappointment. If SOE wanted to turn something innocent and fun into something bitter and painful, they couldn't have planned it better if they'd tried. Referencing the StarWars mythos as an analogy, a sithlord would be proud.
I am in the same boat. You know its bad when you go to star wars celebration II in Indy. Eat Dinner across from Hayden Christensen, and c3po and have a great time with "online" friends you met while rp star wars as part of a community only years later to not at all even follow it or the gaming materials.
This is my soul area where I follow any star wars and that is souly for a deep seated desire to recreate my online star wars avatar and game with fellow star wars fans.
Even my wife noticed my lack of following star wars. Her only request was never to drag her to a convention again. Even though we shopped at night, saw movies and hung out and got drunk. She wasn't keen on the walking around.
To bad really. It was a fun hobby.
I started to play SWG at launch not because it was Star Wars, but because it was an mmorpg that allowed a 'world' to live in and manipulate.....comabtant & noncombatant. It seemed so open ended. I was never a big Star Wars fan...sure, I enjoyed the movies, but I was never into the lore, trinkets, books, etc. I enjoyed Pre-CU enough to WANT to read some Star War books to understand more of the lore, I even bought a SW trinket or two for my husbad who was also feeling the way I did. After the NGE, I lost all interest in anything Star Wars. No more cute SW trinkets...no books...nothing, nada, zip. It makes me so sad to think how much I once enjoyed the game....my husband just grumbles about the time he wasted with it.
I watched the development of SWG for what seemed like years on the forums, but didn't get into beta due to crappy PC specs. I waited until a couple of weeks after launch to take the plunge, because I had some serious work at home that needed to be done and I knew SWG would suck me in. Once I started playing I was hooked.
I feel like I did everything in that game pre-CU. I was a bounty hunter, the first on Ahazi to collect a Jedi bounty (while the droids were still broken). I PvP'd with a large guild there before I got hooked on crafting. Made a toon on Shadowfire and became one of the top armorsmiths on the server (arguably THE top armorsmith for a year or so). Then I moved on to Jedi, grinding up to DJK and loving it.
The CU drove me entire guild to WoW, and by then I was ready for something more casual. I probably could have learned to love the CU, but it never had a chance with me. I eBayed everything for a couple grand and left for good. I've resubbed once to check out the NGE and to chat with some folks on the galaxy forum, but the early version of the NGE was enough to convince me the game was dead.
When? I quit on the 14th of November after having tested out the NGE on the test server for a few days. I could have loged in for a little while longer then then the 14th but I decided I didn't want to change my characters template I loved, with two masteries that would no longer exist the nest day, to one of those new cookie cutter classes.
Why? Because I disliked the new combat system, the new iconicy cookie cutter classes and the dumbing down of crafting to focus more on loot.
It amazes me to this day that the very strong points SWG initially had was a fantastic player economy, superior and challenging crafting and an enjoyable noncombatant social world that co-existed with PvE and PvP, was rendered virtually worhtless with the NGE (CU was just a mere stepping stone). Is there anything truly positive that the NGE brought to SWG? Shpuld be a far shorter list than the negatives.