Hey, inti Communist day! That is a good day, well unless you are a capitalist then I guess it's bad in their paradigm. Anyway not that I care, “When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope” - JS
I'm totally lost ...so is this a Religious Debate again? Or a Conspiricy debate? In all honesty you can't just base all your findings on purely christian evidence or a bunch of random spouts of conspiracies. The whole world is not Christian if it was the whole idea that God gave man Free will would be pretty much a LIE. The truth lays within the history of the entire world not just christian history and definitly not just American history.
Reborn you pointed out a bunch of anime's and were like 'in this country' well those anime's were not MADE IN this country. They were made in Japan were the symbolistic meaning to most if not all of those items is completely different.
If you dont like a game because it has 666 in it then don't play it. Its that simple but to try and force religious doctorine down someone elses throat as "This is Real" Its Satanism we're supporting it by buying these games BS is a load of crap. I've been playing video games for years, watching anime, watching movies about good vs hell and sometimes hell winning, hell I've even read the Satanic bible just to get a kick when I was 18 and you know what? I'm not Satanic infact I think half of it is just as big a rubbish as most major sections of the christian religion. I'm free minded enough to know that I was taught good moral values by my family & the Methodist church I grew up going too and free minded to know that half the people who go to church and thump the bible are a bunch of hypcrotical apes. The behavior and fanatical thought that goes on in some churches or atleast its members is the main reason I decided settling on 1 true religion & going to church is for the birds.
The only reason you sense or feel real evil coming out of a game comes from your own personal beliefs and not any sort of a facts. Game Developers can't just make everyone play the good guys it'd be boring..You have to have something evil to fight against. There are very few symbols that are universally personfied as evil and its those few that you'll see directly only for the bad guys in games. In all honesty if you play video games how can you pick out the bad guys if they're all wearing sheeps clothing?
Btw Merry Hexxmas Bible Thumpers 666666
Not to go too into depth, if you don't think delving into these subjects has an effect, look at your amity towards them. You are so desensitized you read the satanic bible for laughs or whatever. That seems to illustrate part of my point, that these images desensitize their viewer to them and what they represent, whether you think bad is really bad or not is secondary.
Regarding the anime videos being from Japan and so forth, there were tv cartoons and movies in the 80s and 90s from Japan like Voltron, Robotech, Fist of the North Star, Megazone 23 part 1&2, A-ko & B-ko, Warriors of the Wind etc. but the most occult based ones shown here in the U.S. back then were like Vampire based or perhaps martial arts Ki based, but today the occult ones are steeped in egyptology (the basis of the Satanic Temple of Set) and real witchcraft symbology. These are the ones being picked out of the crowd of anime movies and being put to the forfront. Hey, anime has been around a long time and I've been watching it long before it was so readily available, but the stuff on Tv in the U.S. nowadays is definately different. Not knowing you are being indoctrinated doesn't mean it isn't happening.
Also I quit the game a while ago. Even while playing I routinely took a month or 2 break from it.
The fact that you are sensitive to a subject does not mean that subject is worthy of respect, fear, or acknowledgment. A great number of people in this world approach your mythology/beliefs/religion with great apathy. Reading what you consider "bad" literature creates about as neutral a feeling in some of us as you would have reading a cookbook (imagine the look you would give someone if they attempted to tell you that a collection of recipes was indoctrinating you). I'm not sure how a person can be desensitized to something that holds the equivalent value of a vehicle manual... I suppose you are simply projecting: I fear it. If you fail to fear it, then you have been brainwashed by it.
That said, I'm really not sure what, in your mind, these symbols are supposed to produce. Let's skip the insinuation and get it out in the open. Do you believe there is some magical power in these symbols? What is the end result of your worst fears, obviously of what you consider the occult, coming to fruition?
Speaking of indoctrination... Have you considered that all of those years of religion might have fooled you into believing in things that do not exist? If a person were trained to believe in miracles, was told that magic really existed (and never suffer a witch to live), along with being told about hundreds of other supernatural events in stories, don't you think that would have a pretty indoctrinating effect? Look at all of the things you refuse to believe, and ask yourself why your beliefs are any different. I have to admit, that was the first step in my loss of superstition. After all, the supernatural is a great control mechanism -- an unnecessary one at that.
Originally posted by Reborn17 I would hope you would see things my way and repent, but I know its your choice to do. I'm not getting on a high horse, so to speak, by pointing these things out, I am however saying that if these various real occult images and ideologies are all present in the game, is it coincidence? After studying the beliefs and strategies of these various groups, which most people think don't even exist, I say not.
And I was hoping that you would get a clue that this is a forum about MMO's not religion.
Enjoy the game or stop playing. The shadows cast on the cave wall is simply that...shadows. Stop the preaching and talk about the game...not what you percieve is happening
You want a good build? Want a good place to farm? Need advice how to do something? Then post it here
You seeing monsters under the bed, that the world is going to flames in a handbasket, that you feel that you should preach what the invisible sky wizard is telling you;. Post it on a church forum.
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't
The fact that you are sensitive to a subject does not mean that subject is worthy of respect, fear, or acknowledgment. A great number of people in this world approach your mythology/beliefs/religion with great apathy. Reading what you consider "bad" literature creates about as neutral a feeling in some of us as you would have reading a cookbook (imagine the look you would give someone if they attempted to tell you that a collection of recipes was indoctrinating you). I'm not sure how a person can be desensitized to something that holds the equivalent value of a vehicle manual... I suppose you are simply projecting: I fear it. If you fail to fear it, then you have been brainwashed by it.
That said, I'm really not sure what, in your mind, these symbols are supposed to produce. Let's skip the insinuation and get it out in the open. Do you believe there is some magical power in these symbols? What is the end result of your worst fears, obviously of what you consider the occult, coming to fruition? Speaking of indoctrination... Have you considered that all of those years of religion might have fooled you into believing in things that do not exist? If a person were trained to believe in miracles, was told that magic really existed (and never suffer a witch to live), along with being told about hundreds of other supernatural events in stories, don't you think that would have a pretty indoctrinating effect? Look at all of the things you refuse to believe, and ask yourself why your beliefs are any different. I have to admit, that was the first step in my loss of superstition. After all, the supernatural is a great control mechanism -- an unnecessary one at that. - LC
It appears you haven't really read thru the previous posts in the thread, I know its long, but I do explain what the effect of these things are and their significance in the grand scheme of those that use them.
Also LC, truth is not based on a vote, it doesn't take our belief in something to make it there. It is or it isn't. I personally believe for many reasons, but it started as a young science student attending a research university with other young science & engineering students. One night we started to (while getting ready for a night of carousing) discuss the existence of God in the context of what we knew of physics, chemistry, biology, astrophysics and so forth, and we realized that there was distinct order and connection between things, that if random, should not function together so perfectly. For example, a) the earth is not actually a sphere, its an oblong spheroid meaning it is basically a little longer from N-S than it is from E-W in this case. b) It is also tilted at a 23.8 degree angle. c) We experience seasons on the earth not based on proximity to the sun, but based on the angle of deflection of its rays. We are actually closer to the sun in what we here in the U.S. consider winter than we are in the summer( elliptical orbit y'know) but because of the less acute angle of deflection we experience colder temperatures and the opposite occurs where the deflection is more acutely angled and therefore more direct sunlight hits. IF the earth where spherical, or the spheroid were not properly tilted, the rays of the sun would hit the closest point on earth directly (with no deflection at all) and char it to a crisp while leaving the poles even colder than they are now ( example the moon is approximately +250 degrees F in the sunlight and -250 degrees F in the shadow according to astronomers). On top of this angular protection from extreme temperatures, we are also surrounded by a layer of radiation thousands of miles thick that actually protects us from the sun's radiation called the Van Allen Radiation belt. If either one of these things didn't exist, life would not be able to exist as we know it on earth.
Also things like the fact the Law of ever increasing entropy states everything in the universe tends toward chaos, not order, yet there is order all around us. I mean if you saw something as simple as a cigarette butt on the ground and I told you over of millions of years tobacco leaves and paper molecules synthesized to form it I would officially be the worst scientist in the room. Why then if we replace the simple cigarette butt with a DNA strand and say the chemical components of DNA came together over millions of years to form life am I now a Stanford professor? Small does not equal simple. Cells have complex Organelles like mitochondria and endoplasmic reticuli which you learn about in like 7th grade biology. No one an earth can just reproduce these out of these chemicals despite their best efforts, so what makes people think they can so easily happen by chance?
Most of that night we came up with observation after observation in the context of our studies and came to one conclusion, that where there is order, there is an Orderer. I still remeber the moment when a room full of mostly non-religious to semi-religious people seemed to be simultaneously convinced. Silence...and I can't speak for everyone, but for me personally, terror. There was a God? A God that I could not beat, outargue, dissuade, convince or overcome?and He is really real? Suffice it to say, we didn't party that night. I won't go into the rest, but I did eventually become a real Born Again Christian.
Y'know a real big issue that is so often discounted in those that observe science from the outside is the effect of money and politics. Buildings and equipment are expensive, without funding, scientists would have to do something else to earn the money necessary for their research. Besides there are plenty of scientists who are just seeking a job, they're not interested in the implications of simply satisfying their employer on th egreater populace per se. they just wanna keep their job. Fact is, if a group or govt funding your research is looking for a certain result, and you get a different one, many times they get someone else. Like Global Warming as a function of human industry for example, there are plenty of scientists, including the founder of the Weather Channel, that say its a hoax and have lots of evidence to prove it, I mean there was a period in the 1400s called The Medieval Warm Period where Greenland, which is under 5 miles of ice today, was all green pastureland, long before the industrial revolution. This would imply global warming happens without need of our industrial emissions (see also The Great Global Warming Swindle and other such information). Unfortunately, if this view was taken seriously all the money generated and additional control from the various eco friendly taxes and legislation would be gone.
Or evolution, despite its myriad of "missing links" and contradictory fossil record, is still taught as "fact" because if you take God out of the equation, who then becomes the ultimate authority? You? No. Governement. Its why Communism is athiestic, to maintain ultimate unquestioned control that no moral imperative would be allowed to unseat, and what has this resulted in? 67 million Soviet citizens killed by Stalin, conservatively 100 million Chinese dissedents killed over the years, and this doesn't even take into account the countless babies killed in their mothers womb by government edict.
The fact is deception from a govt level is very easy in todays system. All you have to do is provide free education to manage thought and the flow of information, and then reward those that follow by categorizing them as intelligent, and like the hamster that gets a pellet for pressing the right button, they will continue to seek such rewards. The key is once you know everything they want you to know, to then question what it is they don't want you to know. Assume less. You've got to know things for yourself, and that takes effort. The truth can stand up to investigation and questioning, only lies dissipate under scrutiny. Seek the truth, whatever it may be when it is found, and you will indeed find it.
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -Edmund Burke
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16)
Originally posted by Reborn17 I would hope you would see things my way and repent, but I know its your choice to do. I'm not getting on a high horse, so to speak, by pointing these things out, I am however saying that if these various real occult images and ideologies are all present in the game, is it coincidence? After studying the beliefs and strategies of these various groups, which most people think don't even exist, I say not.
And I was hoping that you would get a clue that this is a forum about MMO's not religion.
Enjoy the game or stop playing. The shadows cast on the cave wall is simply that...shadows. Stop the preaching and talk about the game...not what you percieve is happening
You want a good build? Want a good place to farm? Need advice how to do something? Then post it here
You seeing monsters under the bed, that the world is going to flames in a handbasket, that you feel that you should preach what the invisible sky wizard is telling you;. Post it on a church forum.
Funny, if I were to respond in kind, I'm the jerk. C'est la vie. What you think is what you think, man. No one has sufficiently answered the question as to why real occult imagery is so prevalent in a Superhero game when made up imagery could just as easily be used. I mean who's interjecting whose beliefs on whom if I'm playing a superhero game and getting spoonfed occultism?
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -Edmund Burke
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16)
It appears you haven't really read thru the previous posts in the thread, I know its long, but I do explain what the effect of these things are and their significance in the grand scheme of those that use them.
Also LC, truth is not based on a vote, it doesn't take our belief in something to make it there. It is or it isn't. I personally believe for many reasons, but it started as a young science student attending a research university with other young science & engineering students. One night we started to (while getting ready for a night of carousing) discuss the existence of God in the context of what we knew of physics, chemistry, biology, astrophysics and so forth, and we realized that there was distinct order and connection between things, that if random, should not function together so perfectly. For example, a) the earth is not actually a sphere, its an oblong spheroid meaning it is basically a little longer from N-S than it is from E-W in this case. b) It is also tilted at a 23.8 degree angle. c) We experience seasons on the earth not based on proximity to the sun, but based on the angle of deflection of its rays. We are actually closer to the sun in what we here in the U.S. consider winter than we are in the summer( elliptical orbit y'know) but because of the less acute angle of deflection we experience colder temperatures and the opposite occurs where the deflection is more acutely angled and therefore more direct sunlight hits. IF the earth where spherical, or the spheroid were not properly tilted, the rays of the sun would hit the closest point on earth directly (with no deflection at all) and char it to a crisp while leaving the poles even colder than they are now ( example the moon is approximately +250 degrees F in the sunlight and -250 degrees F in the shadow according to astronomers). On top of this angular protection from extreme temperatures, we are also surrounded by a layer of radiation thousands of miles thick that actually protects us from the sun's radiation called the Van Allen Radiation belt. If either one of these things didn't exist, life would not be able to exist as we know it on earth. Also things like the fact the Law of ever increasing entropy states everything in the universe tends toward chaos, not order, yet there is order all around us. I mean if you saw something as simple as a cigarette butt on the ground and I told you over of millions of years tobacco leaves and paper molecules synthesized to form it I would officially be the worst scientist in the room. Why then if we replace the simple cigarette butt with a DNA strand and say the chemical components of DNA came together over millions of years to form life am I now a Stanford professor? Small does not equal simple. Cells have complex Organelles like mitochondria and endoplasmic reticuli which you learn about in like 7th grade biology. No one an earth can just reproduce these out of these chemicals despite their best efforts, so what makes people think they can so easily happen by chance? Most of that night we came up with observation after observation in the context of our studies and came to one conclusion, that where there is order, there is an Orderer. I still remeber the moment when a room full of mostly non-religious to semi-religious people seemed to be simultaneously convinced. Silence...and I can't speak for everyone, but for me personally, terror. There was a God? A God that I could not beat, outargue, dissuade, convince or overcome?and He is really real? Suffice it to say, we didn't party that night. I won't go into the rest, but I did eventually become a real Born Again Christian. Y'know a real big issue that is so often discounted in those that observe science from the outside is the effect of money and politics. Buildings and equipment are expensive, without funding, scientists would have to do something else to earn the money necessary for their research. Besides there are plenty of scientists who are just seeking a job, they're not interested in the implications of simply satisfying their employer on th egreater populace per se. they just wanna keep their job. Fact is, if a group or govt funding your research is looking for a certain result, and you get a different one, many times they get someone else. Like Global Warming as a function of human industry for example, there are plenty of scientists, including the founder of the Weather Channel, that say its a hoax and have lots of evidence to prove it, I mean there was a period in the 1400s called The Medieval Warm Period where Greenland, which is under 5 miles of ice today, was all green pastureland, long before the industrial revolution. This would imply global warming happens without need of our industrial emissions (see also The Great Global Warming Swindle and other such information). Unfortunately, if this view was taken seriously all the money generated and additional control from the various eco friendly taxes and legislation would be gone. Or evolution, despite its myriad of "missing links" and contradictory fossil record, is still taught as "fact" because if you take God out of the equation, who then becomes the ultimate authority? You? No. Governement. Its why Communism is athiestic, to maintain ultimate unquestioned control that no moral imperative would be allowed to unseat, and what has this resulted in? 67 million Soviet citizens killed by Stalin, conservatively 100 million Chinese dissedents killed over the years, and this doesn't even take into account the countless babies killed in their mothers womb by government edict. The fact is deception from a govt level is very easy in todays system. All you have to do is provide free education to manage thought and the flow of information, and then reward those that follow by categorizing them as intelligent, and like the hamster that gets a pellet for pressing the right button, they will continue to seek such rewards. The key is once you know everything they want you to know, to then question what it is they don't want you to know. Assume less. You've got to know things for yourself, and that takes effort. The truth can stand up to investigation and questioning, only lies dissipate under scrutiny. Seek the truth, whatever it may be when it is found, and you will indeed find it. Peace...
For someone labeled as a scientist, you really threw caution to the wind when you decided instead of trying to explain how or why the earth was tilted or, any of that for that matter, you just left it up to god to be the answer.
Thats the most anti-scientific thing I've ever heard. The whole point of science is to explain the unexplainable.
Global warming is a theory, a completely debateable theory. Evolution is a belief theory. The only other theory that contests it is of that of a creator. Needless to say it is obvious that -- even in our day to day world evolution is prevalent. Even on the most simplistic level a single change to a bacteria by creating a resistance to a drug, can suddenly become a completely different bacteria strain entirely.
Not to mention Humans themselves on the biological time scale have been evolving at a faster rate then our previous ancestors.
Another interesting thing that gets me, is you became a Born Again Christian. Out of all the religions, you became a christian. Science clashes directly with many christian beliefs, which would be like an Orthodox Jew stopping off at mcdonalds for a Double Cheeseburger after services. If you spend your life working towards something such as being orthodox, or for being a scientist, you couldn't just turn around without questioning every aspect of a new life changing decision.
Most importantly, thinking that all of those things that keep us alive and our world unharmed from potential dangers of the cosmos, but not believing that in the ultimate vastness and expanse of the entire universe.. even those worlds that we know are populated with water, that there isn't a single bacteria alive out there (pointing towards that the probability of another world can sustain life) then thats somewhat naive.
Hey, inti Communist day! That is a good day, well unless you are a capitalist then I guess it's bad in their paradigm. Anyway not that I care, “When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope” - JS
Not to go too into depth, if you don't think delving into these subjects has an effect, look at your amity towards them. You are so desensitized you read the satanic bible for laughs or whatever. That seems to illustrate part of my point, that these images desensitize their viewer to them and what they represent, whether you think bad is really bad or not is secondary.
Regarding the anime videos being from Japan and so forth, there were tv cartoons and movies in the 80s and 90s from Japan like Voltron, Robotech, Fist of the North Star, Megazone 23 part 1&2, A-ko & B-ko, Warriors of the Wind etc. but the most occult based ones shown here in the U.S. back then were like Vampire based or perhaps martial arts Ki based, but today the occult ones are steeped in egyptology (the basis of the Satanic Temple of Set) and real witchcraft symbology. These are the ones being picked out of the crowd of anime movies and being put to the forfront. Hey, anime has been around a long time and I've been watching it long before it was so readily available, but the stuff on Tv in the U.S. nowadays is definately different. Not knowing you are being indoctrinated doesn't mean it isn't happening.
Also I quit the game a while ago. Even while playing I routinely took a month or 2 break from it.
The fact that you are sensitive to a subject does not mean that subject is worthy of respect, fear, or acknowledgment. A great number of people in this world approach your mythology/beliefs/religion with great apathy. Reading what you consider "bad" literature creates about as neutral a feeling in some of us as you would have reading a cookbook (imagine the look you would give someone if they attempted to tell you that a collection of recipes was indoctrinating you). I'm not sure how a person can be desensitized to something that holds the equivalent value of a vehicle manual... I suppose you are simply projecting: I fear it. If you fail to fear it, then you have been brainwashed by it.
That said, I'm really not sure what, in your mind, these symbols are supposed to produce. Let's skip the insinuation and get it out in the open. Do you believe there is some magical power in these symbols? What is the end result of your worst fears, obviously of what you consider the occult, coming to fruition?
Speaking of indoctrination... Have you considered that all of those years of religion might have fooled you into believing in things that do not exist? If a person were trained to believe in miracles, was told that magic really existed (and never suffer a witch to live), along with being told about hundreds of other supernatural events in stories, don't you think that would have a pretty indoctrinating effect? Look at all of the things you refuse to believe, and ask yourself why your beliefs are any different. I have to admit, that was the first step in my loss of superstition. After all, the supernatural is a great control mechanism -- an unnecessary one at that.
- LC
And I was hoping that you would get a clue that this is a forum about MMO's not religion.
Enjoy the game or stop playing. The shadows cast on the cave wall is simply that...shadows. Stop the preaching and talk about the game...not what you percieve is happening
You want a good build? Want a good place to farm? Need advice how to do something? Then post it here
You seeing monsters under the bed, that the world is going to flames in a handbasket, that you feel that you should preach what the invisible sky wizard is telling you;. Post it on a church forum.
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't
Also LC, truth is not based on a vote, it doesn't take our belief in something to make it there. It is or it isn't. I personally believe for many reasons, but it started as a young science student attending a research university with other young science & engineering students. One night we started to (while getting ready for a night of carousing) discuss the existence of God in the context of what we knew of physics, chemistry, biology, astrophysics and so forth, and we realized that there was distinct order and connection between things, that if random, should not function together so perfectly. For example, a) the earth is not actually a sphere, its an oblong spheroid meaning it is basically a little longer from N-S than it is from E-W in this case. b) It is also tilted at a 23.8 degree angle. c) We experience seasons on the earth not based on proximity to the sun, but based on the angle of deflection of its rays. We are actually closer to the sun in what we here in the U.S. consider winter than we are in the summer( elliptical orbit y'know) but because of the less acute angle of deflection we experience colder temperatures and the opposite occurs where the deflection is more acutely angled and therefore more direct sunlight hits. IF the earth where spherical, or the spheroid were not properly tilted, the rays of the sun would hit the closest point on earth directly (with no deflection at all) and char it to a crisp while leaving the poles even colder than they are now ( example the moon is approximately +250 degrees F in the sunlight and -250 degrees F in the shadow according to astronomers). On top of this angular protection from extreme temperatures, we are also surrounded by a layer of radiation thousands of miles thick that actually protects us from the sun's radiation called the Van Allen Radiation belt. If either one of these things didn't exist, life would not be able to exist as we know it on earth.
Also things like the fact the Law of ever increasing entropy states everything in the universe tends toward chaos, not order, yet there is order all around us. I mean if you saw something as simple as a cigarette butt on the ground and I told you over of millions of years tobacco leaves and paper molecules synthesized to form it I would officially be the worst scientist in the room. Why then if we replace the simple cigarette butt with a DNA strand and say the chemical components of DNA came together over millions of years to form life am I now a Stanford professor? Small does not equal simple. Cells have complex Organelles like mitochondria and endoplasmic reticuli which you learn about in like 7th grade biology. No one an earth can just reproduce these out of these chemicals despite their best efforts, so what makes people think they can so easily happen by chance?
Most of that night we came up with observation after observation in the context of our studies and came to one conclusion, that where there is order, there is an Orderer. I still remeber the moment when a room full of mostly non-religious to semi-religious people seemed to be simultaneously convinced. Silence...and I can't speak for everyone, but for me personally, terror. There was a God? A God that I could not beat, outargue, dissuade, convince or overcome?and He is really real? Suffice it to say, we didn't party that night. I won't go into the rest, but I did eventually become a real Born Again Christian.
Y'know a real big issue that is so often discounted in those that observe science from the outside is the effect of money and politics. Buildings and equipment are expensive, without funding, scientists would have to do something else to earn the money necessary for their research. Besides there are plenty of scientists who are just seeking a job, they're not interested in the implications of simply satisfying their employer on th egreater populace per se. they just wanna keep their job. Fact is, if a group or govt funding your research is looking for a certain result, and you get a different one, many times they get someone else. Like Global Warming as a function of human industry for example, there are plenty of scientists, including the founder of the Weather Channel, that say its a hoax and have lots of evidence to prove it, I mean there was a period in the 1400s called The Medieval Warm Period where Greenland, which is under 5 miles of ice today, was all green pastureland, long before the industrial revolution. This would imply global warming happens without need of our industrial emissions (see also The Great Global Warming Swindle and other such information). Unfortunately, if this view was taken seriously all the money generated and additional control from the various eco friendly taxes and legislation would be gone.
Or evolution, despite its myriad of "missing links" and contradictory fossil record, is still taught as "fact" because if you take God out of the equation, who then becomes the ultimate authority? You? No. Governement. Its why Communism is athiestic, to maintain ultimate unquestioned control that no moral imperative would be allowed to unseat, and what has this resulted in? 67 million Soviet citizens killed by Stalin, conservatively 100 million Chinese dissedents killed over the years, and this doesn't even take into account the countless babies killed in their mothers womb by government edict.
The fact is deception from a govt level is very easy in todays system. All you have to do is provide free education to manage thought and the flow of information, and then reward those that follow by categorizing them as intelligent, and like the hamster that gets a pellet for pressing the right button, they will continue to seek such rewards. The key is once you know everything they want you to know, to then question what it is they don't want you to know. Assume less. You've got to know things for yourself, and that takes effort. The truth can stand up to investigation and questioning, only lies dissipate under scrutiny. Seek the truth, whatever it may be when it is found, and you will indeed find it.
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -Edmund Burke
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?"
(Psalm 94:16)
And I was hoping that you would get a clue that this is a forum about MMO's not religion.
Enjoy the game or stop playing. The shadows cast on the cave wall is simply that...shadows. Stop the preaching and talk about the game...not what you percieve is happening
You want a good build? Want a good place to farm? Need advice how to do something? Then post it here
You seeing monsters under the bed, that the world is going to flames in a handbasket, that you feel that you should preach what the invisible sky wizard is telling you;. Post it on a church forum.
Funny, if I were to respond in kind, I'm the jerk. C'est la vie. What you think is what you think, man. No one has sufficiently answered the question as to why real occult imagery is so prevalent in a Superhero game when made up imagery could just as easily be used. I mean who's interjecting whose beliefs on whom if I'm playing a superhero game and getting spoonfed occultism?
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -Edmund Burke
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?"
(Psalm 94:16)
The most evil thing at Cryptic is Matt Miller, for systematically dismantling every positive aspect of the original design of CoH.
For someone labeled as a scientist, you really threw caution to the wind when you decided instead of trying to explain how or why the earth was tilted or, any of that for that matter, you just left it up to god to be the answer.
Thats the most anti-scientific thing I've ever heard. The whole point of science is to explain the unexplainable.
Global warming is a theory, a completely debateable theory. Evolution is a belief theory. The only other theory that contests it is of that of a creator. Needless to say it is obvious that -- even in our day to day world evolution is prevalent. Even on the most simplistic level a single change to a bacteria by creating a resistance to a drug, can suddenly become a completely different bacteria strain entirely.
Not to mention Humans themselves on the biological time scale have been evolving at a faster rate then our previous ancestors.
Another interesting thing that gets me, is you became a Born Again Christian. Out of all the religions, you became a christian. Science clashes directly with many christian beliefs, which would be like an Orthodox Jew stopping off at mcdonalds for a Double Cheeseburger after services. If you spend your life working towards something such as being orthodox, or for being a scientist, you couldn't just turn around without questioning every aspect of a new life changing decision.
Most importantly, thinking that all of those things that keep us alive and our world unharmed from potential dangers of the cosmos, but not believing that in the ultimate vastness and expanse of the entire universe.. even those worlds that we know are populated with water, that there isn't a single bacteria alive out there (pointing towards that the probability of another world can sustain life) then thats somewhat naive.