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Fahrenheit 9/11



  • GalootGaloot Member Posts: 177

    Me: "Yeah I see your point. Here's an article from a well known conservative.

    You: " But alot of the article (Which is obviously by another biased opinion)"

    Just so you know I was being sarcastic. Christopher Hitchens is actually a well known liberal.

  • SketchSketch Member UncommonPosts: 337

    Changed aswers?

    Bush: (at the begining of his presidency) Iraq has no WMD's

    Bush: (Not even 2 years later) Iraq has WMD's we KNOW it.


    Bush: (Just after 9/11) Osama Bin Laden is the most dangerous threat to the free world

    Bush: (More recent when asked why he was no longer purseung Osama and focusing on Iraq) Osama's not important, he's a small fry. (Not an exact quote because I'm to tired atm to look it up the video again)




  • ColdmeatColdmeat Member UncommonPosts: 3,409

    Hmmm, Kerry vs Bush in '04?? Hell does it really matter? Both have the personality of a can of potted meat product. Kerry has a bit of a lead in the 'smarter than a box of rocks' catagory, but not by alot. And Nader knows he can't win. He isn't trying to win, either. I'm sure he'd be happy if by some miracle he did, but they're only aming for 5% of the vote, so they qualify for Federal matching funds in the next election.

    Frankly, the best outcome is that a viable Libertarian candidate comes along. Anyone will do as long as they get the Federal government out of our bedrooms, and wallets.

    They panic, so... just hold them down
    I could live like this
    I'm closing in; hate all around
    I could be like this
    Hearing them; them in my head
    How can they be so sweet... sweet?

  • GalootGaloot Member Posts: 177

    "Bush: (at the begining of his presidency) Iraq has no WMD's"

    Who told you that? One of the topics of the 2000 camaign was holding Saddam to account for them. Nice try though.

    "Bush: (More recent when asked why he was no longer purseung Osama and focusing on Iraq) Osama's not important, he's a small fry"

    If you think for one minute that there isn't any shadow warriors after Binnie's backside I have a bridge that I'd like to sell you. Furthermore, AQ is not in good very shape right now for that same reason. Not to say nothing more will happen because chances are it will. So yes at this moment, Iraq is where the action is. So his statement is true. This is 2004, that was in 2001 after we were attacked and before we captured or killed a whole bunch of Binnie's best buddies. So to make myself clear, that isn't like saying 2+2=4 one day and saying 2+2=22 the next. Again nice try.

  • Bobjones1303Bobjones1303 Member Posts: 680

    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

  • SketchSketch Member UncommonPosts: 337

    Originally posted by Galoot

    "Bush: (at the begining of his presidency) Iraq has no WMD's"
    Who told you that? One of the topics of the 2000 camaign was holding Saddam to account for them. Nice try though.
    "Bush: (More recent when asked why he was no longer purseung Osama and focusing on Iraq) Osama's not important, he's a small fry"
    If you think for one minute that there isn't any shadow warriors after Binnie's backside I have a bridge that I'd like to sell you. Furthermore, AQ is not in good very shape right now for that same reason. Not to say nothing more will happen because chances are it will. So yes at this moment, Iraq is where the action is. So his statement is true. This is 2004, that was in 2001 after we were attacked and before we captured or killed a whole bunch of Binnie's best buddies. So to make myself clear, that isn't like saying 2+2=4 one day and saying 2+2=22 the next. Again nice try. <--- *a better idea would have been to state "one day he says bigfoot exists, the next he doesn't" Since your examples are both based on facts that are commonly know to be true and flase*

    I was responding by posting comments I've seen him make in interviews. As I was asked to show examples of him changing his answers. Thats all. Belive what you like, it's clear thats all you want to know anyways. I'm not debating weather or not they are still hunting AQ or Osama. I'm sure they still are, and I hope they find him. But flame away if it makes you feel better. You asked, I answered. They were not imaginary answers, they were comments taken from interviews and statements made at press confrences. My eyes and ears are still opened, and I have no problem with the concept of Bush being a noble peoples hero. He just hasn't proven it date date, and so far you haven't said anything proves otherwise. The words republican or democrat means nothing to me. I don;t care about the parties, I only care how they are willing to improve things. So don't tell me Bush is righteous and noble. Show me. If you can do that then I'll take back everything I've said.



  • n2soonersn2sooners Member UncommonPosts: 926

    Originally posted by Sketch
    Changed aswers?
    Bush: (at the begining of his presidency) Iraq has no WMD's

    I want to see that quote. I have NEVER heard Bush (or any president or VP) say that Saddam didn't have WMD before the war.

    image image

  • SketchSketch Member UncommonPosts: 337

    Originally posted by n2sooners

    (or any president or VP) say that Saddam didn't have WMD before the war.

    The comment actually was made by his officials alledgedly on his behalf at a confrence conerning the situation in the middle east, and not directly from his lips.



  • LoD254LoD254 Member Posts: 373

    Bush: Rarely is the question asked, Is our children learning?

    I know thats one of his many famous mess ups, but probably my favorite.



  • mrwigglz07mrwigglz07 Member Posts: 283
    Michael Moore is fat and he needs to find something better to do then making lies about bush and going to Mcdonalds.  The man took away our bucket cokes and supersized drinks because he is fat!!!


    If you wait to do something until the last minute, your more efficient since it will only take 1 minute.


    If you wait to do something until the last minute, your more efficient since it will only take 1 minute.

  • ThriftThrift Member Posts: 1,783
    I just seen the movie, there are a lot of things that I agreed on and many things that I dident know. Micheal Moores is great.

  • AzronAzron Member Posts: 41

    Originally posted by Finwe

    Originally posted by odinthedemon

    I'm just curious, but could you please let me know what he's lied about exactly. Be specific and offer proof to the contrary. Also is he the only one with a biased opinion in this country? What about the news, are they telling you EVERYTHING? Are they telling you the truth? How about the politicians, all of them, which one's are telling the truth? How about TV, what's true on TV? In the end isn't everything based on opinion, even if it's slightly so?

    Of course hes not the only biased one. Almost the whole media is biased. Almost all politicians are biased. But hes a fantical biased nut, not only is he a little biased, he is FANATICALLY biased! All he does is Bush bash and speak of things out of context, tell half truths, etc.

    "The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didnt exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis


    Wow, you once again generalized and did not say anything specific with facts proving he was telling half truths or lies. Give us quotes and facts that show he is a fanatic and tells half truths, you aint got any do ya? You just disagree with him so your making shit up and calling him a fanatic he did his reaserch, you have not.

  • AzronAzron Member Posts: 41

    Originally posted by MurtBijani

    Michael Moore is one of the biggest, fattest, most ignorant liberals to ever live.
    This movie is strictly liberal, completley bashing conservatives through the whole freaking movie.
    the fact is, 50% of the American population is so STUPID that they have not a single saviness of politics in them! they go to see this movie, and they come out saying..
    "oh, Michael Moore is right, Bush is bad, vote for kerry, bush is a terrorist"
    Michael Moore, ARG! if that sob was here right now i would choke him, RING HIS NECK
    Sean hannity and Rusty Humprey did a study and found ONLY THIRTY PERCENT of the movie was true.
    Michael Moore snips other movies, he takes others lines, he put stuff in the movie that isn't even true, that isn't even near true.
    This movie is just something made to sway the election so another sob, Kerry, could win.


    You make statements but have no facts to suppoer it. Fact is your just a conservative who does not like the Liberal point of view. This movie was based on investigated facts just because you don't want to believe its true doesnt mean its lies. Lets see some facts to back up your statements then maybe somebody will listen to you

  • BrynnBrynn Member Posts: 345

    I disagree, see the movie and think for yourself. It isn't ALL half truths, and it ISNT lies. I wouldn't trust a so called conservative Republican to tell the truth about the movie. The public may not be politcally aware, but they never will be if they listen to the extremes, including the so called conservatives. The movie does point out some needed questions that need to be answered.

    I say so called conservatives because there was a time it had meaning. It meant protecting us from big government. Now we have the Patriot Act.

  • FinweFinwe Member CommonPosts: 3,106

    Originally posted by Brynn

    I disagree, see the movie and think for yourself. It isn't ALL half truths, and it ISNT lies. I wouldn't trust a so called conservative Republican to tell the truth about the movie. The public may not be politcally aware, but they never will be if they listen to the extremes, including the so called conservatives. The movie does point out some needed questions that need to be answered.
    I say so called conservatives because there was a time it had meaning. It meant protecting us from big government. Now we have the Patriot Act.


    Thats why Bush is more of a liberal then a conservative. Big brother government isnt conservative, thats about as liberal as it gets. And I prefer not to be lumped into the status of republican, prefer Libertarian, the two major parties are too much agenda driven. And prefer to just bash each other then actually do whats right.

    I dont dislike moore because hes a liberal and the republicans say to dislike him. I dislike him because I know information about his documentaries, as well as the crap he says. Listen to the crap he says, and then as well the blinding furious hate he has for bush. And you'll know he cant be a reliable source.

    "The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didnt exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis

    "The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis

    "If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979

  • BrynnBrynn Member Posts: 345

    I know many Libertarians, and understand why they feel as they do. I understand the disenchantment with our government, the way it is run. I know all the stories behind the scenes that refer to how the world is really run by the World Bank, etc. I know the sad limitations of human beings.

    So, I try to find middle ground, knowing the reality of our two party system, and seeing how people bang their heads against the wall trying to defeat it. I don't believe burying my head in the sand is the answer either. But, I do believe in reality checks, and in honest, open discussion. Calling people names solves nothing. Hating solves nothing, in fact adds to the problems. I want to read, see and hear all sides to issues, and make my decisions using my brain instead of knee-jerk reactions, or trusting any one party to have all the answers.

    Yes, we vote for what we see as the lesser of two evils. Or we do nothing. The bottom line for me is compassion, and I don't see compassion in Bush. I see a puppet for Big Business, and I mean really big.

    There but for the grace of God, go I. That simply means you could have been born to circumstances where you too could have used some compassion.

  • FinweFinwe Member CommonPosts: 3,106
    I'm not defending bush, but it is a factual answer when you do say he is the lesser of two evils between him and kerry.

    "The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didnt exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis

    "The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis

    "If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979

  • BrynnBrynn Member Posts: 345

    I don't see Bush as the lesser of two evils. I see the political parties that way. I believe the Bush adminstration is evil incarnate. And I know a lot of Republicans who won't be voting for him.

    And, I will tell you something else I see, another terrorist attack shortly before the presidential election. That is the platform Bush is running on, terrorizing America.

  • GalootGaloot Member Posts: 177

    "This movie was based on investigated facts just because you don't want to believe its true doesnt mean its lies. Lets see some facts to back up your statements then maybe somebody will listen to you"

    Here ya go Buck.

    Moore's Film Is Shocking Propaganda
    Edward I. Koch (Former Mayor, New York City)
    Tuesday, June 29, 2004


    "I am a movie critic, so I went to see “Fahrenheit 9/11.” The movie is a well-done propaganda piece and screed as has been reported by most critics.

    It is not a documentary which seeks to present the facts truthfully.

    The most significant offense that movie commits is to cheapen the political debate by dehumanizing the President and presenting him as a cartoon.

    Newsday reported some of Moore’s misstatements as follows: “At the start of ‘Fahrenheit 9/11,’ filmmaker Michael Moore shows a clip of CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin saying that if ballots had been recounted in Florida after the 2000 presidential vote, ‘under every scenario Gore won the election.’

    “What Moore doesn't show is that a six-month study in 2001 by news organizations including The New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN found just the opposite. Even if the Supreme Court had not stopped a statewide recount, or if a more limited recount of four heavily Democratic counties had taken place, Bush still would have won Florida and the election . . . Moore suggests Bush's conflict of interest was manifest shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks when the White House ‘approved planes to pick up the bin Ladens and numerous other Saudis’ who, fearing reprisals, were flown out of the United States. Embellishing the well-known scenario, Moore interviews a retired FBI agent who says authorities should have first questioned the bin Ladens.

    “But the bin Ladens were questioned. The commission investigating the attacks reported in April that the FBI interviewed 30 passengers: ‘Nobody was allowed to depart on these six flights who the FBI wanted to interview in connection with the 9/11 attacks or who the FBI later concluded had any involvement in those attacks.’


  • SimonsaysSimonsays Member Posts: 64


    The first example that comes to mind as far as his deceptive and selective film making is the part that was in the previous with George dubya on the golf course seemingly not to interested in our war on terrorism. 

    Fact: Senior president Bush wasnt even talking about OUR war on terrorism at the time he was talking about  palistinian terorist suicide bombers going over to Isreal and blowing themseves up.  Wasnt even anything that involved our country.  This is only one example.

    Moore new that full well but leads us to believe that Bush was talking about our war on terror.  This guy is ammusing and his documentary's are entertaining, but dont be fooled into believing them man..for he surely is a peice of $#@!


  • GalootGaloot Member Posts: 177

    "This guy is ammusing and his documentary's are entertaining, but dont be fooled into believing them man..for he surely is a peice of $#@!"

    Moore is just perpetrating a conspiracy to push up stock prices on tin foil. Every time he releases a movie tin foil sales skyrocket. LOL

    You have to hand it to him though. He found the market that is the easiest to manipulate. ( Pretty sad that he has to pick on the weakest among us though)

  • BrynnBrynn Member Posts: 345
    And you think the Republicans aren't doing the same thing?

  • GalootGaloot Member Posts: 177

    "And you think the Republicans aren't doing the same thing?"

    Well they didn't put out a fantasy film and call it a documentary.

  • GalootGaloot Member Posts: 177

    In fact I would demand my money back for false advertising.

    And if the shoe were on the other foot I'm sure that there would be a class action suit by now.

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