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I guess I am just tired of the same old rip offs, I 'm sorry to say but when EQ 1 came out it was the greatest game ever (in my opinion). It was like the first time with a women you got the knees shaking the premature .......uhhhh Nevermind ,but the point is it was fun and the fun kept giving for a long time untill you had WoW and I say had because WoW is just seriously repetitive , even with the release of TBC it was really the same old crap over again yeah great , new areas to explore but the same old s*** in a different costume..In the same sense you had EQ2 which really ran parallel with WoW which probably wasnt smart on Sony's end because WoW had so much hype it was rediculous...I actually started out Playing EQ2 which I still think is a much better game in the overall sceme of things , but was drawn into the Brothel that was WoW to be perfectly honest I still think EQ2 is a better game ...but still it isnt that first time feeling ..... and there are so many blatent rip offs of WoW and to me it just proves its incesant repetiveness..
All I want to know is, is there going to be an MMO anytime soon that will give you the rush that EQ1 used to give??
This is just my opinion and I am sure there are a few of you who agree and a few who dont but the world of MMOs is just getting ....BLAHHHH
What did you used to enjoy in EQ1 ?
Hint hint, you'll never get that eq1 rush back... Time for something new to get your interest, eq1s time has passed.
I'm bitterly disappointed at the state of mmos. Vanguard had potential, but it's being casualified. If there is no fear of death, there is no fun in fighting and avoiding it. If everyone gets good items from questing, there is no fun in getting good items. If everyone hits max level, there is no accomplishment in leveling. It's all so boring.
CCP is the only company out there (that has actually released and upkeeps a quality product) that seem to step to their own drummer. The Saga of Ryzom was another, but it recently failed.
Eve is my end to boring mmos, and I eagerly await their next game, World of Darkness.
EVE is my poster game for a truly amazing concept of a world that feels alive and changing and organic... but with such booring gameplay that it's actualy mindbogling how they could make a game of such polarity.
So yes, I too am realy interested in finding out what the next game will be like.
CCP? You mean that company with the corrupt devs that were caught cheating their own players, playing favorites, and rigging events? I pay money to be entertained, not to entertain devs who treat their game like their personal playground.
Well you said it .Its like having sex for the first time.
You will meet someone along the way you love much more but that first time is embedded in your memory forever .
Mine was UO and despite the fact i know EQ1 was a better game for me and still respect and love it more,UO has a special place in my heart.
There's always gonna be quests. Well sure they'll last you awhile until you do about 10 escorts and notice hhhmmm, these are basically all the same, because all I do is follow this guy or guys from point A to point B.
Then you have instances which some games don't have, I'm just basing this on WoW and TR. Instances are fun and all, but you can't get the most out of them until you run it around 5-10 times. Because maybe that instance drops something you want, but it has a low drop rate. So all you do is run the instance over and over again.
So basically, MMORPG's have to be repetetive or else the game would last like 2 hours, at most. That's just the way of the MMORPG world. So to speak.
Bioware mmo coming 2009.
I sincerely hope so.....
Maybe WAR will break up the monotony better than the current batch does. I have high hopes for the PVP in that game to make the difference since it will not just be repetitive instanced battlegrounds but actual sieges and open land warfare as well. All I have ever wanted in a game was a reason to fight as opposed to just because we are on different sides.
I still say the only game that ever broke free of the standard MMO stigma was SWG in its earliest form. Removing cookie cutter classes and making spawns and content random and dynamic as well as instituting a completely player crafted item based economy was sheer brilliance and up until they started making changes that altered the game (Doc buffs, Jedi hologrind,) It was an amazing game with no limits other than your imagination.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
Corrupt Dev's? No, there was one Dev that gave 4 or 5 BPO's to the wrong person for the wrong reason. All the other rumors you've heard were due to a concentrated (and effective) effort of warfare propoganda on the part of Goonswarm as they were at war with BoB at the time. Their propoganda was an effort to rot the confidence of BoB by telling EVE that their success was all fake. Suprisingly it worked and BoB is no longer the power it used to be.
CCP in no way plays favorites and i've never seen an event that was rigged.
Make a difference!
Well, EQ was my first time and it was magical. My sister is the one that actually got me into it. I remember making a high elf wizard named phrotos (yeah I know, i didn't even know what LoTR was, my sister said how about froto and I didn't know how to spell the name).
I just stayed in the starting city the whole time trying to make money off of fishing and making those glowing orbs and I gave them to the guards to try to be friends with them. My sister is actually the one who taught me how to roleplay and be respectful in game (I thought bunny hopping was okay to do).
Then the magic started for DAoC all over again. Then the magic was all gone.
Any game I tried now I lothe for that old feeling and magic that I had in those games. But I have been too into mmos and now they are all the same in the end.
I still look for the one game like the ghost who waits for their love to return from a trip to the sea.
Yes, there is an end to boring mmo's. As soon as people quit acting like crack fiends and not "settle" for a game until the next "big thing" comes along then companies will be forced to produce quality games rather than crap ones. The only people we have to blame for the trivial crap that is out there are the people that continue to pay sub fees for substandard products.
QFT+E (E == emphasis)
CCP devs were caught giving their favorites valuable limited supply blueprints. By giving them these prints, honest players were denied the chance to get them as there were only a limited number in the game. Honest players had to wait to win a lottery to get them. This cheating in effect was like handing certain people the jackpot to the lottery. The devs also then lied when accused.
First they said "You're lying. We know we never cheated." Then when the evidence started mounting, they backpedaled and said "We have to investigate whether we cheated." Then finally they were forced to come clean and admit "We cheated and we knew we cheated from the beginning." Even then, they only grudgingly removed the illegal prints but let their pet favorites keep the cash gained from utilizing these blueprints. See the sequence of events? Lie, coverup, and only tell the truth when it was impossible to coverup any further.
Then they were later exposed to have rigged supposedly open ended RP events. Instead of having the outcomes be decided by player actions, they were planning to have the outcome dictated and fixed from the start. So what you ask? The problem comes in when it means the players of one side are rigged to lose no matter how much effort or risk of assets they put in. In a game where ingame assets and cash are possibly lost in conflicts and events, being rigged to lose no matter how hard you try or how successful you are is going to piss off players especially for an advertised "open sandbox" environment.. It's like referees rigging a football match.
Also it was revealed that certain favorites had a direct line to staff members with which they used to expedite petitions and possibly receive inside information.
There was no "conspiracy" to smear CCP. That is quite simply smokescreen to try and play the victim role. I know this for a fact as I was in the game at that point and knew of the people involved, including the one that brought forth the accusations. He was in no way related to the Goonswarm. Also as a volunteer his record was clean. It's only when he came out and exposed CCP's dirty laundry that they suddenly invented the story of how this person had supposedly always troublemaker (except of course they offer no proof of this). It's been the same CCP tactic as when they were first caught cheating: blame the messenger and accuse them of lying. What they were relying on is that the vast majority of people had no direct personal knowledge or contact with the individuals involved and had no way to really compare what was being said to ingame stuff.
I do not base my conclusions solely on the statements of the parties involved. The fact is CCP's statements conflicted with what ingame information I knew (yes I have been in other events that turned out to be rigged) so I know CCP is lying and covering up their own misconduct. I refuse to pay my money to a game company that cheats and lies and blames its own customers when caught cheating.
To the OP, yea ever since PvP in UO and Shadowbane I have been looking for that next pvp game out there. I'm currently watching AoC and WAR (and really hoping for DF). I want organized pvp that affects the game world, whether it is cities or keeps. Im just sick of boring instanced CTF or instanced capture and hold the base pvp. L2 is not my cup of tea either due to the insane grind. I think shadowbane was on the right track, but just had bad support from UBI, and needed more time to optimize their client.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
You do understand that there was only 1 incedent over a year ago, right? (T20)
There are more devs in goonfleet than BoB anyway, which if you play eve, proves that there isn't some big conspiracy theory like many uninformed outsiders are lead to believe.
There were 2 incidents. One was the t20 dev spawning those blueprints. The other was when the volunteer came out and revealed the event rigging and also the fact some BoB members had a hotline to staff that they could use to complain.
CCP has done their best to try and spin and lie about the 2nd incident, particularly trying to concoct some ludicrous explanation of conspiracy. The tactic was simple: try to cast doubt on the integrity of the whistleblower. The problem is when you start lying to that extent you increase your chances of conflicting with what people may know by themselves. From ingame knowledge and other sources, I know that the whistleblower had no affiliation with goonswarm. He was also not a troublemaker. That too was made up only after the scandal came to light. Before that, he had in fact been praised as trustworthy and reliable. Basically CCP started smearing this guy's record in order to try and shift blame. The event in question really was rigged, which can be confirmed if you ask some RP groups. That's why I stopped supporter CCP because I had seen for myself them lying to save their skins and saying things I knew independently to be untrue.
Boring is the word.
But developers want us to
We want to give our money to a company that creates a "fun" game.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
I think it has been said, but until someone comes out with a new idea other than going through the world and doing quests, building experience and getting new equipment there is nothing new. The reason that EQ was such a good game was because it did it first and it did it well. Every game after that has just been a copy of EQ not because it was the end all be all, but because it was first. Of course wow is going to get boring after awhile because you ARE doing the same thing over and over again, just like you did in EQ just like you did in EQ2 and just like you did in ffxi.. it doesn' matter what mmo you are doing it in, it is the same thing. Developers have to find a new way of putting these games together if you want something new and interesting... or else you just have to find where the people you mix with are the best and stick to it because it's just about which game fits you the best, and not which is giving you the most innovative game play... none of them are doing it, they are just sticking to the mold. And if they try to innovate and push the bar like vanguard... they just sink.
be patient
I haven't played a true persistent world mmo in over 2 years. Been playing Guild Wars and Hellgate London to keep me busy as well as beta testing Mythos. So i have some games to keep me busy for awhile but I do agree with the OP, mmo games today are just really blah and more blah. So many hyping up AOC and WAR but really seem to be just average mmos but there just might be hope in 2009..
1. Guild Wars 2 - Yup, Arenanet 's first persistant world mmo. Daniel Docieu pwns people with his art work and James Phinney is a very good game designer. A very talented team with tons of potential to make a great mmo. Level cap will be raised, persistent world and their pvp will continue to be very good.
2. Bioware mmo - Great company and these guys make really good games. I just wish they would announce the thing already! They also have a game called Dragon Age that we should be hearing about soon as well. Dragon Age may not be a mmo but if the blah mmo's continue i'll be more than happy to slay some dragons.
3. Stargate Worlds - Everyone loves a good sci-fi and if Bioware doesn't make Kotor Online then people will be praying this game fills their needs. Hopefully we hear more about SGW soon.
When you think about it, if 2008 turns into a major flop for mmo games how bad can 2009 be ? The only way to go is up from where we are now.
EQ times are not over. In fact, times are ready to welcome an EQ-like game again, more now than ever. EQ classic that is, not the $$$OE ruined game that it is now. Many players would be amazed at what "MMORPG" really means.
Thank god someone said it. I used to get those "mmo shakes" after so long but i've been traditional mmo free now for 8 months. Its true that people act like crack fiends for the shit, and companies will just keep giving you the same shit till another company decides to do something new and interesting and makes a move for the top that others have to move with... or we stop throwing our money at them... if you have money and nothing better to do with it, go throw it in a fire... or my way.
"And after blizzard takes over the world, they are gonna gather a bunch of lemmings, sit on their fat asses near a cliff, and watch the little fuzzy bastards suicide dive into the ground below. . . . . all just for their own entertainment."
I have a hard time getting into most MMOs. This is because they all require an investment of 20 hours (often ten times that) before you get to do anything other than kill monsters and level up. Another posted also had a good point that at the last 20% stretch, most people know what their character is going to look like and the last grind isn't worth the effort for the reward.
I definitely want to see more sandbox games. Eve is fun in concept, but suffers from internet syndrome (people can be asses and gank randomly and get away with it) when it doesn't suffer from boring gameplay. Grind asteroids! Yay.
Sure, EQ1 was like having sex for the first time. But how do you keep the excitement? You throw some kinks into the mix. Whips and chains, or whatever floats your boat. For an MMO, that would mean depth and complexity. But with all of the linear level treadmill games, that's hard to come by. Oblivion lets you own houses, invest in shops, gather alchemical components and brew potions, you can't go anywhere without tripping over quests (and quests tripping over you!), and the quests are more interesting than "go kill 10 boars". In MMOs instead we have... "Um, I'm a level 60 paladin with tier 2 gear."
If something truly different was made, only a niche amount of people would like it, the rest would shun it as "too different" and lead it to financial failure.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on August 13, 2008.
iuno... everyone is looking for something different and better... not to mention theres been an outcry for sandbox more and more often. i think something different would quite possibly do the job.
"And after blizzard takes over the world, they are gonna gather a bunch of lemmings, sit on their fat asses near a cliff, and watch the little fuzzy bastards suicide dive into the ground below. . . . . all just for their own entertainment."