so are you just pulling some random figures out the air or did you go round all the servers counting ? Thier were people everywhere on the server I played on last night, it felt really busy. Oh and someone with 'Achiever 66.67%, Killer 60.00%, Explorer 53.33%, Socializer 20.00%' in their sig , is not really advertising there skills in numeracy
The numbers are quite easy to see, when all nations on all servers are light with a couple nations showing moderate we can easily asses the overall population. Light equates to up to around 175 or so at most, moderate is around 250 or so - maybe towards 300, heavy seems to be above 450ish. So when the bulk of the day had all nations on all servers showing as light wiht maybe one or two nations on two servers being moderate the populations are easily determined as miserably low.
As for the sig - it is generated by a website and not meant for all four to add up to 100%, I presume it is rating a percentage of each category individually - sorry you struggled to comprehend that.
Originally posted by Orphes
Originally posted by AgtSmith
...and the Euro server had a nation or two spike up to moderate and I think one nation on one server showed heavy for a short time.
A nation or two? Is that the same as 3 nations on medium and brittish on heavy?
The difference on british was 450people compared to 340 the days before?
I said a couple servers (specifically the EU server and Blackbeard if I recall correctly) did get two nations each showing moderate at times, and even one or two of those nations spiked to heavy. But do the math - it still adds up to a miserably low population. Having two servers with half the factions only having 300 or so to 400 or so and the rest of the factions across the rest of the servers struggling to get even 200 per faction is absolutely pitiful.
And potBS in particular needs populations to work as the economy cannot work with 100 or so people per faction online at a time, it just isn't enough. Not to mention that PvP and RvR is rather flat with what amounts to just a handful of players per side.
I have allways said I expect PotBS to do like EVE and start small and grow over time - but starting this small threatens the systems working and more. We all know some more will come over this week but that in the first month, like any MMO, most people will leave - so starting this low knowing a good chunk of people on now won't be on in a few weeks means there is big trouble ahead.
Just to put something with the talk - check out the picture here from right now, 5 EST. It is shows slightly more population than the vast bulk of yesterday showed (I was on and checked from live time until 2 AM EST). So even if we 'round up' and say that the attached is representative of how it has been on average (and saying that would be easily rounding high) it makes for extremely poor populations and easily means 9 of the 11 servers are not viable without severe population increases. You might want to argue that a server is going to work with 50 to 150 or so per nation on at any given time but I doubt few honest and reasonable people who know the game will agree.
...and the Euro server had a nation or two spike up to moderate and I think one nation on one server showed heavy for a short time.
A nation or two? Is that the same as 3 nations on medium and brittish on heavy?
The difference on british was 450people compared to 340 the days before?
I said a couple servers (specifically the EU server and Blackbeard if I recall correctly) did get two nations each showing moderate at times, and even one or two of those nations spiked to heavy. But do the math - it still adds up to a miserably low population. Having two servers with half the factions only having 300 or so to 400 or so and the rest of the factions across the rest of the servers struggling to get even 200 per faction is absolutely pitiful.
And potBS in particular needs populations to work as the economy cannot work with 100 or so people per faction online at a time, it just isn't enough. Not to mention that PvP and RvR is rather flat with what amounts to just a handful of players per side.
As it seems that medium is when you get over 200, 187 is actually marked as light and 220 as medium and 340 still medium. One have to assume that the game would function with that amount of players. Getting heavy, ok it is good, but it should not be required to have the gameplay to function.
What would the server lit up as, with sufficient players "supercrowded"?
So it isn't that easy to say only 300 or 400 if that would be a working figure. And on Robert there is no struggling to get over medium. They have been lit up that way on all factions the last week.
Having 9 servers of 11 with light populations (meaning the two popular nations with maybe 150ish or 175ish and the unpopular two with 50 or so) is not going to work. The economy alone needs healthy populations to thrive, or even work. As for the names, light, moderate, heavy - just names - back in closed BETA FLS was clear about their plan to have 2000 to 2500 max concurrency so struggling to even get the majority of servers to post 600 or 800 is a complete and utter mess.
Add another moderate to Antigua, British as of 5:17.
Not that it changes much, but for accuracy sake...
West coast still in work for a few hours and it is a Wednesday night...
No doubt pops are low, but I am curious where the numbers will stand throughout the weekend.
Blackbeard hit HIGH last night for British as well.
I also have a screenie from the end of beta event where Misha clearly states they were deciding between a 1500 player cap and a 2000 player cap for live. In my opinion, 1500 per server is perfect for this game. We'd still need moderates or better across the board to get there though.
I have faith It's early... the distribution is a nightmare (Amazon customers not getting anything for another 5 days or so, some GS's don't have product yet, etc...)
All we can do is wait and see... they need to at least see what things look like this weekend in order to accurately make a call.
I played mainly on Guadalaupe (sorry if mis-spelled) and it was fairly busy. Blackbeard certainly was the most populated server of the night though. Kidd was a bit busier than Guad but not nearly as much as BB.
-------------------------------- Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile
Having 9 servers of 11 with light populations (meaning the two popular nations with maybe 150ish or 175ish and the unpopular two with 50 or so) is not going to work. The economy alone needs healthy populations to thrive, or even work. As for the names, light, moderate, heavy - just names - back in closed BETA FLS was clear about their plan to have 2000 to 2500 max concurrency so struggling to even get the majority of servers to post 600 or 800 is a complete and utter mess.
For the economy to function Roberts does that mean that Rackham has to have sufficient population? -Ofcourse not.
You are talking about max concurrency, why would a server need max conncurrent players for the economy to function?
Names, shure, they could be named in any other approtiate words aswell, but it would still have the same function. They are indicators on how many are online at the servers. Is not that what the function of the indicators are, and they do work. What would be the point with pointing that out.
Having 9 servers of 11 with light populations (meaning the two popular nations with maybe 150ish or 175ish and the unpopular two with 50 or so) is not going to work. The economy alone needs healthy populations to thrive, or even work. As for the names, light, moderate, heavy - just names - back in closed BETA FLS was clear about their plan to have 2000 to 2500 max concurrency so struggling to even get the majority of servers to post 600 or 800 is a complete and utter mess.
For the economy to function Roberts does that mean that Rackham has to have sufficient population? -Ofcourse not.
You are talking about max concurrency, why would a server need max conncurrent players for the economy to function?
In the broad picture when 9 of 11 servers have yet to even have one faction post to moderate it is an issue. Fine, Blackbeard and the EU server seem healthy - great. But unless FLS has a plan to move people and all their stuff and merge servers as it stands now it is a big problem with the bulk of nations being well under the moderate online most or much of the time needed to be healthy by any reasonable assessment. Closed beta was excruciatingly boring and had a very gimped economy because, for the most part, there where never more than 100 or so people (maybe up to 150 at times) on the two more populated nations and less on the other two. Max concurrency is a max - no doubt. But if peak times are not even getting to half that max and off peak are even lower it is a major problem (speaking of the bulk of servers, as shown the 9 of the 11).
As to the poster a couple back, yes - it is early - the game is not yet doomed as SoE did what SoE does best in screwing up distribution. But I never said it was doomed, I answered the OP as to waht the population was/is and that can only be described as very poor, very.
Having 9 servers of 11 with light populations (meaning the two popular nations with maybe 150ish or 175ish and the unpopular two with 50 or so) is not going to work. The economy alone needs healthy populations to thrive, or even work. As for the names, light, moderate, heavy - just names - back in closed BETA FLS was clear about their plan to have 2000 to 2500 max concurrency so struggling to even get the majority of servers to post 600 or 800 is a complete and utter mess.
For the economy to function Roberts does that mean that Rackham has to have sufficient population? -Ofcourse not.
You are talking about max concurrency, why would a server need max conncurrent players for the economy to function?
In the broad picture when 9 of 11 servers have yet to even have one faction post to moderate it is an issue. Fine, Blackbeard and the EU server seem healthy - great. But unless FLS has a plan to move people and all their stuff and merge servers as it stands now it is a big problem with the bulk of nations being well under the moderate online most or much of the time needed to be healthy by any reasonable assessment. Closed beta was excruciatingly boring and had a very gimped economy because, for the most part, there where never more than 100 or so people (maybe up to 150 at times) on the two more populated nations and less on the other two. Max concurrency is a max - no doubt. But if peak times are not even getting to half that max and off peak are even lower it is a major problem (speaking of the bulk of servers, as shown the 9 of the 11).
As to the poster a couple back, yes - it is early - the game is not yet doomed as SoE did what SoE does best in screwing up distribution. But I never said it was doomed, I answered the OP as to waht the population was/is and that can only be described as very poor, very.
Oh I didn't mean to imply that you were screaming "doom" at all... was just trying to add to the conversation.
For the sake of the fans of the game, I hope this is more of a shipping/implementation issue than a true judge of the population.
If these numbers are a true representation of pops, this game is looking at a server merge within the first couple months...and that's never a good thing that early.
Those are low numbers guys, fan or not, you gotta see it for what it is.
wots it matter - you are either enjoying the game or not.
When you get posters complaining that there is nobody to play with or no enemies to fight that's when FLS will take note.
If anything the higher populated servers are showing weaker economies as over production pushes prices down.
With only 24 vs 24 qualifying for port battles i'm beggining to think that those that are playing on the low populated servers will get the most out of the game.
Don''t worry FLS will be happy with a small profit & don't need masses to play to be a success.
wots it matter - you are either enjoying the game or not. When you get posters complaining that there is nobody to play with or no enemies to fight that's when FLS will take note.
Yes, absolutely you're right. I'm sure that FLS is judging it's performance by the complaints of players and not the actual dollars it gets from subs and box sales.
wots it matter - you are either enjoying the game or not. When you get posters complaining that there is nobody to play with or no enemies to fight that's when FLS will take note.
Yes, absolutely you're right. I'm sure that FLS is judging it's performance by the complaints of players and not the actual dollars it gets from subs and box sales.
maybe the worst post ever on
So what if they are ?
As player are YOU enjoying the game is all that matters.
Just happened to point out that FLS do not need the mass market to be successful.
Although i'm sure they would prefer as many as they can get.
The game itself works well with low populations in any event.
wots it matter - you are either enjoying the game or not. When you get posters complaining that there is nobody to play with or no enemies to fight that's when FLS will take note.
Yes, absolutely you're right. I'm sure that FLS is judging it's performance by the complaints of players and not the actual dollars it gets from subs and box sales.
maybe the worst post ever on
So what if they are ?
As player are YOU enjoying the game is all that matters.
Just happened to point out that FLS do not need the mass market to be successful.
Although i'm sure they would prefer as many as they can get.
The game itself works well with low populations in any event.
This is a fantastic concept, and I believe Sony has made millions and millions by being something that most people don't like, but the ones that do like it a whole ot.
wots it matter - you are either enjoying the game or not. When you get posters complaining that there is nobody to play with or no enemies to fight that's when FLS will take note.
Pops are so low that this is the case - there is not enough population to make the economy work or even the rest of the game outside PvE.
wots it matter - you are either enjoying the game or not. When you get posters complaining that there is nobody to play with or no enemies to fight that's when FLS will take note.
Yes, absolutely you're right. I'm sure that FLS is judging it's performance by the complaints of players and not the actual dollars it gets from subs and box sales.
maybe the worst post ever on
So what if they are ?
As player are YOU enjoying the game is all that matters.
Just happened to point out that FLS do not need the mass market to be successful.
Although i'm sure they would prefer as many as they can get.
The game itself works well with low populations in any event.
This is a fantastic concept, and I believe Sony has made millions and millions by being something that most people don't like, but the ones that do like it a whole ot.
hope that works out for you.
Potbs is a completely new venture for FLS & SOE
SOE do not own FLS or even run its servers.
but i'm sure they would be delighted with EQ1 populations thou..
i don't like SOE as much as anyone else but the proof of any game is in its pudding.
SOE do not own FLS or even run its servers. but i'm sure they would be delighted with EQ1 populations thou.. i don't like SOE as much as anyone else but the proof of any game is in its pudding.
.I have no idea what that even means in regards to what I posted.
SOE do not own FLS or even run its servers. but i'm sure they would be delighted with EQ1 populations thou.. i don't like SOE as much as anyone else but the proof of any game is in its pudding.
.I have no idea what that even means in regards to what I posted.
i'm not sure the meaning of what you posted
Game companies usually don't make millions out of making something players don't like
SOE do not own FLS or even run its servers. but i'm sure they would be delighted with EQ1 populations thou.. i don't like SOE as much as anyone else but the proof of any game is in its pudding.
.I have no idea what that even means in regards to what I posted.
i'm not sure the meaning of what you posted
Game companies usually don't make millions out of making something players don't like are correct. They would prefer not to spend millions for thousands...
wots it matter - you are either enjoying the game or not. When you get posters complaining that there is nobody to play with or no enemies to fight that's when FLS will take note.
Pops are so low that this is the case - there is not enough population to make the economy work or even the rest of the game outside PvE.
personally think the the high populated servers will have the highest chance of economy failure.
too early to say what will really happen.
Who cares about the population with only 24 vs 24 port battles anyway?
Who cares about the population with only 24 vs 24 port battles anyway?
You know, you're absolutely right, IN fact, I heard the devs actually wanted 48 guys total to buy their game...thus justifying the 40 million they spent on it.
SOE do not own FLS or even run its servers. but i'm sure they would be delighted with EQ1 populations thou.. i don't like SOE as much as anyone else but the proof of any game is in its pudding.
.I have no idea what that even means in regards to what I posted.
i'm not sure the meaning of what you posted
Game companies usually don't make millions out of making something players don't like are correct. They would prefer not to spend millions for thousands...
but yet they do.
Thats exactly why Potbs is different - FLS have spent a fraction compared with some of SOE's previous games.
Thats also the reason why they don't need the masses to make it successful.
Who cares about the population with only 24 vs 24 port battles anyway?
You know, you're absolutely right, IN fact, I heard the devs actually wanted 48 guys total to buy their game...thus justifying the 40 million they spent on it.
seriously? You need to go to math class...STAT!
Actually the maths are amusing if not a joke but who am i to judge
Not our problem - let the accountants worry about it.
As a game player all i can tell you is that Potbs works fine with low populations.
wots it matter - you are either enjoying the game or not. When you get posters complaining that there is nobody to play with or no enemies to fight that's when FLS will take note.
Pops are so low that this is the case - there is not enough population to make the economy work or even the rest of the game outside PvE.
personally think the the high populated servers will have the highest chance of economy failure.
too early to say what will really happen.
Who cares about the population with only 24 vs 24 port battles anyway?
You obviously don't understand the game very well. with everything being player made population is needed just to get all things made and done at a reasonable price. One player cannot possibly produce all the items he will need so if pops are as low as they are now he not only has few people selling and making what he needs but few people to sell what he makes to earn money to buy anything. And mid and end game is all about PvP - so far, wandering around the open sea not seeing a single enemy let alone one attackable = boring.
Originally posted by AgtSmith You obviously don't understand the game very well. with everything being player made population is needed just to get all things made and done at a reasonable price. One player cannot possibly produce all the items he will need so if pops are as low as they are now he not only has few people selling and making what he needs but few people to sell what he makes to earn money to buy anything. And mid and end game is all about PvP - so far, wandering around the open sea not seeing a single enemy let alone one attackable = boring.
You got good speculation and you can forsee the future of PotBS, I will hold you too your word that this game is boring and not going anywhere. It is one big yawn fest.
I love your posts on this forum informative on a game you no longer play. Keep up the good work and keep me posted on the game.
The numbers are quite easy to see, when all nations on all servers are light with a couple nations showing moderate we can easily asses the overall population. Light equates to up to around 175 or so at most, moderate is around 250 or so - maybe towards 300, heavy seems to be above 450ish. So when the bulk of the day had all nations on all servers showing as light wiht maybe one or two nations on two servers being moderate the populations are easily determined as miserably low.
As for the sig - it is generated by a website and not meant for all four to add up to 100%, I presume it is rating a percentage of each category individually - sorry you struggled to comprehend that.
A nation or two? Is that the same as 3 nations on medium and brittish on heavy?
The difference on british was 450people compared to 340 the days before?
I said a couple servers (specifically the EU server and Blackbeard if I recall correctly) did get two nations each showing moderate at times, and even one or two of those nations spiked to heavy. But do the math - it still adds up to a miserably low population. Having two servers with half the factions only having 300 or so to 400 or so and the rest of the factions across the rest of the servers struggling to get even 200 per faction is absolutely pitiful.
And potBS in particular needs populations to work as the economy cannot work with 100 or so people per faction online at a time, it just isn't enough. Not to mention that PvP and RvR is rather flat with what amounts to just a handful of players per side.
I have allways said I expect PotBS to do like EVE and start small and grow over time - but starting this small threatens the systems working and more. We all know some more will come over this week but that in the first month, like any MMO, most people will leave - so starting this low knowing a good chunk of people on now won't be on in a few weeks means there is big trouble ahead.
Just to put something with the talk - check out the picture here from right now, 5 EST. It is shows slightly more population than the vast bulk of yesterday showed (I was on and checked from live time until 2 AM EST). So even if we 'round up' and say that the attached is representative of how it has been on average (and saying that would be easily rounding high) it makes for extremely poor populations and easily means 9 of the 11 servers are not viable without severe population increases. You might want to argue that a server is going to work with 50 to 150 or so per nation on at any given time but I doubt few honest and reasonable people who know the game will agree.
Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD
A nation or two? Is that the same as 3 nations on medium and brittish on heavy?
The difference on british was 450people compared to 340 the days before?
I said a couple servers (specifically the EU server and Blackbeard if I recall correctly) did get two nations each showing moderate at times, and even one or two of those nations spiked to heavy. But do the math - it still adds up to a miserably low population. Having two servers with half the factions only having 300 or so to 400 or so and the rest of the factions across the rest of the servers struggling to get even 200 per faction is absolutely pitiful.
And potBS in particular needs populations to work as the economy cannot work with 100 or so people per faction online at a time, it just isn't enough. Not to mention that PvP and RvR is rather flat with what amounts to just a handful of players per side.
As it seems that medium is when you get over 200, 187 is actually marked as light and 220 as medium and 340 still medium. One have to assume that the game would function with that amount of players. Getting heavy, ok it is good, but it should not be required to have the gameplay to function.
What would the server lit up as, with sufficient players "supercrowded"?
So it isn't that easy to say only 300 or 400 if that would be a working figure. And on Robert there is no struggling to get over medium. They have been lit up that way on all factions the last week.
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
Having 9 servers of 11 with light populations (meaning the two popular nations with maybe 150ish or 175ish and the unpopular two with 50 or so) is not going to work. The economy alone needs healthy populations to thrive, or even work. As for the names, light, moderate, heavy - just names - back in closed BETA FLS was clear about their plan to have 2000 to 2500 max concurrency so struggling to even get the majority of servers to post 600 or 800 is a complete and utter mess.
Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD
Add another moderate to Antigua, British as of 5:17.
Not that it changes much, but for accuracy sake...
West coast still in work for a few hours and it is a Wednesday night...
No doubt pops are low, but I am curious where the numbers will stand throughout the weekend.
Blackbeard hit HIGH last night for British as well.
I also have a screenie from the end of beta event where Misha clearly states they were deciding between a 1500 player cap and a 2000 player cap for live. In my opinion, 1500 per server is perfect for this game. We'd still need moderates or better across the board to get there though.
I have faith It's early... the distribution is a nightmare (Amazon customers not getting anything for another 5 days or so, some GS's don't have product yet, etc...)
All we can do is wait and see... they need to at least see what things look like this weekend in order to accurately make a call.
I played mainly on Guadalaupe (sorry if mis-spelled) and it was fairly busy. Blackbeard certainly was the most populated server of the night though. Kidd was a bit busier than Guad but not nearly as much as BB.
Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile
Quit: Eden Eternal, Wakfu, DDO, STO, DCUO, Sword 2, Atlantica Online, LOTRO, SWTOR, RIFT, Earthrise, FFXIV, RoM, Allods Online, GA,WAR,CO,V:SoH,POTBS,TR,COH/COV, WOW, DDO,AL, EQ, Eve, L2, AA, Mx0, SWG, SoR, AO, RFO, DAoC, and others.
For the economy to function Roberts does that mean that Rackham has to have sufficient population? -Ofcourse not.
You are talking about max concurrency, why would a server need max conncurrent players for the economy to function?
Names, shure, they could be named in any other approtiate words aswell, but it would still have the same function. They are indicators on how many are online at the servers. Is not that what the function of the indicators are, and they do work. What would be the point with pointing that out.
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
For the economy to function Roberts does that mean that Rackham has to have sufficient population? -Ofcourse not.
You are talking about max concurrency, why would a server need max conncurrent players for the economy to function?
In the broad picture when 9 of 11 servers have yet to even have one faction post to moderate it is an issue. Fine, Blackbeard and the EU server seem healthy - great. But unless FLS has a plan to move people and all their stuff and merge servers as it stands now it is a big problem with the bulk of nations being well under the moderate online most or much of the time needed to be healthy by any reasonable assessment. Closed beta was excruciatingly boring and had a very gimped economy because, for the most part, there where never more than 100 or so people (maybe up to 150 at times) on the two more populated nations and less on the other two. Max concurrency is a max - no doubt. But if peak times are not even getting to half that max and off peak are even lower it is a major problem (speaking of the bulk of servers, as shown the 9 of the 11).
As to the poster a couple back, yes - it is early - the game is not yet doomed as SoE did what SoE does best in screwing up distribution. But I never said it was doomed, I answered the OP as to waht the population was/is and that can only be described as very poor, very.
Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD
For the economy to function Roberts does that mean that Rackham has to have sufficient population? -Ofcourse not.
You are talking about max concurrency, why would a server need max conncurrent players for the economy to function?
In the broad picture when 9 of 11 servers have yet to even have one faction post to moderate it is an issue. Fine, Blackbeard and the EU server seem healthy - great. But unless FLS has a plan to move people and all their stuff and merge servers as it stands now it is a big problem with the bulk of nations being well under the moderate online most or much of the time needed to be healthy by any reasonable assessment. Closed beta was excruciatingly boring and had a very gimped economy because, for the most part, there where never more than 100 or so people (maybe up to 150 at times) on the two more populated nations and less on the other two. Max concurrency is a max - no doubt. But if peak times are not even getting to half that max and off peak are even lower it is a major problem (speaking of the bulk of servers, as shown the 9 of the 11).
As to the poster a couple back, yes - it is early - the game is not yet doomed as SoE did what SoE does best in screwing up distribution. But I never said it was doomed, I answered the OP as to waht the population was/is and that can only be described as very poor, very.
Oh I didn't mean to imply that you were screaming "doom" at all... was just trying to add to the conversation.
For the sake of the fans of the game, I hope this is more of a shipping/implementation issue than a true judge of the population.
If these numbers are a true representation of pops, this game is looking at a server merge within the first couple months...and that's never a good thing that early.
Those are low numbers guys, fan or not, you gotta see it for what it is.
Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD
wots it matter - you are either enjoying the game or not.
When you get posters complaining that there is nobody to play with or no enemies to fight that's when FLS will take note.
If anything the higher populated servers are showing weaker economies as over production pushes prices down.
With only 24 vs 24 qualifying for port battles i'm beggining to think that those that are playing on the low populated servers will get the most out of the game.
Don''t worry FLS will be happy with a small profit & don't need masses to play to be a success.
Yes, absolutely you're right. I'm sure that FLS is judging it's performance by the complaints of players and not the actual dollars it gets from subs and box sales.
maybe the worst post ever on
Yes, absolutely you're right. I'm sure that FLS is judging it's performance by the complaints of players and not the actual dollars it gets from subs and box sales.
maybe the worst post ever on
So what if they are ?As player are YOU enjoying the game is all that matters.
Just happened to point out that FLS do not need the mass market to be successful.
Although i'm sure they would prefer as many as they can get.
The game itself works well with low populations in any event.
Yes, absolutely you're right. I'm sure that FLS is judging it's performance by the complaints of players and not the actual dollars it gets from subs and box sales.
maybe the worst post ever on
So what if they are ?As player are YOU enjoying the game is all that matters.
Just happened to point out that FLS do not need the mass market to be successful.
Although i'm sure they would prefer as many as they can get.
The game itself works well with low populations in any event.
This is a fantastic concept, and I believe Sony has made millions and millions by being something that most people don't like, but the ones that do like it a whole ot.hope that works out for you.
Pops are so low that this is the case - there is not enough population to make the economy work or even the rest of the game outside PvE.
Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD
Yes, absolutely you're right. I'm sure that FLS is judging it's performance by the complaints of players and not the actual dollars it gets from subs and box sales.
maybe the worst post ever on
So what if they are ?As player are YOU enjoying the game is all that matters.
Just happened to point out that FLS do not need the mass market to be successful.
Although i'm sure they would prefer as many as they can get.
The game itself works well with low populations in any event.
This is a fantastic concept, and I believe Sony has made millions and millions by being something that most people don't like, but the ones that do like it a whole ot.hope that works out for you.
Potbs is a completely new venture for FLS & SOESOE do not own FLS or even run its servers.
but i'm sure they would be delighted with EQ1 populations thou..
i don't like SOE as much as anyone else but the proof of any game is in its pudding.
.I have no idea what that even means in regards to what I posted.
.I have no idea what that even means in regards to what I posted.
i'm not sure the meaning of what you postedGame companies usually don't make millions out of making something players don't like
.I have no idea what that even means in regards to what I posted.
i'm not sure the meaning of what you postedGame companies usually don't make millions out of making something players don't like are correct. They would prefer not to spend millions for thousands...
but yet they do.
Pops are so low that this is the case - there is not enough population to make the economy work or even the rest of the game outside PvE.
personally think the the high populated servers will have the highest chance of economy failure.
too early to say what will really happen.
Who cares about the population with only 24 vs 24 port battles anyway?
You know, you're absolutely right, IN fact, I heard the devs actually wanted 48 guys total to buy their game...thus justifying the 40 million they spent on it.
seriously? You need to go to math class...STAT!
.I have no idea what that even means in regards to what I posted.
i'm not sure the meaning of what you postedGame companies usually don't make millions out of making something players don't like are correct. They would prefer not to spend millions for thousands...
but yet they do.
Thats exactly why Potbs is different - FLS have spent a fraction compared with some of SOE's previous games.Thats also the reason why they don't need the masses to make it successful.
You know, you're absolutely right, IN fact, I heard the devs actually wanted 48 guys total to buy their game...thus justifying the 40 million they spent on it.
seriously? You need to go to math class...STAT!
Actually the maths are amusing if not a joke but who am i to judge
Not our problem - let the accountants worry about it.
As a game player all i can tell you is that Potbs works fine with low populations.
Pops are so low that this is the case - there is not enough population to make the economy work or even the rest of the game outside PvE.
personally think the the high populated servers will have the highest chance of economy failure.
too early to say what will really happen.
Who cares about the population with only 24 vs 24 port battles anyway?
You obviously don't understand the game very well. with everything being player made population is needed just to get all things made and done at a reasonable price. One player cannot possibly produce all the items he will need so if pops are as low as they are now he not only has few people selling and making what he needs but few people to sell what he makes to earn money to buy anything. And mid and end game is all about PvP - so far, wandering around the open sea not seeing a single enemy let alone one attackable = boring.
Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD
I love your posts on this forum informative on a game you no longer play. Keep up the good work and keep me posted on the game.