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I think there's a link to this post from the SOE boards in another thread, but I wanted to copy and paste it here so people can clearly see just how desperate things are getting.
From the SOE boards: "I've noticed that not enough people are playing Star Wars Galaxies and I and others would love to not see this be gone (in future). That is why I say we act. I want everyone to fill up video game forums about how good this game is compared to others. Go to game stores and try to make the game the center of attention. Recommend the game to people in game stores. Put games over other games to hide them like a Galaxies game over a WOW. Tell your friends to play. Put an add of it on community notice boards. Whatever to make more people to play. And by doing all this, we might see more new stuff. Who here is with me.
The reason people don't play is because SWG has already been the center of attention for its buggy early release, current bug-ridden state, its paid expansion bait and switch, and the complete dismantling and rebuilding of the core game mechanics twice. Each time this was done, player progress was thrown to the wind, except that the second time went further than the first.
After all of this happened and SOE promised never to do anything like that again, they revamped the game's entire faction system, and all players lost all of their faction ranks, pets and other perks; they had to start from scratch. Also, all players that had tamed and raised creatures in one of the two earlier versions of the game finally got access to their pets again after a 2 year waiting period. The catch? They have to hatch and raise any and all of these creatures once again from scratch. All the work they put into finding, taming and raising the pets: wiped out.
Furthermore, much of the games "new" content has been SOE adding things back to the game, one small piece at a time, that THEY themselves removed from the game with their two game overhauls. So people have been strung along with promises of new content, that is really just only a partial restoration of what they already had before.
People aren't in the dark about SWG. They know all about this game, that's why many of the servers are so empty.
Putting boxes of the SWG starter kit in front of boxes of WoW is not what this game needs to be successful, but it does sound like a strategy that's consistent with how SOE has managed the game up to this point.
Fix long-standing bugs? Honour player progress? Deal honestly and respectfully with consumers? Nah, just put a box of SWG in front of the WoW box at your local video game store...amazing.
It was interesting to note that in the 6 pages of posts after that all but 3 or 4 posts had any love for the NGE.
The only retail game box 'restacking' might be able to be accomplished is in a 'Clearance' bargain bin. It is no longer worth the resources to produce the boxed version, and no retailer would waste precious retail shelf space for such a loser game.
The Glory days of SWG are well behind it...,in the Pre-CU with its awesome community and endless potential. Now there are a handful or so active players are scrambling to keep SWG from suffering server merges/consolidations and even all out cancellation. What is sad, is that most of the 20k active players would not recommend SWG. Some players also put the responsibility of improving and marketing the game squarely where it belongs...on $OE. A good product WILL attract players - a great one will keep them.
You clearly are in the dark about this game.
This is one player's idea, have a look at the rest of the forums, they are in discussion threads raisng issues such as bugs and content, fixing them. This is just another take. Honour player progress? when since the NGE have they ruined this? How havent the new developers dealt honestly and respectfully with customers?
Nothing the SOE/SWG Dev's have done with the game has served to 'un-do' or fix what they broke in the game. I'm obviously not the only SWG Vet that thinks this.
What SOE/SWG has done to the game is made it increasingly less attractive of a game for Vets to come back to, should they consider it. Everything that was prized is worthless... for the 2nd or 3rd time now. And not only is the new combat system a significant hurdle to overcome... you must first deal with the interface before you can even think of fighting or 'trying the game'. Then, once you do that... you realize how terrible your gear is now. You have to go get new gear. Where do you get that? The empty vendors? Oh, wait... you have to craft it or loot it or a combination of the two. But now the elite mobs are hard again, so you will need a group. Okay, check your friends list and guild roster to see if anyone is on.... no, on both counts. Now you pour over the forums in search for answers or ask for help in game... like a refugee without a clue. Then, finally, once you have everything squared away... you realize you rarely see anyone on your server. You are on a low population server. There are a few nicely populated servers, but yours isn't one of them. You will have to transfer. The question is... do you start a new character or move your vet? And then ask yourself about the lifecycle of SWG and what the roadmap really looks like for the game. Is it really worth the time and effort to get back into a game that is essentially on the way out?
I brought my accounts back from the dead more than a few times for this game... but I won't do it again.
I'd tell anyone that asked me about SWG... 'don't do it'.
You clearly are in the dark about this game.
This is one player's idea, have a look at the rest of the forums, they are in discussion threads raisng issues such as bugs and content, fixing them. This is just another take. Honour player progress? when since the NGE have they ruined this? How havent the new developers dealt honestly and respectfully with customers?
I don't care who you are... that right there is some funny shit. You are clearly in the dark my friend.
Desperation is right. The NGE can't be saved. Not even God can save it at this point.
If God wasn't willing to step in and prevent Michael Jackson from having kids then SWG has no hope of divine intervention. Sorry, just my random thought for the afternoon.
You clearly are in the dark about this game.
This is one player's idea, have a look at the rest of the forums, they are in discussion threads raisng issues such as bugs and content, fixing them. This is just another take. Honour player progress? when since the NGE have they ruined this? How havent the new developers dealt honestly and respectfully with customers?
I don't care who you are... that right there is some funny shit. You are clearly in the dark my friend.
Thalos Vipav
Star Wars Galaxies: R.I.P.
You know if you stop talking about this game then it'll just fade away into nothing.
Heroics: stolen directly from WoW
Collections: lol..massive timesinks and I hope you like them because 90% of all future "content" is going to be based around them.
Player space station: exact copy of the newbie station...more cut and paste artwork from the NGE team.
storyteller: Making the players do Pex's job
advanced decorating: rofl...the ability to make your furniture tilt isn't advanced decorating
GCW: massive grind with rank decay...again stolen directly from WoW
You clearly are in the dark about this game.
This is one player's idea, have a look at the rest of the forums, they are in discussion threads raisng issues such as bugs and content, fixing them. This is just another take. Honour player progress? when since the NGE have they ruined this? How havent the new developers dealt honestly and respectfully with customers?
Lets break it down shall we?
Heroics: A joke of a content upgrade if you can even call it that. Just a handfull of "raid" style mobs that just take a lot of people to take it down. Combat and rewards are all bland and "grindaholics" covering up back game play and slow slow slow slow leveling grinds.
Collections: A pathetic attempt at a stored "random" quested system that could be done within 1week of work using an online guide with mediocre rewards. -Weak
Player Space Station: Uh, LOL no.....those are not in the game. A player cannot simply build their own space station and store their ships etc etc. Nice try, but no....thats not in SWG nor do they support the mechanics for such a venture. If your talking about player "dock-able" and "walk-on-able" stations, see the nooby station that you probably missed by skipping the tutorial. It's not even a station, its just a zoned hotel with several elevator levels.
Storyteller: A minor addition to the game for people who like to roleplay and do "Events". An all around good idea, however, with as low as the population is now theres no point anymore. All this is used for anymore is pissing a LOT of people off by tricking them into thinking they are real spawns in the middle of no where, or blocking someone's house/harvy.
Advanced Decorating: LOL, not really sure I have to go into this, what a sad "tack" on to your "pointofendlessness" bud.
New Ships: WOW, a whole 4 new ships! A shiny new faction based POB that we have been shooting at for the longest time that would have taken them NO time at all to implement for player use. Seriously, they just took current NPC gunships and made a UI and walkable interior for them. No real new modeling or anything. O, and don't forget the pathetic Episode 1 Naboo fighter for neutral pilots :eyeroll:. This isn't enough content for even a quarter of a publish. I laughed my pants off when I saw they were promoting this as the "General" basis for the publish update. Aside from the pathetic star destroyer heroic quest.
GCW (armor,weapons,vehicles): NOT NEW, this is NOT new content. This has been in game FOREVER. What your most likely responding to are the GCW vehicles people finally got the rank and GCW points to purchase, even though they've been out since the GCW revamp (more like a dusting).
Any vet who knows SWG knows most of this can't even be considered new content (aside from the heroic encounters, whom are pathetic in their own right to enforce more hardcore grinding for mediocre rewards to cover for bad gameplay and poor decisions). Please, don't try to argue pointless things like this as we will only shoot you down with the cold hard truth called LIFE in x-SWG.
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
You clearly are in the dark about this game.
This is one player's idea, have a look at the rest of the forums, they are in discussion threads raisng issues such as bugs and content, fixing them. This is just another take. Honour player progress? when since the NGE have they ruined this? How havent the new developers dealt honestly and respectfully with customers?
Lets break it down shall we?
Heroics: A joke of a content upgrade if you can even call it that. Just a handfull of "raid" style mobs that just take a lot of people to take it down. Combat and rewards are all bland and "grindaholics" covering up back game play and slow slow slow slow leveling grinds.
Collections: A pathetic attempt at a stored "random" quested system that could be done within 1week of work using an online guide with mediocre rewards. -Weak
Player Space Station: Uh, LOL no.....those are not in the game. A player cannot simply build their own space station and store their ships etc etc. Nice try, but no....thats not in SWG nor do they support the mechanics for such a venture. If your talking about player "dock-able" and "walk-on-able" stations, see the nooby station that you probably missed by skipping the tutorial. It's not even a station, its just a zoned hotel with several elevator levels.
Storyteller: A minor addition to the game for people who like to roleplay and do "Events". An all around good idea, however, with as low as the population is now theres no point anymore. All this is used for anymore is pissing a LOT of people off by tricking them into thinking they are real spawns in the middle of no where, or blocking someone's house/harvy.
Advanced Decorating: LOL, not really sure I have to go into this, what a sad "tack" on to your "pointofendlessness" bud.
New Ships: WOW, a whole 4 new ships! A shiny new faction based POB that we have been shooting at for the longest time that would have taken them NO time at all to implement for player use. Seriously, they just took current NPC gunships and made a UI and walkable interior for them. No real new modeling or anything. O, and don't forget the pathetic Episode 1 Naboo fighter for neutral pilots :eyeroll:. This isn't enough content for even a quarter of a publish. I laughed my pants off when I saw they were promoting this as the "General" basis for the publish update. Aside from the pathetic star destroyer heroic quest.
GCW (armor,weapons,vehicles): NOT NEW, this is NOT new content. This has been in game FOREVER. What your most likely responding to are the GCW vehicles people finally got the rank and GCW points to purchase, even though they've been out since the GCW revamp (more like a dusting).
Any vet who knows SWG knows most of this can't even be considered new content (aside from the heroic encounters, whom are pathetic in their own right to enforce more hardcore grinding for mediocre rewards to cover for bad gameplay and poor decisions). Please, don't try to argue pointless things like this as we will only shoot you down with the cold hard truth called LIFE in x-SWG.
Ok, just allow my to plunge my hands into this post and rip it apart.Heroics: you clearly know nothing about these. It's pretty much all new art aside from the city of mos espa. Each of them has various stages at which different things are required whether it be defending, clearing, tanking, using certain elementals, knowing what to attack, know what order to do things, knowing what professions to use etc etc. For example in the Tusken King instance, when liberating the city you have a choice of where to send citizens to first, different places will grant different benefits, such as sending them to the Med center will eventually spawn NPC medics who help and heal. This is no taken from WoW, many games have done it, its not a "stolen idea". How is this grindaholic? for sure its nowhere near as grindy as Pre-NGE.
Collections: You're not meant to do grind it, you're meant to do it as you go along. Theres all different types from killing/ to finding/ to looting to completing certain tasks etc. Most of the rewards are damn good, quite alot of new stuff in there.
Space Station: Ok possibly the weakest part of my argument, and i shouldnt have used "player" but still its a step in the right direction to player owned ones.
Storyteller: Lets be honest, its not that minor, being able to build forts, put up NPC guards, as many as you like, all different types, choose the loot which you get when you kill them, add effects and sounds, have dog fight animations show in the sky. Population is fine actually, ive attented quite a few brilliant Storyteller events. And to the person who posted in first reply to my originaly post - gets you to do Pex's work? thats THE most pathetic argument ive heard on this forum - incase it hadnt occured to you some people like being creative and choosing how they do things, not to mention being able to do it whenever they want instead of having to wait for months. On top of this they added new stuff which Pex could never use. The events Pex does attend are all the better with his work and storyteller combined.
New ships: taken no time to add? the only thing that was already there was the skin of the outside, they had to create all the interior, do the art, fix it all up, do all the weapons, make it fly etc etc Pathetic chapter? Huge new heroic, brand new art, 4 new ships, lots of new crafted parts, many bugs fixed, loads of collections added, space collections and rewards. Whole update of waypointing to make it much more useful and easy to use.
Advance decoration: it does mean something actually, it creates endless possibilities for decorators, of which there are many.
GCW: i was talking about the GCW revamp in the NGE that added the factional BARC, the weapon set, the armor, the system, the banners the skills etc. This IS new.
Expertise: I also forget to mention BM and the upcoming Droid commander.
Now, what do you consider as great content added? tell me what you think should be added? (that doesnt include - rollback! or proffessions) and also, which numerous content updates did we get Pre-NGE?
Heroics - You're correct. They took the idea from WoW. The difference is, WoW's instance system and content is much more polished and complete. So their heroics are far superior than anything SWG has to offer.
Collections - Again I agree with you. The future of SWG = Copy and paste content.
Nova Orion - See comment abourt copy and paste content. The sad thing is, it took them over two years to release this space station but all they really did was copy the existing Tansarii station. Somehow I am not surprised.
Storyteller - Great concept. Maybe they can get rid of Pex and hire someone useful.
Advanced decorating - I am still trying to wrap my head around the notion that this is something that actually improves a "STAR WARS" game. As if having the ability to tilt a couch 20 degrees is supposed to somehow make up for the fact that jedi run rampant in a time when the Empire has hunted them to extinction, rebels control everything, players fly freely from planet to planet even though we know some of them should be under blockade, etc. etc.
GCW - Again I agree with you and add the fact that Blizzard abadoned the system SWG uses today because it was quite unpopular among WoWs players. Kind of makes one wonder what the hell SOE is thinking when they adopt a system that was overwhelmingly rejected by the rival game they're attempting to copy.
revamped twice?
i thought CU only added stuff and did not change the whole gameplay system.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
You clearly are in the dark about this game.
This is one player's idea, have a look at the rest of the forums, they are in discussion threads raisng issues such as bugs and content, fixing them. This is just another take. Honour player progress? when since the NGE have they ruined this? How havent the new developers dealt honestly and respectfully with customers?
The GCW "revamp which happened after the NGE erased all players' progress in the GCW and bounced them down to private.
The C6CD of chapter 6 showed a complete lack of respect for players. The DEVs started two threads about PvE difficulty, and by far the vast majority stated in those feedback threads that the DEVs went too far. They showed a complete lack of respect for those players by ignoring their feelings, and, just like with the NGE, dug their heels in showing they learned NOTHING from the NGE.
Add to that the medic nerf and the beastmaster nerf (while addressing NONE of the things people actually don't like about Beastmaster, like the stupid, boring, meaningless grind), and we have a game still in sad shape.
Things are not getting much better and they continue to show they have learned nothing from the past.
Heroics - You're correct. They took the idea from WoW. The difference is, WoW's instance system and content is much more polished and complete. So their heroics are far superior than anything SWG has to offer. Is this the idea to have an instanced dungeon? thats like copyrighting the idea for spreading butter with a knife.
Collections - Again I agree with you. The future of SWG = Copy and paste content. Of course, they added something over the course of two chapters, big deal - they said themselves they'll add new collections but are more interested in things like new DW-type things and more expertise int he future.
Nova Orion - See comment abourt copy and paste content. The sad thing is, it took them over two years to release this space station but all they really did was copy the existing Tansarii station. Somehow I am not surprised.
Storyteller - Great concept. Maybe they can get rid of Pex and hire someone useful. wow, thats a new one to me. I have never ever in all my time heard a single person anywhere insult Pex in such a fashion. So im forced to ask, what pathetic little problem do you have with him?
Advanced decorating - I am still trying to wrap my head around the notion that this is something that actually improves a "STAR WARS" game. As if having the ability to tilt a couch 20 degrees is supposed to somehow make up for the fact that jedi run rampant in a time when the Empire has hunted them to extinction, rebels control everything, players fly freely from planet to planet even though we know some of them should be under blockade, etc. etc.
GCW - Again I agree with you and add the fact that Blizzard abadoned the system SWG uses today because it was quite unpopular among WoWs players. Kind of makes one wonder what the hell SOE is thinking when they adopt a system that was overwhelmingly rejected by the rival game they're attempting to copy. Whats wrong with a system that gives rewards for pvping often and killing etc - its fun - it adds a point to the enjoyment of pvp
1. The issue isn't that they copied instances it's that they did a very, very piss poor job of copying the instances they've implemented to date. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I never once had to worry about getting any member of my party into an instance in WoW nor did I have to worry about bugged AI once I got in the instance. The same cannot be said for SWG which has experienced more than its share of these bugs since the first instances were introduced in RoTW.
2. I am glad to see we're all in agreement on this. SOE will offer copy and paste content and people like you will be perfectly happy to receive it. People like me, on the other hand, will yawn and realize that content is just more of the same crap we've always seen from SOE.
3. Any problem I have with any member of the SWG staff is really none of your business. If I wanted to elaborate I would have. Suffice to say, he's a waste of space in an already overtaxed SWG budget. Thanks.
4. What wrong with the GCW system? Let's see, it was rejected by 8 million players and loathed enough to force Blizzard to scrap it in favor of what they have now. I am no expert but I'd say since SOE is trying to emulate WoW, they should really start by adopting the popular aspects of the game instead of the unpopular trash that Blizzard throws away.
I for one actually feel sorry for the person that posted that on the SWG fourm.
It seemed to me that he really likes the game and wants it to ..for lack of a better term..succeed
Unfortunately,for him, I'm afraid he's going to learn how most of us feel, by losing "his" game.
It also nerfed everyone's gear and erased all prior efforts.
It was the "little NGE" before the big bomb was dropped in November.
Oh he won't lose his game. I am quite certain SOE will keep the game open for a while. He will be disapointed though when the surge of players he's hoping for never arrives. You kind of have to feel sorry for those who've only recently started playing SWG and give no thought to the fact that the game is 4.5 years old. Any chance this game had to be a momumental success faded a long time ago. If it hasn't already, the population should stabilize soon and that's what the players will have to live with until the day SOE shuts the servers down. No amount of advertising or word of mouth is going to dramatically increase the population of a game this old that's full of bugs and has, putting it nicely, a very troubled past.
I loved crafting my own medical items and then sitting in the medical facilities treating the incoming adventurers. I'd socialize and listen to their tales.
I loved it. Past Tense.
I cant believe there is people defending the new SWOW content which it is what it is WOW content, and
believe me i was pplaying the game until the end of 07 and its been getting worse and worse I think where I had the last "straw" was when CH6DU happened which screwed around with my gameplay once again and forced me to scorunge for players that arent there to group with (Low Population Issue) so what did I do up till the end of the year log in for 2 hours and logged out noone in my buddy lists were on and noone in guild was on.
Heroic Enocunters: WOW Ripoff- Drops for the really good items when you beat the ELITE Boss- :Less than disappointing and when it does drop people fight over it or just sometimes takes it all for themselves......if u can even be lucky to find a group......
Collections: WOW Ripoff- When Chapter 7 was released the drop rates were reasonable and the spawns of the drops were great but it seemed in a shadow change that SOE does frequently in small patches that are unannounced they changed the drop rates in collection items and NPCs that drop them going from doing these grindfests from reasonable times till I left the game I shouldnt have to grind 8hrs a day for one collection item I hope drops which i did then have to fight with players once more that AFK grind and hog all the NPCs for that one item and the fights always start "You're taking my kills or kill stealing.." if im going to complete a collection how am I going to accomplish that when people camp the one stop for that item?? Collection in SWG all that did was show people's true greed.......
Space Content In Chapter 8: Wasnt there but form all the negative posts about bugs out the wazoo and that lame looking Naboo fighter I probably didnt miss much... and the 3 New Gunships werent these pretty much copy & paste and they just called it new content....
Adcanced Decorations: I never really cared about decorating my house..... especially when this game is on its last legs..
GCW Rank & PVP System: 1 Word : (Terrible) too many exploits to name off with this system and people only really PVP in Restuss which is the most ridiciolous thing ive ever seen.... there are 10 worlds to pvp on for crying out loud... but people want to camp that line mainly kiddies.........
Lets see bugs at every turn and every Chapter there is more of them create, extremely low populations, attitudes of most SWG sub players before I left were very rude and selfish in which made me want to play less of the game until the end. SOE doesnt announce all changes made to game mostly in secret small patches and never list what they change like loot drops, NPC's spawns, changing Ent buffs to server side because of the Infamous Buff Exploit that made you God pretty much, basically with that one you could edit your stats to whatever you wanted and it did work (tried it once doing HK alone.......) with the population dead this was pretty useful doing PVE content if u couldnt find anyone.
My opinion for this game for new players: (DONT BOTHER EVEN PLAYING IT !!!) I have a feeling if the Population Issue isnt properly dealt with soon this game will die a unhonorable death it didnt deserve....
You clearly are in the dark about this game.
This is one player's idea, have a look at the rest of the forums, they are in discussion threads raisng issues such as bugs and content, fixing them. This is just another take. Honour player progress? when since the NGE have they ruined this? How havent the new developers dealt honestly and respectfully with customers?
I didn't say there was "no new content." What I said was, and I stand by it, much of the new content added over the past couple of years has been SOE adding back parts of things they removed from the game via the NGE. Much of the "new" content was in fact just that: camps, entertainer buffs, beast-mastery, some profession diversity (thought not nearly as much as there used to be). They also tried to give crafters a purpose in the game again via the reverse engineering system, but they forgot to include weaponsmiths in any meaningful way. SWG had an excellent crafting system. Again, they're trying to reintroduce something that they themselves took away.
You can believe I'm in the dark if you like of course, but I'm aware that everything I've mentioned is factual. If I'm getting anything wrong, feel free to point it out. I don't mind being corrected.
I'm also aware (see my post on long-standing bugs and issues if you like) of the fact that serious bugs and issues remain unfixed. A quick list of just a few of these would be the problems with collision detection, the instancing bug, the group waypoint arrow bug, NPCs spawning in objects, and recurring problems with missing specials. These issues have been brought to SOE's attention in some cases for YEARS.
Regarding honesty, they said that fixing collision detection was a high priority. That was over a year and a half ago, and it's still not fixed. Also regarding honesty, Smed invited a bunch of players out to Las Vegas, wined and dined them and promised to fast track server mergers. That was about a year ago now.
Regarding getting rid of player progress...again, what did they do with the faction system, AFTER the NGE? Everybody lost everything, all ranks, pets and other perks---poof. Everyone had to start from scratch. What about creature handlers and their datapads full of full grown pets that they found, tamed and raised? By some small miracle they actually got access to these pets again (after waiting 2 years), but wait a minute, they have to raise the pets again from scratch. All the time put into raising and training the pets---poof gone; here's your egg.
Let's talk about the deserted servers and people's desire to transfer a character. Want to transfer to a new server? O.K., but poof there go all your items. Want to keep all your items? O.k. for an extra fee we'll move your items. What about all the structures you built in your now deserted guild city? Poof--gone. What about that third slot you spent 2 years working to unlock before the NGE. Yup, you guessed it--poof, gone forever if you want to move to a populated server.
So, are you unware of all of this stuff Saay? Do you close your eyes and shut your ears so you don't have to think about it or what? Do you deny all of this by focusing all your attention solely on things like the new collection system (which many people find very frustrating btw) or the new instances (which people say are bugged btw)? The serious problems I've highlighted are there for everyone to see, if you're will to open your eyes. Again, if any of this isn't completely factual, let me know. I'd be happy to re-evaluate.
Not just instanced dungeons but instanced dungeons called heroics. WoW introduced them when the Burning Crusade expansion was released. They are more difficult versions of standard dungeons that provide better loot. The big difference is that party members don't drop out of the group when you try to zone in.
Like I said you better like the collections system because the vast majority of future content is going to be based on it. I really like how they made one piece of each collection a very rare drop so the basement dwellers can grind ewoks for days on end and sell the rare pieces for 50-100 million credits while the rest of the pieces sell for 5-10 thousand. The whole thing is just a grindtastic timesink and not a very interesting one at that.
Unlike the other poster i don't have a big problem with Pex--he used to put on some really nice live events. The storyteller tokens are basically the tools that he used. It's not new content.
The GCW grind is exactly like how WoW's pvp system used to be before they realized that their players hated it and implimented something more reasonable and much more fun. In typical SOE fashion they decided to copy the system that is painful for players instead of WoW's current system which most players like.
1. The issue isn't that they copied instances it's that they did a very, very piss poor job of copying the instances they've implemented to date. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I never once had to worry about getting any member of my party into an instance in WoW nor did I have to worry about bugged AI once I got in the instance. The same cannot be said for SWG which has experienced more than its share of these bugs since the first instances were introduced in RoTW.
2. I am glad to see we're all in agreement on this. SOE will offer copy and paste content and people like you will be perfectly happy to receive it. People like me, on the other hand, will yawn and realize that content is just more of the same crap we've always seen from SOE.
3. Any problem I have with any member of the SWG staff is really none of your business. If I wanted to elaborate I would have. Suffice to say, he's a waste of space in an already overtaxed SWG budget. Thanks.
4. What wrong with the GCW system? Let's see, it was rejected by 8 million players and loathed enough to force Blizzard to scrap it in favor of what they have now. I am no expert but I'd say since SOE is trying to emulate WoW, they should really start by adopting the popular aspects of the game instead of the unpopular trash that Blizzard throws away.
1. Oh so now you're talking about bugs in the instances? heres me thinking we were talking about content, but obviously you need a bit more ammunition. I've done the heroics about 20 times i would guess, and not a single time has someone been left out - its not a widespread problem and half the time people say its a bag when the person who got left out ust hadnt done the prequisite quest.3. What, did your event get rejected back in the day? He's hardly a waste of space, infact i think most of the swg players and alot of the vets on these forums would agree hes the best Dev.
4. You didnt answer my question, whats wrong with it? i dont know anyone who hates it (aside from base busting) who plays the game. I dont know what WoW's is like but its clearly a little different seeing as its not really hated at all in SWG. I dont see whats psossibly wrong with a system that rewards those who make an effort to get kills (which they do anyway since they enjoy pvping) - it just gives a purpose to that aspect of the game and thus makes it better.