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Is it just me or is this game dead? Lowering populations, lost of interest, disgruntled players and no relief in sight. I think the final nail in the coffin is the forum called "SWG Veteran refuge". You really know your game is dead when the description is "A place for disgruntled former and current SWG players to talk about the game that was and the game that now is". Great description btw. My hat off to whoever wrote that.
Its just perfect description for a dead game. How would you want to even start playing when you read that? former and current players are disgruntled. To me that description makes me think of old men sitting around talking about how they worked for 29 yrs, but then got fired and never got a pention. Old, angry disgruntled players talking about the time they wasted and will never get back.
Id compare SWG and Matrix:online to Ryan Leaf....looked great at first, but left you dissapointed and with a bad taste in your mouth.
Yeah, SWG is definately dead. As you mentioned, although it really barely got off ground, MxO is dead as well.
The final nail was SOE, really, as cliche as they have made it.
MxO was loved for its amazingly frequent in game live player events, and when SOE bought them out, they became non existant.
SWG ... well, read the other hundreds of thousands of pissed off posts. Really, though it's because Sony Online Entertainment decided to release a completely new game, about 3 days after releasing an expansion (That everybody bought), which left basically everyone completely shocked in losing their game and 50 dollars in the hole for the new expansion Trials of Obi - Wan.
I played that game for 4+ years as Chris'To'Pher Mistwalker on Naritus server, and trust me, no matter what anyone says, the game is dead.
More or less a murder case, with SWGEMU being the CSI
No, SWG is not dead, much to the dismay of a certain group here Infact, over the period of a year, the populations have increased quite a bit from my observation.
The game does have a controversal past though. Those new to the game are unlikely to be affected by those past events, which is why the other forum was created so current and potential new players who want to discuss the current game aren't constantly having their topics dragged into a discussion that wasn't helpful.
That's because you're on Chilastra. Go check out a place like my old home, Naritus, and then come back here and say that.
I play on Naritus and it is not dead, far from it. With collections and the heroic encounters players are more spread out than ever before. Also remember there is a large amount of players from Japan on Naritus and their primetime may be different than your primetime.
Yes I think the game is dead , the servers I played on are ghost towns , I even tried other servers and theres very few people on the so called heavy servers as well , I think the people saying swg is making a come back are telling fibs .
Not sure what constitutes a healthy pop but try either ahazi or the european servers if you want community over the weekend i start a spy on the euro servers and Mos eissly canteena was packed with around 30 players, no idea what they were all there for as i'm still a struggling newbie to this game but it was far from dead. On ahazi though i admit to only seeing around 5 players when i logged into corelia, but i just thought it was due to everyone is higher level than me
then again there are always quite a few people on Naboo at the theed city for some reason.
I gotta disagree Obraik.
I've been watching the server listings perodically, and I've noticed a decline since Sept.
I'm just shooting the s**t until AoC comes out. So I picked this game up and subbed to it. I have never really played it much, but really... It's fun for me.
But as a new player... what server has the "most" population? I have seen many new folks on the server I am on (starts with a , but I would love to be on the one with the most population... for grouping and experience reasons... etc.
From my own meager attempts to "get back into" SWG (pre-cu'er here left after nge) I can be honest and say that yes populations are low on several servers but, several have seen increases over the past year or so. SOE's attempts to add content and give something for higher lvls to do has been a moderate success to this point. Thier recent additions to JTL has helped alot also. While I will not give SOE my money anymore to sub SWG, I do see some weak possible future for the game.
There are thousands of new players looking for something decent to play and quite a few are finding fun and enjoyment on SWG.
Personally, I'm hoping SOE is losing money like crazy on SWG, Vanguard and now PotBS. Would serve them right for not listening to their paying customers.
The truth is, is SWG dead? not yet but heading that way for sure. The game only has maybe 3 or 4 populated servers and even those are nowhere near what they use to be before the NGE.
Can you still start a toon on one of those and grind up and play through all the content, and have little trouble finding a group, yes you can. People like Obraik and a few other's will make the game seem like every server is as healthy as it ever was, and that's just not being truthful.
If you are a huge SW fan, and love to play MMO's then SWG is all there is at the moment. When another SW mmo comes out, be it made by Bioware or LA or whomever, those people will leave in a heartbeat and where will SWG be then. Those 3 or 4 servers that have a semi decent population will end up like all the other ghost servers.
It also doesn't help that SOE changed SWG and made it into a WOW clone. With games like WAR and AOC coming out in the near future and other games like Stargate and Earthrise a little further down the road, plus some older games like AO and EVE getting some pretty big makover's, it doesn't bode well for SWG either.
All in all, if you want to play a game that has a limited community and a game that does everything 100 times worse than the one it copied, then SWG is your game.
I agree I hope SOE loses all kinds of money on the games they destroyed. It seems like a reocurring theme with SOE, almost like they have the "kiss of death" for an mmo.
its too bad too, SWG had huge potential and already a huge fan base..............but alas it is a dead, and if not dead already, a dieing game.
The bargain-bin business model just doesn't work for mmo's where you have to devote months of your time on a single title... I don't care if I get MxO and eq2 free on the same station pass... I want a SW mmo that doesn't suck!
Elite poster by 82
wow!! I f you think 30 people running around Mos Eisley is packed... you're nuts. Pre-CU there where hundreds of people running thought every major city, on every serever. Even the Japan servers which they closed down. I could be in the farthest reaches of any planet and find people doing something fun and non-linier. I have played the NGE as of resently, and spent an hour looking around. ( Friday and Saturday night ) Funny thing is, i only found about 30 people in Mos Eisley and Rustuss. ( Ahazi ) Most of them standing around waiting for something to happen, or dueling. What fun, YAY!!
I'm not usually inclined to jump into topics like this, i have played the old and newer versions of swg, some things i liked some things i dont ..quests and content (liked) combat system ( dont like) but Obraik your usually pretty good at juggling flames and such in these forums which i find impressive, but your comment on the "new" forum as you call it is a lie..plain and simple. The "new" forum isnt new at all it was created 2 weeks after the nge hit and it wasnt to guard the virgin like gaming ears of the "new" players, it was riot control.
Don't just listen to us vets...go check out the official forums. Every other post is asking for a server merge or for SOE to advertise the game. SWG isn't technically dead but it's been on the Station Pass Life Support System for too long's only a matter of time.
The game is kept alive by a contractual agreement. The population peaked when Beastmasters then Collections were added. Unfornately the subscribers have decreased below the previous low of these two additions and the game is barely managable.
SOE's credibilty was destroyed when they committed Wire Fraud agasint the subsribing players. Not any other company has committed so much fraud without suffering - no lawsuits although the subscriptions across ALL of their afiliated games prove this.
Do not do business with SOE.
Bria, Bloodfin, Chilastra, Starsider and one of the Euro servers are doing fine. Player Pop's are growing bigger on those servers. On my new home of Starsider I've seen a few newbies over the past few weeks. And a good amount of Role Players and Pilots from other servers moving over as well.
As for the whole "Oh the game must be dieing! Look at the forums people are screaming for merges!!!" That's due to alot of people NOT having the money to waste on moving their toon or toons. Also it's due to people not wanting to risk losing their items. Believe me it happens, I lost an X-Wing, Firespray and B-Wing when moving to Starsider. Some have had everything move with them, other's have lost it all.
And really the whole "Oh well SWG doesn't have the amount of people it had in the Pre-CU!" Well lets look at a few things....
First off back in 2003 and 2004 SWG was 'new' and new games tend to get a good amount of Players. Then look at what hit in 2004... More MMO's, EQ2, WoW, MxO, and a few others. The market has been flooded with MMO Games. And I hate to break it to some of you, but the numbers did start to drop in the Pre-CU/CU. The NGE did speed up people leaving yes. Still the game was bleeding subs, and hell go to almost any game that doesn't have the words 'world' and 'warcraft' in the title and you won't see people everywhere.
Not only that, like I said in another post... I've heard all kinds of games have been dieing over the years. UO was going to die in 1999 till now. EQ 1 was going to die once SOE came out with EQ 2. EQ 2 is going to die now. SWG, hell people talked about it shutting down back in 2004 too...
The game is not dead, it's slowly getting better.
i dont know if the game is dead or not.. sounds like it.. anyway.. i would love to see it die, and get over with it tbh. I want a new fresh mmo sw game. Man that would be so nice
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In the old days there was always a couple hundred players in the major cities, and dozens to hundreds in the rest. I could go out in the middle of nowhere and usually be alone, but that had to be my objective as it didn't happen naturally.
You counter your own point. In one paragraph, you say people leave to play new games. In the next paragraph, you say new games being released don't kill other games. Pick one.
In the old days there was always a couple hundred players in the major cities, and dozens to hundreds in the rest. I could go out in the middle of nowhere and usually be alone, but that had to be my objective as it didn't happen naturally.
man that was so cool after a good trip of exploring with friends.. come home.. see the crafters work.. peeps sit and chat.. doctors buff, cantinas with life, sometimes fights hehe, maybe a few stormtroopers scaning a rebel.. and damn he needed to kill them... doing duels... man the cities had so much life in pre cu
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I'm not usually inclined to jump into topics like this, i have played the old and newer versions of swg, some things i liked some things i dont ..quests and content (liked) combat system ( dont like) but Obraik your usually pretty good at juggling flames and such in these forums which i find impressive, but your comment on the "new" forum as you call it is a lie..plain and simple. The "new" forum isnt new at all it was created 2 weeks after the nge hit and it wasnt to guard the virgin like gaming ears of the "new" players, it was riot control.
Actually, it wasn't after the NGE. They made the Vet forum here early late 2006...NGE was 2005.
As far as I'm concerned, SWG died on November 15th, 2005, a day that will live in infamy, to steal a phrase.
Nothing the idiots at SOE have done since that day has caused me to reevaluate my feelings about SWG. When they killed CH, that was the final straw that broke the camel's back...the CU with the utter destruction of the medical professions, the imposition of artificial, overt levels on combat, and the evisceration of crafting in general, put a great burden on the camel, but Order 66 on CH was the last straw.
I'm not even mentioning other dealbreaking revisions like the asshat new combat system, the destruction of the UI, the extermination of the skill system and most of the professions, and the giving away of the lightsaber to any kid who could get their mom to surrender her Visa card number to them...
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
Anyone who says SWG is not but a fading shadow of it's former self is:
1. Really got some blind faith and hope going on. The type that no matter the proof will keep telling themselves it's's ok...
2. Never played the game before NGE. Didn't experience the lies SOE gave bait and switching their players with a broken horrid excuse for the admitted "cheaper" route to try and draw a WOW crowd. NGE I would explain as strapping wings on a bus to make a airplane instead of designing a airplane from the start.
They have people paying for "beta" as usual.
If only they would have tweaked the original system, added content, fixed bugs, improved preformance, the game would be in such a better place with a massive amount more people playing. Instead they chose to time and time again reinvent the combat system just adding bug on top of bug to a overpatched code ruining thousands of players items and characters.
How could ANYONE put time and grind on a game that more then once ruined the time so many put into it?
Thanks SOE, Great job!