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I didn't know this before, but after talking to some people who went to the latest fan fest, I was told that it was actually Lucas Arts that pushed through the CU and NGE.
SOE employees can't talk about it because of confidentiality agreements and clauses, but through not saying certain things, and reading between the lines, its pretty obvious what happened.
Basically, some brain trust at Lucas Arts saw WoW and said "ZOMG! Why isn't SWG making as much money! Change it! Change it all!" Obviously Lucas Arts controls their Intellectual Property with an iron first, so whatever they say goes. LA knows nothing about mmo's but still forced soe to go ahead and make the changes.
This isn't the first time this has happened either. LA has a long standing history of pissing off its business partners by pulling stupid stunts like this. Just look at KOTOR 1 and 2. Apparently LA is widely mistrusted by the industry but if you want the IP, you gotta play by their rules.
Literally nothing can change in SWG unless the devs get LA's stamp of approval.
Now don't get me wrong, I still hate soe for its terrible customer service, lying to the community, etc, but what really caught my attention here is that the devs are on our side.
Truthfully they want for the game the same things we do. They loved the game they created pre-CU and hated implementing the changes. Hence, why so many people left. They were literally destroying their own work of art.
Anyways, LA claims to have learned their lesson, although they'll never admit any of this publicly. They want to keep an "untarnished" reputation with consumers and let soe take the blame.
The point is further whining, crying and flaming of SWG isn't going to make things better or worse.
The game is not going to be shut down. Its still too profitable for LA and SOE. LA will keep the game running as it wants a MMO for its IP.
What can change is LA is finally listening to the devs and players. The future direction of the game is literally in the players hands - which makes sense.
LA has learned that if they want to make money, they should give the customers what they want (what a novel idea). NOT what LA thinks the customers want. See the difference?
My point is this: unhappy with SWG? Fine, tell them what you want. You can be part of the solution or part of the cry babies who just can't let the CU and NGE go.
Whether they admit it or not though, no one listens to the cry babies anymore (except themselves). Everyone knows the "upgrades" were a colossal error. People who keep crying just look like sad individuals with nothing else going on in their lives.
**Returned SWG Player**
Yeah, I used to hate the game because of NGE as much as anyone, but I've been playing the game since Feb. 2008 and have honestly had a good time. If you hate the game, fantastic, move along. Its all been said before and your continuous griefing just makes you look like a sad individual with nothing better to do.
We've told them what we want. Our game back.
We've told them the NGE is not acceptable.
And we've proven that this is the view of the vast majority of players by voting with our feet. The number of people who have quit and quit for good far exceed 200,000 subscribers.
I don't give a rat's rear end if the CUNGE was SOE's fault OR LEC's fault. Both are EQUALLY to blame. I won't patronize either company.
I patronize CCP and EVE because that company and that product is FAR closer to what would be appropriate for a Star Wars game than the scavenger hunt, starter Jedi, "Foozle" instanced NGE.
This is just more nuanced "we didn't communicate well, we'll communicate better now" crap, that is all rhetoric without substance. if LEC really cared about what their customers want (because that means making more money) we'd have had Pre-Cu back long ago.
Far too little, MUCH too late. At this point, not only will I never play SWG again, I likely will never play the sequel either.
In addition, since the NGE I've not:
1. Bought any new copies of Star Wars movies, even the special editions.
2. Bought any of the Star Wars novels.
3. Bought any Star Wars collectibles
And I frankly could care less about the upcoming animated movie or TV show.
The NGE and the cavalier disregard for us from LEC and SOE has pretty much destroyed my loyalty and fandom to Star Wars itself.
They can keep applying more lipstick to the NGE pig, and all the polish in the world to the NGE turd, but it's still the NGE, and it still is losing customers. I'd not play Star Wars galaxies again even if Lucas himself PAID me to play it.
As for not listening to us "crybabies", they've NEVER listened to anyone who didn't tell them what they wanted to hear!
But they do fear us, which is why they still send shills to try to out shout us.
Fact of the matter is that if LEC didn't "force" the CUNGE (as you claim) they'd not be in their current predicament. Their only way OUT of the current situation is to do something about that.
As I've said over and over, any solution that ignores the fact that the NGE is the core PROBLEM is doomed to fail and isn't worth even trying.
I don't find it hard to NOT buy the new versions of the movies on DVD (by that I mean ep 4, 5 and 6.)
I don't really like what Lucas did to them when they were made "special".
To me it was just like all those movies I saw as a kid.. got NGE'd.
Oh well... I still have my VHS copies of them so whatever.
also prolly cause what star wars fan did not have all of this prior to the NGE? unless salvaje was born 3 years ago :P
They keep repackaging everything and re-releasing it every couple years as "new super dooper edition", when each "new" addition is actually worse than the one previous (such as the special editions).
Funny how even the original movies seem to get worse with each "update" much like SWG has.
I have actively boycotted Sony/SOE/LA/LEC since the CU went live. Screw me? Screw you!
SWG? Pull the plug already!
Smedley basically blamed it on them anyways in a interview he said "we want to develop our own IP because our previous experience has not been the best and they didn't understand the online market" blah blah blah....
true...but i don't buy those either...the only ones i bought after completing my collection of 6 movies was the original on DVD....I am not falling for the gimmicky repackaging and "special" editions
Yay! Another fanboi shill posts the old "It wasn't SOE, even though they admitted it was their idea and convinced LEC to agree to it, it was all LEC!" lie for the thousandth time! Another thousand or so times and you might even start to believe it yourself!
I don't see any SOE fanbois in here.... Infact who actually even likes them? I don't know anyone cause they ruined every game they've touched.
Exactly. If LEC "forced" the NGE on SOE, and forced them to keep it going even though SOE lost craptons of money (and worse, a HUGE blow to their reputation, which while not great, was nowhere near the "industry pariah" status they currently enjoy), why hasn't SOE sued LEC?
If what the OP says is true, SOE is owed tens of millions of dollars by LEC. In fact, SOE could make far more money suing LEC if this is true than they EVER could off SWG.
Indiana....... Indiana.........
Let it go.........
Yet another poster failing to make any interesting points worth taking note of.
This is the "veterans's refuge" What you and the OP need to "let go of" is any notion that:
1. We are coming back to the NGE in _ANY_ form, no matter _WHAT_ they add to it. The NGE is why we left, the NGE is why we stay away, and as long as the NGE is still there, we won't be.
2. That we even particularly want to come back at this point AT ALL. Even I am past even wanting to go back even if they reinstated Pre-CU. The only reason why I still even care at this point is that I don't want SOE and LEC (remember I've always blamed LEC too) to get away with what they did. Both companies did an unforgivable thing, and neither deserve to profit by it.
3. That we are ever going to accept _ANY_ excuse for the NGE that comes from SOE or LEC.
4. We want anything at this point except to see the NGE shut down.
If you love the current game, great. Go post on the SOE oforums and ask for the foozle instance or scavanger hunt of your dreams to be added to the game.
But don't come here and post stuff like this and expect us to agree with you.
If anyone even wanted to PLAY the "wonderful" NGE, you guys wouldn't be here trolling vets would you? Where is that wonderful "target audience" that didn't want to read, and wanted to play as "Luke Skywalker48345987" instead of a character they made for themselves?
Seems to me that you need to go find them instead of troll us.
Then why did you bother?
SWG? Pull the plug already!
LEC may have pushed the change, but SOE is the one who put out such an AWEFUL NGE. SOE developed the changes, in secrecy, for 7 months or so...
Julio Torres and SOE are one in the same... Dumb.
Tecmo Bowl.
They are both to blame equally.
LA might have wanted more subscribers, however it was up to SOE to develope and implement any changes.
They both suck as far as I am concerned and represent the Enron of computer / console gaming.
I spole to LA peeps at Celebration last May in Los Angeles and they were happy to admit that it was a joint decision. No doubt led by Smed, Torres and other key peeps on both sides. Idiots all of them and likely trying to climb the corporate ladder.
Bottom line is that if some key peeps involved knew anything about customer relations and had any authority, it would not have happend. This includes CU and NGE. The only way major changes like this is when decision makers on both sides agree. Obviously both sides were morons that did not really know their market.
I don't care who is responsible for it, I'm boycotting both of them. They both suck. Niether could give a rats ass about their products or their customers; only the $$$. Screw em both is all I gotta say about it.
SWG? Pull the plug already!
Hate to break it to you...all companies only care about the money.
And we, as customers have a right to deny them that money. We have.
And we've done it noisily and helped cost them more money.
The NGE cost SOE/LEC tens of millions of dollars.
Those two words used together in this statement make it incorrect.
SWG? Pull the plug already!
But what have you won? Absolutely nothing, unfortunately. Your game is gone, never to return, and while teaching Lucasarts and Soe a lesson may be an admirable short-term goal, it has done nothing productive except inch your long-gone home closer to oblivion.
So what do you suggest? Go back to paying them money again?
SWG? Pull the plug already!
Funny mine doesn't. My small indie dev company is about developing a community of players and a family of developers. I know, I know, ideas completely unheard of in today's day and age.