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Hello and good day, im hear to day to spread a message. on may 3rd of this year we will be marching for the legalization of marijana on a national scale, here in seatle at volunteer park starting at 12:00 i encourage any one that supports this to be there. we need the world to know who we are and how many of us are out there. come and let your voice be heard.
ya i know you all my not live around here but please help sread the word, look to see if they are marching in your city it will be in over 200 cities world wide. if you arnt listed start one up. thats what i did.
always my opion when i talk as this is me and my ideas if you disagree with something i dont want flaming plz. thank you. and Dont question a forum posters spelling you think we got spell check on this thing.
you know i have nothing against the substance itself, people can piss away their lives any way they want.
Its the violence around drugs, that I disagree with.
The fact that people in south american die over fields like that, people die smuggling ti across borders.
And you know what none of that supports its legalization, because the minute we do it becomes just as big of a problem.
How do you do a chemical sobriety test for marajuana as far as driving goes?????
alcholol you can test for how drunk someone is chemically, you can visible tell an overly intoxicated person.
If in the future weed could be regulated, a reliable chemical sobriety test made, and we dont get it from what can at best be described as warring third world countries then i would support its legality.
just as a point in question how are a bunch of stoners all gonna find the same park?????????
I have no doubt they can all find a park, but the stoners i know their sense of direction can at best be described as childish.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Here are a few points for you to ponder.
If marijuana was legalized it could be monitored and taxed. Marijuana isnt like tobacco, it grows like a weed (cough)... infact the legal marijuana grown in Canada is grown in an old mining operation.
If we was government regulated, they could make sure nothing is laced in it and it would be less dangerous to stupid people.
Stoned people are much less dangerous than drunk people. Drunk people can get angry, violent, and gross. Stoned people get introspective, quiet and relaxed. In terms of problems arousing from marijuana use, it is childs play compaired to the problems with alcohol.. how many stoned get stoned then beat their wife/kids... not many...
As for driving, we already deal with it when it comes to alcohol... testing if somebody is stoned behind the wheel isnt going to be very hard. Im sure a quick chemical test wouldnt be long to follow the legalization.
Your "Farcry" esq African pot fields would go out of business.
On to health. Compairativly, Pot is MUCH less dangerous/unhealthy than alcohol or even tobacco... heck you could probably argue a solid case that caffeine is more dangerous. Its the classical mental stigma that sociesty would have to overcome. Alcohol is more a drug than pot is by most peoples definition yet even after having this explained to them, most peoples opinion still wont be swayed...
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Here are a few points for you to ponder.
If marijuana was legalized it could be monitored and taxed. Marijuana isnt like tobacco, it grows like a weed (cough)... infact the legal marijuana grown in Canada is grown in an old mining operation.
If we was government regulated, they could make sure nothing is laced in it and it would be less dangerous to stupid people.
Stoned people are much less dangerous than drunk people. Drunk people can get angry, violent, and gross. Stoned people get introspective, quiet and relaxed. In terms of problems arousing from marijuana use, it is childs play compaired to the problems with alcohol.. how many stoned get stoned then beat their wife/kids... not many...
As for driving, we already deal with it when it comes to alcohol... testing if somebody is stoned behind the wheel isnt going to be very hard. Im sure a quick chemical test wouldnt be long to follow the legalization.
Your "Farcry" esq African pot fields would go out of business.
On to health. Compairativly, Pot is MUCH less dangerous/unhealthy than alcohol or even tobacco... heck you could probably argue a solid case that caffeine is more dangerous. Its the classical mental stigma that sociesty would have to overcome. Alcohol is more a drug than pot is by most peoples definition yet even after having this explained to them, most peoples opinion still wont be swayed...
You raise some good points, I have a few friends who are "stoners" I have had a few spliffs/joints in my time but never anything more then that so im not bias, also you forgot to mention that after you smoke pot you dont get a hang over. This march however may not work, alough it might be worth a try. Even if it does it wont effect me in any way as I live in England and because I dont smoke marijuana anymore, and have no plans to.
How do you feel about buying products made from oil then?
A lot more people die because of that.
And chocolate, the last great bastion of child slavery?
It's a bad, bad world out there.
There are saliva tests and sweat tests for dope, and I agree that this is a major issue for enforcement. However alcohol was legal long before breathalisers came along. (Stoned drivers aren't reknowned for being any more of a traffic menace than your average slowster grandad for that matter).
Due to the influx of Dutch technology, marijuana is no longer grown abroad and smuggled in, it is more commonly grown domestically in greenhouses. (Though still by criminals).
Although I have no issue with the legalisation of Cannabis, I would never go on a march and openly associate myself with a criminal activity. Not smart.
It will be legal within the next 20 years anyway (as the pre-sixties generation dies out), and I don't see our prisons full of stoners. Bit of a non issue for me.
I do my best thinking when stoned. problem is ,there are just too many thoughts firing off at once and i cant keep track. and then they disappear like a fart in the wind.
I would legalize the 'drug' soley to piss off the cartels.
chips, dips chains & whips.
I'm for legalizing it. All drugs should be legalized. The Govt should not have any say in what people put in there bodies. How can anyone guarantee that legalizing drugs will decrease violence? Alcohol is legal but a lot of people still feel the need to drive a car while drunk and kill someone. If you want to do drugs do it in the privacy of your own home, do not take it out into the public environment. If your habit starts making itself known in the public and your behavior becomes a threat to the community you think people are going to stick around while it degenerates? Just because drugs are made legal doesnt mean everyone will all the sudden experience a utopia and we will all get along and be happy. People will still deal, fight, sell themselves, and kill each other just like they did before. There is no real positive solution, people will just have to deal with situations as they come. Do we really want this?
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
I've smoked weed before, a couple times... I've only ever done it with my close buds or my family...
the fact that it's illegal might contribute to the reason why it's so popular..
Getting high is exactly like being drunk minus the stomach problems in the morning..
once i smoked this really good bud and i had passed out and i felt this nirvana was great
wasn't even laced or anything
ok what I really have to contribute to this thread- nobody ever brings this up but what about the birth defects associated with a pregnant woman smoking marijuana? That's the only real beef i have with the substance besides that it impairs judgement and makes you a complete moron here you can't even get a job if you can't pass a drug test, other places they don't care..
They make marijuana illegal but somebody ok'd paxil
somebody ok'd phen phen
and somebody ok'd ephedrine
and the drug companies got their hands in our politicians pockets giving them the old jerk me off and leaving money
maybe someone should start a marijuana conglomeration and have marijuana lobbyists
hippie lookin people with hemp suits and sandals
Peace, Love, Light one up
Trump 2016
I used to manage a nice little smoke shop. We sold cigars, cigarettes, and we also did a good business in glass pipes.
A cop wandered into my store one day looking for a cigar. He noticed the pipes in the case.
After telling me that I had a really nice selection of glass, he also told me that he was personally all for the legalization.
"Ive never had a call where sone guy had gotten stoned and beaten the hell out of his wife and kids. But I get calls like that for drunk guys every day." was what he said.
The truth of the matter is that there is NO GOOD REASON why it is illegal. If you research the history of it, you'll discover all kinds of amazing things about our wonderful government, and their tendency to utilise propaganda for their own gain.
Yes, I smoke weed. LOTS of weed. I have owned a couple of businesses, which were both successful, and I sold for a nice amount of money. I score far better than average on any "intelligence" tests.
I don't get arrested all the time like my drunk friends.
The stigmata and stereotype surrounding those who smoke is pure fabricated bullshit.
On the other hand, I'm not one of those people who has a 420 sticker on everything he owns, grows dreadlocks, and drives a VW. You people need to get a clue...weed doesn't need it's own "culture" any more than coffee or candy does.
This man said it best. There is no -good- reason why it is illegal. I haven't smoked for quite a while now, but I am fully in favor of legalizing it. More specifically I have Crohn's Disease, and for the first time in 7 years of having the disease I was able to get it under control while smoking marijuana. So why did I stop? I had to get a job. People should not have to stop smoking marijuana in order to find work. It's stupid and unnecessary.
I didn't fit any stereotype. I just smoked weed all the time. I've yet to meet someone who was angry while high, but you can meet angry drunks all over the place.
Now, I am NOT in favor of legalizing hard substances - IE cocaine, meth, opium-based drugs, etc.. Definitely NOT. Those -are- dangerous, and I'd never consider putting them in my body. But Marijuana is NOT dangerous. It has less danger than cigarettes, and less danger than alcohol - both of which are legal.
If people believe the things the government has said about marijuana without trying to find the information themselves, then I pity them. They're probably people I wouldn't want to associate with regardless; sheep who are afraid to question things, whether that be religion, politics, or just what their parents told them growing up.
There is nothing wrong with herb. When you compare it to all of the other vices that exist, it is one of the most tame.
I am almost done with my MBA, and was high almost the entire time. What else is someone to do when they have to take a 4 hour accounting final that covers 3 years worth of accounting? I rolled up a fatty and let that shit rip after that final.
I do some of my best work high, and when people generalize potheads as being "lazy" or "childish", I refer them to the fact that I make over 200k year, have a beautiful and successful family, run a business and go to school full time. Weed helps me throughout this process. It helps just as much as working out everyday too (which I also do). After running 5 miles, there is nothing on this planet like a joint and runner high.
You should see the stressed out people in my class. They are juggling all of the same things I am, but they are soooooo tense and uptight, they could really use some nugs. Some people can't handle the herb, but most can.
Agree with your reasoning.
On an off topic comment (this is the off-topic section anyways) do you go to ubco?
Also 70% of marijuana is grown inside the country and the rest most likely from Mexico, so there is definetely less than 100 violent marijuana grow operations worldwide. Violent drug dealers dont necessarily pertain to marijuana dealers atleast not the ones i know they all advertise saying ohh damn i got this good stuff but its your choice if you dont want it from me its cool and they dont go around killing people for taking customers their all chill as hell.
The rest of the facts have been posted above me no need to repeat them. I woul like to add that George Washington grew hemp which is marijuana and part of the reason it might be illegal is because unlike tobacco people could grow it at home and poor politicians wont be able to make loads of money off it by taxing it.
God man ,wake up lol..You would never survive in Holland/Amsterdam..Man, its great because i can be their in an hour after a hard weeks work sitting back chilling in my favorite coffee shop smoking blueberry haze. I can do this while having a conversation with some random police officer talking about that beautiful filly standing in the window opposite sticking her ass out.
American lol..the land of the free...NOT..
dont you go dissin my country though, she's still young yet.
chips, dips chains & whips.
Agree with your reasoning.
On an off topic comment (this is the off-topic section anyways) do you go to ubco?
Yea... I do... should I start going under an assumed now now? :P
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Agree with your reasoning.
On an off topic comment (this is the off-topic section anyways) do you go to ubco?
Yea... I do... should I start going under an assumed now now? :P
Haha, just noticed you have Canada by your name there and was curious where so clicked it and notice where.
Here are a few points for you to ponder.
If marijuana was legalized it could be monitored and taxed. Marijuana isnt like tobacco, it grows like a weed (cough)... infact the legal marijuana grown in Canada is grown in an old mining operation.
If we was government regulated, they could make sure nothing is laced in it and it would be less dangerous to stupid people.
Stoned people are much less dangerous than drunk people. Drunk people can get angry, violent, and gross. Stoned people get introspective, quiet and relaxed. In terms of problems arousing from marijuana use, it is childs play compaired to the problems with alcohol.. how many stoned get stoned then beat their wife/kids... not many...
As for driving, we already deal with it when it comes to alcohol... testing if somebody is stoned behind the wheel isnt going to be very hard. Im sure a quick chemical test wouldnt be long to follow the legalization.
Your "Farcry" esq African pot fields would go out of business.
On to health. Compairativly, Pot is MUCH less dangerous/unhealthy than alcohol or even tobacco... heck you could probably argue a solid case that caffeine is more dangerous. Its the classical mental stigma that sociesty would have to overcome. Alcohol is more a drug than pot is by most peoples definition yet even after having this explained to them, most peoples opinion still wont be swayed...
I can't say I agree with your arguement.
You say pot can't cause violence. Bull crap. What if they become addicted (very possible), and they are at a younger age. Now they are running out of money, and are willing to do anything to get it. This possibly leads suicide/stealing. Possibly they are in an arguement with someone who won't give them money and they hurt the person. Once addicted, the person has no control.
Pot can lead into many other drugs. Say one day you are with some people that smoke pot, and then some herroin has come in. People begin to look for a stronger high, and once they get to herroin, they don't have much of a chance of turning back. The addiction is extremely strong.
As for you're last paragraph, PLEASE. Pot kills brain cells, makes people lose coordination, and is like smoking 20 ciggaretes. Also you can drive when you are drinking caffeine, not so much pot. I can't believe you actually said caffeine could be worse. Alcohol is not nearly as addicting, unless they start around the age of 14. Even so, most people do not, and sure some people might get drunk now and then, but better than getting high and becoming addicted.
I would rather have a world ful of alcohol than a world full of drugs. Cause let's face it, you start wanting pot to be legal, then the next day people want crack to be legal.
Pot will screw more poeple's lives over than alcohol.
Edit- Holy crap, a lot of people like pot here...
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
a lot of people i've known who smoke consider other drugs like hash or magic mushrooms but when i ask them like what about heroin or speed they all say no way dude
idk how bad hash is for you but magic mushrooms are no joke
If they legalize marijuana they need to do some serious educating of the general public..
like stress when and if it's a good time for smoking pot and if you get pregnant give it up
don't do it around your kids, try and keep it to a casual social thing instead of lighting up like towelie
when i was in school they were like "one marijuana cigarette has 5 times the tar in it as 5 regular cigarettes" and i was like so fucking what people i know if they smoke do 1 a day..
smokers i know do ~2 packs a day so that's 8 to 1
and now they got vaporizers which are cool as hell and remove all(?) of the smoke from the marijuana reducing your chance for lung cancer by i think .. most or all?
I'm not an every day kind of smoker
once or twice a year is cool for me, my girlfriend would kill me if i smoked pot..
do i think it should be legal? yeah for responsible people..
if they made it legal you probably wouldn't see a lot of people in public places smoking it cause they'd confine you like alcohol and place the same restrictions on driving like DUI for marijuana intoxication..
a lot of people wouldn't even smoke it cause TBH it's not all that great..
Trump 2016
Pot is not a gateway drug. Or maybe it is. Both sides have very solid arguments put forth by very respectable scientists. To say one side is right would be ignoring the solid evidence of the other side. Personally I think it leans heavily towards not being as many of the studies conducted say silly things like children age 15 who smoke pot are 41% more likely to use crack by the age of 21. Quite frankly if a child is using pot at 15, I think something else is causing the drug abuse, and that cause is also what cases the crack abuse.
That whole "stronger high" argument is remenants of the 60's and 70's propaganda and should be put to rest with the other crazy theories from the 70's.
As for the health problems. Their are many healthy things about smoking pot. Pot kills dyeing cells which prevents them from becoming cancerous, in that case smoking pot prevents cancer.
As for the smoke, most of the derogatory problems with smoking marijuana are from the smoke itself, which you would experience if you smoked paper, grass, bark, tobacco, or dandilions.
Cannibis is practically impossible to overdose on, which means that although too much alcohol can kill you, too much pot can't.
Alcohol is rated as more addictive and more physically harmful of a drug than cannibis.
a handy graph of that ind
Another interesting question Id like to ask you is if pot is so dangerous, why is it found in many medical treatments? As compaired to alcohol which is only used to steralize equipment as it kills everything.
The slippy slope argument you make about the legalization of marijuana leading to the need to legalize crack is wildly accepted as a rediculous argument. They in no way imply eachother. This is like saying that if you legalize guns, next everyone will want to legalize killing. That if you legalize abortion, everyone will want to legalize murder.
Its called a slippery slope argument for a reason. In any academic circle that wouldnt even be acknowledged as a valid argument.
Personally Id rather alcohol be illegal and pot be legal. Pot is less addictive, less physically harmful and less mentally harmful. Nobody ever gets high, beats his wife then throws bottles at his children. Alcoholics do. Alcohol is a very dangers drug, which from a purely systematic and objective viewpoint is far more dangerous than Marijuana. Personally I don't smoke pot, but if people take the time to educate themselves and understand the actual issues, you'd be surprised just how much mis-information is spread.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Here are a few points for you to ponder.
If marijuana was legalized it could be monitored and taxed. Marijuana isnt like tobacco, it grows like a weed (cough)... infact the legal marijuana grown in Canada is grown in an old mining operation.
If we was government regulated, they could make sure nothing is laced in it and it would be less dangerous to stupid people.
Stoned people are much less dangerous than drunk people. Drunk people can get angry, violent, and gross. Stoned people get introspective, quiet and relaxed. In terms of problems arousing from marijuana use, it is childs play compaired to the problems with alcohol.. how many stoned get stoned then beat their wife/kids... not many...
As for driving, we already deal with it when it comes to alcohol... testing if somebody is stoned behind the wheel isnt going to be very hard. Im sure a quick chemical test wouldnt be long to follow the legalization.
Your "Farcry" esq African pot fields would go out of business.
On to health. Compairativly, Pot is MUCH less dangerous/unhealthy than alcohol or even tobacco... heck you could probably argue a solid case that caffeine is more dangerous. Its the classical mental stigma that sociesty would have to overcome. Alcohol is more a drug than pot is by most peoples definition yet even after having this explained to them, most peoples opinion still wont be swayed...
I can't say I agree with your arguement.
You say pot can't cause violence. Bull crap. What if they become addicted (very possible), and they are at a younger age. Now they are running out of money, and are willing to do anything to get it. This possibly leads suicide/stealing. Possibly they are in an arguement with someone who won't give them money and they hurt the person. Once addicted, the person has no control.
Pot can lead into many other drugs. Say one day you are with some people that smoke pot, and then some herroin has come in. People begin to look for a stronger high, and once they get to herroin, they don't have much of a chance of turning back. The addiction is extremely strong.
As for you're last paragraph, PLEASE. Pot kills brain cells, makes people lose coordination, and is like smoking 20 ciggaretes. Also you can drive when you are drinking caffeine, not so much pot. I can't believe you actually said caffeine could be worse. Alcohol is not nearly as addicting, unless they start around the age of 14. Even so, most people do not, and sure some people might get drunk now and then, but better than getting high and becoming addicted.
I would rather have a world ful of alcohol than a world full of drugs. Cause let's face it, you start wanting pot to be legal, then the next day people want crack to be legal.
Pot will screw more poeple's lives over than alcohol.
Edit- Holy crap, a lot of people like pot here...
this is an example of the effect of propaganda. if you actually believe this trash, then you really need to start thinking for yourself. Before they pass a law against that too....
Why this is still illegal is mind boggling. I would rather get stoned rather than drunk any day of the week. At least I wouldn't have to experience hangovers. Also...I love how I feel when I smoke it and OMG to make love while slightly stoned when your senses "seem" to be more is awesome. ^_^
Here are a few points for you to ponder.
If marijuana was legalized it could be monitored and taxed. Marijuana isnt like tobacco, it grows like a weed (cough)... infact the legal marijuana grown in Canada is grown in an old mining operation.
If we was government regulated, they could make sure nothing is laced in it and it would be less dangerous to stupid people.
Stoned people are much less dangerous than drunk people. Drunk people can get angry, violent, and gross. Stoned people get introspective, quiet and relaxed. In terms of problems arousing from marijuana use, it is childs play compaired to the problems with alcohol.. how many stoned get stoned then beat their wife/kids... not many...
As for driving, we already deal with it when it comes to alcohol... testing if somebody is stoned behind the wheel isnt going to be very hard. Im sure a quick chemical test wouldnt be long to follow the legalization.
Your "Farcry" esq African pot fields would go out of business.
On to health. Compairativly, Pot is MUCH less dangerous/unhealthy than alcohol or even tobacco... heck you could probably argue a solid case that caffeine is more dangerous. Its the classical mental stigma that sociesty would have to overcome. Alcohol is more a drug than pot is by most peoples definition yet even after having this explained to them, most peoples opinion still wont be swayed...
I can't say I agree with your arguement.
You say pot can't cause violence. Bull crap. What if they become addicted (very possible), and they are at a younger age. Now they are running out of money, and are willing to do anything to get it. This possibly leads suicide/stealing. Possibly they are in an arguement with someone who won't give them money and they hurt the person. Once addicted, the person has no control.
Pot can lead into many other drugs. Say one day you are with some people that smoke pot, and then some herroin has come in. People begin to look for a stronger high, and once they get to herroin, they don't have much of a chance of turning back. The addiction is extremely strong.
As for you're last paragraph, PLEASE. Pot kills brain cells, makes people lose coordination, and is like smoking 20 ciggaretes. Also you can drive when you are drinking caffeine, not so much pot. I can't believe you actually said caffeine could be worse. Alcohol is not nearly as addicting, unless they start around the age of 14. Even so, most people do not, and sure some people might get drunk now and then, but better than getting high and becoming addicted.
I would rather have a world ful of alcohol than a world full of drugs. Cause let's face it, you start wanting pot to be legal, then the next day people want crack to be legal.
Pot will screw more poeple's lives over than alcohol.
Edit- Holy crap, a lot of people like pot here...
I cant speak for everyone that has tryed pot before but i know just about 8 out of 10 people i know are totally against any other drugs, then again there are those two others that just feel the need to experiment but i have to say it doesnt look like pot is being used as a gateway drug.Also cmon you have to live above the influence of government propoganda, kills brain cells? Where did you hear that? Your parents or school most likely both of which hate marijuana with a passion so they feed you lies. There have been studies that have shown weed may help grow brain cells.
I would also like to add that the only studies that have ever shown cannabis to be bad are government studies, but then again those results are obviously biased.
Ok, well if anyone is trying to compare drugs to alcohol is wrong...Anyone remember prohibation in the 1920's? It led to mehem, forcing people to legalize alcohol again. With alcohol, society could not be the way it is.
As for my statements-
As for brain damage-
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten