So its a PVE instance like the vette or whatever instance you have now that would be more similar? Not an open area or planet? When is chapter 11 (lol-nice name for a publish) due? And content that your average SW fan would recognize...are they trying to advertise this game finally or something?
It'll be like the Tusken instance, but on a larger scale. For those that aren't aware, the Tusken instance consists of a replication of the Mos Espa city area. It's not an inside zone - you can call vehicles and such within it.
So its a PVE instance like the vette or whatever instance you have now that would be more similar? Not an open area or planet? When is chapter 11 (lol-nice name for a publish) due? And content that your average SW fan would recognize...are they trying to advertise this game finally or something?
It'll be like the Tusken instance, but on a larger scale. For those that aren't aware, the Tusken instance consists of a replication of the Mos Espa city area. It's not an inside zone - you can call vehicles and such within it.
Even so, having Hoth as a pve encounter is one of the more stupid decisions they've made. Players have been crying out for a PvP battleground based on Hoth for as long as I can remember, from early pre-cu right up through the NGE, so SOE finally get round to it..... and make it a pve farmfest. Honestly it's mind boggling how or why they came to this decision, seriously Obraik even you must be disappointed.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
hoth is not coming games that have under 6k players do not get things like hoth
what the news should have been is a full on rollback to the pre-cu however due to the devs not doing that i will give you what will happen in the next 3 months.
jedi and bh stuff won't go in. it has not gone into swg yet and it will never go in. if it does watch the player base drop to 2k.
the player base will drop more.
at the fanboifest in vegas $OE and la will tell the world that $OE is shutting down swg as no one is playing it.
the emu will come out and 250k of my friends will be on it and then some.
la will drop the bioware title as they will see that no one wants to do mmo games on the lamebox 360 for xbots and will work with the emu guys in making pre-cu swg the greatest and i mean greatest game that the world has ever seen.
so there you all go more $OE lies told today and the game is still being held hostage by the nge.
say it with me we want a full rollback to pre-cu swg.
So its a PVE instance like the vette or whatever instance you have now that would be more similar? Not an open area or planet? When is chapter 11 (lol-nice name for a publish) due? And content that your average SW fan would recognize...are they trying to advertise this game finally or something?
It'll be like the Tusken instance, but on a larger scale. For those that aren't aware, the Tusken instance consists of a replication of the Mos Espa city area. It's not an inside zone - you can call vehicles and such within it.
Even so, having Hoth as a pve encounter is one of the more stupid decisions they've made. Players have been crying out for a PvP battleground based on Hoth for as long as I can remember, from early pre-cu right up through the NGE, so SOE finally get round to it..... and make it a pve farmfest. Honestly it's mind boggling how or why they came to this decision, seriously Obraik even you must be disappointed.
As a PvP, yeah, I'd would have liked to have seen Hoth have a heavy PvP element to it. Details are still pretty low on the whole thing so it's not confirmed 100% that it's only PvE. It's likely that it will be since PvP'ers are the minority in the game - the last time they did an event that had a PvP focus (Restuss) the PvE'ers made a big song and dance about the whole thing.
Not that I mind PvE content, I've been pretty involved with the latest instances, I just think it's time that the PvP community got another bone.
-----MY-TERMS-OF-USE-------------------------------------------------- $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Do you have ANY idea how difficult it would be to add atmospheric flight to this engine? As it stands, speeders would fly right through walls, through mountains, through other speeders...
This is NOT going to happen, and if it does it would take them half a year of hard coding to even get this in a somewhat functional position, and that would mean a total neglect of the rest of the game, unless they add developers.
They are not going to add developers to a 5 year old game that has less than 10,000 subs, and with a license that isn't going to be around a lot longer...
Nonsense. Nothing more than a carrot for you guys to chase to keep you subbing...
Why is it so hard for some of you to see this after years and years of the same thing??? Use your logic here.
Are you guys kidding? Do you have ANY idea how difficult it would be to add atmospheric flight to this engine? As it stands, speeders would fly right through walls, through mountains, through other speeders... This is NOT going to happen, and if it does it would take them half a year of hard coding to even get this in a somewhat functional position, and that would mean a total neglect of the rest of the game, unless they add developers. They are not going to add developers to a 5 year old game that has less than 10,000 subs, and with a license that isn't going to be around a lot longer... Nonsense. Nothing more than a carrot for you guys to chase to keep you subbing... Why is it so hard for some of you to see this after years and years of the same thing??? Use your logic here.
If they create it in the space engine, then atmospheric flight could be a reality.
If they create it in the space engine, then atmospheric flight could be a reality.
Don't get your hopes up for that either, they've already admitted that apart from Swede they're completely clueless about the JTL coding.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
If they create it in the space engine, then atmospheric flight could be a reality.
Don't get your hopes up for that either, they've already admitted that apart from Swede they're completely clueless about the JTL coding.
I'd have to agree here, they've admitted in the past that they aren't exactly awesome at dealing with the code. A lot of the problem likely stems from the fact that they didn't initially design the code to be "easy to work with". Either way, I've seen enough "its too hard" claims to know they are probably stumbling around when it comes to dealing with the engine at all.
In thinking about that, I'd seriously doubt any atmospheric flight is in the works. I'd also say its gonna be purely PvE, and instanced to limit what players have the option to do in order to reduce the amount of time and work they have to spend on said code. All of this fits right in with the rumors circulating about Hoth already. Its been stated to be instanced as is. Hoth will be nothing least, not even close to what it could have been. I shudder to think of any new "planet" being reduced to a "Fort Tusken" fate.
They don't know code, well no worries here. They will just bring out NGE v2.0 watch how 9 professions cut down to 3 to "manage" the code better and JTL sliced in half so they can claim to be able to "maintain" the space code. Oh ya and along with this, never fix any the bugs that were reported and sugar coat it with half-assed fixes that break the next small "update".
With a track record like SWG I don't even see how you can have fanbois, you guys sure are desperate to hold to what little is left and they are using your sadistic hope to keep pulling any money they can from your pockets.
They screwed us first batch over whose to say you guys aren't next?
[[ DEAD ]] - Funny - I deleted my account on the site using the cancel account button. Forum user is separate and still exists with no way of deleting it. Delete it admins. Do it, this ends now.
ROFL! They are going to take Hoth, something the playerbase has been requesting for years, and turn it into yet another cookie-cutter instance! Oh man...just when I thought SOE couldn't get any dumber.
If you're lucky there will be some massive time-sink collections connected to it.
Ok I have a question... I saw Obraik post this last night so I went to the Oboards and found the thread he later linked to.
So there is an NDA on player summits?
" FYI there are few things I can't not share but let's say next year will Be EVEN BETTER!!"
That kind of set off some *danger will robinson* when I read that line. I don't honestly think I've ever seen any company discuss anything at a player summit that couldn't be shared... (most are recorded on video and posted to youtube....)
I am glad that he seems to have at least attempted to run a spellchecker on that post tho.
Originally posted by smg777 ROFL! They are going to take Hoth, something the playerbase has been requesting for years, and turn it into yet another cookie-cutter instance! Oh man...just when I thought SOE couldn't get any dumber.
If you're lucky there will be some massive time-sink collections connected to it.
I can see it now, you kill the end boss and get a "Certified Hoth Ice Sickle" item is created in your inventory and you can place it in your house, end of instance. Then you can go to SOE's Online Store and buy the now famous shirt "I waited over 3yrs for Hoth and all I got was a damn Ice Sickle". Classic.
EDIT: Antarious - I think the poster on the official boards ment he couldn't tell anyone about the conversation they had with the devs beforehand. That's how I take it anyway, since he said they got there early.
[[ DEAD ]] - Funny - I deleted my account on the site using the cancel account button. Forum user is separate and still exists with no way of deleting it. Delete it admins. Do it, this ends now.
This whole discussion is pointless. Hoth is not coming to SWG, and if by a miracle it does, it will be a cookie-cutter instance that isn't worth the time.
No atmospheric flight, no At-At's, and nothing worth your time.
If the developers cut down the size of Rancors due to lag restraints, what the heck would the do with an At-At?
There is no way that the sad sack team of "developers" of SWG can pull off an entire new planet, even if it's downscaled.
As for it being a PvE operation, ever since I can recall all the clammor for Hoth was for it to be a PvP operation where you could really let your hair down and go at it.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Hoth probably will come to the game - don't be dismayed by haters as most havn't played the game in 3 years.
There's a big difference between being a "hater" and being realistic.
What I'm reading here sounds like it's going to be a let down for many people. And I have a funny feeling they'll throw in some character that has no connection to Hoth as well - like Lando, or someone's ghost.
And at this point if they're going to make an instance they'd be much better off making Bespin IMO. Use Hoth in a more meaningful way - like an entire world to explore.
Isn't it a tad late for April Fools jokes? There is no way that the sad sack team of "developers" of SWG can pull off an entire new planet, even if it's downscaled. As for it being a PvE operation, ever since I can recall all the clammor for Hoth was for it to be a PvP operation where you could really let your hair down and go at it.
Oh there's no way it will be an actual planet. It will be a cookie-cutter instance.
Not exactly what the players have been asking for...
So its a PVE instance like the vette or whatever instance you have now that would be more similar? Not an open area or planet? When is chapter 11 (lol-nice name for a publish) due? And content that your average SW fan would recognize...are they trying to advertise this game finally or something?
It'll be like the Tusken instance, but on a larger scale. For those that aren't aware, the Tusken instance consists of a replication of the Mos Espa city area. It's not an inside zone - you can call vehicles and such within it.
Ahh ok . TY.
Kinda strange that its PVE though..that was the one place pvpers have been asking for since launch. (mainly because there is no pve there to speak of) Guess that wont happen now for you guys either. Ah well, hope it turns out OK for the people still playing....though I havent seen anything from SOE on this.
See you in the dream.. The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
Yes boys and girls can you say instance , I doubt it will ever happen based on past promises made at these summits .
And it still doesnt change the fact the basic game is a broken , bug filled ghost town of a game , please fix the basic game first .
It'll be like the Tusken instance, but on a larger scale. For those that aren't aware, the Tusken instance consists of a replication of the Mos Espa city area. It's not an inside zone - you can call vehicles and such within it.
It'll be like the Tusken instance, but on a larger scale. For those that aren't aware, the Tusken instance consists of a replication of the Mos Espa city area. It's not an inside zone - you can call vehicles and such within it.
Even so, having Hoth as a pve encounter is one of the more stupid decisions they've made. Players have been crying out for a PvP battleground based on Hoth for as long as I can remember, from early pre-cu right up through the NGE, so SOE finally get round to it..... and make it a pve farmfest. Honestly it's mind boggling how or why they came to this decision, seriously Obraik even you must be disappointed.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
I'll get my coat and scarf.
Haha, yeah right..
hahaha, oh my, hahahaha.
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.
alright fanbois lets get things clear
hoth is not coming games that have under 6k players do not get things like hoth
what the news should have been is a full on rollback to the pre-cu however due to the devs not doing that i will give you what will happen in the next 3 months.
jedi and bh stuff won't go in. it has not gone into swg yet and it will never go in. if it does watch the player base drop to 2k.
the player base will drop more.
at the fanboifest in vegas $OE and la will tell the world that $OE is shutting down swg as no one is playing it.
the emu will come out and 250k of my friends will be on it and then some.
la will drop the bioware title as they will see that no one wants to do mmo games on the lamebox 360 for xbots and will work with the emu guys in making pre-cu swg the greatest and i mean greatest game that the world has ever seen.
so there you all go more $OE lies told today and the game is still being held hostage by the nge.
say it with me we want a full rollback to pre-cu swg.
Nothing is true until they actually push it to a server.
Hate to say it but it is probably more talk and lies than not. The reason I know this is that they opened their mouths.
Ten Golden Rules Of Videogame Fanboyism
"SOE has probably united more gamers in hatred than Blizzard has subs"...daelnor
It'll be like the Tusken instance, but on a larger scale. For those that aren't aware, the Tusken instance consists of a replication of the Mos Espa city area. It's not an inside zone - you can call vehicles and such within it.
Even so, having Hoth as a pve encounter is one of the more stupid decisions they've made. Players have been crying out for a PvP battleground based on Hoth for as long as I can remember, from early pre-cu right up through the NGE, so SOE finally get round to it..... and make it a pve farmfest. Honestly it's mind boggling how or why they came to this decision, seriously Obraik even you must be disappointed.
As a PvP, yeah, I'd would have liked to have seen Hoth have a heavy PvP element to it. Details are still pretty low on the whole thing so it's not confirmed 100% that it's only PvE. It's likely that it will be since PvP'ers are the minority in the game - the last time they did an event that had a PvP focus (Restuss) the PvE'ers made a big song and dance about the whole thing.
Not that I mind PvE content, I've been pretty involved with the latest instances, I just think it's time that the PvP community got another bone.
Not even MMO, just an instance lol
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Are you guys kidding?
Do you have ANY idea how difficult it would be to add atmospheric flight to this engine? As it stands, speeders would fly right through walls, through mountains, through other speeders...
This is NOT going to happen, and if it does it would take them half a year of hard coding to even get this in a somewhat functional position, and that would mean a total neglect of the rest of the game, unless they add developers.
They are not going to add developers to a 5 year old game that has less than 10,000 subs, and with a license that isn't going to be around a lot longer...
Nonsense. Nothing more than a carrot for you guys to chase to keep you subbing...
Why is it so hard for some of you to see this after years and years of the same thing??? Use your logic here.
Tecmo Bowl.
If they create it in the space engine, then atmospheric flight could be a reality.
Don't get your hopes up for that either, they've already admitted that apart from Swede they're completely clueless about the JTL coding.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
Don't get your hopes up for that either, they've already admitted that apart from Swede they're completely clueless about the JTL coding.
Yeah, they were saying that, which is why they got themselves aquainted with the Space system for Chapter 8.
Don't get your hopes up for that either, they've already admitted that apart from Swede they're completely clueless about the JTL coding.
I'd have to agree here, they've admitted in the past that they aren't exactly awesome at dealing with the code. A lot of the problem likely stems from the fact that they didn't initially design the code to be "easy to work with". Either way, I've seen enough "its too hard" claims to know they are probably stumbling around when it comes to dealing with the engine at all.
In thinking about that, I'd seriously doubt any atmospheric flight is in the works. I'd also say its gonna be purely PvE, and instanced to limit what players have the option to do in order to reduce the amount of time and work they have to spend on said code. All of this fits right in with the rumors circulating about Hoth already. Its been stated to be instanced as is. Hoth will be nothing least, not even close to what it could have been. I shudder to think of any new "planet" being reduced to a "Fort Tusken" fate.
They don't know code, well no worries here. They will just bring out NGE v2.0 watch how 9 professions cut down to 3 to "manage" the code better and JTL sliced in half so they can claim to be able to "maintain" the space code. Oh ya and along with this, never fix any the bugs that were reported and sugar coat it with half-assed fixes that break the next small "update".
With a track record like SWG I don't even see how you can have fanbois, you guys sure are desperate to hold to what little is left and they are using your sadistic hope to keep pulling any money they can from your pockets.
They screwed us first batch over whose to say you guys aren't next?
ROFL! They are going to take Hoth, something the playerbase has been requesting for years, and turn it into yet another cookie-cutter instance! Oh man...just when I thought SOE couldn't get any dumber.
If you're lucky there will be some massive time-sink collections connected to it.
Ok I have a question... I saw Obraik post this last night so I went to the Oboards and found the thread he later linked to.
So there is an NDA on player summits?
" FYI there are few things I can't not share but let's say next year will Be EVEN BETTER!!"
That kind of set off some *danger will robinson* when I read that line. I don't honestly think I've ever seen any company discuss anything at a player summit that couldn't be shared... (most are recorded on video and posted to youtube....)
I am glad that he seems to have at least attempted to run a spellchecker on that post tho.
I can see it now, you kill the end boss and get a "Certified Hoth Ice Sickle" item is created in your inventory and you can place it in your house, end of instance. Then you can go to SOE's Online Store and buy the now famous shirt "I waited over 3yrs for Hoth and all I got was a damn Ice Sickle". Classic.
EDIT: Antarious - I think the poster on the official boards ment he couldn't tell anyone about the conversation they had with the devs beforehand. That's how I take it anyway, since he said they got there early.
This whole discussion is pointless. Hoth is not coming to SWG, and if by a miracle it does, it will be a cookie-cutter instance that isn't worth the time.
No atmospheric flight, no At-At's, and nothing worth your time.
If the developers cut down the size of Rancors due to lag restraints, what the heck would the do with an At-At?
Tecmo Bowl.
Hoth probably will come to the game - don't be dismayed by haters as most havn't played the game in 3 years.
Account has been stolen, why would someone want to steal my account?
Isn't it a tad late for April Fools jokes?
There is no way that the sad sack team of "developers" of SWG can pull off an entire new planet, even if it's downscaled.
As for it being a PvE operation, ever since I can recall all the clammor for Hoth was for it to be a PvP operation where you could really let your hair down and go at it.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
What I'm reading here sounds like it's going to be a let down for many people. And I have a funny feeling they'll throw in some character that has no connection to Hoth as well - like Lando, or someone's ghost.
And at this point if they're going to make an instance they'd be much better off making Bespin IMO. Use Hoth in a more meaningful way - like an entire world to explore.
Hoth isn't coming.
Tecmo Bowl.
Not exactly what the players have been asking for...
It'll be like the Tusken instance, but on a larger scale. For those that aren't aware, the Tusken instance consists of a replication of the Mos Espa city area. It's not an inside zone - you can call vehicles and such within it.
Ahh ok . TY.
Kinda strange that its PVE though..that was the one place pvpers have been asking for since launch. (mainly because there is no pve there to speak of) Guess that wont happen now for you guys either. Ah well, hope it turns out OK for the people still playing....though I havent seen anything from SOE on this.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.