Again, do you see what he's doing? He's completely ignoring Stradden's post prior to this and pounces on the one thing he -feels- secure about.
And you -are- wrong. Many of the people from FilePlanet testing AoC are not paying to test the game. They are paying to have a FilePlanet account. Which comes with many more things than just this beta and things these people are probably using and have been using for as long as they have been subscribed.
Everyone who simply paid to get into the beta...that's their decision, is it not? Stop making it look like FC twisted their arms to sign up. Particularly when there's now the SECOND contest to win -FREEEEE- Beta spots here on alone.
And that just goes to show that the 50 k payed subs for "mature" content was a scam to make more money when any player at any age can now get in for free through sites like MMORPG.
Im simply asking questions. Im free to do so - If you dont like it then ignore it. Don't understand why u are so bothered to point out something that really isn't that much diffrent than what Im saying. Its the same facts - just with the diffrent PR.
Again, do you see what he's doing? He's completely ignoring Stradden's post prior to this and pounces on the one thing he -feels- secure about.
And you -are- wrong. Many of the people from FilePlanet testing AoC are not paying to test the game. They are paying to have a FilePlanet account. Which comes with many more things than just this beta and things these people are probably using and have been using for as long as they have been subscribed.
Everyone who simply paid to get into the beta...that's their decision, is it not? Stop making it look like FC twisted their arms to sign up. Particularly when there's now the SECOND contest to win -FREEEEE- Beta spots here on alone.
And that just goes to show that the 50 k payed subs for "mature" content was a scam to make more money when any player at any age can now get in for free through sites like MMORPG.
Im simply asking questions. Im free to do so - If you dont like it then ignore it. Don't understand why u are so bothered to point out something that really isn't that much diffrent than what Im saying. Its the same facts - just with the diffrent PR.
No. You are saying it is a scam. You are assuming it is a spin to get more money. And you know what, I am perfectly sure that FP is actually doing this to gain more subscribers. Is FC doing this so FP can get more subscribers? I doubt it.
But hey, as I said, you keep on pointing to the things you feel so sure about and ignore all the other things.
Also...when did FC ever said they went through FP because of Mature Content? From what I read in the letter they named a host of reasons, but not that one. *smirk*
You do know that the "open" beta testers are paying custimors of their website. Its 50k ppl And.. its not a trial client. U get it ? Its a scam from start to finish.
I played up to lvl 50 in WOW open beta and I preordered fast. The more I saw the more I liked it. And.. you know what... Blizzard had nothing to hide.
Again, excuse me if I'm wrong, but aren't those testers you mentioned Fileplanet subscribers? Last time I looked, Funcom didn't charge for subs to their site...
You dont think Funcom worked out a deal with fileplanet to get the keys for beta they are giving out? Nothing is free, im sure fileplanet gave a small donation to Funcom in the hopes they would sell a bunch of new accounts for poeple that wanted to dessperately try the game. Now I have no idea how good AoC is as Im not playing it and dont really plan to play it. The fact that the game is due out in a few weeks and they are keeping up the NDA still to me shows the game is unfinished and not worth buying at release. Think of Wow if you could only post about the first 13 levels out of 70 then the game would be completly different than it ends up. First off the first 13 levels can be reached in one day of playing easily. Second there would be no mention of problems that occur at higher end, arena grinding, raiding issues, not enough 5 man content etc. Here we have Aoc a game that is supposed to promise a ton of features from what they have been telling poeple for the last year or so and now we find out they wont allow anyone to see them until after the game is released. If I hear from poeple I know that the game is really fun past lvls 1-13.... then I will consider buying it. But for now it sounds like they are trying to hard to hide things.
Funny that you bring up WoW.
You know...the game that didn't even have Molten Core when released? No Battlegrounds OR Arena's? Which had promised Housing in the first few content patches and never delievered?
Funny how people still enjoyed that game, eh? Even with horrible Server crashes all throughout the first month. So bad that they had to give out weeks worth of free play to the people to appease them. Loot-bug anyone? How long did it take them to fix it? Oh hey...could you even PLAY the first day? I think it took me about 12 hours to even create an account.
Stop pulling out WoW as a great launch with feature complete. Because it wasn't.
Plz find Blizzard quote that housing was gonna be in WoW. Also find me the quote where Blizzard stated that 40 man raiding content would be in game at release.
Your talking total nonsense. Your blatantly lying here and that should tell the ppl reading this what you are all about.
I played WoW in open beta without any problems - I had no server crashes and so on and so on. But then - there were alot of servers. And in diffrent continents.
Funny how people still enjoyed that game, eh? Even with horrible Server crashes all throughout the first month. So bad that they had to give out weeks worth of free play to the people to appease them. Loot-bug anyone? How long did it take them to fix it? Oh hey...could you even PLAY the first day? I think it took me about 12 hours to even create an account. Stop pulling out WoW as a great launch with feature complete. Because it wasn't.
I don't think glisson said anything about WoW being a great launch, but it's hard to tell because he doesn't use paragraphs thus making his wall of text very hard to read.
I believe the point he might have been trying to make (when he's not forgetting obvious things like WoW only had 60 levels when it was being developed) was that WoW lifted their NDA before their release. Blizzard likely did that because they knew they had a strong game.
I don't think it's entirely fair to use the same comparison to AoC. Funcom sounds like they just have a different way of doing things and they want to keep the NDA. But at the same time, why bother having such a restrictive NDA so close to release? Things should be pretty much finished by now, they shouldn't be worried about any major changes at this point. It's all going to come out in a month anyway, so why not lift the NDA? /shrug It doesn't really matter either way, by the end of May we'll know everything.
Again, do you see what he's doing? He's completely ignoring Stradden's post prior to this and pounces on the one thing he -feels- secure about.
And you -are- wrong. Many of the people from FilePlanet testing AoC are not paying to test the game. They are paying to have a FilePlanet account. Which comes with many more things than just this beta and things these people are probably using and have been using for as long as they have been subscribed.
Everyone who simply paid to get into the beta...that's their decision, is it not? Stop making it look like FC twisted their arms to sign up. Particularly when there's now the SECOND contest to win -FREEEEE- Beta spots here on alone.
And that just goes to show that the 50 k payed subs for "mature" content was a scam to make more money when any player at any age can now get in for free through sites like MMORPG.
Im simply asking questions. Im free to do so - If you dont like it then ignore it. Don't understand why u are so bothered to point out something that really isn't that much diffrent than what Im saying. Its the same facts - just with the diffrent PR.
No. You are saying it is a scam. You are assuming it is a spin to get more money. And you know what, I am perfectly sure that FP is actually doing this to gain more subscribers. Is FC doing this so FP can get more subscribers? I doubt it.
But hey, as I said, you keep on pointing to the things you feel so sure about and ignore all the other things.
Also...when did FC ever said they went through FP because of Mature Content? From what I read in the letter they named a host of reasons, but not that one. *smirk*
Hey, you never know. Funcom knows how much hype they're getting, and Funcom knows that they'd greatly help Fileplanet if they used them. Also, as for the mature thing, think about it. You have a 25 year old and a 15 year old. Both of them think that Open Beta should be something free, because it helps the company. Not something that you should pay for, no matter how low the cost. But, who would be more likely to crack, the 25 year old who has a job and realizes that not everything can be free, or the 15 year old? I'm going to say the 25 year old, because his thought process is much more thourough.
Ok, now I could be wrong on that, but that's what I'd like to think
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
It does set off an alarm when they wont let anyone but journalists talk about level 13+, but it also weeds out retarded assholes who played to level 20 and got bored because, AoC is not like WoW.
I played the PvP beta weekend, I did the first part of the destiny quest, or the whole thing not sure, I had fun, I played the BGs and stuff at 20, it was fun. I only wish that I got to read about the feats and learn the game mechanics a bit more before my time was over.
Stopping the press because people are going to spew garbage and try to sabotage launch(and people do, I don't know why people share their opinions on a game they don't even want to play) is not bad.
AoC probably won have 1mil subs,... it will however, have a decent player base, and will be fun. It has raiding, pvp, player cities, and other shit that.... you as a level 80 player will take part in.
in SWG I know people who only played for player cities and to RP and communicate with other players... AoC will have those and probably, will have a better RP then WoW(I don't RP I think it is boring)
I'm pre-ordering tomorrow, upgrading to 2 gigs of ram, hoping my processor(AMD3500+) is good enough, and just looking forward to leveling to 80, testing game mechanics, and finding what class I want to play. I just wish I knew more about the healing classes and had some footage of healing in pve and pvp.
I don't think glisson said anything about WoW being a great launch, but it's hard to tell because he doesn't use paragraphs thus making his wall of text very hard to read. I believe the point he might have been trying to make (when he's not forgetting obvious things like WoW only had 60 levels when it was being developed) was that WoW liften their NDA before their release. Blizzard did that because they knew they had a strong game. I don't think it's entirely fair to use the same comparison to AoC, Funcom sounds like they just have a different way of doing things. But at the same time, why bother having such a restrictive NDA so close to release. Things should be pretty much finished by now, they shouldn't be worried about any major changes at this point. It's all going to come out in a month anyway, so why not lift the NDA? /shrug
Thats exactly what is going on. The game isn't pretty much finished at this point. Its miles from beeing finished. Basic features like spellweaving and siege battles have not even been shown on the closed test servers. THose are major changes - gamebreaking changes that got many ppl drawn to the game in the first place.
But your right - WoW lifted their NDA cause they had a really strong content game on release. AOC is not lifting their NDA cause their game doesn't. They are now relying on the journalists to sell this game - not the open beta players cause they wont see much of what has been promised. And closed beta testers... they havn't seen much of it either But what they have seen is not allowed to be talked about.
If I'm going to play and enjoy this game, I hope it takes a REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY long time to get to 80, seeing as apparently they have no end-game, siege battles, or spellweaving, or if they do, are not showing any of it. The hell with their shiny vids, I want to see real vids from real people.
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Again, do you see what he's doing? He's completely ignoring Stradden's post prior to this and pounces on the one thing he -feels- secure about.
And you -are- wrong. Many of the people from FilePlanet testing AoC are not paying to test the game. They are paying to have a FilePlanet account. Which comes with many more things than just this beta and things these people are probably using and have been using for as long as they have been subscribed.
Everyone who simply paid to get into the beta...that's their decision, is it not? Stop making it look like FC twisted their arms to sign up. Particularly when there's now the SECOND contest to win -FREEEEE- Beta spots here on alone.
And that just goes to show that the 50 k payed subs for "mature" content was a scam to make more money when any player at any age can now get in for free through sites like MMORPG.
Im simply asking questions. Im free to do so - If you dont like it then ignore it. Don't understand why u are so bothered to point out something that really isn't that much diffrent than what Im saying. Its the same facts - just with the diffrent PR.
No. You are saying it is a scam. You are assuming it is a spin to get more money. And you know what, I am perfectly sure that FP is actually doing this to gain more subscribers. Is FC doing this so FP can get more subscribers? I doubt it.
But hey, as I said, you keep on pointing to the things you feel so sure about and ignore all the other things.
Also...when did FC ever said they went through FP because of Mature Content? From what I read in the letter they named a host of reasons, but not that one. *smirk*
Hey, you never know. Funcom knows how much hype they're getting, and Funcom knows that they'd greatly help Fileplanet if they used them. Also, as for the mature thing, think about it. You have a 25 year old and a 15 year old. Both of them think that Open Beta should be something free, because it helps the company. Not something that you should pay for, no matter how low the cost. But, who would be more likely to crack, the 25 year old who has a job and realizes that not everything can be free, or the 15 year old? I'm going to say the 25 year old, because his thought process is much more thourough.
Ok, now I could be wrong on that, but that's what I'd like to think
No, that is, indeed a fact, you never know.
But some people like to paint things in a way that they appear to be facts, or at the very least, refuse to listen to other people's opinions when they don't coincide with their reality.
Of course it was a marketing tool. Going through FP has given FC a broader audience and I'm pretty sure a lot of new people interested in the game which previously had not thought about it, simply by tackling the FP subscription base.
What I loathe is people calling it a scam, because it is continually made out to appear as though FC forced people to pay for something. Which, in fact, they never did. And I remember more than enough people telling everyone that there would be chances for non-subscribers later, but did anyone listen? No, and now that there are keys handed out in contests for free, it's even more of a scam.
This whole argument is a tad pointless unless we gather some information on how the game is perceived at levels 1-13. If the general consensus is positive, then we can start worrying about later levels and content in it (some of us anyway). If the general consensus is negative however, the whole argument about the level barrier is pointless.
The first 13 levels shows more than enough. It shows combat, quests, story, class development. It is a preview, not a play everything we have for free event. People will have a good idea of whether they want to play or not from those first 13 levels.If they can't get through 13 levels,and be wanting more,they wouldn't be subscribing if you let them play to 80.
It is a preview, and a stress test. What they are showing is fine for that.
lol -how naive are you ? U think even if ppl get to lvl 80 in open beta they wont buy the game ?
Compare your highlighted dull-witted response to my highlighted section of my post ( which I used dual highlighters to emphasize my sentence structure for you ). If you can either not comprehend what I say before you quote me, or intentionally plan to twist my shit around when you quote me, then don't quote me.
You do know that the "open" beta testers are paying custimors of their website. Its 50k ppl And.. its not a trial client. U get it ? Its a scam from start to finish.
I played up to lvl 50 in WOW open beta and I preordered fast. The more I saw the more I liked it. And.. you know what... Blizzard had nothing to hide.
I see I have to spell this out in baby steps for you. Please try to stay focused and follow along.
If you play the first 13 levels and you say to yourself "Wow, I like this and I want to play more!", then you can either pre-order based on that feeling OR you can say " I really like this game so far, but I'll wait 'til I know the rest is just as good." So, where exactly are you getting misled, fucked around, or duped?
If you play the first 13 levels or less, and you say " Man, this sucks. I don't even want to continue.", then what the fuck is getting to play to 40-50-60-70-80 going to do for you?
Do you comprehend what I'm getting at, now? Because I can't make it any damn simpler.
Now u focus - really really hard and read the next few words over and over and over again till you get it.
Playing 40-50-60-70 -80 does alot. Not just for me - but for 100 of thousands of ppl that are thinking of buyijng this game. It shows that the game is ready for launch. That its the same finished product as GTA 4 was when it released few days ago.
But you really dont get it do you ? If players like the first 13 lvls and want to play more... they can't. The question is why ? Is it cause the 13+ lvls will reduce the likelyhood of the player buying the game ? Alot of ppl think so - And Im pretty sure the closed beta testers would confirm that at this point in time. 3 weeks before release. 3 weeks of a game that has been in prodution for 5 years.... was just in need for abit of "polish" this time last year - and can only show off 13 lvls for 50k paying "open" beta testers. Yes - sound really promising.
Well, since the closed beta NDA prohibits me from speaking about anything past level 13, I'll just say my viewpoint and the viewpoint of most of the testers I've played with tends to differ from yours.
You do know that the "open" beta testers are paying custimors of their website. Its 50k ppl And.. its not a trial client. U get it ? Its a scam from start to finish.
I played up to lvl 50 in WOW open beta and I preordered fast. The more I saw the more I liked it. And.. you know what... Blizzard had nothing to hide.
Again, excuse me if I'm wrong, but aren't those testers you mentioned Fileplanet subscribers? Last time I looked, Funcom didn't charge for subs to their site...
You dont think Funcom worked out a deal with fileplanet to get the keys for beta they are giving out? Nothing is free, im sure fileplanet gave a small donation to Funcom in the hopes they would sell a bunch of new accounts for poeple that wanted to dessperately try the game. Now I have no idea how good AoC is as Im not playing it and dont really plan to play it. The fact that the game is due out in a few weeks and they are keeping up the NDA still to me shows the game is unfinished and not worth buying at release. Think of Wow if you could only post about the first 13 levels out of 70 then the game would be completly different than it ends up. First off the first 13 levels can be reached in one day of playing easily. Second there would be no mention of problems that occur at higher end, arena grinding, raiding issues, not enough 5 man content etc. Here we have Aoc a game that is supposed to promise a ton of features from what they have been telling poeple for the last year or so and now we find out they wont allow anyone to see them until after the game is released. If I hear from poeple I know that the game is really fun past lvls 1-13.... then I will consider buying it. But for now it sounds like they are trying to hard to hide things.
Funny that you bring up WoW.
You know...the game that didn't even have Molten Core when released? No Battlegrounds OR Arena's? Which had promised Housing in the first few content patches and never delievered?
Funny how people still enjoyed that game, eh? Even with horrible Server crashes all throughout the first month. So bad that they had to give out weeks worth of free play to the people to appease them. Loot-bug anyone? How long did it take them to fix it? Oh hey...could you even PLAY the first day? I think it took me about 12 hours to even create an account.
Stop pulling out WoW as a great launch with feature complete. Because it wasn't.
Plz find Blizzard quote that housing was gonna be in WoW. Also find me the quote where Blizzard stated that 40 man raiding content would be in game at release.
Your talking total nonsense. Your blatantly lying here and that should tell the ppl reading this what you are all about.
I played WoW in open beta without any problems - I had no server crashes and so on and so on. But then - there were alot of servers. And in diffrent continents.
Now... who is trying to paint it black atm?
I could sift through the forums of WoW to find you quotes that Housing was a promised feature for at least the first expansion. I pulled out MC because you are the one telling me that AoC has no or little end-game content. Well, WoW didn't have that much end-game content at launch either, did it?
I am not lying. I played WoW in OpenBeta and from day one. I know the problems the game had and I know the promises Blizz made and failed to uphold. I am not saying WoW is a bad game, but to raise it into the sky and say they never did things wrong is just wrong. I am not painting anything black. I am just pointing out the problems WoW had just prior and -at- launch. Problems people conveniently forget about these days because it is now a very polished game which is good at what it is supposed to do. That does not change the fact the problems were there.
I can tell you what I think of lvl 1-13 after watching it and playing it from a m8t now. Its nice in many ways. Very linear. One way traffic with no twists and turns. Now... If I compare that to what I've seen of higher lvls.... It will NOT give the right picture of the game. Its just created to sell - nothing else.
LVL 13 is restriction not cause of anything to do with the storyline. It has to do with the fact that at the next lvl you can go into 4 other new areas that are not ready yet. Period.
This whole argument is a tad pointless unless we gather some information on how the game is perceived at levels 1-13. If the general consensus is positive, then we can start worrying about later levels and content in it (some of us anyway). If the general consensus is negative however, the whole argument about the level barrier is pointless.
Though there's kind of a two-fold problem here. Right now, NDA's being lifted for journalists, and they're a small population. That means even if, say, 9/10 like it, they as individuals don't make up a majority. I'm not saying they won't influence people, of course they will, but when we get past 5/20 and thousands of people are playing it, that's the only real time to decide. Because first of all, there's going to be alot more people with honest opinions who will be able to say they don't like it, or they're worried about the level 80 content.
Second, the fanboys won't be as aggressive, burying these people with negative but FAIR views (I'm not talking about the biased ones...yes, we all agree they're "stoopid"), so we can really get an accurate picture. Hey, I'm not going to worry about end-game raiding and PvE stuff, I'm more worried about the other features they haven't put in and/or haven't showed yet. But I'm waiting for now, I just love these threads. So entertaining!
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
You do know that the "open" beta testers are paying custimors of their website. Its 50k ppl And.. its not a trial client. U get it ? Its a scam from start to finish.
I played up to lvl 50 in WOW open beta and I preordered fast. The more I saw the more I liked it. And.. you know what... Blizzard had nothing to hide.
Again, excuse me if I'm wrong, but aren't those testers you mentioned Fileplanet subscribers? Last time I looked, Funcom didn't charge for subs to their site...
You dont think Funcom worked out a deal with fileplanet to get the keys for beta they are giving out? Nothing is free, im sure fileplanet gave a small donation to Funcom in the hopes they would sell a bunch of new accounts for poeple that wanted to dessperately try the game. Now I have no idea how good AoC is as Im not playing it and dont really plan to play it. The fact that the game is due out in a few weeks and they are keeping up the NDA still to me shows the game is unfinished and not worth buying at release. Think of Wow if you could only post about the first 13 levels out of 70 then the game would be completly different than it ends up. First off the first 13 levels can be reached in one day of playing easily. Second there would be no mention of problems that occur at higher end, arena grinding, raiding issues, not enough 5 man content etc. Here we have Aoc a game that is supposed to promise a ton of features from what they have been telling poeple for the last year or so and now we find out they wont allow anyone to see them until after the game is released. If I hear from poeple I know that the game is really fun past lvls 1-13.... then I will consider buying it. But for now it sounds like they are trying to hard to hide things.
Funny that you bring up WoW.
You know...the game that didn't even have Molten Core when released? No Battlegrounds OR Arena's? Which had promised Housing in the first few content patches and never delievered?
Funny how people still enjoyed that game, eh? Even with horrible Server crashes all throughout the first month. So bad that they had to give out weeks worth of free play to the people to appease them. Loot-bug anyone? How long did it take them to fix it? Oh hey...could you even PLAY the first day? I think it took me about 12 hours to even create an account.
Stop pulling out WoW as a great launch with feature complete. Because it wasn't.
Plz find Blizzard quote that housing was gonna be in WoW. Also find me the quote where Blizzard stated that 40 man raiding content would be in game at release.
Your talking total nonsense. Your blatantly lying here and that should tell the ppl reading this what you are all about.
I played WoW in open beta without any problems - I had no server crashes and so on and so on. But then - there were alot of servers. And in diffrent continents.
Now... who is trying to paint it black atm?
I could sift through the forums of WoW to find you quotes that Housing was a promised feature for at least the first expansion. I pulled out MC because you are the one telling me that AoC has no or little end-game content. Well, WoW didn't have that much end-game content at launch either, did it?
I am not lying. I played WoW in OpenBeta and from day one. I know the problems the game had and I know the promises Blizz made and failed to uphold. I am not saying WoW is a bad game, but to raise it into the sky and say they never did things wrong is just wrong. I am not painting anything black. I am just pointing out the problems WoW had just prior and -at- launch. Problems people conveniently forget about these days because it is now a very polished game which is good at what it is supposed to do. That does not change the fact the problems were there.
Don't try to twist my words, it won't work.
Find me the quotes - Im not twisting anything. Just want to see u back it up with facts.
I can tell you what I think of lvl 1-13 after watching it and playing it from a m8t now. Its nice in many ways. Very linear. One way traffic with ho twists and turns. Now... If I compare that to what I've seen of higher lvls.... It will NOT give the right picture of the game. Its just created to sell - nothing else. LVL 13 is restriction not cause of anything to do with the storyline. It has to do with the fact that at the next lvl you can go into 4 other new areas that are not ready yet. Period.
Cant comment on after 13 but wow 1-13 is terrible. Now this is my opinion but it s so bland , and the button mashing is terrible. Oh well see what happens after release i guess.
Plz find Blizzard quote that housing was gonna be in WoW. Also find me the quote where Blizzard stated that 40 man raiding content would be in game at release.
Your talking total nonsense. Your blatantly lying here and that should tell the ppl reading this what you are all about. I played WoW in open beta without any problems - I had no server crashes and so on and so on. But then - there were alot of servers. And in diffrent continents. Now... who is trying to paint it black atm?
I could sift through the forums of WoW to find you quotes that Housing was a promised feature for at least the first expansion. I pulled out MC because you are the one telling me that AoC has no or little end-game content. Well, WoW didn't have that much end-game content at launch either, did it?
I am not lying. I played WoW in OpenBeta and from day one. I know the problems the game had and I know the promises Blizz made and failed to uphold. I am not saying WoW is a bad game, but to raise it into the sky and say they never did things wrong is just wrong. I am not painting anything black. I am just pointing out the problems WoW had just prior and -at- launch. Problems people conveniently forget about these days because it is now a very polished game which is good at what it is supposed to do. That does not change the fact the problems were there.
Don't try to twist my words, it won't work.
Find me the quotes - Im not twisting anything. Just want to see u back it up with facts.
posted 2004-12-14
Caydiem: "Housing is a huge feature with a lot of dedicated time needed. While we definitely want to do housing, and it is something "on the list", it's not a "soon after release" feature. It's more of an "on the horizon" feature. "
posted 2004-07-15
Katricia: "Guild Halls will most likely not be implemented before World of Warcraft is released. They are very similar to Player Housing (which also will not make the release).
I have no information available regarding the functions of either Guild Halls or Player Housing. ~Kat "
Katricia: Player housing will not be available until after World of Warcraft has been released. Our plan is to add player housing in a future live update or expansion. Our current idea (which could change) is to extend the cities to have player housing neighborhoods. For example, in the canal area of Stormwind players can see a blue instance portal behind a large portcullis; this is the entrance to the player housing neighborhood in Stormwind.
Tigole: " You've posted some really cool ideas on Guild Halls.
Player and guild housing is something we've always been interested in pursuing. While we won't be including those features in the Burning Crusade, that doesn't mean we've abandoned our hope to include housing in the game sometime in the future."
Nethaera: "The word is that we like the idea of player housing and would like to implement it at some point in the future, however we don't have any particular ETA of when we will. There is a laundry list of things we still would like to add to World of Warcraft and this is just one of them."
I dont feel like having 4 pages of quotes so im just going to respond to the guy that was talking about wow at launch. Wow at launch wasnt perfect but wow open beta had NO NDA. Open beta is the point were the game is supposed to be polished enough that it shows off the features to a large number of poeple who can then tell there friends about this great new game coming out etc. Age of Conan doesnt have that. What it has is a gimack newbie experience that they expect you to be able to judge the whole game on. Wow might not have had Molton core or even upper BRS at release but there were still instances, there was still things for poeple to do. They didnt hide it in open beta and promise it would be there when the game was live. It was there. Is wow perfect? No. There are lots of features from Wow that never made it live. Seiges hero classes etc. But that has nothing to do with the open beta. Wow gave poeple access to open beta so that they could try the game and show it off to there friends. There was no level limits. There was no you can talk to poeple about the newbie experience that takes 8 hours to finish and thats it. No matter how much you want to talk about what Wow didnt have at release the point is that Age of Conan wont even let people know what it doesnt have at release because they wont be able to find out until the game is live.
I dont feel like having 4 pages of quotes so im just going to respond to the guy that was talking about wow at launch. Wow at launch wasnt perfect but wow open beta had NO NDA. Open beta is the point were the game is supposed to be polished enough that it shows off the features to a large number of poeple who can then tell there friends about this great new game coming out etc. Age of Conan doesnt have that. What it has is a gimack newbie experience that they expect you to be able to judge the whole game on. Wow might not have had Molton core or even upper BRS at release but there were still instances, there was still things for poeple to do. They didnt hide it in open beta and promise it would be there when the game was live. It was there. Is wow perfect? No. There are lots of features from Wow that never made it live. Seiges hero classes etc. But that has nothing to do with the open beta. Wow gave poeple access to open beta so that they could try the game and show it off to there friends. There was no level limits. There was no you can talk to poeple about the newbie experience that takes 8 hours to finish and thats it. No matter how much you want to talk about what Wow didnt have at release the point is that Age of Conan wont even let people know what it doesnt have at release because they wont be able to find out until the game is live.
OK, I apologize for misreading your first post. I took the time to read the entire wall of text this time. *blush* Sorry again about that.
Yes, the NDA thing is weird. I've said more than once that not implementing key-features in the Closed Beta is something that has me worried as well.
Unlike certain individuals however, I am not going to bash the game before it is actually reviewed. Because unlike some people, I like to view the full picture before making a decision. Unlike some people, I trust in some of the media (I have my favorites for unbiased articles), and I will wait for them to give me an opinion instead of trusting someone who outright ignores everything positive and continues to claim things that are obviously false.
I dont feel like having 4 pages of quotes so im just going to respond to the guy that was talking about wow at launch. Wow at launch wasnt perfect but wow open beta had NO NDA. Open beta is the point were the game is supposed to be polished enough that it shows off the features to a large number of poeple who can then tell there friends about this great new game coming out etc. Age of Conan doesnt have that. What it has is a gimack newbie experience that they expect you to be able to judge the whole game on. Wow might not have had Molton core or even upper BRS at release but there were still instances, there was still things for poeple to do. They didnt hide it in open beta and promise it would be there when the game was live. It was there. Is wow perfect? No. There are lots of features from Wow that never made it live. Seiges hero classes etc. But that has nothing to do with the open beta. Wow gave poeple access to open beta so that they could try the game and show it off to there friends. There was no level limits. There was no you can talk to poeple about the newbie experience that takes 8 hours to finish and thats it. No matter how much you want to talk about what Wow didnt have at release the point is that Age of Conan wont even let people know what it doesnt have at release because they wont be able to find out until the game is live.
OK, I apologize for misreading your first post. I took the time to read the entire wall of text this time. *blush* Sorry again about that.
Yes, the NDA thing is weird. I've said more than once that not implementing key-features in the Closed Beta is something that has me worried as well.
Unlike certain individuals however, I am not going to bash the game before it is actually reviewed. Because unlike some people, I like to view the full picture before making a decision. Unlike some people, I trust in some of the media (I have my favorites for unbiased articles), and I will wait for them to give me an opinion instead of trusting someone who outright ignores everything positive and continues to claim things that are obviously false.
Also, thanks Zorvan, saved me the time.
If you know any people who do this, could you tell me? I also like unbiased views, and I hope you really mean it. Because I find that reviews with no or just a few negatives are given a big pat on the back and accepted as fact, while reviews with no or even a few positives are simply "owned" and labeled as rubbish. If the game is so great that there's truly a few negatives, that's a different story. But until I see alot of reviews with the same pattern or number of negatives (for instance, about 10 positive and 6 negative average for every review), then I'm uncertain.
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Holy crap! We got some conspiracy theorists on these here boards.
Lemme guess... FBI/CIA tapping your phone lines too? Man in a black suit around every corner?
Grow the hell up people.
The 50k fileplant think is a FP promotion that Funcom allowed them to do. It doesn't benefit FC much if any at all. It's purely for FP and nothing more.
They charge 5 bucks, becuase do you understand what kind of server it takes to send out over 20GB files to multiple users at the same freaken time? Do you understand this? Is it in your head yet? Think real freaken hard before you act more like a dumbass.
It's just a freaken promotion offer from FP. That's it. Nothing more. That is all.
Do they have something to hide? Maybe, but who gives a shit. If you're that peranoid about it. I don't want your kind in the dang game anyway. Your type just annoys the hell out of me. You panic anytime there's a balance patch and whine for 2 months about it as a nerf. You conspire that the next patch will break 50% of the game and say we got lucky when it doesn't. Just stfu and go play something else.
Another thing. STOP DEPENDING ON OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS/REVIEWS WHEN MAKING A PURCHASE. No 2 people are alike. His opinion says it sucks. His says it's awesome. His says it's ok. YOU need to find out what YOU would say. How do you do this? YOU WAIT FOR FREE TRIAL.
I dont feel like having 4 pages of quotes so im just going to respond to the guy that was talking about wow at launch. Wow at launch wasnt perfect but wow open beta had NO NDA. Open beta is the point were the game is supposed to be polished enough that it shows off the features to a large number of poeple who can then tell there friends about this great new game coming out etc. Age of Conan doesnt have that. What it has is a gimack newbie experience that they expect you to be able to judge the whole game on. Wow might not have had Molton core or even upper BRS at release but there were still instances, there was still things for poeple to do. They didnt hide it in open beta and promise it would be there when the game was live. It was there. Is wow perfect? No. There are lots of features from Wow that never made it live. Seiges hero classes etc. But that has nothing to do with the open beta. Wow gave poeple access to open beta so that they could try the game and show it off to there friends. There was no level limits. There was no you can talk to poeple about the newbie experience that takes 8 hours to finish and thats it. No matter how much you want to talk about what Wow didnt have at release the point is that Age of Conan wont even let people know what it doesnt have at release because they wont be able to find out until the game is live.
OK, I apologize for misreading your first post. I took the time to read the entire wall of text this time. *blush* Sorry again about that.
Yes, the NDA thing is weird. I've said more than once that not implementing key-features in the Closed Beta is something that has me worried as well.
Unlike certain individuals however, I am not going to bash the game before it is actually reviewed. Because unlike some people, I like to view the full picture before making a decision. Unlike some people, I trust in some of the media (I have my favorites for unbiased articles), and I will wait for them to give me an opinion instead of trusting someone who outright ignores everything positive and continues to claim things that are obviously false.
Also, thanks Zorvan, saved me the time.
If you know any people who do this, could you tell me? I also like unbiased views, and I hope you really mean it. Because I find that reviews with no or just a few negatives are given a big pat on the back and accepted as fact, while reviews with no or even a few positives are simply "owned" and labeled as rubbish. If the game is so great that there's truly a few negatives, that's a different story. But until I see alot of reviews with the same pattern or number of negatives (for instance, about 10 positive and 6 negative average for every review), then I'm uncertain.
Most of the points are right on, the only thing I'd disagree on is the combat part, multi-directional combat, while decent, is not as groundbreaking and unique as hyped up to be.
I'm not sure what agenda Alanon is holding, but if you look beyond all the negativity, it seems that he's totally convinced that the 1-13 gameplay will be a first class experience, while what's not shown will not be. I say that because he's not touching at all what's about to be shown and only tackles what's hidden from the public eye.
It will be interesting to know the basis of this distinction between the two parts of the game. If the only distinction is what's shown and what is not, then I'm afraid that, as far as I'm concerned, it's not a very solid basis of an argument against the game.
With every bit of information released, those negatively biased seem to take a step back at a time. Right now we moved past the combat mechanics and moved to the 1-13 content. Soon enough it'll be the 1-80 content. Then end PvP or end PvE content and so on.
I wonder when people will find a real issue with the game (instead of the possibility that such a problem might exist). The coming weeks will be most interesting indeed.
I have been in the general beta for long enough to experience a lot of this game, more than once due to character wipes after large changes. Playing to level 13 is more than enough to judge whether or not you like the game. Personally, I had a blast, every one of the countless times I made the journey.
While I'm not supposed to talk about my experiences beyond level 13, I can't help but add that the gameplay only gets more enjoyable the further along you get. If I get kicked for breaking the nda over that little comment, then so be it. I leave for work on Monday and won't be home to play until November.
The game runs smooth, the graphics are simply amazing, and the storytelling is the best I've seen in an mmo, period.
While stability and performance come launch day will depend on server infrastructure and the number of people trying to play at once, I can say that my latest experience with the beta build ran smoother and more stable than wow did at launch.
Stop the fanboy comments before they start. I give credit where credit is due, nothing more.
Personally, I'm tired of the fantasy setting in mmos. Give me Huxley, give me Earthrise, or give me Stalker online, and I'll be happy.
AmazingAveryAge of Conan AdvocateMemberUncommonPosts: 7,188
Originally posted by Zorvan
Welcome to the Age of Conan Beta!
We are happy to invite you to the savage world of Hyboria, and we hope you will have great fun in the next few days. Our servers will open tonight at 2200 GMT / 1700 EST, and from this point on you are free to play as much as you like!
Prior to starting your journey we want to give you some important information about what to expect, and where you can get help should you need it.
First of all, remember that you are playing a beta version of Age of Conan, where we on purpose are stressing our servers to simulate a hectic launch environment. This means that you may experience technical issues as you start playing.
Simulating launch is what final stress testing is all about, but we will monitor all of this closely to make your experience as good as possible.
Since there is no NDA on the Open Beta you are completely free to speak about your experiences in public, and you can also take screenshots and videos should you wish to. Together with IGN we have established forums which will be staffed by Funcom Customer Service and Community representatives. There you can discuss any topic you like.
Note: this only applies to the Fileplanet open beta, NOT the general closed or technical closed betas.
I think some people need to read this. Especially about the technical issues.
Im simply asking questions. Im free to do so - If you dont like it then ignore it. Don't understand why u are so bothered to point out something that really isn't that much diffrent than what Im saying. Its the same facts - just with the diffrent PR.
Im simply asking questions. Im free to do so - If you dont like it then ignore it. Don't understand why u are so bothered to point out something that really isn't that much diffrent than what Im saying. Its the same facts - just with the diffrent PR.
No. You are saying it is a scam. You are assuming it is a spin to get more money. And you know what, I am perfectly sure that FP is actually doing this to gain more subscribers. Is FC doing this so FP can get more subscribers? I doubt it.But hey, as I said, you keep on pointing to the things you feel so sure about and ignore all the other things.
Also...when did FC ever said they went through FP because of Mature Content? From what I read in the letter they named a host of reasons, but not that one. *smirk*
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Again, excuse me if I'm wrong, but aren't those testers you mentioned Fileplanet subscribers? Last time I looked, Funcom didn't charge for subs to their site...
You dont think Funcom worked out a deal with fileplanet to get the keys for beta they are giving out? Nothing is free, im sure fileplanet gave a small donation to Funcom in the hopes they would sell a bunch of new accounts for poeple that wanted to dessperately try the game. Now I have no idea how good AoC is as Im not playing it and dont really plan to play it. The fact that the game is due out in a few weeks and they are keeping up the NDA still to me shows the game is unfinished and not worth buying at release. Think of Wow if you could only post about the first 13 levels out of 70 then the game would be completly different than it ends up. First off the first 13 levels can be reached in one day of playing easily. Second there would be no mention of problems that occur at higher end, arena grinding, raiding issues, not enough 5 man content etc. Here we have Aoc a game that is supposed to promise a ton of features from what they have been telling poeple for the last year or so and now we find out they wont allow anyone to see them until after the game is released. If I hear from poeple I know that the game is really fun past lvls 1-13.... then I will consider buying it. But for now it sounds like they are trying to hard to hide things.
Funny that you bring up WoW.You know...the game that didn't even have Molten Core when released? No Battlegrounds OR Arena's? Which had promised Housing in the first few content patches and never delievered?
Funny how people still enjoyed that game, eh? Even with horrible Server crashes all throughout the first month. So bad that they had to give out weeks worth of free play to the people to appease them. Loot-bug anyone? How long did it take them to fix it? Oh hey...could you even PLAY the first day? I think it took me about 12 hours to even create an account.
Stop pulling out WoW as a great launch with feature complete. Because it wasn't.
Plz find Blizzard quote that housing was gonna be in WoW. Also find me the quote where Blizzard stated that 40 man raiding content would be in game at release.Your talking total nonsense. Your blatantly lying here and that should tell the ppl reading this what you are all about.
I played WoW in open beta without any problems - I had no server crashes and so on and so on. But then - there were alot of servers. And in diffrent continents.
Now... who is trying to paint it black atm?
I don't think glisson said anything about WoW being a great launch, but it's hard to tell because he doesn't use paragraphs thus making his wall of text very hard to read.
I believe the point he might have been trying to make (when he's not forgetting obvious things like WoW only had 60 levels when it was being developed) was that WoW lifted their NDA before their release. Blizzard likely did that because they knew they had a strong game.
I don't think it's entirely fair to use the same comparison to AoC. Funcom sounds like they just have a different way of doing things and they want to keep the NDA. But at the same time, why bother having such a restrictive NDA so close to release? Things should be pretty much finished by now, they shouldn't be worried about any major changes at this point. It's all going to come out in a month anyway, so why not lift the NDA? /shrug It doesn't really matter either way, by the end of May we'll know everything.
Im simply asking questions. Im free to do so - If you dont like it then ignore it. Don't understand why u are so bothered to point out something that really isn't that much diffrent than what Im saying. Its the same facts - just with the diffrent PR.
No. You are saying it is a scam. You are assuming it is a spin to get more money. And you know what, I am perfectly sure that FP is actually doing this to gain more subscribers. Is FC doing this so FP can get more subscribers? I doubt it.But hey, as I said, you keep on pointing to the things you feel so sure about and ignore all the other things.
Also...when did FC ever said they went through FP because of Mature Content? From what I read in the letter they named a host of reasons, but not that one. *smirk*
Hey, you never know. Funcom knows how much hype they're getting, and Funcom knows that they'd greatly help Fileplanet if they used them. Also, as for the mature thing, think about it. You have a 25 year old and a 15 year old. Both of them think that Open Beta should be something free, because it helps the company. Not something that you should pay for, no matter how low the cost. But, who would be more likely to crack, the 25 year old who has a job and realizes that not everything can be free, or the 15 year old? I'm going to say the 25 year old, because his thought process is much more thourough.Ok, now I could be wrong on that, but that's what I'd like to think
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
I am really looking forward to this game.
It does set off an alarm when they wont let anyone but journalists talk about level 13+, but it also weeds out retarded assholes who played to level 20 and got bored because, AoC is not like WoW.
I played the PvP beta weekend, I did the first part of the destiny quest, or the whole thing not sure, I had fun, I played the BGs and stuff at 20, it was fun. I only wish that I got to read about the feats and learn the game mechanics a bit more before my time was over.
Stopping the press because people are going to spew garbage and try to sabotage launch(and people do, I don't know why people share their opinions on a game they don't even want to play) is not bad.
AoC probably won have 1mil subs,... it will however, have a decent player base, and will be fun. It has raiding, pvp, player cities, and other shit that.... you as a level 80 player will take part in.
in SWG I know people who only played for player cities and to RP and communicate with other players... AoC will have those and probably, will have a better RP then WoW(I don't RP I think it is boring)
I'm pre-ordering tomorrow, upgrading to 2 gigs of ram, hoping my processor(AMD3500+) is good enough, and just looking forward to leveling to 80, testing game mechanics, and finding what class I want to play. I just wish I knew more about the healing classes and had some footage of healing in pve and pvp.
But your right - WoW lifted their NDA cause they had a really strong content game on release. AOC is not lifting their NDA cause their game doesn't. They are now relying on the journalists to sell this game - not the open beta players cause they wont see much of what has been promised. And closed beta testers... they havn't seen much of it either But what they have seen is not allowed to be talked about.
If I'm going to play and enjoy this game, I hope it takes a REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY long time to get to 80, seeing as apparently they have no end-game, siege battles, or spellweaving, or if they do, are not showing any of it. The hell with their shiny vids, I want to see real vids from real people.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
Im simply asking questions. Im free to do so - If you dont like it then ignore it. Don't understand why u are so bothered to point out something that really isn't that much diffrent than what Im saying. Its the same facts - just with the diffrent PR.
No. You are saying it is a scam. You are assuming it is a spin to get more money. And you know what, I am perfectly sure that FP is actually doing this to gain more subscribers. Is FC doing this so FP can get more subscribers? I doubt it.But hey, as I said, you keep on pointing to the things you feel so sure about and ignore all the other things.
Also...when did FC ever said they went through FP because of Mature Content? From what I read in the letter they named a host of reasons, but not that one. *smirk*
Hey, you never know. Funcom knows how much hype they're getting, and Funcom knows that they'd greatly help Fileplanet if they used them. Also, as for the mature thing, think about it. You have a 25 year old and a 15 year old. Both of them think that Open Beta should be something free, because it helps the company. Not something that you should pay for, no matter how low the cost. But, who would be more likely to crack, the 25 year old who has a job and realizes that not everything can be free, or the 15 year old? I'm going to say the 25 year old, because his thought process is much more thourough.Ok, now I could be wrong on that, but that's what I'd like to think
No, that is, indeed a fact, you never know.
But some people like to paint things in a way that they appear to be facts, or at the very least, refuse to listen to other people's opinions when they don't coincide with their reality.
Of course it was a marketing tool. Going through FP has given FC a broader audience and I'm pretty sure a lot of new people interested in the game which previously had not thought about it, simply by tackling the FP subscription base.
What I loathe is people calling it a scam, because it is continually made out to appear as though FC forced people to pay for something. Which, in fact, they never did. And I remember more than enough people telling everyone that there would be chances for non-subscribers later, but did anyone listen? No, and now that there are keys handed out in contests for free, it's even more of a scam.
Does that make sense?
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
This whole argument is a tad pointless unless we gather some information on how the game is perceived at levels 1-13. If the general consensus is positive, then we can start worrying about later levels and content in it (some of us anyway). If the general consensus is negative however, the whole argument about the level barrier is pointless.
Compare your highlighted dull-witted response to my highlighted section of my post ( which I used dual highlighters to emphasize my sentence structure for you ). If you can either not comprehend what I say before you quote me, or intentionally plan to twist my shit around when you quote me, then don't quote me.
You do know that the "open" beta testers are paying custimors of their website. Its 50k ppl And.. its not a trial client. U get it ? Its a scam from start to finish.I played up to lvl 50 in WOW open beta and I preordered fast. The more I saw the more I liked it. And.. you know what... Blizzard had nothing to hide.
I see I have to spell this out in baby steps for you. Please try to stay focused and follow along.If you play the first 13 levels and you say to yourself "Wow, I like this and I want to play more!", then you can either pre-order based on that feeling OR you can say " I really like this game so far, but I'll wait 'til I know the rest is just as good." So, where exactly are you getting misled, fucked around, or duped?
If you play the first 13 levels or less, and you say " Man, this sucks. I don't even want to continue.", then what the fuck is getting to play to 40-50-60-70-80 going to do for you?
Do you comprehend what I'm getting at, now? Because I can't make it any damn simpler.
Now u focus - really really hard and read the next few words over and over and over again till you get it.Playing 40-50-60-70 -80 does alot. Not just for me - but for 100 of thousands of ppl that are thinking of buyijng this game. It shows that the game is ready for launch. That its the same finished product as GTA 4 was when it released few days ago.
But you really dont get it do you ? If players like the first 13 lvls and want to play more... they can't. The question is why ? Is it cause the 13+ lvls will reduce the likelyhood of the player buying the game ? Alot of ppl think so - And Im pretty sure the closed beta testers would confirm that at this point in time. 3 weeks before release. 3 weeks of a game that has been in prodution for 5 years.... was just in need for abit of "polish" this time last year - and can only show off 13 lvls for 50k paying "open" beta testers. Yes - sound really promising.
Well, since the closed beta NDA prohibits me from speaking about anything past level 13, I'll just say my viewpoint and the viewpoint of most of the testers I've played with tends to differ from yours.
Again, excuse me if I'm wrong, but aren't those testers you mentioned Fileplanet subscribers? Last time I looked, Funcom didn't charge for subs to their site...
You dont think Funcom worked out a deal with fileplanet to get the keys for beta they are giving out? Nothing is free, im sure fileplanet gave a small donation to Funcom in the hopes they would sell a bunch of new accounts for poeple that wanted to dessperately try the game. Now I have no idea how good AoC is as Im not playing it and dont really plan to play it. The fact that the game is due out in a few weeks and they are keeping up the NDA still to me shows the game is unfinished and not worth buying at release. Think of Wow if you could only post about the first 13 levels out of 70 then the game would be completly different than it ends up. First off the first 13 levels can be reached in one day of playing easily. Second there would be no mention of problems that occur at higher end, arena grinding, raiding issues, not enough 5 man content etc. Here we have Aoc a game that is supposed to promise a ton of features from what they have been telling poeple for the last year or so and now we find out they wont allow anyone to see them until after the game is released. If I hear from poeple I know that the game is really fun past lvls 1-13.... then I will consider buying it. But for now it sounds like they are trying to hard to hide things.
Funny that you bring up WoW.You know...the game that didn't even have Molten Core when released? No Battlegrounds OR Arena's? Which had promised Housing in the first few content patches and never delievered?
Funny how people still enjoyed that game, eh? Even with horrible Server crashes all throughout the first month. So bad that they had to give out weeks worth of free play to the people to appease them. Loot-bug anyone? How long did it take them to fix it? Oh hey...could you even PLAY the first day? I think it took me about 12 hours to even create an account.
Stop pulling out WoW as a great launch with feature complete. Because it wasn't.
Plz find Blizzard quote that housing was gonna be in WoW. Also find me the quote where Blizzard stated that 40 man raiding content would be in game at release.Your talking total nonsense. Your blatantly lying here and that should tell the ppl reading this what you are all about.
I played WoW in open beta without any problems - I had no server crashes and so on and so on. But then - there were alot of servers. And in diffrent continents.
Now... who is trying to paint it black atm?
I could sift through the forums of WoW to find you quotes that Housing was a promised feature for at least the first expansion. I pulled out MC because you are the one telling me that AoC has no or little end-game content. Well, WoW didn't have that much end-game content at launch either, did it?I am not lying. I played WoW in OpenBeta and from day one. I know the problems the game had and I know the promises Blizz made and failed to uphold. I am not saying WoW is a bad game, but to raise it into the sky and say they never did things wrong is just wrong. I am not painting anything black. I am just pointing out the problems WoW had just prior and -at- launch. Problems people conveniently forget about these days because it is now a very polished game which is good at what it is supposed to do. That does not change the fact the problems were there.
Don't try to twist my words, it won't work.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
I can tell you what I think of lvl 1-13 after watching it and playing it from a m8t now. Its nice in many ways. Very linear. One way traffic with no twists and turns. Now... If I compare that to what I've seen of higher lvls.... It will NOT give the right picture of the game. Its just created to sell - nothing else.
LVL 13 is restriction not cause of anything to do with the storyline. It has to do with the fact that at the next lvl you can go into 4 other new areas that are not ready yet. Period.
And Im not breaking any NDA - I didn't sign any
Though there's kind of a two-fold problem here. Right now, NDA's being lifted for journalists, and they're a small population. That means even if, say, 9/10 like it, they as individuals don't make up a majority. I'm not saying they won't influence people, of course they will, but when we get past 5/20 and thousands of people are playing it, that's the only real time to decide. Because first of all, there's going to be alot more people with honest opinions who will be able to say they don't like it, or they're worried about the level 80 content.
Second, the fanboys won't be as aggressive, burying these people with negative but FAIR views (I'm not talking about the biased ones...yes, we all agree they're "stoopid"), so we can really get an accurate picture. Hey, I'm not going to worry about end-game raiding and PvE stuff, I'm more worried about the other features they haven't put in and/or haven't showed yet. But I'm waiting for now, I just love these threads. So entertaining!
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
Again, excuse me if I'm wrong, but aren't those testers you mentioned Fileplanet subscribers? Last time I looked, Funcom didn't charge for subs to their site...
You dont think Funcom worked out a deal with fileplanet to get the keys for beta they are giving out? Nothing is free, im sure fileplanet gave a small donation to Funcom in the hopes they would sell a bunch of new accounts for poeple that wanted to dessperately try the game. Now I have no idea how good AoC is as Im not playing it and dont really plan to play it. The fact that the game is due out in a few weeks and they are keeping up the NDA still to me shows the game is unfinished and not worth buying at release. Think of Wow if you could only post about the first 13 levels out of 70 then the game would be completly different than it ends up. First off the first 13 levels can be reached in one day of playing easily. Second there would be no mention of problems that occur at higher end, arena grinding, raiding issues, not enough 5 man content etc. Here we have Aoc a game that is supposed to promise a ton of features from what they have been telling poeple for the last year or so and now we find out they wont allow anyone to see them until after the game is released. If I hear from poeple I know that the game is really fun past lvls 1-13.... then I will consider buying it. But for now it sounds like they are trying to hard to hide things.
Funny that you bring up WoW.You know...the game that didn't even have Molten Core when released? No Battlegrounds OR Arena's? Which had promised Housing in the first few content patches and never delievered?
Funny how people still enjoyed that game, eh? Even with horrible Server crashes all throughout the first month. So bad that they had to give out weeks worth of free play to the people to appease them. Loot-bug anyone? How long did it take them to fix it? Oh hey...could you even PLAY the first day? I think it took me about 12 hours to even create an account.
Stop pulling out WoW as a great launch with feature complete. Because it wasn't.
Plz find Blizzard quote that housing was gonna be in WoW. Also find me the quote where Blizzard stated that 40 man raiding content would be in game at release.Your talking total nonsense. Your blatantly lying here and that should tell the ppl reading this what you are all about.
I played WoW in open beta without any problems - I had no server crashes and so on and so on. But then - there were alot of servers. And in diffrent continents.
Now... who is trying to paint it black atm?
I could sift through the forums of WoW to find you quotes that Housing was a promised feature for at least the first expansion. I pulled out MC because you are the one telling me that AoC has no or little end-game content. Well, WoW didn't have that much end-game content at launch either, did it?I am not lying. I played WoW in OpenBeta and from day one. I know the problems the game had and I know the promises Blizz made and failed to uphold. I am not saying WoW is a bad game, but to raise it into the sky and say they never did things wrong is just wrong. I am not painting anything black. I am just pointing out the problems WoW had just prior and -at- launch. Problems people conveniently forget about these days because it is now a very polished game which is good at what it is supposed to do. That does not change the fact the problems were there.
Don't try to twist my words, it won't work.
Find me the quotes - Im not twisting anything. Just want to see u back it up with facts.
Cant comment on after 13 but wow 1-13 is terrible. Now this is my opinion but it s so bland , and the button mashing is terrible. Oh well see what happens after release i guess.
I am not lying. I played WoW in OpenBeta and from day one. I know the problems the game had and I know the promises Blizz made and failed to uphold. I am not saying WoW is a bad game, but to raise it into the sky and say they never did things wrong is just wrong. I am not painting anything black. I am just pointing out the problems WoW had just prior and -at- launch. Problems people conveniently forget about these days because it is now a very polished game which is good at what it is supposed to do. That does not change the fact the problems were there.
Don't try to twist my words, it won't work.
Find me the quotes - Im not twisting anything. Just want to see u back it up with facts.
posted 2004-12-14
Caydiem: "Housing is a huge feature with a lot of dedicated time needed. While we definitely want to do housing, and it is something "on the list", it's not a "soon after release" feature. It's more of an "on the horizon" feature. "
posted 2004-07-15
Katricia: "Guild Halls will most likely not be implemented before World of Warcraft is released. They are very similar to Player Housing (which also will not make the release).
Both Player Housing and Guild Halls will be implemented as soon as possible after release.
I have no information available regarding the functions of either Guild Halls or Player Housing. ~Kat "
Katricia: Player housing will not be available until after World of Warcraft has been released. Our plan is to add player housing in a future live update or expansion. Our current idea (which could change) is to extend the cities to have player housing neighborhoods. For example, in the canal area of Stormwind players can see a blue instance portal behind a large portcullis; this is the entrance to the player housing neighborhood in Stormwind.
posted 2006-1-7
Tigole: " You've posted some really cool ideas on Guild Halls.
Player and guild housing is something we've always been interested in pursuing. While we won't be including those features in the Burning Crusade, that doesn't mean we've abandoned our hope to include housing in the game sometime in the future."
posted 2006-10-02
Nethaera: "The word is that we like the idea of player housing and would like to implement it at some point in the future, however we don't have any particular ETA of when we will. There is a laundry list of things we still would like to add to World of Warcraft and this is just one of them."
I dont feel like having 4 pages of quotes so im just going to respond to the guy that was talking about wow at launch. Wow at launch wasnt perfect but wow open beta had NO NDA. Open beta is the point were the game is supposed to be polished enough that it shows off the features to a large number of poeple who can then tell there friends about this great new game coming out etc. Age of Conan doesnt have that. What it has is a gimack newbie experience that they expect you to be able to judge the whole game on. Wow might not have had Molton core or even upper BRS at release but there were still instances, there was still things for poeple to do. They didnt hide it in open beta and promise it would be there when the game was live. It was there. Is wow perfect? No. There are lots of features from Wow that never made it live. Seiges hero classes etc. But that has nothing to do with the open beta. Wow gave poeple access to open beta so that they could try the game and show it off to there friends. There was no level limits. There was no you can talk to poeple about the newbie experience that takes 8 hours to finish and thats it. No matter how much you want to talk about what Wow didnt have at release the point is that Age of Conan wont even let people know what it doesnt have at release because they wont be able to find out until the game is live.
Yes, the NDA thing is weird. I've said more than once that not implementing key-features in the Closed Beta is something that has me worried as well.
Unlike certain individuals however, I am not going to bash the game before it is actually reviewed. Because unlike some people, I like to view the full picture before making a decision. Unlike some people, I trust in some of the media (I have my favorites for unbiased articles), and I will wait for them to give me an opinion instead of trusting someone who outright ignores everything positive and continues to claim things that are obviously false.
Also, thanks Zorvan, saved me the time.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Yes, the NDA thing is weird. I've said more than once that not implementing key-features in the Closed Beta is something that has me worried as well.
Unlike certain individuals however, I am not going to bash the game before it is actually reviewed. Because unlike some people, I like to view the full picture before making a decision. Unlike some people, I trust in some of the media (I have my favorites for unbiased articles), and I will wait for them to give me an opinion instead of trusting someone who outright ignores everything positive and continues to claim things that are obviously false.
Also, thanks Zorvan, saved me the time.
If you know any people who do this, could you tell me? I also like unbiased views, and I hope you really mean it. Because I find that reviews with no or just a few negatives are given a big pat on the back and accepted as fact, while reviews with no or even a few positives are simply "owned" and labeled as rubbish. If the game is so great that there's truly a few negatives, that's a different story. But until I see alot of reviews with the same pattern or number of negatives (for instance, about 10 positive and 6 negative average for every review), then I'm uncertain.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
Holy crap! We got some conspiracy theorists on these here boards.
Lemme guess... FBI/CIA tapping your phone lines too? Man in a black suit around every corner?
Grow the hell up people.
The 50k fileplant think is a FP promotion that Funcom allowed them to do. It doesn't benefit FC much if any at all. It's purely for FP and nothing more.
They charge 5 bucks, becuase do you understand what kind of server it takes to send out over 20GB files to multiple users at the same freaken time? Do you understand this? Is it in your head yet? Think real freaken hard before you act more like a dumbass.
It's just a freaken promotion offer from FP. That's it. Nothing more. That is all.
Do they have something to hide? Maybe, but who gives a shit. If you're that peranoid about it. I don't want your kind in the dang game anyway. Your type just annoys the hell out of me. You panic anytime there's a balance patch and whine for 2 months about it as a nerf. You conspire that the next patch will break 50% of the game and say we got lucky when it doesn't. Just stfu and go play something else.
Another thing. STOP DEPENDING ON OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS/REVIEWS WHEN MAKING A PURCHASE. No 2 people are alike. His opinion says it sucks. His says it's awesome. His says it's ok. YOU need to find out what YOU would say. How do you do this? YOU WAIT FOR FREE TRIAL.
Yes, the NDA thing is weird. I've said more than once that not implementing key-features in the Closed Beta is something that has me worried as well.
Unlike certain individuals however, I am not going to bash the game before it is actually reviewed. Because unlike some people, I like to view the full picture before making a decision. Unlike some people, I trust in some of the media (I have my favorites for unbiased articles), and I will wait for them to give me an opinion instead of trusting someone who outright ignores everything positive and continues to claim things that are obviously false.
Also, thanks Zorvan, saved me the time.
If you know any people who do this, could you tell me? I also like unbiased views, and I hope you really mean it. Because I find that reviews with no or just a few negatives are given a big pat on the back and accepted as fact, while reviews with no or even a few positives are simply "owned" and labeled as rubbish. If the game is so great that there's truly a few negatives, that's a different story. But until I see alot of reviews with the same pattern or number of negatives (for instance, about 10 positive and 6 negative average for every review), then I'm uncertain.
This is the most neutral review I've read so far:
Most of the points are right on, the only thing I'd disagree on is the combat part, multi-directional combat, while decent, is not as groundbreaking and unique as hyped up to be.
I'm not sure what agenda Alanon is holding, but if you look beyond all the negativity, it seems that he's totally convinced that the 1-13 gameplay will be a first class experience, while what's not shown will not be. I say that because he's not touching at all what's about to be shown and only tackles what's hidden from the public eye.
It will be interesting to know the basis of this distinction between the two parts of the game. If the only distinction is what's shown and what is not, then I'm afraid that, as far as I'm concerned, it's not a very solid basis of an argument against the game.
With every bit of information released, those negatively biased seem to take a step back at a time. Right now we moved past the combat mechanics and moved to the 1-13 content. Soon enough it'll be the 1-80 content. Then end PvP or end PvE content and so on.
I wonder when people will find a real issue with the game (instead of the possibility that such a problem might exist). The coming weeks will be most interesting indeed.
I have been in the general beta for long enough to experience a lot of this game, more than once due to character wipes after large changes. Playing to level 13 is more than enough to judge whether or not you like the game. Personally, I had a blast, every one of the countless times I made the journey.
While I'm not supposed to talk about my experiences beyond level 13, I can't help but add that the gameplay only gets more enjoyable the further along you get. If I get kicked for breaking the nda over that little comment, then so be it. I leave for work on Monday and won't be home to play until November.
The game runs smooth, the graphics are simply amazing, and the storytelling is the best I've seen in an mmo, period.
While stability and performance come launch day will depend on server infrastructure and the number of people trying to play at once, I can say that my latest experience with the beta build ran smoother and more stable than wow did at launch.
Stop the fanboy comments before they start. I give credit where credit is due, nothing more.
Personally, I'm tired of the fantasy setting in mmos. Give me Huxley, give me Earthrise, or give me Stalker online, and I'll be happy.
I think some people need to read this. Especially about the technical issues.