You do realize EQ2 did the same thing, don't you? When a zone gets too full it creates a copy of itself, and sometimes you'd have to change your instance to match your group. Of course, now EQ2 is barely populated, so that rarely happens, if ever, anymore.
You do realize EQ2 did the same thing, don't you? When a zone gets too full it creates a copy of itself, and sometimes you'd have to change your instance to match your group. Of course, now EQ2 is barely populated, so that rarely happens, if ever, anymore.
Haven't they fixed the group instancing problem yet?
I can see this getting really annoying and breaking immersion. Anytime someone calls for help, or wants to group up, or really does anything, we are going to have to include the name of the instance we are in to communicate it. PvP is also going to be drastically impacted...
"Calling all arms! The traitorous Acolytes are amassing outside old tarantia.... instances #14, 16, and 19!"
Probably not as big a deal on pve servers since everyone just goes about their business, though as mentioned grouping up with people is more of a crapshoot since its random who you end up with in the instance unless you are grouped.
But pvp servers, pretty much renders any kind of tactics of blocking or hunting down specific groups of players nearly impossible. Want to get by those other pesky players that control the area - no problem, just switch to a different instance! Instant escape and avoidance with minimal effort. Like a magic get out of jail free card
This also doesn't bode well for the keep sieges. If instancing exists because the game can't handle too many players on screen at once, than the only way funcom can have sieges in game without doing instances is to effectively hardcode a limit to the number of participants. I wonder if they are going to end up doing what POTBS did, a lottery of tickets to select who can participate, everyone else, cant enter the area.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence. Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
I have to admit I'm very disappointed with the way the world was designed. It's not just instances, but the world zones are all a walled in box! As far as I can tell, the only way to go from one zone to another is to use the ship or caravan instant travel!
I was expecting zone boundaries like Anarchy Online, or at very worst limited zone to zone connections like in Guild Wars or Tabula Rasa. This is really just a huge joke and ruins any feeling you are in a virtual world.
I haven't given up on the game yet, but between the gank encouraging PvP system and this, I'm highly doubtful I'll still be playing this in a few months. (The world design also aids the gankfest problem. Only one spot to enter or leave a zone, set respawn points and quest hubs that are open for FFA PvP).
Time to pre-order Warhammer and hope that title delivers on more of t's hype than AoC.
Even tho it sucks theres only to ways to solve this kind of problem: 1: To instance the game like they did. or 2: To create hundred of servers (Wow-like). IMO, I prefer the second option, they definetely should have pick the second option. Any of you guys know if its going to be like guildwars where you go outside a city and you enter in like a single player mission, wich sucks because I WANT TO GANK NOOBS, ksing mobs, make people get kill and stuff like that or its going to have a limit of players per instance and when that instance is full it port you to another instance until that one get full and so ? IT SUCKS because many of us dont have anyone to play with, I mean, I was specting to meet a lot of people and them to play with them, but now its going to be a little hard to meet people since most of the time I am going to be soloing. T_T Thx for reading.
I'm actually glad its instanced so I will have a lower chance of playing with people like you. It takes tons of skill to kill new players and kill stealing has to be one of my biggest pet peeves in MMOG's. I bet you like spawn and quest npc camping too, or better yet I bet you like to hide and watch other people fight and swoop in when their health is low after battle. very classy.
If you dont like it, dont go into a PVP server, because thats what people normally do in PVP servers, L2P NOOB
"For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, 'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, You are forgiven.' Such is the rule of honour..."
Instancing in a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game is a MAJOR turnoff for me, personally. I feel like MMORPGS were specifically designed to be linked with everyone else in the world all at the same time. This is really kind of the beautfy of MMORPGS, at least to me. An alternate world that you can actually be someone and have an effect on that world you were just in. And that world you were just in may or may not have changed the next time you logged in, but you knew that once you logged back in it was the same exact world you just left however long ago it was. I thoroughly enjoyed Star Wars Galaxies sandbox method. It may have lacked a lot of content in terms of questing, mission variety, etc. but you still could seamlessly travel through vastly large planets to cities as well as player cities. The fact that this was so, added to the immersion of the world and made you feel like when you logged in you were actually in an alternate world and you had an effect in the world wherever you went. It was like you were an integral part of it. It was an amazing thing (until NGE that is). Instancing is kind of why Guild Wars always turned me off, granted it was free/month and a great game overall, which kind of made it more okay in my opinion. Great game...just instancing is once again, a turnoff to me. I really do feel like instancing defeats some of the purpose of a true MMORPG. It's basically like Diablo II where you just join a server to play for a little bit not feeling like you altered the world at all or in any way. Nothing you did would ever change the world you logged back into. (I am not saying in DII you were supposed to fell that way though) It was just a very self-indulgent game as it should be since it is in essence, a single player game. But that set-up was completely okay to me because Diablo was one of the first of its kind and not specifically designed for an MMORPG concept; even though it accomplished its online counterpart quite successfully. Instancing just breaks up the entire game as whole. You log in and every time you go anywhere or i guess 'zone', if you will, you have to pick which numbered world you want in, like Tabula Rasa. So it makes you feel distant from everyone else playing and almost like you live in your own little world and you don't matter too significantly as far as the game world is concerned. The only aspect that instancing shines in, is in the technical department. Clearly hardware is an EXTREME issue with AOC and considering the depth of the graphics and software, I suppose there would be no other way around it without downgrading something of which more than likely would have been graphical appeal. So does that mean that AOC is ahead of its time in terms of hardware specifications? Maybe a little bit as far as the average pc gaming rig goes this year. That can be a good thing as well as a bad thing. Maybe in the future, once technology becomes more developed they'll lower the amount of instancing in the game, who knows? I must say though, graphics are NEVER everything in a game; at least they shouldn't be. There was a time when graphics would make a significant difference to me, but now, I think that is kind of a narrow minded way of thinking in a sense. I would take a lower grade graphically developed game that was thoroughly accomplished in everything else versus a game with insane graphics and rather underdeveloped other aspects any day of the week. I'm not going to let the fact that there is instancing be the sole reason I don't get into AOC. There are many other more important factors than just this aspect solely such as....well, fun! If it's fun enough, you bet I'll be right there with the rest of you as I'm sure many many others will be. But if there was some sort of scale, -1 to AOC for instancing because sandbox is just simply better in terms of gameplay. Maybe it won't be in the final version lol.
Very well put post; I agree. Instancing in an MMORPG isn't an instant game over for me, but it's definetily something that takes away tons of immersive points (which to me = fun). I mean it's acceptable in a game like Guild Wars because theirs no monthly fee. It's also a different type of game. And, in reference to Anarch Online, the instancing done there was for missions. The regular world and the cities were all accessable by everyone and everyone was in the same world. I'm correct, yes? My memory might be a little fuzzy, but I don't recall AO having different instanced world zones. That game was great; it used instances in the right way, and it also had a vibrant and interesting world to run around in... AoC should have that in my opinion.
It's not like the instances are like GW where you can only play with your group or by yourself in most of the world. In AoCs instances ( maybe besides dungeons ) you can and will run into tons of other players.
I agree that It would be cool if the world was totally seemless as someone mentioned but then we'd probably have another vanguard on our hands with massive chunk or noticable area crossings which breaks immersion just as much as zoning with a load screen.... the only reason WoW can pull it off is because of their kindergarten graphics.
I can live, happily even, with how AoC is designed atm.
The only thing I would like to see them do to address it is what Tabula Rasa did and let you pick which instance you wanted to go in to. that way at least you and your friends/guild mates could have a game plan ie we will always meet in instance 6 or something like that. I don't think honestly though that it will be that big of a deal. Plus performance is a concern for many of us and if this helps then I am all for it. If you got it on pre-order try it out for five bucks play for ten days and if its a deal breaker for you in the end move on.
"For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, 'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, You are forgiven.' Such is the rule of honour..."
Before you read, you most know I'm talking trash but is what I think, just read it if interested but it doesnt have any useful info.
I thought this instancing thing wouldnt be so bad, but deeply inside of my mind I know it will screw the game, what is an MMORPG but to see people running around, spammers, gankers, ksers and things like that, I mean it sucks when someone do it to you but its fun to do it from time to time. But to play an "MMORPG" just to level and be by yourself most of the time (If you are joining the game by yourself like me) thats not the point. I mean if I get the first Epic item of whatever I WANT EVERYONE TO SEE IT, if I conquer a castle I WANT EVERYONE TO SEE IT AND THE ONLY OWNER OF THAT CASTLE, I mean come on how could you conque a castle where theres 20 EXACT COPIES of your castle, the fun of MMO's is too be unique and everyone acknowleged for your achievements.
Anyway, even if you dont like it, right now the most played MMO and the BEST MMO is World of Warcraft and don't tell me I'm wrong, it have the BEST PVE with one of the best HISTORYS and the PVP is not that bad even tho it does not have a big scale PVP, the funniest thing it have SHITTY graphics, yeah IT HAVE CARTOON graphics but you can still enjoy the game, wanna know why ? because when someone achieve something EVERYONE CAN SEE IT and thats what MMO's is all about if you, trying to be the best and everyone to acknowledge that and how the hell are you supose to do that if theres 20 different exact instances all over the game YOU HARDLY ARE GONNA SEE THE SAME PEOPLE AGAIN.
Now, I pre-ordered the game, I thought to cancel my pre order but I m going to give it a try, maybe is not as bad as I thought it would be or maybe is worst, either way I will not have the doubt, so if you guys have extra money like I do, I recommend to spend or maybe WASTE your 50$ and buy the game.
There is NOTHING and i mean NOTHING wrong with this. If you think theres something wrong with it.. you FAIL! Insainly.
Actually, there is something wrong with it.
In a perfect world playing the perfect game, we would not have Instances, but we are in neither situation. Age of Conan is breaking new ground in many concepts. They have more interesting combat, they are trying to have many more classes and skills, they have wonderful beautiful graphics...
Anyhow, eventually we will have the ability to limit and even remove instances from computer games...
... However some things are still beyond the capability of our computers and our software today. It is a computer game for farks sake. We have to make trade offs and compromises based on available technology and existing products. Sure, I vote that everyone that doesn't have a computer on par with mine should be prohibited from playing the next MMO. But that isn't going to happen. I believe that soon we will see even higher end games that cater to people with better computers, but for these we will pay a higher box price and subscription fee to offset the population losses.
We CAN go back to not having Instances. Asheron's Call didn't instance, but it also didn't have a hundred other things that I might want in today's game. Trade-off are made between game mechanics. Instances are not a move in the direction we desire, they are an artifact of the game mechanics that we do desire.
Take your pick.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
You fools! Instancing is great: It just means you have more dimensions of the same environment implying more content and more world to explore! .... SRSLY U GAIZ!!!
On a more serious note, I'm hating myself for preordering; should have saved my gift card for WAR unless that's going to be another instance fest.
They obviously did it to reduce the number of servers they'd require. Mission complete!
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Instancing in a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game is a MAJOR turnoff for me, personally. I feel like MMORPGS were specifically designed to be linked with everyone else in the world all at the same time. This is really kind of the beautfy of MMORPGS, at least to me. An alternate world that you can actually be someone and have an effect on that world you were just in. And that world you were just in may or may not have changed the next time you logged in, but you knew that once you logged back in it was the same exact world you just left however long ago it was. I thoroughly enjoyed Star Wars Galaxies sandbox method. It may have lacked a lot of content in terms of questing, mission variety, etc. but you still could seamlessly travel through vastly large planets to cities as well as player cities. The fact that this was so, added to the immersion of the world and made you feel like when you logged in you were actually in an alternate world and you had an effect in the world wherever you went. It was like you were an integral part of it. It was an amazing thing (until NGE that is). Instancing is kind of why Guild Wars always turned me off, granted it was free/month and a great game overall, which kind of made it more okay in my opinion. Great game...just instancing is once again, a turnoff to me. I really do feel like instancing defeats some of the purpose of a true MMORPG. It's basically like Diablo II where you just join a server to play for a little bit not feeling like you altered the world at all or in any way. Nothing you did would ever change the world you logged back into. (I am not saying in DII you were supposed to fell that way though) It was just a very self-indulgent game as it should be since it is in essence, a single player game. But that set-up was completely okay to me because Diablo was one of the first of its kind and not specifically designed for an MMORPG concept; even though it accomplished its online counterpart quite successfully. Instancing just breaks up the entire game as whole. You log in and every time you go anywhere or i guess 'zone', if you will, you have to pick which numbered world you want in, like Tabula Rasa. So it makes you feel distant from everyone else playing and almost like you live in your own little world and you don't matter too significantly as far as the game world is concerned. The only aspect that instancing shines in, is in the technical department. Clearly hardware is an EXTREME issue with AOC and considering the depth of the graphics and software, I suppose there would be no other way around it without downgrading something of which more than likely would have been graphical appeal. So does that mean that AOC is ahead of its time in terms of hardware specifications? Maybe a little bit as far as the average pc gaming rig goes this year. That can be a good thing as well as a bad thing. Maybe in the future, once technology becomes more developed they'll lower the amount of instancing in the game, who knows? I must say though, graphics are NEVER everything in a game; at least they shouldn't be. There was a time when graphics would make a significant difference to me, but now, I think that is kind of a narrow minded way of thinking in a sense. I would take a lower grade graphically developed game that was thoroughly accomplished in everything else versus a game with insane graphics and rather underdeveloped other aspects any day of the week. I'm not going to let the fact that there is instancing be the sole reason I don't get into AOC. There are many other more important factors than just this aspect solely such as....well, fun! If it's fun enough, you bet I'll be right there with the rest of you as I'm sure many many others will be. But if there was some sort of scale, -1 to AOC for instancing because sandbox is just simply better in terms of gameplay. Maybe it won't be in the final version lol.
Very well put post; I agree. Instancing in an MMORPG isn't an instant game over for me, but it's definetily something that takes away tons of immersive points (which to me = fun). I mean it's acceptable in a game like Guild Wars because theirs no monthly fee. It's also a different type of game. And, in reference to Anarch Online, the instancing done there was for missions. The regular world and the cities were all accessable by everyone and everyone was in the same world. I'm correct, yes? My memory might be a little fuzzy, but I don't recall AO having different instanced world zones. That game was great; it used instances in the right way, and it also had a vibrant and interesting world to run around in... AoC should have that in my opinion.
Ao had a limit to how many people could be in the same area in a zone, it wasn't instanced in the way that it would create a copy of that area for the overflow, you simply got a message pop up on screen to inform you that the area was full. In the special areas like temple of the winds for example it was fully instanced the same as AoC but didn't have an easy command to change which instance you ended up in. It was pretty funny at times watching groups of players zoning in and out until they got the correct instance.
You fools! Instancing is great: It just means you have more dimensions of the same environment implying more content and more world to explore! .... SRSLY U GAIZ!!! On a more serious note, I'm hating myself for preordering; should have saved my gift card for WAR unless that's going to be another instance fest. They obviously did it to reduce the number of servers they'd require. Mission complete!
They did it because of the massive spell effects and the ability to actually melee, the thing people are trying to bitch about is a pop cap on a zone where if more then say 500 folks are there, it spills into a new zone, this will NOT happen in border kingdoms. It's not horrid really, it means everyone gets stability, you get to gank 499 other people, and the game play isn't sacrificed.........
If 500-700 people in 1 zone is not enough for you due to pvp reasons, you are either the most godly pvper who thinks they can take anything in the world... Or, your looking for reasons to cry
Before you read, you most know I'm talking trash but is what I think, just read it if interested but it doesnt have any useful info. I thought this instancing thing wouldnt be so bad, but deeply inside of my mind I know it will screw the game, what is an MMORPG but to see people running around, spammers, gankers, ksers and things like that, I mean it sucks when someone do it to you but its fun to do it from time to time. But to play an "MMORPG" just to level and be by yourself most of the time (If you are joining the game by yourself like me) thats not the point. I mean if I get the first Epic item of whatever I WANT EVERYONE TO SEE IT, if I conquer a castle I WANT EVERYONE TO SEE IT AND THE ONLY OWNER OF THAT CASTLE, I mean come on how could you conque a castle where theres 20 EXACT COPIES of your castle, the fun of MMO's is too be unique and everyone acknowleged for your achievements. Anyway, even if you dont like it, right now the most played MMO and the BEST MMO is World of Warcraft and don't tell me I'm wrong, it have the BEST PVE with one of the best HISTORYS and the PVP is not that bad even tho it does not have a big scale PVP, the funniest thing it have SHITTY graphics, yeah IT HAVE CARTOON graphics but you can still enjoy the game, wanna know why ? because when someone achieve something EVERYONE CAN SEE IT and thats what MMO's is all about if you, trying to be the best and everyone to acknowledge that and how the hell are you supose to do that if theres 20 different exact instances all over the game YOU HARDLY ARE GONNA SEE THE SAME PEOPLE AGAIN. Now, I pre-ordered the game, I thought to cancel my pre order but I m going to give it a try, maybe is not as bad as I thought it would be or maybe is worst, either way I will not have the doubt, so if you guys have extra money like I do, I recommend to spend or maybe WASTE your 50$ and buy the game. STATS: 25%: Good game 75%: Its going to suck.
I have a feeling that you will like the game. There aren't any other games that offer the combat and graphical immersion of AoC atm in my opinion. I take it you like PVP from your posts, you will still have tons of people to test your skills against even with instances. its all about kicking ass with your buddies weather that be PVE or PVP and you and your friends will be together when grouped. it matters more for me what my friends and I acomplish together than what some random person sees. Plus once the game goes live the player population will be more evenly spread across servers so the multiple instances will go lower. but you do have the right open mindset about it, trying it out to see if it will be for you. the combat is awesome and so are the graphics. I felt like I was playing a relic when I logged back into LoTRO for the first time in a week today.
"For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, 'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, You are forgiven.' Such is the rule of honour..."
The fact is that the instances killed the game for me! I was expecting (so much =/) the game to recover the immersion I had while playing old games like L2, but as I can see, it's not gonna happen!!
Personally, nothing compares to a full and enjoyable world, where I can take my horse and walk away and always see the horizon... or chase until the end a fleeing enemy!
The biggest threat WoW will have is turning MMOs into instance games. We've already seen the effects of that on AoC, and before Mythic changed their design direction they had a large focus on instances as well. Many players are pretty tired of everything being instanced. If we're lucky we will see a rubber-band effect. Signs of that are already around in WAR where Mythic reasserted the importance of world RvR based on feedback, and in rumours of WoTLK where supposedly there will be some world PvP content focus - a mountain Blizzard has not tackled yet.
Even tho it sucks theres only to ways to solve this kind of problem: 1: To instance the game like they did. or 2: To create hundred of servers (Wow-like). IMO, I prefer the second option, they definetely should have pick the second option. Any of you guys know if its going to be like guildwars where you go outside a city and you enter in like a single player mission, wich sucks because I WANT TO GANK NOOBS, ksing mobs, make people get kill and stuff like that or its going to have a limit of players per instance and when that instance is full it port you to another instance until that one get full and so ? IT SUCKS because many of us dont have anyone to play with, I mean, I was specting to meet a lot of people and them to play with them, but now its going to be a little hard to meet people since most of the time I am going to be soloing. T_T Thx for reading.
I'm actually glad its instanced so I will have a lower chance of playing with people like you. It takes tons of skill to kill new players and kill stealing has to be one of my biggest pet peeves in MMOG's. I bet you like spawn and quest npc camping too, or better yet I bet you like to hide and watch other people fight and swoop in when their health is low after battle. very classy.
Oh noes! A CAREBEAR in a PVP F*&%$#@ oriented MMO! Say it ain't SO!
Suck it up. Ganking, causing trouble, etc.. That's what makes these types of games fun, and also what adds the competitiveness to the PvP aspect. Something which is definitely required in this type of game. Your the reason that makes my day complete, after I gank you.
Personally I believe WAR will top the charts this year, based on the fundemental gameplay (character control similar to WoW, which was successful), RvR system, skill balance & the seemless world environment.
Funny how all the ganking posts are all positive for aoc and, months before the game people were syaing ganking in wow was carebear and it was for noobs, and that Aoc would be pure skill next gen pvp with no ganking lol. Funny how its now seen as a positive thing lol. So much for wow having children. Aoc by far has the most twats I have seen in any game.
So ganking in aoc takes skill lol??? ROFL lmao. Not even pvp, and what was that they have instanced BG wtf is this some new kind of pvp rofl? and instanced sieges, seriuosly whoever berated wows pvp really is just a hypocrite. This pvp makes wows pvp look godlike.
Hahaha instanced game world loading screens galore and this is next gen how?? because it looks so called relaistic lol. Lotro looks more realistic than Aoc, hell even Vanguard does. Aoc looks pure plastic unless you are running a really high end rig. It was like people trying to play crysis, lol yeha it may look good, but you couldnt play it and only looked good to the few who had the extreme rigs.
You know the biggets dissapointemnt?? Is that you can do instance selection command allowing you to jump from instance copy of a zone if you dont like the ear your in lol, may as well kill pvp now and just call it Age of fairies.
Even tho it sucks theres only to ways to solve this kind of problem: 1: To instance the game like they did. or 2: To create hundred of servers (Wow-like). IMO, I prefer the second option, they definetely should have pick the second option. Any of you guys know if its going to be like guildwars where you go outside a city and you enter in like a single player mission, wich sucks because I WANT TO GANK NOOBS, ksing mobs, make people get kill and stuff like that or its going to have a limit of players per instance and when that instance is full it port you to another instance until that one get full and so ? IT SUCKS because many of us dont have anyone to play with, I mean, I was specting to meet a lot of people and them to play with them, but now its going to be a little hard to meet people since most of the time I am going to be soloing. T_T Thx for reading.
I'm actually glad its instanced so I will have a lower chance of playing with people like you. It takes tons of skill to kill new players and kill stealing has to be one of my biggest pet peeves in MMOG's. I bet you like spawn and quest npc camping too, or better yet I bet you like to hide and watch other people fight and swoop in when their health is low after battle. very classy.
Oh noes! A CAREBEAR in a PVP F*&%$#@ oriented MMO! Say it ain't SO!
Suck it up. Ganking, causing trouble, etc.. That's what makes these types of games fun, and also what adds the competitiveness to the PvP aspect. Something which is definitely required in this type of game. Your the reason that makes my day complete, after I gank you.
Personally I believe WAR will top the charts this year, based on the fundemental gameplay (character control similar to WoW, which was successful), RvR system, skill balance & the seemless world environment.
Yea, you forgot to mention that cool innovative combat system called auto attack we all love. Go back to the WAR forums, green one.
As for the whole instance deal, and as one who has a lot of good things to say about AoC, I must throw in the towel of honesty and hang my head low to this idea. If it's done like EQ2, sweet, I can deal with it. If it's done like Guild Wars, I may have a hard time keeping myself immersed. However, weighing the pros and cons, I still fully stick by AoC all the way, and will see you all in Hyboria
Sorry if i didn't read all pages to get an answer, but if the worlds and all are instanced and i go in solo, will i ever meet another player or is it totally like in Guild Wars - alone?
You do realize EQ2 did the same thing, don't you? When a zone gets too full it creates a copy of itself, and sometimes you'd have to change your instance to match your group. Of course, now EQ2 is barely populated, so that rarely happens, if ever, anymore.
Haven't they fixed the group instancing problem yet?
I can see this getting really annoying and breaking immersion. Anytime someone calls for help, or wants to group up, or really does anything, we are going to have to include the name of the instance we are in to communicate it. PvP is also going to be drastically impacted...
"Calling all arms! The traitorous Acolytes are amassing outside old tarantia.... instances #14, 16, and 19!"
Probably not as big a deal on pve servers since everyone just goes about their business, though as mentioned grouping up with people is more of a crapshoot since its random who you end up with in the instance unless you are grouped.
But pvp servers, pretty much renders any kind of tactics of blocking or hunting down specific groups of players nearly impossible. Want to get by those other pesky players that control the area - no problem, just switch to a different instance! Instant escape and avoidance with minimal effort. Like a magic get out of jail free card
This also doesn't bode well for the keep sieges. If instancing exists because the game can't handle too many players on screen at once, than the only way funcom can have sieges in game without doing instances is to effectively hardcode a limit to the number of participants. I wonder if they are going to end up doing what POTBS did, a lottery of tickets to select who can participate, everyone else, cant enter the area.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
If you complain about a game with zones, go ahead and play vanguard ITS So damm big but with nothing in it. Morons these days.
I have to admit I'm very disappointed with the way the world was designed. It's not just instances, but the world zones are all a walled in box! As far as I can tell, the only way to go from one zone to another is to use the ship or caravan instant travel!
I was expecting zone boundaries like Anarchy Online, or at very worst limited zone to zone connections like in Guild Wars or Tabula Rasa. This is really just a huge joke and ruins any feeling you are in a virtual world.
I haven't given up on the game yet, but between the gank encouraging PvP system and this, I'm highly doubtful I'll still be playing this in a few months. (The world design also aids the gankfest problem. Only one spot to enter or leave a zone, set respawn points and quest hubs that are open for FFA PvP).
Time to pre-order Warhammer and hope that title delivers on more of t's hype than AoC.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
I'm actually glad its instanced so I will have a lower chance of playing with people like you. It takes tons of skill to kill new players and kill stealing has to be one of my biggest pet peeves in MMOG's. I bet you like spawn and quest npc camping too, or better yet I bet you like to hide and watch other people fight and swoop in when their health is low after battle. very classy.
If you dont like it, dont go into a PVP server, because thats what people normally do in PVP servers, L2P NOOB
"For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, 'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, You are forgiven.' Such is the rule of honour..."
Very well put post; I agree. Instancing in an MMORPG isn't an instant game over for me, but it's definetily something that takes away tons of immersive points (which to me = fun). I mean it's acceptable in a game like Guild Wars because theirs no monthly fee. It's also a different type of game. And, in reference to Anarch Online, the instancing done there was for missions. The regular world and the cities were all accessable by everyone and everyone was in the same world. I'm correct, yes? My memory might be a little fuzzy, but I don't recall AO having different instanced world zones. That game was great; it used instances in the right way, and it also had a vibrant and interesting world to run around in... AoC should have that in my opinion.
It's not like the instances are like GW where you can only play with your group or by yourself in most of the world. In AoCs instances ( maybe besides dungeons ) you can and will run into tons of other players.
I agree that It would be cool if the world was totally seemless as someone mentioned but then we'd probably have another vanguard on our hands with massive chunk or noticable area crossings which breaks immersion just as much as zoning with a load screen.... the only reason WoW can pull it off is because of their kindergarten graphics.
I can live, happily even, with how AoC is designed atm.
Thank of it like Hellgate
The only thing I would like to see them do to address it is what Tabula Rasa did and let you pick which instance you wanted to go in to. that way at least you and your friends/guild mates could have a game plan ie we will always meet in instance 6 or something like that. I don't think honestly though that it will be that big of a deal. Plus performance is a concern for many of us and if this helps then I am all for it. If you got it on pre-order try it out for five bucks play for ten days and if its a deal breaker for you in the end move on.
"For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, 'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, You are forgiven.' Such is the rule of honour..."
Before you read, you most know I'm talking trash but is what I think, just read it if interested but it doesnt have any useful info.
I thought this instancing thing wouldnt be so bad, but deeply inside of my mind I know it will screw the game, what is an MMORPG but to see people running around, spammers, gankers, ksers and things like that, I mean it sucks when someone do it to you but its fun to do it from time to time. But to play an "MMORPG" just to level and be by yourself most of the time (If you are joining the game by yourself like me) thats not the point. I mean if I get the first Epic item of whatever I WANT EVERYONE TO SEE IT, if I conquer a castle I WANT EVERYONE TO SEE IT AND THE ONLY OWNER OF THAT CASTLE, I mean come on how could you conque a castle where theres 20 EXACT COPIES of your castle, the fun of MMO's is too be unique and everyone acknowleged for your achievements.
Anyway, even if you dont like it, right now the most played MMO and the BEST MMO is World of Warcraft and don't tell me I'm wrong, it have the BEST PVE with one of the best HISTORYS and the PVP is not that bad even tho it does not have a big scale PVP, the funniest thing it have SHITTY graphics, yeah IT HAVE CARTOON graphics but you can still enjoy the game, wanna know why ? because when someone achieve something EVERYONE CAN SEE IT and thats what MMO's is all about if you, trying to be the best and everyone to acknowledge that and how the hell are you supose to do that if theres 20 different exact instances all over the game YOU HARDLY ARE GONNA SEE THE SAME PEOPLE AGAIN.
Now, I pre-ordered the game, I thought to cancel my pre order but I m going to give it a try, maybe is not as bad as I thought it would be or maybe is worst, either way I will not have the doubt, so if you guys have extra money like I do, I recommend to spend or maybe WASTE your 50$ and buy the game.
STATS: 25%: Good game 75%: Its going to suck.
Actually, there is something wrong with it.
In a perfect world playing the perfect game, we would not have Instances, but we are in neither situation. Age of Conan is breaking new ground in many concepts. They have more interesting combat, they are trying to have many more classes and skills, they have wonderful beautiful graphics...
Anyhow, eventually we will have the ability to limit and even remove instances from computer games...
... However some things are still beyond the capability of our computers and our software today. It is a computer game for farks sake. We have to make trade offs and compromises based on available technology and existing products. Sure, I vote that everyone that doesn't have a computer on par with mine should be prohibited from playing the next MMO. But that isn't going to happen. I believe that soon we will see even higher end games that cater to people with better computers, but for these we will pay a higher box price and subscription fee to offset the population losses.
We CAN go back to not having Instances. Asheron's Call didn't instance, but it also didn't have a hundred other things that I might want in today's game. Trade-off are made between game mechanics. Instances are not a move in the direction we desire, they are an artifact of the game mechanics that we do desire.
Take your pick.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
You fools! Instancing is great: It just means you have more dimensions of the same environment implying more content and more world to explore! .... SRSLY U GAIZ!!!
On a more serious note, I'm hating myself for preordering; should have saved my gift card for WAR unless that's going to be another instance fest.
They obviously did it to reduce the number of servers they'd require. Mission complete!
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Very well put post; I agree. Instancing in an MMORPG isn't an instant game over for me, but it's definetily something that takes away tons of immersive points (which to me = fun). I mean it's acceptable in a game like Guild Wars because theirs no monthly fee. It's also a different type of game. And, in reference to Anarch Online, the instancing done there was for missions. The regular world and the cities were all accessable by everyone and everyone was in the same world. I'm correct, yes? My memory might be a little fuzzy, but I don't recall AO having different instanced world zones. That game was great; it used instances in the right way, and it also had a vibrant and interesting world to run around in... AoC should have that in my opinion.
Ao had a limit to how many people could be in the same area in a zone, it wasn't instanced in the way that it would create a copy of that area for the overflow, you simply got a message pop up on screen to inform you that the area was full. In the special areas like temple of the winds for example it was fully instanced the same as AoC but didn't have an easy command to change which instance you ended up in. It was pretty funny at times watching groups of players zoning in and out until they got the correct instance.
If 500-700 people in 1 zone is not enough for you due to pvp reasons, you are either the most godly pvper who thinks they can take anything in the world... Or, your looking for reasons to cry
I have a feeling that you will like the game. There aren't any other games that offer the combat and graphical immersion of AoC atm in my opinion. I take it you like PVP from your posts, you will still have tons of people to test your skills against even with instances. its all about kicking ass with your buddies weather that be PVE or PVP and you and your friends will be together when grouped. it matters more for me what my friends and I acomplish together than what some random person sees. Plus once the game goes live the player population will be more evenly spread across servers so the multiple instances will go lower. but you do have the right open mindset about it, trying it out to see if it will be for you. the combat is awesome and so are the graphics. I felt like I was playing a relic when I logged back into LoTRO for the first time in a week today.
"For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, 'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, You are forgiven.' Such is the rule of honour..."
I can put up with a certain amount of instancing, but the fact that everyplace is instanced is a game breaker for me.
So many fan boys around here...
The fact is that the instances killed the game for me! I was expecting (so much =/) the game to recover the immersion I had while playing old games like L2, but as I can see, it's not gonna happen!!
Personally, nothing compares to a full and enjoyable world, where I can take my horse and walk away and always see the horizon... or chase until the end a fleeing enemy!
The biggest threat WoW will have is turning MMOs into instance games. We've already seen the effects of that on AoC, and before Mythic changed their design direction they had a large focus on instances as well. Many players are pretty tired of everything being instanced. If we're lucky we will see a rubber-band effect. Signs of that are already around in WAR where Mythic reasserted the importance of world RvR based on feedback, and in rumours of WoTLK where supposedly there will be some world PvP content focus - a mountain Blizzard has not tackled yet.
I'm actually glad its instanced so I will have a lower chance of playing with people like you. It takes tons of skill to kill new players and kill stealing has to be one of my biggest pet peeves in MMOG's. I bet you like spawn and quest npc camping too, or better yet I bet you like to hide and watch other people fight and swoop in when their health is low after battle. very classy.
Oh noes! A CAREBEAR in a PVP F*&%$#@ oriented MMO! Say it ain't SO!
Suck it up. Ganking, causing trouble, etc.. That's what makes these types of games fun, and also what adds the competitiveness to the PvP aspect. Something which is definitely required in this type of game. Your the reason that makes my day complete, after I gank you.
Personally I believe WAR will top the charts this year, based on the fundemental gameplay (character control similar to WoW, which was successful), RvR system, skill balance & the seemless world environment.
Funny how all the ganking posts are all positive for aoc and, months before the game people were syaing ganking in wow was carebear and it was for noobs, and that Aoc would be pure skill next gen pvp with no ganking lol. Funny how its now seen as a positive thing lol. So much for wow having children. Aoc by far has the most twats I have seen in any game.
So ganking in aoc takes skill lol??? ROFL lmao. Not even pvp, and what was that they have instanced BG wtf is this some new kind of pvp rofl? and instanced sieges, seriuosly whoever berated wows pvp really is just a hypocrite. This pvp makes wows pvp look godlike.
Hahaha instanced game world loading screens galore and this is next gen how?? because it looks so called relaistic lol. Lotro looks more realistic than Aoc, hell even Vanguard does. Aoc looks pure plastic unless you are running a really high end rig. It was like people trying to play crysis, lol yeha it may look good, but you couldnt play it and only looked good to the few who had the extreme rigs.
You know the biggets dissapointemnt?? Is that you can do instance selection command allowing you to jump from instance copy of a zone if you dont like the ear your in lol, may as well kill pvp now and just call it Age of fairies.
I'm actually glad its instanced so I will have a lower chance of playing with people like you. It takes tons of skill to kill new players and kill stealing has to be one of my biggest pet peeves in MMOG's. I bet you like spawn and quest npc camping too, or better yet I bet you like to hide and watch other people fight and swoop in when their health is low after battle. very classy.
Oh noes! A CAREBEAR in a PVP F*&%$#@ oriented MMO! Say it ain't SO!
Suck it up. Ganking, causing trouble, etc.. That's what makes these types of games fun, and also what adds the competitiveness to the PvP aspect. Something which is definitely required in this type of game. Your the reason that makes my day complete, after I gank you.
Personally I believe WAR will top the charts this year, based on the fundemental gameplay (character control similar to WoW, which was successful), RvR system, skill balance & the seemless world environment.
Yea, you forgot to mention that cool innovative combat system called auto attack we all love. Go back to the WAR forums, green one.
As for the whole instance deal, and as one who has a lot of good things to say about AoC, I must throw in the towel of honesty and hang my head low to this idea. If it's done like EQ2, sweet, I can deal with it. If it's done like Guild Wars, I may have a hard time keeping myself immersed. However, weighing the pros and cons, I still fully stick by AoC all the way, and will see you all in Hyboria
The Age of Conan Community thank you. We are tired of hearing from the global chat channel.
Go and enjoy WAR ... he he HE HE ha ha HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!
Sorry if i didn't read all pages to get an answer, but if the worlds and all are instanced and i go in solo, will i ever meet another player or is it totally like in Guild Wars - alone?