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POLL: Are you leaving a big MMO for AoC?



  • Wharg0ulWharg0ul Member Posts: 4,183

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by Wharg0ul

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Just downed a new boss in Wow tonight.
    These 25 men raids will never be copied in laggy loading screens of Conan.
    You have to be a fool leaving Wow in the middle of the end game for an instanced loading box.
    one could counter by saying that you's have to be a fool to be playing a cartoon game full of 10 year old leet-talking smack-tards for three years or more when there are more advanced games available with content that hasn't been done to death.

  the way..if your loading screens in AoC last more than a couple need new hardware. But that's why you still play WoW after all, isn't it?

    No because Wow has gameplay and Conan has nothing NEW to offer compared to Wow.


    These closed up preloading boxes are NOT MMORPG style sorry. D&DO and GW already proved that thank you.

    And I would very much like to know "advanced games" you mention, becaue they simply don't exist.

    Not in the magnitude of different playing styles Wow has to offer these days in post TBC.

    How many MMORPG's YOU know who have complete different branches in its end game. Like a real e-sport branche (price money of 200.000 dollars?)

    A high competition of PvP Arena and still there are some fools ovehhere that state Wow hasn't any PvP.

    It's the same as stating that football doesn't exist in the US, while the play offs are shown on TV.

    How many MMORPG's YOU know who have a choice of balanced PvP scenarios, micro balanced through arena, raids AND the best econmic basis for an MMORPG combined

    Put off your colored glasses and look at that  pathetic amateurish junk  you adore.

    Everyone agrees Blizzard is known for its great game designs.

    How in the world would you think that companies with not even 1% of the resources Blizzard has could EVER top them?

    From your post, it is obvious that you have not played AoC, and are talking "out your ass", as the saying goes.

    Your wow fanboism would be best appreciated on the wow forums, I would think. are not PVP. If I wanted e-sports, I would still be playing FPS games.

    Look around....everyone seems to notices that wow is an old game, with a childish community, dated game mechanics, and a pathetic excuse for "pvp".

    I even tried it....I got to about 35 before I just had no urge to log in bored the hell out of me. each their own I would say. I'll continue talking about AoC, since I'm a fan of it...and you can go to the wow forums and talk about wow...since you are a fan of it.

    Unless of course you pointlessly persist in sticking around here making an ass of yourself. Your choice.


  • terrantterrant Member Posts: 1,683

    Now see, I play WoW. I have had 3 level 7s, two still semi-active and raiding (Prot warrior tank, and a Warlock)


    I like WoW, and I love the challenge of the big raids. And yes the graphics are cartoony, but that doesn't mean that game itself can't be fun. As for the ijits everyone gripes about, I tend to not have too many problems with them. Maybe it's cause I'm on an RP server, but I run into a fair amount of decent, mature human beings (although the occasional moron exists, I dare you to say AoC won't have those). So a lot of the "common" gripes about WoW, I don't really have.

  much as I like the game, I'm bored with it. I've done a large part of the endgame raiding stuff, and don't really have the time right now to put into BT or Hyjal or Sunwell. Also,so much of the gear from thse places is becoming meaningless, because now some retread can just sit on his butt in easy mode heroics and rack up badges for some of the best gear in game. Even the high-end PvP only armor has become MUCH more easy to gain thanks to 2.4. So I'm looking for something new. It might  be AoC, it might not. But I'm certainly going to give the new kid a chance.

  • MMO-ManiacMMO-Maniac Member Posts: 176

    Where's the "Not going to play AoC" option?


    I'm not picking it up, because I'd rather read the books. It's the same reason I don't play LoTRo.

    The books for conan I like better than any video game can hope to be.

    So, i won't be leaving any game for it.

    No slight to AoC, might be a good game. I would rather read.

  • sactokingsactoking Member Posts: 22

    Originally posted by howardb

    Originally posted by sactoking

    Funcom gets what they deserve.  Anarchy Online was an unmitigated disaster.  AoC began with :

    "Mismarketing" the Early Access program
    Lies on the official forums regarding the EA
    Refusal to uphold their obligation
    Acknowledgment that Beta testing is ongoing DURING Launch
    Broken PvP in the form of respawn camping and instance jumping

    Funcom is the Uwe Boll of game publishers.
    There is absolutely no reason for me to pay $50+ to try a game I know I won't like. 

    This is a funny argument. Considering they've probably broken all previous pre-order mmo-records, and most of the gameshops worldwide is close to selling out, if they haven't already, I'm not sure I understand where you're going. You say they get what they deserve and still their sales are beyond their own expectations? If you were a fanboi I would understand, but the rest of your post is negative. Your reasoning confuses me. You sure they get what they deserve - from your personal standpoint?

    I posted my dislike for AoC earlier in the thread.  I was asked "Why the hate?".  My response was "Funcom gets what they deserve."  They deserve my hate for the way they handle their games. 

    "Mismarketing" the Early Access program- It is widely known that much of the marketing material distributed in accordane with the EA program did NOT contain any restrictions clause, and even many of the ones that did referred to a webpage that also did NOT contain any real information. 
    Lies on the official forums regarding the EA- When the hatred over EA reached 100 pages, a Community Relations person popped in and said 'We're sorry, but we had to limit access and charge $5 for Early Access because of bandwidth restrictions'.  It was later pointed out that there were no bandwidth restrictions because the download was being provided as a torrent and their own customers were seeding it for them.  The same CR person then came back and said 'We're sorry, but we always intended this.  We can't provide more access because the servers aren't up and running.'
    Refusal to uphold their obligation- After marketing the EA as 'Preorders get EA', they acknowledge they COULD have brought more servers up, but decided not to.
    Acknowledgment that Beta testing is ongoing DURING Launch- Really?  We're not talking NCSoft's City of Heroes Test Server here, they're talking in-the-flesh Closed Beta.  Way to ship a ready-to-play product, there.
    Broken PvP in the form of respawn camping and instance jumping- 'Welcome to the game.  I know there have been some delays and revamps along the way, but we'd like to welcome you by using you as Beta testers, since our Closed Beta people obviously couldn't spot major things like this, or we just didn't care enough to fix them until the blemishes went public.'

    I'd provide links, but, hey Funcom closed their forums to the public!

    I have no vested interest in liking or hating AO, AoC, or Funcom.  Any ill-will they have with me has been earned.  As a consumer, I research before I buy.  A little unbiased research led me to the belief that Funcom does not properly support their products.  They may be quality games (I don't know), but you're buying the company just as much as the software.

  • local93bclocal93bc Member Posts: 353

    I will not be leaving my Real Life for AoC.



  • Wharg0ulWharg0ul Member Posts: 4,183

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by Wharg0ul

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by Wharg0ul

    McDonald's has sold millions of Big Macs. Does that make it the "be all end all, best sandwitch ever"?
    No, it's cheap, fast and easy. Like wow.
    Serving to the lowest common denominator does not mean you have a superior product.


    Mercedes are  the BEST selling cars in Germany.

    Does that make Mercedes a Mac Donalds car ???

    Of course not , it is selling becaus it is THAT good.


    meh...I'm willing to bet there are more VW than Mercades sold....not everyone can afford a Mercades. That's like claiming that Hummer is the #1 seller in US



    Thank you for answering my question, it is just what I wanted to hear !


     Mercedes is indeed the best selling car branch in Germany because people there have the money and homeland to acquire it and because it is THAT good.

    The same applies to Wow. You are constant INSULTING millions of people who PAY hard Euros/dollars just to keep playing this game because it is THAT good.

    Wow ain't cheap like Mac Donalds. It costs money, far more money than 99 % of all other PC games. Just like Mercedes isn't cheap to other cars, but they both sell a LOT, because of its added value.

    A value your childish  hatred doesn't see anymore.


    what are you smoking, and why aren't you passing it this way? WoW doesn't cost more per month than most of the other MMOs out there. the $15 per month is pretty much standard.

    And I'm childish? I'm not playing a cartoon game with a pre-pubescent community....nor am I on the WoW forums ranting about how superior AoC is.

    And personally, I am insulted at what WoW, and the mentality of it's fanbase, has done to MMOs and the internet in general.

    Now then, I think we've derailed this thread enough. If you want to rave about how good WoW is, do it in the WoW forums, or start your own thread here....although it will likely get deleted or moved to the wow forums anyway.


  • nbk247nbk247 Member Posts: 26

    gonna give AoC a shot till my monthly subscription is renewed with WoW. If i'm still playing then bye bye Blizzard (till atleast WofLK). If AoC turns into another Vanguard/LotR...then bye bye Conan.

  • openedge1openedge1 Member Posts: 2,582

    Originally posted by MMO-Maniac

    Where's the "Not going to play AoC" option?
    I'm not picking it up, because I'd rather read the books. It's the same reason I don't play LoTRo.
    The books for conan I like better than any video game can hope to be.
    So, i won't be leaving any game for it.
    No slight to AoC, might be a good game. I would rather read.
    Because that was not the poll...

    It was if you were leaving another MMO...and what it was...or if you are going to stay in that MMO...this poll was not asking "Will you play conan or not..."

    And the fact you are on an MMO forum, besides..."reading"...seems odd at best, that you would even say anything about an MMO game at all..



  • DrukstylzDrukstylz Member Posts: 189

    You all need a spanking. Its no longer about games, but about who is the biggest idiot. To hell with WoW , WAR and AoC. You have lost the ability to see a good game when it comes.  If you are searching for someone to tell you that this game is good and worth the money. Then punish yourselves as much as you want, this is an amazing game. Yes alot of people get stuck in lvl 1-20/30. But this game is here to stay. It is good, it is great and if you did'nt happen to like it there are other games. THIS ONE IS OURS!!!!!!!!!

  • Wharg0ulWharg0ul Member Posts: 4,183

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by Wharg0ul

    what are you smoking, and why aren't you passing it this way? WoW doesn't cost more per month than most of the other MMOs out there. the $15 per month is pretty much standard.
    And I'm childish? I'm not playing a cartoon game with a pre-pubescent community....nor am I on the WoW forums ranting about how superior AoC is.
    And personally, I am insulted at what WoW, and the mentality of it's fanbase, has done to MMOs and the internet in general.
    Now then, I think we've derailed this thread enough. If you want to rave about how good WoW is, do it in the WoW forums, or start your own thread here....although it will likely get deleted or moved to the wow forums anyway.


    No Mister , YOU started it with insulting people who play Wow. "Pre-pubescent community" is but one of these.

    So YOU better listen to some sane aguments of these "idiots".

    Wow costs indeed more than 99% of all other PC games (I didn't say MMO's). And in the field of MMO's it is a giant success.

    Comparing it to a hamburger, I just proved you wrong with a classy car, so don't evade now.

    And this is NO derailed thread because WHAT was the meaning of the thread again?

    "Are you leaving a BIG MMO for Aoc?".

    So I defend my game and my world that is constantly and unjustly  being attacked by some weed smoking guys who weren't even born yet when I played Dungeons and Dragons with friends.

    Better get used to it, because if there is ANY grognard overhere, it's on this side of the screen.

    Mr level 35 know it all.



    It's a"giant success" because most of the people playing havn't ever played another MMO in their lives, or their machines are too old for modern games. Have you heard that there is potentially a version for Mobile Phones in the works?? Tells you something about how low the system requirements are for the game....designed to run on any net the largest possible audience.

    That doesn not make it a better game. It just means it's more McDonald's food.

    Your game gets attacked on a regular basis because it has it comeing. People who can't even bother typing out the word "you" stream to that game, and vomit their immature illiterate filth all over anythng that isn't WoW.

    And quit with the age thing...I'm almost 40, have kids of my own (none of which play wow, mind you), and I've been around the MMO scene for a long time.

    The bottom line stands....WoW is a mediocre product that excels at nothing but breeding a superiority complex in immature individuals who can't even properly forumlate a sentence in many cases. If you can run some macros and addons, and spam one button while bunny-hopping like your ass is on fire, you are "leet" and an e-sport champion. (more like special oplypiad)

    Don't you have some e-peen measuring to do with the other orcs and elves?


  • Donutman40Donutman40 Member Posts: 25

    Leaving EVE Online. o7

  • ShohadakuShohadaku Member Posts: 581

    Currently playing EVE (for 2 years) and LOTRO (for about 3 months).

    I would consider leaving LOTRO if I could get a buddy pass so I can try Conan. LOTRO is still a very solid PVEMMORPG. PVP in LOTRO sucks imo.

    I am not leaving EVE anytime soon. Empire wars, Walking avatars soon. PVP is unmatched in this true sandbox hardcore PVP MMO. EVE also has one of the most important qualities I learned after being arse raped by SWG loosing my Pre NGE Jedi, LONGEVITY.

    So if someone would be kind enough to send me a buddypass ( or pm me here) I would honestly give Conan a open minded full try and sub if I like.

  • devacoredevacore Member UncommonPosts: 340

    I'd like to keep playing eq2 since it's great on so many levels but I do find the combat pretty boring.. dunno i'll see.

  • Wharg0ulWharg0ul Member Posts: 4,183

    Originally posted by devacore

    I'd like to keep playing eq2 since it's great on so many levels but I do find the combat pretty boring.. dunno i'll see.
    see, I was totally going to keep my LOTRO account and play AoC at the same time...but I just couldn't log into LOTRO after experiencing AoC combat system.

    So...sadly...I canceled LOTRO.

    Wasn;t too upset about cancelling AO....been playing since release, and there's nothing left for me to see there.


  • The user and all related content has been deleted.

    "Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin

  • DekapitatorDekapitator Member UncommonPosts: 261

    Leaving LOTR.

    Gonna keep playing Eve Online and Age of Conan.

  • icarus314icarus314 Member Posts: 8

    I shall be staying in my game: Lord of the Rings Online.


    There are a few things that do interest me about Age of Conan:

    1) The diverse character creation options

    2) The player built cities which can be defended and have NPCs

    3) The Hyborian Lore from Howard's books which I am not overly familiar with

    4) Cinematic story quests (only pre-20 I guess)


    That said, I am going to wait awhile to see what sort of upper level content exists and what their future plans are for bringing more content in.  I am a bit surprised by how fast people are reporting that they have leveled.

  • openedge1openedge1 Member Posts: 2,582

    Originally posted by icarus314

    I shall be staying in my game: Lord of the Rings Online.
    There are a few things that do interest me about Age of Conan:
    1) The diverse character creation options
    2) The player built cities which can be defended and have NPCs
    3) The Hyborian Lore from Howard's books which I am not overly familiar with
    4) Cinematic story quests (only pre-20 I guess)
    That said, I am going to wait awhile to see what sort of upper level content exists and what their future plans are for bringing more content in.  I am a bit surprised by how fast people are reporting that they have leveled.
    As of today...I am at 14+ hours of gametime, and I am level 17...

    And we know it will slow down. I could imagine clocking a 100 hours to level 40 easily...

    What you see are people who click all the way through the story quests, and just grind it out...and 20 more story quest exists as well.

    But, I feel these may be Open Beta, Closed Beta who played EA players and pushed it as much as they knew how...the speedline if you will...

    But, hey...speed kills!

  • Cochran1Cochran1 Member Posts: 456

    Personally, I wont play AoC. I am not currently playing  an MMO, and have to say it has been a breath of fresh air. Before I get the you should try a game before you judge it, why should I pay 50 bucks just to try a game I have little intrest in to begin with. No buddy keys because none of my friends will be playing either. Downloaded the "open beta" and didn't care for the content, and if you don't care for a game in the first handful of lvls you're not likely to give it enough attention to reach higher lvls where many of you assure people it will get better. It shouldn't get better it should catch my attention in the first few lvls or before I even open the box. No, I am not bashing the game, the people here who enjoy it should be playing instead of posting in these forums. Remember many of you spent 80 bucks on it, so why aren't you playing it?

  • openedge1openedge1 Member Posts: 2,582

    Originally posted by Cochran1

    Personally, I wont play AoC. I am not currently playing  an MMO, and have to say it has been a breath of fresh air. Before I get the you should try a game before you judge it, why should I pay 50 bucks just to try a game I have little intrest in to begin with. No buddy keys because none of my friends will be playing either. Downloaded the "open beta" and didn't care for the content, and if you don't care for a game in the first handful of lvls you're not likely to give it enough attention to reach higher lvls where many of you assure people it will get better. It shouldn't get better it should catch my attention in the first few lvls or before I even open the box. No, I am not bashing the game, the people here who enjoy it should be playing instead of posting in these forums. Remember many of you spent 80 bucks on it, so why aren't you playing it?
    We at least come to the MMORPG forums to discuss MMORPGS...that we are PLAYING..

    As we PLAY MMORPGS...and we discuss MMORPGS.

    What is your excuse?

  • Cochran1Cochran1 Member Posts: 456
    Originally posted by openedge1

    Originally posted by Cochran1

    Personally, I wont play AoC. I am not currently playing  an MMO, and have to say it has been a breath of fresh air. Before I get the you should try a game before you judge it, why should I pay 50 bucks just to try a game I have little intrest in to begin with. No buddy keys because none of my friends will be playing either. Downloaded the "open beta" and didn't care for the content, and if you don't care for a game in the first handful of lvls you're not likely to give it enough attention to reach higher lvls where many of you assure people it will get better. It shouldn't get better it should catch my attention in the first few lvls or before I even open the box. No, I am not bashing the game, the people here who enjoy it should be playing instead of posting in these forums. Remember many of you spent 80 bucks on it, so why aren't you playing it?
    We at least come to the MMORPG forums to discuss MMORPGS...that we are PLAYING..


    As we PLAY MMORPGS...and we discuss MMORPGS.

    What is your excuse?

    To keep up on games that might interest me, if you actually read the beginning of my reply I said " I am not currently playing an MMO" meaning I play MMORPG's but currently have no dedicated time toward one you shouldn't have started this thread if you didn't want just any members replying to it. All I'm saying is for it to be release day there are alot of people here posting rather than playing a new game ( considering that it was released in the middle of a drought of good MMO's ) just find it strange is all.

  • johanrönnjohanrönn Member Posts: 33

    Uhm... i myself have decicded to pick up the rise of kurnak boxed set instead..


    i took the option im staying in mine, but it should be leaving wow for eq2


    c yall in game :D

  • Black_ElvisBlack_Elvis Member Posts: 188



  • HumbleHoboHumbleHobo Member Posts: 116

    My computer is more than a year and a half old, so I can't play AoC. :(

    I guess I'll have to stick with WoW. It's really not THAT bad.

  • cloquilcloquil Member Posts: 2
    Tried AoC.
    I see none of the "new mechanics" they was telling in the ads. Nothing really new.
    I'm not a PvPer and i was hoping there will be something more than senseless PvP in AoC. I was wrong. If you love background, stories, RP... AoC is not for you. Even WOW quests are better...
    Disappointed I will not leave WOW for AoC. Still waiting for something really new in MMORPG.

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