I think comparing AOC to any established MMO is kinda silly. Of course WOW and EQ2 are better games. They've been out for years. They each have at least one full expansion. They're no where near the same game they were at the release. At release, I found both games to be boring. I played beta for both and never made it past a month. I got them both when they came out, again after a month my interest died. I did try them both last year and played them quite a bit because they adapted their games to make them more appealing. So if a person doesn't think that AOC offers anything new, they have a valid opinion. AOC lacks a lot of quality of life features and content that other MMO's have been able to install over their lifetimes.
That said, I think AOC has a lot of potential. It seems to have potential to be a better game than WOW or EQ2 does down the road. I had zero interest in this game all through development. My interest was only grabbed the week before open beta and I've been hooked since. MMO growth, however, depends more on post development that what happens at release. It can go up or down from here. My big concern is the developers seem like a bunch of monkeys who like to program with a sledge hammer. They make odd decisions and odd policy moves. Completely locking the forums is the worst decision ever. That's like free advertising. I have the game and even I can't gain access to the forums anymore. My friend is a forum mod, and he doesn't even know what's up with my account. Now I'm subject to CS. Apparently I'm not alone in this...They just seem to make bad decisions not realizing that americans(which currently is their major consumer) see their moves as clownish. Well, I hope all works out for the best...Or at least the game lasts till Champions-Online comes out.
According to your logic then SWG has no auction system.
The exploit was found on day 1 and the exploiters are already banned I believe.
The chat system is not a major problem, at least if you're an AO veteran like myself. But they could have certainly improved it. Well, looks like you just found a genuine thing to base a complain on, instead of the subjective ones you've been filling the forums with.
Left WoW, was only there for a little entertainment since my brother in law and wife play it. Sorry to them but I'm not sticking around that game any more.
And yet again, AoC does have an auction house. It'll best serve you to not show how clearly uninformed you are on multiple threads as well.
No it hasn't.
You can't bid on goods being offered.
and to rub it all in: here is some first reviews of your favorite game !!! (posted by a professional):
" ... An equally bad issue has been a few unscrupulous guilds who have apparently discovered some type of exploit that lets them gain money and experience far more quickly than intended -- so much so that players have reported seeing level 50 and 60 characters (out of 80) running around after only three days of play. Given the inevitable influx of gold farmers into the game, this is an invitation to economic disaster.
Certain aspects of the game also suffer from a distinct lack of polish. The UI, for example, is a clunky collection of buttons and controls that hide rather than highlight important information. A tiny triangle on the radar, for instance, allows players to switch instances in common areas. This is important because in order to keep the game smooth and populations in common areas fairly low, the game is heavily instanced. That means that getting groups together takes an extra five minutes just to get everyone in the same instance.
The game's chat system is also atrocious. It uses poor color choices and tiny fonts for text that can't be changed from within the game. It's also annoyingly difficult to properly tab conversation channels or subscribe to the right ones. Guild controls are weirdly split between the "Friends" and "Guild Management" buttons.
So far so good I would say....
Because english is not my native language, I tought it sums up what I always was thinking.
1) I don't know if conan has an auction house or not. I haven't looked. I imagine they would since they have crafting and you need to sell player made islands. If they don't, its not the first MMO that didn't have auction at release. Get over it. It will come.
2) Clunky UI that hide features....Read our manual
3) Nothing wrong with the layout and I find my chat box to be fine. You'll be able to mod your UI once they release tools. I'm not sure if you can change text now...I looked briefly but I was in the middle of playing and didn't want to pause. I will look tonight though.
Have to agree about some liking it and others not, It all comes down to personal choice. I do have a question about the "blockbuster preorder record" Are they only counting it as a first release record? Because iirc when Burning crusade came out it was pretty ugly, something like 2.5 million sold immediately and no copies on the shelves for about a week. I don't even know the numbers on original WoW's sales but the fact that they had so many players and not enough servers means they had a pretty big launch as well. If AoC is the new record, you just gotta love marketing spin
That is an expansion that came out 2 years after the game had been established...
No...that is not what they are comparing it to..
WoW had about 250,000 boxes sold...and that is what they are comparing it to...
LOTRO did about 200,000 sales in 6 months...lol?
No...this was a pretty big sale...and if they retain even half of that in scrips...they will be successful.
Man just about every post you have made has to have some bash of LOTRO. Give it up already.
Why do you assume my quote of sales for LOTRO is a bash...it is called truth..
Time to suck it up LOTRO lovers...it is not that good of a game, and did not sell like hotcakes..sorry I rained on your parade..
There...now I bashed it...I think....happy?
Surprised nobody called you on those numbers, LOTRO according to MMOGCHART estimates had 200,000 active subscribers after 4 months. So unless you are saying that it had a 100% retention rate (and no further sales in month 5 and 6) the box sales would have to be considerably higher than that.
In fact if it were 'not a good game' it would have a low retention rate and therefore require even higher ratio of box sales to active subscriptions.
I don't even play LOTRO but I do hate sloppy spin.
The last MMORPG I played was City of heroes/villains and that was over a month ago. I was waiting on the new issue but they are taking too long for my tastes.
I've been burned one too many times by "The Next Big MMO", i'm not going anywhere. Tired of spending 50 bucks to buy a game that turns out to be crappy, and no, i'm not saying this is the case with AoC, i'm just saying that there are more horrible MMO's out there then good MMO's.
Its seems that a lot of AoC playerbase are based on Ex-WoW´s. That's Interesting!
Wonder why
Because WoW has the most subscribers by a huge margine. Not too hard to figure out that if 5% of the player base leaves each MMO for AoC that WoW will have the most leaving since they have a massive amount of players. Pretty simple.
AoCs combat just makes me gag. Pretty game to look at but graphics dont make a good game.
Have to agree about some liking it and others not, It all comes down to personal choice. I do have a question about the "blockbuster preorder record" Are they only counting it as a first release record? Because iirc when Burning crusade came out it was pretty ugly, something like 2.5 million sold immediately and no copies on the shelves for about a week. I don't even know the numbers on original WoW's sales but the fact that they had so many players and not enough servers means they had a pretty big launch as well. If AoC is the new record, you just gotta love marketing spin
That is an expansion that came out 2 years after the game had been established...
No...that is not what they are comparing it to..
WoW had about 250,000 boxes sold...and that is what they are comparing it to...
LOTRO did about 200,000 sales in 6 months...lol?
No...this was a pretty big sale...and if they retain even half of that in scrips...they will be successful.
Man just about every post you have made has to have some bash of LOTRO. Give it up already.
Why do you assume my quote of sales for LOTRO is a bash...it is called truth..
Time to suck it up LOTRO lovers...it is not that good of a game, and did not sell like hotcakes..sorry I rained on your parade..
There...now I bashed it...I think....happy?
More of your rabid hatred towards LotRo. It's hard to believe you are 45. But as I mentioned in a previous response to your inane rantings, even if there were a shortage of 12 - 18 year olds playing these games, there would be a surplus of 30 - 40 somethings behaving like teenagers to fill the void.
FFS, get over it and enjoy AoC! You claim to like it so much but you seem to be here most of the time trying to stir up anti LotRo behaviour. Some people are going to leave other games for AoC, others are not! It's not a difficult concept! You did ask "ARE you leaving a big MMO", that illicits a YES or NO answer. You seemed to get upset that some people aren't. Does it really affect your life that significantly that some people enjoy the game they are playing and would rather continue to play it?
Have to agree about some liking it and others not, It all comes down to personal choice. I do have a question about the "blockbuster preorder record" Are they only counting it as a first release record? Because iirc when Burning crusade came out it was pretty ugly, something like 2.5 million sold immediately and no copies on the shelves for about a week. I don't even know the numbers on original WoW's sales but the fact that they had so many players and not enough servers means they had a pretty big launch as well. If AoC is the new record, you just gotta love marketing spin
That is an expansion that came out 2 years after the game had been established...
No...that is not what they are comparing it to..
WoW had about 250,000 boxes sold...and that is what they are comparing it to...
LOTRO did about 200,000 sales in 6 months...lol?
No...this was a pretty big sale...and if they retain even half of that in scrips...they will be successful.
Man just about every post you have made has to have some bash of LOTRO. Give it up already.
Why do you assume my quote of sales for LOTRO is a bash...it is called truth..
Time to suck it up LOTRO lovers...it is not that good of a game, and did not sell like hotcakes..sorry I rained on your parade..
There...now I bashed it...I think....happy?
Surprised nobody called you on those numbers, LOTRO according to MMOGCHART estimates had 200,000 active subscribers after 4 months. So unless you are saying that it had a 100% retention rate (and no further sales in month 5 and 6) the box sales would have to be considerably higher than that.
In fact if it were 'not a good game' it would have a low retention rate and therefore require even higher ratio of box sales to active subscriptions.
I don't even play LOTRO but I do hate sloppy spin.
I was going to...but I am sick of arguing with him and reading his posts.
****************************** Brandywine Global LFF chan "/joinchannel glff"
I began reading this thread to learn more about the type of gamers moving to AoC.. I've played most of the games mentioned here and wanted some sort of idea what type of gamer I can expect to find on AoC once my box arrives.
What I've learned reading the last 13 pages is shit.. I've learned jack shit and feel like and idiot reading the last 13 pages of your rant's and who gives a damn whatever.
Way to keep on topic..
Are you leaving a big MMO for AoC? If so Why ect. ect.
I was considering taking a break from WoW until WOTLK came out, but just joined a raiding guild. I'll probably play with them until we've seen all the current raids and are bored with them. But I did cancel my "alt" account. I'll be playing AoC on the side when I need a break from WoW.
So far, I'm liking the game, though I hope the game becomes a little more open later on when I leave the starter area. So far, it feels a bit like a single player action adventure game or something like Guild Wars. The combat is a lot of fun. I'm starting to wonder if I should have picked a melee combat class over a caster, since most of my fighting so far is melee damage. I have one offensive spell, and it gets interrupted more often than not.
Once I leave the starter area, I'll see how I like it. If it's good, I'll plan on making it my "home" at least until WAR or WOTLK comes out. I need to find time to squeeze in Mythos somewhere in there, too.
Have to agree about some liking it and others not, It all comes down to personal choice. I do have a question about the "blockbuster preorder record" Are they only counting it as a first release record? Because iirc when Burning crusade came out it was pretty ugly, something like 2.5 million sold immediately and no copies on the shelves for about a week. I don't even know the numbers on original WoW's sales but the fact that they had so many players and not enough servers means they had a pretty big launch as well. If AoC is the new record, you just gotta love marketing spin
That is an expansion that came out 2 years after the game had been established...
No...that is not what they are comparing it to..
WoW had about 250,000 boxes sold...and that is what they are comparing it to...
LOTRO did about 200,000 sales in 6 months...lol?
No...this was a pretty big sale...and if they retain even half of that in scrips...they will be successful.
Nevermind, I was hoping for some true facts and just got a bit more opinion so I looked it up myself.
And it was JUST a preorder record in which they weren't counting BC preorders like I asked. Its a marketing trick but 700k preorders is huge for a first release, I wonder what the final numbers will be when its all said and done.
Oh, and your numbers....WoW had 240,000 boxes sold on launch day... thats cash in hand, big difference between shelling out 5 bucks to get your name on a preorder slip and the 50 dollars for the full game. 12 hours into launch day there were over 100,000 people online crashing their 40 plus servers, 48 hours later they had added 40 more servers and there were 350,000 people playing....
LOTRO sold more than 200k boxes in the first few days, If you recall there were many Lotro/VG posts that mentioned their numbers.
Have to agree about some liking it and others not, It all comes down to personal choice. I do have a question about the "blockbuster preorder record" Are they only counting it as a first release record? Because iirc when Burning crusade came out it was pretty ugly, something like 2.5 million sold immediately and no copies on the shelves for about a week. I don't even know the numbers on original WoW's sales but the fact that they had so many players and not enough servers means they had a pretty big launch as well. If AoC is the new record, you just gotta love marketing spin
That is an expansion that came out 2 years after the game had been established...
No...that is not what they are comparing it to..
WoW had about 250,000 boxes sold...and that is what they are comparing it to...
LOTRO did about 200,000 sales in 6 months...lol?
No...this was a pretty big sale...and if they retain even half of that in scrips...they will be successful.
Nevermind, I was hoping for some true facts and just got a bit more opinion so I looked it up myself.
And it was JUST a preorder record in which they weren't counting BC preorders like I asked. Its a marketing trick but 700k preorders is huge for a first release, I wonder what the final numbers will be when its all said and done.
Oh, and your numbers....WoW had 240,000 boxes sold on launch day... thats cash in hand, big difference between shelling out 5 bucks to get your name on a preorder slip and the 50 dollars for the full game. 12 hours into launch day there were over 100,000 people online crashing their 40 plus servers, 48 hours later they had added 40 more servers and there were 350,000 people playing....
LOTRO sold more than 200k boxes in the first few days, If you recall there were many Lotro/VG posts that mentioned their numbers.
Who cares? Buy the game if you want to try it, if not thats fine too. But which company sells more all depends on how well their marketing department kept the gamers interested. If gameplay gets out that the game itself is amazing, you will see alot more sales...which is what I am hoping for myself.
I'm a veteran of over 20 MMORPGs (including every single one on this list; I only counted the ones I played for 3+ months), and I came out of retirement at the behest of my old guild to try Age of Conan.
Why? The hope of more interesting play than "Click... wait... loot. click... wait... loot". So far the game seems structured to fit my needs nicely.
So far.
20+ MMOs have left me somewhat jaded and pessimistic. I expect the worst, hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
I'm an "other" voter. I came from another genre. I'm a veteran of over 20 MMORPGs (including every single one on this list; I only counted the ones I played for 3+ months), and I came out of retirement at the behest of my old guild to try Age of Conan. Why? The hope of more interesting play than "Click... wait... loot. click... wait... loot". So far the game seems structured to fit my needs nicely. So far. 20+ MMOs have left me somewhat jaded and pessimistic. I expect the worst, hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
So by your tag below your post, i saw you were on "Hiatus from AoC" does this mean its not really fitting your needs and if not, why? I know a fellow that was very much like you, and he was all excited about AoC before it came out, and not that its out, he doesn't want to play and is looking for the "Next Big Thing in MMO's" again.
I look at these results and think they're meaningless because WOW's subs will keep on rising, specially after the expansion and AOC will most likely see a drop in subs from the 6 month point till it dies like everyother mmorpg.
I think comparing AOC to any established MMO is kinda silly. Of course WOW and EQ2 are better games. They've been out for years. They each have at least one full expansion. They're no where near the same game they were at the release. At release, I found both games to be boring. I played beta for both and never made it past a month. I got them both when they came out, again after a month my interest died. I did try them both last year and played them quite a bit because they adapted their games to make them more appealing. So if a person doesn't think that AOC offers anything new, they have a valid opinion. AOC lacks a lot of quality of life features and content that other MMO's have been able to install over their lifetimes.
That said, I think AOC has a lot of potential. It seems to have potential to be a better game than WOW or EQ2 does down the road. I had zero interest in this game all through development. My interest was only grabbed the week before open beta and I've been hooked since. MMO growth, however, depends more on post development that what happens at release. It can go up or down from here. My big concern is the developers seem like a bunch of monkeys who like to program with a sledge hammer. They make odd decisions and odd policy moves. Completely locking the forums is the worst decision ever. That's like free advertising. I have the game and even I can't gain access to the forums anymore. My friend is a forum mod, and he doesn't even know what's up with my account. Now I'm subject to CS. Apparently I'm not alone in this...They just seem to make bad decisions not realizing that americans(which currently is their major consumer) see their moves as clownish. Well, I hope all works out for the best...Or at least the game lasts till Champions-Online comes out.
And yet again, AoC does have an auction house. It'll best serve you to not show how clearly uninformed you are on multiple threads as well.
No because Wow has gameplay and Conan has nothing NEW to offer compared to Wow.
Oh, siege warfare and building cities are in WoW since when?
According to your logic then SWG has no auction system.
The exploit was found on day 1 and the exploiters are already banned I believe.
The chat system is not a major problem, at least if you're an AO veteran like myself. But they could have certainly improved it. Well, looks like you just found a genuine thing to base a complain on, instead of the subjective ones you've been filling the forums with.
Left WoW, was only there for a little entertainment since my brother in law and wife play it. Sorry to them but I'm not sticking around that game any more.
You can't bid on goods being offered.
and to rub it all in: here is some first reviews of your favorite game !!! (posted by a professional):
" ... An equally bad issue has been a few unscrupulous guilds who have apparently discovered some type of exploit that lets them gain money and experience far more quickly than intended -- so much so that players have reported seeing level 50 and 60 characters (out of 80) running around after only three days of play. Given the inevitable influx of gold farmers into the game, this is an invitation to economic disaster.
Certain aspects of the game also suffer from a distinct lack of polish. The UI, for example, is a clunky collection of buttons and controls that hide rather than highlight important information. A tiny triangle on the radar, for instance, allows players to switch instances in common areas. This is important because in order to keep the game smooth and populations in common areas fairly low, the game is heavily instanced. That means that getting groups together takes an extra five minutes just to get everyone in the same instance.
The game's chat system is also atrocious. It uses poor color choices and tiny fonts for text that can't be changed from within the game. It's also annoyingly difficult to properly tab conversation channels or subscribe to the right ones. Guild controls are weirdly split between the "Friends" and "Guild Management" buttons.
So far so good I would say....
Because english is not my native language, I tought it sums up what I always was thinking.
1) I don't know if conan has an auction house or not. I haven't looked. I imagine they would since they have crafting and you need to sell player made islands. If they don't, its not the first MMO that didn't have auction at release. Get over it. It will come.2) Clunky UI that hide features....Read our manual
3) Nothing wrong with the layout and I find my chat box to be fine. You'll be able to mod your UI once they release tools. I'm not sure if you can change text now...I looked briefly but I was in the middle of playing and didn't want to pause. I will look tonight though.
No...that is not what they are comparing it to..
WoW had about 250,000 boxes sold...and that is what they are comparing it to...
LOTRO did about 200,000 sales in 6 months...lol?
No...this was a pretty big sale...and if they retain even half of that in scrips...they will be successful.
Man just about every post you have made has to have some bash of LOTRO. Give it up already.
Why do you assume my quote of sales for LOTRO is a bash...it is called truth..Time to suck it up LOTRO lovers...it is not that good of a game, and did not sell like hotcakes..sorry I rained on your parade..
There...now I bashed it...I think....happy?
Surprised nobody called you on those numbers, LOTRO according to MMOGCHART estimates had 200,000 active subscribers after 4 months. So unless you are saying that it had a 100% retention rate (and no further sales in month 5 and 6) the box sales would have to be considerably higher than that.
In fact if it were 'not a good game' it would have a low retention rate and therefore require even higher ratio of box sales to active subscriptions.
I don't even play LOTRO but I do hate sloppy spin.
The last MMORPG I played was City of heroes/villains and that was over a month ago. I was waiting on the new issue but they are taking too long for my tastes.
So Im giving AOC a try and having fun so far.
I've been burned one too many times by "The Next Big MMO", i'm not going anywhere. Tired of spending 50 bucks to buy a game that turns out to be crappy, and no, i'm not saying this is the case with AoC, i'm just saying that there are more horrible MMO's out there then good MMO's.
I will continue playing Guild Wars alongside AoC when I get it. Later this year I'll be playing Aion alongside it too if all goes well.
AoCs combat just makes me gag. Pretty game to look at but graphics dont make a good game.
No...that is not what they are comparing it to..
WoW had about 250,000 boxes sold...and that is what they are comparing it to...
LOTRO did about 200,000 sales in 6 months...lol?
No...this was a pretty big sale...and if they retain even half of that in scrips...they will be successful.
Man just about every post you have made has to have some bash of LOTRO. Give it up already.
Why do you assume my quote of sales for LOTRO is a bash...it is called truth..Time to suck it up LOTRO lovers...it is not that good of a game, and did not sell like hotcakes..sorry I rained on your parade..
There...now I bashed it...I think....happy?
More of your rabid hatred towards LotRo. It's hard to believe you are 45. But as I mentioned in a previous response to your inane rantings, even if there were a shortage of 12 - 18 year olds playing these games, there would be a surplus of 30 - 40 somethings behaving like teenagers to fill the void.
FFS, get over it and enjoy AoC! You claim to like it so much but you seem to be here most of the time trying to stir up anti LotRo behaviour. Some people are going to leave other games for AoC, others are not! It's not a difficult concept! You did ask "ARE you leaving a big MMO", that illicits a YES or NO answer. You seemed to get upset that some people aren't. Does it really affect your life that significantly that some people enjoy the game they are playing and would rather continue to play it?
Get a grip!
No...that is not what they are comparing it to..
WoW had about 250,000 boxes sold...and that is what they are comparing it to...
LOTRO did about 200,000 sales in 6 months...lol?
No...this was a pretty big sale...and if they retain even half of that in scrips...they will be successful.
Man just about every post you have made has to have some bash of LOTRO. Give it up already.
Why do you assume my quote of sales for LOTRO is a bash...it is called truth..Time to suck it up LOTRO lovers...it is not that good of a game, and did not sell like hotcakes..sorry I rained on your parade..
There...now I bashed it...I think....happy?
Surprised nobody called you on those numbers, LOTRO according to MMOGCHART estimates had 200,000 active subscribers after 4 months. So unless you are saying that it had a 100% retention rate (and no further sales in month 5 and 6) the box sales would have to be considerably higher than that.
In fact if it were 'not a good game' it would have a low retention rate and therefore require even higher ratio of box sales to active subscriptions.
I don't even play LOTRO but I do hate sloppy spin.
I was going to...but I am sick of arguing with him and reading his posts.
Brandywine Global LFF chan "/joinchannel glff"
To be fair you'd probably get better results (more accurate) if you'd post this in the pub instead of the conan forums.
I began reading this thread to learn more about the type of gamers moving to AoC.. I've played most of the games mentioned here and wanted some sort of idea what type of gamer I can expect to find on AoC once my box arrives.
What I've learned reading the last 13 pages is shit.. I've learned jack shit and feel like and idiot reading the last 13 pages of your rant's and who gives a damn whatever.
Way to keep on topic..
Are you leaving a big MMO for AoC? If so Why ect. ect.
I was considering taking a break from WoW until WOTLK came out, but just joined a raiding guild. I'll probably play with them until we've seen all the current raids and are bored with them. But I did cancel my "alt" account. I'll be playing AoC on the side when I need a break from WoW.
So far, I'm liking the game, though I hope the game becomes a little more open later on when I leave the starter area. So far, it feels a bit like a single player action adventure game or something like Guild Wars. The combat is a lot of fun. I'm starting to wonder if I should have picked a melee combat class over a caster, since most of my fighting so far is melee damage. I have one offensive spell, and it gets interrupted more often than not.
Once I leave the starter area, I'll see how I like it. If it's good, I'll plan on making it my "home" at least until WAR or WOTLK comes out. I need to find time to squeeze in Mythos somewhere in there, too.
No...that is not what they are comparing it to..
WoW had about 250,000 boxes sold...and that is what they are comparing it to...
LOTRO did about 200,000 sales in 6 months...lol?
No...this was a pretty big sale...and if they retain even half of that in scrips...they will be successful.
Nevermind, I was hoping for some true facts and just got a bit more opinion so I looked it up myself.And it was JUST a preorder record in which they weren't counting BC preorders like I asked. Its a marketing trick but 700k preorders is huge for a first release, I wonder what the final numbers will be when its all said and done.
Oh, and your numbers....WoW had 240,000 boxes sold on launch day... thats cash in hand, big difference between shelling out 5 bucks to get your name on a preorder slip and the 50 dollars for the full game. 12 hours into launch day there were over 100,000 people online crashing their 40 plus servers, 48 hours later they had added 40 more servers and there were 350,000 people playing....
LOTRO sold more than 200k boxes in the first few days, If you recall there were many Lotro/VG posts that mentioned their numbers.
No...that is not what they are comparing it to..
WoW had about 250,000 boxes sold...and that is what they are comparing it to...
LOTRO did about 200,000 sales in 6 months...lol?
No...this was a pretty big sale...and if they retain even half of that in scrips...they will be successful.
Nevermind, I was hoping for some true facts and just got a bit more opinion so I looked it up myself.And it was JUST a preorder record in which they weren't counting BC preorders like I asked. Its a marketing trick but 700k preorders is huge for a first release, I wonder what the final numbers will be when its all said and done.
Oh, and your numbers....WoW had 240,000 boxes sold on launch day... thats cash in hand, big difference between shelling out 5 bucks to get your name on a preorder slip and the 50 dollars for the full game. 12 hours into launch day there were over 100,000 people online crashing their 40 plus servers, 48 hours later they had added 40 more servers and there were 350,000 people playing....
LOTRO sold more than 200k boxes in the first few days, If you recall there were many Lotro/VG posts that mentioned their numbers.
Who cares? Buy the game if you want to try it, if not thats fine too. But which company sells more all depends on how well their marketing department kept the gamers interested. If gameplay gets out that the game itself is amazing, you will see alot more sales...which is what I am hoping for myself.
I'm an "other" voter. I came from another genre.
I'm a veteran of over 20 MMORPGs (including every single one on this list; I only counted the ones I played for 3+ months), and I came out of retirement at the behest of my old guild to try Age of Conan.
Why? The hope of more interesting play than "Click... wait... loot. click... wait... loot". So far the game seems structured to fit my needs nicely.
So far.
20+ MMOs have left me somewhat jaded and pessimistic. I expect the worst, hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
So by your tag below your post, i saw you were on "Hiatus from AoC" does this mean its not really fitting your needs and if not, why? I know a fellow that was very much like you, and he was all excited about AoC before it came out, and not that its out, he doesn't want to play and is looking for the "Next Big Thing in MMO's" again.
I look at these results and think they're meaningless because WOW's subs will keep on rising, specially after the expansion and AOC will most likely see a drop in subs from the 6 month point till it dies like everyother mmorpg.