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Has anyone else noticed this? Why are the post son this site so negative? I completely understand when a game does not work like it's supposed to, but day after day people post and complain about the SAME topics. Seriously, how many times do I have to log on and see a post about Funcom, or SOE, or any other game/ company that failed to meet expectations. All of this negativity is starting to make me avoid this site altogether. I'm not asking that people stop voicing thier opinions, but GD, please balance the complaints with the kudos.
that's the thing. kudos games are being played, not posted on forums about.
bad games or implementations are being flamed on because they aren't playing them anymore and voicing why, plus mad about wasting $ is a big reason.
It's because of all the teenage boys. They just don't know what to do with all that testosterone. Besides that all MMORPGs suck, and most people only play them so they can complain about them.
I agree with you and I belive if you had any doubt about the community in this site, some of the answers you got here already proved you were right.
Unfortunately there will be no balance any time soon.
Every company, and every game has posts somewhere about it, both positive and negative in general. If you are curious about a game, read the review from multiple companies, like IGN, Gamespot etc.. Or buy the game yourself. As far as the MMORPG community being the most negative...I tend to disagree....every community gamming or not is negative and positive. I have noticed more problematic communities in FPS games because of people accusing others of hacking and the sort. Sometimes the community problem can be tagged to a specific server too.
@chuckdiesel, pace yourself. you just joined today and 28 posts already?
Aha. Now explain to me why forums with teenage girls aren't much better.
And don't you turn that question around, asking why I visit forums meant for teenage girls (...)! Stick with the issue at hand!
Seriously - I think the true question is why people who are a fan or dislike certain MMORPGs are so... territorial. Why does everyone want to convince their prefered MMO is the best, and why does everybody want to bring people who like a certain MMO, down? I truly don't get that. Who cares what people play and have fun with? Constructive criticism is okay - but people take it to levels way beyond that. Very strange and nonsensical.
Also, WoW sucks, lulz.
i think the responders on negative criticism are worse. for instance when i have an issue with an MMO i list it out for others to see. and i wait to see if people have a work around or "it's coming" or that can be done via...response.
"i am not liking this mmo because 1. REASON_1, 2. REASON_2"
what i would like to see responded to me is
"1. that can be done like this, etc. 2. there is a fix coming for that"
unfortunately i see
"if you f**king hate it then leave and play WoW!!!!!!!"
but that's the freedom of the internet i guess, being an ass
There's less censorship here and a large community here. As long as you aren't flaming people you can pretty much say what you want about a game and the mods will leave it alone. You can say what you want without fear of it being arbitrarily deleted and know that a lot of people will read it.
MMOs are going down the drain. Why shouldn't us be negative about it?
Because the people who are happy or at least content with the current games on the market are playing them. They have nothing to complain about.
This forum is by and large for those of us who do not like what they find on the market right now. So we come here to vent our frustration and console one another and try to fill the void that MMOs currently do not.
It's no substitute for a great game, but it's what we've got.
Most MMO games suck right now, if not all, and a lot of people use this place as a means to voice their displeasure. There is nothing wrong with that. That is what forums are for... OPINIONS
Tecmo Bowl.
the thing that makes this such a negative community...
its negative because this site is so focussed. all this site is about is MMO's (and to a certain extent only MMORPG's). go to any other multigame/platform site and you will see a much nicer community because there is such a broad range of things to comment on. here everything is so focussed that the differing opinions (quite mild on other sites) seem poles apart.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
You ever hear the old saying, 'The natives are restless'? There is nothing of interest going on in the mmo world at the moment, atleast for me. I think the same could be said of some others too.
I could play something beside mmo's, but I'm too slow for first person shooters, and playing single player games is boring now once you've lived in an online world.
And it takes soooooooo long to make an mmo, that when one tanks or sucks right out of the gate it's likely to be taken kinda hard.
Imagine for instance you are a guy living in a town with no women and you hadn't seen one in 5 years, and someone says, in 2 years a woman will move into town. So you start counting down the months, weeks, days, hours, minutes. And then when she shows up she is a dude in drag. I bet you would be a little disappointed.
I've noticed a few trends in my own posting:
I post enthusiastically when new issues come out for City of Heroes and Villains. I post a lot of positives, thank you's and some helpful tips there as well.
I post critiques of companies (or company as the case may be) that promise to fix things, and then don't, even after years.
I also post critiques of companies who market one thing, knowing full well they actually plan to deliver something else.
When I do post about a bug or issue in the City of games, I do it in their own forums, because I find that they tend to listen and respond helpfully.
When I critique one particular game, I tend to come here because trying to provide even constructive feedback on the official boards has been strictly censored, apparently for marketting purposes.
Tbh, I think that saying MMORPG has the most negative community is an unfair generalization. I've seen even the most bent out of shape gamer give kudos and helpful advice a number of times.
Many of the posts I've read are informative, or just for fun. They aren't always in favour of or against something.
Lots of posts have been outright amusing, and a few even inspirational
Oh, I just noticed you mentioned SOE, so here's some Kudos for you:
Kudos to Tiggs for standing up for the players, even though it cost her a job. Even more kudos to her for the work she's doing to support people in the armed forces with her site "". She really is a jewel.
So I take it you haven't been to OnRPG yet...
Don't say you weren't warned.
That's one of the main problems I seem to run into here. First off, I am indeed one of the most negative members of this site. However, my negativity has reasons, which I happily explain in the threads I have to post negatively in. However, no matter how many ways of "I don't like this game because...." or "This games' devs are idiots because......" posts I make, the fanbois will come in calling me a "hater" and a "troll". Instead of just acknowledging the fact that I have an opinion different than theirs, and at least give reasons instead of "This game suxxors!!".
Of course, I do tend to have the personality of a rabid pitbull at times, so maybe that's the problem........
Also this forum is a safe and relatively anonymous place to vent or just be an ass. If I'm frustrated with a game its easier to take it out on here than on the wife or the cats.
Try as you might, you couldn't even come close to making my life as difficult as they can!
Lol, have to agree there. My wife makes me pay big time if I take out my gaming angst on her...
when this site was younger it was a lot more civilized. This is what happens when you have hundreds of thousands of members
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Cause all the games are shit apart from like two which we're all bored of as they were released 4/5 years ago.
Talking about SWG much?
i hate everyone....... so yeah............ my best friend is a talking cheesecake......
<Mod edit>
To the OP: instead of a grain of salt, just take everything people here say with a bucket of it. It is after all your choice to read the negative stuff and ultimately affect you. More then half the time people will just post negative stuff to get a rise out of someone and then derive some sort of satisfaction from knowing that they successfully yanked your chain.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Yea OP its life bro, i mean you dont have to read the negitive posts, i do and some are so different from your own opinion you wonder if the dude just crawled from under a rock or just landed here from mars but i dont want to start a thread saying stop it, its his/her opinion which you should be thankful we all have here
It's people like you with your insatiable hunger for desserts of a Pie-like nature that is tearing this forum asunder. Be warned for I have spoken! SPOKEN!
To the OP: instead of a grain of salt, just take everything people here say with a bucket of it. It is after all your choice to read the negative stuff and ultimately affect you. More then half the time people will just post negative stuff to get a rise out of someone and then derive some sort of satisfaction from knowing that they successfully yanked your chain.
Pie is what brings te world together and makes life worth living! Maybe if the forum posters would come together and eat some pie together, there would be less negativity!
i'm still sour from the NGE