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Because this means one of several things:
1. You really, truly, do not like the game for some reason only you are privileged to. To me this is odd because there are so many other games out there - mmo, pc or console based - that suck even worse than AoC. You feel a need to let the world know why this game is bad, and you do just that by flaming everyone related to it.
2. AoC is surprisingly good and is a real threat to your favorite game - may it be WoW, LoTRO, Everquest, GW or what ever - so you feel forced to try and push it down into the ground. You need for people not to like AoC so they can continue playing your favorite instead.
3. You simply do not care about the game one way or another but you love to indulge yourself in the spirit of forum posting. You love hacking down on games just to create a reaction.
Maybe there are more, sure there are, but i might be close to one of which that you represent am i not? Ladies and gentlemen, start you flaming!!
Because of the amazingly idiotic unprofessional claim by AoC game designer that AoC is a steakhouse while Lotro/WoW are McDonalds.
Or because the game was nowhere near as good as they tried to advertise it and it fell horribly flat in the pvp department yet this was supposed to be the game that saved the true pvpers? There is so much that is borked with the game that people are frustrated they payed for it or wasted a free month?
LOL ok.
4.) I spent 50$ on a pile of shit. And if i cant get my moneys worth in playing ill get it in flaming.
If people feel the game sucks, that's fine. Let them post their opinions. Thats what forums like these are meant for. Troll posts are the main reason I keep coming back to forums such as this. I can see how this game was such a big let down to so many people. It sure did come up lacking in the end. Many broken promises from funcom so yeah, in that way the game does kind of suck. Dont really like your post OP
4. You're such a fanboi that Funcom grants you +1 fanboism which is a "trait" that lets you oversee all the major problem pitfalls. Rock On!
Hmm. I think the OP was aiming at people like you guessing by the way you just used some LOTRO term to badly make a point. Anyway you just helped prove him right so nicely done.
I see this kind of reactions everywhere. People, like the most of you who are upset, need to vent it onto others. That's normal i guess since we all do it.
I just love the posts where people write that they quit the game for whatever reason. They feel compelled to let everyone else know that they did just that, what they think is wrong with the game (which is great but really has no effect) and in the end they are the once ending up looking like the fool.
I'm not saying that you people shouldn't share your thoughts or concerns for any topic, but seriously, which MMO or almost any other game out there had zero problems at its release?
I'm not a "fanboi" (or troll for that matter) because that implies so much more. I enjoy the game, yes. It has problems, annoying bugs and what not... YES! But when it comes to game play, animations, graphics, player control and a lot of other things - the game is the first MMO to capture my interest since WoW and before that, SWG.
Everyone says AoC is such a let down but in the end, they all seem to base it on all the current bugs and problems. It will get better, give it some time. As for PvP... the game does have a lack of it yes which might be a main issue for some of you. But if we compare it to let's say WoW, they too started of with world-pvp which almost disappear when the battlegrounds arrived. Battlegrounds in my opinion are great fun and is something i really miss. In SWG we had these large PvP areas - great fun too.
I love pvp in AoC but that's only when I am in a group with my level 80 assassin, solo pvp is not viable.
The game has unique combat and that's the most important thing for me because that's what I'll mostly be doing anyway, I couldn't care less about crafting and resource gathering but I am still doing it because of guild city and battle keep.
The problem though is the hype FunCom placed on the game. And we weren't expecting it to be WoW PvP, we were expecting the PvP they advertised. You know, the pvp they said would be massive and just weeks before launch one of the Developers was on recording saying "hundreds of players" and the only way the public found out it was less than "hundreds" which would be 200 or more, is because a player in the open beta took a screen shot of the in game manual. Without him the let down would have been even larger.
Also, it was the first day of early access before we found out that they would not have DX10 ready for the game despite it being advertised as a Games for Windows game. So two major things right there within days of launch were found to be absent from the game, and they were two of the big selling points. Massive battles and Dx10 graphics. Now we have a very pretty game but lets face it, we want dx10, and instead of massive battles we have 8 players on each side added to an AV WoW battle. It isn't Age of Conan that is the root of the reason I don't want to play, it is FunCom. They are just really bad at addressing problems and were the same exact way when AO launched. It takes them a while to get their act together and I won't be fooled into purchasing another game of theirs in the future.
It isn't just minor bugs that are bothering people it is major bugs, it is the lack of itemization, how bosses didn't drop loot, how blood money isn't in, how pvp levels aren't in, how pvp rewards aren't in, how people can run away from you in pvp just by changing the instance really fast, how siege battles went untested by players in beta, how siege battles were buggy and laggy to all hell during the first fights, how they lacked siege weapons at first, how they added siege weapons but somehow managed to make them do 0 damage, and so on, and so on. These things add up and get really frustrating. I don't think most of us are leaving for forever, but we would rather wait until they give us what they promised or at least add a lot more polish to the game before we hand them money again. FunCom has a problem with their GMs now as you can see in these new threads, along with the fact that they don't publish full versions of their patch notes, and a lot of the patches where they think they are fixing things, they break new things during the process. They have had a launched mmo in Anarchy Online for 7 years now, they should know better than this. This game could be so much more if FunCom could get their acts together.
One last thing I would like to add is about you saying that our complaining doesn't matter. If nobody ever complains about a bad feature or something broken in game, how else does it get addressed and fixed? If they see thousands of people leaving their game because of the lack of pvp polish because of something they did or didn't do, I can assure you they will get to fixing it much faster than if we kept subbing and remained quiet.
I agree with the OP.
There are lots of immature kids nowadays on the MMO arena, who are coming to forums and trying to discourage others who are interested in playing those MMOs.
They do not look cool. They can only fool the other fools.
Play it yourself and decide. Do not give credit to the forum trolls.
AoC has great potential. I agree that they did not deliver what they have promised yet, but that does not mean all of the game is crap. Some people would enjoy, some would not. Learn to respect the players.
Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.
Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.
Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.
Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.
Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.
Even if I like your nick and use it quite often for my characters I have to disagree with you. Lots of points against AoC are valid. Instanced world is not a matter of faulty realization, but faulty concept. And the amazing claim by the game designer will make me avoid Funcom for the rest of my life.
I stand corrected and i see your point about all the problems. They are some major issues that needs to be addressed yes. Right now, all though the problems and bugs, i really aim to get to level 80. I still enjoy the game and hope they set straight most of these major issues.
I really would like to see "enhanced" PvP, maybe as massive battles as advertised, maybe as "battleground" similar options - just anything that will let me play PvP in larger groups against other ppl.
Yeah I use Xtort for all my characters. I have a toon called Xtort in AoC too.
Anyway, you might avoid Funcom or AoC or any MMO you dislike this and that. I have no problem with that. I have a problem with people who are spreading hate across forums.
You know, people are playing these MMOs. Maybe the things you dislike do not concern them at all, they love some other thing. There is no perfect MMO out there, and there will be no perfect MMO in the future. Some people will like some aspects of a game, play it, and some others will not like stuff and won't play it. Simple as that.
Don't get me wrong. I agree with some people that Funcom's strategy was wrong from the beginning. I am playing AoC for PvP, and a PvP with no death penalty sucks. No PvP rewards as of yet either. Instancing, on the other hand, was not something they hide at release I believe. This might irritate you, but for others this wouldn't be a buying factor at all. For me, I would love to be in one giant instance, but considering the performance requirements of this game, the decision they have made was quite on the track.
They have optimized their engine A LOT. I have been playing since the end of closed beta, and there are huge FPS/lag/collision optimizations. There are still some time to get things close to perfect, but they are on the right track.
Class balancing is going good. They have been nerfing kill-in-one-shot abilities with every patch. They have fixed lots of problems with feats etc.
Itemization is going good. Stats seem to be more meaningful now. Crafted gear is OP (stacking gems would get a nerf).
PvE is bad at the moment. Especially end game PvE. Raiding would not make most people happy.
You see, what Funcom did was, they ran out of money in the development, and considering the release of big titles such as WoW expension and Warhammer close to Christmas-holiday season, they decided to release it earlier. They got about $50 million dollars to invest on development.
We will see if they use it to add content, deliver what they have promised etc. I am not very happy with what they did with that decision, but if I was running a company, I would have done the same probably. It's a business for them after all, and they need to keep it running.
Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.
Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.
Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.
Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.
Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.
You are happy with your burger, and that is great.
However, the rest of us would like the fries and shake that were supposed to be part of the meal we ordered. Therefore, we will bitch.
They need to discount the fees:
Crappy customer service: - $2.00
No bar fights: - $1.00
No blood money - $1.00
No dx10 - $2.00
Etc., etc., etc.
Keep going until the price reflects the features left out. If they did that, they'd be selling the box for $20.00 and charging around $5.00/monthly. Then it might be worth it.
funcom devs= liers and hypers
Anyone paying to play a beta game with bugs everywere, half content, small, overinstanced must be a really desperate fanboi searching for naked toons..cause aoc delivers nothing else...its a fact, thats why theres only 30k players in Europe and i cant even sell my collectors edidion for half the price...i think to get rid of it i must pay someone to have it ...
Nobody with half a brain want such a piece of crap game...i played crappy games in my life for at least 5 minutes..but aoc breaks the mold...
So mister expert.... what are the options of we want a good enjoyable MMO experiance?
MMOs can always improve, it is sad that all mmos are incomplete at the release and full of issues.
I had this with Blizzard, Turbine, NCsoft, SOE, Sigil etc, it is just pure hypocrisy call Funcom the enemy.
We can ask for improvement and we can ask for what they promised, but the pure desire to see a game fail is just silly.
I just cant understand why people like you cant use just real arguments to trash a game, you need to be offensive with the playerbase and lie about the 30k players in Europe, you just lost all your reason and credibility.
So mister expert.... what are the options of we want a good enjoyable MMO experiance?
go look at pre-cu swg
it wasn't a game it was a world that everyone enjoyed that is what gamers want.
Yeah, i have to say that the smear campaign is trully in full effect. I've noticed it too.
Don't get me wrong, i am also disappointed because i had very high hopes for AoC, but when i get sick of the game i just go away. But so many other people don't see that as enough, and try the hardest to convince everyone else not to like it as well, as if they can't decide for themselves. People don't blindly think what they are told to, but hearing so many negative comments adds up subconsciously and when you are sitting thinking about the problems you experience, having all that negativity around just makes it worse and can lead you to giving up or losing hope all together.
I have seen the same thing happen with every single MMO that has come out for the past 5 years, if it was any good or a threat to some of the more established MMOs already out there.
We are talking about a huge amount of money here, this is big business, so i really don't doubt a huge amount of hackers and forum kids being paid to bash these games into the ground before they ever get a sturdy foundation.
The sad part is how many of them try so hard that it becomes obvious to anyone willing to wear a tinfoil hat for a few minutes, and they should really be fired....out of a canon into a wall. The amount of pure hate towards the game coming from people who act very immature and unrespectable probably does more to advertise the game than hurt it, and alot of people may just see the game as a something to be considered a threat to other games and therefore might be worth checking out. :P
Now i know there are plenty of people out ther with legitamate complaints for the game, that just want to see the things they don't like changed so that they have a good game to play, but you have to wade through millions of whinning and game bashing posts to find those.
Good thing for me that i noones opinion but my own seriously, and doubt anything that i don't experience or think up myself, hehe.
Too bad everyone is so greedy that they refuse to let anything in the world progress in order to make a quick buck themselves, which is why everything sucks and so many of us are always bored. Making great games will never be as important as making alot of money to people with enough of it to actually make an MMO, which is a shame because i once thought we were getting somewhere with this whole MMO thing.
Just goes to show, "The love of money is the root of all evil". And btw, its the LOVE of money, not money. Seems like people always forget that part. In other words, greed.
Yeah this is what I am talking about.
The posters like this should be banned from this universe, and should not consume the same air I am breathing. So disgusting...
Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.
Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.
Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.
Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.
Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.
I missed the OPs post because I was in the wrong instance of this forum.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Also, if you are trully mad enough about $50 - $100 that you will dedicate ridiculous amounts of time and energy into hating the game and company that made it, you need anger management counseling.
That was pretty funny though, haha.
I totally agree with you.
You might not like the game, no one is forcing you to play. But what kind of blatant motivation forces you to lie on forums and trash talk about a game where some others are enjoying? Where do you find that right? I have no problem with people expressing their legitimate issues with ANY MMO, but most of the complaints seem to me the words of the same 12 year old tortured kid, like some stick in one of their holes is forcing them to come to forums and whine about the MMOs.
I have seen it in PoTBS (which was a very complete game btw, when it was released), LOTRO, Fury, Tabula Rasa etc. etc.
The same stupid fat kid comes and does not respect its player base, the people who enjoy the game. Other stupid fat kids think the game sucks because of this. The people are given only one option, that is WoW. If you play that game, you are cool. If you don't play it, you are stupid because you are playing another MMO.
Let people play whatever they want. If you have issues with the game, express your ideas in a well-organized post, explaining why you dislike some certain aspects of the game, and what you really like about the game.
Trying to be a jackass does not make you cool, it only makes you fool in other people's eyes.
Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.
Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.
Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.
Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.
Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.
I think a lot of the heavy flamers are old Vanguard players, thirsty for revenge after "their" game was shot down like a drunken blimp in every forum on the net. Its not a good game but... some of the flames are just illogical, and sounds like exact copies of the problems Vanguard had in late beta and release. Especially the ones talking about "bland graphics"...
And I am amazed by the ones that hate Funcom for "Hyping their game". Man, they have a marketing division that spin some heavy marketing campaigns and telling people its a good game.. like some advertisment or something.. BASTARDS!
You gotta learn.. Don't believe the hype. Never believe the hype. You must have bought enough movie games to know that by now. Or you are age 12.
Anatomy of a Fanboi
This is you.