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The other announcement is that WAR is only going to start with 2 cities (empire and chaos) and the other 4 will be released post launch. This is actually good news, the way I see it, because they can focus on really making each city awesome instead of doing a half-ass job on each. What do you guys think?
I don't like it. They should have delayed the game to first quarter 2009 instead.
I like focused community hubs - this works well for me
They'll have to change the advertising on the box a bit, since you will really have one campaign instead of 3. But overall I'm not phased by it. People usually choose to gather in one place more than another anyways, and I'd rather have two huge, detailed cities than 6 smaller, less life-like ones.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
Considering the massiveness of these cities (yes i have seen them and i can tell you that since the dev's say it all the time) a delay till 2009 wouldn't be enough time to finish the other cities and make them awsome. Its taken this long to get 2 into testing atleast POST launch they'll have more time to focus JUST on those cities instead of everything for launch.
I'd rather get started playing the game and know there's going to be something fresh to play with later on than get started and wait a year or two years for something fresh.
A delay is just not a good option the problem of focusing on those 6 cities at once and lots and lots and lots of other art content for launch would still exist. Atleast now they have 2 they can nail down perfectly and still work on other things that need / have to be ready for launch.
btw if i want half assed done, broken content, and developer lies about launch material I'll go buy age of conan. They proved constant delays do NOT fix anything and they delayed ALOT and been in development for longer. Delays are not the perfect solution.
I dont like it too, what will happen if i dont that cities? They shoild give us more vararity.....And im extremely sad they gona cut out some class too..... What happen?
RIP Orc Choppa
They're still going to put in the other 4 cities, just not right at launch. I like it because they can really focus on making each city shine.
dude read the article on the front of this site it explains everything.
dude read the article on the front of this site it explains everything.
Sorry, what i miss? the site keeps loading half -way and stop....
RIP Orc Choppa
part of me is a bit pissed at the cut, atleast the cities will make it in.
But the classes is the biggest blow, i hope they eventualy get them in the game.
Im still getting the game. But i will give them this, they did tell us and informed us it will be even bigger and more eventfull. And the others will come.
So in my mind by the time we have had out fun with chaos and empire, we will have orcs or Dark elves ect
the more i type about it, its not as bad as i feel it is, Atleast its not a AOC where they wont tell us.
"Guys, I know this is going to be a big disappointment to you - especially those of you who had your hearts set on one of the four classes that were cut - but please keep this thread constructive and polite.
Remember that the stuff that has been cut has only been cut from release, not from the game, the plan is still very much to add them in later."
Im sad.... my choppa.....
RIP Orc Choppa
seems like Blizzard is not btter than other game companies I guess... promise heaven and earth and gives us a small piece of it.
I agree with their decision as to only having two cities at launch. I understand the reasoning and am sure Mythic will get around to releasing the other cities. What really gets me is the the cutting of 4 of the careers. Dwarves/Greenskins won't have a MDPS class and DE/Empire won't have a tank. I know their are other races with those archetyes to fill those rolls, but it just seems wrong that these races won't have all the archetypes available, especially the Dwarves/Greenskins who have been around the longest of any of the races. And seeings how each career has mirrors and all that crap, how could just these particular classes not be "fun enough."
I don't know. I appreciate the honesty about the capital cities, admitting that they didn't have the time to put forth as polished an effort as Altdor/Inevitable. It just seems to me now that Mythic is trying to crunch into the deadline they have set for fall, when they said they would push it back if need be. Not having all your classes in seems like a fair enough reason to me to push the date back further. The careers thing doesn't really affect me, as I wasn't interested in any of the ones they cut, but I know it will affect a lot of people who were interested in those classes. I imagine it will be a pretty big disappointment to these people, though I credit Mark Jacobs for having the brass tacks to come out and make this announcement.
I'm really curious as to what Mythic has planned for post launch. The article, I believe, states that they were not sure about whether or not they would scrap those classes or rework them for later. Obviously, you can't leave these races without MDPS/tanks. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Sorry OP for going a little off-topic. Just thought this would be better than starting a whole new thread.
what are you rambling about? We all KNEW this could happen the Mythic Devs said months ago they'd cut / remove from launch any content / classes etc that was SUBPAR...we just all were hoping lol.
Seiging is in, Keeps In, Lots of classes In, Huge Cities In, lots of content IN...whats there truely to whine about? All the basics are there just a few components that would be negative to experience are out.
what are you rambling about? We all KNEW this could happen the Mythic Devs said months ago they'd cut / remove from launch any content / classes etc that was SUBPAR...we just all were hoping lol.
Seiging is in, Keeps In, Lots of classes In, Huge Cities In, lots of content IN...whats there truely to whine about? All the basics are there just a few components that would be negative to experience are out.
This is true
This is dreadful..
The whole 2-faction RvR dynamic depends on there being 3 equally important parallel battlefronts. I feel this will hurt the game a lot on a fundamental level.
IMO they should have gone for all 6 cities but at a lesser scale, with large parts closed off to be opened later...
This 2 capitals thing will oversimplify and dumb down the global RVR game waaaay too much. I don't think this is a really good decision.
However, if they manage to release the other 4 capitals within a reasonable time frame, say not much longer after the first two get sacked for the first time, then it may not be so bad.
Sorry all. I can't climb the fan wagon for this announcement.
For all the money and time that has been given to Mythic, to par back content at this stage is disheartening. If they are anticipating thousands of players on a server, that means hundreds of players can potentially be in a city at a time. I foresee a lot of crashing at the city gates because of lag.
I can only surmise they had so much passion in promoting Aldorf and The Inevitable city, they simply put the other cities on the backburner then they looked at the calendar and thought , 'Crap, we hafta launch in 2008!"
It is small consolation that they didn't snooker us and launch the game after we bought it and hoped we wouldn't level up with no content for those other cities. See FunCom for that..
I am boggled how they churned through Hammerers and knights and choppas in the newsletters as if they were done with it. Now it aint good enough?
/rant off
Finally - Best site for Chuck Norris
You kinda have to look at it keeping in mind that they will add the other cities later. So yeah, it is kind of oversimplified at the start, but the other cities will be patched in later with, I assume, the first major content patch. I'm curious now as to how the fronts are going to work. If I fight on the Dwarven/Greensking front, does it contribute to war effort between the Empire/Chaos? Or do I have to go fight in the Empire/Chaos front to contribute to the effort of taking the capital? Because if it's the latter, those zones are going to be overloaded with players wanting to get a piece of the pie.
while I give them props for telling us this in advance, I still don't approve.
I have no idea how far along cities are, and if they would be useless in launch or not, but I DO know that you can have classes that aren't great at launch.
thats right I said it. give me my broken classes, I LOVE them, no one plays them because they are underpowered so I get to be different for awhile till they are fixed. I don't care if I'm at a disadvantage when it comes to PVP, I like being the underdog, so give me my choppa and KoTBS and even a silly hammerer.
The news about the cities is pretty sad to me, but the classes thing is what really gets me.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
They didnt' churned through hammers etc in the newsletters. If you go back through all of them the 4 classes cut are the 4 you almost never hear a thing about there's no special highlights on them at all. Its been a sign of darkness for a while.
No one's fan wagoning we're all sad etc but we would rather have ready features than broken ones, truth instead of lies, and content worth having. Theres no wagon we're just not letting some hold outs (not cuts, but hold outs) ruin an entire game.
The game is designed to support large numbers of players in one area, remember RvR?
They weren't underpowered, they were just not "fun". The Choppa is the only one that really surprises me, I figured it'd be "fun". But I bet KotBS was just run up, shield, taunt, hit, hit, hit...the most boring form of tanking. Hammerer was the least popular class in every poll I've seen, so that's no surprise. Blackguard seemed cool but we got barely any info on it, no in-game screens or anything, so I think that class would've simply taken too long.
It's fair to be sad but try not to lose all hope. If you don't want to play it at release perhaps keep an eye on it and see if they add in cities/classes. I think you're the majority though, you're more upset about classes than cities and if they had to add one in an expansion you'd want the classes first.
That's how I feel too.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
I almost wonder how much time they are going to spend to explain how this new arrangement is going to work game wise. How much time making podcasts and videos are they going to chew up to tell us how all this realm stuff is going to be revamped now that it will all funnel into two cities?
How will all the map pairings work now?
Time that could have been spent improving the melee dps classes...
Finally - Best site for Chuck Norris
Why not just delay another few months? Maybe 1stQ of 2009? In this way not only they have time to polish up the rest of the cities, maybe intro another class, but also it wont crash with the release of Wotlk etc....
Really hate to see games being rush out just because some people want their money now!!!!
RIP Orc Choppa
This sucks majorly, but I have said before I have always been a fan of releasing with less, more polished content and building quickly on your base than releasing with more, unpolished content and bugs causing the first months of your release to be about bug fixing and not content.
I say bravo for going the right way with this, but boo for the lack of content. Still I bet most fans would pay to play the game even with lacking content. Either way you look at it you will be playing to play an unfinished game. This has just become the norm with MMO's.
Well, just think of it this way. At least they aren't trying to make these classes fit in after release and end up cutting them. Plus, it will make the game a lot easier for Mythic to balance out between the classes.
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