BattleFelon, I highly doubt youd cancel the game after open beta. I can say without a doubt when you see all that the game has in it now, as it stands youll probably like it. I am in beta. I mean thank god thats one thing the NDA allows me to say hehe. I cant say why I think youll like it. I cant say why I think it will be good. Nor why I think it has flaws. I will say it has flaws. Ones which need to be fixed and this late in the beta its cutting it a bit close in my opinion. Thats about as much as I can say.
I love the game and definitely hold it in high esteem. I really truly enjoy the dev team and like you Felon, I see no reason to be negative this time. Its going to be a blast to see peoples reactions, good and bad, when the nda is finally opened. Holy crap do I have alot to say
BattleFelon, I highly doubt youd cancel the game after open beta. I can say without a doubt when you see all that the game has in it now, as it stands youll probably like it. I am in beta. I mean thank god thats one thing the NDA allows me to say hehe. I cant say why I think youll like it. I cant say why I think it will be good. Nor why I think it has flaws. I will say it has flaws. Ones which need to be fixed and this late in the beta its cutting it a bit close in my opinion. Thats about as much as I can say. I love the game and definitely hold it in high esteem. I really truly enjoy the dev team and like you Felon, I see no reason to be negative this time. Its going to be a blast to see peoples reactions, good and bad, when the nda is finally opened. Holy crap do I have alot to say
Yeah, there's flaws in the game right now, but I've heard there was significant changes to the beta today. Thinking about to driving to my friend's house(who's 100 miles away) just to see how much it's been improved.
Fanbois will however lose their platter alltogether once they lose their NDA snacks "It's still Beta" "They're placeholders" "The game isn't out yet!" "I'm sure they'll still change it"
Isn't it being a "hater" if you just assume game will be bad? OR If you're in beta isn't this a violation of NDA?
In either case you make yourself sound like a troll.
Objectivity will serve you way better even if the game is bad.
I for one am waiting to try it for myself.
After almost 10 years of MMO's, yes I assume games are bad till proven otherwise ^^ The statistics are with me. I'll be just as happy if it proves to be good, then I'll have something new to play, but until then, nope, I'm Mr. Negative
The game may not appeal to everyone nothing ever does. But I understand your hating on MMO's Pheace it is frustrating so many companies think they can feed us crap and not give a damn about it. Us older MMO guys are a dieing lot and alot of the new stuff as you know is being pushed toward the masses. So either you conform and try something and try and like it or you hang on to your old ways and think that the old play styles will come back.
WOW was a success and thus now most companies want to follow this and see how much it makes and want a piece of the pie. So what do they do? They copy elements of it and put there own spins so in alot of games we get the same old stuff with a different shell.
I am in WAR beta and as people know thats all we can say. But everyone shouldn't worry so.
Shamuonrye I cant wait to get home and see whats been going on in beta. I heard somethings up today as well but cant confirm that nor deny it because Ive been at work 2 days
BattleFelon, I highly doubt youd cancel the game after open beta. I can say without a doubt when you see all that the game has in it now, as it stands youll probably like it. I am in beta. I mean thank god thats one thing the NDA allows me to say hehe. I cant say why I think youll like it. I cant say why I think it will be good. Nor why I think it has flaws. I will say it has flaws. Ones which need to be fixed and this late in the beta its cutting it a bit close in my opinion. Thats about as much as I can say.
I love the game and definitely hold it in high esteem. I really truly enjoy the dev team and like you Felon, I see no reason to be negative this time. Its going to be a blast to see peoples reactions, good and bad, when the nda is finally opened. Holy crap do I have alot to say
Yeah, there's flaws in the game right now, but I've heard there was significant changes to the beta today. Thinking about to driving to my friend's house(who's 100 miles away) just to see how much it's been improved.
Isn't it being a "hater" if you just assume game will be bad? OR If you're in beta isn't this a violation of NDA?
In either case you make yourself sound like a troll.
Objectivity will serve you way better even if the game is bad.
I for one am waiting to try it for myself.
After almost 10 years of MMO's, yes I assume games are bad till proven otherwise ^^ The statistics are with me. I'll be just as happy if it proves to be good, then I'll have something new to play, but until then, nope, I'm Mr. Negative
The game may not appeal to everyone nothing ever does. But I understand your hating on MMO's Pheace it is frustrating so many companies think they can feed us crap and not give a damn about it. Us older MMO guys are a dieing lot and alot of the new stuff as you know is being pushed toward the masses. So either you conform and try something and try and like it or you hang on to your old ways and think that the old play styles will come back.
WOW was a success and thus now most companies want to follow this and see how much it makes and want a piece of the pie. So what do they do? They copy elements of it and put there own spins so in alot of games we get the same old stuff with a different shell.
I am in WAR beta and as people know thats all we can say. But everyone shouldn't worry so.
That's funny. If being in beta was all you could say, then you would have stopped there.
Shamuonrye I cant wait to get home and see whats been going on in beta. I heard somethings up today as well but cant confirm that nor deny it because Ive been at work 2 days
you have 0% credibility
you are not in beta