WAR graphics don't really look much like WOW's if you have any eye for detail at all. The generic character models have a similarity because they are from the same basic IP but the graphics themselves don't look anything like each other.
As others have said WAR is the first mmorpg to be fully based around PvP from ground up, yeah I said first ever because it is true. Many other games have had PvP as the end game but no other game has integrated PvP into the basic gameplay in the same manner that WAR has. You really can play this game without even once touching PvE if that is how you want to do things.
"WAR will have 10 different classes per Realm, while WoW has all the same classes for each realm." Thats kind of a half truth since classes on either side are copies of the other and only 1 race can play a particular class. So though more total classes, after taking out dups and adding race restrictions its much more limiting in the search for your toon. Really there are really only two things wrong with WoW, dated graphics and most of us are capped out and just burnt out. I'd love for WAR to be in 2008 what WoW was in 2004. Time will tell.
And a class in Wow can have different functions.
A druid or Pala can be a tank, a healer or a dps machine.
meaning one class with 3 complete different roles. The respec costs these days is ... 4 daily quests.
How many hybrid classes with so diverse roles are there in Warhammer?
WAR has 20 classes total even after removing 4. WOW has 9 classes maybe 10 and thats with 2 sides. Also who cares about how many hybrid classes Warhammer has it have many unique classes. To bad I can't say that about WOW and its pass its 3 years mark.
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch Now Playing : Black Desert Online "America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
RvR + PvP > PvP only Massive PvP > Small-scale PvP World PvP objectives > Instanced item grind PvP WAR PvP content > WOW PvP content (4BG + Arena) Game balanced around PvP > game balanced around PvE then PvP PvP centric game > PvE centric game and if the gameplay is any good, WAR PvP >>> WOW PvP
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch Now Playing : Black Desert Online "America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
Vicksburg..WoW is the best ITS AWSOME..NO game will ever be that good EVEERRRR..Blizzard spent BILLIONS on it..War is spending 39 cents to get developed..Blizzard made flying mounts...War cant afford flying mounts tytyty for that input...We will have Pong in comparison to WoW...PvP is SOOOOO much better in WoW..War PvP will be soooo boring thank God you wont buy it to be that bored..now dont buy War and go spend your money on WoW ... by the Vicks how long have you been in War Beta...ya I thought so NEVER! /ignore.
The big difference from a Wow player ??? WAR is being made at 1/50th of the development resources Blizzard has. So not True....then again You don't work for either company so this is completely speculation / dehype / troll comment regardless. And it shows ! .... hence no seamless open worlds, but LOADED screens between zones Uh Not true...I can't say why its not true since its still NDA covered hence no underwater worlds. This is not the reaosn they stated the reason...no where in the Warhammer Games ever have you ever gone to an underwater city. There are no underwater colonies & races so whats the point of making up things that don't exist? They aren't the owners of the IP they can't just make up shit that doesn't exist. hence no flying units (and Warhammer lore is FULL of flying units). There are flying units...you just don't get to Play one. just because yo ucan't play it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. BTW the Dwarft Mount IS techincally a flying mount btw and a hell of alot cooler than some stinky ass Goat and about a 66% cut in the promised siege cities even 3 months before release. Uh WoW had 1 Raid (that was broken) and None of the Dragons when it Launched ..so it was missing 95% of its End game. Atleast war is launching with a whole lot more of its. Infact atleast it has end game works plus they're giving us even MORE stuff to make up for the other cities. Those still believing that WAR has better PvP animation : you just type Warhammer video in Google and look at ALL the video stuff you can find. No one gives a damn about animation they just want PVP that matters and WoW doesn't have that even its Open Warfare 'zone' is completely pointless it doesn't affect your whole race or faction or anything just that area so its completely dumb and a mini game The argument of 2 years old or one year old or players NOT used to playing were already raised here a million time. Mostly I think the videos are being played by some 80 year old. No excuses: the PvP fighting in War is slow with "gliding" characters and incredibly stiff. Even LOTRO had better animated avatars (and that says a LOT). You techincally don't even know if this is true since you've only seen some crap videos recorded by people with miscellianious X machine and Build X of a BETA where their only concern is the gameplay and not the artwork The end result is that you'll end up with DAoC2 (the days are short) but this time with battleground instances (with server clusters lol) and a very slow leveling process through endless public quest grinding to finally come to a "deus ex machina" - a final capitol battle every 2 weeks or so .... of which half(!) will be instanced btw (making the "famous" final epic open world pvp rather "small"). Wow I love Troll speculation lol you have no idea NO PVE raiding at all (unless you want to call ONE instanced end boss a viable raid.) THank mother fucking God...PvE Raiding takes away from RvR .... this is WAR not WoW. We only need 1 WoW be thankful for that. Also the fact your avatar turns into a chicken when entering lower zones is a real laugh. And yet most people who are interested in WAR are thankful because there's really no point in allowing lvl 40s to mash on some lvl 10s and thus destroy the entire Central concept to the game. The makers of WAR themselves (with the ever present and yelling "Led Zeppelin" Paul on top) already stated that Warhammer is an "awesome" game and not even an open ended MMORPG in the real sense. .... WoW's not open ended so whats the point of this argument? Mind you "awesome" in Paul's view is a rather often used word to describe something that has been seen in about every MMORPG ever published in the last 5 years. Yea...but it describes the way they did it as awsome..and frankly I agree there's alot they've done that yea its techincally in another game but the way they did it the way it falls into place is different..and it works and it feels fluid thats something other games have failed to do including WoW. The professions are far too limited, the world far too small (certainly after the 66% cut in City sieges) and the end game is purely based on RvR with EVER repeating grind to... Well this game is about WAR and you need most of your people out there Taking down 2 Tier 4 areas..do we really need people sitting around nitting and playing gold farmer? There's already X amount of games that allow this ...im glad atleast one game is doing another direction. reconquer what you already conquered before. Thats the nature of life..go over to the Middle East and take a look; Every 2 weeks or so. Suddenly for the fans, instanced battlegrounds are not that negative anymore ... ....and of course the big difference between War and Wow is that War will be the 9th Wow killer in a row. The others can be found in the trash bin at 5 Euro a piece. happy gaming.
Well I'm glad you wont' be playing Vick though im confused why are you constanty trolling here if you love WoW I mean..WoW isn't dead its up and running..shouldn't you be playing Wow?? I suppose this is where you show your true nature though.. Your nothing but a Troll you have no idea what your talking about and it shows to anyone who's Actually played the game or even read in depth about the game and the design that they have. If your looking for another WoW there's the door over there exit stage left go down two blocks and turn right you'll see WoW at the end of the street. Go play it. We don't need 10000000 games that all play like WoW. 1 WoW is enough.
He is scared of Warhammer. Why would he be here so much trying to keep potential players away if he was not ?. He knows the superior RvR design will take away the last vestige of pvp in wow.
If anyone actually trying to get info on the game on theses boards ( lol) , don't believe anything this guy says (Vicksburg) , he is full of shit . Wait until the NDA drops instead. It's gonna pwned your face harder than a facehugger.
Vicksburg..WoW is the best ITS AWSOME..NO game will ever be that good EVEERRRR..Blizzard spent BILLIONS on it..War is spending 39 cents to get developed..Blizzard made flying mounts...War cant afford flying mounts tytyty for that input...We will have Pong in comparison to WoW...PvP is SOOOOO much better in WoW..War PvP will be soooo boring thank God you wont buy it to be that bored..now dont buy War and go spend your money on WoW ... by the Vicks how long have you been in War Beta...ya I thought so NEVER! /ignore.
Vicksburg the WOW fanboi pre-ordered WAR apparently from another of his posts LMAO.
Originally posted by fuzzylojik Originally posted by SpookX Vicksburg..WoW is the best ITS AWSOME..NO game will ever be that good EVEERRRR..Blizzard spent BILLIONS on it..War is spending 39 cents to get developed..Blizzard made flying mounts...War cant afford flying mounts tytyty for that input...We will have Pong in comparison to WoW...PvP is SOOOOO much better in WoW..War PvP will be soooo boring thank God you wont buy it to be that bored..now dont buy War and go spend your money on WoW ... by the Vicks how long have you been in War Beta...ya I thought so NEVER! /ignore.
Vicksburg the WOW fanboi pre-ordered WAR apparently from another of his posts LMAO.
well dudes we havnt played war yet u cant talk about its pvp system until u played it u know and how long has wow been out , they had enough time to get 3 expansions the third one is coming out and a shit load of nerfs and patches and player request and wow its getting competition so they are putting new things in its new expansions so they will come back but still wow is good and diablo 3 will be good too
well dudes we havnt played war yet u cant talk about its pvp system until u played it u know and how long has wow been out , they had enough time to get 3 expansions the third one is coming out and a shit load of nerfs and patches and player request and wow its getting competition so they are putting new things in its new expansions so they will come back but still wow is good and diablo 3 will be good too
---------------------------------------- Talking about SWG much?
Good trolls don't outright cause a flame Vick. They do little things that slowly builds the fire. THIS FORUM DESERVES A HIGHER CLASS OF CRIMINAL!
So what I'm getting at is...can we please have one real discussion that doesn't end in a thread lock because people feel this overwhelming need to call eachother names and bash a game because it somehow 'threatens' their home game. Seriously...in elementry school did you not hear "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all". Critique WAR...tell us how you would make it better in an unarrogant fashion. You god damn know the line between flame and a real, legitimate concern. Stop acting like children and put on the big girl panties!...I tease, I tease.
I'll just quote myself.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Also to be fair to WOW it currently has the best PVP out of any mmorpg despite all the flaws, the combat is easily the most fun and polished and balanced despite what all the class whiners say. The new BG's like the normandy styled seige layout where I'm guessing you have to knock down buildings with seige wepaons also looks very kool.
Not that i'm gonna play it cause I got bored of WOW in 05.
---------------------------------------- Talking about SWG much?
The big difference from a Wow player ??? WAR is being made at 1/50th of the development resources Blizzard has. And it shows ! .... hence no seamless open worlds, but LOADED screens between zones hence no underwater worlds. hence no flying units (and Warhammer lore is FULL of flying units). and about a 66% cut in the promised siege cities even 3 months before release. Those still believing that WAR has better PvP animation : you just type Warhammer video in Google and look at ALL the video stuff you can find. The argument of 2 years old or one year old or players NOT used to playing were already raised here a million time. Mostly I think the videos are being played by some 80 year old. No excuses: the PvP fighting in War is slow with "gliding" characters and incredibly stiff. Even LOTRO had better animated avatars (and that says a LOT). The end result is that you'll end up with DAoC2 (the days are short) but this time with battleground instances (with server clusters lol) and a very slow leveling process through endless public quest grinding to finally come to a "deus ex machina" - a final capitol battle every 2 weeks or so .... of which half(!) will be instanced btw (making the "famous" final epic open world pvp rather "small"). NO PVE raiding at all (unless you want to call ONE instanced end boss a viable raid.) Also the fact your avatar turns into a chicken when entering lower zones is a real laugh. The makers of WAR themselves (with the ever present and yelling "Led Zeppelin" Paul on top) already stated that Warhammer is an "awesome" game and not even an open ended MMORPG in the real sense. Mind you "awesome" in Paul's view is a rather often used word to describe something that has been seen in about every MMORPG ever published in the last 5 years. The professions are far too limited, the world far too small (certainly after the 66% cut in City sieges) and the end game is purely based on RvR with EVER repeating grind to... reconquer what you already conquered before. Every 2 weeks or so. Suddenly for the fans, instanced battlegrounds are not that negative anymore ... ....and of course the big difference between War and Wow is that War will be the 9th Wow killer in a row. The others can be found in the trash bin at 5 Euro a piece. happy gaming.
Oh god, YES!
Finally someone who isn't an inbred super fan who just eat it all and yell "omg it's better than wow! better pvp! blah blah blah!".
Honestly everything i've seen so far on WAR is that it's slow paced and looks like something that was made by a guy with parkinson's syndrome....
WAR better than WoW? If you a burned out on WoW after playing it billion hours too much, perhaps, or if you suffered from a massive braindamage, sure it'll be greater than WoW.
I'll stay on something that has proven itself, i'm not playing WoW atm anymore but will surely be back in the expansion, else there's some nice "underdog" mmorpgs whose actually got the funds to match WoW than the bumlike funds we have seen with WAR and AoC.
Aion is my only safe bet atm, other than WotLK ofcourse. Maybe Blade &Soul but hell only a gameplay trailer can't be enough to go out and buy a PS3 and a new 42"+ screen just to play it.
The big difference from a Wow player ??? WAR is being made at 1/50th of the development resources Blizzard has. And it shows ! .... hence no seamless open worlds, but LOADED screens between zones hence no underwater worlds. hence no flying units (and Warhammer lore is FULL of flying units). and about a 66% cut in the promised siege cities even 3 months before release. Those still believing that WAR has better PvP animation : you just type Warhammer video in Google and look at ALL the video stuff you can find. The argument of 2 years old or one year old or players NOT used to playing were already raised here a million time. Mostly I think the videos are being played by some 80 year old. No excuses: the PvP fighting in War is slow with "gliding" characters and incredibly stiff. Even LOTRO had better animated avatars (and that says a LOT). The end result is that you'll end up with DAoC2 (the days are short) but this time with battleground instances (with server clusters lol) and a very slow leveling process through endless public quest grinding to finally come to a "deus ex machina" - a final capitol battle every 2 weeks or so .... of which half(!) will be instanced btw (making the "famous" final epic open world pvp rather "small"). NO PVE raiding at all (unless you want to call ONE instanced end boss a viable raid.) Also the fact your avatar turns into a chicken when entering lower zones is a real laugh. The makers of WAR themselves (with the ever present and yelling "Led Zeppelin" Paul on top) already stated that Warhammer is an "awesome" game and not even an open ended MMORPG in the real sense. Mind you "awesome" in Paul's view is a rather often used word to describe something that has been seen in about every MMORPG ever published in the last 5 years. The professions are far too limited, the world far too small (certainly after the 66% cut in City sieges) and the end game is purely based on RvR with EVER repeating grind to... reconquer what you already conquered before. Every 2 weeks or so. Suddenly for the fans, instanced battlegrounds are not that negative anymore ... ....and of course the big difference between War and Wow is that War will be the 9th Wow killer in a row. The others can be found in the trash bin at 5 Euro a piece. happy gaming.
Oh god, YES!
Finally someone who isn't an inbred super fan who just eat it all and yell "omg it's better than wow! better pvp! blah blah blah!".
Honestly everything i've seen so far on WAR is that it's slow paced and looks like something that was made by a guy with parkinson's syndrome....
WAR better than WoW? If you a burned out on WoW after playing it billion hours too much, perhaps, or if you suffered from a massive braindamage, sure it'll be greater than WoW.
I'll stay on something that has proven itself, i'm not playing WoW atm anymore but will surely be back in the expansion, else there's some nice "underdog" mmorpgs whose actually got the funds to match WoW than the bumlike funds we have seen with WAR and AoC.
Aion is my only safe bet atm, other than WotLK ofcourse. Maybe Blade &Soul but hell only a gameplay trailer can't be enough to go out and buy a PS3 and a new 42"+ screen just to play it.
bashing a game that isn't even out yet? *claps* I don't know where everyone gets this idea that WoW was perfect at launch. The only reason it's so popular is because the only choices at the time was WoW and EQ2. Guess which one turned out better? WoW was not a perfect angel at launch. WAR will not be a perfect angel at launch, but I'm not going to give up on WAR unless it turns out to be another AoC. Nothing is going to kill WoW but WoW itself. Games will chip away from it's playerbase, but nothing will kill it until Blizz pulls the plug.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Originally posted by Vicksburg Originally posted by Solude "WAR will have 10 different classes per Realm, while WoW has all the same classes for each realm." Thats kind of a half truth since classes on either side are copies of the other and only 1 race can play a particular class. So though more total classes, after taking out dups and adding race restrictions its much more limiting in the search for your toon. Really there are really only two things wrong with WoW, dated graphics and most of us are capped out and just burnt out. I'd love for WAR to be in 2008 what WoW was in 2004. Time will tell.
And a class in Wow can have different functions. A druid or Pala can be a tank, a healer or a dps machine. meaning one class with 3 complete different roles. The respec costs these days is ... 4 daily quests. How many hybrid classes with so diverse roles are there in Warhammer?
I guess I am bored while testing my OC'd rig ;p
But here it goes, WAR will have 20 UNIQUE classes ( 10 per Realm, again they are NOT copies, they are unique for each realm ), each class will 3 trees to spec in. You won't be able to completely change the class, like you can with a Priest ( Shadow vs Holy/Disc ), but you will be able to do very different things with each class. Every healer is a hybrid, so you can do DPS and heal for example.
WOW has 9 unique classes and they are the same for Horde and Alliance, which is easier to balance, but less diverse.
So it is clear that if you like choice in classes WAR is better ...
Again, I am happy you still like WoW, I liked WoW, for several things, but now I need something else again, and I a really hope that WAR will be DAoC II like you are saying, because that would be the best.
About the scenarios, again, you are right, there are many of them, but you wont have access to all of them all the time and there are many different ones, so it wont become a grind.
But yes, I prefer Open World RvR and WAR will have that, and have alot more of that then WoW has and will have in the foreseeable future. So my choice is a no brainer, WAR will be my next MMO.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site : http://mmodata.blogspot.be/ Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
Originally posted by Qmire Originally posted by Vicksburg The big difference from a Wow player ??? WAR is being made at 1/50th of the development resources Blizzard has. And it shows ! .... hence no seamless open worlds, but LOADED screens between zones hence no underwater worlds. hence no flying units (and Warhammer lore is FULL of flying units). and about a 66% cut in the promised siege cities even 3 months before release. Those still believing that WAR has better PvP animation : you just type Warhammer video in Google and look at ALL the video stuff you can find. The argument of 2 years old or one year old or players NOT used to playing were already raised here a million time. Mostly I think the videos are being played by some 80 year old. No excuses: the PvP fighting in War is slow with "gliding" characters and incredibly stiff. Even LOTRO had better animated avatars (and that says a LOT). The end result is that you'll end up with DAoC2 (the days are short) but this time with battleground instances (with server clusters lol) and a very slow leveling process through endless public quest grinding to finally come to a "deus ex machina" - a final capitol battle every 2 weeks or so .... of which half(!) will be instanced btw (making the "famous" final epic open world pvp rather "small"). NO PVE raiding at all (unless you want to call ONE instanced end boss a viable raid.) Also the fact your avatar turns into a chicken when entering lower zones is a real laugh. The makers of WAR themselves (with the ever present and yelling "Led Zeppelin" Paul on top) already stated that Warhammer is an "awesome" game and not even an open ended MMORPG in the real sense. Mind you "awesome" in Paul's view is a rather often used word to describe something that has been seen in about every MMORPG ever published in the last 5 years. The professions are far too limited, the world far too small (certainly after the 66% cut in City sieges) and the end game is purely based on RvR with EVER repeating grind to... reconquer what you already conquered before. Every 2 weeks or so. Suddenly for the fans, instanced battlegrounds are not that negative anymore ... ....and of course the big difference between War and Wow is that War will be the 9th Wow killer in a row. The others can be found in the trash bin at 5 Euro a piece. happy gaming.
Oh god, YES!
Finally someone who isn't an inbred super fan who just eat it all and yell "omg it's better than wow! better pvp! blah blah blah!".
Honestly everything i've seen so far on WAR is that it's slow paced and looks like something that was made by a guy with parkinson's syndrome....
WAR better than WoW? If you a burned out on WoW after playing it billion hours too much, perhaps, or if you suffered from a massive braindamage, sure it'll be greater than WoW.
I'll stay on something that has proven itself, i'm not playing WoW atm anymore but will surely be back in the expansion, else there's some nice "underdog" mmorpgs whose actually got the funds to match WoW than the bumlike funds we have seen with WAR and AoC.
Aion is my only safe bet atm, other than WotLK ofcourse. Maybe Blade &Soul but hell only a gameplay trailer can't be enough to go out and buy a PS3 and a new 42"+ screen just to play it.
Lol you are funny
You really have no clue. WAR has better funding now then WOW used to have. That does not mean it will be a better game.
And WAR won't be a better game then WOW, it just will be different.
WoW is feeling the hot breath of WAR tho, cause they are bringing large scale PvP and siege weapons in their expansion, as well as a copy of the Tome of Knowledge ( or Deeds log or whats it called in LOTRO again ).
However the Large scale pvp and sieging will only be in 1 zone, and the game isnt built around it, so it is not enough for me personally.
WoW has alot to offer for certain people, if you like Arenas and Large raids ... Well I guess they are scaling down again, now you will be able to play the new dungeons with 10 as well as 25, a good idea I agree.
Still it won't be enough for me, I wan't RvR, keep sieging, meaningfull PvP, that is something you dont have in WoW, so I will be happy in WAR.
Also AION hasnt proven itself either ...
Lastly from what I know from the beta testers, WAR is doing fine. The movement and combat is getting more fluid each patch ( yes there were issues ), the graphics are becomming really nice, up to the level of LOTRO but with better character graphics.
But really, I don't need all the WoW n00bs to infest my server, so you can safely stay were you are.
The mature and cool WoW players will look at WAR for what it is, a nice and fresh mmorpg with great PvP/RvR.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site : http://mmodata.blogspot.be/ Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
Originally posted by CyberWiz (Shortened for reader's sake) ...WoW is feeling the hot breath of WAR tho, cause they are bringing large scale PvP and siege weapons in their expansion, as well as a copy of the Tome of Knowledge ( or Deeds log or whats it called in LOTRO again ).... (shortened for reader's sake)
So upcoming games are aloud to copy from WoW but WoW is not aloud to copy from them? Honestly I've been seeing people throw this card for the past 6 months to defend WAR. Honestly, it's the most hypocritical thing I've ever seen.
Not that I'm hoping WAR doesn't become a very successful game. While I enjoy WoW and won't be playing WAR at it's launch, I do hope it makes a very good mark in it's first month. AoC has made me shaky, along with the fact that WAR has already stated some content will be missing (what other content will be missing is the question). We seriously need something new on the table.
I do agree with everything else you stated, though. WAR won't be better, but different. And what I'm really glad is that the people at Mythic aren't pretending it will be godly, like FC did. Just something new and different, and I'll be sure to play it eventually... so long as it doesn't turn awry like FC.
Originally posted by CyberWiz (Shortened for reader's sake) ...WoW is feeling the hot breath of WAR tho, cause they are bringing large scale PvP and siege weapons in their expansion, as well as a copy of the Tome of Knowledge ( or Deeds log or whats it called in LOTRO again ).... (shortened for reader's sake)
So upcoming games are aloud to copy from WoW but WoW is not aloud to copy from them? Honestly I've been seeing people throw this card for the past 6 months to defend WAR. Honestly, it's the most hypocritical thing I've ever seen.
Not that I'm hoping WAR doesn't become a very successful game. While I enjoy WoW and won't be playing WAR at it's launch, I do hope it makes a very good mark in it's first month. AoC has made me shaky, along with the fact that WAR has already stated some content will be missing (what other content will be missing is the question). We seriously need something new on the table.
I do agree with everything else you stated, though. WAR won't be better, but different. And what I'm really glad is that the people at Mythic aren't pretending it will be godly, like FC did. Just something new and different, and I'll be sure to play it eventually... so long as it doesn't turn awry like FC.
I'm personally sick of WoW and the massive grind. I hate having everything I've done being wiped with the new expansion. My account expires Aug 6 at 4:04 PM EST. I'm not looking back. Anyway...Mythic has given me no reason to distrust them. They have been straight forward with everything. They told us months in advance about delayed content so that those who didn't like it could cancel their CE's. I guess I just don't understand why people are so distrustful of a company that has proven in the past (DAoC) that they can make a fantastic game and that they aren't liars. We'll wait and see. All I can do is speculate until the NDA drops and I get into OB.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Even though I am very excited about WAR and will be playing it there is no way that WAR is going to come close to WoW's numbers. WoW is the 300 pound gorilla, and the only thing that is going to kill WoW is WoW,WoW2 or Starcraft on-line.
With that being said WAR will be an awesome game, but it can no simply come close those numbers. The Devs have even said that they are not trying to kill WoW. Warhammer will be a Niche game in fact I see it doing really well in a year about two million subscribers. From my experience people who like PvE don't really like Hardcore PvP and if you are playing a game for PvE Warhammer is not the game for you. WoW has the best PvE content in the business.
War will be innovative WAR will be a great PvP game most casual players are PvE focused, and that is where WoW gets it majority player base.
Originally posted by CyberWiz (Shortened for reader's sake) ...WoW is feeling the hot breath of WAR tho, cause they are bringing large scale PvP and siege weapons in their expansion, as well as a copy of the Tome of Knowledge ( or Deeds log or whats it called in LOTRO again ).... (shortened for reader's sake)
So upcoming games are aloud to copy from WoW but WoW is not aloud to copy from them? Honestly I've been seeing people throw this card for the past 6 months to defend WAR. Honestly, it's the most hypocritical thing I've ever seen.
Not that I'm hoping WAR doesn't become a very successful game. While I enjoy WoW and won't be playing WAR at it's launch, I do hope it makes a very good mark in it's first month. AoC has made me shaky, along with the fact that WAR has already stated some content will be missing (what other content will be missing is the question). We seriously need something new on the table.
I do agree with everything else you stated, though. WAR won't be better, but different. And what I'm really glad is that the people at Mythic aren't pretending it will be godly, like FC did. Just something new and different, and I'll be sure to play it eventually... so long as it doesn't turn awry like FC.
I'm personally sick of WoW and the massive grind. I hate having everything I've done being wiped with the new expansion. My account expires Aug 6 at 4:04 PM EST. I'm not looking back. Anyway...Mythic has given me no reason to distrust them. They have been straight forward with everything. They told us months in advance about delayed content so that those who didn't like it could cancel their CE's. I guess I just don't understand why people are so distrustful of a company that has proven in the past (DAoC) that they can make a fantastic game and that they aren't liars. We'll wait and see. All I can do is speculate until the NDA drops and I get into OB.
Well, the way I look at it, you don't lose anything for being precautious. For instance, I was considering buying AoC at launch for a while, because I figured it would be fantastic with what everyone was saying. I decided to be pretcautious, and it did pay off. And even with Mythic's great track of honesty... the thing is, I'm in no rush to buy this game, like I said, WoW is still keeping me somewhat interested, so might as well play it safe anyway in my situation.
Also just want to mention, all MMOs are massive grinds. The only MMO I've ever came across that wasn't was GWs, or at least gave the option to not have to grind (instant PvP characters).
Obviously there's one big difference: RvR. Other than that, there's no real difference, I mean it's more modern and polished than WoW. But who cares, the RvR alone will blow away any similarities with WOW, WARHAMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9/16/08
off topic.
I have nothing against your arguments about War and WoW... but Im really surprised about what you said.
You dont belive US conquered Middle East in the past and now is conquering it again, right?
Please, tell me I misunderstood your argument.
I never mentioned the US War on Iraq I'm talking about the History out there in the Middle East!! rofl
WAR graphics don't really look much like WOW's if you have any eye for detail at all. The generic character models have a similarity because they are from the same basic IP but the graphics themselves don't look anything like each other.
As others have said WAR is the first mmorpg to be fully based around PvP from ground up, yeah I said first ever because it is true. Many other games have had PvP as the end game but no other game has integrated PvP into the basic gameplay in the same manner that WAR has. You really can play this game without even once touching PvE if that is how you want to do things.
that article pretty much sums up most MMO games in a nutshell
And a class in Wow can have different functions.
A druid or Pala can be a tank, a healer or a dps machine.
meaning one class with 3 complete different roles. The respec costs these days is ... 4 daily quests.
How many hybrid classes with so diverse roles are there in Warhammer?
WAR has 20 classes total even after removing 4. WOW has 9 classes maybe 10 and thats with 2 sides. Also who cares about how many hybrid classes Warhammer has it have many unique classes. To bad I can't say that about WOW and its pass its 3 years mark.
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch
Now Playing : Black Desert Online
"America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
Well well, it is ok then.
As I said, I was hoping I had misunderstood it
RvR + PvP > PvP only
Massive PvP > Small-scale PvP
World PvP objectives > Instanced item grind PvP
WAR PvP content > WOW PvP content (4BG + Arena)
Game balanced around PvP > game balanced around PvE then PvP
PvP centric game > PvE centric game
and if the gameplay is any good,
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch
Now Playing : Black Desert Online
"America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
Vicksburg..WoW is the best ITS AWSOME..NO game will ever be that good EVEERRRR..Blizzard spent BILLIONS on it..War is spending 39 cents to get developed..Blizzard made flying mounts...War cant afford flying mounts tytyty for that input...We will have Pong in comparison to WoW...PvP is SOOOOO much better in WoW..War PvP will be soooo boring thank God you wont buy it to be that bored..now dont buy War and go spend your money on WoW ... by the Vicks how long have you been in War Beta...ya I thought so NEVER! /ignore.
Well I'm glad you wont' be playing Vick though im confused why are you constanty trolling here if you love WoW I mean..WoW isn't dead its up and running..shouldn't you be playing Wow?? I suppose this is where you show your true nature though.. Your nothing but a Troll you have no idea what your talking about and it shows to anyone who's Actually played the game or even read in depth about the game and the design that they have. If your looking for another WoW there's the door over there exit stage left go down two blocks and turn right you'll see WoW at the end of the street. Go play it. We don't need 10000000 games that all play like WoW. 1 WoW is enough.
He is scared of Warhammer. Why would he be here so much trying to keep potential players away if he was not ?. He knows the superior RvR design will take away the last vestige of pvp in wow.
If anyone actually trying to get info on the game on theses boards ( lol) , don't believe anything this guy says (Vicksburg) , he is full of shit . Wait until the NDA drops instead. It's gonna pwned your face harder than a facehugger.
Vicksburg the WOW fanboi pre-ordered WAR apparently from another of his posts LMAO.
Funny, but true, he said it in other post.
well dudes we havnt played war yet u cant talk about its pvp system until u played it u know and how long has wow been out , they had enough time to get 3 expansions the third one is coming out and a shit load of nerfs and patches and player request and wow its getting competition so they are putting new things in its new expansions so they will come back but still wow is good and diablo 3 will be good too
kill the clowns O.o the damn clowns
Talking about SWG much?
yea 2nd* but still its still and expansion
kill the clowns O.o the damn clowns
I'll just quote myself.
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Also to be fair to WOW it currently has the best PVP out of any mmorpg despite all the flaws, the combat is easily the most fun and polished and balanced despite what all the class whiners say. The new BG's like the normandy styled seige layout where I'm guessing you have to knock down buildings with seige wepaons also looks very kool.
Not that i'm gonna play it cause I got bored of WOW in 05.
Talking about SWG much?
Oh god, YES!
Finally someone who isn't an inbred super fan who just eat it all and yell "omg it's better than wow! better pvp! blah blah blah!".
Honestly everything i've seen so far on WAR is that it's slow paced and looks like something that was made by a guy with parkinson's syndrome....
WAR better than WoW? If you a burned out on WoW after playing it billion hours too much, perhaps, or if you suffered from a massive braindamage, sure it'll be greater than WoW.
I'll stay on something that has proven itself, i'm not playing WoW atm anymore but will surely be back in the expansion, else there's some nice "underdog" mmorpgs whose actually got the funds to match WoW than the bumlike funds we have seen with WAR and AoC.
Aion is my only safe bet atm, other than WotLK ofcourse. Maybe Blade &Soul but hell only a gameplay trailer can't be enough to go out and buy a PS3 and a new 42"+ screen just to play it.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Oh god, YES!
Finally someone who isn't an inbred super fan who just eat it all and yell "omg it's better than wow! better pvp! blah blah blah!".
Honestly everything i've seen so far on WAR is that it's slow paced and looks like something that was made by a guy with parkinson's syndrome....
WAR better than WoW? If you a burned out on WoW after playing it billion hours too much, perhaps, or if you suffered from a massive braindamage, sure it'll be greater than WoW.
I'll stay on something that has proven itself, i'm not playing WoW atm anymore but will surely be back in the expansion, else there's some nice "underdog" mmorpgs whose actually got the funds to match WoW than the bumlike funds we have seen with WAR and AoC.
Aion is my only safe bet atm, other than WotLK ofcourse. Maybe Blade &Soul but hell only a gameplay trailer can't be enough to go out and buy a PS3 and a new 42"+ screen just to play it.
bashing a game that isn't even out yet? *claps* I don't know where everyone gets this idea that WoW was perfect at launch. The only reason it's so popular is because the only choices at the time was WoW and EQ2. Guess which one turned out better? WoW was not a perfect angel at launch. WAR will not be a perfect angel at launch, but I'm not going to give up on WAR unless it turns out to be another AoC. Nothing is going to kill WoW but WoW itself. Games will chip away from it's playerbase, but nothing will kill it until Blizz pulls the plug.
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
And a class in Wow can have different functions.
A druid or Pala can be a tank, a healer or a dps machine.
meaning one class with 3 complete different roles. The respec costs these days is ... 4 daily quests.
How many hybrid classes with so diverse roles are there in Warhammer?
I guess I am bored while testing my OC'd rig ;p
But here it goes, WAR will have 20 UNIQUE classes ( 10 per Realm, again they are NOT copies, they are unique for each realm ), each class will 3 trees to spec in. You won't be able to completely change the class, like you can with a Priest ( Shadow vs Holy/Disc ), but you will be able to do very different things with each class. Every healer is a hybrid, so you can do DPS and heal for example.
WOW has 9 unique classes and they are the same for Horde and Alliance, which is easier to balance, but less diverse.
So it is clear that if you like choice in classes WAR is better ...
Again, I am happy you still like WoW, I liked WoW, for several things, but now I need something else again, and I a really hope that WAR will be DAoC II like you are saying, because that would be the best.
About the scenarios, again, you are right, there are many of them, but you wont have access to all of them all the time and there are many different ones, so it wont become a grind.
But yes, I prefer Open World RvR and WAR will have that, and have alot more of that then WoW has and will have in the foreseeable future. So my choice is a no brainer, WAR will be my next MMO.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site :
Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
Oh god, YES!
Finally someone who isn't an inbred super fan who just eat it all and yell "omg it's better than wow! better pvp! blah blah blah!".
Honestly everything i've seen so far on WAR is that it's slow paced and looks like something that was made by a guy with parkinson's syndrome....
WAR better than WoW? If you a burned out on WoW after playing it billion hours too much, perhaps, or if you suffered from a massive braindamage, sure it'll be greater than WoW.
I'll stay on something that has proven itself, i'm not playing WoW atm anymore but will surely be back in the expansion, else there's some nice "underdog" mmorpgs whose actually got the funds to match WoW than the bumlike funds we have seen with WAR and AoC.
Aion is my only safe bet atm, other than WotLK ofcourse. Maybe Blade &Soul but hell only a gameplay trailer can't be enough to go out and buy a PS3 and a new 42"+ screen just to play it.
Lol you are funny
You really have no clue. WAR has better funding now then WOW used to have. That does not mean it will be a better game.
And WAR won't be a better game then WOW, it just will be different.
WoW is feeling the hot breath of WAR tho, cause they are bringing large scale PvP and siege weapons in their expansion, as well as a copy of the Tome of Knowledge ( or Deeds log or whats it called in LOTRO again ).
However the Large scale pvp and sieging will only be in 1 zone, and the game isnt built around it, so it is not enough for me personally.
WoW has alot to offer for certain people, if you like Arenas and Large raids ... Well I guess they are scaling down again, now you will be able to play the new dungeons with 10 as well as 25, a good idea I agree.
Still it won't be enough for me, I wan't RvR, keep sieging, meaningfull PvP, that is something you dont have in WoW, so I will be happy in WAR.
Also AION hasnt proven itself either ...
Lastly from what I know from the beta testers, WAR is doing fine. The movement and combat is getting more fluid each patch ( yes there were issues ), the graphics are becomming really nice, up to the level of LOTRO but with better character graphics.
But really, I don't need all the WoW n00bs to infest my server, so you can safely stay were you are.
The mature and cool WoW players will look at WAR for what it is, a nice and fresh mmorpg with great PvP/RvR.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site :
Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
So upcoming games are aloud to copy from WoW but WoW is not aloud to copy from them? Honestly I've been seeing people throw this card for the past 6 months to defend WAR. Honestly, it's the most hypocritical thing I've ever seen.
Not that I'm hoping WAR doesn't become a very successful game. While I enjoy WoW and won't be playing WAR at it's launch, I do hope it makes a very good mark in it's first month. AoC has made me shaky, along with the fact that WAR has already stated some content will be missing (what other content will be missing is the question). We seriously need something new on the table.
I do agree with everything else you stated, though. WAR won't be better, but different. And what I'm really glad is that the people at Mythic aren't pretending it will be godly, like FC did. Just something new and different, and I'll be sure to play it eventually... so long as it doesn't turn awry like FC.
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...
So upcoming games are aloud to copy from WoW but WoW is not aloud to copy from them? Honestly I've been seeing people throw this card for the past 6 months to defend WAR. Honestly, it's the most hypocritical thing I've ever seen.
Not that I'm hoping WAR doesn't become a very successful game. While I enjoy WoW and won't be playing WAR at it's launch, I do hope it makes a very good mark in it's first month. AoC has made me shaky, along with the fact that WAR has already stated some content will be missing (what other content will be missing is the question). We seriously need something new on the table.
I do agree with everything else you stated, though. WAR won't be better, but different. And what I'm really glad is that the people at Mythic aren't pretending it will be godly, like FC did. Just something new and different, and I'll be sure to play it eventually... so long as it doesn't turn awry like FC.
I'm personally sick of WoW and the massive grind. I hate having everything I've done being wiped with the new expansion. My account expires Aug 6 at 4:04 PM EST. I'm not looking back. Anyway...Mythic has given me no reason to distrust them. They have been straight forward with everything. They told us months in advance about delayed content so that those who didn't like it could cancel their CE's. I guess I just don't understand why people are so distrustful of a company that has proven in the past (DAoC) that they can make a fantastic game and that they aren't liars. We'll wait and see. All I can do is speculate until the NDA drops and I get into OB.
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Even though I am very excited about WAR and will be playing it there is no way that WAR is going to come close to WoW's numbers. WoW is the 300 pound gorilla, and the only thing that is going to kill WoW is WoW,WoW2 or Starcraft on-line.
With that being said WAR will be an awesome game, but it can no simply come close those numbers. The Devs have even said that they are not trying to kill WoW. Warhammer will be a Niche game in fact I see it doing really well in a year about two million subscribers. From my experience people who like PvE don't really like Hardcore PvP and if you are playing a game for PvE Warhammer is not the game for you. WoW has the best PvE content in the business.
War will be innovative WAR will be a great PvP game most casual players are PvE focused, and that is where WoW gets it majority player base.
So upcoming games are aloud to copy from WoW but WoW is not aloud to copy from them? Honestly I've been seeing people throw this card for the past 6 months to defend WAR. Honestly, it's the most hypocritical thing I've ever seen.
Not that I'm hoping WAR doesn't become a very successful game. While I enjoy WoW and won't be playing WAR at it's launch, I do hope it makes a very good mark in it's first month. AoC has made me shaky, along with the fact that WAR has already stated some content will be missing (what other content will be missing is the question). We seriously need something new on the table.
I do agree with everything else you stated, though. WAR won't be better, but different. And what I'm really glad is that the people at Mythic aren't pretending it will be godly, like FC did. Just something new and different, and I'll be sure to play it eventually... so long as it doesn't turn awry like FC.
I'm personally sick of WoW and the massive grind. I hate having everything I've done being wiped with the new expansion. My account expires Aug 6 at 4:04 PM EST. I'm not looking back. Anyway...Mythic has given me no reason to distrust them. They have been straight forward with everything. They told us months in advance about delayed content so that those who didn't like it could cancel their CE's. I guess I just don't understand why people are so distrustful of a company that has proven in the past (DAoC) that they can make a fantastic game and that they aren't liars. We'll wait and see. All I can do is speculate until the NDA drops and I get into OB.
Well, the way I look at it, you don't lose anything for being precautious. For instance, I was considering buying AoC at launch for a while, because I figured it would be fantastic with what everyone was saying. I decided to be pretcautious, and it did pay off. And even with Mythic's great track of honesty... the thing is, I'm in no rush to buy this game, like I said, WoW is still keeping me somewhat interested, so might as well play it safe anyway in my situation.
Also just want to mention, all MMOs are massive grinds. The only MMO I've ever came across that wasn't was GWs, or at least gave the option to not have to grind (instant PvP characters).
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...
Obviously there's one big difference: RvR. Other than that, there's no real difference, I mean it's more modern and polished than WoW. But who cares, the RvR alone will blow away any similarities with WOW, WARHAMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9/16/08