NEVER believe in hype but believe what you will see/play/feel when playing the game itself, then perhaps look back to see if the hype was justified or not, going into a game due to it's hype as forums like this have proved time after time will mostly result in disappointments about these games.
I feel WAR will do well , from what I saw/read it looks like the game focus is FUN, where many MMORPG's take themselves a ti bit to serious losing focus on one of the most important aspects of a game to me which is FUN.
Why would someone who likes EVE and its take forever to do anything enjoy a fast paced game? They are two COMPLETELY different games so your opinion has NO merit.
RvR is gonna be awesome, PQ's will be awesome, ToK will be huge...and awesome, my Warrior Priest of Sigmar will be awesome, Cities will be huge...and awesome just like ToK, and last but not least... Keeps will be awesome!
Purpose in life is not to gain things, but experience. - Rover64dd
People forget that there have been a lot of released games that didn't disappoint. LOTRO being the most recent. Its not the players fault AoC, VG, D&L released steaming piles of manure. If WAR is polished there won't be the "forum trolls coming from the mountains". If WAR releases like VG or AoC you will see that. Otherewise, you will see people posting if they like the game or not, instead of flaming.
I expect a lot of unhappy people. WAR is supposed to be the savior to all those bored with WoW. Hype is too high to make most of them happy. Personally my expectations are pretty middle of the road, mainly because of the pvp centric focus of the game. Just not for me.
I expect these forums to be an interesting place after release. /popcorn
I've seen enough beta leak youtube videos to say that this game will do well. =P
Well, you need to play a game in order to judge it.
A video doesn t say anything.
All I can say is that this game will sell, but it won't go anywhere near WoW.
Most people will get bored after a couple of months.
Others, like me, will get bored after a couple of days.
It is not what Warhammer fans were looking for, but some might like it.
Just wondering off topic but what are warhmmer "fans" looking for? Can you explain what you as a "warhammer fan" are looking for?
ontopic, as far as hype goes, im not getting my hopes up about this game at all. Not to say i dont want to play it, i have preordered it.
But the last game i went all out on and watched videos and read all secretes and spoilers for was Smash Bros Brawl. Not to say i didnt love the crap out of the game and still do, but because i knew everything about the game from the second I put it into my Wii, the first time play fun factor ran out alot faster because of that.
I will NEVER again look into a game so extensivly and ruin what fun the game has to offer before its even released. But that is not to say i have not looked into what WAR has to offer. I have read the class' and what they do. But i will go little further into looking into this game beyond what has been said on the official website and here on mmorpg.
As far as overhyping. I see little real hyping done about this game on a corperate standpoint. They tell you about the game and they say that THEY are excited about it, but they always give you the feeling of "you know what we like it and if you dont, its okay its not the game for you and we are sorry we couldnt make it more enjoyable for you." They seem like they are making a game that they will find fun them selfs, and they hope others will enjoy it as much as them.
So all this "overhyping" is all just fanbois and people making bigger than real expectations about a game. If you think the game will be one way and it is not. You will not like it at all. Go in like someone else said with an open mind. If you like it play it, if you dont, dont.
I love playing Wow for years now. (fanboy?: not if you love a game you play ... the wrong fanboys are those defending a game BEFORE they played it)
I love playing Warhammer miniatures for 10 years.
I have 2 thoughts.
1. Warhammer miniatures lore is not well represented in that the identity of the Armies is lost. Instead we get hero classes that are detached from the Army identities. (those who play the miniatures game know what I mean). The cut of the capitols didn't help either in view of this identity loss.
So the WH clubs are no very hot to support the game like I thought they would. Most club WH players play Wow.
MMO players shoudn't care but support from the WH clubs IS needed as a further help for hype.
2. Animation and PvP fighting of the Avatars.
Game will succeed or fail on this and this feature alone. Believe me. Up to a month ago this was NOT well done. Every Beta tester I could speak to in RL and on forums acknowledged this. They reported it for months. We'll see...
The fanboys negate it or try downplaying it. But we will see it in a couple of days really.
I love playing Wow for years now. (fanboy?: not if you love a game you play ... the wrong fanboys are those defending a game BEFORE they played it) I love playing Warhammer miniatures for 10 years. I have 2 thoughts. 1. Warhammer miniatures lore is not well represented in that the identity of the Armies is lost. Instead we get hero classes that are detached from the Army identities. (those who play the miniatures game know what I mean). The cut of the capitols didn't help either in view of this identity loss. So the WH clubs are no very hot to support the game like I thought they would. Most club WH players play Wow. MMO players shoudn't care but support from the WH clubs IS needed as a further help for hype. 2. Animation and PvP fighting of the Avatars. Game will succeed or fail on this and this feature alone. Believe me. Up to a month ago this was NOT well done. Every Beta tester I could speak to in RL and on forums acknowledged this. They reported it for months. We'll see... The fanboys negate it or try downplaying it. But we will see it in a couple of days really.
Not to be a fanboi, read my post above yours, but animations play little a part. Just look at the game you play and love WoW. What awsome animiations are in there? My 70 MS warrior swings his mace the same way for every attack. My Warlock, Priest, Mage and Rouge attacks look mediocer. The flashiest of them being the rogue spinning when doing finishing moves.
And you wonder why they try to negate it? Just think about it for a second, have the dull animations of WoW hindered your playing experiance?
I love playing Wow for years now. (fanboy?: not if you love a game you play ... the wrong fanboys are those defending a game BEFORE they played it) I love playing Warhammer miniatures for 10 years. I have 2 thoughts. 1. Warhammer miniatures lore is not well represented in that the identity of the Armies is lost. Instead we get hero classes that are detached from the Army identities. (those who play the miniatures game know what I mean). The cut of the capitols didn't help either in view of this identity loss. So the WH clubs are no very hot to support the game like I thought they would. Most club WH players play Wow. MMO players shoudn't care but support from the WH clubs IS needed as a further help for hype. 2. Animation and PvP fighting of the Avatars. Game will succeed or fail on this and this feature alone. Believe me. Up to a month ago this was NOT well done. Every Beta tester I could speak to in RL and on forums acknowledged this. They reported it for months. We'll see... The fanboys negate it or try downplaying it. But we will see it in a couple of days really.
Not to be a fanboi, read my post above yours, but animations play little a part. Just look at the game you play and love WoW. What awsome animiations are in there? My 70 MS warrior swings his mace the same way for every attack. My Warlock, Priest, Mage and Rouge attacks look mediocer. The flashiest of them being the rogue spinning when doing finishing moves.
And you wonder why they try to negate it? Just think about it for a second, have the dull animations of WoW hindered your playing experiance?
You must be blind I dont really like WoW but the caster animations are not bad at all. You will be dissapointed when mellee and spells in WAR look identical to WoW if not worse.
I love playing Wow for years now. (fanboy?: not if you love a game you play ... the wrong fanboys are those defending a game BEFORE they played it) I love playing Warhammer miniatures for 10 years. I have 2 thoughts. 1. Warhammer miniatures lore is not well represented in that the identity of the Armies is lost. Instead we get hero classes that are detached from the Army identities. (those who play the miniatures game know what I mean). The cut of the capitols didn't help either in view of this identity loss. So the WH clubs are no very hot to support the game like I thought they would. Most club WH players play Wow. MMO players shoudn't care but support from the WH clubs IS needed as a further help for hype. 2. Animation and PvP fighting of the Avatars. Game will succeed or fail on this and this feature alone. Believe me. Up to a month ago this was NOT well done. Every Beta tester I could speak to in RL and on forums acknowledged this. They reported it for months. We'll see... The fanboys negate it or try downplaying it. But we will see it in a couple of days really.
Not to be a fanboi, read my post above yours, but animations play little a part. Just look at the game you play and love WoW. What awsome animiations are in there? My 70 MS warrior swings his mace the same way for every attack. My Warlock, Priest, Mage and Rouge attacks look mediocer. The flashiest of them being the rogue spinning when doing finishing moves.
And you wonder why they try to negate it? Just think about it for a second, have the dull animations of WoW hindered your playing experiance?
You must be blind I dont really like WoW but the caster animations are not bad at all. You will be dissapointed when mellee and spells in WAR look identical to WoW if not worse.
1. If you are looking for a true PvP/RvR game, War is definitely for you.
2. If you are looking for PvE, War is not for you.
3. If you are looking for realistic graphics, War is not for you.
----------------------------- Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.
Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.
Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.
Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.
Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.
Originally posted by SgtFrog anyone else? i really hope it does do what they promised
Without breaking the NDA, let me put it this way:
Before I was accepted into the WAR Closed Beta recently, I was playing some other games which are pretty damn good - my favorite of which was Mass Effect. In addition, I was (am) working on our WAR Guild site, so what time I had to game was devoted to only the best stuff I have.
After starting the WAR Closed Beta, I am not playing any other games. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Period. I'm even finding it hard to devote more of my time to the guild site than the game.
for me WaR wasnt fun, i didnt like the way pvp played, when i played it (tbh a few months back) if u were melee u died most times than not, the realm vs realm felt like a big ol' game CTF and if u want to boost pvp lvl go capture some realms in high lvl zones when noones about lol, not well thought out.
but this is what i thought, and in no way should be taken as the way it is, half will tell u its great while the other half tell u it sucks, play the game when it comes out, and see what you think.
------------------------------------- -=:Sometimes "The Majority" Only Means All The Fools Are On The Same Side.:=-
I love playing Wow for years now. (fanboy?: not if you love a game you play ... the wrong fanboys are those defending a game BEFORE they played it) I love playing Warhammer miniatures for 10 years. I have 2 thoughts. 1. Warhammer miniatures lore is not well represented in that the identity of the Armies is lost. Instead we get hero classes that are detached from the Army identities. (those who play the miniatures game know what I mean). The cut of the capitols didn't help either in view of this identity loss. So the WH clubs are no very hot to support the game like I thought they would. Most club WH players play Wow. MMO players shoudn't care but support from the WH clubs IS needed as a further help for hype. 2. Animation and PvP fighting of the Avatars. Game will succeed or fail on this and this feature alone. Believe me. Up to a month ago this was NOT well done. Every Beta tester I could speak to in RL and on forums acknowledged this. They reported it for months. We'll see... The fanboys negate it or try downplaying it. But we will see it in a couple of days really.
Not to be a fanboi, read my post above yours, but animations play little a part. Just look at the game you play and love WoW. What awsome animiations are in there? My 70 MS warrior swings his mace the same way for every attack. My Warlock, Priest, Mage and Rouge attacks look mediocer. The flashiest of them being the rogue spinning when doing finishing moves.
And you wonder why they try to negate it? Just think about it for a second, have the dull animations of WoW hindered your playing experiance?
You must be blind I dont really like WoW but the caster animations are not bad at all. You will be dissapointed when mellee and spells in WAR look identical to WoW if not worse.
The dynamics in the video are mostly created by the player turning the mouse view over his avatar. On the side, behind, in front. It's a viewing action of the player, not the avatar. Why?
I look at the "gliding" of the avatar over the terrain, the fighting actions and how the character "drops" and evolves sometimes meters above the terrain he should walk over.
Passes of 5 meters ?
The lightning effects are a little overdone but OK, but its mostly the gliding and combat pace that has to be realy good for PvP.
One can only sense the control of the fighting when you are actually in the game of course.
So discussing it won't give the correct feeling. Only playing it will give the exact experience.
I still believe its fundamental for a game based on Player vs Player combat.: YOU have to be your Avatar in full control.
Edited: at the last part of the video: some heavy frame drops accured while several players battled in the keep. Hopefully some Beta code.
Or IS the resolution just a little bit too high. I hope not (reminded me of the terrible framedrops in Conan)
I don't think it's over hyped. It promises to be a good rvr mmo. On that it will deliver.
Player expectations may be too hight, be that's different, and they always are. People always expect a good MMO to be the greatest thing ever. like any other MMO it's just a game.
for me WaR wasnt fun, i didnt like the way pvp played, when i played it (tbh a few months back) if u were melee u died most times than not, the realm vs realm felt like a big ol' game CTF and if u want to boost pvp lvl go capture some realms in high lvl zones when noones about lol, not well thought out. but this is what i thought, and in no way should be taken as the way it is, half will tell u its great while the other half tell u it sucks, play the game when it comes out, and see what you think.
I joined the beta a month ago and it has changed a lot in that small time frame. I'd at least give it another try at some point if those were your only complaints. Can't go into it more because of the NDA but you still might like the game.
Ok I had to read over the NDA right fast so I would know what I am allowed to say...
The game is good, don't expect something omfgz amazing cause it isn't. It is a great game though. If you liked DAOC you will love WAR, but I don't see many WoW people actually enjoying it because it is nothing like WoW. With that being said. If you love WoW ignore WAR, if you love DAOC make love with WAR.
The beta lives up to the hype so that should say something.
NEVER believe in hype but believe what you will see/play/feel when playing the game itself, then perhaps look back to see if the hype was justified or not, going into a game due to it's hype as forums like this have proved time after time will mostly result in disappointments about these games.
I feel WAR will do well , from what I saw/read it looks like the game focus is FUN, where many MMORPG's take themselves a ti bit to serious losing focus on one of the most important aspects of a game to me which is FUN.
We just have to wait and see.....
I've seen enough beta leak youtube videos to say that this game will do well. =P
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Well, you need to play a game in order to judge it.
A video doesn t say anything.
All I can say is that this game will sell, but it won't go anywhere near WoW.
Most people will get bored after a couple of months.
Others, like me, will get bored after a couple of days.
It is not what Warhammer fans were looking for, but some might like it.
Why would someone who likes EVE and its take forever to do anything enjoy a fast paced game? They are two COMPLETELY different games so your opinion has NO merit.
Paul Barnett is not a liar.
RvR is gonna be awesome, PQ's will be awesome, ToK will be huge...and awesome, my Warrior Priest of Sigmar will be awesome, Cities will be huge...and awesome just like ToK, and last but not least... Keeps will be awesome!
Purpose in life is not to gain things, but experience. - Rover64dd
People forget that there have been a lot of released games that didn't disappoint. LOTRO being the most recent. Its not the players fault AoC, VG, D&L released steaming piles of manure. If WAR is polished there won't be the "forum trolls coming from the mountains". If WAR releases like VG or AoC you will see that. Otherewise, you will see people posting if they like the game or not, instead of flaming.
I expect a lot of unhappy people. WAR is supposed to be the savior to all those bored with WoW. Hype is too high to make most of them happy. Personally my expectations are pretty middle of the road, mainly because of the pvp centric focus of the game. Just not for me.
I expect these forums to be an interesting place after release. /popcorn
Well, you need to play a game in order to judge it.
A video doesn t say anything.
All I can say is that this game will sell, but it won't go anywhere near WoW.
Most people will get bored after a couple of months.
Others, like me, will get bored after a couple of days.
It is not what Warhammer fans were looking for, but some might like it.
Just wondering off topic but what are warhmmer "fans" looking for? Can you explain what you as a "warhammer fan" are looking for?
ontopic, as far as hype goes, im not getting my hopes up about this game at all. Not to say i dont want to play it, i have preordered it.
But the last game i went all out on and watched videos and read all secretes and spoilers for was Smash Bros Brawl. Not to say i didnt love the crap out of the game and still do, but because i knew everything about the game from the second I put it into my Wii, the first time play fun factor ran out alot faster because of that.
I will NEVER again look into a game so extensivly and ruin what fun the game has to offer before its even released. But that is not to say i have not looked into what WAR has to offer. I have read the class' and what they do. But i will go little further into looking into this game beyond what has been said on the official website and here on mmorpg.
As far as overhyping. I see little real hyping done about this game on a corperate standpoint. They tell you about the game and they say that THEY are excited about it, but they always give you the feeling of "you know what we like it and if you dont, its okay its not the game for you and we are sorry we couldnt make it more enjoyable for you." They seem like they are making a game that they will find fun them selfs, and they hope others will enjoy it as much as them.
So all this "overhyping" is all just fanbois and people making bigger than real expectations about a game. If you think the game will be one way and it is not. You will not like it at all. Go in like someone else said with an open mind. If you like it play it, if you dont, dont.
I love playing Wow for years now. (fanboy?: not if you love a game you play ... the wrong fanboys are those defending a game BEFORE they played it)
I love playing Warhammer miniatures for 10 years.
I have 2 thoughts.
1. Warhammer miniatures lore is not well represented in that the identity of the Armies is lost. Instead we get hero classes that are detached from the Army identities. (those who play the miniatures game know what I mean). The cut of the capitols didn't help either in view of this identity loss.
So the WH clubs are no very hot to support the game like I thought they would. Most club WH players play Wow.
MMO players shoudn't care but support from the WH clubs IS needed as a further help for hype.
2. Animation and PvP fighting of the Avatars.
Game will succeed or fail on this and this feature alone. Believe me. Up to a month ago this was NOT well done. Every Beta tester I could speak to in RL and on forums acknowledged this. They reported it for months. We'll see...
The fanboys negate it or try downplaying it. But we will see it in a couple of days really.
Not to be a fanboi, read my post above yours, but animations play little a part. Just look at the game you play and love WoW. What awsome animiations are in there? My 70 MS warrior swings his mace the same way for every attack. My Warlock, Priest, Mage and Rouge attacks look mediocer. The flashiest of them being the rogue spinning when doing finishing moves.
And you wonder why they try to negate it? Just think about it for a second, have the dull animations of WoW hindered your playing experiance?
Not to be a fanboi, read my post above yours, but animations play little a part. Just look at the game you play and love WoW. What awsome animiations are in there? My 70 MS warrior swings his mace the same way for every attack. My Warlock, Priest, Mage and Rouge attacks look mediocer. The flashiest of them being the rogue spinning when doing finishing moves.
And you wonder why they try to negate it? Just think about it for a second, have the dull animations of WoW hindered your playing experiance?
You must be blind I dont really like WoW but the caster animations are not bad at all. You will be dissapointed when mellee and spells in WAR look identical to WoW if not worse.
Not to be a fanboi, read my post above yours, but animations play little a part. Just look at the game you play and love WoW. What awsome animiations are in there? My 70 MS warrior swings his mace the same way for every attack. My Warlock, Priest, Mage and Rouge attacks look mediocer. The flashiest of them being the rogue spinning when doing finishing moves.
And you wonder why they try to negate it? Just think about it for a second, have the dull animations of WoW hindered your playing experiance?
You must be blind I dont really like WoW but the caster animations are not bad at all. You will be dissapointed when mellee and spells in WAR look identical to WoW if not worse.
Watch it in High Quality.
I can comment these:
1. If you are looking for a true PvP/RvR game, War is definitely for you.
2. If you are looking for PvE, War is not for you.
3. If you are looking for realistic graphics, War is not for you.
Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.
Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.
Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.
Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.
Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.
Don't worry this game does live up to it's hype and then more!
Before I was accepted into the WAR Closed Beta recently, I was playing some other games which are pretty damn good - my favorite of which was Mass Effect. In addition, I was (am) working on our WAR Guild site, so what time I had to game was devoted to only the best stuff I have.
After starting the WAR Closed Beta, I am not playing any other games. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Period. I'm even finding it hard to devote more of my time to the guild site than the game.
Hope that helps your concerns a bit.
for me WaR wasnt fun, i didnt like the way pvp played, when i played it (tbh a few months back) if u were melee u died most times than not, the realm vs realm felt like a big ol' game CTF and if u want to boost pvp lvl go capture some realms in high lvl zones when noones about lol, not well thought out.
but this is what i thought, and in no way should be taken as the way it is, half will tell u its great while the other half tell u it sucks, play the game when it comes out, and see what you think.
-=:Sometimes "The Majority" Only Means All The Fools Are On The Same Side.:=-
Not to be a fanboi, read my post above yours, but animations play little a part. Just look at the game you play and love WoW. What awsome animiations are in there? My 70 MS warrior swings his mace the same way for every attack. My Warlock, Priest, Mage and Rouge attacks look mediocer. The flashiest of them being the rogue spinning when doing finishing moves.
And you wonder why they try to negate it? Just think about it for a second, have the dull animations of WoW hindered your playing experiance?
You must be blind I dont really like WoW but the caster animations are not bad at all. You will be dissapointed when mellee and spells in WAR look identical to WoW if not worse.
Watch it in High Quality.
Not at all convincing.
The dynamics in the video are mostly created by the player turning the mouse view over his avatar. On the side, behind, in front. It's a viewing action of the player, not the avatar. Why?
I look at the "gliding" of the avatar over the terrain, the fighting actions and how the character "drops" and evolves sometimes meters above the terrain he should walk over.
Passes of 5 meters ?
The lightning effects are a little overdone but OK, but its mostly the gliding and combat pace that has to be realy good for PvP.
One can only sense the control of the fighting when you are actually in the game of course.
So discussing it won't give the correct feeling. Only playing it will give the exact experience.
I still believe its fundamental for a game based on Player vs Player combat.: YOU have to be your Avatar in full control.
Edited: at the last part of the video: some heavy frame drops accured while several players battled in the keep. Hopefully some Beta code.
Or IS the resolution just a little bit too high. I hope not (reminded me of the terrible framedrops in Conan)
I don't think it's over hyped. It promises to be a good rvr mmo. On that it will deliver.
Player expectations may be too hight, be that's different, and they always are. People always expect a good MMO to be the greatest thing ever. like any other MMO it's just a game.
I'll say this, keep your expectations low, really low and maybe you'll be happy at release.
EDIT: oh and if you can wait 6 months after release before purchasing, do so.
I joined the beta a month ago and it has changed a lot in that small time frame. I'd at least give it another try at some point if those were your only complaints. Can't go into it more because of the NDA but you still might like the game.
I hated portal
I'm worried that my sandwich is small and inadequate.
Wife says, 'New game?'
I say, 'Yup!, got invited to test this one.'
Wife says, 'Warhammer? Isn't that like Warcraft?'
I say, 'Nope, completely different'
Wife says, 'Looks the same to me, what's the point?'
I say, 'Well there is the story, and different features, and...'
Wife cuts me off, 'I don't get it'
Ok I had to read over the NDA right fast so I would know what I am allowed to say...
The game is good, don't expect something omfgz amazing cause it isn't. It is a great game though. If you liked DAOC you will love WAR, but I don't see many WoW people actually enjoying it because it is nothing like WoW. With that being said. If you love WoW ignore WAR, if you love DAOC make love with WAR.
Ranghar LoD
Lords of Death