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Im still waiting for my launcher to update, but i figured id get in a "your thoughts" thread before the "best free mmo ever!" , "wow ripoff", and "worst game ever" threads all start popping up. Just remember that every game is great the first few days so lets post about our thoughts, bugs, issues with the game, as well as why we may or may not like it...for others who may be waiting for cb to end.
My thoughts:
- 3x smaller ping compared to My-En version (i'm from europe)
- finally a proper english translation, though i don't like some of the localization stuff (squad instead of party? uhhh... o. k.)
- they replaced the hairstyle i used for my character
- new skills for every class... they're lv100+ though. some seem interesting
So, IMHO, it's definitely better than the my-en version. I just wish the ping would be a bit smaller. Since I played the game before, i knew what to expect from the game itself. Yeah, i do like it.
can someone provide a link to manually patch the game, im stuck on the first file and its not dowloading. checked the PWI forums and it seems a lot of people are having problems with the automatic patch update, any links to a manual download would be much appreciated...if one exists that is.
Patching took a few seconds for me. Not sure if they offer a manual patch?
Played on it for about 1 hour and it seemed pretty solid. Interface lacked a quest tracker which i felt was quite annoying, but otherwise it seemed like a decent average mmo affair of what you'd expect. Can definitely see myself trying it out for longer to see what it offers.
Initial impressions are that its one of the better f2p mmos out there. Will have to play some more to find out more.
My thoughts are.. i dotnt feel like playing another friggen closed beta of the same game. I feel this is a game that couldve went right to release, all they did was fix the damn translations a closed and an open beta is not required.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
there is a quest tracker.
on the shortcut bar open the quest log click on the quests you want to keep track off 1 at a time and click the track button in the bottom of the qust log window the progress of each qust is dissplayed below your characther info top lef of screen.
15ms ping for me.
There is a quest tracker in your quest log. But you have to manual turn it on for each quest you want to track.
well so far im happy , enjoying the CB and cant wait for the OB its nice to be playing a proper english version.
Truely clueless aren't you. Do you have ANY clue what you are supposed to be testing. NO?
well for those of you still stuck updating, change your upd.set buttion for resume download, when it gets stuck, close it down and restart it, it should pick up and download some more.
now about the game...i dunno, seems like its got something missing, and this game is a hardcore grinder, from what ive seen at least.
And about us "testing the game" im not sure im going to be up to the task of re-grinding whatever level i hit when they wipe (not 100% sure on a wipe but i dont ever get my hopes up during cb)
As far as i can tell, the game is probably in the best shape its going to be, considering they wil probably add some sort of bugged events/cash shop ploy before ob. They could easily move to ob asap, i mean translation errors can be fixed with a quick patch.
Ping and translation are a lot better than MY-EN, but i'm still waiting for PW-EU (i'm from Europe).
Played so far for about 3 hours and leveled my toon to lvl 8-9.
For those who are possibly interested or playing the beta by chance...
So far, I like the game.
Alot of quests, decent graphics, and crafting make it a fairly decent game. There are 3 races (humans, elves, and werefolk) with 2 classes per race.
I haven't explored the guild or party features in the game yet but it appears to be pretty involved as well.
There are pets, shapeshifters, and the ability to jump long distances. You can craft armor, weapons, amulets, etc... from mob drops. A little practice could make one a master in the crafting skills.
Anyways I will return to Perfect World and see what else there that would be interesting.
* HP m9250f (Intel Quad Core 6700 / 4 Gig RAM / Nvidia 8600GT / Vista 64 Bit)
Im kind of woried about the grind factor, im only level 12 and it feels very, very grindy already.
lvl 1-35 - lvl up by questing (very grindy quests) later you gain less exp than you need to lvl from quests and you need to start grinding. At around lvl 60 quests give you only 10% (90%-pure grind), at lvl 80 around 2% (98% of pure grind). Doing FB's all the time helps a bit, but you need party and people with tablets to do that. Doing Dragon Quests is another good method to gain fast exp, but it cost tons of gold coins so without buying in-game money with real cash (or selling lots of item-mall items for in-game cash) you wont be able to do it. So yes it is very, very grindy game.
PS you will need to pay them in order to grind! From 65 maybe 70 you cant grind alone without hierograms from item mall. Well if you have party all the time then there's no problem (or you dont mind buying hierograms all the time).
Well i guess it surprises no one that this game is a grinder. The only thing is that this is the international version. The international version has been known to get the sht end of the stick when it comes to cash shop ploys such as lowering xp and raising cash shop prices.
So far my minor annoyances are as follows:
1. no quest completion indicator, the only way to check if the mob your killing is for a quest, or to check how many kills/fetch items you need is to open the quest log and fish it out....noting pops up to say 8/10 to go.
2. opening the inventory = (ALT+B)? really? are they serious...minor annoyance since "i" has no use as a hot key (not sure if you can change the controls)
3. Point and click...they have wasd (finally asian grinders accomplish this feat, a great day in asian mmo history) but then they keep point and click move, so you still have the chance to run toward the mob that you planned on attacking from a distance.
4. community? no global chat (sure its a cash shop item) really fun for a grinder, not being able to chat with the world wile you click that macro skill button and watch your mob die.
now the good:
1. FINALLY a free asian game with decent character creation. you can change just about every aspect of your character...want a purple guy with neon magenta hair, a giant head, messed up facial features, a fat gut and tinly legs and arms? YOU CAN DO IT. Too bad most of the characters i saw where the standard issue settings.
2. Jumping is fun, and im sure flying will be great. Flying battles (anyone else look up in the field and see level 60-70 flying mobs?)
3. skill marcro controls.. finally i can click one button to spam my skills rather than 8.
so far thats what ive noticed.
1. Yes this game has grinding stuff (almost all MMORPG games do have that anoyance...), although compared to all other f2p games, this has the least grind in it. FIrst ~10 levels or so do NOT even require to really grind . Theoretically, if really trying with quests, you could reach about Level 50 in a week.
As for Annoyances:
1. Open Up quest log - and click on "Track Mission ON/OFF" (or something like that), now you will get quest tracker without opening up the logs. - you can manually take or add quests to the tracker. Selecting the quest INSIDE The Quest Log, you will even get direction arrow towards the required NPC(such a favourite locations you can set by yourself in the map too)
2. Yes that's quite a problem. I do not remember it exactly but If its "ALT+B" or "B" depends on if "Auto-talk" (aka writing into shoutbox without "ENTER") is on. So it depends if you want to talk fast, or access UI fast
3. I see no problems with point-and-click and WASD hybrid system. Someone will prefer to use only mouse, someone will want to use WASD. If you so do not want to use that UGLY mouse[/sarcasm], you could assign "Target" action to one of hotkeys, so you can target with keyboard
4. You CAN chat with the world. Just not with the whole world. Its not that mch of ZOMG Cash shop, but more of a means to reduce the global spam so frequent in MMO games nowadays. There are(as far as I remembre) local channel and zone channel. One is heard in certain radius, other in the whole zone.
AS for Cash Shop - the only real "game changing" item in all other versions was "Hierogram"(aka, Autopot). And you are NOT required to buy them from cash shop, there will be lots of people who will want to sell various item mall things in normal auction system. This cash shop is not that much for "advantage" but more for "being different" - you could collect materials and create fashion item or you could outright buy it, its all just about how much time you want to spend.
Yeah Hierograms are not required, but when you are into pvp then you have no choice. You can't kill someone with hierogram when you don't have one (unless you can 1 hit-kill him or kill him within 10 seconds). Territorial War wins side which has more people with hierograms. Hierograms would be fine if they would work like potions (heal over time), but they activate when your HP is below 50% (mana hieros 75% if i remember correctly) and heal you to your full HP instantly. We should thank God that they have 10 seconds cooldown. About buying them from another player, well you can do it, but hierograms prices are too high (they were on MY-EN maybe here will be different) and you won't gain enough money from grinding to use them all the time. Another bad thing about them is that they work better for tank builds. It's no big deal to kill mage (wizard), priest (cleric) or werefox (venomancer) in 10 seconds, hierogram won't help this classes much, but lets say full vit werebeast (barbarian) is very, very hard to kill in 10 seconds, so fight with him will end when his hierogram expires (30 minutes or more xD ) and theres no way you could survive 30 minutes of fighting without hierogram. All i said is true when fight is 1 vs 1, when it comes to mass pvp then (when both sides have similiar amount of people with hierograms) it doesnt give such benefits ( well on TW anyone could be killed in 10 seconds, people just need to focus fire on 1 person).
I still think this game is great xD
Well if hierograms were something very usual, they would not be in item mall. Although they ARE annoying things, as you said, with a bit of strategy, they won't be that big of help for the one using them.
Hierogram pricing will most probably depend on how much it will cost on Item Mall itself and if "convert gold into ZEN" will be implemented or no. When one will begin caring about such things, he will already have plenty of ways to get them. And in PvE servers it will only matter in territorial wars.
I personally count people with hierograms as "dungeon bosses" its just something which would need several players and a bit of tactics to take out. It adds up an element of unpredictability into the game as you REALLY need to know who you are going against. Hey, at least its not the "normal potion spamfest" like *cough* certain game with robots, mecha and porn-elves*cough*.
1. Yes this game has grinding stuff (almost all MMORPG games do have that anoyance...), although compared to all other f2p games, this has the least grind in it. FIrst ~10 levels or so do NOT even require to really grind . Theoretically, if really trying with quests, you could reach about Level 50 in a week.
As for Annoyances:
1. Open Up quest log - and click on "Track Mission ON/OFF" (or something like that), now you will get quest tracker without opening up the logs. - you can manually take or add quests to the tracker. Selecting the quest INSIDE The Quest Log, you will even get direction arrow towards the required NPC(such a favourite locations you can set by yourself in the map too)
2. Yes that's quite a problem. I do not remember it exactly but If its "ALT+B" or "B" depends on if "Auto-talk" (aka writing into shoutbox without "ENTER") is on. So it depends if you want to talk fast, or access UI fast
3. I see no problems with point-and-click and WASD hybrid system. Someone will prefer to use only mouse, someone will want to use WASD. If you so do not want to use that UGLY mouse[/sarcasm], you could assign "Target" action to one of hotkeys, so you can target with keyboard
4. You CAN chat with the world. Just not with the whole world. Its not that mch of ZOMG Cash shop, but more of a means to reduce the global spam so frequent in MMO games nowadays. There are(as far as I remembre) local channel and zone channel. One is heard in certain radius, other in the whole zone.
AS for Cash Shop - the only real "game changing" item in all other versions was "Hierogram"(aka, Autopot). And you are NOT required to buy them from cash shop, there will be lots of people who will want to sell various item mall things in normal auction system. This cash shop is not that much for "advantage" but more for "being different" - you could collect materials and create fashion item or you could outright buy it, its all just about how much time you want to spend.
Thanks for giving me a step by step checklist of why i shouldnt be annoyed with what annoys me.
Ive gotten past the quest tracking now so thats not a problem, aside from the fact that if i have several quests open, and i kill a random mob, if i have a quest for it i wont know.
They need an option for wasd only or point and click only or both, clicking on a mob and missing, only to charge that aggressive mobs as a mage really defeats the purpouse...doesnt it?
Anyway...these things still bother me, the global chat is a big one, im off in bumblefu*k and need to ask a question or am bored with all the massive grind and need to chat, i gotta hope for someone near me to be there?...boring.
I dunno, i guess there is a reason im never a fan of free games. But this game is starting to get boring, hopefully i will be able to bear the boring grind untill i can pk, mabey that wil be the breath of life that seems to be missing from this game. Although im very worried that the pk in this game isnt going to be fun for a mage, not sure, but i didnt see any root/mezz specific skils, vital to a full int wiz. all i saw where skills with a side effect that may slow/stun....well time to go grind my ass off at lv20 =/
Also add to my list of annoyances....point and click with NO auto select nearest mob hotkey...big mistake
It's + for me, well without this "nearest mob" button it's harder to create and use bots. Even without this button somebody created bot for MY-EN version, but only small group of players know how to use it. Thats why this game isn't dominated by bots.
[quote]Originally posted by crunchyblack
Thanks for giving me a step by step checklist of why i shouldnt be annoyed with what annoys me.
Ive gotten past the quest tracking now so thats not a problem, aside from the fact that if i have several quests open, and i kill a random mob, if i have a quest for it i wont know.
They need an option for wasd only or point and click only or both, clicking on a mob and missing, only to charge that aggressive mobs as a mage really defeats the purpouse...doesnt it?
Anyway...these things still bother me, the global chat is a big one, im off in bumblefu*k and need to ask a question or am bored with all the massive grind and need to chat, i gotta hope for someone near me to be there?...boring.
I dunno, i guess there is a reason im never a fan of free games. But this game is starting to get boring, hopefully i will be able to bear the boring grind untill i can pk, mabey that wil be the breath of life that seems to be missing from this game. Although im very worried that the pk in this game isnt going to be fun for a mage, not sure, but i didnt see any root/mezz specific skils, vital to a full int wiz. all i saw where skills with a side effect that may slow/stun....well time to go grind my ass off at lv20 =/
Also add to my list of annoyances....point and click with NO auto select nearest mob hotkey...big mistake[/b] [/quote]
Its just a few tips to make game a bit more enjoyable ;]
Not too sure on what you mean about "if i have several quests open", as tracker shows the progress of all quests you want to see Plus, there's "Search for Quest" button, if you ran out of quests and do NOT know on where to go next
Never did I miss-click a mob Maybe you have "one click attack" option turned on? If you want to avoid such accidents turn it off(so it comes back to standart - 1st click =select, 2nd click= weapon attack)
As for speaking - let's not forget that its in Closed Beta and most of serious players see no reason to play till Open Beta(beginning next week). Usually its at least 20-30 people in one Zone, so no problems there,again
It was decided to NOT add the auto-select, next-target, etc action hotkeys, since people would be able to bot with a simple macro (let's take one of grindfests, Age of Armor, for example. It had all these buttions and even "target lock" which would mean that you automatically chase the mob. Lots of people would just set up a simple macro and go away from pc)
And yes, pvp is quite exciting thing. As well as teritorial wars and flight
Not to mention the whole new aspect of pvp at level 99.
1. Yes this game has grinding stuff (almost all MMORPG games do have that anoyance...), although compared to all other f2p games, this has the least grind in it. FIrst ~10 levels or so do NOT even require to really grind . Theoretically, if really trying with quests, you could reach about Level 50 in a week.
As for Annoyances:
1. Open Up quest log - and click on "Track Mission ON/OFF" (or something like that), now you will get quest tracker without opening up the logs. - you can manually take or add quests to the tracker. Selecting the quest INSIDE The Quest Log, you will even get direction arrow towards the required NPC(such a favourite locations you can set by yourself in the map too)
2. Yes that's quite a problem. I do not remember it exactly but If its "ALT+B" or "B" depends on if "Auto-talk" (aka writing into shoutbox without "ENTER") is on. So it depends if you want to talk fast, or access UI fast
3. I see no problems with point-and-click and WASD hybrid system. Someone will prefer to use only mouse, someone will want to use WASD. If you so do not want to use that UGLY mouse[/sarcasm], you could assign "Target" action to one of hotkeys, so you can target with keyboard
4. You CAN chat with the world. Just not with the whole world. Its not that mch of ZOMG Cash shop, but more of a means to reduce the global spam so frequent in MMO games nowadays. There are(as far as I remembre) local channel and zone channel. One is heard in certain radius, other in the whole zone.
AS for Cash Shop - the only real "game changing" item in all other versions was "Hierogram"(aka, Autopot). And you are NOT required to buy them from cash shop, there will be lots of people who will want to sell various item mall things in normal auction system. This cash shop is not that much for "advantage" but more for "being different" - you could collect materials and create fashion item or you could outright buy it, its all just about how much time you want to spend.
Thanks for giving me a step by step checklist of why i shouldnt be annoyed with what annoys me.
Ive gotten past the quest tracking now so thats not a problem, aside from the fact that if i have several quests open, and i kill a random mob, if i have a quest for it i wont know.
They need an option for wasd only or point and click only or both, clicking on a mob and missing, only to charge that aggressive mobs as a mage really defeats the purpouse...doesnt it?
Anyway...these things still bother me, the global chat is a big one, im off in bumblefu*k and need to ask a question or am bored with all the massive grind and need to chat, i gotta hope for someone near me to be there?...boring.
I dunno, i guess there is a reason im never a fan of free games. But this game is starting to get boring, hopefully i will be able to bear the boring grind untill i can pk, mabey that wil be the breath of life that seems to be missing from this game. Although im very worried that the pk in this game isnt going to be fun for a mage, not sure, but i didnt see any root/mezz specific skils, vital to a full int wiz. all i saw where skills with a side effect that may slow/stun....well time to go grind my ass off at lv20 =/
Also add to my list of annoyances....point and click with NO auto select nearest mob hotkey...big mistake
Can everyone please stop trying to convince this guy it's a good game. He obviously doesn't like the game. Fine. I get it. So go play something else. Stop waisting everyones time. Line up people.
I'm sorry that you are not enjoying the game. Considing it's in CB you should be helping test different systems. Hope you find a nice game you enjoy and have fun. Late.
Wow...give a review that isnt "best game ever" and you say i hate the game and should go play another game? So much for trying a game and reviewing it....
My intention wasnt to enrage the fanbois, only to give my thoughts on the game..hence this threads title of "your thoughts"
of course my thoughts get picked apart about why they are incorrect thoughts, then told to go play a diffrent game because i dont like it enough...gotta love fanboi rage..
So why dont you guys drop your thoughts here (about the actual game not about what others thoughts are) then move on and start a fanboi thread where you cant pick apart what others think..that is if its not positive...
Honestly...yeah i dont think this game is anything going to most likely play it untill cb ends then move on...But hey its just my need to cry about it.
so post your thoughts about the game here, so others can read it without having to look at flames related to what i think or others think about the game, and can just see peoples opinions on how the game is.
You should have named this thread, Your thoughs.... and i'll tell you what annoys the crap out of me. I'm not a fanboi as you call it, i just hate whinners. You ask people for their thought and then tell them you don't like it. You have said nothing positive so far, just a bunch of complaining about what you don't like.
You asked for my thoughts:
1) Don't CB any games anymore, and if you do please tell me which ones so i can avoid your whinning.
2)If you don't like the core game, great, don't play it, i don't want to hear about it.
3)When you ask for peoples thoughts, give more constructive discussion. I don't want to post my thoughts just to hear you rant about my opinions.
Good day to you sir.
I've been participating in the closed beta and can say I'm fairly pleased in the game as well.
There might be some annoyances for some (Such as the B for backpack / inventory dispute) but they are minor.
Graphics are decent and there is a lot of quests. Also from what I understand there are territory wars, PvP, and there lots of guilds forming. I also like how you can harvest and craft things with your loot, customize your characters, and upgrade your skills.
Would definately like to see and will probably play more of this game if and when it goes beyond beta.
* HP m9250f (Intel Quad Core 6700 / 4 Gig RAM / Nvidia 8600GT / Vista 64 Bit)