I used to play WoW and have been in the closed beta for WAR (not the preview weekend, damn studies >.< ) And unless they have made some massive class changes for the preview, more than half of the op's review is wrong. The classes themselves or the comparisons he makes to WoW classes. Unless hes using this post for comic relief, but i already see people taking his post at face value.
Whats worse, hes made the same post in the WoW forums as a
I refuse to play Albion er..Order. I'm looking for a class that can solo/sneak up on targets quite well, have some ranged options if possible but essentially pick off targets. From what I read the Torture Disciple looked like an option but it seems I was wrong?
Any insight?
the only thing even close to this is a witch hunter.
comparing all classes in war to wow classes = epic fail
Umm, yeah you're right... He should have compared the classes in Warhammer to different kinds of breakfast cereal so that the majority of the community could relate to it....
Chosen have a hard time soloing??? Not as good as BO???
You obviously haven't played Chosen with 2H correctly. They are absolutely devastating if you know what the hell you're doing and where to spend your points.
Played > UO AC AC2 AO SWG FFXI DAOC GW WOW L2 EQ2 LOTRO EVE CoX DDO EAB Neo MXO TR AOC War Aion Playing > Nothing Awaiting > Sigh.. Wishing > Shadowrun Online
There will be some major nerfs , class changes down the road ... i can smell this mile away. Also , they will simply have to bring back the empire tank class or the game will crumble.
I agree the melee tanks that destruction have is quite scary .
There will be some major nerfs , class changes down the road ... i can smell this mile away. Also , they will simply have to bring back the empire tank class or the game will crumble.
I fail to see how you mean. Perhaps you could elaborate?
Absolutely agree, this was by far the hardest class for me to kill.
And there's your problem.
If you were trying to kill a healer without the rest of your team, good luck. All of the healing classes can hold their own 1 vs 1. The game isn't about duels, it is about team warfare.
Focus fire on a RP and they will be dead within seconds. They are not overpowered, people just need to lear how to play the game correctly.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
IRONBREAKER: This will be the overall best tank for raiding, but it is not as great in pvp. It requires a building of grudge points to launch it's actions, which deminish if the player dies, or if it is out of combat for too long. Both of these things happen often in rvr. (Closest wow build: Warrior) IB is like a rage based WoW tank in the buildup sense but does not need Grudge to launch most skills. Some skills need grudge, others get boosts from grudge, others build grudge and some don't use or benefit from grudge. WARRIOR PRIEST: Not as great as you would imagine. The heals are about par, slightly better than a runepriest, but less than an archmage. The melee attacks are OK, but not great, and the ranged skills just are a letdown in both appearance and effect. The attacks are simaler to throwing a tomato at your opponent... it even makes a squishy sound. If you are empire, this isn't a bad choice however, since it is a nice balance between offense and defense, and they can be a real pain in scenarios to uproot. (Closest wow build: Healer paladin) Depends on spec but a WP can be built as Retrib Pallies. Heals are a core skill so the same across all healers. The class specific ones are shared by their mirror the DoK and are specable. DPS wise the WP is on par with the Witch Hunter but behind a grudge capped Ironbreaker. WITCH HUNTER: Most OP class in RVR bar NONE!!! They can kite any class around and just abuse them. Tanks, melee dps, healers... all of them. For casters, it's even worse, they basically can silence you, then kill you FAST! Their gear makes them much much better, so end game they will be dps gods, and almost all of their skills are instant cast. So far, this particular class is my only balance gripe that I have with the game. Also, many of the order are this class... tons and tons of these in fact. I expect this to be the most played class on the order side of the fence. At least they rock... as long as they are this OP, I see good things for order! (closest wow build: Rogue with a gun) Sounds like you got tagged by them a lot but didn't play one. Melee dps are underpowered right now. Low defense, low hp, same dps as healers. They are good at shutting down magic users but they are squishy and that their big gun is a DoT finisher really hurts. White Lion: This class if very neat. Having a lion that helps and follows you around is a pretty good idea. Probem is that lions are not as good as a player, and the whitelion is not as good as a player either. Only together can you beat someone, and even then it can be a trick. The lion is very useful for tapping mobs solo, and you can resummon your lion in combat, so this class can solo quite well. There is a degree of skill that is required for this class though, that is not required for the squig herder, since the squig herder can just shoot while you must melee it out. I must warn you that lions are not very strong hp-wise, and most of the time will just die from splash damage from bosses. This class is good in RVR, but HORRIBLE in raids... Just horrible... you basically take 2x dps damage from any boss due to having two targets present. (Closest wow build: hunter with no arrows) Solid class but the AI and pathing issues make it unplayable from a quality of life standpoint. Swordmaster: This is very interesting to me. Since dark elves get NO TANK, you are lulled into feeling pretty useful in pvp and feeling pretty powerful EARLY ON. Problem is that your balance attribute is completely worthless, and other tanks can rock your world. If you are a classic tanker, go Ironbreaker. If you want to be a hybrid dps tank, this might be your angle, but I warn that they added dps comes at a cost of almost all defense. These die nearly as easily in rvr as a shadow warrior, so choose wisely. This might be good for raiding however, I never got the class up to a level where I could take on a serious raid. Just a note, all of the pictures of these show them weilding a greatsword, but most of the time you are sword & board just like the other classes.... I thought this class would be a different take on a tank with just a weapon, but it turns out not to be the case.... any tank can do what this tank does just as well. (closest wow build: one-armed paladin) Nods not much reason from a power player point of view to play a SM over an IB. The mechanic of 1>2>3 kind of limits your effectiveness and choices in combat but since the skills aren't more effective to compensate for it... its gimp. DESTRUCTION!!!!!!! Black-Orc: This tank starts out slow... I mean very slow! But it gets to be the best tanking tank in the destruction lineup. They are solid in rvr and can really give casters fits with interrupts. The only problem is that you are kind of big and stand out, and you generally are being swarmed by ironbreakers since the other dwarf classes kind of lack awesomeness. (closest wow build: fury warrior) In DPS spec BO are terrible, not Chosen terrible but not terribly effective. In prot spec they are just imovable objects. Same terrible mechanic as SM but defense buffs don't share tiers so you can back to back them ad nausem. In dps spec they are behind every tank other than Chosen. Chosen: Chosens are the coolest looking class, and they have some of the neatest powers of the tanking community. Their curses are instantaneous, powerful, and are spread over a large area. These curses do things like (-33% resist to enemies +33% resist to allies) which is pretty huge! As solo, they aren't great, and the curses agro enemies which makes pulling and pve VERY HARD at times. In rvr it's nice to have the full power of you skills available at the start of the fight, since tanks rarely live to see the end of the fight. All in all, I would say they are balanced due to their specific weaknesses to ranged attacks and pve. They are alright in raids... not better than a BO but still acceptable. This will likely be the most played destruction class (yey for casters) due to their cool looks, and decent power. This is a tank that is cool enough to get people who don't play tanks to try it out. This will fizzle in the higher levels though. (closest wow build: Super paladin) Uh huh. Chosen are gimp for offense, no arguement there. But they are also the defense tank since their auras buff and debuff at once and are twistable! An active Chosen is just not killable short of sending an army after the one toon. PvE is SLLOOOWWWW but again you can't be killed so eventually... you win. Marauder: This class is very good in rvr. It has a lot of silences, slows, roots, and even an ability that pulls your opponent to you! Not to mention a few sprints and root breaks. They are NOT as good as a WH and can get beaten like a doll by one and their shinannagans, but they are the 2nd worst thing to happen to a caster. Their melee AOE's are the real show-stopper since people love to bunch up for protection. A few of these can make superior forces turn and run due to the huge aoe's possible by these guys! They also have attacks that due more damage from behind and so on. Not fantastic in raids since most cc and silences just don't work in these scenarios, but if you are a hardcore pvp melee guy (ex rogue) and you want to really become a feared sight to order, then this if your guy! (Closest wow build: dps warrior) I'll have to relog my Mauauder and check this out. My notes show no gapple or AE skills from the most effective dps build. MA is the combat rogue, straight up, chew your armour, make you pay for your attacks, damage mdps with good defenses. Disciple of khaine: If you can find something that will let you wack on it a little while, they can get some pretty potent skills, however in rvr that doesn't happen much. Their skills are utility based and not very flashy. They can dual-wield, but that's only for show, and a little for stats. Their dps sucks, but they are a healer class primarily. Very simaler to a warrior priest. (closest wow class: Healing paladin that doesn't know to stay out of melee) Ugh not even close. DoK are slightly behind WE for dps, miles ahead in survival and all about DoT and finishing. Meaning I can load you up and take time to heal before I wail on you some more or pound you out with instants or if you run you still die. In PvE this class can solo Champions just refreshing our HoT. Witch elf: These are simaler to the witch hunter, but without a gun... HUGE burst damage, and awesome poion/debuff skills against a single target, but just plain not as good as a witch hunter. Could be better in raids though... since a kiting and silences don't work. These guys can really kill someone fast if they aren't taking direct fire from an opponent. BW's can smoke these chicks pretty fast though! Closest wow class: (rogue who can't vanish) Mirror of the WH that trades better finishers for an extra DoT. Frankly the poor mans DoK.
Added some comments based off my notes on class skills based on optimal dps/defense builds.
Just curious as I only made it to tier 3. When exactly do the Witch Hunters become good? Never had a problem with them as a Chosen or a Marauder... found they died awfully quickly.
You know just as much as the OP knows. People come on forums after preview weekend and think hey I know all about this game!
Him saying warrior priest has better heals then rune priest just proves that. Warriorpriest heals don't even compare to a rune priest.
Engineers are a good class if played correctly. Which is defensive. You have not seen a good engineer yet. I guarantee you.
Ironbreaker's not good in PvP? Are you smoking crack? The way you build grudges is by putting oathfriend on whatever is getting focused then laying down the dps. And trust me you can lay down some dps with grudges. And if they are focusing you, your not gaining as many grudges (5 a hit if they are on you 10 a hit if they are on oathfriend whats the problem again?) But you are doing your job. Tanking.
Brightwizard: Correct. But they go down easy.
Witchunter being the most OP class ever: LMFAO. This class eats through action points like he's got the munchies. If a tank loses to this class they are complete GARBAGE.
Shadow warriors are the best kiting class in the game. They dont have as much burst as BW but have alot more survivability. In armor. In health. In snares roots AND knockbacks? They have a snare, a god damn root, and a shot that sends people flying. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS?
White Lion pet is broken right now so I won't comment on them. They are good when pet is being used and isn't being used from what I've seen so far though.
Archmage? LOW solo-ability? My friend 1v5ed on an archmage and they have low solo ability. Ok I'm starting to think you played some other game. Rune priest is the closest you'll get to a classic healer BTW champ not archmage. The mechanic sucking? Your right, dotting up 5 people with instant casts to build up 5 points then casting your biggest heal instantly is a lame mechanic AMIRITE?
Especially since I played one way longer then you played this game Preview weekender! (Congrats on getting in btw dude!)
The balance mechanic being worthless. Very funny since all your perfect balance skills are free of cost from action points AMIRITE? Has the most AoE abilities out of any tanks and play their roll as magic tanks if Specced into Aethyric armor. 5% disrupt anyone? You might not know what disrupt is OP since your just a preview weekender. I'll explain! When sorceresses or other magic casters cast spells and it says disrupt. It means you didn't do damage to them. You can also gain disrupt bonus from willpower! All other tanks can rock my world huh? Never lost once to a Black Orc or a chosen. Matter of fact I 2 vs 4ed A black orc a chosen and 2 zealots with my Warrior Priest friend who was on vent with me. Matter of fact I 1vs2ed 2 chosen by myself. Matter of fact I 1vs2ed a squig herder and a shaman. Matter of f-in fact I can tank 10+ people on my in RvR with a decent healer while still dropping people like flys. No I don't get on tanks first like you probably did! O yes with all my defensive abilities in my arsenal I die as easily as a Shadow Warrior. Just a note: I wasn't a retard and used a sword and board to fill my job in as a tank. Yes I wish I could have pulled out my 2hander but I only did when it was possible. AkA stages 1 and 2 of PQs, Soloing. I sword and boarded and tanked 3 heroes in a PQ in Ostland in the bottom left hand corner where you had to fight all the stage 3 bosses at once and kill them in a certain order or die trying. I was able to hold all aggro on 3 heroes and we 3 manned the PQ while we were the appropriate level for it. But sword masters are gimped compared to the other tanks. Yes if you want to defend more roll Ironbreaker I completely agree. Sword masters are magic tanks. Ironbreakers are more of the classic tank and require less skill since they can defend two people at once without breaking a sweat by using oathfriend while swordmasters have to use abilities to drop a persons damage, sap their action points/morale, and increase their parry and switch guard alot more often. I actually hope your message gets through. I will be happy to roll the only swordmaster. Btw what the hell do dark elves not having a tank have to do with this?
Black-Orc. This is a fury warrior and the sword master is the one armed pally when they are mirror classes and have almost the exact same abilities. Btw this isnt a fury warrior. And this isn't WoW. GET F-IN OVER IT. It's not even close to playing like a fury warrior.
One armed pally: Good one dude your clever. Your team was probably in the high 1300s! Congrats. What an accomplishment for a sped-ed
Shaman: see MY archmage.
Zealot: Correct this is the runepriests mirror! WHOAH THEIR ARE MIRROR CLASSES IN THIS GAME?!?
Chosen: Jeez those auras are such a large area! 30 feet. Woo thats big. Oh yea and tanks don't really live to see the end of fights. Nice comment, who are you kidding and who was your healer? You need to slap him and swap him OUT. You are correct. This will be the most played class. It's gonna be stopped when they figure out they aren't major dps and can't have their 2handers out if they want to actually help. Very good at making people assume they are a good class because of looks. And at lower levels they are pretty good because of the auras. At higher levels (12+) you are right.. they will fizzle out. Especially since their mastery trees SUUUUCK.
You consider Magus an elemental shaman? Wtf? Elemental shamans BLOW SHIT UP. Magus are the most underpowered class in this game. At least because they all think they are casters and don't drop their demons like engineers drop their turrets. I 1v2ed to of them on my "one-armed pally" and one without going below 75% health because they decided their demons weren't necessary. Plus their pets are bugged so how are they better then turrets?
Marauders I agree with everything but the AoE bull. Swordmasters have more AoE then these guys. Their AoE is only a cone effect. By the level 16 a SM has TWO amazing PBAoEs. Thats Point Blank Area of Effect for all of you newbies! Meaning a radius around your character. While a cone is what you are facing. This class is good if the player can stance dance.
Sorc: The overall AoE(There it is again guys!) damage kings.
DoK: Their dps sucks? WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING? Similar to the Warrior priest yes in mechanic. The WP cannot put out as much damage as the DoK I don't care what you say. They can run in with the rest of the melee and actually do their job and support heal the real healers while also keeping themselves up and focus targeting the MDPS and Tanks targets for a nice amount of damage. You definitely dropped the ball on this "review" or w.e you'd like to call it.
Witch Elves: Your right so I'll just move on to the best part of your review.
Your poll. Hilarious AND true. Wow, some truth in this review. Almost everyone will be playing Chosen.
Please get some more experience before you post a review that might ruin the game for someone before they try it out. I have much more experience beta testing then you and I can say you were wrong on most points and probably just saw bad players playing these classes badly. Or maybe you just played them badly.
Classes that need fixing: Warriorpriest and Magus. I'll leave it at that.
I would of thought shaman would be more like a shadow priest than a holy priest...but whatever, can't really compare WAR to WoW.
They are more like shadow priests then holy priests. You damage to get smaller cast/instant cast heals and you heal to get smaller cast/instant cast damage.
Awesome Solude and smitty, but just one question. I heard that there was a class that a percentage of her dmg goes to hp. Do you know which one does that?
I saw a rune priest heal tank half a dozen enemies in a scenario. Rune priests are easily the most powerful class in game.
You are easily the slowest person I know. Just because you saw someone do something during a preview weekend means they are the most powerful class in the game. Grats on logic.
A tank probably was guarding him since you know he is a healer. That's automatically 50% damage not on him. Now let's research what saving my own ass abilities a rune priest has!
Rune of Shielding! Omg a power word shield!
Gives the target a shield that gives them XXX damage absorbtion for so many seconds. After the time finishes the target will be healed for XXX.
Rune of Preservation! A detaunt. OMFG!!
Detaunts target's attack power by 50% for 15 seconds. ACQUIRED RANK 7! NO WAY!
These are 2 of the many skills that both Runepriest AND Zealot have in order to survive! Just like bright wizards, sorcs, archmages, and shamans! And all the other classes in the game!
But nope. Because you saw one person that played his class the way he was supposed to omfg nerf! hes the best class. You all need to l2play and stop whining. Game is balanced on group settings. There I said it. Just blew your damn minds. This isn't WoW.
From the word's of Seth Rogen in knocked up. "It's a girl. Buy some pink shit."
Nice review and I agree with the op. I do wish there were more classes though. The classes that do exist could be buffed more to make them more interesting, the white lion as an example. As the OP said, the lion is kinda lame and doesn't do as much damage as you would think.
Awesome Solude and smitty, but just one question. I heard that there was a class that a percentage of her dmg goes to hp. Do you know which one does that?
Both Melee healers do that. Don't listen to posters for advice go to websites like www.wardb.com and find out for yourselves. You won't find anything but opinions here.
Just curious as I only made it to tier 3. When exactly do the Witch Hunters become good? Never had a problem with them as a Chosen or a Marauder... found they died awfully quickly.
You know just as much as the OP knows. People come on forums after preview weekend and think hey I know all about this game!
Him saying warrior priest has better heals then rune priest just proves that. Warriorpriest heals don't even compare to a rune priest.
Engineers are a good class if played correctly. Which is defensive. You have not seen a good engineer yet. I guarantee you.
Ironbreaker's not good in PvP? Are you smoking crack? The way you build grudges is by putting oathfriend on whatever is getting focused then laying down the dps. And trust me you can lay down some dps with grudges. And if they are focusing you, your not gaining as many grudges (5 a hit if they are on you 10 a hit if they are on oathfriend whats the problem again?) But you are doing your job. Tanking.
Brightwizard: Correct. But they go down easy.
Witchunter being the most OP class ever: LMFAO. This class eats through action points like he's got the munchies. If a tank loses to this class they are complete GARBAGE.
Shadow warriors are the best kiting class in the game. They dont have as much burst as BW but have alot more survivability. In armor. In health. In snares roots AND knockbacks? They have a snare, a god damn root, and a shot that sends people flying. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS?
White Lion pet is broken right now so I won't comment on them. They are good when pet is being used and isn't being used from what I've seen so far though.
Archmage? LOW solo-ability? My friend 1v5ed on an archmage and they have low solo ability. Ok I'm starting to think you played some other game. Rune priest is the closest you'll get to a classic healer BTW champ not archmage. The mechanic sucking? Your right, dotting up 5 people with instant casts to build up 5 points then casting your biggest heal instantly is a lame mechanic AMIRITE?
Especially since I played one way longer then you played this game Preview weekender! (Congrats on getting in btw dude!)
The balance mechanic being worthless. Very funny since all your perfect balance skills are free of cost from action points AMIRITE? Has the most AoE abilities out of any tanks and play their roll as magic tanks if Specced into Aethyric armor. 5% disrupt anyone? You might not know what disrupt is OP since your just a preview weekender. I'll explain! When sorceresses or other magic casters cast spells and it says disrupt. It means you didn't do damage to them. You can also gain disrupt bonus from willpower! All other tanks can rock my world huh? Never lost once to a Black Orc or a chosen. Matter of fact I 2 vs 4ed A black orc a chosen and 2 zealots with my Warrior Priest friend who was on vent with me. Matter of fact I 1vs2ed 2 chosen by myself. Matter of fact I 1vs2ed a squig herder and a shaman. Matter of f-in fact I can tank 10+ people on my in RvR with a decent healer while still dropping people like flys. No I don't get on tanks first like you probably did! O yes with all my defensive abilities in my arsenal I die as easily as a Shadow Warrior. Just a note: I wasn't a retard and used a sword and board to fill my job in as a tank. Yes I wish I could have pulled out my 2hander but I only did when it was possible. AkA stages 1 and 2 of PQs, Soloing. I sword and boarded and tanked 3 heroes in a PQ in Ostland in the bottom left hand corner where you had to fight all the stage 3 bosses at once and kill them in a certain order or die trying. I was able to hold all aggro on 3 heroes and we 3 manned the PQ while we were the appropriate level for it. But sword masters are gimped compared to the other tanks. Yes if you want to defend more roll Ironbreaker I completely agree. Sword masters are magic tanks. Ironbreakers are more of the classic tank and require less skill since they can defend two people at once without breaking a sweat by using oathfriend while swordmasters have to use abilities to drop a persons damage, sap their action points/morale, and increase their parry and switch guard alot more often. I actually hope your message gets through. I will be happy to roll the only swordmaster. Btw what the hell do dark elves not having a tank have to do with this?
Black-Orc. This is a fury warrior and the sword master is the one armed pally when they are mirror classes and have almost the exact same abilities. Btw this isnt a fury warrior. And this isn't WoW. GET F-IN OVER IT. It's not even close to playing like a fury warrior.
One armed pally: Good one dude your clever. Your team was probably in the high 1300s! Congrats. What an accomplishment for a sped-ed
Shaman: see MY archmage.
Zealot: Correct this is the runepriests mirror! WHOAH THEIR ARE MIRROR CLASSES IN THIS GAME?!?
Chosen: Jeez those auras are such a large area! 30 feet. Woo thats big. Oh yea and tanks don't really live to see the end of fights. Nice comment, who are you kidding and who was your healer? You need to slap him and swap him OUT. You are correct. This will be the most played class. It's gonna be stopped when they figure out they aren't major dps and can't have their 2handers out if they want to actually help. Very good at making people assume they are a good class because of looks. And at lower levels they are pretty good because of the auras. At higher levels (12+) you are right.. they will fizzle out. Especially since their mastery trees SUUUUCK.
You consider Magus an elemental shaman? Wtf? Elemental shamans BLOW SHIT UP. Magus are the most underpowered class in this game. At least because they all think they are casters and don't drop their demons like engineers drop their turrets. I 1v2ed to of them on my "one-armed pally" and one without going below 75% health because they decided their demons weren't necessary. Plus their pets are bugged so how are they better then turrets?
Marauders I agree with everything but the AoE bull. Swordmasters have more AoE then these guys. Their AoE is only a cone effect. By the level 16 a SM has TWO amazing PBAoEs. Thats Point Blank Area of Effect for all of you newbies! Meaning a radius around your character. While a cone is what you are facing. This class is good if the player can stance dance.
Sorc: The overall AoE(There it is again guys!) damage kings.
DoK: Their dps sucks? WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING? Similar to the Warrior priest yes in mechanic. The WP cannot put out as much damage as the DoK I don't care what you say. They can run in with the rest of the melee and actually do their job and support heal the real healers while also keeping themselves up and focus targeting the MDPS and Tanks targets for a nice amount of damage. You definitely dropped the ball on this "review" or w.e you'd like to call it.
Witch Elves: Your right so I'll just move on to the best part of your review.
Your poll. Hilarious AND true. Wow, some truth in this review. Almost everyone will be playing Chosen.
Please get some more experience before you post a review that might ruin the game for someone before they try it out. I have much more experience beta testing then you and I can say you were wrong on most points and probably just saw bad players playing these classes badly. Or maybe you just played them badly.
Classes that need fixing: Warriorpriest and Magus. I'll leave it at that.
QFT, OP's post are 80% wrong and too lazy to argue with it lol
Nice review and I agree with the op. I do wish there were more classes though. The classes that do exist could be buffed more to make them more interesting, the white lion as an example. As the OP said, the lion is kinda lame and doesn't do as much damage as you would think. Great game though overall!
The Lion does stupid damage. It's a champion mob. It was way weaker in closed beta. It's used to silence targets and FETCH THEM TO YOU IF THEY TRY TO RUN. Wish there was more classes? There are 20!! TWENTY Jesus, give people an inch they want a damn mile. WoW has 9 classes since we love comparing everything to this game I might as well join in. 9. AND THEY AREN'T ALL FUN TO PLAY. Some are bland and boring and I'd rather hang out with my grandma and have way more fun while she talks to me in Portuguese and I sit their nodding my head like I understand her. (Woman speaks to damn fast!)
I used caps because I thought I might get through to you people.
Please complain about things that are wrong with this game so they get to it. UI, targeting, bugs, ability failed bugs, targeting, chat (can't even shift click items into it WTF this is about to be 2009 people.)
I think some folks have already said it but take the OPs' comments as 'IMO' versus 'hard fact'. It is unlikely the OP played ANY of the classes up to a break point where each diverge in their specialties from the others. Everyone is pretty much equal if you play them right. Will some be a bit overpowered in some areas? Sure. Work a char within it's own specialty and it should be. Just play what you like/enjoy and have fun.
I think some folks have already said it but take the OPs' comments as 'IMO' versus 'hard fact'. It is unlikely the OP played ANY of the classes up to a break point where each diverge in their specialties from the others. Everyone is pretty much equal if you play them right. Will some be a bit overpowered in some areas? Sure. Work a char within it's own specialty and it should be. Just play what you like/enjoy and have fun.
QFT The only reason I went so hard was because of the misleading title. "Class guide" "Whats OP at launch" Lol how does he have the right to make a class guide on classes he knows nothing about. And you don't know whats OP at launch until after Open Beta. They are making class fixes as we speak.
You need to know how to play in order to make the class shine. Yes and over-powered class combined with a skilled gamer is what truely makes it epic. Put a non-skilled gamer behind the same OP class and he becomes a wet paper bag and makes the class look like crap. See ya' on the battlefield.
Awesome Solude and smitty, but just one question. I heard that there was a class that a percentage of her dmg goes to hp. Do you know which one does that?
Warrior Priest and Disciple get 3? attacks that heal for 50%/250% of damage done to defensive target or ae depending on the skill. Only those attacks though, not everything in your toolbox.
I used to play WoW and have been in the closed beta for WAR (not the preview weekend, damn studies >.< ) And unless they have made some massive class changes for the preview, more than half of the op's review is wrong. The classes themselves or the comparisons he makes to WoW classes. Unless hes using this post for comic relief, but i already see people taking his post at face value.
Whats worse, hes made the same post in the WoW forums as a
WOW to WAR transition guide
Take the Hecatomb TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.
the only thing even close to this is a witch hunter.
Umm, yeah you're right... He should have compared the classes in Warhammer to different kinds of breakfast cereal so that the majority of the community could relate to it....
Seriously, think before you post.
I would of thought shaman would be more like a shadow priest than a holy priest...but whatever, can't really compare WAR to WoW.
Chosen have a hard time soloing??? Not as good as BO???
You obviously haven't played Chosen with 2H correctly. They are absolutely devastating if you know what the hell you're doing and where to spend your points.
Playing > Nothing
Awaiting > Sigh..
Wishing > Shadowrun Online
I saw a rune priest heal tank half a dozen enemies in a scenario. Rune priests are easily the most powerful class in game.
Absolutely agree, this was by far the hardest class for me to kill.
Playing > Nothing
Awaiting > Sigh..
Wishing > Shadowrun Online
There will be some major nerfs , class changes down the road ... i can smell this mile away.
Also , they will simply have to bring back the empire tank class or the game will crumble.
I agree the melee tanks that destruction have is quite scary .
I fail to see how you mean. Perhaps you could elaborate?
Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
And there's your problem.
If you were trying to kill a healer without the rest of your team, good luck. All of the healing classes can hold their own 1 vs 1. The game isn't about duels, it is about team warfare.
Focus fire on a RP and they will be dead within seconds. They are not overpowered, people just need to lear how to play the game correctly.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
but wait!
If I can't say that another class is overpowered, that must mean that I suck....
Added some comments based off my notes on class skills based on optimal dps/defense builds.
You know just as much as the OP knows. People come on forums after preview weekend and think hey I know all about this game!
Him saying warrior priest has better heals then rune priest just proves that. Warriorpriest heals don't even compare to a rune priest.
Engineers are a good class if played correctly. Which is defensive. You have not seen a good engineer yet. I guarantee you.
Ironbreaker's not good in PvP? Are you smoking crack? The way you build grudges is by putting oathfriend on whatever is getting focused then laying down the dps. And trust me you can lay down some dps with grudges. And if they are focusing you, your not gaining as many grudges (5 a hit if they are on you 10 a hit if they are on oathfriend whats the problem again?) But you are doing your job. Tanking.
Brightwizard: Correct. But they go down easy.
Witchunter being the most OP class ever: LMFAO. This class eats through action points like he's got the munchies. If a tank loses to this class they are complete GARBAGE.
Shadow warriors are the best kiting class in the game. They dont have as much burst as BW but have alot more survivability. In armor. In health. In snares roots AND knockbacks? They have a snare, a god damn root, and a shot that sends people flying. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS?
White Lion pet is broken right now so I won't comment on them. They are good when pet is being used and isn't being used from what I've seen so far though.
Archmage? LOW solo-ability? My friend 1v5ed on an archmage and they have low solo ability. Ok I'm starting to think you played some other game. Rune priest is the closest you'll get to a classic healer BTW champ not archmage. The mechanic sucking? Your right, dotting up 5 people with instant casts to build up 5 points then casting your biggest heal instantly is a lame mechanic AMIRITE?
Especially since I played one way longer then you played this game Preview weekender! (Congrats on getting in btw dude!)
The balance mechanic being worthless. Very funny since all your perfect balance skills are free of cost from action points AMIRITE? Has the most AoE abilities out of any tanks and play their roll as magic tanks if Specced into Aethyric armor. 5% disrupt anyone? You might not know what disrupt is OP since your just a preview weekender. I'll explain! When sorceresses or other magic casters cast spells and it says disrupt. It means you didn't do damage to them. You can also gain disrupt bonus from willpower! All other tanks can rock my world huh? Never lost once to a Black Orc or a chosen. Matter of fact I 2 vs 4ed A black orc a chosen and 2 zealots with my Warrior Priest friend who was on vent with me. Matter of fact I 1vs2ed 2 chosen by myself. Matter of fact I 1vs2ed a squig herder and a shaman. Matter of f-in fact I can tank 10+ people on my in RvR with a decent healer while still dropping people like flys. No I don't get on tanks first like you probably did! O yes with all my defensive abilities in my arsenal I die as easily as a Shadow Warrior. Just a note: I wasn't a retard and used a sword and board to fill my job in as a tank. Yes I wish I could have pulled out my 2hander but I only did when it was possible. AkA stages 1 and 2 of PQs, Soloing. I sword and boarded and tanked 3 heroes in a PQ in Ostland in the bottom left hand corner where you had to fight all the stage 3 bosses at once and kill them in a certain order or die trying. I was able to hold all aggro on 3 heroes and we 3 manned the PQ while we were the appropriate level for it. But sword masters are gimped compared to the other tanks. Yes if you want to defend more roll Ironbreaker I completely agree. Sword masters are magic tanks. Ironbreakers are more of the classic tank and require less skill since they can defend two people at once without breaking a sweat by using oathfriend while swordmasters have to use abilities to drop a persons damage, sap their action points/morale, and increase their parry and switch guard alot more often. I actually hope your message gets through. I will be happy to roll the only swordmaster. Btw what the hell do dark elves not having a tank have to do with this?
Black-Orc. This is a fury warrior and the sword master is the one armed pally when they are mirror classes and have almost the exact same abilities. Btw this isnt a fury warrior. And this isn't WoW. GET F-IN OVER IT. It's not even close to playing like a fury warrior.
One armed pally: Good one dude your clever. Your team was probably in the high 1300s! Congrats. What an accomplishment for a sped-ed
Shaman: see MY archmage.
Zealot: Correct this is the runepriests mirror! WHOAH THEIR ARE MIRROR CLASSES IN THIS GAME?!?
Chosen: Jeez those auras are such a large area! 30 feet. Woo thats big. Oh yea and tanks don't really live to see the end of fights. Nice comment, who are you kidding and who was your healer? You need to slap him and swap him OUT. You are correct. This will be the most played class. It's gonna be stopped when they figure out they aren't major dps and can't have their 2handers out if they want to actually help. Very good at making people assume they are a good class because of looks. And at lower levels they are pretty good because of the auras. At higher levels (12+) you are right.. they will fizzle out. Especially since their mastery trees SUUUUCK.
You consider Magus an elemental shaman? Wtf? Elemental shamans BLOW SHIT UP. Magus are the most underpowered class in this game. At least because they all think they are casters and don't drop their demons like engineers drop their turrets. I 1v2ed to of them on my "one-armed pally" and one without going below 75% health because they decided their demons weren't necessary. Plus their pets are bugged so how are they better then turrets?
Marauders I agree with everything but the AoE bull. Swordmasters have more AoE then these guys. Their AoE is only a cone effect. By the level 16 a SM has TWO amazing PBAoEs. Thats Point Blank Area of Effect for all of you newbies! Meaning a radius around your character. While a cone is what you are facing. This class is good if the player can stance dance.
Sorc: The overall AoE(There it is again guys!) damage kings.
DoK: Their dps sucks? WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING? Similar to the Warrior priest yes in mechanic. The WP cannot put out as much damage as the DoK I don't care what you say. They can run in with the rest of the melee and actually do their job and support heal the real healers while also keeping themselves up and focus targeting the MDPS and Tanks targets for a nice amount of damage. You definitely dropped the ball on this "review" or w.e you'd like to call it.
Witch Elves: Your right so I'll just move on to the best part of your review.
Your poll. Hilarious AND true. Wow, some truth in this review. Almost everyone will be playing Chosen.
Please get some more experience before you post a review that might ruin the game for someone before they try it out. I have much more experience beta testing then you and I can say you were wrong on most points and probably just saw bad players playing these classes badly. Or maybe you just played them badly.
Classes that need fixing: Warriorpriest and Magus. I'll leave it at that.
They are more like shadow priests then holy priests. You damage to get smaller cast/instant cast heals and you heal to get smaller cast/instant cast damage.
Awesome Solude and smitty, but just one question. I heard that there was a class that a percentage of her dmg goes to hp. Do you know which one does that?
You are easily the slowest person I know. Just because you saw someone do something during a preview weekend means they are the most powerful class in the game. Grats on logic.
A tank probably was guarding him since you know he is a healer. That's automatically 50% damage not on him. Now let's research what saving my own ass abilities a rune priest has!
Rune of Shielding! Omg a power word shield!
Gives the target a shield that gives them XXX damage absorbtion for so many seconds. After the time finishes the target will be healed for XXX.
Rune of Preservation! A detaunt. OMFG!!
Detaunts target's attack power by 50% for 15 seconds. ACQUIRED RANK 7! NO WAY!
These are 2 of the many skills that both Runepriest AND Zealot have in order to survive! Just like bright wizards, sorcs, archmages, and shamans! And all the other classes in the game!
But nope. Because you saw one person that played his class the way he was supposed to omfg nerf! hes the best class. You all need to l2play and stop whining. Game is balanced on group settings. There I said it. Just blew your damn minds. This isn't WoW.
From the word's of Seth Rogen in knocked up. "It's a girl. Buy some pink shit."
Nice review and I agree with the op. I do wish there were more classes though. The classes that do exist could be buffed more to make them more interesting, the white lion as an example. As the OP said, the lion is kinda lame and doesn't do as much damage as you would think.
Great game though overall!
Both Melee healers do that. Don't listen to posters for advice go to websites like www.wardb.com and find out for yourselves. You won't find anything but opinions here.
You know just as much as the OP knows. People come on forums after preview weekend and think hey I know all about this game!
Him saying warrior priest has better heals then rune priest just proves that. Warriorpriest heals don't even compare to a rune priest.
Engineers are a good class if played correctly. Which is defensive. You have not seen a good engineer yet. I guarantee you.
Ironbreaker's not good in PvP? Are you smoking crack? The way you build grudges is by putting oathfriend on whatever is getting focused then laying down the dps. And trust me you can lay down some dps with grudges. And if they are focusing you, your not gaining as many grudges (5 a hit if they are on you 10 a hit if they are on oathfriend whats the problem again?) But you are doing your job. Tanking.
Brightwizard: Correct. But they go down easy.
Witchunter being the most OP class ever: LMFAO. This class eats through action points like he's got the munchies. If a tank loses to this class they are complete GARBAGE.
Shadow warriors are the best kiting class in the game. They dont have as much burst as BW but have alot more survivability. In armor. In health. In snares roots AND knockbacks? They have a snare, a god damn root, and a shot that sends people flying. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS?
White Lion pet is broken right now so I won't comment on them. They are good when pet is being used and isn't being used from what I've seen so far though.
Archmage? LOW solo-ability? My friend 1v5ed on an archmage and they have low solo ability. Ok I'm starting to think you played some other game. Rune priest is the closest you'll get to a classic healer BTW champ not archmage. The mechanic sucking? Your right, dotting up 5 people with instant casts to build up 5 points then casting your biggest heal instantly is a lame mechanic AMIRITE?
Especially since I played one way longer then you played this game Preview weekender! (Congrats on getting in btw dude!)
The balance mechanic being worthless. Very funny since all your perfect balance skills are free of cost from action points AMIRITE? Has the most AoE abilities out of any tanks and play their roll as magic tanks if Specced into Aethyric armor. 5% disrupt anyone? You might not know what disrupt is OP since your just a preview weekender. I'll explain! When sorceresses or other magic casters cast spells and it says disrupt. It means you didn't do damage to them. You can also gain disrupt bonus from willpower! All other tanks can rock my world huh? Never lost once to a Black Orc or a chosen. Matter of fact I 2 vs 4ed A black orc a chosen and 2 zealots with my Warrior Priest friend who was on vent with me. Matter of fact I 1vs2ed 2 chosen by myself. Matter of fact I 1vs2ed a squig herder and a shaman. Matter of f-in fact I can tank 10+ people on my in RvR with a decent healer while still dropping people like flys. No I don't get on tanks first like you probably did! O yes with all my defensive abilities in my arsenal I die as easily as a Shadow Warrior. Just a note: I wasn't a retard and used a sword and board to fill my job in as a tank. Yes I wish I could have pulled out my 2hander but I only did when it was possible. AkA stages 1 and 2 of PQs, Soloing. I sword and boarded and tanked 3 heroes in a PQ in Ostland in the bottom left hand corner where you had to fight all the stage 3 bosses at once and kill them in a certain order or die trying. I was able to hold all aggro on 3 heroes and we 3 manned the PQ while we were the appropriate level for it. But sword masters are gimped compared to the other tanks. Yes if you want to defend more roll Ironbreaker I completely agree. Sword masters are magic tanks. Ironbreakers are more of the classic tank and require less skill since they can defend two people at once without breaking a sweat by using oathfriend while swordmasters have to use abilities to drop a persons damage, sap their action points/morale, and increase their parry and switch guard alot more often. I actually hope your message gets through. I will be happy to roll the only swordmaster. Btw what the hell do dark elves not having a tank have to do with this?
Black-Orc. This is a fury warrior and the sword master is the one armed pally when they are mirror classes and have almost the exact same abilities. Btw this isnt a fury warrior. And this isn't WoW. GET F-IN OVER IT. It's not even close to playing like a fury warrior.
One armed pally: Good one dude your clever. Your team was probably in the high 1300s! Congrats. What an accomplishment for a sped-ed
Shaman: see MY archmage.
Zealot: Correct this is the runepriests mirror! WHOAH THEIR ARE MIRROR CLASSES IN THIS GAME?!?
Chosen: Jeez those auras are such a large area! 30 feet. Woo thats big. Oh yea and tanks don't really live to see the end of fights. Nice comment, who are you kidding and who was your healer? You need to slap him and swap him OUT. You are correct. This will be the most played class. It's gonna be stopped when they figure out they aren't major dps and can't have their 2handers out if they want to actually help. Very good at making people assume they are a good class because of looks. And at lower levels they are pretty good because of the auras. At higher levels (12+) you are right.. they will fizzle out. Especially since their mastery trees SUUUUCK.
You consider Magus an elemental shaman? Wtf? Elemental shamans BLOW SHIT UP. Magus are the most underpowered class in this game. At least because they all think they are casters and don't drop their demons like engineers drop their turrets. I 1v2ed to of them on my "one-armed pally" and one without going below 75% health because they decided their demons weren't necessary. Plus their pets are bugged so how are they better then turrets?
Marauders I agree with everything but the AoE bull. Swordmasters have more AoE then these guys. Their AoE is only a cone effect. By the level 16 a SM has TWO amazing PBAoEs. Thats Point Blank Area of Effect for all of you newbies! Meaning a radius around your character. While a cone is what you are facing. This class is good if the player can stance dance.
Sorc: The overall AoE(There it is again guys!) damage kings.
DoK: Their dps sucks? WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING? Similar to the Warrior priest yes in mechanic. The WP cannot put out as much damage as the DoK I don't care what you say. They can run in with the rest of the melee and actually do their job and support heal the real healers while also keeping themselves up and focus targeting the MDPS and Tanks targets for a nice amount of damage. You definitely dropped the ball on this "review" or w.e you'd like to call it.
Witch Elves: Your right so I'll just move on to the best part of your review.
Your poll. Hilarious AND true. Wow, some truth in this review. Almost everyone will be playing Chosen.
Please get some more experience before you post a review that might ruin the game for someone before they try it out. I have much more experience beta testing then you and I can say you were wrong on most points and probably just saw bad players playing these classes badly. Or maybe you just played them badly.
Classes that need fixing: Warriorpriest and Magus. I'll leave it at that.
QFT, OP's post are 80% wrong and too lazy to argue with it lol
The Lion does stupid damage. It's a champion mob. It was way weaker in closed beta. It's used to silence targets and FETCH THEM TO YOU IF THEY TRY TO RUN. Wish there was more classes? There are 20!! TWENTY Jesus, give people an inch they want a damn mile. WoW has 9 classes since we love comparing everything to this game I might as well join in. 9. AND THEY AREN'T ALL FUN TO PLAY. Some are bland and boring and I'd rather hang out with my grandma and have way more fun while she talks to me in Portuguese and I sit their nodding my head like I understand her. (Woman speaks to damn fast!)
I used caps because I thought I might get through to you people.
Please complain about things that are wrong with this game so they get to it. UI, targeting, bugs, ability failed bugs, targeting, chat (can't even shift click items into it WTF this is about to be 2009 people.)
I think some folks have already said it but take the OPs' comments as 'IMO' versus 'hard fact'. It is unlikely the OP played ANY of the classes up to a break point where each diverge in their specialties from the others. Everyone is pretty much equal if you play them right. Will some be a bit overpowered in some areas? Sure. Work a char within it's own specialty and it should be. Just play what you like/enjoy and have fun.
QFT The only reason I went so hard was because of the misleading title. "Class guide" "Whats OP at launch" Lol how does he have the right to make a class guide on classes he knows nothing about. And you don't know whats OP at launch until after Open Beta. They are making class fixes as we speak.
You need to know how to play in order to make the class shine. Yes and over-powered class combined with a skilled gamer is what truely makes it epic. Put a non-skilled gamer behind the same OP class and he becomes a wet paper bag and makes the class look like crap. See ya' on the battlefield.
...I'm in your panties
Warrior Priest and Disciple get 3? attacks that heal for 50%/250% of damage done to defensive target or ae depending on the skill. Only those attacks though, not everything in your toolbox.