yea you get the topic. It's because everytime a topic goes on in warhammer forums a troll allways appears. Im giving it some flava since no subject been on this for the american people well even tho I'm canadian and watch AC360.
Give me a reason too!!
mccain. because obama won't even live to see the general election. didn't you hear about the recent assassination attempt that was foiled?
There are so many white racist bigots in america *such as the kkk* they would never let a black man lead their country.
--------------------------- Will play: not WAR, HELLO KITTY ONLINE!!11one
well if you want the economy to get more screwed up, higher gas prices and cost of living, pick the bush supporter mc cain. if you want change pick obama. it's pretty much a no brainer who will carry bush's torch and who wont. republicans should be ashamed of themselves for putting that bush supporter up for presidency, but wait republicans don't care about the economy...there rich anyway. and whats all this anderson cooper talk, how about watch CNN period, the only useful channel on cable.
Yeah cause Obama's plan to do a windfall profits tax on oil companies is really going to help the economy... and is something completely new... oh wait... didnt Carter do that. That tax is going to get passed straight on to us the american people. Vote for obama, and he will lovingly screw you at the pump for the next 4 years. Basic economics folks...
We blame the president for our problems when in all actuallity we need to be blaming our congress people.
Windfall tax guess who is going to pay for it ? You are. Lets looks at the profits. 11 billion dollars in a quarter agree. 36 billion in taxes collected by the fed, and that does not even include state taxes.
Want to sell your house ? Right now is the time !
Obama is going to impose a capital gains tax on it.
Want to reitre after spending all your years paying tax on your retirement account? Well guess what you are now going to pay taxes on it as well after you retire.
None of the presidential candidates are out to help you! Vote for the one that stays out of your personal lives.
Universal healthcare is not going to happen. Every economist not tied to the politicians will tell you it will break the country.
High gas prices!!! Go to Europe where they are paying twice as much. Why do they pay that ? Because they have to support a broken socialist system.
What truly saddens me is our congress is on vacation. China and Cuba signed an agreement to slant drill into the continental shelf of the United States in international waters for oil.
Get off the boob tube and do some research if you intend to vote!!
yea you get the topic. It's because everytime a topic goes on in warhammer forums a troll allways appears. Im giving it some flava since no subject been on this for the american people well even tho I'm canadian and watch AC360.
Give me a reason too!!
Whichever one will run you country further into the ground is suffice by me.
I vote Mccain he still believes in the 1st Amendment... Check out what Obama is trying to do because some facts were put in an Ad against him:
Politics:A followup on the story from yesterday where Obama and his campaign are employing jackboot thuggery in getting the William Ayers spot off the air. Now they have sent a second letter demanding the DOJ go after GOP donors who funded the ad. This is a tactic pointed out by Ben Smith they pulled on Hillary Clinton supporters to stop funding ads against Obama.
Politico: Obama general counsel Bob Bauer today sent a second, sharper letter to the Justice Department, directly attacking the Dallas billionaire funding a harsh attack ad, Harold Simmons.
"We reiterate our request that the Department of Justice fulfill its commitment to take prompt action to investigate and to prosecute the American issues Project, and we further request that the Department of Justice investigate and prosecute Howard (sic) Simmons for a knowing and willful violation of the individual aggregate contribution limits," he wrote.
He called the group's activities "patently illegal."
Bauer made the case that Simmons' group fulfilling its a real nonprofit charter because it hasn't spent any money on anything other than attacking Obama.
The American Issues Project released a statement responding to the letter.
"Having failed in its attempts to get our legal, factual and fully-supported ad off the air, Barack Obama's campaign now wants to put our donors in prison for exercising their right to free speech," said Ed Martin, the group's president. "These over-the-top bullying tactics are reminiscent of the kind of censorship one would see in a Stalinist dictatorship, with the only difference being that those guys generally had to wait until they were in power to throw people who disagreed with them into jail."
The group said its ad would continue to air through the end of the Democratic National Convention. Simmons has spent almost $3 million to air the ad, which can be seen on the group's site.
A spokeswoman for the Justice Department, Laura Sweeney, had no comment on the second letter.
It's worth noting that this isn't the first time Bauer has called for criminal investigations and prosecutions into the donors to independent groups critical of Obama, including one supporting John Edwards and another supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton. His words did have the effect of scaring their donors and consultants, but haven't yet appeared to result in any prosecution.
Obama general counsel Bob Bauer today sent a second, sharper letter to the Justice Department, directly attacking the Dallas billionaire funding a harsh attack ad, Harold Simmons.
"We reiterate our request that the Department of Justice fulfill its commitment to take prompt action to investigate and to prosecute the American issues Project, and we further request that the Department of Justice investigate and prosecute Howard (sic) Simmons for a knowing and willful violation of the individual aggregate contribution limits," he wrote.
He called the group's activities "patently illegal."
Bauer made the case that Simmons' group fulfilling its a real nonprofit charter because it hasn't spent any money on anything other than attacking Obama.
The American Issues Project released a statement responding to the letter.
"Having failed in its attempts to get our legal, factual and fully-supported ad off the air, Barack Obama's campaign now wants to put our donors in prison for exercising their right to free speech," said Ed Martin, the group's president. "These over-the-top bullying tactics are reminiscent of the kind of censorship one would see in a Stalinist dictatorship, with the only difference being that those guys generally had to wait until they were in power to throw people who disagreed with them into jail."
The group said its ad would continue to air through the end of the Democratic National Convention. Simmons has spent almost $3 million to air the ad, which can be seen on the group's site.
A spokeswoman for the Justice Department, Laura Sweeney, had no comment on the second letter.
It's worth noting that this isn't the first time Bauer has called for criminal investigations and prosecutions into the donors to independent groups critical of Obama, including one supporting John Edwards and another supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton. His words did have the effect of scaring their donors and consultants, but haven't yet appeared to result in any prosecution.
Rick Hasen has some more thoughts on the law, suggesting that Simmons, at worst, will face fines after it's too late to matter.
I would love to vote Obama but unfortunately he's full of BS. Taxing the oil companies doesn't reduce gas prices, I'm sorry but you have to be an idiot to believe that will work. If his solution to the American economy is to tax the rich to pay the poor then we might have found a president that is actually worst than Bush. This guy isn't change, he's just a black Jimmy Carter.
No idea, looks like some kind of circus from where I am, you really want one of them clowns running your country? Although saying that, Bush can hand over his red nose and costume...
In this day and age anyone who votes for a muslim for president of the U.S. has got to be crazy. You say he isnt a muslim? Then why would he change his name from Barry Soetoro to Barack HUSSEIN Obama. you think voting for a muslim is ok? Well then if you make over 30k a year you WILL be paying more taxes under Obama. He actually wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts and apply the extra money and give everyone free healthcare. If you think thats good, goto Canada and see what that mess is up there.
He also wants to get rid of EVERY nuclear missle in the US arsenal to "promote" world peace. What he doesnt understand is having the nukes is the thing that keeps the peace.
Dont get me wrong..Im not a big Mcain fan either but he is the lesser of the two evils.
And anyone who thinks that Mcain is another Bush is totaly wrong. Mcain is the farthest Republican you can get from Bush. Mcain as far as republicans are concerned is very left wing. Bush is way to the right.
well if you want the economy to get more screwed up, higher gas prices and cost of living, pick the bush supporter mc cain. if you want change pick obama. it's pretty much a no brainer who will carry bush's torch and who wont. republicans should be ashamed of themselves for putting that bush supporter up for presidency, but wait republicans don't care about the economy...there rich anyway. and whats all this anderson cooper talk, how about watch CNN period, the only useful channel on cable.
Higher gas prices and cost of living you say? Obama cant offshore drill because his environmental supporters wont let him. He cant create clean coal power plants and is against nuclear and drilling in alaska because of the same reasons. These are all gas saving apparatus that McCain will implement so you are wrong with your statement. The arguement that gas prices are high because of Bush is also a false belief. Gas in every other modernized country is at least DOUBLE what it is in our country. The reason for this gas hike is due largely to the modernization of china and India which with increased demand comes increased price.
Higher cost of living? How is Obama gonna pay for all of his quasi-socialist plans he speaks of? Its called higher taxes which historically decreases the standard of living for the common man. How does Taxing the rich hurt the middle class you might ask? Tax the rich is probly your arguement I assume, however, when you tax the rich its always the poor and middle class that lose their jobs to keep the wealthy people wealthy. Rich people are smart enough to move their money overseas when the government wants to take it and of course with that money goes American jobs. The rest just lay off workers because they cant afford to have them working while paying more taxes. Cant say I blame them since being productive and having smarts is why they got there in the first place.
There are a lot of hum bug, gloom doom sayers out there that think Bush is the antichrist although Im not quite sure why. The economy is doing very well despite what a lot of people say. The only part that isnt is the housing industry and quite honestly thats a cyclical thing that is constantly fluxuating. The war in Iraq gets him a lot of negative publicity however since we have all but WON the war in Iraq you dont really see any more stories from liberal left media (IE CNN) anymore since the liberal front only reports negative news, sadly. Not sure why removing a dictator that gassed over 100000 of his own innocent people (weapon of mass destruction btw) and stablizing the worlds most important resource (oil) is such a bad thing. Most of you naysayers were most likely not born when Saddam invaded kuwait and threatened saudi arabia.
Please understand your facts before you spit out absolute nonsense kiddo. Your statements are about as vague as Obama's plans for his presidency if he wins.
mccain. because obama won't even live to see the general election. didn't you hear about the recent assassination attempt that was foiled?
There are so many white racist bigots in america *such as the kkk* they would never let a black man lead their country.
Will play: not WAR, HELLO KITTY ONLINE!!11one
Playing: EVE
Played: EQ (+all expansions too), Asheron''s Call 2, Anarchy Online, Planet Side, EQ2, WoW (+TBC), EVE
nuff said!!
Yeah cause Obama's plan to do a windfall profits tax on oil companies is really going to help the economy... and is something completely new... oh wait... didnt Carter do that. That tax is going to get passed straight on to us the american people. Vote for obama, and he will lovingly screw you at the pump for the next 4 years. Basic economics folks...
Yep lets all vote for more taxes on everything.
We blame the president for our problems when in all actuallity we need to be blaming our congress people.
Windfall tax guess who is going to pay for it ? You are. Lets looks at the profits. 11 billion dollars in a quarter agree. 36 billion in taxes collected by the fed, and that does not even include state taxes.
Want to sell your house ? Right now is the time !
Obama is going to impose a capital gains tax on it.
Want to reitre after spending all your years paying tax on your retirement account? Well guess what you are now going to pay taxes on it as well after you retire.
None of the presidential candidates are out to help you! Vote for the one that stays out of your personal lives.
Universal healthcare is not going to happen. Every economist not tied to the politicians will tell you it will break the country.
High gas prices!!! Go to Europe where they are paying twice as much. Why do they pay that ? Because they have to support a broken socialist system.
What truly saddens me is our congress is on vacation. China and Cuba signed an agreement to slant drill into the continental shelf of the United States in international waters for oil.
Get off the boob tube and do some research if you intend to vote!!
what kind of rubbish is this. how does any sort of gaming have to do with US politics??
delete this rubbish. and all those that took the bate TROLLS.. shut it.
Whichever one will run you country further into the ground is suffice by me.
...I'm in your panties
I vote Mccain he still believes in the 1st Amendment... Check out what Obama is trying to do because some facts were put in an Ad against him:
Politics: A followup on the story from yesterday where Obama and his campaign are employing jackboot thuggery in getting the William Ayers spot off the air. Now they have sent a second letter demanding the DOJ go after GOP donors who funded the ad. This is a tactic pointed out by Ben Smith they pulled on Hillary Clinton supporters to stop funding ads against Obama.
"We reiterate our request that the Department of Justice fulfill its commitment to take prompt action to investigate and to prosecute the American issues Project, and we further request that the Department of Justice investigate and prosecute Howard (sic) Simmons for a knowing and willful violation of the individual aggregate contribution limits," he wrote.
He called the group's activities "patently illegal."
Bauer made the case that Simmons' group fulfilling its a real nonprofit charter because it hasn't spent any money on anything other than attacking Obama.
The American Issues Project released a statement responding to the letter.
"Having failed in its attempts to get our legal, factual and fully-supported ad off the air, Barack Obama's campaign now wants to put our donors in prison for exercising their right to free speech," said Ed Martin, the group's president. "These over-the-top bullying tactics are reminiscent of the kind of censorship one would see in a Stalinist dictatorship, with the only difference being that those guys generally had to wait until they were in power to throw people who disagreed with them into jail."
The group said its ad would continue to air through the end of the Democratic National Convention. Simmons has spent almost $3 million to air the ad, which can be seen on the group's site.
A spokeswoman for the Justice Department, Laura Sweeney, had no comment on the second letter.
It's worth noting that this isn't the first time Bauer has called for criminal investigations and prosecutions into the donors to independent groups critical of Obama, including one supporting John Edwards and another supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton. His words did have the effect of scaring their donors and consultants, but haven't yet appeared to result in any prosecution.
Obama general counsel Bob Bauer today sent a second, sharper letter to the Justice Department, directly attacking the Dallas billionaire funding a harsh attack ad, Harold Simmons.
"We reiterate our request that the Department of Justice fulfill its commitment to take prompt action to investigate and to prosecute the American issues Project, and we further request that the Department of Justice investigate and prosecute Howard (sic) Simmons for a knowing and willful violation of the individual aggregate contribution limits," he wrote.
He called the group's activities "patently illegal."
Bauer made the case that Simmons' group fulfilling its a real nonprofit charter because it hasn't spent any money on anything other than attacking Obama.
The American Issues Project released a statement responding to the letter.
"Having failed in its attempts to get our legal, factual and fully-supported ad off the air, Barack Obama's campaign now wants to put our donors in prison for exercising their right to free speech," said Ed Martin, the group's president. "These over-the-top bullying tactics are reminiscent of the kind of censorship one would see in a Stalinist dictatorship, with the only difference being that those guys generally had to wait until they were in power to throw people who disagreed with them into jail."
The group said its ad would continue to air through the end of the Democratic National Convention. Simmons has spent almost $3 million to air the ad, which can be seen on the group's site.
A spokeswoman for the Justice Department, Laura Sweeney, had no comment on the second letter.
It's worth noting that this isn't the first time Bauer has called for criminal investigations and prosecutions into the donors to independent groups critical of Obama, including one supporting John Edwards and another supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton. His words did have the effect of scaring their donors and consultants, but haven't yet appeared to result in any prosecution.
Rick Hasen has some more thoughts on the law, suggesting that Simmons, at worst, will face fines after it's too late to matter.
(yeah, i know alot of you young'inz won't have a clue but that's okay)
Too funny. KNEEL!
I would love to vote Obama but unfortunately he's full of BS. Taxing the oil companies doesn't reduce gas prices, I'm sorry but you have to be an idiot to believe that will work. If his solution to the American economy is to tax the rich to pay the poor then we might have found a president that is actually worst than Bush. This guy isn't change, he's just a black Jimmy Carter.
No idea, looks like some kind of circus from where I am, you really want one of them clowns running your country? Although saying that, Bush can hand over his red nose and costume...
In this day and age anyone who votes for a muslim for president of the U.S. has got to be crazy. You say he isnt a muslim? Then why would he change his name from Barry Soetoro to Barack HUSSEIN Obama. you think voting for a muslim is ok? Well then if you make over 30k a year you WILL be paying more taxes under Obama. He actually wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts and apply the extra money and give everyone free healthcare. If you think thats good, goto Canada and see what that mess is up there.
He also wants to get rid of EVERY nuclear missle in the US arsenal to "promote" world peace. What he doesnt understand is having the nukes is the thing that keeps the peace.
Dont get me wrong..Im not a big Mcain fan either but he is the lesser of the two evils.
And anyone who thinks that Mcain is another Bush is totaly wrong. Mcain is the farthest Republican you can get from Bush. Mcain as far as republicans are concerned is very left wing. Bush is way to the right.
I don't believe the US has fair elections anymore; I think they are rigged.
That is why I also believe Obama can never win; the powers that be will not allow a black guy to be president.
Higher gas prices and cost of living you say? Obama cant offshore drill because his environmental supporters wont let him. He cant create clean coal power plants and is against nuclear and drilling in alaska because of the same reasons. These are all gas saving apparatus that McCain will implement so you are wrong with your statement. The arguement that gas prices are high because of Bush is also a false belief. Gas in every other modernized country is at least DOUBLE what it is in our country. The reason for this gas hike is due largely to the modernization of china and India which with increased demand comes increased price.
Higher cost of living? How is Obama gonna pay for all of his quasi-socialist plans he speaks of? Its called higher taxes which historically decreases the standard of living for the common man. How does Taxing the rich hurt the middle class you might ask? Tax the rich is probly your arguement I assume, however, when you tax the rich its always the poor and middle class that lose their jobs to keep the wealthy people wealthy. Rich people are smart enough to move their money overseas when the government wants to take it and of course with that money goes American jobs. The rest just lay off workers because they cant afford to have them working while paying more taxes. Cant say I blame them since being productive and having smarts is why they got there in the first place.
There are a lot of hum bug, gloom doom sayers out there that think Bush is the antichrist although Im not quite sure why. The economy is doing very well despite what a lot of people say. The only part that isnt is the housing industry and quite honestly thats a cyclical thing that is constantly fluxuating. The war in Iraq gets him a lot of negative publicity however since we have all but WON the war in Iraq you dont really see any more stories from liberal left media (IE CNN) anymore since the liberal front only reports negative news, sadly. Not sure why removing a dictator that gassed over 100000 of his own innocent people (weapon of mass destruction btw) and stablizing the worlds most important resource (oil) is such a bad thing. Most of you naysayers were most likely not born when Saddam invaded kuwait and threatened saudi arabia.
Please understand your facts before you spit out absolute nonsense kiddo. Your statements are about as vague as Obama's plans for his presidency if he wins.