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I haven't really heard much hype for it and was wondering what others thought. It sounds interesting, although the thought of having to actually go through a portion (even if it's a small portion) of SWG to get to the Jump to Light aspect of the game is a little off putting.
I'm not sure if I'd ever actually want to play it, SoE's laughable Quality Standards and the insulting way they spin their Player Community is a bit too Fox News'ish and turns my stomach.
Still, I'm always up for Space Sim Dogfighting, and Star Wars has always been one of the best if not the best universes for that genre of game. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
What's everyone elses take?
--The wind whispers of my deeds long past and those yet to come.--
Yeah I don't understand how SOE think its will increase their customer base by releasing what is going to be a rushed expansion. Sure all the noobs who buy the game will get a big surprise when they think they can buy this game and jump right into a X Wing and have some fun. Nope they will get a crap starter ship and then realize that they have to make money using a broken ground game to get any decent ship. JTL = utter crap imo.
// end rant
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Too little, too late...
i played SWG the week it came out. needless to say the 70% of what the game has now was not in it when i played. i managed to cap pistol and Creature handler and spent the leftover in medic within a month just was a joke.
So, needless to say, it wouldnt matter to me if Chubakkah came over to my house and pulled a chair next to me while i played. nothing they could do to this "game" could ever make me come back, lol.
EQ: Quantis Erudite 60pal-Bristlebane
DAoC: Vrix Kobold 50skald-Percival
L2: Jorrad DE 25 Palus Knight-Kain
CoH: Funeral 23drk/drk Def-Infinity
AC2: Thex 40 Lug Sage-Thistledown
FFXI: Wrython Elv 55brd/nin-Carbuncle
SWG: Astaroth Twi CH/Pistol
Other: AC1, AO, SB, EVE, RoE, PS, FL..
---And I still haven't found what I'm looking for---
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
I think it will be a nice addition
A lot of people over at E3 loved the demo. Im going to get it
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Since NO ONE HERE has ever played it in its final form, your question cannot have a valid answer. It is like asking what does everyone think about the 2008 Ford Mustang, how does it handle, drive, brake, accelerate, etc... It is not out yet. No one has driven it in its final form.
To me this looks like another thread to attempt to bash the successful MMORPG called SWG.
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MMORPG games I've played:
Star Wars Galaxies:
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EVE Online !!!
I've heard this exact same thing as well, En1gma. That it will be just like X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter and X-Wing Alliance, with the twitch combat that is in any true dogfighting flight sim.
Still, Rentantilus does make sense in regards to SoE. While the MMORPG development world is finally starting to change for the better in terms of xp grinding. SoE, among many others, is still stuck in the old mindset of "keep people playing by making the game long and repetitive", when they should be thinking "keep people playing by making the game interesting and fun". It simply wouldn't be like SoE to pass up the chance presented by an expansion pack to increase the grind and in their mind (and for some players in reality, as well) increase the life of their playerbase.
Another reason I think that there may end up being some grinding is because I read on their JTL site that the expansion will contain 2 new pilot proffessions. Well if JTL is based entirely on the players skill which is aquired through practice and where everyone is basically otherwise equal (the way things were with the X-Wing Series) rather than the character's skill which is aquired through grinding and repitition than what will these new pilot proffesions give you, and how will the increaments between you recieving these things be measured without xp and xp grinding. One can only assume that the new proffessions will be at least close to the current proffessions which means xp grinding to get skills and powers that give a flat advantage that is not based on actual player skill. And while there may very well be a middle ground between the total player skill based system of the X-Wing Series and the total character skill based system of SWG, SoE has never really been all that well known for having a good understanding of things like "moderation".
Sadly I have to mirror the sentiments of much of the other posters here. I just don't trust SoE. They had the biggest budget (to my knowledge, if not the biggest than one of the biggest) of any MMORPG and the SW universe which was basically a liscence to print money and they screwed it up even worse than many of the other MMORPG companies that had substantially less to work with than them. Most of the time I'm the first one to give to the benifit of the doubt to a small garage-based business MMORPG company that doesn't have the capital, staff, knowledge, hardware, or software to relase an MMMORPG game that isn't unfinished and that doesn't contain plenty of bugs. But thats because those folks did it on pure blood, sweat, and determination. SoE had all the advantages of a beautiful blonde rich kid, born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and heir to a gigantic Hotel empire, and even with all that their still only known for getting f*cked in the a$$.
Pardon my French.
Still, I'm interested to seeing how things will turn out. It's always possible that SoE will pull it's own fat out of the fryer and turn things around. And if they do it than I look forward to seeing the results. The SWG graphics engine (minus the lag, of course) slapped over an updated X-Wing Series game model would indeed be pretty sweet, if that's what JTL turns out to be. I've always liked X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter and I've still got my old X-Wing Alliance around here somewhere. Great games, both.
Which FF Character Are You?
i have lost all interest in JTL...same as i have lost interest in SWG. I have hardly logged on in the last two weeks. Something just seems so "totally wrong" with the game in my opinion. I have serious doubts about JTL...and for what many consider the "make or breaking" of SWG i can only seeing it failing to live up to many players expectations.
For me SWG is broken from the base and up...
Pan, you're sounding more and more like alot of the people I play with. The further it goes, the more it sinks. We try to make it better, and then things like the Merchant Nerf come around. WTH? Why does Merchant, one of the least influential or used professions out there need to be nerfed even more?
Now people will either all have to get merchant and use it to help others, or just use their houses as showrooms, and people would just pick out what they wanted. Both options will just make a mess of the economy and the database.
I have stuck by this game for over a year now. I have loved it and hated it. I have Seen some great changes and some awful nerfs. I had never even had the slightest want or notion to leave the game for any reason. But now I have been questioning the faith I have in this game. Not only will it hurt those as merchants, it will also hurt the entire economy, and that affects everyone. If they put this in, or even multiply the numbers by 10, I will have to give it up. There should be no set cap in there. There is already a system in game that will stop huge amounts being put on the vendors.
If they simply do away with this new "improvement" I will regain some of my faith, but they will have to put on an above average show with JtL and the Combat Revamp (or Rebalance, or whatever they're calling it).
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server)
Games Tried:
Everquest (not a power gamer)
Earth and Beyond (kinda fun, kinda boring)
Planetside (rather play Counter-Strike)
Lineage 2 (see Everquest above, plus too many PKers and Bots)
Guild Wars [E3 trial] (Not too bad from what I saw, nothing very new though)
Eve Online (somewhat fun, somewhat repetetive)
Waiting For: something good
Games Tried: SWTOR, Star Trek Online, EQ, EQ2, Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Lineage 2, Eve Online, WoW, City of Heroes, City of Villians, Auto Assault, Fallen Earth
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server) [Dead, screw you SOE]
Crafting in SWG is probably the only thing that has worked. Crafting in my beloved Daoc would cost over 15 plat to reach master in a chosen profession (to give you some idea how much plat it would cost, when i quit my amassed fortune on all my toon's was 8 plat in almost 2 years of playing) SOE seem commited to even breaking the few things that do work.
To sum my feelings up....combat is a boring mess where melee guys with a pizza cutter, length of old drainpipe or a sword can hit multiple targets and demolish them in seconds....while a ranged guy with a weapon costing millions takes ages to kill one target.
JTL....will be a mess....i know people will criticise me for saying it when it hasn't been released yet. MY biggest fears are JTL will take too much from SWG...planets will be empty voids (as if many of them aren't already) To me there will be 2 distinct genres hiding with the same game and neither of them living up to expectations.
Pan......lost all interest now
Since NO ONE HERE has ever played it in its final form, your question cannot have a valid answer. It is like asking what does everyone think about the 2008 Ford Mustang, how does it handle, drive, brake, accelerate, etc... It is not out yet. No one has driven it in its final form.
To me this looks like another thread to attempt to bash the successful MMORPG called SWG.
First post
I've been playing MMORPG's since Meridian 59. I've beta'd and sometimes alpha'd several, including UO, EQ, and most recently SWG.
I played it from day 1, and cancelled my accounts in January. I still have good friends playing, and they convinced me to come back with the news that SOE had fired most of the original Developer team and the new folks were heading in the right direction.
I had been back for a total of a couple of weeks when SOE announced that the DESPERATELY needed combat balance and GCW revamps were being pushed aside so they could push Jump to Lightspeed out the door in time for the Christmas buying season.
The bottom line is: The ground game is seriously broken, and they aren't going to fix it anytime soon. In a game where Jedi are supposed to be rare, Publish 10 (expected 8-24) is basically going to turn everyone in the game into a Jedi. The last few pushes to the Live servers, and the ones that are in testing for Publish 10, have thrown a couple of fluffy bones to the player base (decreasing starport waits to 5 min max), while seriously nerfing any number of well-liked features (looping macros, armor/weapon equipping delays, vendor item caps, to name just a few of the MANY).
If you have played MMORPG's before, the current SWG developers and suits are subjecting their customer base to almost every single indignity that you have hated in those other games: Lying, PR Double-talk, doing anything to slow you down and keep you paying, etc.
I don't know if this "xploror" works for SOE or not, LOL. But if he has been trying to defend SWG, I am not surprised that he has 600+ post count
Grinding is NOT content!
Grinding is NOT content!
I think it will be full of bugs, as the ground based client is.
But then, LucasArts have come out with some good flyer games, hopefully SOE wont screw them up again.
I agree, grinding isn't content. But what is? The Corvette? The Genosian Caves? The Oasises on Tatooine? The Selonian Cult Caves on Corellia? The Rorigungan temple on Rori? The chance to randomly come apon a Krayt dragon in the sand dunes? Nightsisters? Tons of different factions? The ability to talk to jawas (if you have underworld 1)?
What is content to you?
I see all of that as content. Anything in the game is content the same way that anything you see is graphics. Content is a hugely broad subject. It covers everything. To say that there is no content is just stupid.
Me, I have only tried to grind once in this game. The 2 holos we got for christmas, I used one and it said I should do BE. I grinded 3 boxes before quitting. I have mastered around 6 professions. I have played for nearly the entire time the game has been out. I have seen many of the POIs, and they were interesting (you should check out the small sarlacc on Dathomir, its in the middle of the jungle and you'll probably pass it up the first time). I have seen many interesting things that aren't considered POIs. I actively roleplay, and think this is one of the best games for it. I participate in PvP, and think it needs a complete overhaul. I think jedi need to be removed, either from PvP with non-jedi or from the game entirely. I believe that the vendor nerf is just a smoke screen; few are whining about the GCW and PvP balance now. I love this game, though the vendor nerf is the only thing I think could make me leave. I beleive the devs love this game, since they play it themselves. I think SOE doesn't care about this game, and only backed it because of the money they could make off the license. Lucasarts only cares if the game screws with continuity badly (like Leia marries the Emperor or something). Other than that, they could care less.
I am looking forward to JtL. I think it will be a great addition to the game. It will be something no other game has ever tried. An MMO with both a regular RPG game and also a space sim. It is very innovative, and should do very well.
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server)
Games Tried:
Everquest (not a power gamer)
Earth and Beyond (kinda fun, kinda boring)
Planetside (rather play Counter-Strike)
Lineage 2 (see Everquest above, plus too many PKers and Bots)
Guild Wars [E3 trial] (Not too bad from what I saw, nothing very new though)
Eve Online (somewhat fun, somewhat repetetive)
Waiting For: something good
Games Tried: SWTOR, Star Trek Online, EQ, EQ2, Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Lineage 2, Eve Online, WoW, City of Heroes, City of Villians, Auto Assault, Fallen Earth
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server) [Dead, screw you SOE]
I have been playing SWG since one month after the game game out so amost a year now. I played till the holdidays and i stoped playing till the end of winter started back up. The game as it's downs and ups but there plenting of content theres lots more then the 5 POI per planet. I found a map of tatooine i spent most of my time on tatooine so i thought i had seen ever thing looking map i found at theres tons of stuff go out and look around man theres tons stuff out there cthulhuvong is right. They do need to get rid of looping macros its a cheap a#@ way to master a profession. Grinding isn't a really fun thing hopfully they make some quests that involves your profession that will make it more fun. But they need to stop nerfing @#$# nerfing merchant is gonna make the game even less popular i was pissed of they nerfed CH and that why i stoped playing for a while. What they need to do is fix the broken professions like pitsoleer. There curret plan is nerf it to point it's crapy as the broken professions. In the curret dev chat they talked about how ranged combat is what its gonna be more about then close range melee cuz star wars is about blasters and such and light sabers. Come on when did you a sword or vibro knuckner is the movies. Im looking forward to JTLP looks cools so far.
Just out of curiosity why do people use the lowercase o in SOE? It's not Sony of Entertainment, it's Sony Online Entertainment. The Online is just as important as the Sony and the Entertainment.
Sorry that's always bugged me, and since JtL is barely out of Alpha, I thought I'd bring something constructive to this thread, and English lesson
Technically, English is not a language. 50% of it comes from French, 40% from German, and 10% from other languages. English almost got turned extinct back when the Normans invaded Britian. During that time Britian went from being roughly 90% "English" to 95% French speaking.
I mention this because it means there are no rules. Words are made up, words are changed, rules are made up, rules are changed. Continously. Many modern English cuss words/dirty words were once regular normal words that ment other things. But the rules got changed. Heck, the term "Anglo-Saxxon" orginally was an extreemly derogatory term. And still is for anyone who knows English history. The recent movie "King Author (sp)" touched on it a bit. The Anglos and Saxxons wared and guess what the winner did to the women after they killed the men? They produced bastard kids. That is where modern Anglo-Saxxons get their bloodlines from. But now the current meaning of Anglo-Saxxon is changed. It means someone with high airs, an all American, wholesome, Mom and apple pie, etc...
There are what's known as current accepted rules. Which have been continously changing. "Rock and Roll" originally was slang for having sex. Now it is not used to mean that anymore.
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MMORPG games I've played:
Star Wars Galaxies:
More games:
EVE Online !!!
I am not a thing. I am a person. You missused the word "this" when you put it before my name. I would say that is a small attempt at name calling. I defend everysingle MMORPG - against missinformation. My 600 posts have not all been made on the SWG forms Even if they were, what would that matter? Many of the SWG bashers have made all their posts on the SWG forums. Should they be ignored then?
I have crticized SWG many times. But it is constructive criticizm, with no name calling, cussing, spamming, flaming, etc.... Just because I defend every MMORPG against missinformation does that mean I work for CCP, Sony, Funcom, Variant, Turbine, Jagex, and almost every MMORPG company out there?
This is not the first time people who have not been able to refute my points have instead tried calling me names aka claiming they know how much money I make, where I work, what city I live in, what company I work for - all just by reading what I post on the internet under an annonomous (sp) name...... without ever meeting me or seeing me LOL. Simply numberically refute any of my points, or points made by other posters. That is debate, discussion. That is what this here site is for.
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MMORPG games I've played:
Star Wars Galaxies:
More games:
EVE Online !!!
Technically English is a Language hence the phrase English Language. If that were the case, the only true European language would be Latin.
Rules get changed becasue people are too lazy to speak properly or ignorant of the rules. That's how words like irregardless make into the dictionary no matter how stupid people sound when they say this. Ignoring rules through laziness or ignorance doesn't make them non-exsistant .
Sooo...... who makes the "rules" then? A group of old, stuffy professors who decide they are the rule makers?
The thing with other languages, is their words, formations, language mechanics, are specific to that language. English is a patchwork from other languages, mostly French and German. Drinking once was illegal. No English word comes from English. All English words come from other languages - that is why technically English is not a language. The majority of words in the Latin language come from... Latin. Latin is a language. If you believe in Evolution then it was created by its original speakers. If you believe in Creation, then it was created by God during the huge language explosion when Nimrod the mighty hunter of old, ruled the world.
======= SIGNATURE =========
MMORPG games I've played:
Star Wars Galaxies:
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EVE Online !!!
By that theory no word in german comes from german and french is even worse, and the wost of all (including English) is Italian. Did you know people in northern Italy can't understand what the people in southern italy are saying? German French and Italian all come from Latin and now have a bunch of English thrown in now (German has some strong Slavic roots also, making it more of a hodge podge).
And if you believe the bible, God made everyone speak different languages when they tried to build a tower to get to heaven (The Tower of Babble where the word babbling comes from).
Oh and actually the majoriy of English came from Latin (as most European languages do) Dutch, Galic, and Welsh. French and German didn't really come into it until "American" English developed