I am going to have to agree with paul on this. I played both at launch and while it is technically not wars launch date yet, what I experienced in war open beta was far beyond what wow is currently and defintly far beyond what they launched as.
People do remember the problems with fear in the first month don't they? WoW balance had some serious issues in the first two months.
As far as bugs and smoothness etc WAR is a bit better depedning on how the server roll outs go. But class balance wise it is significantly better.
Not that WoW was bad but it had some notable and significant problem. to its credit it fixed them fairly quick. Well I dunno maybe it over nerfed them, but Mythic over nerfed sswordmaster over the last couple months IMO. So its pointless to throw stones there.
People do remember the problems with fear in the first month don't they? WoW balance had some serious issues in the first two months.
As far as bugs and smoothness etc WAR is a bit better depedning on how the server roll outs go. But class balance wise it is significantly better. Not that WoW was bad but it had some notable and significant problem. to its credit it fixed them fairly quick. Well I dunno maybe it over nerfed them, but Mythic over nerfed sswordmaster over the last couple months IMO. So its pointless to throw stones there.
All I havde to say about WoW and how terrible its launch was with respect to class balance is:
Does ANYONE remember how insanely BAD every spec of Druid was EXCEPT Restoration and, to add to that, Druids had INSANE training costs for skills -- remember, they reimbursed us?
But then again, most WoW-a-holics only remember the good and the forget the rest. It was and IS a great game, but it had MANY more -serious- issues at launch than most of us care to recall.
Warhammer may be more "simple" if you judge it by its cover, its bells and whistles -- but it is a solid game with what I believe will be endless fun and glorious RvR for years to come.
If RvR is your bag, this IS the game.
WoW does every aspect of the MMO genre well, for mass appeal, but in my opinion, does not excel at all aspects. It is the Jack-of-all-Trades in the MMO universe.
Warhammer has a little for everyone, but its focus is large scale and , so far, insanely addictive RvR. I start to jones when the queue takes more than 5 minutes!!
I read the entire interview and it's thoughtful and straight forward, not hype.
As to the question is WAR better than WoW was at launch? Absolutely, it's not even in question.
Unlike Blizzard, who floundered around for years after launch before being able to get an expansion out, Mythic has already been working on expansions with a dedicated expansion team. I don't know if we will see expansions at the rate of EQ2, but it seems at least one a year is a good bet. Plus, they have a seperate team working on free content additions we'll see between expansions.
Sounds good to me.
I think the biggest issue now is population balance. If they take a proactive approach to addressing it, things will be looking very promising.
I give a lot of credit to WoW and I've played it for quite some time. Up until WAR it did a good job at taking a lot of the good in most major mmos, and then tweaking them a bit. However, I do not forget all of the bad that was involved during the launch of WoW.
Which is why whenever someone tries to bash WAR on things that aren't even that major, I have to really question whether or not they even like mmos. WAR hasn't even officially launched yet and it is already almost on par if not better (depending on preferences) than WoW. This only means great things for WAR and its playerbase.
Remains to be seen since the game hasn't launched yet. To his credit, Mythic seems to be very serious about being a real competitor in this market competing with WoW '08, not WoW '04 unlike some of the other recent failed games.
post after post I see people comparing War to WoW who gives a shit delete your wow toon and go play War, at least that way I can stop hearing all your QQ'ing and get a better Lat in the process..
post after post I see people comparing War to WoW who gives a shit delete your wow toon and go play War, at least that way I can stop hearing all your QQ'ing and get a better Lat in the process..
see you in two month when you come back to WoW Elven
Lol come back to WoW? That game is done and beatin. ( In my eyes) I really have no desire to pay 50 to redo everything I already did.
Woopty doo I can play a CrapKnight. Yea I loved them in WC3 the idea of them. But in WoW, they look like shit. And if they are not over powered in pvp they are going to be gimper than a Prot Warrior in PvP.
Barnett is absolutely right. I remember WoW's launch. I even remember its beta. So far WAR is way better. Though, launch day and the couple months thereafter will be the true test.
-EDIT- I'm not being a grammer nazi, because I hate those guys. And I don't know if it was you or the article, but it's thAn, not thEn. Just a friendly pointer.
I was in both Beta's WotLK and the WAR beta and I can honestly say when i started to play WAR i stopped playing WotLK. Too much changing going on there. First they come up with great idea for broken classes (shaman's) then take them away. Downranking is now a pain, and don't even get me started on the Death Knight. It is going to be a nightmare going up against those at lv 55. Overall WAR appeals to me much more so I think the hype Paul has is actually showing in the game.
war better at launch than wow? maybe yes. thank god. not that wow was bad, but it is about time that a game at launch capitalizes on what wow ended up bringing.
war better than wow as game? debatable.
war is for sure a better mass pvp game. Might be a better overall pvp game. Will be a worst half /half pvp/pve game and well behind pve.
Not that this is a shortcoming when we consider that the aim of war devs was to make a mass pvp game.They looked at the market and picked an area to settle, and explore. they achieved their objective. that also means that they are more limited in the pve since t is not the objective of warhammer to offer state of the art pve.
blizzard's objective is to cather for all market segments. their game offers then above average quality in pvp and good pve. - for he simple fact that the casual crowd preffers randomly to do pve and pvp.
Both games will survive well. war will get a strong mass pvp audience, wow will keep cathering for the people that like pve and preffer non hardcore pvp.
The launch might be smoother but the combat is still slow and clunky with crashes happening often. I then look at WoW and the combat is smooth and stable but it's still the same old crap with no reason to pvp besides loot and more loot. So my opinion is.... If you like pvp with a reason but don't mind waiting a couple of months for a smoother game then WAR is a good choice BUT if you want a smooth game with no real reason to pvp then WoW is for you. I personally quit WoW because it got boring and WAR I tested and realized it's the same old stuff, Orcs,Elves,Dwarves,etc..I think most people are burnt out with that and want something fresh. I say play what you want and everyone needs to relax with the WAR vs WoW crap because if the games are so great why are you wasting your time posting instead of playing... Please don't mention Darkfall because I haven't seen any real info in years about that game and it's back to the same ole stuff, Orcs,Elves,etc...
Not only is WAR better than WoW was at launch, but its just a better game. Anyways, shouldn't a 2008 game, which has 4 years of watching MMOs collapse, launch better than a 2004 game?
ofc.in fact i think we are all tired of games launching worst than wow. it is like going backwards.
tho the comparison has to be made between war and wow 2008 (what means how good or bad wotlk launches)
i still stand by what i said, one is not really better than the other, they just aim at different things. having said that the noveltry factor of warhammer has weight.
WAR is without a doubt better than WoW at launch, the real question is it better than WoW now? For me it is but I'm a world PvP type of guy, for many I'm sure the answer is no.
Unlike Blizzard, who floundered around for years after launch before being able to get an expansion out
I'm not a WoW fanboy by any means but this isn't exactly true. Blizzard added a *ton* of content in free patches...more than a lot of companies do in paid expansions.
The launch might be smoother but the combat is still slow and clunky with crashes happening often. I then look at WoW and the combat is smooth and stable but it's still the same old crap with no reason to pvp besides loot and more loot. So my opinion is.... If you like pvp with a reason but don't mind waiting a couple of months for a smoother game then WAR is a good choice BUT if you want a smooth game with no real reason to pvp then WoW is for you. I personally quit WoW because it got boring and WAR I tested and realized it's the same old stuff, Orcs,Elves,Dwarves,etc..I think most people are burnt out with that and want something fresh. I say play what you want and everyone needs to relax with the WAR vs WoW crap because if the games are so great why are you wasting your time posting instead of playing... Please don't mention Darkfall because I haven't seen any real info in years about that game and it's back to the same ole stuff, Orcs,Elves,etc...
i remember WAR chrashing in CB but please ......i havent had a crash in ages.
This is true . I have played wow on release and they had 1-60 grind + some 60 5 man ( u could 40 man em way back i remember doing a 20 man strat UD on my rogue ) and thats it , pur worthless pvp.
WAR has all the quest grind that wow has + PQ +¨scenario + ORVR at tier 1 . t4 theres even more of all of these + city sieging .
I read the whole interview and Barnett is honest and straight forward with his answers.Is WAR a better game than WoW at launch? yes!!! But the true success will be in 3 or 4 months,by then we will see the real subs population and from watch the game grow.
An expansion every year is fair to me + some added content through patches during the first year.I see myself subscribing to WAR for the next 3 years.
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
From the same interview regarding problems with validation codes:
"Everyone's working really hard, and if it happens again we're going to feed people to sharks. Probably German sharks because they would be very efficient. We're very unhappy that it was bumpy. We're happy that we've punished people and tried really hard to do it better."
I didn't start playing WoW until 6 month after launch and I would unquestionably say WAR is a much more finished game than WoW was even at that point. WoW has been around for several years now and Blizzard has undoubtedly learned to do a number of things very well. However it is very hard for anyone to deny that the game has become a big boring grind for gear. Either you are grinding dungeons or raids, or you are grind battlegrounds forever. There is a reason people started AFKing in the battlegrounds, because the amount you had to play them was boring as all hell. I will say however the battlegrounds in WoW feel a lot more polished to me than the scenarios in WAR. Thats just a feeling and an opinion so feel free to disagree with me. I would also say that I feel like the combat in WAR feels very similar to WoW. One thing I also wish that WAR had which I enjoy in every game I play is fishing. Its just relaxing and fun to wander around finding peaceful places to fish in game and take a break from combat. I would also say that I was intrigued after seeing the crafting podcast, but i was not really impressed from the bit of crafting I tried. I had to sit around for several minutes to grow one stupid plant. This was not the impression I got from the podcast at all. They talked about how you could stop quickly and do crafting anywhere, but they didnt mention you would have to wait forever just to grow one damn plant. Why not let me add the soil, water, and nutrient that I want and let me continue fighting, instead of having to wait 60 seconds then add water then another 60 seconds and add nutrient. That was just a huge waste of my time in my opinion.
However there were a lot of excellent things that I enjoyed about WAR. RVR combat was completely addictive. I was going to just give it a quick try and then continue questing, but I ended up battling for 3 hours. I also really enjoyed the Tome of Knowledge. You could sit down and just read through it for hours if you wanted to learn up on all the lore. Also I enjoyed being able to find some cool title or reward to work towards, and not have to straight grind it but just actively work towards it as I quest. Also its cool to just be wandering around and just randomly unlock something cool. Its unexpected rewards that tend to be the most gratifying. Public quests really were enjoyable as well, so long as there were actualyl people there to do them. It was kind of frustrating when I wanted to do a PQ during off hours and there was no one around. The most fun I had while playing to game was just barely making it through 3 stages of a PQ with one other guy only to get our asses handed to us by a huge "lord" level dragon with a million crow adds flying around with him. It was Suderholm PQ in Norsca by the way so dont try it unless you have a great tank with lots of healers to spam heals on him, although I bet the rewards for it are great.
At the end of the day, the question is does the game have the power to make players want to stay? and how responsive and reactive the development team will be when issues arise? Once they have established some credibility with their player base and continue to deliver, they'll be good as gold. After all the main thing we all hate is developers and support teams that don't "listen" and don't communicate to their majority active subscribing player base.
Cultivation is the only one that takes that long, and thats cause you actually have to grow the plants... That being said, you can move around, run, even fight while cultivating... Its the only one that allows you to do that. Yeah, it takes 3 minutes to grow a plant... go do something while its growing.
The man said it as it is. WAR is a better game at launch than WoW was.
However, the final verdict is still up in the air. We'll have to wait until the first capital sieges start happening to be able to judge the game in its totality. Remember what happened to AoC - while so far everything is absolutely in top shape let's preserve just a tiny little bit of skepticism here.
(Personally I believe it's going to be great all the way, for all it's marvelous 20 levels AoC did smell fishy if you objectively looked at it at a distance.)
Cultivation is the only one that takes that long, and thats cause you actually have to grow the plants... That being said, you can move around, run, even fight while cultivating... Its the only one that allows you to do that. Yeah, it takes 3 minutes to grow a plant... go do something while its growing.
It doesnt bother me that it takes three minutes, but it does bother me that it requires my attention every 30-60 seconds. Some of the plants were only 30 seconds in between stages. What if I get a few mobs spawn on top of me or wander into me while I am killing that one mob in between. Should I just let myself die so that I can grow the damn plant or should I let the plant fail and waste more time trying to grow another plant? I should be able to add all the ingredients in the beginning so then I can actually be productive while its growing. I understand that they are trying to be unique or more realistic or whatever, but they could make the mechanic a little more player friendly. I wouldnt even mind if it were 5-10 seconds between stages and I would have to sit there.
My point is purely that the mechanic is NOT FUN, which is the point of playing a game and until I tried cultivation it seemed pretty clear to me that Mythic had figured that fact out with the rest of the game.
I am going to have to agree with paul on this. I played both at launch and while it is technically not wars launch date yet, what I experienced in war open beta was far beyond what wow is currently and defintly far beyond what they launched as.
Well its true but not really saying that much.
People do remember the problems with fear in the first month don't they? WoW balance had some serious issues in the first two months.
As far as bugs and smoothness etc WAR is a bit better depedning on how the server roll outs go. But class balance wise it is significantly better.
Not that WoW was bad but it had some notable and significant problem. to its credit it fixed them fairly quick. Well I dunno maybe it over nerfed them, but Mythic over nerfed sswordmaster over the last couple months IMO. So its pointless to throw stones there.
All I havde to say about WoW and how terrible its launch was with respect to class balance is:
Does ANYONE remember how insanely BAD every spec of Druid was EXCEPT Restoration and, to add to that, Druids had INSANE training costs for skills -- remember, they reimbursed us?
But then again, most WoW-a-holics only remember the good and the forget the rest. It was and IS a great game, but it had MANY more -serious- issues at launch than most of us care to recall.
Warhammer may be more "simple" if you judge it by its cover, its bells and whistles -- but it is a solid game with what I believe will be endless fun and glorious RvR for years to come.
If RvR is your bag, this IS the game.
WoW does every aspect of the MMO genre well, for mass appeal, but in my opinion, does not excel at all aspects. It is the Jack-of-all-Trades in the MMO universe.
Warhammer has a little for everyone, but its focus is large scale and , so far, insanely addictive RvR. I start to jones when the queue takes more than 5 minutes!!
EDIT: Tewwible grammerz.
I read the entire interview and it's thoughtful and straight forward, not hype.
As to the question is WAR better than WoW was at launch? Absolutely, it's not even in question.
Unlike Blizzard, who floundered around for years after launch before being able to get an expansion out, Mythic has already been working on expansions with a dedicated expansion team. I don't know if we will see expansions at the rate of EQ2, but it seems at least one a year is a good bet. Plus, they have a seperate team working on free content additions we'll see between expansions.
Sounds good to me.
I think the biggest issue now is population balance. If they take a proactive approach to addressing it, things will be looking very promising.
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I give a lot of credit to WoW and I've played it for quite some time. Up until WAR it did a good job at taking a lot of the good in most major mmos, and then tweaking them a bit. However, I do not forget all of the bad that was involved during the launch of WoW.
Which is why whenever someone tries to bash WAR on things that aren't even that major, I have to really question whether or not they even like mmos. WAR hasn't even officially launched yet and it is already almost on par if not better (depending on preferences) than WoW. This only means great things for WAR and its playerbase.
Remains to be seen since the game hasn't launched yet. To his credit, Mythic seems to be very serious about being a real competitor in this market competing with WoW '08, not WoW '04 unlike some of the other recent failed games.
post after post I see people comparing War to WoW who gives a shit delete your wow toon and go play War, at least that way I can stop hearing all your QQ'ing and get a better Lat in the process..
see you in two month when you come back to WoW
Lol come back to WoW? That game is done and beatin. ( In my eyes) I really have no desire to pay 50 to redo everything I already did.
Woopty doo I can play a CrapKnight. Yea I loved them in WC3 the idea of them. But in WoW, they look like shit. And if they are not over powered in pvp they are going to be gimper than a Prot Warrior in PvP.
Barnett is absolutely right. I remember WoW's launch. I even remember its beta. So far WAR is way better. Though, launch day and the couple months thereafter will be the true test.
-EDIT- I'm not being a grammer nazi, because I hate those guys. And I don't know if it was you or the article, but it's thAn, not thEn. Just a friendly pointer.
I was in both Beta's WotLK and the WAR beta and I can honestly say when i started to play WAR i stopped playing WotLK. Too much changing going on there. First they come up with great idea for broken classes (shaman's) then take them away. Downranking is now a pain, and don't even get me started on the Death Knight. It is going to be a nightmare going up against those at lv 55. Overall WAR appeals to me much more so I think the hype Paul has is actually showing in the game.
war better at launch than wow? maybe yes. thank god. not that wow was bad, but it is about time that a game at launch capitalizes on what wow ended up bringing.
war better than wow as game? debatable.
war is for sure a better mass pvp game. Might be a better overall pvp game. Will be a worst half /half pvp/pve game and well behind pve.
Not that this is a shortcoming when we consider that the aim of war devs was to make a mass pvp game.They looked at the market and picked an area to settle, and explore. they achieved their objective. that also means that they are more limited in the pve since t is not the objective of warhammer to offer state of the art pve.
blizzard's objective is to cather for all market segments. their game offers then above average quality in pvp and good pve. - for he simple fact that the casual crowd preffers randomly to do pve and pvp.
Both games will survive well. war will get a strong mass pvp audience, wow will keep cathering for the people that like pve and preffer non hardcore pvp.
any way both games will continue to evolve .
The launch might be smoother but the combat is still slow and clunky with crashes happening often. I then look at WoW and the combat is smooth and stable but it's still the same old crap with no reason to pvp besides loot and more loot. So my opinion is.... If you like pvp with a reason but don't mind waiting a couple of months for a smoother game then WAR is a good choice BUT if you want a smooth game with no real reason to pvp then WoW is for you. I personally quit WoW because it got boring and WAR I tested and realized it's the same old stuff, Orcs,Elves,Dwarves,etc..I think most people are burnt out with that and want something fresh. I say play what you want and everyone needs to relax with the WAR vs WoW crap because if the games are so great why are you wasting your time posting instead of playing... Please don't mention Darkfall because I haven't seen any real info in years about that game and it's back to the same ole stuff, Orcs,Elves,etc...
Not only is WAR better than WoW was at launch, but its just a better game. Anyways, shouldn't a 2008 game, which has 4 years of watching MMOs collapse, launch better than a 2004 game?
ofc.in fact i think we are all tired of games launching worst than wow. it is like going backwards.
tho the comparison has to be made between war and wow 2008 (what means how good or bad wotlk launches)
i still stand by what i said, one is not really better than the other, they just aim at different things. having said that the noveltry factor of warhammer has weight.
WAR is without a doubt better than WoW at launch, the real question is it better than WoW now? For me it is but I'm a world PvP type of guy, for many I'm sure the answer is no.
I'm not a WoW fanboy by any means but this isn't exactly true. Blizzard added a *ton* of content in free patches...more than a lot of companies do in paid expansions.
i remember WAR chrashing in CB but please ......i havent had a crash in ages.
This is true . I have played wow on release and they had 1-60 grind + some 60 5 man ( u could 40 man em way back i remember doing a 20 man strat UD on my rogue ) and thats it , pur worthless pvp.
WAR has all the quest grind that wow has + PQ +¨scenario + ORVR at tier 1 . t4 theres even more of all of these + city sieging .
I read the whole interview and Barnett is honest and straight forward with his answers.Is WAR a better game than WoW at launch? yes!!! But the true success will be in 3 or 4 months,by then we will see the real subs population and from watch the game grow.
An expansion every year is fair to me + some added content through patches during the first year.I see myself subscribing to WAR for the next 3 years.
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
From the same interview regarding problems with validation codes:
"Everyone's working really hard, and if it happens again we're going to feed people to sharks. Probably German sharks because they would be very efficient. We're very unhappy that it was bumpy. We're happy that we've punished people and tried really hard to do it better."
That guy is always right on the edge.
I him.
My brand new bloggity blog.
I didn't start playing WoW until 6 month after launch and I would unquestionably say WAR is a much more finished game than WoW was even at that point. WoW has been around for several years now and Blizzard has undoubtedly learned to do a number of things very well. However it is very hard for anyone to deny that the game has become a big boring grind for gear. Either you are grinding dungeons or raids, or you are grind battlegrounds forever. There is a reason people started AFKing in the battlegrounds, because the amount you had to play them was boring as all hell. I will say however the battlegrounds in WoW feel a lot more polished to me than the scenarios in WAR. Thats just a feeling and an opinion so feel free to disagree with me. I would also say that I feel like the combat in WAR feels very similar to WoW. One thing I also wish that WAR had which I enjoy in every game I play is fishing. Its just relaxing and fun to wander around finding peaceful places to fish in game and take a break from combat. I would also say that I was intrigued after seeing the crafting podcast, but i was not really impressed from the bit of crafting I tried. I had to sit around for several minutes to grow one stupid plant. This was not the impression I got from the podcast at all. They talked about how you could stop quickly and do crafting anywhere, but they didnt mention you would have to wait forever just to grow one damn plant. Why not let me add the soil, water, and nutrient that I want and let me continue fighting, instead of having to wait 60 seconds then add water then another 60 seconds and add nutrient. That was just a huge waste of my time in my opinion.
However there were a lot of excellent things that I enjoyed about WAR. RVR combat was completely addictive. I was going to just give it a quick try and then continue questing, but I ended up battling for 3 hours. I also really enjoyed the Tome of Knowledge. You could sit down and just read through it for hours if you wanted to learn up on all the lore. Also I enjoyed being able to find some cool title or reward to work towards, and not have to straight grind it but just actively work towards it as I quest. Also its cool to just be wandering around and just randomly unlock something cool. Its unexpected rewards that tend to be the most gratifying. Public quests really were enjoyable as well, so long as there were actualyl people there to do them. It was kind of frustrating when I wanted to do a PQ during off hours and there was no one around. The most fun I had while playing to game was just barely making it through 3 stages of a PQ with one other guy only to get our asses handed to us by a huge "lord" level dragon with a million crow adds flying around with him. It was Suderholm PQ in Norsca by the way so dont try it unless you have a great tank with lots of healers to spam heals on him, although I bet the rewards for it are great.
At the end of the day, the question is does the game have the power to make players want to stay? and how responsive and reactive the development team will be when issues arise? Once they have established some credibility with their player base and continue to deliver, they'll be good as gold. After all the main thing we all hate is developers and support teams that don't "listen" and don't communicate to their majority active subscribing player base.
Cultivation is the only one that takes that long, and thats cause you actually have to grow the plants... That being said, you can move around, run, even fight while cultivating... Its the only one that allows you to do that. Yeah, it takes 3 minutes to grow a plant... go do something while its growing.
The man said it as it is. WAR is a better game at launch than WoW was.
However, the final verdict is still up in the air. We'll have to wait until the first capital sieges start happening to be able to judge the game in its totality. Remember what happened to AoC - while so far everything is absolutely in top shape let's preserve just a tiny little bit of skepticism here.
(Personally I believe it's going to be great all the way, for all it's marvelous 20 levels AoC did smell fishy if you objectively looked at it at a distance.)
It doesnt bother me that it takes three minutes, but it does bother me that it requires my attention every 30-60 seconds. Some of the plants were only 30 seconds in between stages. What if I get a few mobs spawn on top of me or wander into me while I am killing that one mob in between. Should I just let myself die so that I can grow the damn plant or should I let the plant fail and waste more time trying to grow another plant? I should be able to add all the ingredients in the beginning so then I can actually be productive while its growing. I understand that they are trying to be unique or more realistic or whatever, but they could make the mechanic a little more player friendly. I wouldnt even mind if it were 5-10 seconds between stages and I would have to sit there.
My point is purely that the mechanic is NOT FUN, which is the point of playing a game and until I tried cultivation it seemed pretty clear to me that Mythic had figured that fact out with the rest of the game.