Funny how selective this fellows memory is as WOW on release was horrible lol, well not utterly but it had more issues than WAR.
War has been out for 3 weeks give it time, they will work out the issues add more content, races, classes etc. Read up on what you talking about before you spew the shit above.
IMO WAR is a good game and alot of fun. And a change from the usual which i became sick over a year ago.
Your opinion is fine and all and you at least brought very notable facts but the game is young. Aside from AoC, this game can improve. It has a devoted and much better funded company behind it. EA is the scourge of a lot of games evidently, their dealing with Spore being one of which. But for an MMO being guarded by Games Workshop, little can be done to dismark it. Mythic is nearly independent and Failcom was a failure before release.
Bugs can go away. There is content, and that is undeniable. WoW was horrid at launch. But if you love playing a child's game with your cartoons and the many hundreds of sick cybering freaks, be my guest. Just tell them and anyone else intolerant and impatient to stay there and keep it in whispers.
--------------------- Sniper is another term for unorthodox surgeon.
I know WAR is designed around RVR and WOW is made for l33t kiddies to brag at school the next day about there RAIDING experience.
And I just had to add this; I'm still in High School. There is a whole group of very stupid kids at my school playing WoW who do just this. And they won't stop asking me to come back to WoW even though I never played with them. I make it a point to avoid people who's keyboards lack shift keys or period marks, with the letters L and O not faded out from overuse.
--------------------- Sniper is another term for unorthodox surgeon.
I know WAR is designed around RVR and WOW is made for l33t kiddies to brag at school the next day about there RAIDING experience.
And I just had to add this; I'm still in High School. There is a whole group of very stupid kids at my school playing WoW who do just this. And they won't stop asking me to come back to WoW even though I never played with them. I make it a point to avoid people who's keyboards lack shift keys or period marks, with the letters L and O not faded out from overuse.
Hate to burst your bubble but Wars main dmeographic IS the l337 kiddies, thus yes WAR is for l337 kiddies who have no real skill and need to depend on a gear/level based game to get kills, since they cant via player skill
Bodypass needs to be banned from ever posting about WAR ever again. So many threads and posts with your name all over them bashing the game...its kinda an obsession isnt it? I reccomend the patch.
He probably thinks hes getting something from it, do people really listen ing to whiners/sandbox gamers Opinions? i think not.
Forums represent less than 5% of a games population. Im not gonna stop playing just because you dont like it.
its not whining its expressing different opinons and theorys. You don't like it then GDIAFFSOB. Everyone has the right to express what they want about something they like or dislike.
Its not opinions/theories when the same person time and time again is posting the same crap on the same forum on the same subject.
"right today im gonna go on and troll a whole day telling people how much WAR sucks and how bad it is"
Very true. If you aren't aware, bodypass is AKA memoir/teamfortress/vicksburg/etc. etc on these forums, with a combined total of well over 1000 posts with nothing but venom for anything that isn't WoW and scorn for anyone who isn't playing it. Lovely fellow, eh?
Waiting for Fallen Earth, World of Darkness, Old Republic, FFXIV
I know WAR is designed around RVR and WOW is made for l33t kiddies to brag at school the next day about there RAIDING experience.
And I just had to add this; I'm still in High School. There is a whole group of very stupid kids at my school playing WoW who do just this. And they won't stop asking me to come back to WoW even though I never played with them. I make it a point to avoid people who's keyboards lack shift keys or period marks, with the letters L and O not faded out from overuse.
Hate to burst your bubble but Wars main dmeographic IS the l337 kiddies, thus yes WAR is for l337 kiddies who have no real skill and need to depend on a gear/level based game to get kills, since they cant via player skill
Gear is prominent but not required. Suggested for levels higher than 12 especially sense everyone becomes a wet paper bag at that point unless you have a personal warband of healers, but if you feel risky you can go ahead and wing it in briefs. Did it as a Chosen, did it as a Bright Wizard. Scored fairly high in both Scenarios.
And they'll always be there. But the 1337 kiddies will still be on WoW. You can't chain a macro with the use of all of the hardest-to-get Brutal Epics to one shot someone in WAR. Or spec an 'overpowered' class that can switch forms to break every possible dissorient, stealth, heal, and tank effortlessly.
Team work is necessary for one thing. Player skill may not but if you don't pay attention like most games, you get a bad view caused by your own hand.
--------------------- Sniper is another term for unorthodox surgeon.
This game runs out of fun very quick I think it feels very much like a single player game. The graphics are not much better then WOW. Except WOW is alot more fun then Warhammer. The ai is horrible mobs are floating they run back and forth for no reason. This game has alot of the same problems I think AOC has it doesnt feel like you are in a world. Except Conan does have great graphics and fun game play. I think even LOTRO is better then this game. The Armor all looks the same at most levels and even at higher levels it all looks close and the bugs are worse at the higher levels. I have no reason to just hate this game in fact the opposite I really wanted this game to be good. I bought it and paid for 60 days. I posted a negative review when I was about level 10 and I thought maybe it wasnt fair to do that so early so I went on to level 40 and I feel the same. This game is a huge dissapointment.
.....and another eye candy whore disappointed with war's graphics.
so the guy that made this thread just basicly said he would rather play WOW cause of how the armor looks a cartoon ...and you look like millon other shamans,mages,pallys ETC
WAR was not meant ot please everyone. If it's not for you, then you don't have to play it.
But now, for the first time in four years, the MMORPG community has a CHOICE between two well-made games. Certainly there have been other MMORPGs released since WoW, but most have been absurd fiascos or barely had the numbers to be noticed.
The true test will be seeing how WAR is doing at the end of the first month, of course, but as long as it continues to do well we will finally see the MMORPG genre expanding into more than just the 'One Big Game At A Time' standard. And it will prove to others that it is possible for someone besides Blizzard to do well in the market and that means more games for everyone. Even for the people who don't want to play WAR.
WAR was not meant ot please everyone. If it's not for you, then you don't have to play it. But now, for the first time in four years, the MMORPG community has a CHOICE between two well-made games. Certainly there have been other MMORPGs released since WoW, but most have been absurd fiascos or barely had the numbers to be noticed. The true test will be seeing how WAR is doing at the end of the first month, of course, but as long as it continues to do well we will finally see the MMORPG genre expanding into more than just the 'One Big Game At A Time' standard. And it will prove to others that it is possible for someone besides Blizzard to do well in the market and that means more games for everyone. Even for the people who don't want to play WAR.
Umm, not sure were you've been but there is more then two well-made mmo's out there and trust me there much better then this kiddie crap
This game runs out of fun very quick I think it feels very much like a single player game. The graphics are not much better then WOW. Except WOW is alot more fun then Warhammer. The ai is horrible mobs are floating they run back and forth for no reason. This game has alot of the same problems I think AOC has it doesnt feel like you are in a world. Except Conan does have great graphics and fun game play. I think even LOTRO is better then this game. The Armor all looks the same at most levels and even at higher levels it all looks close and the bugs are worse at the higher levels. I have no reason to just hate this game in fact the opposite I really wanted this game to be good. I bought it and paid for 60 days. I posted a negative review when I was about level 10 and I thought maybe it wasnt fair to do that so early so I went on to level 40 and I feel the same. This game is a huge dissapointment.
We dont care about your opinion. Why the hell do you think we need another "im going back to wow" thread? JUST GET OUT OF HERE
Don't worry WOTLK will be out for you soon enough, I am sure you will see the light over there and be happy. I think comments such as these, and this is not a personal attack, come from people that have never before started playing an MMORPG right from release. Most of these players joined their first MMO 6 months to 1 year after it was released and most bugs had been fixed. For the rest of us, we know the deal of how mmo launches work and we know what to expect.
This game runs out of fun very quick I think it feels very much like a single player game. The graphics are not much better then WOW. Except WOW is alot more fun then Warhammer. The ai is horrible mobs are floating they run back and forth for no reason. This game has alot of the same problems I think AOC has it doesnt feel like you are in a world. Except Conan does have great graphics and fun game play. I think even LOTRO is better then this game. The Armor all looks the same at most levels and even at higher levels it all looks close and the bugs are worse at the higher levels. I have no reason to just hate this game in fact the opposite I really wanted this game to be good. I bought it and paid for 60 days. I posted a negative review when I was about level 10 and I thought maybe it wasnt fair to do that so early so I went on to level 40 and I feel the same. This game is a huge dissapointment.
It's a guild game, not a solo game. Solo, this game is pointless. Way to reach 40 and still not understand WTF the game is about.
MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR Playing: WAR Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online
if you get 200+h of entertainment out of $50, how can the game be a failure ?
theres tons of games in the marke that charge you $70 for 20h of content or imagine what youd have to pay for 200h of cinema. then on the other hand if you didnt have fun in the 200h you played because you rushed it to max your char id say you spend $50 to go to a rock concert only to be so drugged up that you cant listen to band...
if your bored, visit my blog at: dealing with the look of mmos with the nvidia 3d vision glasses
I agree with the OP. Get ready to get hacked and slashed at man, you cant have a negative view in this forum. If you do, your apparently a troll.
I can't speak for everyone in this thread, but it's not about his opinion (WAR disappoints), but HOW he formed it.
He rushed to 40 and then realises he's all alone up there (Well, not all alone, but you get my point). My chars still haven't reached 20 and I'm having a blast, simply because I RVR, instead of level a.s.a.p.
If I had done the same, I would have said it disappoints as well. Luckilly, I didn't.
Apart from a few people, anyone in their right mind will keep with the level curve so they have people to RvR, PQ and have fun with.
This is a game where the hardcores lose out becuase there is no one to fight at the top.
He says has 4k kills but look at his renown tactics bar. It's empty, so I highly doubt he has much renown and further doubtful of his 4k pvp kills. If he really has 4k let him post the title <The Blooded> which is attained at just 1k PvP kills.
All the people who are rank 40 early are low renown rank, they grinded too hard and had no one to fight. PvP leveling > PvE leveling for fun factor for me. It's an RvR game after all.
I don't buy it. How you can even COMPARE this game to AoC is beyond me. This game has enough material to keep you in new areas and doing new things long enough to get to level 40 3 or 4 times. AoC couldn't even get you to max level ONCE. Sure, it was pretty, but it was a miserable game after you left Tortage. With WAR I find myself with more to do than I can possibly complete. Are there issues with WAR? Sure there are. Not many from my view though. I have very few computer problems with this game. Maybe one crash every 2 days. (AoC it crashed about once an hour or more) You complain about the AI on the mobs, but I haven't had many problems with it myself. You do see the occasional mob that is stuck or skipping between 2 points, but you saw that with WoW and it is 4 years old. Did you really even play this game? If you are at 40 how did you get there so fast? I'd guess that if you DID play WAR and you are 40 you did it by grinding and if that is the case you saw much less of the game than is there. Also, if you did get to 40 by grinding PQ's or Scenarios or whatever then I find your review to be not valid.
Funny how selective this fellows memory is as WOW on release was horrible lol, well not utterly but it had more issues than WAR.
War has been out for 3 weeks give it time, they will work out the issues add more content, races, classes etc. Read up on what you talking about before you spew the shit above.
IMO WAR is a good game and alot of fun. And a change from the usual which i became sick over a year ago.
BTW one day WOW will be dead...Face it.
that game bored me too death. and as much as the content may be great the graphics just plain suck.
I love doing this now. But it fits.
Your opinion is fine and all and you at least brought very notable facts but the game is young. Aside from AoC, this game can improve. It has a devoted and much better funded company behind it. EA is the scourge of a lot of games evidently, their dealing with Spore being one of which. But for an MMO being guarded by Games Workshop, little can be done to dismark it. Mythic is nearly independent and Failcom was a failure before release.
Bugs can go away. There is content, and that is undeniable. WoW was horrid at launch. But if you love playing a child's game with your cartoons and the many hundreds of sick cybering freaks, be my guest. Just tell them and anyone else intolerant and impatient to stay there and keep it in whispers.
Sniper is another term for unorthodox surgeon.
And I just had to add this; I'm still in High School. There is a whole group of very stupid kids at my school playing WoW who do just this. And they won't stop asking me to come back to WoW even though I never played with them. I make it a point to avoid people who's keyboards lack shift keys or period marks, with the letters L and O not faded out from overuse.
Sniper is another term for unorthodox surgeon.
And I just had to add this; I'm still in High School. There is a whole group of very stupid kids at my school playing WoW who do just this. And they won't stop asking me to come back to WoW even though I never played with them. I make it a point to avoid people who's keyboards lack shift keys or period marks, with the letters L and O not faded out from overuse.
Hate to burst your bubble but Wars main dmeographic IS the l337 kiddies, thus yes WAR is for l337 kiddies who have no real skill and need to depend on a gear/level based game to get kills, since they cant via player skill
Yah i agree, WAR fails, they didnt put strings on their bows
Its easy to pee in the toilet, but most of us dont.
He probably thinks hes getting something from it, do people really listen ing to whiners/sandbox gamers Opinions? i think not.
Forums represent less than 5% of a games population. Im not gonna stop playing just because you dont like it.
its not whining its expressing different opinons and theorys. You don't like it then GDIAFFSOB. Everyone has the right to express what they want about something they like or dislike.
Its not opinions/theories when the same person time and time again is posting the same crap on the same forum on the same subject.
"right today im gonna go on and troll a whole day telling people how much WAR sucks and how bad it is"
Very true. If you aren't aware, bodypass is AKA memoir/teamfortress/vicksburg/etc. etc on these forums, with a combined total of well over 1000 posts with nothing but venom for anything that isn't WoW and scorn for anyone who isn't playing it. Lovely fellow, eh?
Waiting for Fallen Earth, World of Darkness, Old Republic, FFXIV
And I just had to add this; I'm still in High School. There is a whole group of very stupid kids at my school playing WoW who do just this. And they won't stop asking me to come back to WoW even though I never played with them. I make it a point to avoid people who's keyboards lack shift keys or period marks, with the letters L and O not faded out from overuse.
Hate to burst your bubble but Wars main dmeographic IS the l337 kiddies, thus yes WAR is for l337 kiddies who have no real skill and need to depend on a gear/level based game to get kills, since they cant via player skill
Gear is prominent but not required. Suggested for levels higher than 12 especially sense everyone becomes a wet paper bag at that point unless you have a personal warband of healers, but if you feel risky you can go ahead and wing it in briefs. Did it as a Chosen, did it as a Bright Wizard. Scored fairly high in both Scenarios.
And they'll always be there. But the 1337 kiddies will still be on WoW. You can't chain a macro with the use of all of the hardest-to-get Brutal Epics to one shot someone in WAR. Or spec an 'overpowered' class that can switch forms to break every possible dissorient, stealth, heal, and tank effortlessly.
Team work is necessary for one thing. Player skill may not but if you don't pay attention like most games, you get a bad view caused by your own hand.
Sniper is another term for unorthodox surgeon.
.....and another eye candy whore disappointed with war's graphics.
so the guy that made this thread just basicly said he would rather play WOW cause of how the armor looks a cartoon ...and you look like millon other shamans,mages,pallys ETC
why must you QQ so much ...
WAR was not meant ot please everyone. If it's not for you, then you don't have to play it.
But now, for the first time in four years, the MMORPG community has a CHOICE between two well-made games. Certainly there have been other MMORPGs released since WoW, but most have been absurd fiascos or barely had the numbers to be noticed.
The true test will be seeing how WAR is doing at the end of the first month, of course, but as long as it continues to do well we will finally see the MMORPG genre expanding into more than just the 'One Big Game At A Time' standard. And it will prove to others that it is possible for someone besides Blizzard to do well in the market and that means more games for everyone. Even for the people who don't want to play WAR.
Umm, not sure were you've been but there is more then two well-made mmo's out there and trust me there much better then this kiddie crap
We dont care about your opinion. Why the hell do you think we need another "im going back to wow" thread? JUST GET OUT OF HERE
He that lives upon Hope dies farting.
Don't worry WOTLK will be out for you soon enough, I am sure you will see the light over there and be happy. I think comments such as these, and this is not a personal attack, come from people that have never before started playing an MMORPG right from release. Most of these players joined their first MMO 6 months to 1 year after it was released and most bugs had been fixed. For the rest of us, we know the deal of how mmo launches work and we know what to expect.
Anyway, good luck to you in WoW.
More Blood for the Blood God!
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
It's a guild game, not a solo game. Solo, this game is pointless. Way to reach 40 and still not understand WTF the game is about.
MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR
Playing: WAR
Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online
To the OP I understand but let get some patchs out.. like the one coming in just a day or two..
if you get 200+h of entertainment out of $50, how can the game be a failure ?
theres tons of games in the marke that charge you $70 for 20h of content or imagine what youd have to pay for 200h of cinema. then on the other hand if you didnt have fun in the 200h you played because you rushed it to max your char id say you spend $50 to go to a rock concert only to be so drugged up that you cant listen to band...
if your bored, visit my blog at: dealing with the look of mmos with the nvidia 3d vision glasses
I can't speak for everyone in this thread, but it's not about his opinion (WAR disappoints), but HOW he formed it.
He rushed to 40 and then realises he's all alone up there (Well, not all alone, but you get my point). My chars still haven't reached 20 and I'm having a blast, simply because I RVR, instead of level a.s.a.p.
If I had done the same, I would have said it disappoints as well. Luckilly, I didn't.
Apart from a few people, anyone in their right mind will keep with the level curve so they have people to RvR, PQ and have fun with.
This is a game where the hardcores lose out becuase there is no one to fight at the top.
He says has 4k kills but look at his renown tactics bar. It's empty, so I highly doubt he has much renown and further doubtful of his 4k pvp kills. If he really has 4k let him post the title <The Blooded> which is attained at just 1k PvP kills.
All the people who are rank 40 early are low renown rank, they grinded too hard and had no one to fight. PvP leveling > PvE leveling for fun factor for me. It's an RvR game after all.
Omg, a Freak is writing total BS and this Thread is full of responses to him...(including me..)
I lol at your 3/4 carrer tactics and 0 renown tactics.
Ohh... the magic of power-leveling!!!