I'll counter you by listing WoW complaints... 4 YEARS after release: 1. Extremely linear leveling. This wouldn't be so terrible if there wasn't just one route to go... which merges for both factions very fast. Replay value: 0.0. Try leaving the starting area before you open your mouth, there's a bunch of places to go at levels, and you don't have to go to the zones. Sure you can argue that everyone just goes to the same areas. And for the xpacs i'll agree. But not for the base game. I have three 70s and have been playing WoW since the Euro release. I'm not talking about the starting areas - I'm talking about the fact that starting at level 25 you go pretty much the same route.... even if you play different factions. 2. Extreme lack of variety within classes. You have 3 talent trees and that's it. Just like WAR's, only WoWs offer way more customization(especially now). Rather than WAR's terrible trees.(it sickened me how slow you got points and how few you got.) Completely wrong. For some reason you are completely unable to think outside of what WoW has - talent trees. WAR has tactics sets and morale sets which add two COMPLETELY different layers to customization. WoW has 1-d customization, WAR has 3-d. 3. Classes are lackluster and unimaginative. Both factions have the same bland classes that share similar mechanics (mana....) 9 classes(10 now). And at release shaman and paladin's were split. Heres the thing? Why would mages be different on both sides, why would warlocks and priests(priests were different), rogues, be different?
should they have just invented a bunch of terrible classes, or create strong ones? Heck even the "mirrors" in wow can't get along with each other, with sorcerors bashing BW, etc etc. The variety in mechanics between different classes in WAR is much greater than in WoW. While WoW does have variety there is no outright craziness like WB and melee-specced WP. 4. Timesinks at any possible opportunity. Mana and hp regeneration is unbearably slow. Horrible flight times, broken LFG-ing requiring you ages to find that group. etc etc. Mana and hp regen for wow were one of the fastest ever made at release, obviously you haven't played eqoa or daoc(whereas in daoc if you were a melee class you basically had more downtime then fighting) in wow, you always had food/water, and bandages to get yourself going. Maybe you were too much of a scrub to know how to drink/eat/bandage?
There is a fundamental difference in the way core mechanics work. In WoW and previous games you had resource X - and the longer you played this X got smaller until you had to stop fighting to replenish it. WAR is completely different - this resource X actually grows while you play until you either succeed in what you are trying to do or die. If we'd draw the "character power" or "excitement" curve during a fight, WoW/EQ etc would be a logarythmic downward one while WAR's is an exponential growth one. And hell if you put effort into it, you could get groups for any instance you want. Try it in WAR for PQs, nobody in the zone will want to do em, your guild doesn't want to do them, random people don't want to do them.
That's your problem. I never had any problem with finding people for PQs. Could be my sociable personality. The main difference between WAR PQs and WOW instancing is that you have to WAIT, DOING NOTHING while forming a WoW PUG. On the other hand you can PLAY AND HAVE FUN in WAR while the PQ band is formed. WAR has the worst group content ever made.
I completely disagree with you and I cannot imagine what experiences you had to come to this conclusion. I really cannot. 5. Fixed number of players PvE instances which are severely increasing LFG times and putting arbitrary limitations to group compositions. Endless grief there "we can't go, we don't have a fifth" . "Sorry we'll kick you out now, even though you waited for an hour because you're one too many." What game are you playing? Can you do pqs without a tank in war? if its a very easy one, can you do it without a healer? same story. Same for the WAR dungeons. Are you honestly saying no WAR group will ever need a tank or a healer, and fall apart because of it?
Agree, tank and healer is still mandatory for serious group content. I don't like it really but hey nothing is perfect. And groups cap at 5, unless you converted to a raid(why would you for grouping, only a idiot would do this. The only reason to wait a hour is a lazy leader. I have never heard anyone in WoW getting kicked because there was too many, only people not being able to join the group because they wanted to bring their friend/guildies, and how is that a complaint? Exactly - 5 man limit is extremely dumb. Sorry but it is. Unnecessary spilitting people and crap. IN WAR you can take that extra guy or two along - you'll get a bit smaller rewards but hey why not. Elitism is killed in its root here. Damn, I spent half my playing time in WoW typing "Damn we don't have a fifth, we can't go..." or reading "Sorry we already have a fifth, you can't go." I will NEVER EVER play a game again that has this goddamn "fifth" character in it. In WAR we can start doing stuff while there's just 3 of us... and keep at it when there's 20. There is no goddamn mf FIFTH. 6. Completely dead lower level content. A huge part of the game has no other purpose then just another tedious timesink until you get to the "actual" game. Except for the fact that i've leveled over 30 characters in wow, over the course of 4 years, and i've always had more lively group content than WAR, even for isolated group pve areas like the old stromgarde castle in arathi. Let alone you can actually get people to run instances, and you can't get people to do pqs. That's your experience again. I'm playing a lot of PQs and players who know what they're doing won't hesitate a second for an opportunity to complete PQs because they give the best loot available at that rank. 7. THE major gameplay modes do not exist until you're max level. In essence you need to "work" your character until you get to max level where you finally get to "play". You are missing... Raids... Rated arena... you still can quest, do dungeons, do battlegrounds, and have some world pvp while leveling. It's the same as WAR, you can't siege t4 keeps and take cities untill the highest levels either.
And even now, you have more legitimate small group(5 man heroic, 10 man raids) than you ever used to. Since WoW is a gear-centric game there is no point in working at getting gear before max level. WAR is a RvR centric game and killing other players, taking BOs and keeps, leveling your guild, gaining renown ranks and tome unlocks etc is meaningful from level 1. 8. Completely dead and static world as a whole. Players have absolutely NO import whatsoever on the world. It just lies there, dead and uncaring. And everything you do in WAR resets in a couple minutes, while you are in there, with a big reset timer. Theres nothing that takes you more out of the game than that. What do you do of importance in WAR? Capture a keep? big deal, it's not important to the world, and it changes color, whoopdeedoo. WAR's world is deader than dead though. On my server we're having daily scheduled meetings of guild leaders where we coordinate guild and alliance roles and tasks respective to the daily changing situation in the T3 and T4 zones. That's pretty effing alive I'd say. Sorry but in WoW you got "We killed that boss first, nah nah nah!" for "living world". 9. Horrible character customization, both at character creation and later on in the game. Ok they introduced titles now, after only FOUR YEARS of player appeals... But there is no armor dying for example, nothing whatsoever to distinguish you visually. Nothing. Armor dyeing doesn't work in WoW, because they use color changes to differentiate different gear. WAR goes the other way, everyone uses the EXACT SAME ARMOR MODELS FOR THEIR TIER.(which is far worse) You have no idea what you're talking about. The differences in armor models are a bit more subtle but thank god in heaven there are no ridiculous travesties like those dreadful shoulde pieces I was forced to wear in WoW. Lol - i got effing CANDLES in my shoulders?!?! W T F?!!? admittedly it was restricted visual customization. WAR is worse imho 10. No housing, not even communal. Nothing to call your own in the world. everyone wants housing, but it's not a necessary feature. 11. Completely inexistent world PvP. And no that WoTLK thing does not apply - its just another BG without designated number of players. thats all pvp in war is. That's what you think buddy. Obviously you missed the whole strategic component of the game that you get with having three parallel battlegrounds running at the same time. WAR RvR would suck if it was just one zone at each tier.. but it's not - and that's what makes it great. 12. Lack of class synergies, especially in PvP. Each class plays on its own. Completely selfish and autistic PvP. You just showed you've never competed in arenas. Oh yes I did. And it is exactly as I said. A couple of gimmicks that make certain class combos insanely overpowered cannot even begin to compare with the synergies you got in WAR. Each and I mean each 2-class combination is different and viable. Have you even tried to buddy up with other players beyond rank 20? 13. Horrible instanced PvE design. Each one of those "challenging" dungeons is completely static - you just need to learn those steps and dance the dance. There is no need to think on one's feet - just follow the steps. We talking about WAR here? In the mount hyjal raid instance alone there was more group dynamics than all pve content in WAR combined. Again you prove you've never played the content you love to open your mouth about. I've played Mount Hyal. Have you been to Bastion Stair? No you haven't because I remember you quit waaay before anyone managed to get there, disgusted amongst other things you thought that those mini-instances in the capital were representative of raid PvE in WAR. You have no idea what you're talking about, sorry to say. 14. Just 4 (now 5, whooohoo) BGs. Pathetic and insulting. Online FPSs which don't require monthly subs customarily ship with DOUBLE the amount of PvP arenas. Look at WAR, 90% of the bgs are trashy small copys of each other, and out of those 90% only about 20% of those are even played much at all. 15. Badly designed BGs. They either drag on to eternity or are farmed by "who cares" leechers. Probably the worst instanced PvP I saw in ANY game. Then you haven't seen WAR's. In the beginning AV was the hardest bg and could last over 24 hours, it was epic battles far greater than anything that WAR will EVER EVER see.
Oh I agree that old AV was fantastic. My personal favorite was Korrak the insane troll in the middle of the map. Actually when they nerfed AV to make it the idiocy it is now was the first time I quit WoW. Sorry but what was AV then I got on my server every night WAR. WSG is the only one now that can "Stall forever" and even then you just needed teamwork. 16. PvP itself is almost entirely gear dependent. Utterly ridiculous for more reasons than I can count here. Go PvP naked in WAR, go ahead. try it. You're confusing the issue. It's not about going naked but gear differences between players. Duh. Don't play dumb. 17. Almost complete lack of open world group PvE content. Good, because if it's anything like WAR's it'd be utter shit. This is ignoring the fact that there were 4 green dragons, a blue dragon, and a demon to raid in pve pre tbc, but it wasn't a feature people particularly liked, it showed the same things that made EQ1 BLOW. I really have no idea what you got against PQs. What didn't no one like you enough to play with? I'd play WAR for PQs only. They are AWESOME. I usually play with my wife and we always got bored to tears questing in WoW.. here in WAR we go PQ hunting, meet a bunch of people on the way who are all eager to join for those sweet drops and enerally have loads of fun - completely spontaneously. This is a far cry from "you're stealing my kills noob" which is the norm in WoW. 18. Dreadful farming required at almost any step of the game. Reputations, crafting materials, percentage drops from quests, honor, arena points... It's just brain-dead AFK farming required to get almost anywhere n that game. Reputations that offer better rewards then the influence you have to grind in WAR.
A WAR's influence can be easily maxed out in a couple oh hours. If that's grind then I don't know what isn't. At least it has a crafting material.
Again it is quite obvious you haven't gotten far in WAR lol. Quests were designed to have you kill X amount of mobs to get you X amount of exp, so by the time you finish the zone you were at X level ready to go somewhere else. The low drop rate items, are the ones that replace quests thet'd be large kill numbers instead. Very nice.. in theory. In actuality it is plain pointless frustration they haven't gotten around to fixing it because they don't really give a crap. Honor... hmmm just like WAR's renown! Arena points? Try afk farming these, please, a good team can get more points in a month then bad teams can get in a year. Not even counting the fact that now all epic pvp gear requires ratings(which is bigger skill checks then anything WAR has) Admittedly WAR's lack of quest item grinding was nice, but at the same time, WARs content is much more like a machine of exp, rather than a world with quests. I'd rather grind boar livers then do WAR's quests. 19. Pathetic attempts at tongue-in-cheek out-of-lore pop reference humor. It is almost as if the devs are making fun of players actually attempting to take that, already pretty thin, lore seriously. Theres more lore in WoW then in WAR, and it's much better written. The only reason why WAR even has a semblence of any "lore" is that the characters they use and the stuff they do, has lore that was made for them. Blizzard made all the warcraft games, and they made wow, it's their lore. They didn't NEED to leach someone elses. What you said here is so wrong on so many levels that it bears warrants no lengthy response. I suppose LoTRO is "leeching" lore from Tolkien then? Oh and this new Star Wars mmo is obviously based on existing IP because them dumb devs couldn't think up their own? Oh come on!
Mythic is a pathetic company who lucked out with DAoC, but realized their own IP was really weak, so they just went for WAR, which imho is a big mistake, since the game is so limited by the lore, that they need to run checks on what they can or can not do, not only within their own company, and their writers, but with both EA, and GW ZOMG, have you ever studied Warhammer lore? It is so crazily immense that they can do 10 WARs without having to "invent" anything. Warhammer lore is quite infamous in the industry for total crazy amount of it - complete overkill. 20. Cross server scenarios - any idea of any PvP rivalry on server level is completely gone now. Who cares about anything? I just want my honor points... At least you can PvP, instead of WARs, "let's take this empty keep". or "wait a second, my tier of scenarios are empty and i have to wait a hour between scenarios. I spent 4 hours the day before yesterday in utterly crazy RvR in Praag. 100s of players. Guild banners flying, being taken left and right. Human scenarios (not serpents) being popping constantly to stem the red tide. Sheer awesome. I'm sorry your impressions of the game are so different for mine. I really am sorry for you because you are missing so much due to being terminally disappointed during the first few weeks after release. 21. Character movement and interaction feels cartoony. No feeling of solidity that most other mmos like LoTRO, WAR and AoC have. It is almost like Super Mario in the land of MMOs. Completely laughable, LoTRO has TERRIBLE models and animations, WAR has TERRIBLE animations that BARELY work in combat. AoC has good looking models, but there are bad animations here and there. 22. Insultingly slow time Bliz takes to address player concerns and requests. As I mentioned before my hunter was nerfed to utter oblivion and I couldn't get into a group for 6 months before Bliz decided to do something about it. Hunter's had a bad period, every class has. WAR has 4 worthless classes(eng/magus/sw/sh). As guess what? archers. It's a hard class to balance. Your fooling yourself if any other game has never had bad/unbalanced times for it's classes. If you think magi and engineers are worthless then you're very sadly mistaken. SH and SW are being balanced in the next patch 2 months after release, along with all other classes and their issues. Blizz is slow to address issues, because they want to do it right, they don't want to just add in a patch to fix a imbalance, just to cause other problems. Yeah right. Jeez... 23. Overall the game requires horrifying amounts of time to enjoy. If you want to see those vaunted end-game raids you'd better say good bye to your real life.. or at least make it completely subservient to the game. It does take a lot of time, because there are a lot of things to do, and a lot of reasons to do them. What reason is there to play WAR? Fun PvP? Maybe if it has PvE to allow players to not burn out. And PvP that was actually... fun instead of a leveling grind? I'd rather go play a FPS then suffer through WAR's issues. You very obviously haven't gotten too far in WAR and you left before the game even really started. If I left WoW 2 weeks after it released and kept pontificating evereybody on the state of the game what would you say? Want me to list some more? Some real ones, or ones with a point would be great. My point is that WoW can go on with those kinds of serious flaws that haven't been addressed in YEARS, while WAR is butchered and killed on these and other forums for a much much smaller number of grievances. Sorry but this strikes me as colossaly unfair and frankly very very fishy. Yeah because it's unfair that WAR's world is almost empty less then a week after release. With a super silent community, and bad content seperation. I played WoW since its release and I play WAR now. I'll say that WAR, with all its current flaws, is a much much better game - both potentially AND in actuallity than WoW. That's my opinion and the opinion of RL people that play with me. If you've actually played wow that long(which you haven't, it's obvious to everyone who has played wow and reads your posts). then you'd know that WAR is not even close to wow in any terms. I played WoW from EU release onward. I got 3 70 characters. I know the beast that is WoW buddy... When did you start playing it? If you experienced WoW release problems you would appreciate how smooth WAR's actually is both in texchnical and game design terms. Spoiled brat, that's all I'll say because you really pushed me into it. The ONE THING that is a real, serious problem with WAR now is that there are too many servers - and there were too many of them since the beginning. The game really didn't have the opportunity to take off because you need to have a certain population for this group-oriented game to really shine. Now the problem is getting worse because it is a vicious circle - a lot of my pals retained their subs but stopped playing "until the population picks up." It is not going to happen this way - Mythic needs to bite the bullet and do massive server merges right now and EA be damned. They need to completely destroy their server structure, and instead make 1 server with different character servers, and better/stronger systems to support the increased playerbase.
How are there gonna be 3 campaigns going on at once with the other 2 capitols when theres barely enough to even do one? Oh I agree they should do something about the way population dynamics work.. At the moment the world is simply too big. When players are spread around then it appears quite empty but when they congregate you get craziness - the other day there was a 800+ battle going on in one zone and no wonder the server got bonkers. But what was the other alternative? Smaller world with less room and content? I agree that a solution should be found for these problems and since MBJ did adress them in his last post I suppose something, whatever it is, will be done about it.
War isn't that great, even oldschool DAoC(both before and after ToA) is better than what war is now.
Lol, you are so mistaken it is not even funny. If I left WoW at level 30 right after release I'd be probably saying the same nonsense about it.
I'll counter you by listing WoW complaints... 4 YEARS after release: 1. Extremely linear leveling. This wouldn't be so terrible if there wasn't just one route to go... which merges for both factions very fast. Replay value: 0.0. Try leaving the starting area before you open your mouth, there's a bunch of places to go at levels, and you don't have to go to the zones. Sure you can argue that everyone just goes to the same areas. And for the xpacs i'll agree. But not for the base game. I have three 70s and have been playing WoW since the Euro release. I'm not talking about the starting areas - I'm talking about the fact that starting at level 25 you go pretty much the same route.... even if you play different factions. I have a 76, 73, 4 70s, 65, 63, 4 61s, 3 60s, countless other below. If everyone goes the same route then why have i NOT done arathi, or desolace on my characters? I've not even entered swamp of sorrows or badlands on other characters. I've never done blasted lands(EVER). searing gorge and burning steppes are 50/50 on done and not done, same for azshara and silithus 2. Extreme lack of variety within classes. You have 3 talent trees and that's it. Just like WAR's, only WoWs offer way more customization(especially now). Rather than WAR's terrible trees.(it sickened me how slow you got points and how few you got.) Completely wrong. For some reason you are completely unable to think outside of what WoW has - talent trees. WAR has tactics sets and morale sets which add two COMPLETELY different layers to customization. WoW has 1-d customization, WAR has 3-d. Hardly, Talent trees>WAR's terrible talents, and the hyped tactics and morale, aren't all that spectacular. If you go a spec your going to get the same ones as everyone else. They are generally DPS tactics/morales, or utility. 3. Classes are lackluster and unimaginative. Both factions have the same bland classes that share similar mechanics (mana....) 9 classes(10 now). And at release shaman and paladin's were split. Heres the thing? Why would mages be different on both sides, why would warlocks and priests(priests were different), rogues, be different?
should they have just invented a bunch of terrible classes, or create strong ones? Heck even the "mirrors" in wow can't get along with each other, with sorcerors bashing BW, etc etc. The variety in mechanics between different classes in WAR is much greater than in WoW. While WoW does have variety there is no outright craziness like WB and melee-specced WP. Let's see, divide the class number in half to have 10 classes on each side(similar to wow eh?). Ironbreaker/blackguard- warriors(rage and all)
black orc/swordmaster- warriors(sorry clicking 1-2-3 isn't enough to justify it as being omigosh fresh and unique)
Witch hunter-witch elf- COMPLETE rogue ripoff.
Sorceror/bright wizard- mage.
Squig/shadow warrior- hunter
need i go on?
The WAR mechanics of classes are not that special, and they aren't all that interesting. Sorry to burst your bubble. The different classes of wow are much stronger as a whole then the WAR ones 4. Timesinks at any possible opportunity. Mana and hp regeneration is unbearably slow. Horrible flight times, broken LFG-ing requiring you ages to find that group. etc etc. Mana and hp regen for wow were one of the fastest ever made at release, obviously you haven't played eqoa or daoc(whereas in daoc if you were a melee class you basically had more downtime then fighting) in wow, you always had food/water, and bandages to get yourself going. Maybe you were too much of a scrub to know how to drink/eat/bandage?
There is a fundamental difference in the way core mechanics work. In WoW and previous games you had resource X - and the longer you played this X got smaller until you had to stop fighting to replenish it. WAR is completely different - this resource X actually grows while you play until you either succeed in what you are trying to do or die. If we'd draw the "character power" or "excitement" curve during a fight, WoW/EQ etc would be a logarythmic downward one while WAR's is an exponential growth one. Yeah it's basically, no downtime in WAR because of it. But that wasn't what you stated to begin with, don't go trying to change what you meant. Or the fact that right now i played for over 3 hours on my elemental shaman, and never once had to stop to drink. And hell if you put effort into it, you could get groups for any instance you want. Try it in WAR for PQs, nobody in the zone will want to do em, your guild doesn't want to do them, random people don't want to do them.
That's your problem. I never had any problem with finding people for PQs. Could be my sociable personality. The main difference between WAR PQs and WOW instancing is that you have to WAIT, DOING NOTHING while forming a WoW PUG. On the other hand you can PLAY AND HAVE FUN in WAR while the PQ band is formed. Your sociable personality? Yeah you can be real sociable with the empty areas, and the quiet chat channels.
What are you doing when you are waiting for a PQ in WAR? grinding influence(which is just reputation ala wow, only you do it from level 1) I don't have to stand around doing nothing while putting a group together for WoWs instance. WAR has the worst group content ever made.
I completely disagree with you and I cannot imagine what experiences you had to come to this conclusion. I really cannot. Maybe the empty worlds, poor rewards, and terrible world design? 5. Fixed number of players PvE instances which are severely increasing LFG times and putting arbitrary limitations to group compositions. Endless grief there "we can't go, we don't have a fifth" . "Sorry we'll kick you out now, even though you waited for an hour because you're one too many." What game are you playing? Can you do pqs without a tank in war? if its a very easy one, can you do it without a healer? same story. Same for the WAR dungeons. Are you honestly saying no WAR group will ever need a tank or a healer, and fall apart because of it?
Agree, tank and healer is still mandatory for serious group content. I don't like it really but hey nothing is perfect. And groups cap at 5, unless you converted to a raid(why would you for grouping, only a idiot would do this. The only reason to wait a hour is a lazy leader. I have never heard anyone in WoW getting kicked because there was too many, only people not being able to join the group because they wanted to bring their friend/guildies, and how is that a complaint? Exactly - 5 man limit is extremely dumb. Sorry but it is. Unnecessary spilitting people and crap. IN WAR you can take that extra guy or two along - you'll get a bit smaller rewards but hey why not. Elitism is killed in its root here. Provided you can find enough people to even be able to take a extra two. Do you know why it's 5 people in wow? Because thats
And the content is far better than WAR's content, you are fooling yourself with denial. Sure you can take more people to pqs, and the rewards get divied out more, but when most pq's you will struggle to even get enough people to do it in the first place, I really don't see this being a issue. 6. Completely dead lower level content. A huge part of the game has no other purpose then just another tedious timesink until you get to the "actual" game. Except for the fact that i've leveled over 30 characters in wow, over the course of 4 years, and i've always had more lively group content than WAR, even for isolated group pve areas like the old stromgarde castle in arathi. Let alone you can actually get people to run instances, and you can't get people to do pqs. That's your experience again. I'm playing a lot of PQs and players who know what they're doing won't hesitate a second for an opportunity to complete PQs because they give the best loot available at that rank. It's my experience because that's what happened. That's what is happening, and it's why people are leaving in droves. Covering your ears and pretending it isn't happening doesn't change the fact it is. 7. THE major gameplay modes do not exist until you're max level. In essence you need to "work" your character until you get to max level where you finally get to "play". You are missing... Raids... Rated arena... you still can quest, do dungeons, do battlegrounds, and have some world pvp while leveling. It's the same as WAR, you can't siege t4 keeps and take cities untill the highest levels either.
And even now, you have more legitimate small group(5 man heroic, 10 man raids) than you ever used to. Since WoW is a gear-centric game there is no point in working at getting gear before max level. WAR is a RvR centric game and killing other players, taking BOs and keeps, leveling your guild, gaining renown ranks and tome unlocks etc is meaningful from level 1. It's a RvR centric game? You could have fooled me.
But then again, grinding scenarios for 40 levels, barren open rvr zones. Desolate pve areas. And taking empty keeps with little-no defenders kinda skews your opinion on what a RvR game is.
The way WAR is played, is more akin to guild wars, standing around jumping into scenarios over and over instead of real open rvr, which frankly was what I amongst others wanted. 8. Completely dead and static world as a whole. Players have absolutely NO import whatsoever on the world. It just lies there, dead and uncaring. And everything you do in WAR resets in a couple minutes, while you are in there, with a big reset timer. Theres nothing that takes you more out of the game than that. What do you do of importance in WAR? Capture a keep? big deal, it's not important to the world, and it changes color, whoopdeedoo. WAR's world is deader than dead though. On my server we're having daily scheduled meetings of guild leaders where we coordinate guild and alliance roles and tasks respective to the daily changing situation in the T3 and T4 zones. That's pretty effing alive I'd say. Sorry but in WoW you got "We killed that boss first, nah nah nah!" for "living world". Sounds like your guilds are full of hot air, and take themselves too seriously. And please you are crazily exaggerating t3 and t4 content. Your guilds planning the daily changing situation?
Why not just say it as it is.
you are deciding what keeps to attack after the other side took a few of your keeps last night. 9. Horrible character customization, both at character creation and later on in the game. Ok they introduced titles now, after only FOUR YEARS of player appeals... But there is no armor dying for example, nothing whatsoever to distinguish you visually. Nothing. Armor dyeing doesn't work in WoW, because they use color changes to differentiate different gear. WAR goes the other way, everyone uses the EXACT SAME ARMOR MODELS FOR THEIR TIER.(which is far worse) You have no idea what you're talking about. The differences in armor models are a bit more subtle but thank god in heaven there are no ridiculous travesties like those dreadful shoulde pieces I was forced to wear in WoW. Lol - i got effing CANDLES in my shoulders?!?! W T F?!!? Bright Wizards *cough*
WoW is high fantasy, the armors and models are overly exaggerated, and everything is taken to extremes
WAR is dark fantasy.
Yeah the differences in armor models are more subtle, because everyone looks the same in the tiers. Sure there are a few other ones here and there. But in general if your a level, you look exactly like everyone else. And you can't even argue me here.
Because that is what WAR developers wanted. They wanted you to see someone and know what they are immediately. admittedly it was restricted visual customization. WAR is worse imho 10. No housing, not even communal. Nothing to call your own in the world. everyone wants housing, but it's not a necessary feature. 11. Completely inexistent world PvP. And no that WoTLK thing does not apply - its just another BG without designated number of players. thats all pvp in war is. That's what you think buddy. Obviously you missed the whole strategic component of the game that you get with having three parallel battlegrounds running at the same time. WAR RvR would suck if it was just one zone at each tier.. but it's not - and that's what makes it great. You know what else would be great? if those 3 zones in the tier actually had players in them fighting most of the time, however, this is not the case. 12. Lack of class synergies, especially in PvP. Each class plays on its own. Completely selfish and autistic PvP. You just showed you've never competed in arenas. Oh yes I did. And it is exactly as I said. A couple of gimmicks that make certain class combos insanely overpowered cannot even begin to compare with the synergies you got in WAR. Each and I mean each 2-class combination is different and viable. Have you even tried to buddy up with other players beyond rank 20? I have, and guess what? It's not that special. Again you are so delusionally fanatical for WAR, and i'll still say to this day that you are not a wow player. I just don't buy it. Unless you are one of the types that sit at 1600 in the arena and then complain about class comps taking people to high rankings. I played a bright wizard, what did i gain from other players? 1. A healer keeping me up so i can burn. 2. A protector to keep things off me so i can burn. 3. A second burner to keep things dieing. That's it. 13. Horrible instanced PvE design. Each one of those "challenging" dungeons is completely static - you just need to learn those steps and dance the dance. There is no need to think on one's feet - just follow the steps. We talking about WAR here? In the mount hyjal raid instance alone there was more group dynamics than all pve content in WAR combined. Again you prove you've never played the content you love to open your mouth about. I've played Mount Hyal. Have you been to Bastion Stair? No you haven't because I remember you quit waaay before anyone managed to get there, disgusted amongst other things you thought that those mini-instances in the capital were representative of raid PvE in WAR. You have no idea what you're talking about, sorry to say. I've seen the videos, they all look similar to
14. Just 4 (now 5, whooohoo) BGs. Pathetic and insulting. Online FPSs which don't require monthly subs customarily ship with DOUBLE the amount of PvP arenas. Look at WAR, 90% of the bgs are trashy small copys of each other, and out of those 90% only about 20% of those are even played much at all. 15. Badly designed BGs. They either drag on to eternity or are farmed by "who cares" leechers. Probably the worst instanced PvP I saw in ANY game. Then you haven't seen WAR's. In the beginning AV was the hardest bg and could last over 24 hours, it was epic battles far greater than anything that WAR will EVER EVER see.
Oh I agree that old AV was fantastic. My personal favorite was Korrak the insane troll in the middle of the map. Actually when they nerfed AV to make it the idiocy it is now was the first time I quit WoW. Sorry but what was AV then I got on my server every night WAR. You are either lieing or are totally lucky to be on the one server to have good open rvr, i don't really have to guess at to which. Every single person I have ever known, from wow, from rl, from other mmorpgs, from daoc, all quit WAR, every single who i knew was getting it. For the exact reasons i quit WSG is the only one now that can "Stall forever" and even then you just needed teamwork. 16. PvP itself is almost entirely gear dependent. Utterly ridiculous for more reasons than I can count here. Go PvP naked in WAR, go ahead. try it. You're confusing the issue. It's not about going naked but gear differences between players. Duh. Don't play dumb. You are also neglecting the fact that gear does make a difference. You can argue that WoW has a much bigger gear differential, and while this is true. It also makes it more interesting since you have things to work for. Honestly i was tired of scenarios before i even hit 25(stopped at 29), and open rvr never happened in t1 or t2, or t3. And i wasn't even one of the first people to level, i consider myself to be far closer to the average player in terms of where i was at the time.
Almost anyone can get the blue pvp sets in wotlk. All it takes is honor and some arena points, no rating. That set is close enough that if you are good you compete with people in higher sets, they will have a advantage(just as they would in WAR) but your not just going to get stomped over as you seem to assume.
Maybe for the person in greens who just hit 70 a year after release and decides to go to pvp, gets stomped by people in full on gear, and decides instead of working for gear hes just going to give up.
But why would you want to balance the game around this person. It's one of the reasons AoC failed. You can't balance a mmo of this style, for the casual players who are 6-12 months behind everyone else. 17. Almost complete lack of open world group PvE content. Good, because if it's anything like WAR's it'd be utter shit. This is ignoring the fact that there were 4 green dragons, a blue dragon, and a demon to raid in pve pre tbc, but it wasn't a feature people particularly liked, it showed the same things that made EQ1 BLOW. I really have no idea what you got against PQs. What didn't no one like you enough to play with? I'd play WAR for PQs only. They are AWESOME. I usually play with my wife and we always got bored to tears questing in WoW.. here in WAR we go PQ hunting, meet a bunch of people on the way who are all eager to join for those sweet drops and enerally have loads of fun - completely spontaneously. This is a far cry from "you're stealing my kills noob" which is the norm in WoW. Their PQ's are awesome? The general majority way up till the end of t3, they maintained the, step 1 grind, the step 2 challenge up, and the step 3 cockblock.(note this is just the general average, some are slightly different)
I really don't know where you are getting these people from, they didn't exist on my server, or anyone i knows servers. Nor the majority of the players on these forums or basically any server.
You know how many pq's i completed on my BW before i hit 29? I don't know, less then 5%, basically the first one in troll country, and that's it there, and in the zone below the final one, a couple times, and thats it. Not without trying.
I broadcasted, i asked people in the areas, very few were ever willing to do them. I worked hard to try to get them done. And failed because nobody ever did. 18. Dreadful farming required at almost any step of the game. Reputations, crafting materials, percentage drops from quests, honor, arena points... It's just brain-dead AFK farming required to get almost anywhere n that game. Reputations that offer better rewards then the influence you have to grind in WAR.
A WAR's influence can be easily maxed out in a couple oh hours. If that's grind then I don't know what isn't. Yeah you can, how many times? from level 1 all the way up. At least it has a crafting material.
Again it is quite obvious you haven't gotten far in WAR lol. Yeah because you can craft armors, craft glyphs, make weapons, enchant gear, make potions, make gems, but oh yeah, you can do all these in WAR!... oh wait you can't.
Please even the normal fanbois admit the crafting is terrible, now you are really desperate to even lie for this. Quests were designed to have you kill X amount of mobs to get you X amount of exp, so by the time you finish the zone you were at X level ready to go somewhere else. The low drop rate items, are the ones that replace quests thet'd be large kill numbers instead. Very nice.. in theory. In actuality it is plain pointless frustration they haven't gotten around to fixing it because they don't really give a crap. Honor... hmmm just like WAR's renown! Arena points? Try afk farming these, please, a good team can get more points in a month then bad teams can get in a year. Not even counting the fact that now all epic pvp gear requires ratings(which is bigger skill checks then anything WAR has) Admittedly WAR's lack of quest item grinding was nice, but at the same time, WARs content is much more like a machine of exp, rather than a world with quests. I'd rather grind boar livers then do WAR's quests. 19. Pathetic attempts at tongue-in-cheek out-of-lore pop reference humor. It is almost as if the devs are making fun of players actually attempting to take that, already pretty thin, lore seriously. Theres more lore in WoW then in WAR, and it's much better written. The only reason why WAR even has a semblence of any "lore" is that the characters they use and the stuff they do, has lore that was made for them. Blizzard made all the warcraft games, and they made wow, it's their lore. They didn't NEED to leach someone elses. What you said here is so wrong on so many levels that it bears warrants no lengthy response. I suppose LoTRO is "leeching" lore from Tolkien then? Oh and this new Star Wars mmo is obviously based on existing IP because them dumb devs couldn't think up their own? Oh come on!
The only reason LoTRO is successful is lotr. And yes the new star wars mmo is leeching off the star wars lore. It's that simple. DEVELOPERS USE BIG NAME IP'S FOR THE NAME RECOGNITION AND THE ESTABLISHED LORE WITHIN. how dense are you? Why do you think so many big ip games and movie games get shoveled out? To monopolize on the IP. It takes far less effort, to use pre made, lore, settings, and abilities. Then to design a entire world from the ground up. Why not a mass effect mmo? It's their universe, with much more possibilities then kotor has, because of it being theirs. Because they want to use the SW IP for it's recognition. Mythic is a pathetic company who lucked out with DAoC, but realized their own IP was really weak, so they just went for WAR, which imho is a big mistake, since the game is so limited by the lore, that they need to run checks on what they can or can not do, not only within their own company, and their writers, but with both EA, and GW ZOMG, have you ever studied Warhammer lore? It is so crazily immense that they can do 10 WARs without having to "invent" anything. Warhammer lore is quite infamous in the industry for total crazy amount of it - complete overkill. Yeah and that's why they abandoned DAoC to use someone elses lore. 20. Cross server scenarios - any idea of any PvP rivalry on server level is completely gone now. Who cares about anything? I just want my honor points... At least you can PvP, instead of WARs, "let's take this empty keep". or "wait a second, my tier of scenarios are empty and i have to wait a hour between scenarios. I spent 4 hours the day before yesterday in utterly crazy RvR in Praag. 100s of players. Guild banners flying, being taken left and right. Human scenarios (not serpents) being popping constantly to stem the red tide. Sheer awesome. I'm sorry your impressions of the game are so different for mine. I really am sorry for you because you are missing so much due to being terminally disappointed during the first few weeks after release. I spent almost 30 levels in a empty world with no pve, no open rvr. And guess what, besides blind fanboys like yourself, these mythical battles don't exist. If I had the money to spare i'd reactivate right now just to log in, go to the pvp areas and be like, yep still nobody here. 21. Character movement and interaction feels cartoony. No feeling of solidity that most other mmos like LoTRO, WAR and AoC have. It is almost like Super Mario in the land of MMOs. Completely laughable, LoTRO has TERRIBLE models and animations, WAR has TERRIBLE animations that BARELY work in combat. AoC has good looking models, but there are bad animations here and there. 22. Insultingly slow time Bliz takes to address player concerns and requests. As I mentioned before my hunter was nerfed to utter oblivion and I couldn't get into a group for 6 months before Bliz decided to do something about it. Hunter's had a bad period, every class has. WAR has 4 worthless classes(eng/magus/sw/sh). As guess what? archers. It's a hard class to balance. Your fooling yourself if any other game has never had bad/unbalanced times for it's classes. If you think magi and engineers are worthless then you're very sadly mistaken. SH and SW are being balanced in the next patch 2 months after release, along with all other classes and their issues. Magi and engineers needed much needed love. And let's hope SW and SH are balanced. Because they are the worst classes in the game, so much so that anyone who plays them for what they are and not what they want them to be(making excuses such as yourselves) Blizz is slow to address issues, because they want to do it right, they don't want to just add in a patch to fix a imbalance, just to cause other problems. Yeah right. Jeez... Have you played DAoC? They swung the nerf bat hard and fast to break down imbalances, and it was terrible. Blizzard is very aware of their classes, they want to keep each class unique, while making each class functional and viable. And wotlk is another huge step forward as was tbc.
I main a shaman, I still need help in pvp. But i honestly am at a loss as to how to make each spec a totally viable option in pvp, while not overpowering/making it a pvp spec(removing it from pve). 23. Overall the game requires horrifying amounts of time to enjoy. If you want to see those vaunted end-game raids you'd better say good bye to your real life.. or at least make it completely subservient to the game. It does take a lot of time, because there are a lot of things to do, and a lot of reasons to do them. What reason is there to play WAR? Fun PvP? Maybe if it has PvE to allow players to not burn out. And PvP that was actually... fun instead of a leveling grind? I'd rather go play a FPS then suffer through WAR's issues. You very obviously haven't gotten too far in WAR and you left before the game even really started. If I left WoW 2 weeks after it released and kept pontificating evereybody on the state of the game what would you say? I got to 29, and basically soloing/scenario grinding the entire way. Empty PQ areas, quiet chat channels. MAybe this changed? I don't see how, since the servers lost 30% or more of their population since then. Want me to list some more? Some real ones, or ones with a point would be great. My point is that WoW can go on with those kinds of serious flaws that haven't been addressed in YEARS, while WAR is butchered and killed on these and other forums for a much much smaller number of grievances. Sorry but this strikes me as colossaly unfair and frankly very very fishy. Yeah because it's unfair that WAR's world is almost empty less then a week after release. With a super silent community, and bad content seperation. I played WoW since its release and I play WAR now. I'll say that WAR, with all its current flaws, is a much much better game - both potentially AND in actuallity than WoW. That's my opinion and the opinion of RL people that play with me. If you've actually played wow that long(which you haven't, it's obvious to everyone who has played wow and reads your posts). then you'd know that WAR is not even close to wow in any terms. I played WoW from EU release onward. I got 3 70 characters. I know the beast that is WoW buddy... When did you start playing it? If you experienced WoW release problems you would appreciate how smooth WAR's actually is both in texchnical and game design terms. Spoiled brat, that's all I'll say because you really pushed me into it. You are a liar, and a fanboy, and frankly inexperienced. Even if you did have 70s in wow, i'd bet you ebayed them. because theres no way you leveled them yourself. I've played wow for 4 years. Judging from your post, it's obvious you've barely leveled in WoW, you've barely raided(and done group content) in wow. You've barely quested in WoW, and have barely done arenas. I stopped at 29 in war yes. But guess what? I didn't want to play a much crappier version of wows pve, and a much crappier version of daocs pvp. In a empty quiet world. The ONE THING that is a real, serious problem with WAR now is that there are too many servers - and there were too many of them since the beginning. The game really didn't have the opportunity to take off because you need to have a certain population for this group-oriented game to really shine. Now the problem is getting worse because it is a vicious circle - a lot of my pals retained their subs but stopped playing "until the population picks up." It is not going to happen this way - Mythic needs to bite the bullet and do massive server merges right now and EA be damned. They need to completely destroy their server structure, and instead make 1 server with different character servers, and better/stronger systems to support the increased playerbase.
How are there gonna be 3 campaigns going on at once with the other 2 capitols when theres barely enough to even do one? Oh I agree they should do something about the way population dynamics work.. At the moment the world is simply too big. When players are spread around then it appears quite empty but when they congregate you get craziness - the other day there was a 800+ battle going on in one zone and no wonder the server got bonkers. But what was the other alternative? Smaller world with less room and content? I agree that a solution should be found for these problems and since MBJ did adress them in his last post I suppose something, whatever it is, will be done about it. WAR will never recover from it's release.
But really, the playerbase, and the general populace has spoken about the quality of WAR already.
War isn't that great, even oldschool DAoC(both before and after ToA) is better than what war is now.
Lol, you are so mistaken it is not even funny. If I left WoW at level 30 right after release I'd be probably saying the same nonsense about it.
You did leave wow at level 30 because you are speaking nonsense.
I can't prove to you that I played WoW and you can't prove to me that you played WAR. If you can call me a liar then I can call you a liar too. You lie because you are full of BS. It's easy - see? I can make unsubstantiated claims as well. You didn't play WAR - you most probably read up that BS somewhere, maybe you were given minutes on last Blizzard viral marketeer meeting what to say and claim... What do you say to that? Prove me wrong. Lol... Bullshit - I played effing WoW for much longer than what was good for me. Either take it at face value or shutup - we can't have a conversation without a bare minimum of tolerance.
... which goes well counter to most of your BS. Paints quite a different picture now, doesn't it?
Maybe you got off a bad start with the game and didn't have the patience or will to actually get to know what the game has to offer... I know it is hard to break a habit, lord I know it - If you've driven with auto transmission your whole life you'll think manual sucks...Or you just simply leveled too fast and left the rest of the server in the dust which is the most probable. I know some guys had problems like that on our server - they threatened to quit, begged me and my guild to catch up so they'll have someone to raid with etc. Some of them left but the smart ones stuck around and now things are getting really, and I mean really, ok population-wise. I made that mistake when WoW came out and decided not to repeat it here - and whaddaya know? It paid off. I'm leveling slowly (my main is 33 now and I've got a bunch of alts if I want some lower tier action for variety) I'm taking time to smell the roses and I've been enjoying the ride immensely. Whatever - pictures speak more than a thousand words.
And btw what ARE you doing on these forums anyway man? Shouldn't you be gushing how WoTLK is teh awesomez somewhere else?
"I'm leveling slowly (my main is 33 now and I've got a bunch of alts if I want some lower tier action for variety) I'm taking time to smell the roses and I've been enjoying the ride immensely. Whatever - pictures speak more than a thousand words."
Rofl, too bad you couldn't apply that logic to your "Zomg WOW Raid or Die" statements a few days ago. I've played that game for years and I raided 5 times or so. Howcome your "The journey is it's own reward" theory doesn't seem to apply when it suits you?
Ow right, you ruined WOW for yourself by rushing through it ... clearly WoW sucks then and WAR is better since you decided to take it slowly there instead
... which goes well counter to most of your BS. Paints quite a different picture now, doesn't it? Maybe you got off a bad start with the game and didn't have the patience or will to actually get to know what the game has to offer... I know it is hard to break a habit, lord I know it - If you've driven with auto transmission your whole life you'll think manual sucks...Or you just simply leveled too fast and left the rest of the server in the dust which is the most probable. I know some guys had problems like that on our server - they threatened to quit, begged me and my guild to catch up so they'll have someone to raid with etc. Some of them left but the smart ones stuck around and now things are getting really, and I mean really, ok population-wise. I made that mistake when WoW came out and decided not to repeat it here - and whaddaya know? It paid off. I'm leveling slowly (my main is 33 now and I've got a bunch of alts if I want some lower tier action for variety) I'm taking time to smell the roses and I've been enjoying the ride immensely. Whatever - pictures speak more than a thousand words. And btw what ARE you doing on these forums anyway man? Shouldn't you be gushing how WoTLK is teh awesomez somewhere else?
Once again the problem with the game has nothing to do with the gameplay, but instead the player.
You are playing the game wrong,
You leveled to fast.
Smart people stick around the game.
Do you really believe everyone else is the problem or is this just something you need to keep telling yourself?
... which goes well counter to most of your BS. Paints quite a different picture now, doesn't it? Maybe you got off a bad start with the game and didn't have the patience or will to actually get to know what the game has to offer... I know it is hard to break a habit, lord I know it - If you've driven with auto transmission your whole life you'll think manual sucks...Or you just simply leveled too fast and left the rest of the server in the dust which is the most probable. I know some guys had problems like that on our server - they threatened to quit, begged me and my guild to catch up so they'll have someone to raid with etc. Some of them left but the smart ones stuck around and now things are getting really, and I mean really, ok population-wise. I made that mistake when WoW came out and decided not to repeat it here - and whaddaya know? It paid off. I'm leveling slowly (my main is 33 now and I've got a bunch of alts if I want some lower tier action for variety) I'm taking time to smell the roses and I've been enjoying the ride immensely. Whatever - pictures speak more than a thousand words. And btw what ARE you doing on these forums anyway man? Shouldn't you be gushing how WoTLK is teh awesomez somewhere else?
Once again the problem with the game has nothing to do with the gameplay, but instead the player.
You are playing the game wrong,
You leveled to fast.
Smart people stick around the game.
Do you really believe everyone else is the problem or is this just something you need to keep telling yourself?
Lol, I'm not saying that the game is perfect. Again...
If you crash the car because you locked down the engine who is to blame? You or the manufacturere who made it too easy to happen? On the other hand if the transmission was dumbed down so you wouldn't be able to lock it then you wouldn't get as good a performance. The solution is that if you want to drive a fast car then drive it as a fast car and not a SUV. (I'm not really a car-man but you get my point I hope)
If you want to play WAR then play WAR and not WoW - simple as that. If you try to play WAR by grinding scenarios, avoiding PQs while looking for x-man instances and leveling mostly by solo play then don't get surprised if it comes out worse than WoW. If I went back to WoW and tried to play it as WAR, lfg-ing for open world content, trying to take over horde "strongpoints" and all but ignoring gear I wouldn't go far now wouldn't I?
WAR has it's problems, that sure and I'm not saying otherwise. But certain criticisms here are complete nonsense - lol "tactics don't have an impact" - for Christs sake!! That's probably THE most important thing in decking out your character! The way you set up your tactics with respect to morale skills and mastery trees and shift your playing style accordingly is much much more important than gear! No wonder people find WAR combat "dumbed down" if they ignore tactics! That's ridiculous! And yet Bladin has it listed up there as in "WAR has weaker character customization and variety than WoW".... which has only talents! Bizzare! From what he said about them being "linear" I suppose he didn't even realize that you have a choice whether to actually purchase the extra abilities or go for the general mastery skills boost - this system actually gives you MORE options than WoW trees with their requirments and mandatory purchases - and that's NOT counting tactics and morales. And yet - it is "simplistic" because our esteemed critic didn't find it necessary to actually study the system while rushing to "endgame". Looool.
"I'm leveling slowly (my main is 33 now and I've got a bunch of alts if I want some lower tier action for variety) I'm taking time to smell the roses and I've been enjoying the ride immensely. Whatever - pictures speak more than a thousand words."
Rofl, too bad you couldn't apply that logic to your "Zomg WOW Raid or Die" statements a few days ago. I've played that game for years and I raided 5 times or so. Howcome your "The journey is it's own reward" theory doesn't seem to apply when it suits you?
Ow right, you ruined WOW for yourself by rushing through it ... clearly WoW sucks then and WAR is better since you decided to take it slowly there instead
Lol, I played WoW for a long time. Ofc I leveled a couple of guys to the max. Our esteemed critic up there leveled to 29 in a few weeks starting from release while most players were just taking it slowly and trying to get to grips with the new systems... completely ignoring the fact that WAR is much more of a group game - much much more than WoW.
In WoW there's not much sense in leveling grouped.. The PvE meat of the game is solo quests with some instances on the way to get some loot. In WAR most solo quests are just a filler to get you to PQs - if you want to level in PvE as it's meant to be played then get into a guild or make friends and do PQs as a group. That's very simple.
The way most critics describe their looking for PQ groups strikes me as immensely funny - it's like I were running from one WoW instance entrance to the other and /w-ing people who occasionally happen to pass by... and getting mightily pissed off how WoW is "broken" and you can "never get a group". What you should actually do in WAR is get a few guys in your zone to "do some PQs" - then you go off and do them, not the other way around, standing by a deserted PQ (there's 450 of them in the game FFS) and wondering why there's no one around, lol.
If you level exclusively in solo PvE while waiting for a PuG scenario it is no wonder you don't have much fun. If he leveled more slowly and/or had a friend to play with (I'm blessed with the fact that I play with my wife 80% of the time) I'm sure he'd get much different impressions from the game.
WoW only has a monoply on the market due to the FAILURES of other companies. Nothing more need be said about that. The problem isn't blizzard, the problem is everyone else.
You are an idiot. Personally, I hate WoW, but I don't go around making stupid statements.
WoW only has a monoply on the market due to the FAILURES of other companies. Nothing more need be said about that. The problem isn't blizzard, the problem is everyone else.
You are an idiot. Personally, I hate WoW, but I don't go around making stupid statements.
Thanks for sharing, but in the future maybe you could add some substance to the discussion instead of just insults.
My opinion is while WoW is a very well made game, it only dominates the market, because so many other games fail to do what they set out to do.
If Vanguard had launched in the state it is today it would most likely have a large following.
If Conan had launched in the state it will be sometime in the future it would have held a large portion of their subscribers.
The same for EQ2, Warhammer, etc etc etc.
Companies are making it fairly easy for players to walk away from their games.
Originally posted by markoraos Lol, I'm not saying that the game is perfect. Again... If you crash the car because you locked down the engine who is to blame? You or the manufacturere who made it too easy to happen? On the other hand if the transmission was dumbed down so you wouldn't be able to lock it then you wouldn't get as good a performance. The solution is that if you want to drive a fast car then drive it as a fast car and not a SUV. (I'm not really a car-man but you get my point I hope)
The problem is you blame everyone for playing the game wrong when you really have no idea that is the case. It doesn't matter who posts something, you continually find faults with the players for things you cannot possibly know. It is a terrible catch all no matter how bad of an analogy you try to glue on top of it.
"I'm leveling slowly (my main is 33 now and I've got a bunch of alts if I want some lower tier action for variety) I'm taking time to smell the roses and I've been enjoying the ride immensely. Whatever - pictures speak more than a thousand words."
Rofl, too bad you couldn't apply that logic to your "Zomg WOW Raid or Die" statements a few days ago. I've played that game for years and I raided 5 times or so. Howcome your "The journey is it's own reward" theory doesn't seem to apply when it suits you?
Ow right, you ruined WOW for yourself by rushing through it ... clearly WoW sucks then and WAR is better since you decided to take it slowly there instead
wow sucks for alot of reasons...
1) the classes are as cookie-cutter as they come. Not to mention their are 2 opposing factions, with the EXACT SAME CLASSES TO CHOOSE FROM.
2) Raids suck. period.
3) PVP has been neglected in wow since release. Now that WAR has stolen some of wows pvp playerbase Blizz wants to pretend like it matters to them.
4) juvenile community
5) constant, never-ending gear grind.
6) constant, never-ending rep grind.
7) Tuesday patches. you pay for all that down time each month. pathetic.
8) did I mention wow has the worst community of any MMO I have ever played ?
9) arenas
10) Blizz ruined their own lore to make their jobs easier in producing and maintaining their MMO. Death Knights to the Alliance ? WHAT A JOKE.
WoW only has a monoply on the market due to the FAILURES of other companies. Nothing more need be said about that. The problem isn't blizzard, the problem is everyone else.
You are an idiot. Personally, I hate WoW, but I don't go around making stupid statements.
Thanks for sharing, but in the future maybe you could add some substance to the discussion instead of just insults.
My opinion is while WoW is a very well made game, it only dominates the market, because so many other games fail to do what they set out to do.
If Vanguard had launched in the state it is today it would most likely have a large following.
If Conan had launched in the state it will be sometime in the future it would have held a large portion of their subscribers.
The same for EQ2, Warhammer, etc etc etc.
Companies are making it fairly easy for players to walk away from their games.
just as easy to return after a patch or two and some content updates. I have been playing WAR since release and the improvements and hard work of the devs is showing. Cant wait for the December patch.
Also, I think alot of people need to realize wows biggest playerbase is in asia and wow has a HUGE gold farmer problem. In addition, a Commodore 64 can run wow and run it well. Easy to rack up players when almost anyone with a crap pc can run your game.
Originally posted by Daffid011 Companies are making it fairly easy for players to walk away from their games.
just as easy to return after a patch or two and some content updates. I have been playing WAR since release and the improvements and hard work of the devs is showing. Cant wait for the December patch.
Also, I think alot of people need to realize wows biggest playerbase is in asia and wow has a HUGE gold farmer problem. In addition, a Commodore 64 can run wow and run it well. Easy to rack up players when almost anyone with a crap pc can run your game.
That is a nice theory about ease of return to the game, but gaming history has shown that games get one shot to make a first impression and almost never recover after that if they botch the launch.
It really doesn't matter where WoW has players or what it runs on when people who are capable of playing other games are chosing not to. Also for the record Warhammer had a giant gold farmer problem at launch. Since the gold and the economy are basiclly useless there isn't much of a problem with gold sellers anymore.
Originally posted by Tyvolus1 wow sucks for alot of reasons...
1) the classes are as cookie-cutter as they come. Not to mention their are 2 opposing factions, with the EXACT SAME CLASSES TO CHOOSE FROM. 10 different class all highly customizable. All can fill a useful spot in a group/raid. Can you say the same for Warhammer? While I like some of the classes in Warhammer there is very little in the way of customization, visually and statistically even when factoring in masteries they all play almost identical no matter how they spec. mirror classes are a novel idea, but will end up dividing the playerbase on balance issues. both games have strengths/weaknesses, but they are both fine imho. 2) Raids suck. period. Well, that was convincing. 3) PVP has been neglected in wow since release. Now that WAR has stolen some of wows pvp playerbase Blizz wants to pretend like it matters to them. Funny I see many PvP updates all the time. 4) juvenile community The same people playing Warhammer played WoW. So um... 5) constant, never-ending gear grind. 6) constant, never-ending rep grind. It is called Renown and Influence in Warhammer. 7) Tuesday patches. you pay for all that down time each month. pathetic. Try logging on to the warhammer servers in the late AM hours and prepare to be shocked as the servers are down almost every day. Shall we start a class action to get a refund? 8) did I mention wow has the worst community of any MMO I have ever played ? Same people in both games. 9) arenas I don't like arena at all, but it sure seems like a lot of people do. 10) Blizz ruined their own lore to make their jobs easier in producing and maintaining their MMO. Death Knights to the Alliance ? WHAT A JOKE. oh noes!!11!!!1 it is ruined!
Can't see why you think WAR would fail after being out for only 2 months. I'm sure it's the second biggest western mmo on the market atm and most people I play it with seem to be enjoying it still. I've played WoW for years and had more fun in the 2months of playing WAR than over a year of WoW.
It's simple if you like PvP play WAR. It's easily the best PvP mmorpg on the market at the moment.
Can't see why you think WAR would fail after being out for only 2 months. I'm sure it's the second biggest western mmo on the market atm and most people I play it with seem to be enjoying it still. I've played WoW for years and had more fun in the 2months of playing WAR than over a year of WoW.
It's simple if you like PvP play WAR. It's easily the best PvP mmorpg on the market at the moment.
It is not, Guildwars is the second biggest western MMO. Why not check the X-fire statistic for that:
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning 15620#15EA Mythic EA Games
As you can see have Guildwars a lot of more hours, it have also sold almost 5 milllions retailboxes.
If we just count X-fire statistic we have the list:
1- Wow
2. Guildwars
3. WAR
5 Eve online
6. Age of Conan
7. SWG
8. EQ2.
Now, this statistic is a bit unfair when you compare PvE and PvP games since more PvPers than PvEers use X-fire. It doesn't really matter in this case however since both WAR and Guildwars have many PvP players, I would actually believe that WAR have bigger % than GW.
Still as we see here are WAR doing OK, not great but it is far from a failure yet. It do still drop a little though so Mythic need to turn the trend. But I wouldn't really call any game on this list a failure, they are the biggest western MMOs out there.
The thing that beats me on this site is: War is voted the most popular MMO, yet when I look on these forums, people act as if it's the latest bag of garbage produced. Would it still be that the silent majority just plays and has fun, while the vocal minority shouts out here?
The thing that beats me on this site is: War is voted the most popular MMO, yet when I look on these forums, people act as if it's the latest bag of garbage produced. Would it still be that the silent majority just plays and has fun, while the vocal minority shouts out here?
I very much doubt that if you did that poll again I bet you'd get a very different result, the reason is the game pretty good in T1 + 2 after that it went down hill fast that was reflected in the boards frist few weeks the boards overall where postive but as people started getting further into the game things started to get really negitive.
The thing that beats me on this site is: War is voted the most popular MMO, yet when I look on these forums, people act as if it's the latest bag of garbage produced. Would it still be that the silent majority just plays and has fun, while the vocal minority shouts out here?
I very much doubt that if you did that poll again I bet you'd get a very different result, the reason is the game pretty good in T1 + 2 after that it went down hill fast that was reflected in the boards frist few weeks the boards overall where postive but as people started getting further into the game things started to get really negitive.
The ONLY vote that is correct is the vote of the paying subscriber.
Every hating zero can fill in free zero's on a free hating website.
But people that actually PAY to play a game - each month again after launch - are the only VALID votes.
Wow is wrongly hated because it is (by far) the most popular and played MMORPG. Wrongly because Bliizard showed in WotLK just the difference of what the REAL standards are in 2009. And that is NOT conquering a Keep by knocking on a door ....
Up to the competition to compete.
BTW Amazon just downed the price of War to ... 19.99 dollars ... a record ....9 weeks after launch. Now we know where those 400K unsold copies are...
If you charted the subscriber base of Wow it grew from day one.
All indications is WAR is shrinking.
"bugs" and class balance is NOT the problem and 1.0.6 isn't the fix.
Server population is the problem. They are too low. The other complaints I hear sound like hardcore gamers talking about CC and class balance. That isn't the problem... population is.
As much as it hurt, I closed my account too. I sooooo didn't want to.
I think maybe some server mergers might help as well. I'm not sure though. But it seems that if people can find someone to do something with, then the game is fun. I just felt like I got left behind because I wasn't able to play as much as everyone else from the beginning and suddenly the lower level zones were ghost towns. I'm not even sure mergers can help that though.
I took that survey they sent me through my email. I got a little pissed off at it though. Reason is, even after taking it I didn't feel like my opinion was expressed. The choices didn't fit what I wanted to express. I got the feeling that they were in some state of denial almost by the choices I was given. It was almost like they were saying, "here are the reasons everyone is quitting, we're sure if it", but they weren't. I never found my reason on there. And I'm pretty darned certain that my reason is not one that is all that different.
The key problem with the game is the role that scenarios have played in mooting the rest of the game's content for most tiers. Mythic didn't expect that this would happen, because people didn't play like that in the beta. But when release came around, of course everyone wanted to level as efficiently as they could, and that meant running scenarios -- which in turn meant empty PQs and sporadic at best open RvR prior to T4. The problem with this is that it's very, very hard to fix --> they can improve open RvR's rewards all they like, but scenarios will still siphon off much of the playerbase due to non-reward advantages they have, like (1) timed battles, (2) more or less even sides, (3) guaranteed fight, less time wasting, (4) more impact of the individual, etc. Open RvR can't compare with any of these aspects.
So as it is scenarios are at the centre of the game and for good reason. But a lot of people don't really want to pay to play a battlegrounds online type of game. WAR could have been so much better if the scenarios were fewer and less rewarding, but Mythic can't change them now because that would drive even more players away from the game (i.e., the ones who like the scenarios). So it's a Catch-22 right now. And it's that key design issue, combined with the population/server issues, that will vex this game for a long, long time.
The problem with this is that it's very, very hard to fix --> they can improve open RvR's rewards all they like, but scenarios will still siphon off much of the playerbase due to non-reward advantages they have, like (1) timed battles, (2) more or less even sides, (3) guaranteed fight, less time wasting, (4) more impact of the individual, etc. Open RvR can't compare with any of these aspects.
Well said.
Then add in there is not much incentive to DEFEND the keep, but plenty to attack one, which leads to keep swapping. Ther is no gold bag for defense of a keep, is there? Time invested in defense of a keep with little to show for it other than "Realm Pride" usually doesn't sit well with too many people.
The reward for attacking/defending have to be on par with each other or one side loses complete interest. The one side is really there for the full benefit of the other. Never good when there is unequality.
Can't see why you think WAR would fail after being out for only 2 months. I'm sure it's the second biggest western mmo on the market atm and most people I play it with seem to be enjoying it still. I've played WoW for years and had more fun in the 2months of playing WAR than over a year of WoW.
It's simple if you like PvP play WAR. It's easily the best PvP mmorpg on the market at the moment.
It is not, Guildwars is the second biggest western MMO. Why not check the X-fire statistic for that:
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning 15620#15EA Mythic EA Games
As you can see have Guildwars a lot of more hours, it have also sold almost 5 milllions retailboxes.
If we just count X-fire statistic we have the list:
1- Wow
2. Guildwars
3. WAR
5 Eve online
6. Age of Conan
7. SWG
8. EQ2.
Now, this statistic is a bit unfair when you compare PvE and PvP games since more PvPers than PvEers use X-fire. It doesn't really matter in this case however since both WAR and Guildwars have many PvP players, I would actually believe that WAR have bigger % than GW.
Still as we see here are WAR doing OK, not great but it is far from a failure yet. It do still drop a little though so Mythic need to turn the trend. But I wouldn't really call any game on this list a failure, they are the biggest western MMOs out there.
Seriously who cares what crossfire says. I have loads of friends that play MMO's and none of them even know what crossfire is . Shows how accurate it is. I didn't even know what it was til I came to this website.
War isn't that great, even oldschool DAoC(both before and after ToA) is better than what war is now.
Lol, you are so mistaken it is not even funny. If I left WoW at level 30 right after release I'd be probably saying the same nonsense about it.
War isn't that great, even oldschool DAoC(both before and after ToA) is better than what war is now.
Lol, you are so mistaken it is not even funny. If I left WoW at level 30 right after release I'd be probably saying the same nonsense about it.
You did leave wow at level 30 because you are speaking nonsense.
Yawn, I say this and you say that.
I can't prove to you that I played WoW and you can't prove to me that you played WAR. If you can call me a liar then I can call you a liar too. You lie because you are full of BS. It's easy - see? I can make unsubstantiated claims as well. You didn't play WAR - you most probably read up that BS somewhere, maybe you were given minutes on last Blizzard viral marketeer meeting what to say and claim... What do you say to that? Prove me wrong. Lol... Bullshit - I played effing WoW for much longer than what was good for me. Either take it at face value or shutup - we can't have a conversation without a bare minimum of tolerance.
However it's all farting in the wind really.
This is one of the reasons why I play WAR:
... which goes well counter to most of your BS. Paints quite a different picture now, doesn't it?
Maybe you got off a bad start with the game and didn't have the patience or will to actually get to know what the game has to offer... I know it is hard to break a habit, lord I know it - If you've driven with auto transmission your whole life you'll think manual sucks...Or you just simply leveled too fast and left the rest of the server in the dust which is the most probable. I know some guys had problems like that on our server - they threatened to quit, begged me and my guild to catch up so they'll have someone to raid with etc. Some of them left but the smart ones stuck around and now things are getting really, and I mean really, ok population-wise. I made that mistake when WoW came out and decided not to repeat it here - and whaddaya know? It paid off. I'm leveling slowly (my main is 33 now and I've got a bunch of alts if I want some lower tier action for variety) I'm taking time to smell the roses and I've been enjoying the ride immensely. Whatever - pictures speak more than a thousand words.
And btw what ARE you doing on these forums anyway man? Shouldn't you be gushing how WoTLK is teh awesomez somewhere else?
"I'm leveling slowly (my main is 33 now and I've got a bunch of alts if I want some lower tier action for variety) I'm taking time to smell the roses and I've been enjoying the ride immensely. Whatever - pictures speak more than a thousand words."
Rofl, too bad you couldn't apply that logic to your "Zomg WOW Raid or Die" statements a few days ago. I've played that game for years and I raided 5 times or so. Howcome your "The journey is it's own reward" theory doesn't seem to apply when it suits you?
Ow right, you ruined WOW for yourself by rushing through it ... clearly WoW sucks then and WAR is better since you decided to take it slowly there instead
Once again the problem with the game has nothing to do with the gameplay, but instead the player.
You are playing the game wrong,
You leveled to fast.
Smart people stick around the game.
Do you really believe everyone else is the problem or is this just something you need to keep telling yourself?
Once again the problem with the game has nothing to do with the gameplay, but instead the player.
You are playing the game wrong,
You leveled to fast.
Smart people stick around the game.
Do you really believe everyone else is the problem or is this just something you need to keep telling yourself?
Lol, I'm not saying that the game is perfect. Again...
If you crash the car because you locked down the engine who is to blame? You or the manufacturere who made it too easy to happen? On the other hand if the transmission was dumbed down so you wouldn't be able to lock it then you wouldn't get as good a performance. The solution is that if you want to drive a fast car then drive it as a fast car and not a SUV. (I'm not really a car-man but you get my point I hope)
If you want to play WAR then play WAR and not WoW - simple as that. If you try to play WAR by grinding scenarios, avoiding PQs while looking for x-man instances and leveling mostly by solo play then don't get surprised if it comes out worse than WoW. If I went back to WoW and tried to play it as WAR, lfg-ing for open world content, trying to take over horde "strongpoints" and all but ignoring gear I wouldn't go far now wouldn't I?
WAR has it's problems, that sure and I'm not saying otherwise. But certain criticisms here are complete nonsense - lol "tactics don't have an impact" - for Christs sake!! That's probably THE most important thing in decking out your character! The way you set up your tactics with respect to morale skills and mastery trees and shift your playing style accordingly is much much more important than gear! No wonder people find WAR combat "dumbed down" if they ignore tactics! That's ridiculous! And yet Bladin has it listed up there as in "WAR has weaker character customization and variety than WoW".... which has only talents! Bizzare! From what he said about them being "linear" I suppose he didn't even realize that you have a choice whether to actually purchase the extra abilities or go for the general mastery skills boost - this system actually gives you MORE options than WoW trees with their requirments and mandatory purchases - and that's NOT counting tactics and morales. And yet - it is "simplistic" because our esteemed critic didn't find it necessary to actually study the system while rushing to "endgame". Looool.
Lol, I played WoW for a long time. Ofc I leveled a couple of guys to the max. Our esteemed critic up there leveled to 29 in a few weeks starting from release while most players were just taking it slowly and trying to get to grips with the new systems... completely ignoring the fact that WAR is much more of a group game - much much more than WoW.
In WoW there's not much sense in leveling grouped.. The PvE meat of the game is solo quests with some instances on the way to get some loot. In WAR most solo quests are just a filler to get you to PQs - if you want to level in PvE as it's meant to be played then get into a guild or make friends and do PQs as a group. That's very simple.
The way most critics describe their looking for PQ groups strikes me as immensely funny - it's like I were running from one WoW instance entrance to the other and /w-ing people who occasionally happen to pass by... and getting mightily pissed off how WoW is "broken" and you can "never get a group". What you should actually do in WAR is get a few guys in your zone to "do some PQs" - then you go off and do them, not the other way around, standing by a deserted PQ (there's 450 of them in the game FFS) and wondering why there's no one around, lol.
If you level exclusively in solo PvE while waiting for a PuG scenario it is no wonder you don't have much fun. If he leveled more slowly and/or had a friend to play with (I'm blessed with the fact that I play with my wife 80% of the time) I'm sure he'd get much different impressions from the game.
You are an idiot. Personally, I hate WoW, but I don't go around making stupid statements.
You are an idiot. Personally, I hate WoW, but I don't go around making stupid statements.
Thanks for sharing, but in the future maybe you could add some substance to the discussion instead of just insults.
My opinion is while WoW is a very well made game, it only dominates the market, because so many other games fail to do what they set out to do.
If Vanguard had launched in the state it is today it would most likely have a large following.
If Conan had launched in the state it will be sometime in the future it would have held a large portion of their subscribers.
The same for EQ2, Warhammer, etc etc etc.
Companies are making it fairly easy for players to walk away from their games.
The problem is you blame everyone for playing the game wrong when you really have no idea that is the case. It doesn't matter who posts something, you continually find faults with the players for things you cannot possibly know. It is a terrible catch all no matter how bad of an analogy you try to glue on top of it.
wow sucks for alot of reasons...
1) the classes are as cookie-cutter as they come. Not to mention their are 2 opposing factions, with the EXACT SAME CLASSES TO CHOOSE FROM.
2) Raids suck. period.
3) PVP has been neglected in wow since release. Now that WAR has stolen some of wows pvp playerbase Blizz wants to pretend like it matters to them.
4) juvenile community
5) constant, never-ending gear grind.
6) constant, never-ending rep grind.
7) Tuesday patches. you pay for all that down time each month. pathetic.
8) did I mention wow has the worst community of any MMO I have ever played ?
9) arenas
10) Blizz ruined their own lore to make their jobs easier in producing and maintaining their MMO. Death Knights to the Alliance ? WHAT A JOKE.
You are an idiot. Personally, I hate WoW, but I don't go around making stupid statements.
Thanks for sharing, but in the future maybe you could add some substance to the discussion instead of just insults.
My opinion is while WoW is a very well made game, it only dominates the market, because so many other games fail to do what they set out to do.
If Vanguard had launched in the state it is today it would most likely have a large following.
If Conan had launched in the state it will be sometime in the future it would have held a large portion of their subscribers.
The same for EQ2, Warhammer, etc etc etc.
Companies are making it fairly easy for players to walk away from their games.
just as easy to return after a patch or two and some content updates. I have been playing WAR since release and the improvements and hard work of the devs is showing. Cant wait for the December patch.
Also, I think alot of people need to realize wows biggest playerbase is in asia and wow has a HUGE gold farmer problem. In addition, a Commodore 64 can run wow and run it well. Easy to rack up players when almost anyone with a crap pc can run your game.
just as easy to return after a patch or two and some content updates. I have been playing WAR since release and the improvements and hard work of the devs is showing. Cant wait for the December patch.
Also, I think alot of people need to realize wows biggest playerbase is in asia and wow has a HUGE gold farmer problem. In addition, a Commodore 64 can run wow and run it well. Easy to rack up players when almost anyone with a crap pc can run your game.
That is a nice theory about ease of return to the game, but gaming history has shown that games get one shot to make a first impression and almost never recover after that if they botch the launch.
It really doesn't matter where WoW has players or what it runs on when people who are capable of playing other games are chosing not to. Also for the record Warhammer had a giant gold farmer problem at launch. Since the gold and the economy are basiclly useless there isn't much of a problem with gold sellers anymore.
Can't see why you think WAR would fail after being out for only 2 months. I'm sure it's the second biggest western mmo on the market atm and most people I play it with seem to be enjoying it still. I've played WoW for years and had more fun in the 2months of playing WAR than over a year of WoW.
It's simple if you like PvP play WAR. It's easily the best PvP mmorpg on the market at the moment.
It is not, Guildwars is the second biggest western MMO. Why not check the X-fire statistic for that:
Guild Wars 22548 #9 ArenaNet NCsoft
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning 15620 #15 EA Mythic EA Games
As you can see have Guildwars a lot of more hours, it have also sold almost 5 milllions retailboxes.
If we just count X-fire statistic we have the list:
1- Wow
2. Guildwars
3. WAR
5 Eve online
6. Age of Conan
7. SWG
8. EQ2.
Now, this statistic is a bit unfair when you compare PvE and PvP games since more PvPers than PvEers use X-fire. It doesn't really matter in this case however since both WAR and Guildwars have many PvP players, I would actually believe that WAR have bigger % than GW.
Still as we see here are WAR doing OK, not great but it is far from a failure yet. It do still drop a little though so Mythic need to turn the trend. But I wouldn't really call any game on this list a failure, they are the biggest western MMOs out there.
The thing that beats me on this site is: War is voted the most popular MMO, yet when I look on these forums, people act as if it's the latest bag of garbage produced. Would it still be that the silent majority just plays and has fun, while the vocal minority shouts out here?
I very much doubt that if you did that poll again I bet you'd get a very different result, the reason is the game pretty good in T1 + 2 after that it went down hill fast that was reflected in the boards frist few weeks the boards overall where postive but as people started getting further into the game things started to get really negitive.
I very much doubt that if you did that poll again I bet you'd get a very different result, the reason is the game pretty good in T1 + 2 after that it went down hill fast that was reflected in the boards frist few weeks the boards overall where postive but as people started getting further into the game things started to get really negitive.
The ONLY vote that is correct is the vote of the paying subscriber.
Every hating zero can fill in free zero's on a free hating website.
But people that actually PAY to play a game - each month again after launch - are the only VALID votes.
Wow is wrongly hated because it is (by far) the most popular and played MMORPG. Wrongly because Bliizard showed in WotLK just the difference of what the REAL standards are in 2009. And that is NOT conquering a Keep by knocking on a door ....
Up to the competition to compete.
BTW Amazon just downed the price of War to ... 19.99 dollars ... a record ....9 weeks after launch. Now we know where those 400K unsold copies are...
The problem is WAR is competing against Wow.
Server population is the problem. They are too low. The other complaints I hear sound like hardcore gamers talking about CC and class balance. That isn't the problem... population is.
As much as it hurt, I closed my account too. I sooooo didn't want to.
I think maybe some server mergers might help as well. I'm not sure though. But it seems that if people can find someone to do something with, then the game is fun. I just felt like I got left behind because I wasn't able to play as much as everyone else from the beginning and suddenly the lower level zones were ghost towns. I'm not even sure mergers can help that though.
I took that survey they sent me through my email. I got a little pissed off at it though. Reason is, even after taking it I didn't feel like my opinion was expressed. The choices didn't fit what I wanted to express. I got the feeling that they were in some state of denial almost by the choices I was given. It was almost like they were saying, "here are the reasons everyone is quitting, we're sure if it", but they weren't. I never found my reason on there. And I'm pretty darned certain that my reason is not one that is all that different.
The key problem with the game is the role that scenarios have played in mooting the rest of the game's content for most tiers. Mythic didn't expect that this would happen, because people didn't play like that in the beta. But when release came around, of course everyone wanted to level as efficiently as they could, and that meant running scenarios -- which in turn meant empty PQs and sporadic at best open RvR prior to T4. The problem with this is that it's very, very hard to fix --> they can improve open RvR's rewards all they like, but scenarios will still siphon off much of the playerbase due to non-reward advantages they have, like (1) timed battles, (2) more or less even sides, (3) guaranteed fight, less time wasting, (4) more impact of the individual, etc. Open RvR can't compare with any of these aspects.
So as it is scenarios are at the centre of the game and for good reason. But a lot of people don't really want to pay to play a battlegrounds online type of game. WAR could have been so much better if the scenarios were fewer and less rewarding, but Mythic can't change them now because that would drive even more players away from the game (i.e., the ones who like the scenarios). So it's a Catch-22 right now. And it's that key design issue, combined with the population/server issues, that will vex this game for a long, long time.
Well said.
Then add in there is not much incentive to DEFEND the keep, but plenty to attack one, which leads to keep swapping. Ther is no gold bag for defense of a keep, is there? Time invested in defense of a keep with little to show for it other than "Realm Pride" usually doesn't sit well with too many people.
The reward for attacking/defending have to be on par with each other or one side loses complete interest. The one side is really there for the full benefit of the other. Never good when there is unequality.
After playing WAR it made me miss AOC even though that game kept me feeling bored and empty as well. MMO genre has gone to shit.
It is not, Guildwars is the second biggest western MMO. Why not check the X-fire statistic for that:
Guild Wars 22548 #9 ArenaNet NCsoft
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning 15620 #15 EA Mythic EA Games
As you can see have Guildwars a lot of more hours, it have also sold almost 5 milllions retailboxes.
If we just count X-fire statistic we have the list:
1- Wow
2. Guildwars
3. WAR
5 Eve online
6. Age of Conan
7. SWG
8. EQ2.
Now, this statistic is a bit unfair when you compare PvE and PvP games since more PvPers than PvEers use X-fire. It doesn't really matter in this case however since both WAR and Guildwars have many PvP players, I would actually believe that WAR have bigger % than GW.
Still as we see here are WAR doing OK, not great but it is far from a failure yet. It do still drop a little though so Mythic need to turn the trend. But I wouldn't really call any game on this list a failure, they are the biggest western MMOs out there.
Seriously who cares what crossfire says. I have loads of friends that play MMO's and none of them even know what crossfire is . Shows how accurate it is. I didn't even know what it was til I came to this website.