I didn't want to wade through 5 pages of troll posts...I only made it to the second page or so. My PREDICTION: 300k+ at release worldwide...dropping to 150-200k or so after first month. Unless by some chance it is amazingly successful. But that is something I wish to see, but have no real hope for.
umm not sure just really depends we havnt had a quality game like this since uo and there was alot of mmorpgs back then. i mean ifeve can keep subs and gain them im pretty positive Df can do better
I didn't want to wade through 5 pages of troll posts...I only made it to the second page or so. My PREDICTION: 300k+ at release worldwide...dropping to 150-200k or so after first month. Unless by some chance it is amazingly successful. But that is something I wish to see, but have no real hope for.
We don't know the exact numbers spent on development, but guesstimating from what we've heard if they can keep somewhere between 150 - 200K subs, they should stay in business and make some money.
That's just it. We don't KNOW it's a quality game. Even calling it that prior to release, or even reliable reviews is a travesty.
Call it what it is...an unreleased game that we HOPE will be QUALITY.
if it is as good as Tasos would have you believe without any real proof...then of course it will do well.
But I would believe any late night infomercial trash over Tasos any day of the week. Who knows, he could be right...but I doubt it.
I just hope it is playable with room to make it great after release. As is my bet is that its an awesome concept that won't quite carry through to reality. I just hope it is ALMOST a high quality game.
all mmos have a bad astart and since the community now days are a bunch of retards theyl play it for 10 mins and feel its not there game and go on a forum and say it sucks those numbers will probly cut by 2/3
Why did Dark and Light have 300,000+ people on their forums with over 1,000 actively browsing at any given time?
Want to know WHY the Darkfall forums have 200,000 registered users? Because 90% of those people registered with in the last 2 months or so and only did so because they want a free beta to play. Which at this point they're never going to see.
You are so naive that it's just laughable.
Do you honestly believe that every person that registers on a message board is going to pay to play anythning?
Here's a wake up call for you - THEY WON"T.
This game IF it ever launches.. will be VERY VERY LUCKY to get and hold even 30,000 players for a year in todays MMO market.
The first potentially good fantasy sandbox since UO will of course get a really high number of subs on a good release.
Youre just fooling yourself if you think anything else.
I can see way over a million subs for the game on a good release and all features in.
omg dillusional fanboi ...........
Call me a troll if you want (well all fanboi do this when you dont agree with them) but i dont say this game will not be good, i dont say its vaporware, but damn over a million subs?? geez man you are a optimist one that for sure......... If Darkfall can get 100 or maibe 150k subs (active subs and not the 30 free day susb who dont resubs), then this game will be a huge succes.
You seem to forget that the mass now want thempark mmo like wow, in fact they want wow 2 so you can dreamed if you want but that just a dream.
Lets just say i have WAY more experience of this genre then you have. And on a good release Darkfall will have over a million subs.
Dont underestimate the sandbox games. Think of this for a while before you respond - how many fantasy sandboxes like UO have we seen since 2003? People havent seen and played a game like Darkfall for 5 years. They havent had a chance doing it cause there were no such games arround. The potential for Darkfall on a good release is nothing but amazing, a million subs, at least.
This is so similar to the typical responses that D&L fans used to give to skeptics back in the day. Its crazy how history can repeat itself. For the euro release I can't see it bringing in more than 100k to 250k at launch. Heres the thing units sold means nothing if they don't retain those customers and with the lack of testing going on over at the studio(no open beta it seems), I'm doubtful but hopeful.
This forum is hilarous but heres the thing the community I've seen for this game could end up killing their own game from some of the griefers I see constantly posting. I can already see the shadowbane like existence of this game and I hate to see that type of future. Generally though griefers will gank in squads til they run off the general public, then they turn on each other as the game becomes more and more niche. Flame me if you want I'm not a hater and actually if they can pull it off more power to them, I just don't see it in the themepark craving, I want everything handed to me that is the mainstream audience nowadays.
My advice DON"T SET YOUSELF UP TO LOOK STUPID. Look 1 million subs in a month is NOT realistic. Think what you want but with little to no advertising and NO american servers at launch this just isn't gonna happen. Good luck to the DF fans and I hope you get what you want, just don't set yourself up to be really disappointed.
all mmos have a bad astart and since the community now days are a bunch of retards theyl play it for 10 mins and feel its not there game and go on a forum and say it sucks those numbers will probly cut by 2/3
that not the case this time if that was the case leaks would be all over the people they have selcted now are probly hand picked alot are nto friends but some are
I remember when someone on these boards said the same thing will happen with Vanguard. If they're lucky, they'll have 75-100k subscribers after a year. The same as Lineage 2 outside of Asia.
Why? There's two reasons. The first is no advertising, word of mouth will only get you so far. Look at the games that have over 200k subscribers, they all advertise like mad. Add to this no open beta, sorry but this is a no name company. This game screams try before you buy. If they want any chance of success, they really need to have the open beta.
Second is due to the playstyle. Open PvP is a niche. After the first week or two, there will be people far ahead of the pack. These we'll call the predators. They will as you see in all pvp games, start preying on the "lower levels", the victims. Once the victims realize that they'll never be able to catch up with the predators, plus they lose stuff every death, they'll stop playing. People play for fun, and I think you'll see that there will be a very large drop in subs after the first month.
A million subscribers.... I remember when someone on these boards said the same thing will happen with Vanguard. If they're lucky, they'll have 75-100k subscribers after a year. The same as Lineage 2 outside of Asia. Why? There's two reasons. The first is no advertising, word of mouth will only get you so far. Look at the games that have over 200k subscribers, they all advertise like mad. Add to this no open beta, sorry but this is a no name company. This game screams try before you buy. If they want any chance of success, they really need to have the open beta. Second is due to the playstyle. Open PvP is a niche. After the first week or two, there will be people far ahead of the pack. These we'll call the predators. They will as you see in all pvp games, start preying on the "lower levels", the victims. Once the victims realize that they'll never be able to catch up with the predators, plus they lose stuff every death, they'll stop playing. People play for fun, and I think you'll see that there will be a very large drop in subs after the first month. Games currently with 200k - 500k subscribers: WAR, EQ2, EVE, LOTRO
LOL over 212k register says diffrent
o i guess you missed they said after release they will do more advertising but for release there just doing word of mouth
A million subscribers.... I remember when someone on these boards said the same thing will happen with Vanguard. If they're lucky, they'll have 75-100k subscribers after a year. The same as Lineage 2 outside of Asia. Why? There's two reasons. The first is no advertising, word of mouth will only get you so far. Look at the games that have over 200k subscribers, they all advertise like mad. Add to this no open beta, sorry but this is a no name company. This game screams try before you buy. If they want any chance of success, they really need to have the open beta. Second is due to the playstyle. Open PvP is a niche. After the first week or two, there will be people far ahead of the pack. These we'll call the predators. They will as you see in all pvp games, start preying on the "lower levels", the victims. Once the victims realize that they'll never be able to catch up with the predators, plus they lose stuff every death, they'll stop playing. People play for fun, and I think you'll see that there will be a very large drop in subs after the first month. Games currently with 200k - 500k subscribers: WAR, EQ2, EVE, LOTRO
Yeah kinda my way of thinking too. I really hope I"m wrong but after so many mmo releases you start to get a feel for these things.
EDIT: Registered forum users do not equate directly to paying customers and anyone who thinks they do is being silly lol.
*cough* noob op *cough* theres no way itl have 300k on launch and if it did the servers would get so fuked up we couldint play anyways or would have to wait in queue for 12 hours
A million subscribers.... I remember when someone on these boards said the same thing will happen with Vanguard. If they're lucky, they'll have 75-100k subscribers after a year. The same as Lineage 2 outside of Asia. Why? There's two reasons. The first is no advertising, word of mouth will only get you so far. Look at the games that have over 200k subscribers, they all advertise like mad. Add to this no open beta, sorry but this is a no name company. This game screams try before you buy. If they want any chance of success, they really need to have the open beta. Second is due to the playstyle. Open PvP is a niche. After the first week or two, there will be people far ahead of the pack. These we'll call the predators. They will as you see in all pvp games, start preying on the "lower levels", the victims. Once the victims realize that they'll never be able to catch up with the predators, plus they lose stuff every death, they'll stop playing. People play for fun, and I think you'll see that there will be a very large drop in subs after the first month. Games currently with 200k - 500k subscribers: WAR, EQ2, EVE, LOTRO
Yeah kinda my way of thinking too. I really hope I"m wrong but after so many mmo realises you start to get a feel for these things.
EDIT: Registered forum users do not equate directly to paying customers and anyone who thinks they do is being silly lol.
if public beta goes 3 weeks like planes i can easylly see 200k-300k at launch
im using numbers to firgure how many people willt ry it then how many more people they will tell yea it will work just fine. as longa s the game speaks for it self like tasos say
*cough* noob op *cough* theres no way itl have 300k on launch and if it did the servers would get so fuked up we couldint play anyways or would have to wait in queue for 12 hours
*cough* noob op *cough* theres no way itl have 300k on launch and if it did the servers would get so fuked up we couldint play anyways or would have to wait in queue for 12 hours
cough noob troll cough
no they can easylly put up more than 1 server
il bet you 20 dollars for real that it wont have 300k just cause the forums has around 200k subs doesent mean anything hell mmorpg.com has 970k members and theres barely ever anymore then 2-3k on here rest of inactive people just checking it out or to talk crap on the forums and its not a troll everyone knows it just dont wanna say it since they hope the game gets a good population unlike all the other mmos now days
I thought (especially on this forum) that we had come to a consensus that the number of subs a game has is irrelavent, where's WoW in the mmorpg ratings atm? So long as the income supports the overheads.
If they kick off with 30k or a million, does it matter, does anyone care? The innitial number does give them a little more time to work out any issues they have but from what we've been told there will not be any (naive or what).
The game needs substance and needs to deliver on its promises, if it does this the subs will take care of themselves, if it does not it will crash and burn sooner than most titles. Just like DnL this dev team have relied upon the hype generated within the community rather than advertising. In itself this is fine (and is free) but as a result it will be judged and sentanced by that community quicker than other titles. Whether this is intended or wanted by adventurine or not is of no consequence, it's simply the way it will be.
Like so, so, so many other things about this game we just have to wait and see. My main issue with this tactic would be that if this is the way this team treats its future customers now, (with a carrot on a stick) when the game hasn't even released yet, then wtf is it going to be like when they genuinely have things they need to hide?
----- The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
Judging by activity on the official forums, where membership has gone from 50,000 to 210,000 in the last couple of months and the normal 50:50 ratio of members to guests online, It seems Darkfall could be a far bigger commercial success than many Darkfall haters think. If they deliver on most of their promises, we could see 500,000 players by March. How will they handle this volume of players? Still one server?
There was never any plan to put them all on one server. The community is around 220k strong at the moment, that's at least 6 servers.
I hope Darkfall is very successful, more successful it is the more competition will be created in the mmorpg world. As many have posted, mmorpg's needs new blood and hopefully this game will help jump start the creative minds of mmorpg creators and their game developing teams.
I think in the future the smaller independent companies will be making a large impact on the mmorpg community, since many times they are the only ones who aren't afriad to step out of the comfort zones that many of the larger corporate companies are afriad or at least reluctant to do....just my opinion of course.
Some people look at WoW's numbers, and AoC box sales and automatically think that those are the measuring stick and of course Darkfall will do that good because it's a better game...
Darkfall has no ip to draw attention from. Darkfall has not seen nearly the amount of advertising that AoC or WAR has, much less WoW. 200k+ registered forum users. Hey, I'm one of them. I registered when I heard they were doing an open beta. Many people will register 2 to 10 accounts just for more of a chance of getting in beta.
Even if Darkfall is a masterpiece we are talking 100 to 150k subs to start, moving up to maybe 250k after a few months.
That's not being a troll, and that's not saying anything bad, that is realism. I am sure Adventurine would be thrilled with those numbers.
1 million subs? The only games that get over a million subs are heavy into the asian market, and so far I haven't heard that Darkfall is even going to release there, so there's no chance in hell.
Why did Dark and Light have 300,000+ people on their forums with over 1,000 actively browsing at any given time?
Want to know WHY the Darkfall forums have 200,000 registered users? Because 90% of those people registered with in the last 2 months or so and only did so because they want a free beta to play. Which at this point they're never going to see.
You are so naive that it's just laughable.
Do you honestly believe that every person that registers on a message board is going to pay to play anythning?
Here's a wake up call for you - THEY WON"T.
This game IF it ever launches.. will be VERY VERY LUCKY to get and hold even 30,000 players for a year in todays MMO market.
The first potentially good fantasy sandbox since UO will of course get a really high number of subs on a good release.
Youre just fooling yourself if you think anything else.
I can see way over a million subs for the game on a good release and all features in.
omg dillusional fanboi ...........
Call me a troll if you want (well all fanboi do this when you dont agree with them) but i dont say this game will not be good, i dont say its vaporware, but damn over a million subs?? geez man you are a optimist one that for sure......... If Darkfall can get 100 or maibe 150k subs (active subs and not the 30 free day susb who dont resubs), then this game will be a huge succes.
You seem to forget that the mass now want thempark mmo like wow, in fact they want wow 2 so you can dreamed if you want but that just a dream.
Lets just say i have WAY more experience of this genre then you have. And on a good release Darkfall will have over a million subs.
Dont underestimate the sandbox games. Think of this for a while before you respond - how many fantasy sandboxes like UO have we seen since 2003? People havent seen and played a game like Darkfall for 5 years. They havent had a chance doing it cause there were no such games arround. The potential for Darkfall on a good release is nothing but amazing, a million subs, at least.
Like i said your are a dillusinal fanboi... what make you think you do have more experience than i have? you are what some gods who can know a person over the net??
And its funny because you talk about Darkfall like it was some masterpiece.. but in fact this is just a game and we dont even know if it will deliver all they say it will but still you are there and you swing your fanboi sword and try to convince everyone that your opinion is the only one. Funny enough
DnL was the one that was going to be one big server. I know, they sound similar..but this is a different game.
Again I repeat, there were no plans to have darkfall on one big server. A server can hold around 30k people, and 10k players online at any given time. This has been said over and over. There's no way 221k people can fit on one server.
Originally posted by xaldraxius Some people look at WoW's numbers, and AoC box sales and automatically think that those are the measuring stick and of course Darkfall will do that good because it's a better game...Darkfall has no ip to draw attention from. Darkfall has not seen nearly the amount of advertising that AoC or WAR has, much less WoW. 200k+ registered forum users. Hey, I'm one of them. I registered when I heard they were doing an open beta. Many people will register 2 to 10 accounts just for more of a chance of getting in beta. Even if Darkfall is a masterpiece we are talking 100 to 150k subs to start, moving up to maybe 250k after a few months.That's not being a troll, and that's not saying anything bad, that is realism. I am sure Adventurine would be thrilled with those numbers.1 million subs? The only games that get over a million subs are heavy into the asian market, and so far I haven't heard that Darkfall is even going to release there, so there's no chance in hell.
I registered when they said they were going to have guild beta.
Since then, I've been married, divorced, married, had three kids, moved several times and started a post military career. What have you done since registering? heh.
At the end of the day we use these forums for entertainment believe it or not, lol. People may sound like they're not enjoying it when they're debating - But they are. I know I do.
_________ Currently playing: Black Desert Korea (Waiting for EU)
Always hating on instances in MMOs! Open worlds, open PvP, territory control and housing please. More persistence, more fun.
I didn't want to wade through 5 pages of troll posts...I only made it to the second page or so.
My PREDICTION: 300k+ at release worldwide...dropping to 150-200k or so after first month.
Unless by some chance it is amazingly successful. But that is something I wish to see, but have no real hope for.
umm not sure just really depends we havnt had a quality game like this since uo and there was alot of mmorpgs back then. i mean ifeve can keep subs and gain them im pretty positive Df can do better
We don't know the exact numbers spent on development, but guesstimating from what we've heard if they can keep somewhere between 150 - 200K subs, they should stay in business and make some money.
That's just it. We don't KNOW it's a quality game. Even calling it that prior to release, or even reliable reviews is a travesty.
Call it what it is...an unreleased game that we HOPE will be QUALITY.
if it is as good as Tasos would have you believe without any real proof...then of course it will do well.
But I would believe any late night infomercial trash over Tasos any day of the week. Who knows, he could be right...but I doubt it.
I just hope it is playable with room to make it great after release. As is my bet is that its an awesome concept that won't quite carry through to reality. I just hope it is ALMOST a high quality game.
all mmos have a bad astart and since the community now days are a bunch of retards theyl play it for 10 mins and feel its not there game and go on a forum and say it sucks those numbers will probly cut by 2/3
Why did Dark and Light have 300,000+ people on their forums with over 1,000 actively browsing at any given time?
Want to know WHY the Darkfall forums have 200,000 registered users? Because 90% of those people registered with in the last 2 months or so and only did so because they want a free beta to play. Which at this point they're never going to see.
You are so naive that it's just laughable.
Do you honestly believe that every person that registers on a message board is going to pay to play anythning?
Here's a wake up call for you - THEY WON"T.
This game IF it ever launches.. will be VERY VERY LUCKY to get and hold even 30,000 players for a year in todays MMO market.
The first potentially good fantasy sandbox since UO will of course get a really high number of subs on a good release.
Youre just fooling yourself if you think anything else.
I can see way over a million subs for the game on a good release and all features in.
omg dillusional fanboi ...........
Call me a troll if you want (well all fanboi do this when you dont agree with them) but i dont say this game will not be good, i dont say its vaporware, but damn over a million subs?? geez man you are a optimist one that for sure......... If Darkfall can get 100 or maibe 150k subs (active subs and not the 30 free day susb who dont resubs), then this game will be a huge succes.
You seem to forget that the mass now want thempark mmo like wow, in fact they want wow 2 so you can dreamed if you want but that just a dream.
Lets just say i have WAY more experience of this genre then you have. And on a good release Darkfall will have over a million subs.
Dont underestimate the sandbox games. Think of this for a while before you respond - how many fantasy sandboxes like UO have we seen since 2003? People havent seen and played a game like Darkfall for 5 years. They havent had a chance doing it cause there were no such games arround. The potential for Darkfall on a good release is nothing but amazing, a million subs, at least.
This is so similar to the typical responses that D&L fans used to give to skeptics back in the day. Its crazy how history can repeat itself. For the euro release I can't see it bringing in more than 100k to 250k at launch. Heres the thing units sold means nothing if they don't retain those customers and with the lack of testing going on over at the studio(no open beta it seems), I'm doubtful but hopeful.
This forum is hilarous but heres the thing the community I've seen for this game could end up killing their own game from some of the griefers I see constantly posting. I can already see the shadowbane like existence of this game and I hate to see that type of future. Generally though griefers will gank in squads til they run off the general public, then they turn on each other as the game becomes more and more niche. Flame me if you want I'm not a hater and actually if they can pull it off more power to them, I just don't see it in the themepark craving, I want everything handed to me that is the mainstream audience nowadays.
My advice DON"T SET YOUSELF UP TO LOOK STUPID. Look 1 million subs in a month is NOT realistic. Think what you want but with little to no advertising and NO american servers at launch this just isn't gonna happen. Good luck to the DF fans and I hope you get what you want, just don't set yourself up to be really disappointed.
that not the case this time if that was the case leaks would be all over the people they have selcted now are probly hand picked alot are nto friends but some are
this is the reason why the hype level is so high here. It is amusing to see these kind of posts.
A million subscribers....
I remember when someone on these boards said the same thing will happen with Vanguard. If they're lucky, they'll have 75-100k subscribers after a year. The same as Lineage 2 outside of Asia.
Why? There's two reasons. The first is no advertising, word of mouth will only get you so far. Look at the games that have over 200k subscribers, they all advertise like mad. Add to this no open beta, sorry but this is a no name company. This game screams try before you buy. If they want any chance of success, they really need to have the open beta.
Second is due to the playstyle. Open PvP is a niche. After the first week or two, there will be people far ahead of the pack. These we'll call the predators. They will as you see in all pvp games, start preying on the "lower levels", the victims. Once the victims realize that they'll never be able to catch up with the predators, plus they lose stuff every death, they'll stop playing. People play for fun, and I think you'll see that there will be a very large drop in subs after the first month.
Games currently with 200k - 500k subscribers:
WAR, EQ2, EVE, LOTRO , maybe AoC
LOL over 212k register says diffrent
o i guess you missed they said after release they will do more advertising but for release there just doing word of mouth
Yeah kinda my way of thinking too. I really hope I"m wrong but after so many mmo releases you start to get a feel for these things.
EDIT: Registered forum users do not equate directly to paying customers and anyone who thinks they do is being silly lol.
300.000 players from launch, lol
*cough* noob op *cough* theres no way itl have 300k on launch and if it did the servers would get so fuked up we couldint play anyways or would have to wait in queue for 12 hours
Yeah kinda my way of thinking too. I really hope I"m wrong but after so many mmo realises you start to get a feel for these things.
EDIT: Registered forum users do not equate directly to paying customers and anyone who thinks they do is being silly lol.
if public beta goes 3 weeks like planes i can easylly see 200k-300k at launch
im using numbers to firgure how many people willt ry it then how many more people they will tell yea it will work just fine. as longa s the game speaks for it self like tasos say
cough noob troll cough
no they can easylly put up more than 1 server
cough noob troll cough
no they can easylly put up more than 1 server
il bet you 20 dollars for real that it wont have 300k just cause the forums has around 200k subs doesent mean anything hell mmorpg.com has 970k members and theres barely ever anymore then 2-3k on here rest of inactive people just checking it out or to talk crap on the forums and its not a troll everyone knows it just dont wanna say it since they hope the game gets a good population unlike all the other mmos now days
I thought (especially on this forum) that we had come to a consensus that the number of subs a game has is irrelavent, where's WoW in the mmorpg ratings atm? So long as the income supports the overheads.
If they kick off with 30k or a million, does it matter, does anyone care? The innitial number does give them a little more time to work out any issues they have but from what we've been told there will not be any (naive or what).
The game needs substance and needs to deliver on its promises, if it does this the subs will take care of themselves, if it does not it will crash and burn sooner than most titles. Just like DnL this dev team have relied upon the hype generated within the community rather than advertising. In itself this is fine (and is free) but as a result it will be judged and sentanced by that community quicker than other titles. Whether this is intended or wanted by adventurine or not is of no consequence, it's simply the way it will be.
Like so, so, so many other things about this game we just have to wait and see. My main issue with this tactic would be that if this is the way this team treats its future customers now, (with a carrot on a stick) when the game hasn't even released yet, then wtf is it going to be like when they genuinely have things they need to hide?
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
There was never any plan to put them all on one server. The community is around 220k strong at the moment, that's at least 6 servers.
Darkfall Travelogues!
I hope Darkfall is very successful, more successful it is the more competition will be created in the mmorpg world. As many have posted, mmorpg's needs new blood and hopefully this game will help jump start the creative minds of mmorpg creators and their game developing teams.
I think in the future the smaller independent companies will be making a large impact on the mmorpg community, since many times they are the only ones who aren't afriad to step out of the comfort zones that many of the larger corporate companies are afriad or at least reluctant to do....just my opinion of course.
DnL was the one that was going to be one big server. I know, they sound similar..but this is a different game.
Some people look at WoW's numbers, and AoC box sales and automatically think that those are the measuring stick and of course Darkfall will do that good because it's a better game...
Darkfall has no ip to draw attention from. Darkfall has not seen nearly the amount of advertising that AoC or WAR has, much less WoW. 200k+ registered forum users. Hey, I'm one of them. I registered when I heard they were doing an open beta. Many people will register 2 to 10 accounts just for more of a chance of getting in beta.
Even if Darkfall is a masterpiece we are talking 100 to 150k subs to start, moving up to maybe 250k after a few months.
That's not being a troll, and that's not saying anything bad, that is realism. I am sure Adventurine would be thrilled with those numbers.
1 million subs? The only games that get over a million subs are heavy into the asian market, and so far I haven't heard that Darkfall is even going to release there, so there's no chance in hell.
Why did Dark and Light have 300,000+ people on their forums with over 1,000 actively browsing at any given time?
Want to know WHY the Darkfall forums have 200,000 registered users? Because 90% of those people registered with in the last 2 months or so and only did so because they want a free beta to play. Which at this point they're never going to see.
You are so naive that it's just laughable.
Do you honestly believe that every person that registers on a message board is going to pay to play anythning?
Here's a wake up call for you - THEY WON"T.
This game IF it ever launches.. will be VERY VERY LUCKY to get and hold even 30,000 players for a year in todays MMO market.
The first potentially good fantasy sandbox since UO will of course get a really high number of subs on a good release.
Youre just fooling yourself if you think anything else.
I can see way over a million subs for the game on a good release and all features in.
omg dillusional fanboi ...........
Call me a troll if you want (well all fanboi do this when you dont agree with them) but i dont say this game will not be good, i dont say its vaporware, but damn over a million subs?? geez man you are a optimist one that for sure......... If Darkfall can get 100 or maibe 150k subs (active subs and not the 30 free day susb who dont resubs), then this game will be a huge succes.
You seem to forget that the mass now want thempark mmo like wow, in fact they want wow 2 so you can dreamed if you want but that just a dream.
Lets just say i have WAY more experience of this genre then you have. And on a good release Darkfall will have over a million subs.
Dont underestimate the sandbox games. Think of this for a while before you respond - how many fantasy sandboxes like UO have we seen since 2003? People havent seen and played a game like Darkfall for 5 years. They havent had a chance doing it cause there were no such games arround. The potential for Darkfall on a good release is nothing but amazing, a million subs, at least.
Like i said your are a dillusinal fanboi... what make you think you do have more experience than i have? you are what some gods who can know a person over the net??
And its funny because you talk about Darkfall like it was some masterpiece.. but in fact this is just a game and we dont even know if it will deliver all they say it will but still you are there and you swing your fanboi sword and try to convince everyone that your opinion is the only one. Funny enough
Thank you. Im glad you feel entertained.
Again I repeat, there were no plans to have darkfall on one big server. A server can hold around 30k people, and 10k players online at any given time. This has been said over and over. There's no way 221k people can fit on one server.
Darkfall Travelogues!
I registered when they said they were going to have guild beta.
Since then, I've been married, divorced, married, had three kids, moved several times and started a post military career. What have you done since registering? heh.
Hehe, yup.
At the end of the day we use these forums for entertainment believe it or not, lol. People may sound like they're not enjoying it when they're debating - But they are. I know I do.
Currently playing: Black Desert Korea (Waiting for EU)
Always hating on instances in MMOs! Open worlds, open PvP, territory control and housing please. More persistence, more fun.