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An Ohio teen was recently arrested by local police when he falsely claimed he was suicidal during a conversation with a WoW GM.
After a 17-year-old in Fairfield, Ohio told a GM "he was suicidal and the game was the only thing he had to live for," the Blizzard rep called 911, and the kid was apparently arrested, according to the Middletown Journal. We've seen this before -- Blizzard won't put up with suicide threats -- but as far as I know, this is the first we've heard of an arrest coming about because of it. Apparently the charge is a first degree misdemeanor, and though the kid was released to his father, he's got a court date to face next week.
The dumbest part? The kid wasn't even suicidal -- he told officers when questioned that it was a joke "to try and get what he wanted for the game." We doubt this will lead to anything big (we'd put the kid in community service and give him a slap on the wrist -- he's probably scared enough after being handcuffed and put in a patrol car), but Blizzard's policy is exactly right on this one, if you ask us. If the threat is real, this could prevent a tragedy, and if it's just some kid messing around to try and get his banned account back, he might learn a little lesson in the process.
Read more here.
Things like this should always be taken seriously. There was a news story not to long ago about a kid who commited suicide on or whatever the name of that webcam site is. Everyone was laughing and egging him on in the chat becuase they thought it was a joke. Until they say the police enter the kids room on his webcam.
If I was unclear he did die.
lol thats really hilarious...
...makes me laugh to see what desperate measures the kids from today make just to get some item ingame, only because they lack the skill to do this themselves ingame.
One of the hardcore games play has a large amount of people in it who will say some stuff which I think just shouldnt be said.
A lot of people I noticed will be saying some extremely offensive things.
Like end yourself, or /wrists, die in a fire...
People think its a big joke but as someone who suffers form mental illness and depression, suicide is not funny at all.
People tell me I need to have thicker skin etc. There is no reason for these things to be said, ever.
The next time one of decides to push someone joking around telling them to go kill themselves, think about it first, how would you feel if you were the the final push for a teenager killing themselves.
What if he really was suicidal? Would they still have arrested him instead of getting him help? Threatening suicide should get you a trip to the hospital not jail.
Um..Isnt there a thread already about this incident? Didn't check the time it was posted though.
Edit: Yes there is, and it got this one beaten by over an hour
Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.
While I agree with you skydragonren, and the world *is* over populated with idiots, don't forget that if someone does kill themelves and you're in their chatlog telling them 'stfu and /wrist already' than you'll probbly end up charged with something.
You know how over letigious society is becoming these days...
Very true, of course I think all those "Oh yeah!!! Well I will sue you!!!" type people. Should /wrist
Blizz. made the right & only choice available!!
Oh I agree, Blizz did the right thing, this is where it went wrong though.
Instead of the cops arresting the retard, they should have punched him in the face and told him to quit using MMOGlider, then smashed his 1337 32 inch lcd monitor and followed with a swift kick to his nuts on the way out the door.
Case close.
What would they have solved, well by punching him, prolly nothing. The kid obviously didn't have any brain cells to miss anyway. Smashing his monitor, maybe mommy and daddy won't buy him another one and we won't have to suffer playing wow with him anymore, and with a swift kick to the nuts, he can't contaminate the rest of the free world with retarded muppet baby offspring if they kick hard enough.
Would have been great had they handled it that way.
Good Job on Blizz. As far as the kid getting arrested...the law in all 50 states recognozes homicide as the taking of a life, and attempted homicide as the same. When someone even threatens suicide, they can be brought up on reckless endangerment or even conspiracy to commit. Of course, they usually just get medical treatment, but the way most laws are written, they don't distinguish between taking your own life, or someone else's.
Junior is finding out what happens when you play games with the wrong people. Can you imagine how many retards would go, "Take off my ban or I'm gonna /wrist!!!111!!111" if the law didn't arrest the retard?
Kid should be given a few hundred hours of community service and his parents should cancel his account.
On the one hand, there are laws preventing people from getting arrested for attempting to kill themselves.
On the other, this kid openly admits that he never intended to kill himself, and was only trying to get what he wanted. His arrest was for inciting panic, and rightfully so. As you said, if we had every asshat kid claiming to be suicidal all the time, the resources expended to check every one of these would be astronomical.
Very true, of course I think all those "Oh yeah!!! Well I will sue you!!!" type people. Should /wrist
Well it has to be said that the two posters Skydragonren and SunwolfNC are fools, how old are you to children? you really need to grow up, it shows that you have no life experience, else you would not make such depraved comments, and take life so lightly, one mans rubbish is another mans gold. You are entitled to your opinions as I am and others are ours, but to say you laugh at others pain and miss-fortune shows the fibber and calibre of your characters, let me just say, that if you were a member of my family and I could see that you would end up as you are now, then I'd have drowned you at birth, you should both be ashamed of yourselves, people like you don't deserve to live and make me sick, and by your comments have shown everybody the cowards and bullies that you are, I laugh at you both and your sad life's.
I am a true believer in karma, and what goes around comes around, I hope that if either of you ever find yourselves in a hard place, that the people around you show you compassion and kindness and not the scorn that you show others.
I Hope Blizzard banned the kid's account over his irresponsible behavior. Suicide hurts families and friends alike and its not something you joke about. Props to blizzard for calling the cops!!! A few hours in a cell with real delinquints may straighten the kid up!!!!
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
If I said /wrist in game.... and some idiot actually did that.... Then good.... that is one less emo retard we have to worry about on planet earth.
I am a firm believer in idiots killing themselves, the earth is over populated anyway.
If you are stupid enough to kill yourself for any didn't need to be breathing the same air as everyone else anyway. Might contaminate the air supply with the "dumbass virus".
I don't think being suicidal makes you stupid skydragonren. I mean you aren't feeling suicidal are you?
we have lost our common sense due to all these friggin lawyers... ugh... just as dumb as that lady winning the lawsuit against McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on herself
common sense, where for art thou???
Because it said that he was not really suicidal; he told the police it was a joke. Either way, attempting suicide is illegal and warrants arrest if you do not need immediate medical attention. Then you will probably end up with some inpatient hospital time.
People who are suicidal should be arrested and placed in prison. If they are still suicidal in prison they shoud be tied to a bed and held against their will indefinitely. That way they don't hurt themselves.
Well it has to be said that the two posters Skydragonren and SunwolfNC are fools, how old are you to children? you really need to grow up, it shows that you have no life experience, else you would not make such depraved comments, and take life so lightly, one mans rubbish is another mans gold. You are entitled to your opinions as I am and others are ours, but to say you laugh at others pain and miss-fortune shows the fibber and calibre of your characters, let me just say, that if you were a member of my family and I could see that you would end up as you are now, then I'd have drowned you at birth, you should both be ashamed of yourselves, people like you don't deserve to live and make me sick, and by your comments have shown everybody the cowards and bullies that you are, I laugh at you both and your sad life's.
I am a true believer in karma, and what goes around comes around, I hope that if either of you ever find yourselves in a hard place, that the people around you show you compassion and kindness and not the scorn that you show others.
This is even better than Skydragonrens post.
1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose *actions belie stated beliefs.
*actions or posted comments
I ---> to you.
"I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."
Could not agree more
If this is not policy for all video game companies it should be.
-They call me Velsha
This will look great on my report on human condition in N.A.
Almost as cool as Star Wars kid.
good for the ohio police . if it was in the uk they would nt have arrested him most likly because we have daft laws protecting these little bratts and they know it . on a side note cant say i ve heard of anyone suicidal in wow but i ve recieved a couple of death threats lol . wow can be a like a school yeard at times . great game but a large proportion of its community leaves something to be desired .
Very true, of course I think all those "Oh yeah!!! Well I will sue you!!!" type people. Should /wrist
Well it has to be said that the two posters Skydragonren and SunwolfNC are fools, how old are you to children? you really need to grow up, it shows that you have no life experience, else you would not make such depraved comments, and take life so lightly, one mans rubbish is another mans gold. You are entitled to your opinions as I am and others are ours, but to say you laugh at others pain and miss-fortune shows the fibber and calibre of your characters, let me just say, that if you were a member of my family and I could see that you would end up as you are now, then I'd have drowned you at birth, you should both be ashamed of yourselves, people like you don't deserve to live and make me sick, and by your comments have shown everybody the cowards and bullies that you are, I laugh at you both and your sad life's.
I am a true believer in karma, and what goes around comes around, I hope that if either of you ever find yourselves in a hard place, that the people around you show you compassion and kindness and not the scorn that you show others.
This is even better than Skydragonrens post.
1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose *actions belie stated beliefs.
*actions or posted comments
I ---> to you.
OMG a person that claims to know me, but in fact is talking out of the @ss, you don't know me and you will never know me, you know nothing of my life, what I do or have done, you are a fool, I pretend nothing, I have led a good life and have helped many people, there is nothing in my life that I would say that I am ashamed of, can you say the same? I doubt it very much, no you are a parasite and a low life, you sit on your ivory mountain claiming to be this all mighty all seeing second coming, when in fact you are the fool on the hill, in future keep comments about things that you know nothing of to yourself, now run along and go play with all your 9th grade friends.