either way you slice it, suicide is an act i have no sympathy for. alot of people commit suicide for stupid, selfish reasons. some yeah, could be attributed to mental illness, that I have no problems with, as they are not "wired" properly in the brain. but you would be surprised how many people commit suicide for selfish, retarded reasons, their bf or gf left them, they think everyone is against them, or people are conspiring to bring them down, or something so ridiculous you think, what is going on in their head that they are doing this? I feel if you cant seek help, or not willing to seek help, you know what the end result is going to be here is the razor, you got 5 minutes. alot of people balk suicide for attention. their way of crying out for help. or seeking attention "me me me" attitude. but in the end for me as far as im concerned its nothing more than a selfish act of quiting on life. I wont stop a person from commiting suicide. they have set on a path to take themselves out, its their final attempt at regaining control of their own problem by solving it for good. who am i to stop them? this who legality BS about oh they shouldnt be able to commit suicide? I say let them. I am going to live my life irregardless if they slit their wrists or not. and the BS I went thru isnt hardship? how convenient. but timmy, or sally going through emotional strife rebeling against the norm is?
Indeed. Suicide is the easy way out of problems. Got no sympathy for them either, unless mental illness is a catalyst.
There was this dude I met a few times many years back. Didn't know him personally but he seemed like an ok guy. Friend of a friend sort of fellow. He was seperated from his wife and had been so for a very long time, some 5-10 years or so. They had 3 children together, all boys. One day he suddenly decided to put a shotgun under his chin and pull the trigger, leaving his children without a father and with alot of unanswered questions. His friends called him a coward for doing it. They never told me what they suspected triggered it, and I don't care nor want to know. Nothing, I repeat nothing in life is so hard you can't find a way out of it. His act was an act of selfishness as he left those boys in the dark, his ex without support for the children and his friends with repulsiveness for what he did.
So yeah, got no sympathy for suicide. They need help though, but if they decide against it, good riddance. You just got to hope they don't drag too many people with them down the shithole they decided to dig for themselfes.
that's just what we call children. similar things happen almost everywhere and everytime.
children always cry or quarrel for the purpose to get sth they want from their parents.
hope that only apply to the unmature children
Indeed. Suicide is the easy way out of problems. Got no sympathy for them either, unless mental illness is a catalyst.
There was this dude I met a few times many years back. Didn't know him personally but he seemed like an ok guy. Friend of a friend sort of fellow. He was seperated from his wife and had been so for a very long time, some 5-10 years or so. They had 3 children together, all boys. One day he suddenly decided to put a shotgun under his chin and pull the trigger, leaving his children without a father and with alot of unanswered questions. His friends called him a coward for doing it. They never told me what they suspected triggered it, and I don't care nor want to know. Nothing, I repeat nothing in life is so hard you can't find a way out of it. His act was an act of selfishness as he left those boys in the dark, his ex without support for the children and his friends with repulsiveness for what he did.
So yeah, got no sympathy for suicide. They need help though, but if they decide against it, good riddance. You just got to hope they don't drag too many people with them down the shithole they decided to dig for themselfes.
Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.
the matter should be taken seriously. if one accept others requirements under such condition, it won't help anyone in the fact.
if there's someone talking to me in this way, i must regard it as a joke
it's really a terrible thing. nobody could assure whether the matter is a joke or not.
if we didn't take it seriouly, something unfortunate will happen
is it just a joke? God, what should i say? to criticize the nauthy boy or shocked by the charming WOW?