WoW is a PVE game first and foremost and the majority of players do not PVP that much. Even hardcore PVp'ers will tell you that WOW's PVP is not that great. I am not worried about non-pvp activity destroying WOW; I think if you ask the majority of players who play it, they do not enjoy PVP.
There are other and better games on the market that have PVP in them than WOW. And if you do not get that, then you are dumber than your post alludes.
I couldn't disagree more.
I know some very very good PvP players in RL. They swear with the PvP mechanics of Wow.
Why? it is the ONLY fantasy MMORPG where you actually DO control your characters fully. The competition never overcame the clunky unresponsive controls already first generations of MMORPH had.
Wow is also the ONLY MMORPG with a rated PvP ranking based on a competitive ladder system.
Arena gives the data to constantly fine tune further the classes. All other games lack these tools.
How in god's name can you fine tune interaction in PVP if you don't have the combat data results given by millions of Arena plays.
So both in control - depth of classes - data analysis and of course very different BG's settings, makes Wow a heaven for the real PvP competition player.
And that's what video games are ALL about. Individual control - to the fullest - of your character.
That about sums it up why a lot of people play PvP in Wow.
... and you don't loose hours for raiding either. Have 30 minutes ... Hop in, do a BG or world PvP when it's up and have fun...
PVP players in wow are very easy to please they give you a ladder system and add two maps and your good for the next two years until an Xpac comes out. thats why this is a raiders/pvers game.
Blizzard has to put in so much more dev time into making the pve content perfect.
If pvpers matter so much why havent they given you guys more pvp options? more types of pvp instanced mini-games? that 1v1 arena duel system you guys have been asking for? more bg maps? more world pvp ( more then just 1 zone). see they dont give you this because they don't have to.
You guys are happy with this limited content you have already.
Of course I've played Wotlk, I even wrote a good review on it with only one or two negatives that kept me from subbing full time but I still recommended the game to people. I may talk shit when flaming WoW fanbois get on my nerves but If i discount the wow community wow alone is actually a good game. When I played I was a raider Im not stupid, im not going to start up wow thinking its going to be a pvp game. thats like playing Eve and waiting to do pve content only its lame. Right now (i checked on my brothers PC,he playes wow) there are a good amount of ques for one or two BGs but the LFG, trade and raid areas are freaking packed. so many more people finally have a chance to raid now. like it or not this game is a pve focused game. Ill give blizzard credit they know exactly how to hold the pvp playerbase in thier game but its clear raiding and dungeon content are king in WoW.
All I can say is that the moment I start a new character, I want to become Justicar or Conqueror with it.
I stop at level 18/19, 28/29/,38/39 etc and wait until I get the revered honor of WSG first than AB atc .
I don't even full twink them. But I have a lot of fun.
Finally at level 59/60 I level out with those PvP titles.
It shows that's the strenght of Wow. Everyone can find his own playing style.
If you count ALL BG's open at night and multiple these numbers I am convinced 10 times MORE people are playing PvP in Wow than any other PvP game outthere.
I couldn't disagree more. I know some very very good PvP players in RL. They swear with the PvP mechanics of Wow. Why? it is the ONLY fantasy MMORPG where you actually DO control your characters fully. The competition never overcame the clunky unresponsive controls already first generations of MMORPH had. Wow is also the ONLY MMORPG with a rated PvP ranking based on a competitive ladder system. Arena gives the data to constantly fine tune further the classes. All other games lack these tools. How in god's name can you fine tune interaction in PVP if you don't have the combat data results given by millions of Arena plays. So both in control - depth of classes - data analysis and of course very different BG's settings, makes Wow a heaven for the real PvP competition player. And that's what video games are ALL about. Individual control - to the fullest - of your character. That about sums it up why a lot of people play PvP in Wow. ... and you don't loose hours for raiding either. Have 30 minutes ... Hop in, do a BG or world PvP when it's up and have fun... Fun.
PVP players in wow are very easy to please they give you a ladder system and add two maps and your good for the next two years until an Xpac comes out. thats why this is a raiders/pvers game.
Blizzard has to put in so much more dev time into making the pve content perfect.
If pvpers matter so much why havent they given you guys more pvp options? more types of pvp instanced mini-games? that 1v1 arena duel system you guys have been asking for? more bg maps? more world pvp ( more then just 1 zone). see they dont give you this because they don't have to.
You guys are happy with this limited content you have already.
Blizzard devs are freaking smart.
First : the number of BG's or Arena's have nothng to do with quality.
I like quality above quantity.
WotLK brought also world PvP back to Wow Wintergrasp but also the Raids to enemy capitols.
I am VERY spoiled by Wow's PvP, because I coudn't stand the laggy AoC or complete clunky combat of War. So I am used to have a full fluid control of my characters, which I (like so many others) can't find in other fanatasy MMORPG.
EVE is a whole other story. But I tried it and didn't like it at all. Tastes differ.
I couldn't disagree more. I know some very very good PvP players in RL. They swear with the PvP mechanics of Wow. Why? it is the ONLY fantasy MMORPG where you actually DO control your characters fully. The competition never overcame the clunky unresponsive controls already first generations of MMORPH had. Wow is also the ONLY MMORPG with a rated PvP ranking based on a competitive ladder system. Arena gives the data to constantly fine tune further the classes. All other games lack these tools. How in god's name can you fine tune interaction in PVP if you don't have the combat data results given by millions of Arena plays. So both in control - depth of classes - data analysis and of course very different BG's settings, makes Wow a heaven for the real PvP competition player. And that's what video games are ALL about. Individual control - to the fullest - of your character. That about sums it up why a lot of people play PvP in Wow. ... and you don't loose hours for raiding either. Have 30 minutes ... Hop in, do a BG or world PvP when it's up and have fun... Fun.
PVP players in wow are very easy to please they give you a ladder system and add two maps and your good for the next two years until an Xpac comes out. thats why this is a raiders/pvers game.
Blizzard has to put in so much more dev time into making the pve content perfect.
If pvpers matter so much why havent they given you guys more pvp options? more types of pvp instanced mini-games? that 1v1 arena duel system you guys have been asking for? more bg maps? more world pvp ( more then just 1 zone). see they dont give you this because they don't have to.
You guys are happy with this limited content you have already.
Blizzard devs are freaking smart.
First : the number of BG's or Arena's have nothng to do with quality.
I like quality above quantity.
WotLK brought also world PvP back to Wow Wintergrasp but also the Raids to enemy capitols.
I am VERY spoiled by Wow's PvP, because I coudn't stand the laggy AoC or complete clunky combat of War. So I am used to have a full fluid control of my characters, which (like so many others) can't find that in other fanatasy MMORPG.
EVE is a whole other story. But I tried it and didn't like it at all. Tastes differ.
Not once have I put WoW up against another game in this thread. Actually I have my own problems with WoWs so called clones but thats best left for another topic.
Oh and I agree wow has the best movement of all the on foot mmos, you would think with all the mmos trying to take wows thunder they would copy the movement and fluidity of WoW first.
See I think wow could be alot better with other types of battlegrounds, maybe tossing variations of the WSG, AB and AV maps around to just change things up abit just to show that the devs give a rats ass about the players just a little.
Right now pvers get everything and If i was strickly a pvper I would be kinda pissed tbh.
But im harder on devs and MMos in general then most as you can see by my post history.
i dont think it will i mean how many more people can they get
LOL dude WoW can double in size While some of the vanilla WoW vets like myself kick and scream when WoW is brought up. this game is improving everyday and appealing to alot of different players.
I strongly believe a combo Of SW:TOR and Blizzards next MMO will finally start the decline of the sub base. but overall that decline wont be that bad and will still be higher then every other mmo.
WoW isnt a bad game its just not for everyone, lets just be happy that the other games that cater to non-wow players have enough subs to exist.
First : the number of BG's or Arena's have nothng to do with quality. I like quality above quantity. WotLK brought also world PvP back to Wow Wintergrasp but also the Raids to enemy capitols. I am VERY spoiled by Wow's PvP, because I coudn't stand the laggy AoC or complete clunky combat of War. So I am used to have a full fluid control of my characters, which (like so many others) can't find that in other fanatasy MMORPG. EVE is a whole other story. But I tried it and didn't like it at all. Tastes differ.
Not once have I put WoW up against another game in this thread. Actually I have my own problems with WoWs so called clones but thats best left for another topic.
Oh and I agree wow has the best movement of all the on foot mmos, you would think with all the mmos trying to take wows thunder they would copy the movement and fluidity of WoW first.
See I think wow could be alot better with other types of battlegrounds, maybe tossing variations of the WSG, AB and AV maps around to just change things up abit just to show that the devs give a rats ass about the players just a little.
Right now pvers get everything and If i was strickly a pvper I would be kinda pissed tbh.
But im harder on devs and MMos in general then most as you can see by my post history.
I already posted on the Wow forums to include a "seasonal" changing BG. So you could do variations like you said in the BG's.
And with the seasonal "rotating" theme they could still control the waiting times for the different BG's. Because too much BG's would not be a good thing if queuing was too long to open up.
Still, PvP can be compared with a football match.
In football (EU version) you always play on the same field, and people want to see it (or even play it) for years and years. Hundreds of matches.
So I think a lot of PvP people (can't speak for all certainly) look at HOW they control the character (the ball) and how they dribble the competitor.
That last sentence shows me we are MORE interested in the ball and actions than in the field.
I would rather have a handful of well designed PvP instances than a lot of poorly designed ones.
The only thing I hate about WoW PvP is that everything in WoW is balanced around the Arena. I dont hate the Arena specifically just the Blizzard designers that dont take the time and initiative to design spells and abilities to work differently while in the Arena.
Also, on the topic of subscriber growth, its mainly not a question of if WoW will meet a certain milestone but when. Course, it will still be hilarious to see topics like "WoW will be dead and shut down within 6 months" when its at 15 million subscribers.
LOL by blizzards ( facts) they have a larger population than Austrailia, however after checking something called the Census the made up number they use is not even half that currently. You can probably subtract 4 million more off since apparently 4 millon players decided to play WOTLK on release boosting their subscribers to 11.5 from 7.5 in a month, which is the stupidest thing I have heard, only the true die hard can actually believe that nonsense.
LOL by blizzards ( facts) they have a larger population than Austrailia, however after checking something called the Census the made up number they use is not even half that currently. You can probably subtract 4 million more off since apparently 4 millon players decided to play WOTLK on release boosting their subscribers to 11.5 from 7.5 in a month, which is the stupidest thing I have heard, only the true die hard can actually believe that nonsense.
Please tell me you're not referring to the Census plugin ...
Ico Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
LOL by blizzards ( facts) they have a larger population than Austrailia, however after checking something called the Census the made up number they use is not even half that currently. You can probably subtract 4 million more off since apparently 4 millon players decided to play WOTLK on release boosting their subscribers to 11.5 from 7.5 in a month, which is the stupidest thing I have heard, only the true die hard can actually believe that nonsense.
Census doesn't work anymore. Too many servers to keep track. If one or two Census users don't log in on a day on a particular server ,that server gives O results instead of 4000 or so.
As the number of 11.5 million world wide subs is in the official financial quarterly reports of both Activision Blizzard AND their mother company Vivendi it is certainly true...
... because these financial reports have to be audited (because both companies are noted on the stock exchange).
So you can't lie in these audited reports or you face criminal charges. Simple isn't it.
Just how big Wow is in the western world you can keep track on Xfire (62% marketshare of MMo's - free to play MMO's included). Other sources confirm this 62% on average marketshare for US/EU. I am happy to give them to you if needed.
Also just look at the top sales for PC games on and basic Wow Battle chest doesn't come out the top 10 sales during the complete year, while other MMo's hardly make it in the top 30 for a few weeks.
A controlled and audited financial report is more than proof I would think.
Oh and BTW, Blizzard gives an exact definition of subscriptions. Free and expired and trial accounts are NOT included. it's PAY or not be accounted for. Very clear definition.
And yet 9 of my RL friends don't play it. Who is playing this game?
Agreed. A lot of my RL friends no longer play, and most of the large raid guild I played with pre-BC no longer play (when I quit in '08). I've always wondered HOW this game keeps getting larger.
Well ... you have to remember. WoW has been out for a couple years now. All the 9-10 year old kids who thought it was "l33t-saucez" is now about 13-14. Hence, influx of players!
*laughs* I kid ... I kid. (no pun intended ... or was it?)
WRONG census genius. And as for Xfire wow use has dropped 16 percent.
A whole 16% of registered Xfire users? WOW, that must be like 3 people huh?
Seriously, I am not going to debate Xfire again (I am sick and tired of it and anyone who believes that Xfire is accurate [for use in predicting day-to-day sub numbers] is an idiot).
And nobody uses the Census anymore either.
Neither are accurate or trustworthy.
So lets see - on one hand we have a LEGAL document, bound by law that says one thing about numbers (and if faked, the offending company could face massive problems) and on the other hand we have unreliable data from Internet programs.
Gee, which one do I trust?
Just for kicks - WOW has ~25 million minutes played today, 11 more that the next highest game. Must be rough for Blizzard huh?
And finally there are only 104k users per day playing WOW responsible for all of that data. So that is ~1% of all WOW players. And that is not nearly statistically significant for reporting data. Thus we can make the datat so whatever we won't without a shred of validity.
So where does your 16% comes from?
I was referring to the Census Bureau thus why I said Wrong Census, maybe that escaped you, it was in reference to Blizzs claim of more users than the population of Austraila, which of course is a total lie.Xifre itself accounts for 10 million users so much for your 3 people right? 16 is right give or take a point but everyone has dropped at least 8 so maybe you can blame the economy, funny you got your #1 for 88 days form Xfire as well, just after you said it doesn't matter. So if you don't believe it's accurate how come your obviously using the parts of it you like twinkletoes?
As for wow census I used it and knew lots of others who did to, we have a forum you know, I believe it's more accurate than you would like to believe. As for your legal documentation that I for some reason think you are dreaming up, lying is what lawyers are for man. If Runescape can do it anyone can do it.
But unless you have those documents yourself you might as well be Joseph McCarthy, he had some really good legal documents to, they were completely made up BS but hey.
I just have to say that I like WoW quite a lot. I play it for 6-10 hour per day. It is amazing to play when you know the GM's are professional, and that the game always get a good testing phase before new patches go live. It is made by Blizzard, and why would you play anything else?
Honestly I always have been bored with wow, some of my freinds play it and I did for a good while even had fun with it mostly in pvp though, I dispise raid driven mmos and the pvp imbalance is just out of hand now. Crafting and home ownership are other things I like there is no real customisation of crafted items and most of them are inferior to raid or pvp items and are almost useless. Eng is more gimp every expansion. I don't really need the bloodbath that DF is likely to be but I do need the Sandbox, I would play Ryzom if I felt like the game isn't going to die or felt secure about it's future. But yeh I NEED the sandbox, I understand many don't like the sandbox or care about pvp balance but those are my peeves.
I couldn't disagree more.
I know some very very good PvP players in RL. They swear with the PvP mechanics of Wow.
Why? it is the ONLY fantasy MMORPG where you actually DO control your characters fully. The competition never overcame the clunky unresponsive controls already first generations of MMORPH had.
Wow is also the ONLY MMORPG with a rated PvP ranking based on a competitive ladder system.
Arena gives the data to constantly fine tune further the classes. All other games lack these tools.
How in god's name can you fine tune interaction in PVP if you don't have the combat data results given by millions of Arena plays.
So both in control - depth of classes - data analysis and of course very different BG's settings, makes Wow a heaven for the real PvP competition player.
And that's what video games are ALL about. Individual control - to the fullest - of your character.
That about sums it up why a lot of people play PvP in Wow.
... and you don't loose hours for raiding either. Have 30 minutes ... Hop in, do a BG or world PvP when it's up and have fun...
PVP players in wow are very easy to please they give you a ladder system and add two maps and your good for the next two years until an Xpac comes out. thats why this is a raiders/pvers game.
Blizzard has to put in so much more dev time into making the pve content perfect.
If pvpers matter so much why havent they given you guys more pvp options? more types of pvp instanced mini-games? that 1v1 arena duel system you guys have been asking for? more bg maps? more world pvp ( more then just 1 zone). see they dont give you this because they don't have to.
You guys are happy with this limited content you have already.
Blizzard devs are freaking smart.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
All I can say is that the moment I start a new character, I want to become Justicar or Conqueror with it.
I stop at level 18/19, 28/29/,38/39 etc and wait until I get the revered honor of WSG first than AB atc .
I don't even full twink them. But I have a lot of fun.
Finally at level 59/60 I level out with those PvP titles.
It shows that's the strenght of Wow. Everyone can find his own playing style.
If you count ALL BG's open at night and multiple these numbers I am convinced 10 times MORE people are playing PvP in Wow than any other PvP game outthere.
PVP players in wow are very easy to please they give you a ladder system and add two maps and your good for the next two years until an Xpac comes out. thats why this is a raiders/pvers game.
Blizzard has to put in so much more dev time into making the pve content perfect.
If pvpers matter so much why havent they given you guys more pvp options? more types of pvp instanced mini-games? that 1v1 arena duel system you guys have been asking for? more bg maps? more world pvp ( more then just 1 zone). see they dont give you this because they don't have to.
You guys are happy with this limited content you have already.
Blizzard devs are freaking smart.
First : the number of BG's or Arena's have nothng to do with quality.
I like quality above quantity.
WotLK brought also world PvP back to Wow Wintergrasp but also the Raids to enemy capitols.
I am VERY spoiled by Wow's PvP, because I coudn't stand the laggy AoC or complete clunky combat of War. So I am used to have a full fluid control of my characters, which I (like so many others) can't find in other fanatasy MMORPG.
EVE is a whole other story. But I tried it and didn't like it at all. Tastes differ.
PVP players in wow are very easy to please they give you a ladder system and add two maps and your good for the next two years until an Xpac comes out. thats why this is a raiders/pvers game.
Blizzard has to put in so much more dev time into making the pve content perfect.
If pvpers matter so much why havent they given you guys more pvp options? more types of pvp instanced mini-games? that 1v1 arena duel system you guys have been asking for? more bg maps? more world pvp ( more then just 1 zone). see they dont give you this because they don't have to.
You guys are happy with this limited content you have already.
Blizzard devs are freaking smart.
First : the number of BG's or Arena's have nothng to do with quality.
I like quality above quantity.
WotLK brought also world PvP back to Wow Wintergrasp but also the Raids to enemy capitols.
I am VERY spoiled by Wow's PvP, because I coudn't stand the laggy AoC or complete clunky combat of War. So I am used to have a full fluid control of my characters, which (like so many others) can't find that in other fanatasy MMORPG.
EVE is a whole other story. But I tried it and didn't like it at all. Tastes differ.
Not once have I put WoW up against another game in this thread. Actually I have my own problems with WoWs so called clones but thats best left for another topic.
Oh and I agree wow has the best movement of all the on foot mmos, you would think with all the mmos trying to take wows thunder they would copy the movement and fluidity of WoW first.
See I think wow could be alot better with other types of battlegrounds, maybe tossing variations of the WSG, AB and AV maps around to just change things up abit just to show that the devs give a rats ass about the players just a little.
Right now pvers get everything and If i was strickly a pvper I would be kinda pissed tbh.
But im harder on devs and MMos in general then most as you can see by my post history.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
i dont think it will i mean how many more people can they get
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
LOL dude WoW can double in size While some of the vanilla WoW vets like myself kick and scream when WoW is brought up. this game is improving everyday and appealing to alot of different players.
I strongly believe a combo Of SW:TOR and Blizzards next MMO will finally start the decline of the sub base. but overall that decline wont be that bad and will still be higher then every other mmo.
WoW isnt a bad game its just not for everyone, lets just be happy that the other games that cater to non-wow players have enough subs to exist.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
Not once have I put WoW up against another game in this thread. Actually I have my own problems with WoWs so called clones but thats best left for another topic.
Oh and I agree wow has the best movement of all the on foot mmos, you would think with all the mmos trying to take wows thunder they would copy the movement and fluidity of WoW first.
See I think wow could be alot better with other types of battlegrounds, maybe tossing variations of the WSG, AB and AV maps around to just change things up abit just to show that the devs give a rats ass about the players just a little.
Right now pvers get everything and If i was strickly a pvper I would be kinda pissed tbh.
But im harder on devs and MMos in general then most as you can see by my post history.
I already posted on the Wow forums to include a "seasonal" changing BG. So you could do variations like you said in the BG's.
And with the seasonal "rotating" theme they could still control the waiting times for the different BG's. Because too much BG's would not be a good thing if queuing was too long to open up.
Still, PvP can be compared with a football match.
In football (EU version) you always play on the same field, and people want to see it (or even play it) for years and years. Hundreds of matches.
So I think a lot of PvP people (can't speak for all certainly) look at HOW they control the character (the ball) and how they dribble the competitor.
That last sentence shows me we are MORE interested in the ball and actions than in the field.
I would rather have a handful of well designed PvP instances than a lot of poorly designed ones.
The only thing I hate about WoW PvP is that everything in WoW is balanced around the Arena. I dont hate the Arena specifically just the Blizzard designers that dont take the time and initiative to design spells and abilities to work differently while in the Arena.
Also, on the topic of subscriber growth, its mainly not a question of if WoW will meet a certain milestone but when. Course, it will still be hilarious to see topics like "WoW will be dead and shut down within 6 months" when its at 15 million subscribers.
Sunday Jan 11 prime time update:
57 English servers locked and full: new record, previous record Sun Jan 04 with 55 servers on locked/full.
Not talking about the French/German/Spanish/Russian server park.
That means more than 50% of the English EU servers are now on locked/full status.
In Jan 2008 the max was 51 (but 16 servers were added since than - 13 Russian (migrated from English servers and 3 English).
Not bad for a 4 year old game.
NO because I only use FACTS.
You know the kind of arguments Wow haters don't like.
you cant prove how many people play wow so keep your so called facts to yourself.
NO because I only use FACTS.
You know the kind of arguments Wow haters don't like.
you cant prove how many people play wow so keep your so called facts to yourself.
I know those numbers Blizzard uses in annual reports ... must be false.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
LOL by blizzards ( facts) they have a larger population than Austrailia, however after checking something called the Census the made up number they use is not even half that currently. You can probably subtract 4 million more off since apparently 4 millon players decided to play WOTLK on release boosting their subscribers to 11.5 from 7.5 in a month, which is the stupidest thing I have heard, only the true die hard can actually believe that nonsense.
Please tell me you're not referring to the Census plugin ...
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Census doesn't work anymore. Too many servers to keep track. If one or two Census users don't log in on a day on a particular server ,that server gives O results instead of 4000 or so.
As the number of 11.5 million world wide subs is in the official financial quarterly reports of both Activision Blizzard AND their mother company Vivendi it is certainly true...
... because these financial reports have to be audited (because both companies are noted on the stock exchange).
So you can't lie in these audited reports or you face criminal charges. Simple isn't it.
Just how big Wow is in the western world you can keep track on Xfire (62% marketshare of MMo's - free to play MMO's included). Other sources confirm this 62% on average marketshare for US/EU. I am happy to give them to you if needed.
Also just look at the top sales for PC games on and basic Wow Battle chest doesn't come out the top 10 sales during the complete year, while other MMo's hardly make it in the top 30 for a few weeks.
A controlled and audited financial report is more than proof I would think.
Oh and BTW, Blizzard gives an exact definition of subscriptions. Free and expired and trial accounts are NOT included. it's PAY or not be accounted for. Very clear definition.
The ones who pay Blizzard 1.2 billion dollars a year. ))
man if i was Vivendi i would be sitting in my diamond encrusted golden chair and thinking what a kick ass idea it was to buy Blizzard.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Agreed. A lot of my RL friends no longer play, and most of the large raid guild I played with pre-BC no longer play (when I quit in '08). I've always wondered HOW this game keeps getting larger.
Well ... you have to remember. WoW has been out for a couple years now. All the 9-10 year old kids who thought it was "l33t-saucez" is now about 13-14. Hence, influx of players!
*laughs* I kid ... I kid. (no pun intended ... or was it?)
A whole 16% of registered Xfire users? WOW, that must be like 3 people huh?
Seriously, I am not going to debate Xfire again (I am sick and tired of it and anyone who believes that Xfire is accurate [for use in predicting day-to-day sub numbers] is an idiot).
And nobody uses the Census anymore either.
Neither are accurate or trustworthy.
So lets see - on one hand we have a LEGAL document, bound by law that says one thing about numbers (and if faked, the offending company could face massive problems) and on the other hand we have unreliable data from Internet programs.
Gee, which one do I trust?
Just for kicks - WOW has ~25 million minutes played today, 11 more that the next highest game. Must be rough for Blizzard huh?
The next highest "mmo" is Guild Wars at #8.
WOW also has 61.3% of all the hours of MMO games played.
Also, it has been #1 for 88 straight days.
It averages 30 million minutes a day.
And finally there are only 104k users per day playing WOW responsible for all of that data. So that is ~1% of all WOW players. And that is not nearly statistically significant for reporting data. Thus we can make the datat so whatever we won't without a shred of validity.
So where does your 16% comes from?
I was referring to the Census Bureau thus why I said Wrong Census, maybe that escaped you, it was in reference to Blizzs claim of more users than the population of Austraila, which of course is a total lie.Xifre itself accounts for 10 million users so much for your 3 people right? 16 is right give or take a point but everyone has dropped at least 8 so maybe you can blame the economy, funny you got your #1 for 88 days form Xfire as well, just after you said it doesn't matter. So if you don't believe it's accurate how come your obviously using the parts of it you like twinkletoes?
As for wow census I used it and knew lots of others who did to, we have a forum you know, I believe it's more accurate than you would like to believe. As for your legal documentation that I for some reason think you are dreaming up, lying is what lawyers are for man. If Runescape can do it anyone can do it.
But unless you have those documents yourself you might as well be Joseph McCarthy, he had some really good legal documents to, they were completely made up BS but hey.
I just have to say that I like WoW quite a lot. I play it for 6-10 hour per day. It is amazing to play when you know the GM's are professional, and that the game always get a good testing phase before new patches go live. It is made by Blizzard, and why would you play anything else?
Honestly I always have been bored with wow, some of my freinds play it and I did for a good while even had fun with it mostly in pvp though, I dispise raid driven mmos and the pvp imbalance is just out of hand now. Crafting and home ownership are other things I like there is no real customisation of crafted items and most of them are inferior to raid or pvp items and are almost useless. Eng is more gimp every expansion. I don't really need the bloodbath that DF is likely to be but I do need the Sandbox, I would play Ryzom if I felt like the game isn't going to die or felt secure about it's future. But yeh I NEED the sandbox, I understand many don't like the sandbox or care about pvp balance but those are my peeves.
I think its time to play the classic game of "Guess that Troll Alt".
Faelsun has 30 posts and most of them are trolling WoW, so whose banned WoW hater alt is Faelsun?
I actually think its quite amazing people can hate a video game this much. Success really does breed contempt.
I'd like to see that one too. I suspect it said Austria, not Australia. ;-)