And jimmyman99, you got a few facts wrong. First, your tree did not get placed there during creation process. It grew there afterwards, and was probably planted. The slope is too steep to occur naturally in wurm, it would have been a cliff with rock instead. So it was man made. Nothing new there, you could restrict player created slopes if you wanted. How do you know that? If a player can plant a tree on such steep slope, then how can you be 100% sure the formula cannot do so as well? You can only say that if and only if it is absolutely impossible to plant a tree there, either by player or formula. Second, you can't dig a hole into a mountain. The rock layer will get into your way, and you can't modify it that easily. Irrelevant. You are nitpicking here. The whole point of my posts was to point out that since Eve's universe is lacking some of the standard restrictive planes, it is the reason why Eve can host such a huge world. The discussion then slowly moved into comparing procedurally generated with hand-made terrains, which is already kind of out of topic. The tile concept is something every game uses. Every single game available, because most do their terrain with heightmaps. Wurm has an unusual scale of the tiles, but by increasing the resolution of the heigthmap you can make them smaller, and also apply more sophisticated texturing. Hardly something to use as an argument that this technique is a bad one. Irrelevant to the topic. Oh by the way, wurm looks beautiful, without any human ever touching it manually during creation process. Just some variables being changed. Cant argue here. But still irrelevant.
Furthermore, the 4th dimension is time. Eve doesn't use a lot of terrain yet, although the engine is capable of coping with it. This might change in the future, and will probably change with Ambulation and WoD (which i think might be closely related to eve, game design wise). They created New Eden procedurally, and if they make wod huge, they'll use it for WoD too. Pardon my poor choice of words. The word "plane" would be a lot more accurate then "dimension".
Please lets stop discussing terrain generation since it has nothing to do with Eve. Obviously we all have opinions on how it is done, but the topic is about concurrent players in one big universe. The universe that does not rely on a physical world like most MMOs will be able to accomodate unlimited size. I probably shouldn't have brought this up in the first place since Eve's universe is so much different from other games. From this erspective, Eve is the first (and so far the only one) of its kind (SP games do not count of course).
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
Please lets stop discussing terrain generation since it has nothing to do with Eve. Obviously we all have opinions on how it is done, but the topic is about concurrent players in one big universe. The universe that does not rely on a physical world like most MMOs will be able to accomodate unlimited size. I probably shouldn't have brought this up in the first place since Eve's universe is so much different from other games. From this erspective, Eve is the first (and so far the only one) of its kind (SP games do not count of course).
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.